*side eyes Arcadian lore*

Are we 100% certain that this is a normal moon and not the Silver Moon from Skies of Arcadia? Because I promise you, there is a huge difference and Eggman would kick himself if the latter gets exploded without investigating things.

...I'm now concerned if the Moon Crystals exist in this mashup. They're another set of powerful macguffins that can wake up and control gigantic beings called Gigas that imo could potentially give the Titan bosses of Frontiers a run for their money, given how much destruction they're capable of. Not to mention the sheer scale of some of them.

I need Sonic fighting Grendel

I direct you to Galcian entry in the sega all stars villains lore doc


SEGA All Star Villains

SEGA All Star Villains Based on “Disney Villains Victorious” “SEGA All-Star Villains” is a tabletop RPG set in a world where the villains from various SEGA games took over. Not all hope is lost however, as across the world various heroes fight to help restore the world to its former glory or die ...

Galcian: Arcadia (Origin: Skies of Arcadia, 2000)

King: Galcian

Commander Galcian is the current ruler of the floating islands known as Arcadia. A social darwinist at heart, Galcian believes that the weak only exists to serve stronger people like himself. To that end, Galcian manipulated the overly-aggressive Empress Teodora, awakened a series of powerful weapons called Gigases, and even destroyed his home land of Valua as a warning to anyone who might oppose him. With the discovery of a new land located on the surface, Galcian has made it his goal to spread his rule to this new world.

Land: Arcadia

Arcadia is a series of islands floating high above the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the aerial nature of Arcadia, the inhabitants use airships of various shapes and sizes in order to both travel and fight. With the exception of Galcian and those working in his armies, most of the inhabitants of Arcadia don't know about the surface world, believing that the world below them is dead and uninhabited.

Rule: Power Will Never Betray You

Galcian belevies in survival of the fittest, and considers himself to be the fittest. Anyone who shows an impressive amount of power will be offered a place as one of Galcian's men, but refusing the offer or trying to defy him in any other way will lead to them being deemed a threat. If airships, soldiers and even the Gigases fail to stop an enemy, Galcian may resort to his most powerful weapon, the Rains of Destruction, a powerful ability that causes asteroids to fall from the moon and crash to Earth.
... So how many chaos emeralds would we need to say ''That's cute''.

And show them what a real weapon of mass destruction is?
Thinking about it, we could try to convice someone to let us use a Nega-Wisp.

Forcefully or not those things are literally walking black holes.

Pretty sure they would be baffled at anything just transforming into what amounts to a temporal black hole and eating their space rocks of mass destruction.

... We could also just use the time eater data and try to play with portals, like imagine your enemy redirecting your biggest attack at you.
Thinking about it, we could try to convice someone to let us use a Nega-Wisp.

Forcefully or not those things are literally walking black holes.

Pretty sure they would be baffled at anything just transforming into what amounts to a temporal black hole and eating their space rocks of mass destruction.

... We could also just use the time eater data and try to play with portals, like imagine your enemy redirecting your biggest attack at you.
See that's a good idea but unfortunately for us that's probably back at our empire where the deadly six are currently residing
... So how many chaos emeralds would we need to say ''That's cute''.

And show them what a real weapon of mass destruction is?
All seven and mabey the master emerald as well
Yeah…Smashqueen comparison of the Gigas with the Titans from Frontiers ain't wrong all, those things are proper boss fights in itself you can't just rush. Gigas are at least titan tier if not stronger (don't have bough data to make that particular comparison.)

Also compared to you Galdian has access to his super weapon from the get go, and specially, he can make the moon rain some meteors over everyone.

Guy has almost if not total control of the skies, he can match and even surpass Eggman's egg fleet if not careful.
I mean that is a given considering we still don't have flying armadas.

On the other hand I feel that the Battle Kutku got absorbed into those guys.

Well nothing like poiting Tails towards them and let him do his magic.

That kid did a number on them back then.

Like said number involved some pretty heavy stuff like fucking napalm.

No doubt he can teach pirates a lesson the same way he did to those birds.
Also uh smash you have an omake reward to chose for the nat one omake
Already did. +5 to Power action.
I direct you to Galcian entry in the sega all stars villains lore doc


SEGA All Star Villains

SEGA All Star Villains Based on “Disney Villains Victorious” “SEGA All-Star Villains” is a tabletop RPG set in a world where the villains from various SEGA games took over. Not all hope is lost however, as across the world various heroes fight to help restore the world to its former glory or die ...
Huh. Did not know this existed. So yeah, the Moon Crystals exist, this is pre-final dungeon Galcian, Vyse probably has the Delphinus et al. (Moonstone Cannon is king), and all the Gigas are ready to move on and decimate anyone and anything so long as Galcian is in control.

...Anybody up for a ton of espionage in the future followed by the largest theft in history?
... I just fell in that Angel Island may have a lot of trouble if those guys ever get close.

I just ask one thing, Knuckles for the love of good be a little smart and don't get tricked by anyone coming to your island who doesn't seem trustworthy.

Last thing we need is someone getting their hand on the maste emerald before WE can.
so this just occurred to me, what if the reason Sonic isn't around is because one of his alternates wound up in control? I could easily see Boom Sonic getting distracted with meaningless nonsense, and manga Sonic is a transformation so instead we'd have Nicky who doesn't even realize he's Sonic. worst case scenario Scourge is the dominant personality which would be... ok to be honest Scourge is kinda a scrub who gets carried hard by his super form. I don't think this is likely but it is worth considering.
Huh, Sonic battles has some really nifty things we can build if we ever need them.


Final Egg Blaster

This article is about the cannon used by Emerl to destroy earth. You could be looking for Final Egg, a stage from Sonic Adventure, or the Final Color Blaster from Sonic Colors. The Final Egg Blaster (ファイナル・エッグブラスター, Fainaru Eggu Burasutā?) is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog...

This thing is apparently comparable to the eclipse cannon in power.

We would probably need a shit ton of metal tho.
Huh, Sonic battles has some really nifty things we can build if we ever need them.


Final Egg Blaster

This article is about the cannon used by Emerl to destroy earth. You could be looking for Final Egg, a stage from Sonic Adventure, or the Final Color Blaster from Sonic Colors. The Final Egg Blaster (ファイナル・エッグブラスター, Fainaru Eggu Burasutā?) is an object that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog...
This thing is apparently comparable to the eclipse cannon in power.
the Final Egg Blaster blows the Eclipse cannon out of the water. the Eclipse Cannon at full power can wipe out a planet, the Final Egg Blaster can wipe out an entire star cluster in one shot.
This might be late to discuss, but I believe we should research the cure more. One of the lines for the research of the cure is 100% affective , will take affect in a matter of hours, with it being easily distributive. Which means that we might encounter more people with the same disease that we can use to bribe them, or the people close to the one's with it. Also, the current cure might not be affective, so the sister might not have great stats if we use the current cure on her, while waiting and doing more research might give her better stats.

And who knows, we might get a reward later for this, or need the more researched cure for a base in further research down the line.
This might be late to discuss, but I believe we should research the cure more. One of the lines for the research of the cure is 100% affective , will take affect in a matter of hours, with it being easily distributive. Which means that we might encounter more people with the same disease that we can use to bribe them, or the people close to the one's with it. Also, the current cure might not be affective, so the sister might not have great stats if we use the current cure on her, while waiting and doing more research might give her better stats.

And who knows, we might get a reward later for this, or need the more researched cure for a base in further research down the line.

We need to find a specialist tho. That 160 DC aint gonna cut It with only Eggman and Starline
That 160 DC aint gonna cut It with only Eggman and Starline
There is a reason we made it an achievement ya know. Gerald Robotnik spent Maria's whole life working on a cure and he was on a space station dedicated to that fact. You guys are... how do they say... "IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!" I think is the right term.

Seriously though, its possible for you guys to do it. Just difficult. But you'd change the world.
We can always revisit the 160 DC cure in the future.

It will get easier to pass once we do things like researching ragnite healing properties, get Anti-Robotnik memories or get Hero units who specialized in medicine.
I'm still in favor of researching soon. Too bad we couldn't write in for the Chaotixs to search for that type of hero unit for us.

Also, don't know if this was discussed before? But with how broken reality is, even if we conquer the world, we might have one or several other worlds around us that also must be conquer.
We can always revisit the 160 DC cure in the future.

It will get easier to pass once we do things like researching ragnite healing properties, get Anti-Robotnik memories or get Hero units who specialized in medicine.
I honestly think the Care Unit action would be the perfect opportunity for a omake about Dr. Kintobor's memories surfacing. Draw similarities between the suit that was designed for Buns Rabbot. Honestly, could be interesting to see how Kintobor being behind the wheel for a bit could play off certain characters.

Edit: Though, any of the actions regarding NIDS work given Dr. Kintobor's attempts at curing it.
Last edited:
At least the option to finish the research is not gone Even after we use gene teraphy.

As much as I would like to get rid of that sickness right now, we do need Starline for it.

Actually considering his work on Surge and Kit, he does seems to have some more knowledge on biology, at least more than us.
A Fool's Journey
Well, lemme me try my hand in something a bit different...

A Fool's Journey
Ren Amamiya had seen some shit. And that was certainly a way to describe the Metaverse.

Still, the whole "universe crumbling down on your head" thing?

Yeah, that certainly was a different type of "some shit".

He wasn't even sure if that was Yaldabaoth's fault. That would be the easiest assumption, but it somehow didn't quite fit in his head, considering how cocky he was. The Thieves barely beat down the final guardian before that happened.

He woke up out of the Metaverse and saw himself surrounded by many people...and bipedal animals, just like Morgana. But, unlike his feline companion, he felt they were no creations of the Velvet Room.

And then the robots started attacking and everything was chaotic. Some people pulled weapons and began firing while others ran away, covered by those soldiers - G.U.N, or Guardian Units of the Nation, as he would come to learn later, who repelled the advances of some big red ogre beast that wouldn't be out of place as a Persona.

Joker wanted to stay and fight, but, as it was, he couldn't do anything: all he had was his knife and model gun - things that would do nothing to help and could, in fact, make him get on the way. So, he focused on helping the retreating people into safe places. Nevermind that this could get him on the spotlight and likely to get arrested, he could worry over how he would deal with that later.

Well, not really. Because nearly no one in this "Christmas Island" seemed to recognize him. And, unless
some moai were hidden​
, Joker didn't recognize the place either.

And things were already messy before the Yakuza took over.

Now, Joker wasn't well-versed in such matters besides his time with Iwai and having to handle one or two Yakuza as enemies in the Metaverse, but he felt he would have heard of a Kyohei Jingu in his world - that was before he realized how fucked things were - considering he seemed to hoard riches like some hungry hippo. He, with his lackeys, took things over swiftly - oh, sorry, Ren misspoke. He "offered" that his guard force became the new maintainers of order in the region and "kindly," asked the positioned G.U.N soldiers to either join him or "dispose" of their weapons and equipment to enhance his militia - er, "security group".

Under such circumstances, the G.U.N members who refused either order were forcefully disposed of. No one ever found their bodies.

Thus, under the heel of Jingu and his ally - one Masato Arakawa - they proceeded to "bring peace" to the island. That is, they eliminated whoever tried to oppose them and annexed the lands in their criminal empire.

Disgusting. Infuriating. That made Ren's blood boil. Not even Kaneshiro was ever that blatant with his vile deeds, yet those two men trampled over everyone else with little to no care under the pretense of being guardians of peace. They somehow were worse than Shido.

And it wasn't only Christmas Island. From glimpses Ren heard, this world was filled with such tyrants, and this angered him. A world where people with evil wishes in their hearts triumphed...

"Barman, one more!"

The teenager looked at his client and let out a wink.

"Coming right up, a hot one!" he said, making the coffee.

As it was, Ren couldn't do anything...yet. Mostly because he was looking for his friends through the island, hoping to hear rumors about a blonde guy causing a mess out of things in some place or remarking they saw a black and white cat with a green collar. But nothing. No sign of the other Thieves. Nor his Confidants.

Not even a sign from the Velvet Room. Could it have been subverted by Yaldabaoth or some other force he was unaware of? Ren didn't know.

Thus, he waited. He opened a little cafe. Cafe Le Blanc. He would deal with copyright issues with Boss later, but this should hopefully help sign to people he knew of where he was...so long he could make it a popular spot anyways, and in this economy, Ren also had to take a bunch of side gigs to help sustain himself.

How did Sojiro do that for so much time?

As he served his new client and prepared curry for the next request, he took a glance at his phone, where the Metaverse app still resided. The other reason Joker didn't do anything until now is that Mementos was seemingly gone, not popping up again on the search bar. Again, Ren was unsure if it was a Yaldabaoth maneuver to avoid confrontation or if the place simply collapsed with the clash of universes, but the leader of the Phantom Thieves hadn't been able to get either there or the Palaces of Jingu or Arakawa - he simply didn't have enough resources to figure their keywords, nor the luck to get them.

So, the thief waited, patiently. Waited for his time...for the time of Phantom Thieves to fly again.

For there was rotten people to take down.​
Ohoho! Those achievements are interesting.

More specifically-

Eggman, Hero Of The Darcsen! - Have the Darcsen join the Eggman Empire!
Reward: Darcsen's undying loyalty and ???

The Darcsens can join us!

I'll Crush You! - Have one of your mecha units defeat a foe by 200 or more in a contested combat roll.
Reward: The unit receives the Crushing Combatant trait.
What in the world are our Mecha capable of?!

Showtime! - Have Eggman personally fight and defeat a Protagonist level combatant. Mech suits and robots don't count, mano a mano only.
Reward: Eggman gains +1 in every stat, +2 in Power
...Eggman winning a fight on his own? Hmm...

That sounds really hard to do but really fun to pull off.

One Big Evil Family - Have six children that you recognize as a child and they in turn recognize you as their father.
Reward: Eggman and all his children gain the "One Big Evil Family" trait and each of his children gain the Robotnik last name.

A Big evil family!


The MOON! ...Would the End count?

I've Come To Make An Announcement! - Introduce yourself to another King in a very impactful Eggman manner.
Reward: Increased starting opinion with said King.

...How exactly do we announce ourselves? Would wiping the Black arms out count?

The All-Star Villain - Defeat another king and claim their territory
Reward: Relevant trait/item/or stat boost

We might get All-star by throwing the BA out...

This Is A Regrettable Action - Ruin Something Wonderful
Reward: What you deserve

...Look up House of the Sun on this Site. It's a My little pony/Cultist Simulator quest.

We should never ever do this.
Got bored and made another song parody lol:

(It shows a picture of Belle and Mr. Tinker pulsating with light before it explodes and cuts down to Belle)

It's gonna get a little weird,
There's Gonna be no chillage

(Belle is dragged by Eggman and tossed into one of Starline's Warp Topaz portals, where she bumps into Metal Sonic's charging station. He tilts his head before she gets up and drags him off.)

I ain't from 'round here,
I'm from Windmill Village!

(The two run around the base and Restoration territory, passing Eggman and his Hero Units doing a variety of wacky things)

It's gonna get a little weird,
try not to have a BAD TIME!

(The two run into Zavok, but simply inexplicably do a quick dance with him before continuing on)

I ain't from 'round here,
I'm from woo-hoo!

(The duo jump into another Warp Topaz portal)


(A montage of various locations ensue, from avoiding getting shot by Captain Metal, to dodging playing Rock Paper Scissors with Janken the Great, to avoiding a team up with Scourge the Hedgehog out of disgust)

I'm talking Badniks,
I'm talking lackies.

(The Empire, lead by Selvaria, roars as they charge Belle and Metal)


(Metal shoves Belle behind him as his eyes glow and his blasts fill the screen)

It's gonna get a little weird,
There's Gonna be no chillage

(Metal falls over but is quickly helped up by Belle as the screen lights up to show Eggman and His Hero Units standing around in a group shot)

I ain't from 'round here,
I'm from Windmill Village!

(Belle dramatically jumps into the air as text saying "Belle is (Kinda) with the Forces of Evil" flashes across the screen)