Desperately hiding.
Desperately hiding.

Princess Cordelia gi Randgreiz, Archduchess of Gallia, was doing her best to stay still and not make a sound.

"Tch, filthy darkies." She could hear an imperial soldier nearby his voice filled with distain as his rifle barked, screams echoing in time with the shots. "Why does his highness want to keep them around?" Cordelia held her breath as the man's footsteps came toward her, stopping just on the other side of the flimsy wooden wall. "The whole lot is worthless, sure we can use them but it really isn't worth the trouble when we can just rid of them all.

The man continued to grumble as Cordelia's mind raced. When she went to sleep last night she was in Randgriez having a peaceful sleep for the first time in months since the invasion and insurgency had been stopped. The wars finally over and her country could recover but now…

Somehow she had woken up in the countryside, which by itself wasn't too bad if it wasn't accompanied by the sound of gunshots and blood curdling screams. Somehow the Empire had returned and were hunting her people like dogs. Somehow they had occupied her beloved country. Somehow, somehow, somehow…

Cordelia shoved the spiralling thoughts away, they wouldn't help her right now. The why can be dealt with once she safe-there was a mouse. She was in a abadoaned barn and there was a mouse chewing on a frayed rope.

It looked at her with uncomprehending eyes even as she silently tried to wave it away, and then-


"Eh?" Oh no. "Who's there?!"

She scrambled to the side as bullets perforated the wall.

"Dirty little-trying to hide huh?" *C-C-Crack!* The soldier burst through the dead wooded wall and waved his gun from side to side. "Come on out darkie…" He glanced around as Cordelia hid behind a hay bale. "I know you're there."

*Bang! Bang!* Single shots rang out as the man shot the most likely hiding places. Right to left eventually the only place left was-"Hah!" …Nobody was behind the hay." "...Must have imagined things." The soldier clicked his tongue as he turned to leave-
Cordelia tackled him, and the man cried out as he lost hold of his gun and it went sliding away. "You little-" He got out before she drove a fist-full of nails into the gap between helmet and chestplate.

She was breathing heavily as she watched the man choke on his own blood trying to reach of and strangle her before going limp, and without a word she fell onto her back to stare at the ceiling.

Cordelia was no stranger to violence, not after being kidnapped once and captured twice, but taking a life with her own hands…she hoped she never got used to it. Even if it was necessary.

Turning an ear to the outside she didn't hear anything. No screams no shots, no footsteps…it seemed she was safe for the time being.

But if the rest of Gallia was like this…she eyed the dead man's armor. She couldn't go out undisguised, not with how Darcsens were treated.

…She knew that very well.

Perhaps once this was over she could do something about it but for now, she thought as she stripped the soldier's armor off, she had to survive.

AN: As I said, I'm not letting Cordelia fall into the Empire's hands if I can help it, and she certianly isn't either.

Considering she didn't just surrender to the Empire she clearly has no intentions of getting caught, which likely means she's from a later point in the Valkria timeline, and she got some steel in her spine at that point.

Cause in point the above. She might be in a bad situation but like hell she'll be used against her country.

@Kingster @ShepardCom


It's tough being a Darcsen in Empire controlled territories. Their kind are constantly abused and persecuted by the Emperials ruling the area. Even in this brand new world nothing has changed. Many of the darcsen run to other lands hoping to receive better treatment there…whether they find that or not is up to the air.

Write an Omake of the darcsen's conditions under the empire, as well as they running to other territories and how they react/are received under a different king.

Reward: +/- 10 to the next action the Empire does or +10 to an Empire related action.

Edit: I'm not sure this counts but claiming 'A Darcsen's Plight.'
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Ragnite 101

Ragnite 101

It all started when Dr. Eggman said the fateful phrase. "Give me one good reason why." When Isara tried to convince him to consider mining the Ragnite in the region.

He didn't expect her to come back with a presentation! Did Orbot and Cubot let her into his supplies again?

"Ragnite is a mineral with a myriad of uses, but I have focused on four for the purpose of this presentation," Isara explained, pointing at a picture of a blue rock.

"The first use is as a fuel source. Ragnite is used for lamps, engines, heaters, and other electrical devices. It is a highly effective fuel source, producing more energy than petrol, or coal. However, large devices that run on Ragnite have a tendency to overheat, and require radiators or heat sinks to disperse the excess heat. Tanks have particularly large radiators which glow blue, and provide weak spot on the vehicle."

Eggman found himself nodding along and taking notes. He would have to do some tests himself to see the exact results, but if he could find a way around the heat issue it could be a promising alternative. Also, weaknesses on his enemy's tanks. Good to know...

"Another use for Ragnite is in high-density armor plating. Technically the Ragnite-steel alloy can be used for anything, but due to its weight, hardness, and tensile strength, it's mostly used for military vehicles. Bonding the Ragnite to steel renders it stable and unreactive, making it dense and durable enough to serve as armor plating. It's unable to be unbonded or repurposed once it's been turned into an alloy, but the alloy itself can be melted down and reused."

Again, Eggman took notes. He used his own special alloy for a reason, but looking at new ingredients never hurt…

"Another use is explosive or incendiary weapons, essentially turning its volatility into a strength. It can be used to make fuel for flamethrowers, grenades, lance shells, tank shells, and mortar shells. In Gallia we use it for all manner of explosives, and the Empire is the same."

Ah, that was another angle Eggman didn't consider. Researching the primary tool of the Empire would give him an edge. If he could understand its weaknesses, he could more elegantly design a countermeasure! Brilliant, he was glad he thought of it.

"Finally, Ragnite is used in medical equipment. Particularly Ragnaid. I actually stole one when I went back to the camp you raided…" Isara reached into her pocket and produced a small, handheld device with a blue top. She flipped a switch on the bottom, and it began to glow.

"Ragnaid seems to operate as a painkiller and stimulant. Ragnaid dulls pain without reducing a person's dexterity or ability to feel, and it causes wounds to close quickly, often without leaving a scar."

"Now that is interesting! Does it merely promote cell growth, or does it somehow convert cells into stem cells?" The girl didn't have an answer for Eggman, of course, she didn't! Her world was miles behind on this kind of information, and she didn't have the benefit of a geneticist grandfather to teach her the ropes.

The device in Eggman's hands beeped at him, breaking him out of his thoughts. "I am a very busy man, Miss Gunther, and I have to arrange our priorities very, very carefully," Eggman stressed. Between keeping his minions loyal, taking territory, and rebuilding his empire he may as well have been juggling dozens of objects.

"I initially had no desire to pursue this line of research, however after such a… convincing argument I will take the research of Ragnite into consideration. But! Do not attempt to force the issue. I am the one who will make the final decision."

"Yes, Doctor." Isara nodded.

Eggman brushed past her, quickly reaching the quiet of his workshop. He was coming here to do… something? That infuriating girl made him forget!

Sighing heavily, he took a look at the little memo he made himself over the course of the conversation. If he can't remember what he originally came here to do, he might as well knock out this little time-waster.


  • Highly efficient energy source. (Note: Compared to the Empire's usual fare. Before use, test energy output to see how it compares to Power Cores and Ring Energy)
  • Powerful explosive material. (Note: Compare yield to standard explosives before attempting to change payload)
  • Durable armor plating (Note: Compare durability to standard design before use. Alloy still requires metal to bond with. May reduce the volume of metal required for armor plates?)
  • Medical applications. Painkiller/stimulant? (Note: 'Ragnaid' device appears to operate by sending an electric current through specially treated Ragnite. Produces a blue glow that dulls pain. What is the mode of action here? Do living cells cannibalize the Ragnite particles in the air to provide energy for rapid division? Does the Ragnite simply encourage growth? Fascinating…)


  • Excess Heat: Why, oh why would I want to put a glowing blue 'kick me' sign on all of my robots? Slapping a big blue radiator on the back is just proving you don't know how to properly manage waste heat!
  • Volatility: The only safe Ragnite is in the Ragnite alloy. Raw Ragnite is volatile, which makes the mere act of mining for it dangerous. Ragnite treated for use as fuel or a payload is even worse! (Note: This gives me an excellent idea as to how to kneecap the Empire's supply lines…)
  • New Resource, New Designs: Even if everything works swimmingly, designs must be manually adjusted for even the most minute difference caused by factors such as weight, energy cost, and heat production.
Eggman groaned in frustration and threw the report down on his desk. "I'll make my decision later."

I couldn't quite decide if I wanted this to take the form of Isara trying to sell Eggman on the uses of Ragnite, or Eggman doing his own preliminary research/decision-making. So in the end I decided to kind of do both. I hope you enjoyed Eggman's extrapolation of how Ragnaid might work because I don't think VC ever gives us any help understanding it.

Edit: The funny thing is, I had this in the works long before our current discussion of Ragnite occurred.
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The Black Arm's remaining territory looked as grotesque and gloomy as before. The recent engagements from the Restoration and G.U.N having wreaked havoc on most of the area.

Still, a single stronghold remained where the majority, if not all the remaining Black Arms were residing, if Eggman's analysis were to be correct. It looked terrifying, with the organic walls covering the place, the eerie feeling in the air, and the blood red sky giving such an ominous and intimidating presence.

Clove hated it, she hated all of this. She didn't want to be here, instead she wished she was back with her sister, tending to her, especially when the construction of the Care Suit was about to begin.

But she remembered Eggman's words, which he showed her that day. A Chaos Emerald in his possession, and these aliens wanted it. While that in itself wouldn't be a big surprise for Clove, who had been sent to retrieve them made her heart throb like crazy.

Shadow the Hedgehog. The Ultimate Lifeform. The pronghorn didn't understand why he would side with Black Doom, but that was irrelevant.

Shadow was hunting the Chaos Emerald, if not stopped, sooner or later, he would know on the doors of the base they were currently hiding in. He would not stop until he obtained the Emerald, and that meant obliterating anything that dared stood in front of him.

Even her sister.

Clove didn't care if this Eggman wasn't the monster she worked with before, didn't matter that as evil as he had heard he was, hadn't committed some of the same acts as her previous boss.

Because deep down, she knew that if it came down to it, he would gladly sacrifice her and Cassia to buy time to stop Shadow. Even a different Eggman was still an Eggman's at their core. Of this, she had no doubt.

So when the doctor told her that she was to eliminate the remaining fortress that the Black Arms had and take it over for him, she nodded warily and prepared to embark on this dangerous mission.

She needed to drive out the Black Arms, for Cassia. She won't let her sister face a terrible fate under those damn aliens.

Eggman gave her some of his limited number of Badniks to command and told her the rest was up to her.

And here she was, flying on top of one of the Blowfish, feeling the repugnant air of the territory above of the skies, as she inspected the fortress and how best to organize her fortress for the battle ahead.

She didn't have the forces to mount a proper siege, any loses she sustained would be fatal for this fight, so she needed to strike fast and hard on the heart of their remaining stronghold.

Luckily, she had a way to make that happen.

As the blowfish finally moved into position high above the fortress, Clove radioed Starline.

"I'm in position. Open the portal." She commanded Eggman's fanboy, what the platypus saw in the doctor, Clove would never know. But after meeting people like Maw and Thunderbolt, she gave up on trying to comprehend them.

"Understood lady Clove, summoning the badnik horde immediately." Starline answered without any preamble. "Warning that making a portal this big for all the badniks to pass throught can put risk on the warp topaz because of the amount of energy, I won't risk using it for a while to make sure there aren't any side effects, so you will be on your own without backup if-"

"I know, you have said this several times before." Clove answered calmly as she held tight her scythe. "Just bring over the Doctor's forces, I will handle the rest." She wanted this to be over soon, she wanted to return to Cassia's side.

The scientist didn't answer her verbally, instead, the sight of a weird portal several times the size of the ones he normally summoned appeared just at the entrance of the stronghold, right in the midst of the Black Arms Forces.

As the Egg Hammer, the Hey Ho, the burrowbots and some of the Egg Pawns arrived and began the attack on the caught off guard aliens, Clove gave the last command to finalize her opening strike.

"Release them." Clove ordered the rest of the Egg Pawns aboard the Blowfish, and a few seconds later, they delivered their cargo, the toxomisters, right in the middle of the battlefield.

In no time, the Toxomister's poison began spreading across the entrance of the fortress, weakening the Black arms and giving a Chance for the Super Badniks to demolish their forces, while the egg pawns and the burrobots sowed chaos amidst the enemies..

As the Blowfish landed nearby to release the rest of the egg pawns to assist on the battlefield, Clove analyzed the situation.

Thanks to her ability to command the badniks, The Black Soldiers and Oaks were easily handled by the Egg pawns and the Hey Ho, the burrow boys were dealing with the Sandworm, and while the Black Bolt and the Black Hawks were able to avoid the most damaging effects from the poison, they tried uselessly to stop the siege.

All the while, the Egg Hammer was leading the charge, each hit of its giant hammer making cracks on the fortress entrance and announcing their presence to the world.

All according to plan. Clove thought, now the next step would be-

A chill went through her spine and without questioning it, Clove threw herself from the Blowfish towards the ground, and not a second later a Black Assassin materialized and tried to slice where she had been not a second before with a Black Sword.

Right…she had forgotten about those, their ability to freely reposition in the battlefield would be an annoyance unless she neutralized them first.

Spinning her scythe and shifting her grip, she readied herself for her opponent's next move.

As the alien raised and aimed its Refractor towards her, Clove rushed forward. easily sidestepping the enemy blast then swinging her scythe towards the Assassin.

Of course, the enemy teleported away safely, but Clove was expecting that, letting her momentum carry her forward, she completed a spin when-

The Black Assassin teleports behind her, ready to receive the full swing of her energy weapon.

The creature screeches in pain as it helds the stump that was his arm, the limb and the Refractor dropping to the ground useless.

As she rushes for another swing to finish them off, the Assassin quickly teleports away, after a few seconds of it not reappearing, Clove concludes it must have run away.

She takes a moment to observe the rest of the battlefield, most of the current Black Arms presence had been eliminated without a single loss, and the egg Hammer had just finished destroying the main entrance, giving her and the badniks, an opening to advance.Clove gaze wandered to a Black Volt that was also retreating, hurt from its fight with the badniks. Deciding it wasn't worth pursuing, she decided to proceed with the invasion.

"Egg Pawn squad Beta, load the Toxomisters back to the Blowfish and follow us inside once ready." Clove barked orders, the badniks programmed to follow her every command thanks to the Doctor. "Everyone else, follow Me! Egg Hammer and Hey Ho take charge with me, eliminate all Hostiles!" She shouted as she rushed forward, towards a waiting group of Black Arms, with the two super badniks right behind her.

It might have been because of how unexpected the attack was, or because of the lack of leadership, but the aliens barely presented a threat.

Clove was a whirlwind of death, every swing of her scythe ended another Black Soldier Or Oak, her march of destruction was glorious, as she proceeded deeper into the stronghold, more and more Black Arms died to Clove's unrelenting resolve.

In the middle of the fighting, Clove noticed another of those Black Volts flying above her forces and trying to harass them. Having none of these Clove uses one of the badniks as support to jump towards it and after a quick correction, assumed total control of the best.
Handling her new mount, Clove resumed the advance of her forces, until no enemy remained.

You were Dr. Ivo Robotnik, better known as Eggman, and today, you were quite happy.

Since his defeat by that Hedgehog during his last scheme, he had been humiliated by losing his memories, the entire world deciding to break in itself without his permission, the damn Zeti taking over his Empire, even having some upstarts daring to destroy Metal Sonic.

But today…today things changed, today was the start of something great. The beginning of your revolution.

All these fools had forgotten who was the true master of this world. Letting them squabble like children in the playground for what was basically this.

That won't do, that won't do at all.

So now, there was one thing left to do.

Time to make an announcement.

Oh but he would not be doing this alone, not at all. This was the perfect moment for a Father and daughter bonding moment after all!

"Sage…" You spoke softly the name of your daughter. "Has Clove reported back?" You currently were on your lab, making the final arrangement needed for the grand event, just needed to wait until the signal was given to start,

"Not yet Father." Sage said, her voice equally showing excitement and nervousness. "But I'm tracking her progress, she is doing such excellent work! She has completely eliminated all the forces in the area in less than 2 hours. Such efficiency is admirable for the Empire!"

"Ahhh, of course, I knew that version of me chose her as one of his "Eggboss" for a reason." You mused as you made a mental note to reward Clove somehow, good quality minions were quite hard to find these days. "Are you ready for this?" You ask your daughter, wanting to make sure she was on board for her task.

"Of course father!" Her digital avatar gives you a warm smile, making you smile back. "I'm…excited for you allowing me to do this."

"You have earned it, never forget that." You say as you adjust the handle of your microphone. "Remember Sage, an important piece of advice. While it's good to do things as you have rehearsed, sometimes it's perfectly fine to go off-script and do what you feel is right." You say as any moment now, The Pronghorn will confirm the complete takeover of the last remaining Black Arms Stronghold.

"Understood father, I will do my best!" Her avatar nods. Ahhh, how earnest of her. It was time for the world to be shocked once again!

Just then, a ping was heard, notifying you of an incoming message, without waiting for Sage to identify them, you ask her to connect the call.

"Doctor, it's me, Clove." The Eggboss introduces herself. "We have finished eliminating the last remains of the Black Arms here. We have taken complete control of the area, your orders?"

"Have G.U.N or the Restoration made any moves? What about that pathetic Zeti?" You ask, wanting to make sure there was no one that would interfere with this.

"Negative, we detect no movement from any of them. It's likely they noticed the battle happening but chose not to intervene." She informs you.

"Excellent." You smile widely. "Finish securing the area and wait for Starline to extract you, leave the Badniks there to safeguard the area. Get some rest, your sister is waiting for you. Courtesy of Isara of course."

"..." There was a pause for a moment, the egg boss not sure how to respond. "As you command, Doctor. Clove, out." And with that the transmission ended.

"You heard the lady Sage! It 's our time!" You shout excitedly, grinning like a child, Sage sharing the same excitement as you. "Take it away!"

"As you wish father!" Sage remarks happily. "Connecting to all available broadcasts and channels in the area!" She informs you, ready for your grand debut!

All around Green Hills, every single communication channel, either radio, T.V, the Eggnet, it didn't matter what, found itself transmitting the same thing.

All the people hearing this could not help but be surprised, not because of the sudden transmission, nor for the music, but for who was doing it.

Woo-hoo-ooh-hoo, oh yeah!
D-di-da, d-di-da, d-di-da-da-da-da-da-da-n, oh!

Citizens of Green Hills!" A young voice resonated, belonging to what seemed to be a child. "We came to make an announcement!"

The story begins with who's gonna win
Knowing the danger that lies within

"For too long, you all have forgotten who is the rightful leader of this place!" The voice said, a mixture of happiness and firmness mixed in. "The Shattering has been such a tragic event that affected all of you!"

Aboard the ARK, a genius at heart
Wanting to unlock the mysteries of life

"But fear no more! The man who is going to fix all the world's mistakes is here! From the Zeti taking command of his rightful place, to G.U.N who have earned his anger, to those of the Empire for harming my brother!" The voice continued to say.

"The name of that person is…"

I am the Eggman
That's what I am
I am the Eggman
I got the master plan
I am the Eggman
That's what I am
I am the Eggman
I got the master plan

"My father, Eggman! Today is his grand return! Rejoice, people!" The girl said excitedly. "We are here to announce his comeback!"

I'm plotting my schemes wherever I go

They're perfect in every way

I'd love to destroy the blue one you know

He's an obstacle that always gets in my way

I must play this game by my rules

I will conquer the world with my tools

All my machines are made for destruction

I will build my empire

I will succeed and you will see

With my machines, there is no retreat

In an office deep in G.U.N. territory, a man was watching the transmission, watching Eggman continue dancing and singing in an absurd but graceful manner.

"This… is a problem." He commented as he retrieved his personal communicator. A bat needed to answer a few questions…

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master plan

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master plan

I am the enemy, I will succeed

My mission, yeah, I must complete

My name is Eggman, don't forget my name

If you ask me again, I will show you the same

Deep in Restoration territory, a beetle looked scared at the transmission, not believing that the monster that had almost conquered the world was back.

She almost jumped from fright when a hand was laid on her shoulders. Looking up, she saw Tangle, her best friend, giving her a nod of determination, making her feel slightly better.

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master plan

I am the Eggman

That's what I am

I am the Eggman

I got the master, master plan

In Empire territory, in the established headquarters, a Valkyrie was listening to the radio, hearing the song and proclamation from that girl. She quickly exited her quarters, and ordered a soldier to send a courier with a Message to her Prince.

There are new developments happening here, and preparations must be made.

I am the Eggman!

Tchu-do-do, doo-do, doo-do, doo-do, doo-doo-do
No, don't, don't, don't just defy, don't you defy, oh

And in Zeti's territory, a hulking image could be seen sitting in a throne, looking incensed at the video of the one daring to slave them, dancing and singing like an idiot. The mere sight of him filling his very being with such OVERWHELMING RAGE!

"EGGMAAAAAAAAANNNN!!!" Zavok shouted to the heavens, his rage reaching a new time high. He didn't care of the slight that the Empire had committed against him, nor of his Master near brush with death anymore.

Only thing he cared about was KILLING THAT EGG SHAPED PERSON!

"Prepare the troops! Soon, our vengeance will be achieved!!!" He shouts to his subordinates, as preparations are made for the upcoming assault.

*Ring Ring Ring*

"Yes? Oh Towers, how nice of you to call me, what do you want from me?"

"You had informed us that Eggman was neutralized."

"Oh yeah, I did mention that, didn't I? That was before the Shattering. Unfortunately, many things can change in a few months."

"We tried to search that village, but we never were able to find that "Mr. Tinker.", somehow, he managed to recover his memories…or someone else took over him."

"Yeah…I was afraid that was a possibility, Hopefully the old Egg shaped man manages to make Sonic appear soon."

"I need you here, soon. Now that Eggman is active, things can get even more…dangerous. We need to assess his next moves, soon."

"Oh, really? And I was enjoying such a nice vacation, it's rude to ask a gal to-"

"They just wiped out the entirety of Black Arms forces in the area, we don't have confirmation of what happened with Shadow. There is a possibility that he left Green Hills but we aren't sure. Eggman might have captured him."

"...We will be there soon."

"Thank you, and good luck."

"Ugh, what a gal has to do for the people she cares about. Omega! Time to finish up here and pack our things! An old friend has appeared!"

"Perfect! Point me at Eggman! My bullets shall express how much I have missed him! He shall explode!!!"

"Sure, Omega, sure."

Results: Eggman has introduced himself and Sage across all factions in Green Hills.

100 Metal obtained from the Raid.

Obtained Black Arms Material. Options to study it unlocked!

Zavok has reached abridged Vegeta levels of rage, be careful, he is coming to kill Eggman soon.
Zavok's Rage Breaks
Zavok has reached abridged Vegeta levels of rage, be careful, he is coming to kill Eggman soon.

Zavok's Rage Breaks

"Wohohohoho! That felt great! I can see what my alternative enjoyed doing that." Eggman said as he finished his dance number and singing. "Really adds some flair and style to an announcement!"

"It was excellently done, father!" Sage said as her avatar appeared on a nearby screen. Isara meanwhile was staring, an expression of surprise and confusion clearly spread across her face.

"Is this something that happens…often?" She asked, her tone polite yet befuddled nonetheless. It was, to her, quite the dramatic way of announcing the existence of their group to the world.

"Oh, I have done something like this on many occasions, though I will say, this is probably one of the best I've done to date! Now then, we just wait to see what Starline's team has managed to accomplish and-"


Eggman and Isara jumped at the sudden and unexpected sound of a loud scream filled with such rage and hatred that it seemed to be almost physically tangible.

"What in the blazes is that!? Wait, I know this scream of rage! Sage, are we already under attack!?" Eggman turned to the computer screen that Sage's avatar was displayed on, the A.I. looking quite perplexed.

"No, Father. There are currently no forces near this location…yet somehow I am also able to hear the scream as though it was in the Egg.Net itself?"

Isara held her hands to her ears. "What is causing this!?"

Eggman listened a bit more to the very louder scream that seemed to not be slowing down. "It's-!"

"-Zavok!?" Tails exclaimed in shock.

He and Amy had stopped their search for Sonic after seeing Eggman's announcement. They had been moving to check with the Restoration, when the scream started.


Which was still going strong!

"You never said he could scream this loud!" Amy said as she looked around at some of the trees shaking. "Has he gone all giant right now!?"

Tails shook his head. "We definitely would have noticed if he was, a giant screaming red Zeti wouldn't be the kind of thing you miss!" He said, though even he had to admit, maybe he was misremembering what all Zavok could do. He didn't think anyone had this kind of lung capacity!

Black Doom blinked all three of his eyes as he heard a scream of such incredible fury that he actually felt impressed by whatever life form managed it…especially since it was managing to be heard all the way within the depths of the Black Comet…in space.

"I should make a note to capture whatever is making that sound. Such powerful roars could be useful…"

Shadow, meanwhile, couldn't help but feel some sense of kinship with whatever was bellowing its rage so openly. He certainly felt something close to it after his…temporary set back.


…Now if only it wasn't giving him a headache…

Silver the Hedgehog held up the gemstone that would be the key that would allow him to go back and fix everything!

"With this Time Stone, I can travel to the past and right the wrongs that created this ruined future! I promise, I will do everything in my power to save everything and everyone-!"


Silver flew straight up and looked around in a panic as a scream like nothing he had ever heard before rang out throughout the ruins of his future.

"What is making that sound!?"

Vegeta, Prince of All Sayians, paused in his training and looked up from where he stood in the middle of one of the many deserts that dotted the planet he begrudgingly called home as he heard a scream filled with a level of rage that he knew quite well.


"Is someone stealing my bit!?"


Zavok stood, panting as his scream finally reached its end, with his fellow Zeti (at least those not currently healing) looking at him with wide eyes filled with no small degree of fear. The red and black demonic leader of the Deadly Six's own eyes were now bloodshot, pupils shrunken down to pinpricks, and shaking with a crazed intensity only a being filled with mind shatteringly high levels of anger could hope to match.

"…I'm going to go kill Eggman now." He said in a tone that was far too calm compared to what he was feeling, before leaving the room with a swiftness that none of his fellow Zeti had seen him capable of before.

Zeena, Zor, and Zazz all looked to each other, and could only feel relief in knowing that they were not the object of Zavok's ire.
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"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Part 1- Enjoy the sights.
You were the brilliant Dr. Starline, and you were ecstatic to be assigned such a mission.

After your unfortunate blunder with finding the Conch (a simple setback, not one you couldn't resolve soon enough) you were worried the good doctor wouldn't deign to trust you very much again.

But you were wrong!

Though you had to say, you were mildly offended you were being forced to bring two others along, especially that lickspittle Stone. You had to admit, the man was smarter than he appeared, and you had the occasional enlightening conversation, but there was something about him that rubbed you the wrong way.

Regardless, the two of you and Canaan met up with the illustrious Dr. Eggman. He had just returned from the lab with Rusty, and he seemed a little… distracted. It was a tad worrisome.

"I am fine. Hmm. You know your mission. Get in there, get me that lance, and get out. Try not to get caught, though I am setting some things in motion that should limit the risks if you are. Do not disappoint me." The Doctor grunted when you asked him about it.

Stone gave an eager salute and Canaan nodded stoically before you opened a portal with the Warp Topaz and entered it alongside your comrades.

The three of you appeared a good distance away from a seaside warehouse. You were far enough that the currently filtering in auction guests wouldn't see you, but close enough doing some recon wasn't impossible.

"Canaan, cover me. We don't know what dangers could await." You ordered.

She nods along and stoically keeps her eyes peeled. Bah. She could stand to have a little more enthusiasm! You are following the orders of one of history's greatest minds!

Nonetheless, with Stone flanking, the two of you do some investigation.

Investigate the Warehouse
DC 50/70/90
52 + 20 (Starline Trickery) + 15 (Warp Topaz) + 22 (Canaan Trickery) = 109
Complete Success!

What you see doesn't surprise you, though you acknowledge it could make things a bit harder.

The warehouse is swarming with guards, all armed and keeping a close eye on things. There were also cameras too, swerving back and forth to check the perimeter consistently.

You couldn't just teleport inside, it would be too suspicious and there was just too much security, especially since you don't know exactly where the lance is yet. One wrong move and you could face capture… or worse.

However, not all hope was lost. By carefully analyzing the guard's patterns and the timing of the cameras' movement, you were able to pinpoint an exact time where guards would be swapping shifts and the cameras would be pointed away from the backdoor.

It would require very, VERY precise timing, but it was doable if you were flawless about it.

And quite frankly, flawless may as well be your middle name!

You smirk and relay this information to Stone over a communicator the doctor kindly provided, as the man had hung back to avoid getting in the way. He made his way over and the three of you watched.

After a bit of waiting with baited breath, the guards left. Perfect!

"Go go go!" You hissed to the others, and you ran forward as stealthily as you could!

With that, you were inside, or at least past the door. Time will tell how further in you can get as the three of you squat down to hide.

As you do that, a thought occurs to you. If you're infiltrating this auction, it might be a good idea to double check who is even here. You doubt any would be allies, especially with you crashing the party, but you never know, and even if you're correct (as you often are), if you recognize anyone you know who to avoid. Even those you don't recognize you may be able to gather tidbits on them should they be a problem later.

But still, you might not have the time to engage in such further espionage. There was no telling where the lance was, so it could also be best to take risks and get a headstart.

Bleh. Decisions, decisions!

What do you do?

[ ] Investigate the Auction goers

[ ] just continue on ahead
"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" vote 1
You can tell it's a good quest because we're being pulled in a million different directions. We've got
  • Zavok's incoming attack
  • Cordelia trying to evade capture in the Empire
  • Recruitment Woes
  • Piastol's Ship Needing Repairs
  • Canaan's Search
  • Conquering Storm's Recall
  • Guilder's Appearance
  • Building Our Foundation
  • Belle's Drive (Find Her Father)
  • Cassia's Disease
It's a lot. It's a lot to consider. Me personally? I'm just trying to get our foundation built early so we can hopefully reach those other things on our terms.
As I mentioned before, there are many, many opportunities for you guys, but you can't just go at every direction, you do need to decide a path and commit to it,

What you are doing is a good thing, building foundations is super important.

Also thanks for your kind words!

Yeah that's the problem, though can I get a confirmation from the QM's for this? If we search the Conch next turn and succeed, will it arrive on time for Zavok's Invasion? If not Infiltrate the Empire it is for me.

Yes, if you pass the Action it will be available, reminder it's not an auto-win. if you have that.

Also, voting is open!

Options are:

[ ] Investigate the Auction goers

[ ] just continue on ahead
All information accounted for...and an unpleasant theory.
All information accounted for...and an unpleasant theory.

The Chaotix had received a new job from an anonymous client! It was suspicious yeah, but the job itself seemed benign. They just needed to find a missing person, there were unfortunately quite a lot of them after the Shattering.

"Maria Oosawa." Espio said reading over the description they were sent. "Blond haired, human, a photographer who is easily impressed."

"She's looks pretty good." Vector smiled rubbing his chin.

"Yeah she seems really nice! Do you think we could be friends when we find her?" Charmy said spinning in the air.

Vector laughed. "I don't see why not! Maybe she'll even give us a bonus for all our hard work?"

Espio just hummed as he picked up a picture of the girl. She was smiling into the photo while winking with two peace signs. He narrowed his eyes as he rearranged and replaced a few things. Brown eyes with blue, a different outfit… "Maria Robotnik…"

"Eh?" The other two stopped and looked at him.

"This girl, Maria 'Oosawa,'" Espio held up the picture. "Is almost the spitting image of the late Maria Robotnik."

Vector and Charmy leaned in.

"I can sorta see it," Vector hummed. "But she's long dead it can't be her. Besides she looks completely diffferent." Espio shook his head.

"She looks slightly different, and with the world's current state is it really that strange if someone we know looks a little odd? Sonic alone has a half-dozen look-a-likes, and even came back from the dead once. "

"Wait…" Charmy frowned as he put the pieces together. "If Maria was dead but is now alive, and the same happened to Black Doom...does that mean that the Black Arms are holding her hostage to control Shadow?"


"Even if it's an imposter…We need to find her. Yesterday." Espio jumped off the desk.

"Yeah…yeah we do." Vector nodded. "Charmy go with Espio and start looking. I'll stay here and cordinate you guys."

"You got it! We've save the girl in no time!"

Espio nodded.

"We have a job to do." Vector stomped a foot and pointed. "Chaotix Detective agency…roll out!"

Even if this was Eggman again...they'd follow through on this. Not for him, but for that girl, Shadow, and everyone elses sakes.

AN: The Chaotix are...debateably reliable but if they have any right to be dectective they can put the pieces together...even if they are wrong the conclusion is still valid.

Bit interesting trying to write someone without all the information.

@Kingster @ShepardCom @Boohoo the 3rd
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Starline Files: Stone's Eggman
Starline Files: Stone's Eggman
Seeing I have some free time while we are observing the guards - almost nailing a pattern here, by the way - I think I can start compilating some info about the differing Eggmen I've heard from my fellow employees.

I suppose Agent Stone's is a natural first step, considering he was the first visible manifestation of the effects the shattering had in Doctor's psyche - he mentioned feeling something when looking at Rusty Rose, but he also says he saw something so creepy he would rather not revisit that memory if possible - and who am I to question it?

I didn't spend much time with him after our curious coffee, but I did get some tidbits from his interactions with Doctor and caught some habits. So, here's what I gathered about Agent Stone's Doctor Eggman:

For starters, his world is seemingly one without...Cassia and Clover would call it "Mobians", I have my own term for it, but let's be generic and call it "bipedal talking animals with human intelligence". Kinda of a mouthful, but whatever. Apparently, that dimension's variation of Sonic and his friends are all aliens, explicitly coming from other planets and having rings to help them get, food for thought, considering all the rings in the surroundings. Anyways, in this dimension, doctor Ivo Robotnik was a sort of private contractor for that world's G.U.N. as a private contractor, creating a few gadgets and machines for them, with Stone somehow sneaking in the role as his loyal assistant...which, being Doctor Eggman, is a very impressive feat. Stone admits not knowing much about Ivo's past, but he has been working as his right hand for years before Sonic ended up on Earth.

So, Sonic ends on Earth, a young hedgehog trying to make sense of things and recover his means of transport. Doctor Ivo is asked to investigate the matter and he tries to capture Sonic because of some anomaly of his that lets him generate large amounts of energy at once and is completely green. They fight until Sonic manages to beat him down on what seems to be that dimension's take on Angel Island's Mushroom Hill and he disappears for a few months until he manages to get back alongside Knuckles the Echidna in search of the Chaos Emeralds...which apparently also double as the Master Emerald? I didn't quite get that part. So, he manages to get it and apparently nearly manages to control the world, but the newly-formed Team Sonic manages to stop him in time and then Eggman supposedly falls down to his death after that world's Death Egg Robot is destroyed.

...that's what I could sum up. There are lots of blank spaces in the story, but I get the gist of it. I'll admit, for the standards of technology in his world, that Eggman seems pretty capable. Perhaps Stone was right to follow him...even though I currently prefer the current Doctor, of course. Stone was unsure of the doctor's fate post-battle, but he did hope he was still alive, he couldn't be sure as he was disguised as a G.U.N. soldier to escape pursuit when the Shattering happened.

Post-shattering, triggering this particular set of memories seemed to alter some of Doctor Eggman's tastes. He took a liking for a certain type of coffee I didn't even know he liked it - and I did know one of his favorite sweets is eggnog, and boy howdy that wasn't exactly easy to find! - and also got him some sweet dancing moves, if the video he posted for his return is anything to say. I also saw the doctor making drawings of some sort of drone that seemed out of his design ballpark and his Death Egg Robot's still in the project phase, I heard doctor grumbling on making it to fight the Zeti, but I had a copy of the vintage design in my cave and it seemed different, leading me to believe that Stone's Eggman is playing some influence in the new design.

I will try to keep this updated on the different Eggmen that pop up, but right now I think we've found our breach. With that, Starline out.
Trial by Fire
Here we go @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @Ranger65, @KA$H a new omake:

Trial by Fire

You are Clove the Proghorn and once again you are question your life choices. Apparently your sister manage to convince to fly you to Restoration territory to get ice cream to commemorate her "improved" condition, how she manage to convince you while inside of a battle mech/medical suit is a mystery.

Of course Dr. Eggman has taken notice of their absence and send the fanboy of his to get them but Cassia is nothing if not determinate when come to frozen treaties and is now distracting him with tales about their version of Dr. Eggman while Starline is happily taken notes and asking non-stop questions.

You look at the staff in the shop and all have nervous looks, clients long since vanish in the moment they arrive, mostly because of Cassia's suit but some are directed to her as well. There was a TV playing news about the doctor's recent return and even show some pictures of her assaulting the Black Arms base extrapolating who would be mad enough to serve Doctor Eggman.

That explain the staff reaction to her.

"As always it was the Black Arms that make me a Egg Boss. Talk about cycle of life" You can help but think of that and soon you the memories of long ago come to you.


The air was thick with smoke and the acrid tang of burning metal. The city was ablaze with chaos, aliens ships hovered menacingly in the sky, firing beams of crimson energy that reduced entire blocks to rubble. The invasion had turned what should have been another ordinary day into a nightmare.

Breaths came quick and shallow as you hoisted her frail younger sister, Cassia, onto your back. The hospital they were into it to Cassia latest battery of test was already half-destroyed, and the air raid sirens screamed without pause. GUN emergency broadcasts played on loop through every radio and television, directing civilians to evacuation points.

"Hold on, Cassia," You whispered voice trembling. "We'll get out of here. I promise."

Cassia, her body weak from the disease that had ravaged her for years, barely managed a nod. "I trust you, Sis..."

The journey to the evacuation point was harrowing. GUN soldiers fought valiantly in the streets, their vehicles and weapons blazing as they tried to hold back the relentless waves of these alien creatures. Yet, for every alien they felled, two more seemed to take its place. You ducked and weaved through the carnage, clutching Cassia tightly, your hands pounding against the cracked asphalt.

As you neared the evacuation point, your path was suddenly blocked by a collapsing building. Flames and debris roared in your way, forcing you to retreat. You glanced around, heart racing, until you spotted an alternate route through an alley.

When you emerged from the alley, you found yourself face-to-face with a group of Egg Army soldiers. They were led by an Egg Boss a burly wolf clad in Eggman's signature red-and-black uniform. His mechanical prosthetics glinted ominously in the dim light.

"We're here under orders from Doctor Eggman," the Egg Boss barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. "Our objective is to eliminate these alien pests. Civilians, stay out of the way!"

You hesitated, torn between mistrust of Eggman's forces and the faint glimmer of hope they represented. Before you could decide whether to press on or plead for help, the Egg Boss turned his attention back to the aliens swarming their position.

"Push forward!" he shouted, leading his troops into the fray.

But even the Egg Army wasn't invincible. The aliens fought with a ferocity that overwhelmed them and soon the Egg Boss fell, his mechanical limbs sparking as his body collapsed to the ground. The soldiers looked to each other in confusion, their chain of command shattered.

You, watching from the sidelines, felt a surge of determination. "If someone doesn't take charge, we're all dead," you muttered to yourself. With Cassia still clinging weakly to her back, she stepped forward.

"You can do this, it's just like these online wargames Cassia insist playing with you. Just go there, act confident, shout orders and they will follow" You think, desperate trying to convince yourself to the upcoming task.

"You," you called to the remaining soldiers, your voice firm despite the fear. "Regroup and form a defensive line! If we let them through, no one in this city will survive!"

The soldiers, stunned at first, obeyed. You directed them with surprising confidence utilizing yout sharp instincts to coordinate their fire and create chokepoints, under your command, the Egg Army managed to turn the tide of the battle, buying enough time for GUN reinforcements to arrive and drive the invaders back.

When the dust settled, the evacuation point was finally secure. You collapsed to your knees, clutching Cassia as relief and exhaustion washed over ypu.

Then, a drone with a TV screen and a antena atop stop in front of you ,displaying the unmistakable image of Doctor Eggman.

"Well, well, well," Dr. Eggman said, his tone oozing amusement. "I've been monitoring this little...debacle. Imagine my surprise to see a civilian taking charge of my troops and succeeding where their leader failed. How delightfully unexpected!"

You tensed, unsure how to respond.

"I must say," Dr. Eggman continued, "you've impressed me and I'm not easily impressed. How would you like a... new job? Since my previous Egg Boss has fallen, a opening is available. Anything in this world is yours power, wealth, even a cure for the weakness of the flesh thanks to my cyberization methods."

Your breath hitched. "A cure for Cassia?"

"Of course," Doctor Eggman replied smoothly. "With my resources, I can accomplish what no mere hospital ever could. All I ask is both your loyalty to me."

To serve as a Egg Boss?

To conquer nations and oppress the innocent?

To obey the whims of a madman that once a unleash a water god and blow up half the moon?



You looked down at Cassia, who gazed up at you with tired eyes. The weight of your decision pressed heavily on your chest.

"...I'll do it," you said finally, your voice barely above a whisper. "Just promise me you'll save my sister."

Eggman's laugh was as triumphant as it was sinister. "Oh, I never break a promise. Welcome to the team."

From that day forward, you became a Egg Boss driven not by ambition or malice but by the desperate hope of saving your sister. It was a choice you would question every day but one you could never regret, not while Cassia's life hung in the balance.

In Post-SGW it's never explain how each of the Egg Bosses join Eggman, so is a open vacuum to play however we want. I decided to roll that Cassia was a mere civilian during the Archie version of the Black Arms Invasion and assume command of the Egg Army detachment it was send by Eggman to secure the city for whatever reason.

A literally trial by fire and Doctor Eggman become so impressed he given her a Egg Boss title in the spot.

I absolute love the Egg Bosses and each have they own reason to join Eggman instead of the generic cartoonish evil Grandmasters from Pre-SGW, that only Grandmaster Rabbot was the exception.
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