Dark Hopes
Dark Hopes

The old man, he wasn't really but everyone called him that, hummed as he lit his cigarette on one of the nearby fires.

Life in an Imperial work camp was…bearable, if only barely so. The Imps didn't think much of their kind but no one really cared about the Darcsens so it was hardly anything new. Even the actually new world hadn't changed anything.

People showed up. People beat them and killed them. Demeaning them if anyone was lucky enough to be spared and sent off to work and likely die.

Nothing new really. Unfortunately.

Still the talking animals were a surprise.

Though again it didn't really change anything, he'd know being a Darcsen and all. The…Mobians were just different shaped people, same as him, same as anyone.

The Imps treated them like dirt too, same as him, same as anyone unfortunate enough to be under their boot.

He winced as the guards beat one of raccoon mobian. Okay not quite the same, the Mobians were a decent bit more durable than they were. There probably would have been a fatality among them if they weren't.

Anyway new world or not new people or not things didn't really change.

They were put to work, usually under harsh conditions with less than they actually need. Especially food, they didn't need it to work after all, and it was more than 'demons' needed anyway.

Frankly they'd all given up on anything better long ago, and dedicated all they had to surviving and enduring. He'd say they did a decent enough job.

Which meant when for all intents and purposes an actual demon showed up they were able to get out of it's way.

The old man exhaled a cloud of smoke from the outskirts of the camp as it burned. The flames were rather cheerly he thought, very much aware of the irony of 'demons' being saved by a demon.

Well they weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, they were free for what little that was worth, so now they had to work out what to do next.

The Imperial territory was right out for obvious reasons, and they weren't exactly in Kansas so they conferred with the Mobians.

Apparently the situation wasn't great on their end either, what with aliens not only existing but invading, and a bunch of colored brutes wrecking havoc with an army of robots.

According to the…animals seems impolite…eh, Mobians there were friendly factions out there…right behind and through the territory of the hostile robot army. Yeah that didn't seem like it would go well.

Course that didn't leave them many options, but there was one thing…

"So who was our 'Savior'?"

…Well then.

Dr. Eggman huh? The would-be conqueror of the world…who actually did conquer the world apparently if briefly. He was certainly powerful, and considering the state of things he had to be close by for 'Metal Sonic' to come here.


The Mobians feared him, and from everything they said he definitely wasn't a good person…but that kind of man doesn't care who you are. As long as you serve him you could expect…not much but someone capable of taking over the world doesn't throw people aside for no reason.

A good idea? Definitely not, but he's a better option than any of the others and for us Darcsens?

Well being mildly useful minions is an improvement to being 'demons' even if they are serving one. Though with the world as it was one was probably going to end up on top anyway.

So hey, why not work for someone who would treat them better than they ever have been.

He saved them after all…even if it was unintentional it's better than they gotten from the rest of the world.

They'll take a sure bet over something that probably won't work out.

AN: Meet the recently freed Darcsens everyone. They've got a bad hand and have long since gotten used to it. They probably could do pretty well with GUN or the restoration…but they can't quite believe that, and their behind an army of enemies anyway.

They'll take what they can get. In this case Eggman.

@Kingster @Boohoo the 3rd @ShepardCom

Edit: Claiming the omake bounty 'A Darcsen's Plight.'


It's tough being a Darcsen in Empire controlled territories. Their kind are constantly abused and persecuted by the Emperials ruling the area. Even in this brand new world nothing has changed. Many of the darcsen run to other lands hoping to receive better treatment there…whether they find that or not is up to the air.

Write an Omake of the darcsen's conditions under the empire, as well as they running to other territories and how they react/are received under a different king.

Reward: +/- 10 to the next action the Empire does or +10 to an Empire related action.
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A Waste Of Time
A Waste Of Time

"What is this?" You glared irritably at what was supposed to be one of your latest efforts in tinkering.

You been having some good results lately and thought to it be an excellent time to tinker now that the preliminary research for that cure was out of the way.

You unfortunately lack the time to actually make something truly useful but you might has well makes some headway and get some enjoyment out of it. Or at least that was the way it was suppose to be.

It was an an ugly thing, having taken a regular plastic bowl as a base and worked around it with what useless scrap you have. It resembles a turtle with functions and programming that makes you itch.

You scowled, during the whole process your mind wandered to that recent visit to the village and that uncomfortable conversation with Belle.
While your mind repeated that memory, it seems your hands weren't as idle, leading this failure.

Turning it over in you hands, you were strongly tempted to tear it apart but eventually gave up and dropped it on the floor.

With a small thud, the robot fell to the ground intact and in seconds it's internals started whirring as it turned on for the first time.

It's head and feet poked out of its plastic shell and with a only small glance at you, started to stumble it's way out of the room toward it's mission.

You kept scowling as it went, it's construction was quite flimsy by your standards, unlike a true badnik it won't survive a direct hit from anything dangerous. A stomp from you could be enough to damage it. There's simply no way it can survive the journey on its own from here.

It was only that it was pointless to recycle and held nothing useful was why you let it continue nothing more.

The little turtle-bot marched on, slowly moving past bemused stares from the base inhabitants to reaching the outside and into the war-torned zone.

It moved slowly past ruins, factories, and wonders as the days turned into nights. It learned to hide in it's shell from danger as many overlook a plastic bowl.

It hid as reprogrammed badniks crossed paths and when empire soldiers with their tanks scouted around it.

It had to stop hiding at one point when a battle erupted around and the impact of an explosion knocked it into a bush. It learned to like bushes.

Eventually it's battered body reach it's destination, a abandoned village with a large windmill.

With some effort it managed to push the door, shedding some light into the now empty home. It explored the home noting the general layout, scanning for any structural damage, and when all results were negative it went to work.

With a small pop, two delicate mechanical limbs rose from it's shell, the hands attached grabbed a broom and began cleaning. It started with the floors, then with a duster the shelves until the house was completely spotless.

Satisfied at having complete it's mission for the time being, it ambled toward the workshop for rest and some much needed maintence.

The house would remain clean and repaired until the day it's inhabitants return.

Thought it was depressing to leave the house with all those good memories to rot so this eventually came to mind.
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EggMemo: Belle
EggMemo: Belle

…After my last defeat, I apparently lost my memory.

The exact chain of events escapes me but I ended up in some nameless little village in Green Hills. They took me in, even knowing who I was, and apparently treated me kindly.

I took on the name Mr. Tinker, and became the village's handyman. Hmph, even without my memory I was still a genius what little there was rattling around in that head of mine was more than enough to handle any problems the little backwater had.

…And apparently there was enough to create Belle.

A wooden robot almost like a puppet if not for that will of hers. She's…kind, naive, but just as stubborn as I if in a different direction. It's almost like she's…no isn't worth thinking about.

…Maria would have liked her.

I found her when I returned to my-his old workshop. Starline had managed to bring me back from whatever that was but apparently bits of 'Mr. Tinker' still linger.

…I don't have an opinion on that as of yet.

When I found Belle she returned with me back to the base, she isn't…entirely on board with my plans but hasn't stopped me either. Perhaps she hopes to convince me to…



And yet…

Tch. I have more important things to do than think about this.

End log.


@Kingster @ShepardCom @Boohoo the 3rd
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Nat 1
Wrote a chunk of this at work and the rest while tired, so it's not polished. Please excuse the generic placeholder title as I haven't a single good replacement in mind.

This idea really got away from me. Anyways. Tired. Have this.

Edit: Fixed a few details.

Nat 1

Vyse hissed through his teeth as he crouched down behind several crates, arm hanging uselessly at his side. He could barely move it through the blinding agony, scorched from where a beam had struck him, and although a quick Sacri could mostly heal it, he didn't have the energy to call upon the moons.

Heavy metallic stomps marched in his direction. He tensed, then slowed his breathing and kept still. His cutlass was a comfortable weight in his unmarred hand as he waited.

Clang, clang, clang. They were getting closer.

Clang, clang, clang. Closer. He braced himself. To fight or run he wasn't sure.

Clang, clanG, CLANG, CLANG, CLAng, clang, clang

…They were gone. Vyse breathed out a sigh of relief. He was safe for the moment, but the reprieve wouldn't last. The machines had chased him this far through this labyrinth of steel and choking smog, though they weren't the only ones stalking him.

Vyse wanted to groan. He and Aika had managed to do some recon for the local rebellion and escape the Empire's army, only to run headfirst into the other Empire. Every route to the more peaceful areas of this strange new land were cut off, either by the militia or machines, leaving two Blue Rogues in the middle of two very dangerous sides in an escalating war.

Hopefully Aika had made it out. Between the Imperial Alliance's forces and the demons, they'd been separated soon after crossing the invisible boundary between territories. He could only guess where she'd gone after the bombs went off.

As bad as the situation was though, there were upsides. Vyse only had his offhand injured, so he could still fight, even if he could only be half as effective. His leg only slightly ached from dodging the huge, lumbering machines. And it was still dark out. He still had time to use the perplexingly moonless night to his advantage.

Vyse peeked over the crates. No machines. No monsters. He gripped his cutlass and moved.

He had to get out of this mechanized nightmare. Find Aika. Get back to Fina and Drachma. Then get to a port and bargain for passage back to Sailor's Isle. And from there, it was smooth sailing to Pirate's Isle. Home.

That was the broad plan at least. A few bumps were keeping them grounded for the time being. Such as the lack of a port with airships. Or a reliable map. The Gallian forces had less of a clue as to which direction Valua was in as they did about the surrounding areas. A problem for certain, but not a permanent one.

Vyse paused as a spotlight swung by, cutting through the shadows. A rough, echoing voice called for reinforcements to the east. Maniacal laughter rose and faded. The shadows drew together again, and he stepped across the path.

He'd never been one for stealth or up close recon, but as one of the few with experience in getting out of impossible places, he and Aika had been asked to find out more about their enemy's movements.

The good news was that they had some pretty good intel. It could even make a difference, however small, if acted upon.

All Vyse had to do was return with Aika and report on it.

Machines marched down roads and stood around in groups. Spotlights blocked paths and shadows made new ones. White hot pain lanced up Vyse's arm. He grit his teeth with a grunt, and kept going.

It would heal. He'd need some rest first, but it would heal.

Carefully, Vyse made his winding way back towards the outer edges of the city. His throbbing arm both distracted him and kept his mind on the present. There was no "what if"s bouncing around his head. Only the certainty that he would find Aika – whatever it took to do that – and they would both take the scenic path to the resistance's headquarters.

"There you are!" Vyse started, then jerked his head up.

There! At the edge of a rooftop. The tall silhouette leapt down, with a couple of flying…robots? Right, robots. Flying robots with lights on them followed the silhouette down, shining a spotlight on the both of them. Vyse winced at the sudden flood of harsh light, blinking rapidly to get his sight back.

The purple demon stood before him. Its long tongue hung between jagged teeth. "You're makin' it real tough to bring ya in alive."

Vyse gripped his cutlass firmly. Slight tremors ran down his other arm. "Sorry to disappoint," he replied, fighting to keep his voice even, "but I'm not planning on staying."

"I'm not askin'." The demon growled with a glare. "Now get over here!" It quickly lunged forward, claws outstretched. Vyse flung himself to the side, narrowly avoiding being gored as blinding pain shot up his arm. Before his vision cleared, the demon whipped around. Vyse raised his cutlass, catching one claw. It slid down, hissing, before the demon swung his other claw around.

Vyse twisted to avoid the attack, a scream tearing free as the burns on his injured arm stretched. The demon grinned, even as he flipped the blade to catch its extended arm. His cutlass barely gained purchase before the demon hopped away, tongue lolling.

Damn it! He couldn't fight like this. One of his blades sat uselessly in its sheath, and he could barely even avoid getting hit. The demon was too fast to hope to outlast it, never mind outrunning it, and constantly dodging would eventually leave him open.

There was only one option left to him. Vyse raised his singular cutlass and spread his feet in the fighting stance his dad had drilled into him.

The demon cackled. "Finally! You've got some guts, one eye! Let's see what they look like!"

Then it moved.

All at once, a terrible realization overcame Vyse as he desperately parried and blocked blurring blows with his blade.

The monster had been toying with him.

Claws raked his good arm. A foot was planted in his stomach. A single stomp left cracks in a dent in the ground. A score across his back was joined by his front less than a second later.

His bad arm shrieked at him. Blood streamed from burns and new gashes. And yet, he had no choice but to keep trying. Running wasn't an option. Fighting was worse, as the demon steadily tore away at him. It gave no reprieve, even as it taunted and cackled.

Distantly, absurdly, Vyse remembered his dad's old fighting lessons. Standing underneath the clear blue sky, wooden blades in his hands as he and Aika sparred. He remembered his old man sitting them down and explaining why air pirates fought in pairs or trios. He remembered the stories. The lessons. Why no pirate fought alone

"They have your back, and they have yours," his dad had said.

And here Vyse was, under blotted skies and down an arm. Not a soul to his back, and an enemy to his front that made the executioner in Valua look tame.

"Wow, that's a lot of blood!" The demon laughed. "You can live without all that, right?"

Was… Was he going to die here? The very thought made his mind numb. He… He couldn't die here! If he was going to die, it would be in the skies or by the side of crew and family. Not here, alone and grounded in an unknown land. He refused to lie down and let this be his grave! He would not leave his loved ones to grieve and wonder what happened to him. He refused!

Vyse was a Blue Rogue. Freedom and courage sang in his veins in a song as old as time. So long as he drew breath, he would never stop.

"Still standin', huh?" The demon turned its head sideways. Its tongue swung to and fro like a pendulum. "Man, you humans are tough. No wonder Zavok's havin' such a hard time with 'em if they're all like you!"

Vyse grunted. His eye stung as blood dripped into it. He breathed in raggedly. "I would have thought," he rasped, "you'd be fighting on the front lines. Not wasting your time here with me."

The demon nodded. "It sucks, yeah, but orders are orders." It rushed forward –

Vyse raised his blade –


The wind whispered –


"Yowch!" The demon spun around, eyes roving the street and the skies. "What hit me?!"

"Moons! Give! Me! Strength!"

Relief sunk into Vyse's chest as the ground immediately lit up at his feet. Concentric circles outlined in a green haze of magic sprung up, with himself at the very center. Countless green spheres swirled around his head like fireflies, then converged on him in a burst of light.

Every ache and shooting pain that wracked his body vanished. Gashes filled in, cuts were wiped away. The trembling in his limbs stopped and the terrible burns faded back to smooth skin.

Sacres. Thank the moons for Aika.

The demon was glaring at him again, tongue flickering like mad. "Hey! No fair cheating!"

"Vyse!" His best friend quickly made her way down from the rooftops, leaping down to ledges and sliding down rails all the way to the ground. She smoothly landed next to him, boomerang at the ready. "I finally found you!" She spared a smile for him, then her eyes fell upon the demon, and she gripped both ends of her boomerang.

"Hmm. I was supposed to bring in just one of you," it said, a grin lifting the corners of its mouth unnaturally. "I guess one of you has to go!"

"The only one who's leaving is you!" Aika shouted. She started spinning her weapon, the entirety of it quickly turning a bright yellow as she expertly sped up its rotation. "Back off! Alpha Storm!" Fiery energy exploded from her, rings of fire smashing into the monster and the two robots hovering above it, sending them all flying down the street in a tangle of limbs and molten steel.

When the energy eventually died out, the street plunged into darkness. "Shoot…" Aika groped around his arm until she grabbed his wrist. "This way," she whispered, and she pulled him away while the demon was still howling and spitting in rage.

As the clanging and crashing of a furious demon's tantrum rang out behind them, Vyse and Aika kept quiet in their retreat.

Which was really the best course of action at this point. In the middle of enemy territory during a war, with no backup, was no place to fight such a brutal monster.

"Where are we going?" Vyse whispered.

"Out of here!" Aika whispered back. Even with the screaming so far behind them, they weren't taking the chance that the demon would find them again. "I found the way leading out of this place. We just have to avoid the main fight and we're free!"

Vyse smirked. "Maybe you should be the captain."

She scoffed. "No way! I'm supposed to be the first mate, remember?" He could hear the smile in her voice, too. "I only take over when you steer us into a stone reef."

"One time…" Vyse sighed good-naturedly, a small smile tagging at his lips as he followed after. When his eyes grew used to the dark again, Aika let go and almost-wordlessly led them to the outskirts. The constant explosions and shouts made identifying the nearby conflict easy. Actually getting around it, however…

"Freeze, rebel scum!"

Proved utterly fruitless.

Let me just say, balancing Vyse's sheer optimism and refusal to be your average angst machine was a challenge paired up with the circumstances above. I think the closest he ever comes to such a thing in canon is around when The Silver Eclipse happens in Nasr and Vyse and co. decide to pull a repeat of their last stunt in Valua. ~With Style~
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Arms Race
so, I've been looking around at various stuff lately, and I got reminded that the Dark Rings are a thing, artificial rings that Eggman created during Knuckles Chaotix, he used them to power his badniks and unlike normal rings they disintegrated when the badnik was destroyed. Eggman also made a giant dark ring that gave Metal Sonic what I think might be his first giant transformation, Metal Sonic Kai. it's not as impressive as Metal Overlord though, in fact given how old it is Neo Metal might be stronger than it, and I don't think he can change back without the ring being removed so it might be better to use it to power a mech instead. and this is something from the games/idw timeline so it was created by this Eggman.

I'm just not sure if ring research would lead to us remaking them or if that would be a blueprints action.

Right now Eggman only see Ring as a power source and nothing more, we will probably have to research them to unlock these options. Draw Up Plans is the specific weapons of war Eggman built in the past.

Anyway here's a omake:

Arms Race
G.U.N. Research Report
Subject: Wispons
Prepared by: G.U.N. Advanced Research Division
Classification: Internal Use Only

The Wispon, a groundbreaking innovation designed to harness the natural abilities of Wisps, represents a potential paradigm shift in weaponry. These weapons offer versatility and unmatched energy output, capable of adapting to a wide variety of combat situations. However, while the Restoration enjoys widespread cooperation from Wisps, G.U.N. has faced difficulties in replicating their success, this discrepancy arises from a significant trust deficit between Wisps and humanity, largely attributable to Dr. Eggman's past actions.

Wisps harbor deep-seated mistrust toward humans due to their experiences with Dr. Eggman, who enslaved their species and drain their energy to power his machinery and leave a lasting trauma behind. This mistrust has made it challenging for G.U.N. to build the necessary rapport to secure their voluntary cooperation.

Unlike humans, mobians have cultivated strong relationships with the Wisps. Sonic's liberation of their homeworld and his efforts to dismantle Eggman's operations have left a lasting impression. Consequently, Wisps are far more willing to collaborate with mobians, explaining the Restoration's ability to deploy Wispons effectively on a larger scale.

This limitation significantly hampers our ability to integrate Wispons into broader tactical frameworks.

Technologies do exist that could theoretically force Wisps to power Wispon against their will however Commander Tower ban research on this area on moral and ethical grounds while such practices also undermine G.U.N. core mission.

Still While Wispons remain impractical for large-scale military deployment within G.U.N., they still hold promise in specialized operations but it will take a long time for Wisps to start trusting humanity to Wispons become a fixture in our arsenal.

G.U.N. Research Report
Subject: Eggman Weapons
Prepared by: G.U.N. Advanced Research Division
Classification: Internal Use Only

Dr. Eggman's energy weapons, such as the Egg Gun, represent a pinnacle of weaponized technology. These devices exhibit unparalleled efficiency and destructive power, utilizing energy-based ammunition with little need for conventional resources. However, their eccentric internal designs, complex systems, and reliance on technologies understood only by Dr. Eggman himself present significant obstacles to reverse engineering.

The Egg Gun stands out as a modular energy weapon, adaptable for various purposes such as infantry combat, vehicle-mounted systems, and automated turrets. Their advantage include: no reliance on traditional ballistics ammunition instead the weapons utilize highly efficient plasma or energy bursts and a compact energy stored, employing miniaturized energy cells surpassing currently available conventional battery technologies by a wide margin.

The primary challenges in reverse engineering Eggman's weapons are rooted in the unique nature of his designs: many components are integrated into closed systems with no clear access points, making them difficult to disassemble without damaging critical mechanisms; Certain alloys and energy components used in these weapons do not match known materials, suggesting Eggman either fabricates them in his factories or sources them from undisclosed locations; The energy systems appear to incorporate principles of quantum mechanics, plasma physics, and other advanced sciences, far beyond current theories and these systems are so sophisticated that only partial understanding has been achieved without additional insights into Eggman's theories.

Despite these challenges progress has been made in understanding and adapting Eggman's energy weapons. Research teams have successfully replicated basic plasma discharge systems, though at reduced efficiency compared to Eggman's originals and earlier prototype of Egg Guns are under development, though power output remains inconsistent. The most significant progress has been adapting the modular design principles have been extracted from certain weapon systems, allowing G.U.N. to adapt some features into existing military hardware.

While full replication of Eggman's energy weapons remains a distant goal, steady progress is being made. With continued research and determination, these technologies may one day bolster G.U.N.'s arsenal.

G.U.N. Research Report
Subject: Black Arms weapons
Prepared by: G.U.N. Advanced Research Division
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

During the first Black Arms Invasion GUN was unable to secure the alien weaponry before their destruction however several footage have show former Agent Shadow using some of the invaders own weapons against them and now with their revival coupled with their strange reluctance in launching a full scale assault as they done in the first time, opportunities appear once again to study them.

Progress to understand Black Arms weapons have meet a significant problems mostly due to the fact that even their weapons are alive as the unfortunate volunteer find out when it come alive and try to kill him. The volunteer survive but has lost his hand in the process.

As far we are aware Black Arms weapons are in reality larva of the aliens themselves but lack intelligence with only basic animal instincts in place and their bullets are "spits" of this creatures. How former Agent Shadow was able to wield them remains a mystery but perhaps due to his nature in having Black Arms DNA allow the creatures to recognize as one of his own.
The recommendation however is to any operative to never use a Black Arms weapons in the field as they will likely be attacked by them and if not able to capture them to dispose of them or leave them alone.

(line Break)

Here since Eggman have late start GUN should by now have finished studying the basic of some weaponry's.

Yeah the Wisps are wary of humans thanks to Dr. Eggman and can't help but lump them in all the same category. I mean just put on they place: they never see a human before Eggman and he subject them to untold cruelty and harvet them for they energy and here comes another alien, a mobian, and rescue them of they torment. Unfair sure but Wisps have been traumatized by Eggman and will taken a long time for them to trust human in the same degree as mobians.

Black Arms recent return make study of they technology feasable but difficult to replicate since most of them are alive.

Eggman weapons however are a different case GUN has years to study them and ample samples to test so progress is much successful there but the doctor advanced and eccentric designs make full replication difficult but they acquire a understanding enough to create some small upgrades on they current hardware.
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Rivals Report-February 2XXX
Beat Back The Empire
DC: Contested By Empire
??? + ??? = 144
The clash between the badnik hordes stolen from me and the forces of The Empire are as predictable as a laser rifle against a wooden door, but the conflict between the commanders of the forces is not ever as clear as one might think. Case in point, when the armored woman that managed to maim Zomom took the field once more to attempt to push The Empire's line forward, that reprobate Zazz actually managed to stop her.
The aerial battle between the two was a sight to behold and Zazz showed a base cunning I have never seen from him in firing volleys of attacks from his moon mech that had the effect of not just penning in the silver clad she-devil, but all shots that missed her rained down upon the Empire's forces.
Only when the moon mech itself was damaged by one of her thrusts did The Empire's forces pull back, Zazz screaming mockery at them the entire time. Well I suppose good for him.
Result: Zavok's forces manage to keep The Empire from gaining further territory but do not regain any territory.

Lead Super Badniks Against The Black Arms
DC: Contested By Black Arms
??? + ??? = 120
Major Failure!
This was brutal even by my standards.
The black arms soldiers gave way to the horde of Super Badniks that lead against them, Egg Hammers crushing through their armored units, Fire Breaths torching the infantry, all the while Zik was acting as a blender of blades and saws with his telekinesis.
But Shadow is not The Ultimate Life Form because he lacks combat ability. A streak of black and red tore through the line of Super Badniks and ended at Zik, one of the axes of a Heave Ho held in Shadow's hand as the diminutive Zeti was held aloft. I was not able to make out their conversation from the gathered footage, but I did watch as Shadow sank the axe into Zik who if not for his own prodigious telekinetic skills would have been split in half.
Barely managing to get away, I don't believe we will be seeing "Master" Zik in the field for some time…
Result: Zavok loses ground to The Black Arms and Master Zik is gravely wounded, being unavailable until fully healed.

Deploy Silver Sonic
DC: 90
??? + ??? + 10 (Omake Bonus) = 95
Bare Success!
Those no good magnetic miscreants dare to unleash one of my metal series in such a state! That Silver Sonic is barely held together with duct tape and screws! I doubt they even managed to get a chaos emerald to power it like its design requires, more than likely having to rely on a lesser chaos drive or core designs.
Still, even in such a state Silver Sonic isn't to be underestimated, which shows considering it was the only thing that allowed Zik to escape his encounter with Shadow with his life. I'm sure they would have wished for a better showing, but at least Zavok managed to keep his mentor.
Result: Silver Sonic has been deployed to the battlefield. It is not at 100% capacity but it is still quite dangerous.

Reach Out For Help
DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 59
Decent Success!
A message found its way into one of the many dummy email accounts for your shell companies, one you have no doubt the Zeti would never look for mostly because you're sure the Zeti don't actually know what email is.
The message itself is from a scientist claiming to be held prisoner by Zavok and his pack in order to create them new badniks and control them through a series of viruses and commands so the Zeti themselves do not need to lead each individual group of lesser badniks themselves.
He further claims that he is doing all of this under duress as the Zeti are holding his grandson captive in order to keep him in line. He is begging for help from anyone who manages to receive this message.
Well, well, well, you may just be able to disarm the Zeti and cut him off from your supply of badniks. That is, if you can reach this Chuck Thorndike in the middle of Zavok's territory.
Result: Chuck Thorndike has managed to get a message out to you and who knows who else! He is being held captive by the Zeti and forced to keep the badniks under control while making more and more of them! Actions unlocked to deal with this.

Face Zavok and Try To Expand
DC: Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 186
MAJOR Success!
The expansion of Black Arms after the sound defeat of Zik in the field was explosive, Death Leeches seeming to be draining the life from the trees and land around them as the alien warriors claimed new territory. Shadow himself led several groups to take settlements that had thought themselves hidden.
The footage of those invasions requires a passcode that only I have. It was… not something I would ruminate on. Whatever Doom did to bring Shadow under his sway, it must have truly repressed or destroyed the sulky but kind anti-hero he had become.
Result: The Black Arms expand. (The Black Arms controls 10% of Green Hills)

Search For The Blue Emerald
DC: 125/175
??? + ??? = 78
Shadow has yet to find us, but that won't hold forever. He is working his way through Zavok's territory at an alarming pace and there is only so much ground for him to cover.
There are things I can do to slow him down or throw him off, but there is not enough time! The Eggman Empire must be reclaimed, research needs to be done, and I need to deal with this blasted brainwashed black arms version of Shadow!
Result: DC reduced for this action

Defend Against The Coalition Attack
DC: Contested by The Restoration and GUN
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]

THE EMPIRE (Maximilian)
Press The Attack On Zavok
DC: Contested By Zavok
??? + ??? = 104
Oh ho ho! I do like to see those fools still using such antiquated technology driven from the field with their tails between their legs. Even their lauded "Valkyrie" lost not to Zavok, but to Zazz of all creatures. She may have gotten in a lucky shot against Metal before, but this shows that is all it was, pure luck.
Though there is a feeling that this is not all that they can muster. If it is true that they are an entirely united empire, there should be more forces available for an invasion unless there is perhaps trouble on the homefront as well.

??? + ??? = 112!
To Be Continued In [Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!]

Organize The Citizens
DC: 80
??? + ??? = 76
Bare Failure!
They manage to herd cats just fine, but when it actually comes to organizing animals The Restoration has less luck! The Rookie's attempt to organize civilians and drill them for invasion scenarios almost ended in full blown panic when the details of what actually happens in the aftermath of a Black Arms attack.
Jewel managed to calm down the public, but there would be no escape drills or orderly evacuations planned that day.
Result: DC Reduced for this action.

The Restoration Needs You!
DC: 60/90/120
???+??? = 149
Complete Success!
Meanwhile that young Lemur girl went on a charm offensive across Restoration territory, actually using the fear from the new information to give people more of a reason to fight against The Black Arm. They also managed to gain some photos of one of The Empire's 'Labor Camps" and it seems slavery is no more popular now than it ever was. Few needed more encouragement to face Zavok, what with the constant harassment by Badniks.
It looks as if The Restoration is seeing a swelling of their numbers in all rolls, though the green combat staff will need to be tested in the fires of battle.
Result: Restoration numbers swell, possibility of hero unit gained. DC to infiltrate lowered, DC to raid increased.

Assault The Black Arms with G.U.N
DC: Contested by Black Arms
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]

G.U.N (Towers)
Fortify The Perimeter
??? + ??? = 76
It only took them several weeks to do it, but G.U.N. has finally managed to set up a defensive perimeter to keep their many assailants out and to give themselves some breathing room.
I'm honestly surprised it only took them this long.
Result: G.U.N. has established their territory and foes will take a penalty attacking them without siege weapons.

Assault The Black Arms with The Restoration
DC: Contested by Black Arms
To Be Continued in [All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!]

Convince People To Stop Throwing Rocks Off Angel Island
??? + ??? = 79
The refugees of Angel Island were taking turns throwing large rocks off the side of Angel Island in the hopes of "sniping" a badnik or two. Foolish ingrates don't understand the majesty of my badniks, at least that ignoramus of a shrine guardian managed to convince them it was just as likely that they would hit someone attempting to flee from a horde of badniks as one of my robots themselves.
There was some push back to this benign cut off apparently, but not enough to cause a true fuss.

Looking For Treasure
DC: Higher the Better
??? + ??? = 106
Amazing Success!

After his embarrassing blunder last month, Captain Metal's first mate seems to be on quite the redemption tour, as it were.
He was seen traveling all across the seas and shores, humming his name and avoiding danger by complete accident.
Eventually, he must have found something, because after having a "discussion" with some human pirates working for some wolf named Hongo or something, he managed to snag a map of some kind and accidentally launch himself out of a cannon back to Captain Metal's ship.
Lucky little weirdo.
Regardless, Captain Metal seems QUITE pleased, but Is keeping it close to his chest.

Raid Some Scallywags!
??? + ??? = 84
Bare Success!

Surprisingly, the Captain and his new lackey, actually struggled a bit against some unnamed crew (they apparently never settled on a name after breaking from their old captain).
The raccoon captain, Jack, ambushed them after using decoys and almost had Black Bot on the ropes, though Thankfully Captain Metal stepped in at the last second and sent Jack flying with a swift backhand, allowing Black Bot to more easily handle the rest.
Hmmph. As to be expected from a creation of yours.
Jack himself's death is unconfirmed. The rest of his crew... Less so.
Either way, the Captain has a new ship and some extra supplies.

Advertise The Chao Racing Circuit
DC: The Higher THe Better
??? + ??? = 65
Moderate Success!

Hmmm... Strange. A person you have not seen in quite awhile, One Bark the Polar Bear, has been seen around various local businesses putting up posters and the like for that same Chao Racing Park that Stone mentioned.
He must be working for....whoever runs the place.
He apparently even put out a commercial starring some green bug like creature showing how fun the place was and how it could distract from the woes of everyday life.
You are getting curious about this place, but not enough to bother looking into it. What do you care about what the peons do in their free time? Though You should keep an eye on Bark, he has been gone for quite awhile so it's intriguing to see him pop back up…


Bust Up Some Badniks
DC 50/100
??? + ??? = 78
The detective agency either was hired to do it or decided to do some probono work, but either way The Chaotix were seen destroying a number of badniks amassing near the city they were currently residing. They managed to make a large dent in the forces, enough for The Restoration forces there to keep a foothold, but not enough to gain any ground.

Help Clean Up The Mess
DC: The Higher The Better
??? + ??? = 91
Both mother rabbit and her daughter were seen helping The Restoration with clean up efforts from some of the more recent attacks they had suffered, along with that turncoat tin soldier Gemerl. The robot did much of the heavy lifting, though Vanilla herself seemed to be something of a whirlwind when it came to getting things back to a sense of normality.

Attack 'Work Camps'
??? + ??? = 94
It seems an unknown assailant has managed to destroy one of The Empire's newly created work camps in the Green Hills. None of those rescued were able to say anything about the one who freed them, or if they did know anything they were staying quiet about it. All they would call the person is their "Guardian Angel" as it seems they were protected all the way to Restoration territory.
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From Eggmanland, With Love
From Eggmanland, With Love
You are Clove the Proghorn, and you are somewhat surprised by the actions of your new...old boss.

It was so weird if she were honest. Oh, she was aware of the concept of parallel universes - there were records of so many events that involved them, and she wasn't even accounting for how Blaze the Cat was a collective pain in the ass for everyone related to any Eggmen, but that's not here nor there - but this Eggman was apparently many in one? You weren't really sure to make out of it...

...especially if the old guy popped out to play. She prayed to whatever god there was in this world he never had to remember that guy, but Clove knew her luck was shit.

That's exactly why she was an Egg Boss in the first place, why Cassia was near death door.

But...once. Perhaps for once. Her luck was turning a bit.

For starters, the new Eggman seemed to actually give a damn. Oh, she didn't like a bit on the whole machine suit thing, but it was likely infinitely better than the limbo the old Eggman put her into, a leash he had around her neck to comply her into eternal obedience. He had an idea for a cure, something the old him never figured out. He didn't do it from the good will of his heart, but that was fine: for a creature like him, pride was almost, if not better, fuel.

But he had trouble: foes. Foes whenever he looked at. And he needed help to deal with them.

Mainly the Black Arms and their commander, Shadow the Hedgehog.

(What just happened for him to turn the back on the world again?)

"Proghorn. Have you paid attention on what I told you?"

She stiffened.

"Yes, Doctor..." she said. "Though I'm still skeptical if this plan will work. Didn't you recognize the fake Emerald at a glance?"

The man scoffed.

"Hmph. Merely because the Emerald had a very similar energy pulse to the real deal. Someone like Prower could build technology to distinguish both, but this will certainly trick them for a while...though I expect to get the best possible outcome of this plan."

He tapped at the projection on the wall. "Operation From Eggmanland With Love."

"When against many powerful foes, turn them against each other," the doctor explained. "Getting the Fake Emerald would already be a large step forward, as we could simply abandon the facility in case we're overrun and escape with the real deal. Not an ideal outcome but..." he snapped his tongue. "We strive for the best. And this is why the second step is simple: a fake trail. We will ostensibly give the Chaos Emerald to an enemy faction and let the Black Arms at it. I'm thinking the Empire to put the two biggest players against each other but I wouldn't mind framing any other group...bar the Six," he snarled. "They are ours."

There was the doctor she knew. A very spiteful man to those who crossed his path.

"So you want me to help in this," she concluded.

He grunted.

"You proved to be a...passable helper with your sister's illness," he admitted. "Starline will be busy while preparing for the auction and Belle is busy with other things. I suppose you would be invested in helping me, considering...well...."

He didn't even need to finish. Moving Cassia in her current state would be very hard...plus, they would likely lose the resources needed to do the gene therapy or even build her suspension suit.

Clover reflected on the matter for a moment. One deal. Two deals. Many deals. She did jobs for the devil many times already.

At least he had the pretense of being helpful.

"Where do we begin?"​
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Belle, Meet Your Step-Brother
Belle, Meet Your Step-Brother

"Hello?" asked Belle, peering into a dark room.

She had been searching for Metal Sonic hoping to talk to him.

She be lying if she wasn't curious about her...sibling? relative? But at the same time, he was kind of scary, any time they see eachother he just looks at her and doesn't say a word.

She really hope he was just built imitidating. Canaan and Clove were really nice once you to got know them and it makes her feel guilty she knows them better than Metal Sonic.

The room where she has been told he's often at was completely dark save for couple of dimly lit screens illuminating something in the background.

Fumbling around for a bit, she found the switch and flicked it on, exposing what looks like a badnik charging station where a near upright metal bed was attached near a workbench.

She spotted Metal Sonic lying on the bed, his eyes completely dark and took a step forward.

That was when his figure utterly blurred.

"Aaaahh!!!" she screamed as he appeared directly from the bed to be in front of her.

His red eyes seemed to glared down at her.

"SorrytobotheryouIjustwantedtotalk!" she screamed and looked away.

When moments passed and she was still fine, she turned her head back to find him still standing there with his eyes still locked on her.

"Um hi?" she said weakly.


Feeling a bit braver, she tried to be more confident.

"We never really introduced ourselves but I'm Belle, Belle the Tinkerer".


"Your Metal Sonic right?".


"You can't talk can you?" she said worriedly.

He nodded slightly.

Oh no she had him all wrong!

She glanced around the room hoping to find something to help but unfortunately the room was quite bare.

Outside of the charging station and workbench, there were only a few display screens on the wall. No actual computers, papers or even a marker.

Belle tried frantically to come think of something.

"Oh I have an idea!" She cried out suddenly.

"Just give me a few minutes" she said as she turned her back toward him and started rummaging around her pouches.

She pulled out all manners of gears, parts and even toys before pulling out a wooden block in particular.

Holding onto the block on one hand, her fingers on the other hand opened up to reveal different sets of tools. With furious buzzing and hammering, she set to work.

Metal Sonic only watched in silence, his eyes tracking the the wooden shavings flying in the air and her hand moving quickly, only briefly stopping to pull something from her pouches.

Eventually her frenzied pace came to an end, with a relieved cheer, she bounded toward him carrying two objects.

"Here" as she pushed them onto Metal Sonic's hands.

Puzzled, he held out the wooden objects in each hand, making a faint sound everytime they move.

"They're music instruments called Maracas, go on give them a try" she explained.

Slowly he moved one of them, making an echoing rattling noise that increased in volume as he joined in with the other.

Once he stopped his movements and the noise began to fade, Belle cheerfully pointed at the Maracas.

"We can use them to talk, just shake one for yes and both for no" she said happily.

He crossed his arms staring at her.

"What?" she asked confused.

He pointed one of his hands holding a Maraca at himself and then deliberately nodded and shaked his head.

It took a few seconds for Belle to realize and with an small "eep!" she started to madly blush from embarrassment.

"Ah how could I have messed that up" she groaned pulling down her hat over her eyes.

Eventually she pulled back her hat but didn't dare to meet Metal Sonic's gaze.

"Look I'm really sorry, I just wanted to make a good impression but I panicked a bit, is it fine to start over?" she said a bit weakly.

He waited a brief moment then made one rattle sound.

"Oh good" she said relieved. Glad for that to be done, she tried to think of what to do next.

"For starters hmm..." she hummed as she held her chin and thought.

"How about giving you a check up while we talk? I know I'm not as good as Dr. Eggman but I know my way around machines, what do you think?" she asked.

In response he looked at her with some doubt. Focused on him, she missed one of the screens briefly changed, showing her personal information listed on the Eggman database including her skill set.

Seemingly to believe her, he gave her one rattle.

"Great! Just get on your bed I'll get started" she said and then went to the workbench to grab some of the necessary tools.

Metal Sonic hopped onto the bed as Belle went to work, gently opening him up and inspecting for any damage.

"Oh wow you been through a lot, you definitely show a lot of signs of repair" she said as peered into his inner working.

A single rattle noise.

"You, also have a lot empty space that was definitely suppose to hold something, I think I see where your voice module was suppose to be".

Another rattle noise.

"You must have gotten hurt a lot of times then".

Rattle noise.

"...Do you like helping out Dr.Eggman".

Rattle noise.

"Oh that's good," she said relieved.

"And your relationship with Soni-".

Two furious rattling noises!

"Oh sorry, I won't ask!" she apologized.

"But do you like fighting? What do you have to prove?" she questioned.

She looked up as one of the screens suddenly turned on showing a combat video "Hmmph. Pathetic. But you're a faker of a faker. What can I expect?" said the dark figure near the end.

The screen then went dark and Metal Sonic started to grips his hands tightly, the maracas creaking from the pressure.

"That was Shadow right? He doesn't sound very nice" she said, a small frown on her face.

He looked at her intensely when she placed her hands on his.

"I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, there was some people in my village who used to call me all sorts of names" she said.

"My..Father used to say that it doesn't matter what people say, all that really matter is what you think".

"If you keep accepting what people think of you then you lose track of yourself and stop being a better person than you were before" she said happily.

Taking her hands of him she leaned back with a smile.

"Anyway I also wanted say I'm done with the check up, there was a couple of minor dents in the inside of your body but it's all fixed now".

Glancing down at the Maracas still in his hands, she had an idea.

"Want to learn to how to use the Maracas? I know a couple of dances that use them if you like" she asked.

Tiltating his head in confusion, he watched as she at first tried to grab him of the bed but failed before he had to let himself get dragged .

What followed was hours of confusion as she also learned he didn't know how to dance either.

While he was able to copy her movements, apparently it was not the correct method and had to struggle as Belle went about correcting his mistakes.

Despite the setbacks, it failed to erase the smile on her face the whole time.

All the while the Maracas continued to be moved at a rhythmic beat.

When she eventually left and Metal Sonic was left to his solitude, he glanced down at his new Maracas.

And gave them a swing.
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Shadow the hedgehog…Ah shadow I remember the moment when we first met, it was after the whole chaos incident, I found my grandfather's journal, which led me to the space ark which intern led me to him. The so-called "ultimate" life form. I do admit his power is the real deal. I should know ever since the ark he's been a massive thorn in my side, well bit smaller than that blue menace Sonic

He was created in a collaboration between my grandfather and the alien race, Black Arms. I believe I understand what my grandfather was trying to do with the black arms DNA. He would've use shadows blood to do a transfusion between him and Maria combining the abilities of the black arms would have cured Maria.

However, fate was cruel to both my grandfather, and my cousin especially to Shadow…….

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, when I first met that lasted rodent. After sonic foiled my glorious return after a long absence of planning hiding and building up my army. I used my grandfather's journal to find the space ark which intern led me to shadow. I convinced him to help me take over the world for shadow. He didn't disagree possibly the amnesia he suffered due to long containment within his pod.

I created my own team with me as the leader, shadow and rogue….. however it seemed like that blasted hedgehogs luck was on his side not only did I lost again. But it turns out rogue was a gun member the whole time.… she had me fooled. When I ever get my hands on that jewel thief ever again I will make her regret betraying me the first time…

But I digress after the whole mass of trying to find all the chaos emeralds for the space ark so I could use it's glorious technology to help take over the world… it turned out my grandfather had already made another life form on the ark biolizard. Clearly it was a failed attempt to create shadow, but it was strong nonetheless

When my grandfather played is so-called message of destruction for the Earth, I was crushed to learn that the one person I looked up in my childhood Went mad and tried to destroy the Earth. For a long time after that, I was disillusion with my grandfather. However, when the black arms came, I soon realize what my grandfather was trying to do… he didn't turn the ark to destroy the earth.

He made it to destroy the Black Arm, he had me fooled. That's for one, and I quite say that was quite a master stroke distraction, he pulled. I will admit I had to work with the hedgehog to defeat the black arms. We destroyed the entire race with the arks help along with the meddlesome hedgehog and shadow.

This now raise a question of mine, How are the Black Arms back? We destroyed them thoroughly. I checked after the whole debacle. I sent some probes into space to see if I could collect any DNA samples I could upgrade my shadow androids. There were no biological material left, completely destroyed. So how are they back after getting obliterated?

Clearly, the shattering must've drawn an alternate universe variant of the Black arm to this new meshed up world that's the only theory I have that makes any sort of sense of how they could've survive their destruction. But now that raises my biggest concern. Shadow is working for them. Why though? He would've hate the black arms with much vigor than anyone else.

So that comes to two theory I currently have, one this is a universal counterpart of the shadow. I know who sided with the black arms during the invasion. Meaning he has killed me in the blasted hedgehog in his universe. Conquering for the black arms to earth humanity.

Theory 2 is that he's currently suffering the same condition I am. However it seems like I am luckily enough to be in control of my own body he lost, and now that iteration of him is control one sided with the Black Arms, either way both are bad news for me and everyone else currently.

But I doubt theory two evidence by Rusty here and her seeing Miss Rose. Is it just me? Or does that lasted hedgehog have the same problem? I need to study this further.

It doesn't help that they have the ark now, and they are searching for the chaos emeralds. It seems like I might have to use Sonic's friend Tail's invention for a fake chaos emerald. To throw off shadow, and drive his attention to somewhere else. Maybe those fools the Empire could use this or gun. I can't exactly have him come down on me. I'm not position where I'm comfortable enough. to let that blasted hedgehog look for a chaos emerald

Choices, choices, choices anyway as long as he doesn't find the real chaos emerald I believe I would be fine. But trust me on this one thing I will defeat that loathsome hedgehog shadow, and destroy the black arms once again with my incredible genius. Eggman out

made another memo, but for this time, Eggman's thoughts on shadow
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All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!

All hail Sha-…the Restoration?!

The sun cast long shadows over the jagged, alien terrain, where the Black Arms fortress loomed like a malignant tumor against the blood-red sky. Where the once beautiful forest stood, it is now dark, organic walls pulsed faintly with an eerie red light, as if alive. Razor-sharp towers jutted upward, scanning the horizon with beams of sickly black energy. To most, it was an impregnable stronghold.

To Lanolin, it was the battlefield where she would prove her worth.

Standing at the front of a combined force of Restoration fighters and G.U.N. soldiers, Lanolin adjusted the straps on her combat vest and took the bell around her neck in her hand. The golden bell beats with a familiar purple light as Maggie lets her know she is with Lanolin all the way. Behind her, the troops murmured nervously. Many were young and untested against such overwhelming odds. But this wasn't a mission for hesitation or doubt.

"Lanolin, this is Walters. We've confirmed the base is heavily defended," his voice crackles over the comms. "We have confirmation that Shadow the Hedgehog has been spotted returning to the base after his latest assault. You know the mission."

"Acknowledged, Walters. We'll give them hell." Lanolin presses a hand to her earpiece. "Just keep those reinforcements ready."

"Doom may have done something to Shadow to get him on his side, but you're not to take any chances." Walters reminds. "You're to get in there, destroy the base, take out the Black Arms, and if possible neutralize that Hedgehog."

"I know," Lanolin snaps back. "I know the mission, Walters. I know Towers wants us to take him alive if we can, but it's going to be a last priority over our other objectives."

There was a pause. Then Walters replied, "Good luck, soldier."

Lanolin turns to her troops, her voice rising above the din of distant turret fire. "Listen up! The Black Arms think they can walk all over this planet, that they can use Shadow to scare us into submission. They're wrong." Her fist punches into the air. "Today, we show them what happens when they mess with us. Stick to your squads, watch each other's backs, and don't stop until that base is ours!"

A cheer rose from the ranks.

"Let's move!"

As the combined force advanced, the Black Arms' defenses roared to life. Plasma turrets mounted on the outer walls unleashed torrents of green energy, carving deep gouges into the rocky ground. Restoration fighters darted forward, their smaller, agile frames allowing them to avoid direct hits, while G.U.N. soldiers laid down suppressive fire with their heavier weapons. Several of the newly equipped Beetles streak forward, drawing fire as they return with plasma fire of their own.

Lanolin sprints ahead, a squad of Restoration fighters followed her, weaving through the chaos. She spotted a group of Black Warriors emerging from a fissure in the ground, their alien forms glistening under the harsh light.

"Focus fire on the left flank!" she shouted, diving behind a boulder as plasma bolts rained down.

One of the Warriors charged, Black Sword gleaming in the black light. Lanolin waited until the last moment before springing up, rolling to the side and aiming her bell at the group of warriors. A ringing purple blast fires forth, the Black Sword coming loose and stabbing into one of its fellows as the entire group is sent flying back by the sonic blast.

"Push forward!" she yells, leading the charge as the squad surges ahead.

Commander Walters monitors the battle from the mobile operations center, a reinforced vehicle bristling with antennas and holographic displays. His face is etched with concentration as he directs the flow of the assault.

"Squad Epsilon, swing around to the west side. Those turrets are tearing our lines apart!"

"Sir, the enemy's deploying reinforcements from the north," an aide reports.

Walters frowns. "Send Iota Squad to intercept. And tell Lanolin to brace, this is going to get worse before it gets better."

Lanolin and her team reach the base's outer wall, where alien growths fused seamlessly with mechanical defenses. A massive gate barred their entry, its surface writhing as if alive.

"Plant the charges!" Lanolin orders, covering her squad as they set explosive charges along the gate's seams.

The moment the charges detonate, a deafening roar fills the air, and the gate crumbles inward. But there was no time to celebrate. From within, more Black Arms troops pour out, led by a towering Black Oak wielding a Dark hammer.

Lanolin doesn't hesitate. Darting forward, her bell gleaming with magenta light as she lines up a shot at the Oak's joints. It swung its hammer in a wide arc, forcing her to duck and roll.

"Fall back, Lanolin!" one of her fighters shouts, but she ignores them. With a surge of adrenaline, she vaults onto the Oak's back and slams her palm with the bell into the creature's back, letting loose. The creature roars deeply before collapsing in a heap.

"Move! Secure the entrance!" she calls, her chest heaving.

The troops surge into the base, pushing deeper into the labyrinthine corridors.

The first sign of his presence is a ripple in the air, a distortion that sends a chill down Lanolin's spine. She freezes, her instincts screaming danger.

Then he appeared. The Ultimate Life Form stepping out of the shadows, his crimson eyes glowing with unnatural light. His iconic black and red fur was streaked with faint marks of an even darker and more malevolent black, a sign of Black Doom's influence.

"Little Sheep," he says, his voice devoid of warmth. "You should not have strayed from your flock."

"Shadow, you're being controlled." Lanolin replies, a death grip on the bell around her neck. "You can fight this, push him away!"

Shadow's smirk is cold. "There's nothing to fight. I've finally found my place."

Before she can respond, he vanishes in a blur of motion. The next instant, he is among her fighters, delivering a flurry of Chaos-powered strikes that incapacitate several in seconds.

She charges him, firing a blast of magenta energy at his back. Another blur of red and black and he is around the blast with a hand around her wrist, wrenching it from her golden bell and throwing her into a wall as she lets out a gasp of pain.

"You're out of your depth," he said, his voice cutting like ice.

She scrambles to her feet, taking one of the G.U.N provided grenades and throwing it towards the alien hedgehog. In a blink of Chaos Control, he vanishes, avoiding the explosive.

Around the two of them, the battle rages. G.U.N. soldiers and Restoration fighters clashed with the Black Arms forces, the corridors echoing with the sounds of gunfire and alien roars.

Walters' voice crackles over the comms. "Lanolin, we need to neutralize Shadow before he takes out our entire assault force!"

"I'm working on it!" she snaps, dodging a Chaos Spear.

Lanolin knows she can't match Shadow's speed or power. But she didn't need to. She needed to outthink him. Spotting a series of exposed conduits along the wall, she formulates a desperate plan.

"Over here, Shadow!" she taunts, backing toward the conduits.

He charges forward, his movements a blur. At the last moment, she jumps to the side and rings the bell and Maggie answers, sending a blast at the conduits. Sparks erupt as electricity arced toward Shadow, catching him off guard.

He staggers as the green electricity sparks from the conduits, engulfing him in electricity. His scream of pain is inhuman but Lanolin sees something spark in his eyes. The blood red eyes of The Ultimate Life Form flashing to a softer ruby color. It is gone in an instant as the electricity fades and he drops to the ground panting.

"Shadow…" A cloying, desiccated, booming, and purely evil voice echoes through the base. "Destroy them. Destroy them all."

His expression goes completely blank at the order, only for a snarl of rage to replace it. Crackling red energy sparks in his quills. "Chaos…"

"MOVE!" Lanolin's eyes widen and she screams to her remaining troops "RUN!"


The wall of red energy blasts all of them from their feet as they attempt to flee, flinging them forward end over end. The base shakes and shudders around them as the living building seems to be attuned to the energy Shadow just unleashed.

Lanolin pushes herself to her feet, taking in the room they had been blasted into. The central chamber of the base, a massive pillar of energy at the center of the room, powering the rest of the base. In a flash of red light, he is in front of them again, between her and the core.

"This ends now." he declares, raising his hand as a rain of Chaos Spear form.

"You're right." Lanolin agrees, the taste of blood in her mouth. "But not the way your master wants."

She unleashed the power Maggie has been charging all of this time, the resulting sonic blast being a physical magenta wall of noise that slams into the Ultimate Life Form, scattering the Chaos Spears as he is blasted into the energy pillar behind him.

His body is illuminated for a moment and Lanolin can see one of his arms being completely engulfed by the energy pillar before in a flash of crimson light, he vanishes again. His last sentence rings in the air as the pillar goes dark.

"This... isn't over."

With Shadow gone, the remaining Black Arms forces crumble. Walters directs his troops to secure the base, and the central power core is disabled.

Lanolin leans against a wall, her body aching from the fight. Around her, the Restoration fighters and G.U.N. soldiers begin cheering as the reality of their victory sinks in.

"Excellent work, Lanolin," Walters tells her over the comms. "You've earned every bit of this win."

Lanolin manages a tired smile. "Thanks, Commander. But this isn't over. Shadow's still out there, and Black Doom

"That may be but this is a loss that neither Doom or Shadow are likely to forget for a long time." Walters' voice holds a hint of pride. "You did good and don't let anyone, not even yourself tell you otherwise."

The Restoration/G.U.N
Collab Action: Assault The Black Arms (Power) (Lanolin)
??? + ??? = 193

The Black Arms
Defend Against The Coalition Attack
??? + ??? = 105

Results: The Restoration and G.U.N. launch a devastating attack on the Black Arms, reducing their control of Green Hills to 1%. Shadow the Hedgehog is severely injured and will not be able to take the field until healed.

Lanolin The Sheep is being hailed as a hero of both The Restoration and G.U.N.
Green Hill Zone Control

Zavok: 54%
Restoration 24%
G.U.N 15%
Doom 1%
The Empire 5%
Eggman 1%
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