We Must Hold out Hope
We Must Hold out Hope

In the Eggman base, there is usually a constant sound of clamber and construction. There is always something being built, robots being moved, or materials being mined. Except for the hospital wing. It is quiet. Eerily so. If it weren't for the fact that everything is clean and well maintained, it would not be too surprising if someone stepping foot inside thought it was abandoned. The only sound comes from shallow breaths of the occupant of a bed, and the forlorn sighs of her sister Clove.

The quiet is broken however, as the sound of an automatic door sliding is heard through the room. Always vigilant, Clove gets ready for a fight. However, as she sees a familiar wooden puppet she calms down.

"Oh, it's just you," she says, sitting back down on a nearby bench. "What are you doing here? Did the doctor send you?"

Belle looked concerned as her eyes stray toward the younger Pronghorn, laying inside a special suit. It is a painful sight.

She takes a seat next to the elder. "How is she?"

Clove looks at her, confusion in her eyes. "She is... okay. Relatively. She is not dying as much as before."

"Oh, that's, um..." Belle pauses, as if trying to choose her words carefully. "Good?"

"What are you doing here?" Clove asks, not interested in any attempt at small talk.

"Just... I've been kind of lonely."

"Yeah. I can see why. Starling and Stone aren't the best company. What about the others though? The new recruits?"

"They are busy with other stuff."

"Hmm. Well, if you want to stay I will allow it. Might be nice to have some company. To get my mind off... her situation."

Belle nods, taking another glance at the poor Cassia. "You know about the doctor, right? My... uncle. I don't know much about my uncle. Not many people do. Besides Starline and Stone."

"So you want to know more about him from someone who isn't an obsessed member of his fanclub?"

"I... I wouldn't say it like that, but yes."

"Be glad you don't know a lot."

"Huh?" Belle turns her head to the Pronghorn. "Why? What was Eggman like?"

Clove seems to pause, her ears moving, seemingly trying to catch something. "I cannot say much about this doctor, but my doctor was... not a man who you'd want to be friends with. He would say that he does not need friends either. He only cared if you are a loyal servant. As long as you are loyal, he doesn't care about you in any way. Not what you do. What you want. How you feel... Some would argue that the best you can hope for is that he does not care about you."

"So do you think he was... bad?"

A look of fright flashes on Clove's face. She swivels her head side to side before turning back to Belle with a glare. Sensing that her choice of words were not the best, she switches to a different question. "Did you enjoy working for him?"

"Enjoy? No. I... no, there was never a moment I truly enjoyed working for him. Some did. Some loved it. But those people were... terrible. Powerful. Smart. But I would never desire to be in the same room with those people if I had a choice."

"So he isn't good..."

"You shouldn't say things like that where he can hear you."

"Oh, I'm sorry..." For a while, there is only quiet.

"... Belle. You should leave this place. You are too kind. You belong with those like you. This doctor may not be my doctor, but he reminds me of him in so many ways. His intelligence. His need to be seen, to prove himself better. I am afraid. Afraid that this Eggman is too much like mine. If he is like mine, you should leave."

"But you are still here. Why don't you leave?"

"I can't. I can't leave my sister behind."

"I'm sure there are other hospitals around."

"They are useless. I've gone to every doctor, every hospital, hoping to find a cure to my sister, and they all came back with the same conclusion. That there is no hope for her. Before Eggman appeared, I had lost any hope of saving her."

"Would... your Eggman have saved her?"

"I thought he would. It was a lie though. He prolonged her life, yes, but he didn't care about helping her. He didn't even look to find what was wrong, he just cybertized her."

"But this Eggman did find what's wrong. He gave solutions."

"Did he? Or did he just say that to keep me loyal?" Clover's eyes belie a tiredness that Belle had never seen before. Even the oldest people in her village never looked so tired. "He said that this is to show he is superior to that Eggman, which is easier to believe than him doing it out of the goodness of his heart. But this would not be the first time he lied."

"He didn't. You were there with him, helping him to study her illness, right?"

"I... yes. We spent a lot of time in there. I did mostly grunt work though, so maybe he slipped something by. But... my doctor was too impatient to even pretend to do that."

"I saw him working in his lab when you were away. Complaining about it, how stupid your Eggman was to not even attempt to study the disease. He did this for days though. I think that... he had trouble with it too. It frustrated him greatly that he had to take extra time for it. But if he didn't care, he wouldn't have done that. I think your Eggman would have decided he had better things to do."

Clove does not respond. For a moment, Belle feels concern that she might have said the wrong thing. Then the tears begin to fall, wetting the cold tiled floor.

"A-are you okay!? I didn't mean to make you sad! Um, I can just lea-" before she can get up, she finds a hand grabbing her with an iron grip.

"Stay. Please."

At Clove's request, she sits back down beside the weeping Pronghorn.

"Please, tell me about your doctor. He was nice. Right?"

"He was. My dad would always lend a helping hand in the village. He would always fix something if you brought it to him. Sometimes you wouldn't even need to ask. Mrs. Wendy once complained about her bed, and Tinker made a whole new one without asking!" She smiles, thinking about her previous life. "She didn't have a lot, but she offered him all her money as thanks. You know what he said? 'A slice from your famed pie is more than enough! Don't make it too rich though, or else I might have to build you a fancy new house to go along with the bed as a tip!"

Belle burst out laughing at the joke. She laughed so hard her lungs hurt. Her eyes burned. She felt her nose become stuffed. Her throat was closing up. "A-and he used to make toys for the kids! He made a special little park for them to play in. A-and then-then he..." he disappeared.

As her tears broke through, she could only think of her father. The wonderful person he was. What she had lost. She was so lost. She doesn't know what to do.

Then she feels a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she sees Clove, giving her a sympathetic look, face still wet with her own tears.

"He sounds like a great man."

"He was. My dad was such a kind person."

"Would he have healed Cassia?" Clove's eyes were steely, now filled with conviction.

"He mostly worked with wood. He was a repairman. I don't know if he could. But I know that if he could, he would have been happy to help her."

"Then maybe he isn't gone. Maybe he is still here."

"But he is so different from my father."

"And he is different from my doctor. I have hope for my sister thanks to him. I think... you should hold out hope for him. That maybe he will return to the man you remember."

In response, Belle hugs Clove. Clove flinches and almost pushes her away out of reflex. But after she realizes what is going on, she returns the hug, comforting the sobbing girl before her.

"Your father made toys, right?"

"Y-yeah. He liked making toys and rides. Why do you ask?"

"Just I can see it. My sister being cured, then begging him for a toy. She is still such a child. She would have gotten along really well with him I think. If your father came back, would he give her one?"

"She wouldn't even need to ask."

"Then... I hope she will meet him one day."
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EggMemo: A Study In NIDS
EggMemo: A Study In NIDS
NIDS. Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome. A immunodeficient disorder that strikes the immune system, in a manner not too unlike illnesses such as AIDS. The constant strikes on it lead to the victim being highly susceptible to any sort of illness trying to infect the body: viruses, bacteria, you name it. Most known victims get this disease hereditarily, usually due to recessive genes triggering it. And most of the people who have it don't tend to live it for long, or, if they do, they are forced to spend most of their lives in the sterile hospitals, where they were least likely to contract the illness.

Historically, I never gave too much interest in matters of biology, and why would I? I did learn the basics obviously, but since early I was interested in robotics and rarely looked back. Yet...NIDS has a story in the family. It was the illness that Maria had, the thing that led grandfather to join ARK and set a chain of events that would change the world, for better or worse. Yes, when I say NIDS and I are old friends, I meant it.

I...never liked to give much thought to the matter, if I'm honest. It's a sore spot: people always spoke more about her than me, in spite of all the things I did, all the success I had...I would be fine with being overshadowed by grandpa, for I knew I would one day surpass his intellect, but how can I be higher than this seemingly angelical figure that was Maria Robotnik? Why did grandfather go through such extremes to save her, selling his soul to the Black Arms? Knowing he would go back on his pacifist ways and become the creator of machines of mass destruction? Not that this stopped me for holding a grudge against G.U.N. for killing her, but it was something I never really managed to get over.

...I began to understand with Sage. This wish to protect something precious, to the point that losing it was nearly maddening. And now I see it through Clove.

I know people loath me, and yet I can tell her hate is far higher than I've ever seen! My counterpart must have been quite a piece of work for her to keep such a deep grudge...and yet, when given the chance to save her sister, she jumped back into my "loving" arms. All for the sake of her sister.

Isn't it weird how far one can go for the sake of their loved ones? How much they're willing to stomp through their ideals for the sake of the things they want to protect the most?

...what would have I done if I hadn't been able to recover Sage?

This makes me wonder if my counterpart was truly as incapable of healing NIDS as Pronghorn claims. Clove is a natural leader, someone who could single-handedly command a force to crush entire cities. Wouldn't it be better to keep it on a tight leash?

BAH! Now I know this won't work. I am too weak and lack the technology he used to do such. But...above all else...

Power and kindness. Belle claimed such could coexist. Part of me doubt it...but another pushes me to try. Probably some shade of that damned Tinker...an emperor has no need for a soft heart...or does it?

But, at the end of the day, that bastard claimed he was unable to heal her. Unacceptable. To claim such a blatant lie? Peh. I will heal Cassia the Pronghorn if only to fix this stain in my pride!

As of now, I have in mind two approaches to further refine the cure:

1 - Use Black Arms genetic data. This was one of the factors that helped turn Shadow as naturally resistant to diseases as he is, almost an universal panacea. Much of grandfather's research is based on using that material, so, although I lack the hedgehog himself, I think I can repurpose it so it becomes more adequate to use.

2 - Ragnite. I hadn't too much time to look at it due to more pressing concerns, but I heard Gunther claim something about they being used for healing? Again, I would have to look at it to understand it's workings, but there's some potential to be explored...though I'm sure how much I would need to make the cure. Likely would have to open a mine specifically to collect it.

Still...for the first time in decades, the cure for NIDS is at humanity's reach. This makes me wonder...what would grandfather make of this?


Hmph. No time to be reflecting on this. I need to see off Starline for his mission. Hopefully he won't screw things too badly...​
Nack Auction Adventure part 2 Vote
Voting is open! The option s are

It was risky, but the best move is to retire immediately, Open a portal and proceed with the extraction immediately. There is a chance that the Weasel or the Skunks, or even someone else, could interrupt your strategic retreat, or even worse follow you, but it was a risk work doing.

[ ] Try to fight your way through this.
Everyone saw that you guys were keeping the Lance, you were certain they would not just let you leave with it. But with Captain Metal distraction and the subsequent chaos, you were sure you could fight through the opponent and get away safely.

[ ]Don't even bother fighting, full retreat!
The situation was too hot to risk any extended confrontation, you needed to retreat ASAP. You were sure you would be interrupted every step of the way but as long as you could get a moment of calm to make a portal so all of you could exit safely, it could work.
Tenative Project Idea #7687: Egg Cartoon
Tenative Project Idea #7687: Egg Cartoon

Purpose: To enlighten the people of the world of my genius! So they will join my empire willingly and save me the trouble of conquering them.
  • Addemum: Scrapped after a universally horrible reaction, it seems the masses didn't appreciate my work. Hmph!
    • Addendum 2: After the events of the Shattering parts of entirely different worlds have appeared, giving me a ripe new audience, new ideas and new personal! So the project has been reactivated!

Name: Eggman's Heroic Dozen, The Bad Eggs, …
  • Name Pending.

Writer: Me of course! The brilliant doctor Eggman!
  • Consultants: Belle, Starline, Ms. Gunther

Producer: Sage

Director: Agent Stone


The world is in chaos and ruled by evil, but one brillant man has seen this and sworn to fix everything! The Brilliant doctor Eggman (with his loyal and competent subordinates) will not stop until the world has been freed from it's troubles and brought into a golden age under his rule!

If only that blasted (if well meaning) hedgehog would stop ruining his plans! Doesn't he know what evils he is unknowingly perputrating?!

But catastrophe has struck and the enitre world has been torn assunder! His enemies have multiplied and everything has fallen into darkness when he was felled by unknown means! Even his usual nemesis has vanished in the chaos!

No matter. This world will be saved no matter what these so-called Kings have to say about it! Not even that damned hedgehog will stop him this time!


Eggman- A genius scientist who will solve all the world's problems with his impossible intellect!

Sage- Eggman's beloved daughter and the group's mision control.

Starline- A new but loyal ally, and a fellow scientist! He lacks experience but he will surely grow into a force for much good!

Belle- …It's complicated.

Orbot and Cubot- Bumbling assistants and comic relief.

Rusty- A soft-spoken but loyal subordinate, the doctor's bodyguard, and usually subject to his antics.

Metal- The Doctor's greatest creation and the world's greatest hero! Or he would be if that faker didn't keep taking all the credit!

Clove and Cassia- Two sisters, one cursed by a horrible disease. They were given false hope by the doctor's enemies before he showed them the truth! Now they search for a cure to the diease which plagues the world entire!

Isara Gunther- A mysterious girl that Eggman saved from a hidden facility. A genius in her own right and now his apprentice.

The Restoration- A group of surpurisingly effect civilians trying to protect their homes and families. Well-meaning but easily manipulated by the forces of evil.

GUN- The so-called guardians of the world. Ha! More like Tryants! They murdered Eggman's grandfather a good man who only wanted to help the world, and have spread lies to hide their own evil! Outside of Sonic they are Eggman's sworn nemesis.

Sonic- A blue hedgehog who doesn't know what he's doing. He seems to have made it his personal mission to interfere with the doctor's plans!


Glorious Return!- When the world fell to pieces foul play prevented Eggman from stopping it, but not everyone lost hope. Starline managed to resurrect the doctor and now Eggman works to reclaim what was taken from him!

Starting with rescuing his beloved family and saving his home from the fiendish Zeti!

The Dead returned?- Rumors abound about a young blond woman named Maria…it couldn't be could it? Could his dead cousin be alive?

Eggman had to know and set out alongside his subordinates, but he was not the only one searching for the girl. A mysterious mercenary, and GUN also seek 'Maria' for their own reasons, and something much worse lurks in the background.

The Valkur project- Isara's past finally caught up to her and the crew was caught up in a massive conspiracy that had taken over her homeland and was exploiting it's own people for it's own ends.

Even forcing powers upon them to use as tools for their own ends. Naturally this couldn't stand and they set out to put an end to the atrocities and rescue everyone!

You aren't Sonic!- Sonic finally reveals himself…but something is wrong. He's acting weird, treating people badly, and even *gasp* Oppressing people?!

This must be an imposter. Who dares impersonate his nemesis?!

Special episodes not included.

@Kingster @ShepardCom @Boohoo the 3rd

I said I'd make a show didn't I?

Might make an actual epidsode later.
D+B=The Greatest Pair Ever
And for interlude...eh, Number 3 for the Win.

Here is the Interlude we promised:

D+B=The Greatest Pair Ever

In a grey office, your robotic form stood, looking over your corporate empire.

You wouldn't admit It but it brought you a little pleasure, really, seeing the scientists who had made you deprived of meaningful work and stuck to assembly lines, bent to your will.

But only a little.

No, your true passions lie in one thing and one thing only: Fighting. Fighting the strongest beings you could find.

Maybe that was just your programming, maybe you wouldn't have cared if not for that, but you cared little for such inquiries.

Suddenly, there was a scuttling As a nervous being peeked in.

A red being, crab like with grey appendages, swallowed a bit thickly before piping up.

"Uh, ma'am, your partner is here…" The crab like creature explained.

"Send her in, Crabmeat." You order.

Crabmeat nods and scuttled off. After a bit, a green hedgehog in heels and a red suit strutted in.

"Breezie. Report." You command.

"Awww… no hello, Dury baby? I thought we were better friends than that." The Hedgehog mock whined.

"Do not push your luck, hedgehog. I could destroy you in an instant." You scowl.

"If you did that, who would run all your boring bits of your organization? And then you would inherit Breeze Media too…. Seems like a lot of work, tying you down." Breezie tutted.

"...Report." You repeat, well aware your lack of true response spoke volumes. Breezie was aware of that too based on her smug smirk.

"Well, sadly, the lance was a total bust. Captain Metal and his crew showed up so I made a tactical retreat-"

"You ran away like a coward."

"-Made a tactical retreat, but I looked into it later. Things went COMPLETELY belly up. The lance got stolen, Some guy from the Empire got himself kidnapped, I think two Friggin' polar bears were there…. It was nuts. It's a good thing I scrammed when I did."

You made a little hum. Loathe as you are to admit it, losing Breezie would be a not insignificant loss. With your newfound intelligence came the desire to do things between your combats and to leave your mark on the world, but ever since Breeze Media and Judgement Six's merger, you were aware you would have to spend more time running the place than fighting. That was unacceptable.

And, Even more loathe as you are to admit it, to the point you would never say it aloud… Breezie wasn't completely awful company.

"Mmmm. What's on your mind, Dural? The boys aren't bugging you too bad, are they?" Breezie asked, sipping some beverage from a fridge she kept in your office.

"I am merely processing the information you have given me and calculating our next move." You answer.

"Bah. I know what you wanna do, pal. You want to speed up our… little idea." Your business partner smirked.

"...Correct. The logistics of doing so are quite complex though. We must advertise, secure a location, hire security, check the credentials of security-"

"Dural, buddy, baby, you machine of mass destruction, relax. As long as I am still getting paid, you can count on me, I'll handle it." The Hedgehog chuckled.

"...Thank you." You say simply, turning back to watching the former scientists create merchandise to sell to the public.

"Anytime. Though if the check bounces, you're on your own." Breezie warned, smirking.

"I am well aware. And if you were to produced a failure, I will harm you greatly." You shoot back without turning around.

"Glad we're in agreement." Breezie snorted, completely unintimidated.

There was an unspoken thing between you two. You both knew the other would keep their respective promise, but both also knew they would probably crawl back to each other. They each needed the other. And maybe, just maybe, it wasn't just necessity that kept them together.

It gets lonely at the top, not that either were exactly eager to acknowledge it.

You enjoyed the comfortable silence.

"...I think you and Captain Metal would make a cute couple."

"Get out."

"Yeah yeah. We'll talk later. Just know everything is going according to plan."

Breezie sauntered off, leaving you alone in your office.

You looked
over at a secured box.

Yes. Everything was going according to plan.
Birth of a Storm
Here's another omake @Kingster, @Boohoo the 3rd, @KA$H, @Ranger65 and @ShepardCom

Birth of a Storm

I was born into the Raiju Clan, a proud lineage of ninjas that stretch for centuries, said to embody the storm's fury and the lightning's precision. Yet, I was cursed with near-blindness from birth, a defect that made me less than nothing in their eyes. No matter how hard I trained, how perfectly I executed every strike and every maneuver, I was dismissed not for my skills, but for something I was born with it.

I hated it.

I loathed how they whispered behind my back, how my achievements were overshadowed by their disdain for my "deficiency." I was better than most of them but they'd never admit it, to them I was a walking flaw, a blemish on the Raiju name.

One day after yet another humiliating dismissal, something snapped within me. My frustration boiled over, and for the first time, I saw clearly not with my weak eyes, but with my resolve. If my own clan wouldn't value me, then I would find someone who would.

I sought out the Eggman Empire.

Doctor Eggman was a name whispered in fear and awe, a man of genius who turned weaknesses into strengths through the power of technology. He gives arms to the armless and legs for the legless thought something he called cyberization.

I invaded his personal sanctum on my lonesome and kneel before him. I offered him my loyalty and my skills, and in return, he would grant me the gift of sight. He was schocked by my sudden entrance and quite angrily ask why he should do any of this and not kill me.

I answered that I also could grant the services of my ninja clan for his empire. As he about to dismiss me, he paused and look at me, and give that trademark laugh of his and said that having a ninja army would be a novelty and accept my bold proposal based on that alone.

That was fine, I also would prove to him my strength.

As the surgery was done and thanks to my new cybernetic eyes for the first in my life, I could see the world clearly.

I saw the sun rise clearly, its rays cutting through the mist like fire.

I saw every leaf on the trees, every drop of dew and most importantly, I saw with perfect clarity was my reflection in a mirror and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel like a failure.

Everything was so intoxicating, I would never admit anyone but I may have cry a little.

However I wasn't done.

I returned to the Raiju Clan with a challenge under a fierce storm from the likes that give birth to legends. I demanded to face the elders, the strongest warriors of the clan, in open combat. They mocked me, of course, saying my "artificial crutches" wouldn't save me. I answered them with steel, fury, and skill honed through years of being underestimated.

One by one, I defeated them.

The storm continue to raged above us as if the heavens themselves bore witness to my triumph. Each elder who fell solidified my claim, and when the loyalist dared to rise against me for refusing to accept a "defect" as they new master, I struck them down as well. My new eyes offered no advantage beyond what a normal person could see: my strength, my skill, my determination - those had always been mine. They simply refused to see it until now.

With my victory sealed, I proclaimed myself the leader of the Raiju Clan. No longer would we cling to outdated traditions that excluded those with potential, from that moment forward we would be known as the Egg Clan, a force united under the Eggman Empire. Any who proved their worth, regardless of origin or circumstance, would be welcomed. Those who refused to follow my new era were banished under the storm to never be see again.

Dr. Eggman himself contacted me later. He had been observing the battle and with that twisted smile of his, he called me a "Conquering Storm." It was fitting, he said, given the tempest that raged during my ascension to power.

I liked it.


I loved it.

I adopted it as my new name and discard my old one, a reminder of what I had endured and conquered.

I am Conquering Storm, leader of the Egg Clan. The Raiju Clan is no more, and under my leadership, we will carve a legacy that will be remembered for generations, those who underestimated me will regret their arrogance.

I was born in darkness but now I see and the world will learn to fear the storm I bring.

I was willing to wait for omake rewards to release this but since it started to talk about Eggman technologies, I couldn't resists to this is here.

My idea as for why Post-SGW!Conquering Storm serve Dr. Eggman.

How many in this world that are just as capable, if not more, than a normal person but never get they due respect for being declared "Inferior" than the common man.

Conquering Storm was born in a highly toxic environment where her earliest memories are people mocking her. No matter how hard she try, she would be forever beholden of this fact until it get so bad she trow herself at Eggman.

It does not however excuse her actions, her sadism and narcissism. She serve his empire primary to get into fights with strong people to prove her superiority to them and a little sense of gratitude for her new eyes.

I want to unlock Post-SGW!Eggman memories if only to unlock cyberization, there's too many people in this world that would give everything to be see as normal. Compared to that serving a tyrant is not that much of a price to pay.

Well if depending on the assualt goes we might only be a few turns away from pulling it off.

Frankly I just want a factory to get some production of badniks instead of none until Turn 6 or Turn 7. I mean we have the opportunity to get some infiltration badniks in Turn 5 passively or more Egg Pawns, suffice to say 3 of them, counting the one we have at the moment, grant a total of +15 in combat with only a 3 Power Cap.

Even then it would depend we pass the dice of 120 to get the factories in the Power Action since once again we would have to sacrifice our personal or Sage's action to have a chance to pass and would be very hard to do so even with the Proghorn Sisters since we owuld bring a less significant force to conquer new territory.

Heck with all our Metal is not even much of price to pay.
"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Belle Caught Up In The Chaos
"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Belle Caught Up In The Chaos

"Hmmm-hmm-hm." Belle happily hummed to herself as she inspected the damages in Piastol's ship.

It was stable enough to be transported to the hangar in the base. Though it would still need extensive repairs to be sea worthy, or is it air worthy now?

Flying ships, who could have guessed? Not that she really has an interest in flying in one. She had enough excitement for now, she could only hope she won't find herself in more anytime soon.

"Oh what's that?" Said Belle as she turned around due to an odd sound.

She never expected to see a portal open up and for Starline, Stone and Canaan to storm through followed by a band of pirates.

Oh no Pirates!

"Oh Gears! Pirates are much scarier than in the stories!" She thought as she desperately huddled behind a set of boxes as the battle raged around her.

"Aah!" She screamed as a body hurled through the boxes, leaving her exposed.

Terrified, she kept her head down and tried to crawl to safety only to bump into a pair of legs. Raising her head slowly, she sighed in relief at the sight of Metal Sonic only to realize it wasn't him!

Before she could further contemplate the idea of a pirate Metal Sonic, she choked as she felt a claw grab her throat.

"Wha' be ye?" He asked curiously before holding her behind his gun arm, drawing Canaan's attention.

"Let her go." Said Canaan coldly, her gun aimed at the Captain as the sounds of battle slowly died down.

"I be afeared I can nah do dat." He chuckled in response, backing away until both of them had their backs on the ship's hull.

He thumped the hull with his peg leg. "Dis seems like a fine ship, how about ye repair it fer us 'n we'll go on our merry way. she'll jus' be our invited guest in the meantime." He tighted his hold on her, making her cry out in pain.

"O' course thar might be some other things me 'n me poor crew needs." He threatened.

"Think! Think! What can I do!" Belle frantically thought to herself as she struggled under the grip of her captor.

As the Captain continue spewing his demands, she spotted several rivets and screws around the gun arm holding her, if she can maybe.....

She very slowly opened up her fingers allowing for her tools to appear and desperately tried to make eye contact with Canaan.

To her relief, Canaan seem to understand her plan and played along with the Captain much to confusion of others.

"You seriously can't be considering this." Said Starline aghast. "The Doctor would have no choice but to get involved."

While he was distracted, she kept removing the various bolts and screws holding his arm in place until finally....

"Ah me arm!" Shouted Captain Metal in shock as his arm fell limp.

Using the opportunity Belle quickly rushed out to escape.

"Oh no ye don't." Snarled Captain Metal as he used his other hand to quickly grabbed on to Belle's tail.

To everyone's shock including her own, Belle leaped, slipping through his grasp and jumping high through the air. Leting out a strangled gasp she dove headfirst into the ground, making several cartwheels before coming to a stop.

Belle Trait revealed:
Tail Jumper: It seems her father installed a defense mechanism into her, allowing for her to kick automatically when her tail is pulled. (+5 to flee and movement rolls.)

"Oof." Said Belle dazed as she tried to recover. Unfortunately she ran out of time as a pirate was soon charging right at her.

Before he could get close however a blue flash suddenly appeared, he soon stopped, stood still, and vertically fell apart. Behind stood a woman with a ominous aura that drew a chill in the remaining pirates.

Piastol has arrived.

"Whether you are Metal or Flesh, you pirates are all the same, prepare to die!" She cried out in murderous rage.

Before Belle can witness the impending carnage, she felt a pair of hands block her view.

"You don't need to see this " Said Canaan as she guided Belle out of the room.

"Still you did good work." She said once they left.

"Oh thank you." Murmured Belle, still a bit woozy from all the excitement.

Why does this always happen to her!

Just an idea I was inspired from before the interlude when people were mentioning dragging Belle into this.
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"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" Part 3-One Last Surprise
Winning vote:

Right, well as fun as it would be to mingle with the guest and other party crashers, you have already what you came for. Now it was time for you and your colleagues to make a dashing and urgent retreat.

Doctor Eggman will surely be quite happy once he receives the Relic. Bit first…time to run away!

"Mr. Stone, Lady Canaan, I think we overstayed our welcome! Let's go!" You shout as you immediately create a portal a few steps away from you. Stone, seeing what you were planning, starts rushing too towards freedom.

Canaan is the only one that doesn't move, instead, with her eyes flashing red, she shouts. "No, wait!" Why would she say that? Doesn't she see that you should get away to safety as fast as Possible?!

QM NOTE: To Escape a Trickery Check will be done, using the party stats and Starline warp topaz trait. The people in the auction will try to stop them. All will roll Power rolls to attack and impede you, and if they do beat your roll, your escape is foiled!

Starline Warp Topaz get away portal!
Result: 1d100 (20) + 20(Starline)+ 15(Warp Topaz) + 22(Canaan)
Total: 77

DC 77!

Rough and Tumble:
Result: 1d100 (58) + 26(Rough and Tumble)+ 5 (Professionak Goons)
Total: 89

: 1d100 (17) + 23(Nicolette Power) + 10(Sharpshooter)
Total: 50

Result: 1d100 (47) + 25(Nack Power) + 10(Sniper)
Total: 82

Commander Walters+Topaz
Result: 1d100 (100) +51(Reoll) 13(Walters Power) + 5(???) + 19(Topaz)+ 5(???) - 10 (Caught completely off guard)
Total: 183

Major General Berthold Gregor:
Result: 1d100 (56) + 18(Gregor Power) - 10(Caught completely off guard)
Total: 64

Rough and Tumble and Nack manage to stop the Egg party
GUN Completely stops them. Not only Nat 100 but also critically success the action(Double the party's roll)

Sooooo: Yeah, Starline is fucked up.
Starline receives 3 wounds (-3 Hp) Starline drops to 0 HP. CRITICAL CONDITION!
Stone receives 1 wound. (-1 HP). He has 2 HP left.
Canaan receives 1 wound (-1 HP). She has 3 Hp Left.

Many things happen at once, you are not sure why, but you feel your perception of time slow considerably, you had heard of this phenomenon but never knew it could happen to you.

First, The skunk who is pressed under her boot, uses this chance, now that Canaan is distracted, to grab her leg and push her away from him. Caught off guard, she can only take the punch that the second brother brutally delivers to her gut.

Next, you see as Agent Stone falls to the ground, a grimace of pain, as Nack stands behind him, with one of his guns drawn, looking completely pissed off.

And 3rd, you feel 3 sudden sharp sensations of pain from your back as you turn back to see who did it, you see a blond haired human drop from the ceiling right at you, and deliver a solid dropkick to your head.

Then Everything goes Dark.

You were Canaan and you were not having a good time right now.

Not only the platypus just decided to rush out like an idiot, and got shooted for the trouble, the situation was quickly escalating out of your control.

"I don't care that you are "Scary Badass Mercenary", nor who the hell are these two idiots." Nack says, a red aura of anger covering his whole body, as he looks absolutely pissed at you all. "But you can return the Lance to me, and then get shot for all the effort you put in." He says as his gun stays trained on Stone, who was on the ground, with a scorch mark on his back. At least the guy had not dropped the relic, keeping hugging it as he seemed to squirm from the pain?

No, it wasn't that, the green and brown aura around him denoted him worried but at the same time motivated…whatever it was, she hoped the guy had a plan.

Meanwhile, you were certain your ribs were bruised from the last hit these pair of idiots got it. Nothing you couldn't handle but more hits like this won't do you any good.

Nicolette Choice:

1) She opts the fuck out.
2) Joins the fight.
3) Tries to sneakily steal the Relic.

Result= 1!

"Screw this, that smart ass can keep his money. I did not sign up for this!" The female Weasel shouts, as she spits on the ground and starts running away during the commotion.

"Hey! Who said you could leave!" Nack says as he stops paying attention to Stone and you and raises his gun to shoot at the leaving intruder.

Now it's your chance!

Canaan Combat roll

Result: 1d100 (32) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5(Synesthesia) - 5 (Stink Bomber)

Total: 64

Rough and Tumble Combat Roll

Result: 1d100 (65) + 26(Rough and Tumble) + 5(Profesional Goons)

Total: 96

Canaan Failure!

Canaan Receives a wound! Canaan loses 1 HP (-2 HP TOTAL)

You roll away quickly from them, trying to gain some distance as you drawn your gun again and prepare to fill these Skunks with lead…

Until your senses tell you to move, but you aren't able to react in time, as the smaller skunk flies towards you, rolling like a ball. Bracing for the hit is the only thing you can do as the hit pushes you towards the glass case.

Okay…that…that actually hurt. You definitely hurt your ribs right there. And the taster of copper in your mouth makes it clear that these guys can pack more of a punch that you expected.

If she didn't do something fast then-

"Hey where did the guy go!?" Nack shouts. As you open your eyes and look up, you notice what the Weasel meant.

Agent Stone-Get Away from here

Trickery contested roll!

1d100 (38) + 19(Stone) + 15 (Rainbow Bottle)

Total: 72

Nack Trickery Roll:

Result: 1d100 (34) + 22(Nack Trickery)

Total: 56


Agent Stone manages to get from here safely!

Uh, it seems the guy used that weird bottle the Doctor gave him, smart of him. Hopefully the guy is competent enough to get out on his own with the Lance.

Meanwhile, you had to find a way to get away from here fast before Starlien finishes bleeding out. You just needed to deal with this pair of fools.

"Ahhh good grief, that doctor better keep his word." You mutter as you stand up once away as you clear the blood from your mouth, glaring at the pair of skunks looking ugly at you.

The sounds of battle outside were increasing with every second, and it seemed that things would get worse if you didn't retreat now.

"Well look here brother, the gal is asking for another beating." The big one says, as he cracks his knuckles, an orange aura surrounding him.

"Yeah! This time, let's send her down tripping!" The small one shouted, with the same intensity.

"Man, that does not even rhyme." You remark drily, which seems to just anger the two of them.

"DIEEEE!!!" Both shout as they rush at you.

Rough and Tumble Combat roll

Result: 1d100 (14) + 26(Rough and Tumble) + 5(Professional Goons)

Total: 45

Canaan Combat roll.

Result: 1d100 (69) + 27(Canaan) + 5(Expert Sharpshooter) + 5(Synesthesia) - 5 (Stink Bomber)-5 (Stink Bomber)

Total: 101

Critical success!

Rough and Tumble receive 2 wounds. (-1HP Left!)

Letting them get near before acting, you ready yourself. Using all your strength, you gracefully jump above them as they charge at you.

Once you land, you quickly turn around and unload all the ammo in your clip towards the big skunk. Each shot landed his mark and made blood spurt out from the wound.

As he falls to the ground, with the little one rushing to his aid, you start running and in one fell swoop, grab hold of the bleeding body of the platypus and proceed to get away from the warehouse.

You were Starline, and currently everything was on fire. Your body hurts in ways you never knew it was possible. Some sort of haze seems to cloud your mind. Were before you would be able to think quickly, any thought you made seems to come too slow for your liking.

"Whaaa—where am I?" You slur, your vision blurry, bit the image of Canaan seems clear above you, as she seems to be doing something to you.

"Oh…you are awake. Good." She remarks calmly, as you feel another spike of pain in your chest, you manage to barely raise your head up to see what was happening and couldn't help but gasp.

Your stylish clothing was damaged, fully ripped out from you, and in it's place, your chest was covered with bandages.

"You took 3 rounds to the chest, hollow points." Canaan answers without you needing to ask. "We managed to get out and regroup at Stone's Cafe."

You look around and notice that yes, you currently are above one of the tables of the cafe, several medical supplies around you, as Canaan apparently managed to save your life.

This brush with death would certainly stress you more, but most likely the shock was helping with that, still there was something you needed to know.

"The Lance-what ha-happened?" You gasp, your body still in great pain.

"We managed to get away with it!" A cheerful voice rings out, you look to the side to see Agent Stone calmly walk out, sporting a few scorch marks on his clothing, but aside from that fine. He was carrying hot, smoking cups of coffee. "We managed to complete the doctor's orders. This calls for a celebration.!" He remarks happily.

"You realize that we are probably wanted fugitives now right?" Canaan remarks as she accepts the cup of coffee and proceeds to drink some of it. "Ahhh, thanks I needed that."

Stone nods as he offers the cup to you and you shakily drink from it. the warm beverage seems to get you back some of your strength as it passes thought your throat.

"So we did it then?" You ask one more time for confirmation, and with both of them nodding you couldn't help it.

"Yes!!! We did it!!! Hooray!" You exclaim, joy overflowing you, as you didn't fail the doctor a second time.

Then you pass out…again.

Adventure Complete!

You managed to retrieve the Lance! Actions to study it unlocked!
Stone used the rainbow bottle!
He gains +1 Trickery by pulling such a perfect escape!
Canaan gains +1 Power!

Starline receives +15 Loylaty from the doctor congratulating him on not fucking up this mission.

As Starline is currently at 0 Hp, any National actions or adventures that he partakes next turn receive a -20 malus to them
Next turn his personal action is locked to "Rest and Recover" until he gets back at 3 HP
Canaan is currently at 2 Hp, next turn if she enters combat, she will stay at 3 HP. (¾)
Agent Stone is currently at 2 Hp, next turn, if he partakes in combat, he will have full health back! (3/3)

Currently, the Restoration and GUN Identified Starline, Stone and Canaan as the ones who crashed the auction, currently they are wanted figures by them!

Agent Stone's cafe is shut down because of Restoration investigating it!

To find out what else happened in the Auction please wait for the Rival Reports!
Eggmemo: Logistic problems
Eggmemo: Logistic problems

Logistics, it's always logistics that prove to be more annoying than that blasted Hedgehog!

One would think with my genius the problem would be solved and normally would be, if not for the trifling matter of insufficient factory output thanks to the Shattering. Any facility I construct or reclaim from those insipid Deadly Six is simply too limited to churn out a proper army in a reasonable timeframe.


Then, amidst my frustration, I recalled the Arsenal Pyramid.

That magnificent structure was once my pride and joy, a colossal munitions factory designed to fuel my war effort with endless weapons and ammunition in a scale only matched by my ambition. Alas, the Resistance, those meddlesome pests, destroyed it during my last campaign. But… what is a little structural damage to a genius like me?

Its framework still stands and with some repairs and modifications, it could become the ultimate badnik factory the world has ever seen!

Excited by my revelation, I immediately ordered Starline to open a portal to assess the situation. He briefly hesitated before following through. When the portal stabilized and revealed the Pyramid, my excitement turned to frustration.

The factory was operational.

Still operational!

The defenses were active, badniks patrolled the exterior, and the assembly lines hummed with activity. For a fleeting moment, I felt vindicated. Had I succeeded without even realizing it?

But no.

Starline explained to me after the Shattering my brilliant contingency plan worked as intended: Neo Metal Sonic had secured the Pyramid, repair and modified to be a badnik factory, exactly as I intended to do now, as he lacked access to my facilities across the world.

But after Neo met his downfall at the hands of the Empire and Black Arms, that infernal Zeti and his band of degenerates have commandeer my factory, producing badniks for them!

It's a travesty and worse, the defenses have been upgraded, both Neo and Zavok have reinforced the facility so extensively that mounting a frontal assault would require an army to reach at it's front doors. The very same problem the Pyramid was suppose to solve!

But then… inspiration struck.


My finest creation, capable of infiltrating even the most secure systems ever designed. If she can access the Pyramid's network she could assume command of the factory effortless, the badniks patrolling the perimeter would become mine or destroyed by the very defenses set against invaders!

Of course the Pyramid's systems are isolated from the Eggnet, a precaution I myself designed to prevent exactly this sort of scenario. So, Sage will need to be delivered to the master control room physically.

That means assembling a team capable of navigating a fortress teeming with badniks and defenses that will shoot anything on sight, all while ensuring Sage remains safe. A challenge, certainly, but one well within my capabilities!

Oh, the thought of taking back my Pyramid fills me with such joy!

Soon, my production woes will be a thing of the past, and my unstoppable army will rise once again!

[Eggman bursts into maniacal laughter, which is interrupted by coughing and clearing his throat, then laugh a bit more]

I really need to start pacing myself.

So this is a Eggmemo I assembled just now, I mention that the Arsenal Pyramid could the be the perfect solution for Eggman's problems of badnik production but the QM inform that Neo Metal Sonic though the same thing and the Deadly Six are now using it to build and replenish his losses.

It was so frustrating!

But then I think how Eggman would feel once he find out that little information and, more importantly, he has Sage now.

So due to how vital it could be for our plans this can't be just a mere National Action, oh no, it have to be a full blow adventure so I put he challenge that it need to be a team assemble to physically put Sage in the main control room and assume command of the whole facility because it's a isolated network to avoid this very same problem.

Btw way just imagine this is Eggman laughitng in the end of the memo.

Guy get's a bit too excited sometimes.

Because outside select people we are the only realm that knows of the master emerald.

Do you really want to point unwated people to Angel Island?

Like Piastol would have something to do other than mystic actions, but I really don't want to point the bloody pirates to the angel island.

There is also that Knuckles may not be the only person there giving a hand protecting it.

It is obvious the island got some new tenants during rival reports.

Besides even if we steal it that would just make everyone look for us under every single rock to get back that thing.

Without counting that Knuckles is the only one that knows the chants and that the emerald obeys to turn off the other 7 emeralds.

Zavok and Black Arms know about the Mater Eemrald and both briefly tried to take it for themselves at the same time, only for Knuckles kick them both out of Angel Island. Granetd both were fighting each other but he still manage to expelled two armies on his lonesome.
An Unknown Fate
An Unknown Fate
Isara stared at the Warden in front of her, the daily morning assembly that has been happening in this hell slowly becoming routine at this point, conflicting feelings of horror, denial, and devastation warring within her.

(Why was she here?)

It was a normal thing, wake up, go to the assembly, and listen to the Wardens as they assign the tasks everyone here was supposed to do in this 'Work' Camp. And listen to the vile things they say. How all resistances against the Empire was dead. That the Empire has taken over Gallia. That they were to know their place and contribute to the Empire.

(Wasn't this place destroyed?)

It was meant to demoralize them, but she couldn't believe it. She refused to believe that ALL resistance to the Empire has been crushed. Because if it did, that would mean Squad 7 had died.

That her friends had died.

That her Brother, her only remaining family, was dead.

So no, she couldn't believe it. She refused to. Because otherwise, she'd be all alone in this strange new world. All alone in this hell, with no hope for escape.

(But didn't she already escape? When-)

Suddenly the Warden was interrupted, as a loud explosion boomed from the outer walls of the Camp, people beginning to scatter and run in a panic when-

Isara woke up with a start, bolting up in her bed drenched in sweat, panting heavily.

"Just a dream. Just a bad dream Isara." She says to herself, trying to shake off the negative feelings from the nightmare, no, the memory from back when she was in one of the Empire's Work Camps.

Two feelings remained however. Fear and Doubt. Fear for her brother and friends safety, and doubt of them being alive still. She didn't know. She did not know if her friends and brother were still out there, fighting against the Empire, now in a strange and foreign new world, unaware of what was out there.

She wanted to find them. Wanted to help them. But how? How could she possibly-

Then her mind halts, remembering a few days ago. Her conversation with the strange little girl called Sage. Her learning and studying of the Doctor's past exploits. The man who, for six months, ruled most of the world with machines far beyond anything the Empire had ever created. Machines that could harness the power of Ancient, God Like Beings.

Isara got up, and began getting dressed to leave her room. There was a certain creation of the Doctor's she had to consult.

What were the so called "Deadly Six" sitting on in the Doctor's Empire?

Would it be able to help find a small group of people or select individuals?

Would it be possible to direct the Doctor to turn his attention to a certain place after he regained his Empire?

And, should the worst be true, if what she didn't want to consider happening had indeed happened?

If it was enough to crush the Empire's Armies, enough to drag the Empire's Leadership to her feet, AND ENOUGH TO MAKE THEM REGRET EVER INFLICTING THEIR CRUELTY TOWARDS-

Isara takes a deep, calming breath and looks up, seeing herself in front of a familiar door. Well, she considers, she already wanted the Empire to be stopped.

What's another reason for a bit more Motivation going to hurt?