Dark Hopes
Dark Hopes
The old man, he wasn't really but everyone called him that, hummed as he lit his cigarette on one of the nearby fires.
Life in an Imperial work camp was…bearable, if only barely so. The Imps didn't think much of their kind but no one really cared about the Darcsens so it was hardly anything new. Even the actually new world hadn't changed anything.
People showed up. People beat them and killed them. Demeaning them if anyone was lucky enough to be spared and sent off to work and likely die.
Nothing new really. Unfortunately.
Still the talking animals were a surprise.
Though again it didn't really change anything, he'd know being a Darcsen and all. The…Mobians were just different shaped people, same as him, same as anyone.
The Imps treated them like dirt too, same as him, same as anyone unfortunate enough to be under their boot.
He winced as the guards beat one of raccoon mobian. Okay not quite the same, the Mobians were a decent bit more durable than they were. There probably would have been a fatality among them if they weren't.
Anyway new world or not new people or not things didn't really change.
They were put to work, usually under harsh conditions with less than they actually need. Especially food, they didn't need it to work after all, and it was more than 'demons' needed anyway.
Frankly they'd all given up on anything better long ago, and dedicated all they had to surviving and enduring. He'd say they did a decent enough job.
Which meant when for all intents and purposes an actual demon showed up they were able to get out of it's way.
The old man exhaled a cloud of smoke from the outskirts of the camp as it burned. The flames were rather cheerly he thought, very much aware of the irony of 'demons' being saved by a demon.
Well they weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, they were free for what little that was worth, so now they had to work out what to do next.
The Imperial territory was right out for obvious reasons, and they weren't exactly in Kansas so they conferred with the Mobians.
Apparently the situation wasn't great on their end either, what with aliens not only existing but invading, and a bunch of colored brutes wrecking havoc with an army of robots.
According to the…animals seems impolite…eh, Mobians there were friendly factions out there…right behind and through the territory of the hostile robot army. Yeah that didn't seem like it would go well.
Course that didn't leave them many options, but there was one thing…
"So who was our 'Savior'?"
…Well then.
Dr. Eggman huh? The would-be conqueror of the world…who actually did conquer the world apparently if briefly. He was certainly powerful, and considering the state of things he had to be close by for 'Metal Sonic' to come here.
The Mobians feared him, and from everything they said he definitely wasn't a good person…but that kind of man doesn't care who you are. As long as you serve him you could expect…not much but someone capable of taking over the world doesn't throw people aside for no reason.
A good idea? Definitely not, but he's a better option than any of the others and for us Darcsens?
Well being mildly useful minions is an improvement to being 'demons' even if they are serving one. Though with the world as it was one was probably going to end up on top anyway.
So hey, why not work for someone who would treat them better than they ever have been.
He saved them after all…even if it was unintentional it's better than they gotten from the rest of the world.
They'll take a sure bet over something that probably won't work out.
AN: Meet the recently freed Darcsens everyone. They've got a bad hand and have long since gotten used to it. They probably could do pretty well with GUN or the restoration…but they can't quite believe that, and their behind an army of enemies anyway.
They'll take what they can get. In this case Eggman.
@Kingster @Boohoo the 3rd @ShepardCom
Edit: Claiming the omake bounty 'A Darcsen's Plight.'
The old man, he wasn't really but everyone called him that, hummed as he lit his cigarette on one of the nearby fires.
Life in an Imperial work camp was…bearable, if only barely so. The Imps didn't think much of their kind but no one really cared about the Darcsens so it was hardly anything new. Even the actually new world hadn't changed anything.
People showed up. People beat them and killed them. Demeaning them if anyone was lucky enough to be spared and sent off to work and likely die.
Nothing new really. Unfortunately.
Still the talking animals were a surprise.
Though again it didn't really change anything, he'd know being a Darcsen and all. The…Mobians were just different shaped people, same as him, same as anyone.
The Imps treated them like dirt too, same as him, same as anyone unfortunate enough to be under their boot.
He winced as the guards beat one of raccoon mobian. Okay not quite the same, the Mobians were a decent bit more durable than they were. There probably would have been a fatality among them if they weren't.
Anyway new world or not new people or not things didn't really change.
They were put to work, usually under harsh conditions with less than they actually need. Especially food, they didn't need it to work after all, and it was more than 'demons' needed anyway.
Frankly they'd all given up on anything better long ago, and dedicated all they had to surviving and enduring. He'd say they did a decent enough job.
Which meant when for all intents and purposes an actual demon showed up they were able to get out of it's way.
The old man exhaled a cloud of smoke from the outskirts of the camp as it burned. The flames were rather cheerly he thought, very much aware of the irony of 'demons' being saved by a demon.
Well they weren't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, they were free for what little that was worth, so now they had to work out what to do next.
The Imperial territory was right out for obvious reasons, and they weren't exactly in Kansas so they conferred with the Mobians.
Apparently the situation wasn't great on their end either, what with aliens not only existing but invading, and a bunch of colored brutes wrecking havoc with an army of robots.
According to the…animals seems impolite…eh, Mobians there were friendly factions out there…right behind and through the territory of the hostile robot army. Yeah that didn't seem like it would go well.
Course that didn't leave them many options, but there was one thing…
"So who was our 'Savior'?"
…Well then.
Dr. Eggman huh? The would-be conqueror of the world…who actually did conquer the world apparently if briefly. He was certainly powerful, and considering the state of things he had to be close by for 'Metal Sonic' to come here.
The Mobians feared him, and from everything they said he definitely wasn't a good person…but that kind of man doesn't care who you are. As long as you serve him you could expect…not much but someone capable of taking over the world doesn't throw people aside for no reason.
A good idea? Definitely not, but he's a better option than any of the others and for us Darcsens?
Well being mildly useful minions is an improvement to being 'demons' even if they are serving one. Though with the world as it was one was probably going to end up on top anyway.
So hey, why not work for someone who would treat them better than they ever have been.
He saved them after all…even if it was unintentional it's better than they gotten from the rest of the world.
They'll take a sure bet over something that probably won't work out.
AN: Meet the recently freed Darcsens everyone. They've got a bad hand and have long since gotten used to it. They probably could do pretty well with GUN or the restoration…but they can't quite believe that, and their behind an army of enemies anyway.
They'll take what they can get. In this case Eggman.
@Kingster @Boohoo the 3rd @ShepardCom
Edit: Claiming the omake bounty 'A Darcsen's Plight.'
It's tough being a Darcsen in Empire controlled territories. Their kind are constantly abused and persecuted by the Emperials ruling the area. Even in this brand new world nothing has changed. Many of the darcsen run to other lands hoping to receive better treatment there…whether they find that or not is up to the air.
Write an Omake of the darcsen's conditions under the empire, as well as they running to other territories and how they react/are received under a different king.
Reward: +/- 10 to the next action the Empire does or +10 to an Empire related action.
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