Look To The Sky, a New Dawn is Coming
This was Hell, you were sure of it.

A part of you still refused to believe that, but with the evidence present, and every new day that arrived the assumption this was the afterlife was better than…other alternatives.

The memories leading to your current situation were fresh in your mind, even after 5 months have passed. Your Brother and his squad had just managed to take Marberry Coastline, it was supposed to be a great victory for all of you, you were one step closer to retaking Gallia.

You were gonna hear Rosie sing…

And then there was pain... You had been shot, and the last moments were too hazy to make out, but you still remember it.

The great feeling of sadness and regret you felt as you lost consciousness and fell into a deep slumber is still something that won't leave you even now.

You didn't expect to come back to consciousness as you were dragged by a pair of Empire soldiers towards one of their facilities

Even now you can't make sense of what happened, how were you still alive, even when you clearly remember being shot, there wasn't even't a scar on your body, like if it was never shot!

You would celebrate the fact that you were still alive, if you didn't find yourself in such a precarious situation.

From what you were able to listen to from chat from the goons that had you prisoner alongside the discussion with your fellow captives, you were able to gain insight on your circumstances.

Apparently, one day, a huge sound of something shattering could be heard by everyone, and after a flash of light, a grand part of the Empire and places from Gallia and the Federation had been transported to a new strange world.

You would have refused to believe it, if you didn't see yourself, how there was a clear border where the Empire ended and a new land started, as if someone had smashed to pieces of land together and somehow they were stuck.

Whatever had happened, it must have brought you back from…your fate.

Just to put you here into something even worse.

The soldiers that found you brought you to one of their labor camps, same as the ones your squad had liberated in Fouzen, and your heart sank in despair as the reality of the situation dawned on you.
The Empire had won, there was no Militia here nor army to oppose them, whatever pockets of resistance that had been transported with the Empire had been quickly destroyed, if the bragging of their wardens to demoralize them was any indication, and the other inmates sadly collaborated the facts.

Prince Maximilian had won, with the Empire finally taking control of whatever pieces of Gallia that had been brought here and now, they had to survive in this new world.

What she had seen before and her talks with Zaka hadn't prepared for what awaited her in those camps.

Being forced to work as slaves, working in their factories and mines, and seeing how they tortured her fellow Darcsen everyday was so discouraging.

She was lucky, they were able to find out her skills with engineering and quickly designed her for maintenance of machinery, making sure all the equipment used was still in working conditions, with access to the rest of the Empire cut off, their resources were limited.

And that meant one thing for them, soon, a new invasion would start.

She was not fully aware of the details, but the Empire had started another war, this time against a place called "Green Hills" and the weird inhabitants that lived there. A few weeks ago, they had managed to deliver their first victory against them and were slowly but surely taking over the area.

This saddened her, that no matter the place or situation, the Empire would continue to unleash war on the innocent, why did they have to be so cruel?

She didn't know and no one ever answered her question. What she learned was that she was set to be reallocated to a new Labor Camo in their most recently taken zone.

She still held a sliver of hope that their situation would change, that someone, somehow, would appear and save them. Even now, her people were suffering, nothing had changed, well, that wasn't true, there was one thing…

Her brother or friends were not here to help her, she was alone in this Hell.

You were Metal Sonic, and you were almost amazed how easy this was. Almost.

Any task assigned to you would be simple enough, but this was kind of ridiculous.

As you walked through the screaming soldiers' bullets, you almost felt annoyed to know these fools had ever successfully taken you out. Granted, the best of the best of them did it, but still.

Someone, in a bid of desperation, tried to hit you from behind with a shovel. You easily caught it and looked at the cowering man, waving your finger at him before grabbing his throat.

He was dead before he hit the ground.

His brothers in arms didn't fare much better, really. They opened fire again and again, but you either dodged or took the hits but easily recovered.

Hmmph. Pathetic.

As you casually crushed another man's skull and set more walls ablaze with your sheer speed of movement, you heard something. You turned and were staring down the barrel of a tank.

"C-Cease this assault, foul demon! By the order of the Empire!" The man inside the tank ordered.

To you, it sounded like pitiful begging. With more blistering speed, you were suddenly behind the tank. The main inside screamed and tried desperately to maneuver it around to shoot at you, but it was too little, too late. You grabbed the tank, hoisting it over your head.

"No! No please! You can't, I h-have a family! I was J-Just following orders!" The man pleaded for his life.

Funny. So were you.

You promptly throw the tank full force into a wall, making the man sob right before the inevitable explosion, causing further fiery damage to this pitiful excuse for a stronghold.

As you proceed with your glorious march of destruction, you saw several people running away from you…Incorrect, after using a minuscule part of your processing power to focus on them, you were able to notice they were actually running away from this place, their clothes being different from the trash you had just dealt with.

No matter, if those wretches we're not standing in your way, even better for you.

As you finally arrived at the center of the camp, your sensors quickly noticed that a great concentration of soldiers were present, some of them shouting threats and stupid orders to you.

Oh, lucky, they have come all to one place. Perfect, he didn't need to waste more seconds hunting them down.

He gave himself 5 minutes to finish this up, 10 tops. As his engine came to life, giving him the propulsion needed to smash against this pitiful resistance, if he had a face, someone could tell that you would be smiling broadly.

Ahhh, how have he missed this.

He made sure to hold himself back a bit though, he still needed the place intact in order to complete his orders.

You were Doctor Eggman, and you were understandably annoyed.

You expected Metal to complete his mission flawlessly, but why did things like this tend to happen to you?!

Obviously the girl was one of the prisoners of those Camps belonging to the Empire, who managed to hide in the crate during Metal's test drive. Still, you couldn't help but be a tad annoyed that they didn't bother to check the crates before bringing them over, oh well.

"Metal, stop. Don't harm our unexpected guest…yet." You say with a stern tone to metal, who as you expected, was ready to neutralize this invader to your base. As you crossed your arms and stared at the young lady, who continued to look around scared and lost in her current position.

"Who ar-Where am I?" She asks terrified as she stares at all the people present in the room. You notice that when her gaze lands on Metal, and Orbot and Cubot, a spark of interest shows in her eyes, quickly smothered out by the gravity of her situation.

"I'm afraid I will be the one making the questions." You say in a definite tone as you take a step towards her, who quickly backs away towards the safety of the crate she was in. Ha! Like that would help her!

"I will ask two simple questions that will greatly determine what happens to you." You say as you continue to walk towards her, as your eyes meet hers. "First, who are you? Second, why shouldn't I get rid of you? If your answers don't satisfy me, Metal will deal with you as he dealt with those Empire fools." In the corner of your eye, you saw him brandish his claws, ready to act in your command.

The girl gulped, the gravity of the situation dawning upon her. She started breathing quickly, looking panicked at your ultimatum, before taking a deep breath and putting on a mask of calmness, that you clearly see, would break at the first impact.

"I…I was one of the Darcsen prisoners of the Empire." Obviously, you barely were able to hold in the snark that wanted to come from you, but you decided that would be tasteless. "You- why did you do this?"

"Ah, ah ah!" You wave one of your fingers in front of her. "That wasn't one of the questions." You said in a cheerful tone that just baaaareeely held a speck of annoyance for the girl not following your command. "If you wish to know…that Empire of yours has slighted me in ways that can't be easily amended, and I'm set to put them in their place, eventually." She stares for a moment, processing what you said. She opened her mouth to speak again, but…

"And I believe you didn't answer any of my questions."

A second later, Metal's claws grasp her neck and push her towards the container, keeping her in place and she starts choking.

"One more try. Why shouldn't I get rid of you?" You say as you tap your foot against the ground impatiently.

"I…can…help…you." The girl manages to say, white in Metal's grasp. Your curiosity picked, you snapped your finger, indicating Metal to let her go.

As she recovers her breath and holds her throat, she continues talking. "You…you are opposing the Empire right? I…can help you! I know enough about their weaponry and tactics…I…I'm an engineer too!"

"Ohhhh?" You ask with a tone of interest. "Would you help me so happily to teach that Empire their place? I wonder why?"

The girl looks unsure, herself, seemingly, not wanting to talk about this topic, but knowing better, she resumes her explanation.

"My…people, the Darcsen, they…for so long they have been oppressed by the Empire. This…this is the first time since we arrived here that someone opposed the Empire, please!" She looks at you, tears in her eyes starting to appear.

You couldn't help but scoff, not believing what the girl was spouting, what a waste of time! You were ready to tell Metal to finish this when…

"Maybe," She said quietly. "But it also needs kindness. You can have both. He did."

You still remember her words back in that place. They remind in the corners of your mind, incapable of uprooting them.

You refuse to believe the claims of a wooden girl who has not experienced the chaos of this world.

But perhaps…there could be even a spot of truth in them? As much as you hated to admit it, the hypothesis never worked if never tested.

"What's your name girl?"

The girl looks at you, with equal fear and hope. "Isara…Isara Gunther." She says with a tone filled with determination, contrary to her previous showing.

"Very well, Miss Gunther, welcome to the team, hope your services are actually useful."

Results: Rescued and forcefully recruited Isara Gunther! Gained a bit of insight into the current situation of the Empire.

Isara Gunther:

Power: 17 (At such young age, young Isara seems to have gone throught the basic of military training, if her skills with handling guns and tanks is anything to go by.)

Heart: 25(You haven't seen such a charming individual like her in a long time. It reminds you of Sonic and his group of friend, uggh. How disgusting)

Logistics: 28 (For such a young child, if so surprise me the level of skill she possesses to plan and organize projects, thought of course it doesn't come anywhere near ny level.)

Brains: 26 (I almost scoffed when she informed me she was a professional Engineer. But she quickly proved she had the appropriate credentials. Uh, this level of skill reminds me of young Prower.)

Trickery: 9(At the end, Isara is just another foolish person that seems to trust people at their word. Such a young mind full of potential, but so malleable.)

Mystic: 3(While she may be knowledge of the legends of her homeland, her lack of experience with the supernatural is clear)

Loyaty: 20(Rescued her from that place.)


Darcsen Heart: Apparently in her world, there are a race of people called Darcsen that suffer heavily of indiscrimination. The Empiee being the main source of this. How disappointing. Everyone knows it's better to hate everyone equally!

(Isara is mainly against the Empire and while she is okey with actions that opposes it, doing actions that hurt innocent people or if sheer cruelty (and that target Darcsen), will quickly reduce her loyalty to Eggman.

Mechanical Valkyrie: +20 to all Engineering related rolls.

Tank-proficient: +15 bonus to combat rolls when Isara is fighting from a tank or a similar vehicle.
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Egg Memo (7-11)
Well here it is a new batch of egg memos.

EGG MEMO SE 007: New recruits.

It has been a while since I started to work with my new minions and I must say it is a interesting change of pace.

Well outside of Starline, I sent that fool on a simple task to find that damn conch and he returns with nothing in hand.

That fool better pull his weight in the heist of the lance or there will be serious consequences.

Outside that, everyone else has been passable, sure my creations could have probably done better, but well beggars can't really choose what they get, especially since I just recently started to make Badniks again.

Stone so far has been tolerable, despite his simplistic nature he always finds the perfect time to bring me my tools and that delicious austrian goat milk coffee.

Still, it seems that despite all the chaos, you still cannot walk 5 steps without encountering mystical items, I am sure that potion will be useful for the heist.

So far Clove has been a passable minion too, well she better be knowing what is her sister and her fate if they dare to fail me this early, still it is almost like a dream that I will be able to even complete what my grandfather spent so much time in his late live trying to accomplish, of course the cure is nowhere near perfect, but once I do manage to perfect it, NIDS will be completely erradicated, hmm, wonder if I could do the same to things like Cancer and VIH.

After all the healtcare system would pay a fortune to even have access to said research, HOHOHOHO I can see it, sell it to those fools only for me to release it to the public once they think they have a complete grip on it, nothing better than to get my kicks in seeing those fools lose millions on their monopoly.

Despite my initial doubts Belle also has seem to be pulling her weight as she managed to recruit without problem Miss Canaan, as much as the idea of hiring mercenaries doesn't appeal to me, especially after the failures of certain Sniper in the past, I will need to have a backup force againts those damnable zeti that is not made of machinery just in the case we are not able to find the conch.

Rusty already showed her worth when she set up the perimeter to my current facilities, her keen eye even giving me some intel on the friends of the blue pest, but I will probably sent her later to more missions to futher test he capabilities.

Finally there is Metal, hahaha my boy sure did a splendid job showing those fools in their empire their place and where they belong to, truly my greatest creation continues to pull his weight even to this day.

And yet I should probably assign him something easy for his coming mission, I can tell he is still ticked off from reviewing the footage of our enemies, not that I can blame him, after all I programmed him that way.

Otherwise I am still in need to see miss Canaan and miss Gunther capabilities, but if Starline and my own assesment are anything to go by, we won't have trouble unless things go horribly wrong.

Besides they better pull their weight or else.

Hell miss Gunther was about to see said consequences and yet.

... It is still an hypotesis, but one that may be worth pursuing.

EGG MEMO SE 008: A memory of Metal.

After Metal little episode, I was given various looks by most of my new hires.

Mostly Starline who Stone rapidly shot him down before saying anything he may regrret and Clove.

They didn't say anything, but I could read them in their faces.

Why did I keep Metal Sonic around.

Fools all of them, they wouldn't even begin to understand the work that went into Metal Sonic in the first place.

Besides I did try to branch more with the Metal series, but none of them could even come close to it.

Both versions of Silver Sonic were a joke when they weren't powered by a Chaos Emerald.

Mecha Sonic didn't fail me once, but twice, once againts the Hedgehog and once againts the Echidna, the later even with a boost of power of the master emerald.

There was also that upgrade for the Silver Sonic line that I never truly deployed really during the Chaos incident, I mostly focused myself with the E-100 series and kinda just forgot about him.

Besides, all of them were inferior to Metal in every way.

How could I even surpass him, Metal after all had special circunstances when it came to his creation.

I still remember the day of his creation, the rage, the humillation, the spite. it was just a little after my first true scuffle with that Hedgehog, the back then 6 Chaos Emeralds had been dispersed to parts uknown after my defeat on South Island and I was left picking up the pieces of my first defeat.

As much as I hated that Hedgehog I needed to continue, that was just a setback and soon I would be back on top to conquer the world I told myself and then I saw it, Little Planet appearing over that lake.

I had heard stories and legends about it in the past as a child, a planet that appears only during a specific month once a year and that it holds a mysterious power comparable to the Chaos Emeralds.

I would have been an idiot if I didn't take that opportunity inmediatly.

After that I proceeded to mechanize the planet to my liking and search for the power source told in legends, the Time Stones.

While preparing for my next assault at the world at large I though, that Sonic may come to crash my army once again and if he defeated me one time, maybe I could use what I learned from him to defeat him this time.

Think that was the first time a pulled a week long all nighter, how could I not after all, I was truly inspired when creating him, reviewing every footage I had gotten from my battles againts that Hedgehog, second per second, just to try and make the perfect copy of him to destroy that damn Hedgehog.

It helped that the resources that Little Planet gave me were a lot more especial compared to the others in the Metal series.

After all one can pull special stuff when they are able to control time at their leisure.

And yet past me was foolish in leaving him behind on Stardust Speedway after his defeat.

Then again after Stardust Speedway I had to prepare for the onslaught of chaos in my base of operations in Metallic Madness.

Either way, the rest of the Metal series failed while Metal Sonic thrived after I recovered him from Little Planet.

After all not only he adapted, but also evolved.

I am still wondering how his AI evolved so much that he was able to pull the Metal Overlord incident.

Then again that just futher proves my great intellect when it comes to my machines, I may have patched that rebelious phase out of him, but damn I was proud of Metal Sonic, surpassing even his own creator.

I don't know what my counterparts may have done with their version of Metal Sonic, but for me there will only be one version of Metal Sonic in the entire world.

EGG MEMO SE 009: The Ultimate Jobber.

I must say The restoration and G.U.N. little cojoint operation left me laughing for a good while.

It is not every single day you see that stuck up idiot of Shadow getting his ass handed to him in the way they did.

He isn't called the ultimate life form for nothing after all, especially after that display againts the D6.

But I will admit they timed that attack perfectly, Shadow wasn't only not on top condition, but also he got too cocky againts that Sheep, especially when he didn't take into account the Wisp following her.

Not only a good power source, but also carry devastating fire power when they are willing to cooperate with the nearby life form.

I attested to this during the Wisp planet incident, that damn rodent was more destructive than usual with those aliens, especially when he got his hands on the nega-wisps.

Brr I still cannot forget that impact againts the Nega-Wisp armor either.

Either way this comes as a blessing for me, no doubt Black Doom will still search for my emerald, but not only he won't be able to cover as much terrain as before until Shadow gets better, but he will also be busy dealing with the territory he lost.

... Still my mind cannot keep but wondering what made Shadow ally himself with those monsters again.

After the Black Comet incident Shadow went all the way out againts the Black Arms to destroy them.

One of my theories is that he is suffering the same thing as me, but somehow one of his alternates got permanently on the driving wheel.
And yet that hypothesis has problems due to the nature of Rusty Rose and Amy being seen as separated entities due to recent security footage.

... Still I should be careful the shattering did a lot more damage that what I understand at the moment, if I can fall into the same path as Shadow is yet to be seen, but I should probably take precautions for when I am knocked out.

EGG MEMO SE 010: A curious motobug.
That Badnik horde that suddenly went back to my control is a curious bunch for sure.

Especially that Motobug.

The red and blue flashing is already an unheard happening within my badniks.

But the personality said motobug shows only futhers my intrigue.

Polite, bringing me my tools as fast as it can, even becoming the one to bring me my coffee in the mornings.

I wonder what it is hiding, it is obvious that whatever is controlling it hasn't decided to reveal itself or probably can't at the moment.

Truly curious, I normally would be more worried about someone else taking over my tech and yet.

I cannot help but feel that there is no need to worry about this Motobug at the moment.

Truly a curious Motobug.

EGG MEMO SE 011: Operation, cutting off those blasted zeti.

The recent email that reached me was sure a surprise.
Whoever this Chuck Thorndyke is has become a priority target if I want to make a noticeable dent againts those blasted zeti.

For as much as I could leave him to rot, rescuing him has it is benefits.

Whatever that virus is, it is probably not something I can just get rid off unless I want to have high chances of alerting one red nuisance that I am back.

Rescuing him not only would give him a direct insight to the virus, but also make me develop a faster counter to it, without having to worry about this Chuck upgrading it.

It also cuts off the D6 from an easy assembly line as without Chuck they would need to control any new badniks they make trought theirr technopath abilities.

No doubt I will need to rescue that grandson of his if I want to follow this path.

But it may be the one that apart from reaping most of the rewards, also could save me a lot of headaches.

It took me a while, but a grandfather and a grandson?

It is like the universe has enough of a sense of humor to trying to set up again the tragedy of my own grandfather.

That last message of insanity of my grandfather still haunts me to this day.

I have seen what grief is able to do to another human being, it may be more difficult to take this route, but it will no doubt save me a lot of headaches if I can get both grandfather and grandson out of the D6 clutches without trouble.

Last thing I need is another mad scientist going beyond insanity due to grief.
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Goodbye Ragnite and Valkyries, hello Chaos!
You were Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave, proud Prince of The Empire, and today, as many days before, you found yourself deep in thought.

As you walk the halls of your Palace towards your destination, you can't help but feel like this is Fate mocking you once again.

Being transported to this strange new world at the cusp of your victory made you feel empty, like if all you have gone through, all the planning and preparation that you spent so much working towards, especially for your most useful tool, were all in vain.

Clearly people would make a comedy about his life and misfortunes if it were to be known.

Still, you were one to seize opportunities when you saw them. If there wasn't an Empire for you to take revenge, then you will simply form your own. One were you are the righteous Emperor, paving a path to the future as your mother would have wanted to. For that, you needed to show the inhabitants of this place the sheer might of the Empire and where they stood compared to him.

There were… difficulties, to say the least. You should have expected it, but the opposition here was greater than expected. Not even Selvaria, your greatest pawn, was enough to turn the tables to your favor. That she failed to destroy that supposed "Neo Metal Sonic" or one of those colored Demons showed that as powerful as the Valkyrur were in his world, there existed beings that could match and surpass their power.

That was unacceptable, if your current tools weren't enough, there was clearly one option to take…

Either upgrade or replace them.

Finally arriving at your destination, your feet carried towards the entrance to the Empire Research Division. You had hope in your heart, that today, the answers to your worries would be received.

As you entered the chamber, your eyes laid witness to a group of scientists working on their current object of interest, recovered in the Battle between Selvaria and Neo Metal Sonic.

Approaching the current head of the science division, you couldn't help but feel a certain degree of revulsion. Heinrich Belgar wasn't a man you would particularly like in your employ, but being separated from the rest of the Empire, he was your best choice to lead your science department.

"We have arrived, Belgar." You announce your presence to the man, who had an obsessed look on his face as he read from some documents. A look of annoyance was clearly seen for a moment before realizing who was speaking to him, and adopted the appropriate attitude.

"My prince, it's an honor to be in your presence." Like a snake, saying sweet promises, the man spoke to you as he made a bow. "Glad to see you could join us as soon as possible."

"You called for us." You remind him as you look around the room. It was busy with activity from the scientist working on the current project, one you considered of sum importance. "We hope you called us to inform us of your progress with your task. It would be unfortunate if you were wasting our time." You plainly remind him, wasting your time was not something you would easily forgive of him.

A look of hurt could be seen in his eyes, was it from the threat or from his pride being insulted? Most likely the later you assume.

"My prince, I would not dare to do such a folly." The man states as he puts away the documents he was reading. "As you said, I wanted to inform you of our discoveries with the item you procured for us. What we have learned from it is… astonishing." He says with a look of sheer excitement as his gaze wanders to the object in the middle of the room, doing the same, you behold the prize that your pawn gave you after her bout with Neo Metal Sonic, held in a glass container connected to several machines.

"What were you able to figure out?" You ask him, a sense of curiosity feeling your being.

"This gem…this Chaos Emerald, as we have been able to find it's called, it's simple fantastic!" He says like a child who had been given a gift for their birthday. "At the start we had no idea how to study it, any machine or equipment we employed just…exploded from the energy overflow!"

"But that was the key! We thought there was something wrong with out equipment, and in fact it was that it wasn't ready to handle its output." He turns to look at you with a madden look in his eyes.

"My prince, this…this rock, it holds more energy than anything we could even come to invent. If we gathered all the Ragnite in this place. it would still not hold a candle to his beautiful thing! It's energy output seems almost infinite! If we could replicate this, what would we achieve…" He says with typical scientific fervor.

"Could you be able to create batteries to hold it's energy for further use?" You question as you realize the potential this gem had."

"Oh don't worry my prince, I had my team focus on working on that!" He replies quickly, feeling the excitement carry him on. "With this thing, if we can harness appropriately, ragnite could be a thing of the past. I…thought ragnite could led they way to the future but with this… We could use it to power the Valkof and it could most likely fire continuously, without using ragnite! The technology of the Valkyrur doesn't compare to-"

"What about the Valkyrur themselves?" You cut off, your mind coming to certain ideas.

"My prince?" Heinrich ask, lost for the first time in the conversation. Was it not obvious what you had in mind?

"We have spoken. Do you think it could be possible to use this…Chaos Emerald to boost the might of our Valkyrur?" If a machine could use it and be able to best your tool in combat, then you were sure you could employ it in the same way. "A way for the Valkyrur to absorb their energy and increase their powers?"

Heinrich looks unsure himself for a moment, before nodding. "We would need to test it, find a way for the emerald to interact with the valkyrur, maybe either by inserting it in their weaponry, or a special device." He theorizes for a moment, before a look of warning crosses his face. "But my prince, there's no guarantee the Valkyrur could hold such an amount of power, nor we have any idea what could happen to the Emerald, if we lost it-"

"Don't fret, I'm fully aware we cannot risk such a useful artifact." You calmly state. "Luckily, we have received reports that this "Shadow" is looking for a similar Emerald like this one, but blue in color. Do you realize what this means?"

"There could be more than one…"He breathes out in excitement.

"Precisely, we don't fully know how many there are, but if we can locate even one more, imagine what we could achieve with that." You turn your back to it as you proceed to the exit.

"You have new orders, find a way for the valkyrur to employ the might of this artifact and use it to crush our opposition." You said, it was obvious that while Selvaria did her best, her performance was clearly lacking, your weapon was becoming rusty, and that wouldn't do. It was your duty to find ways to keep it sharp.

"As you command, my prince." You hear him said, but you don't listen to him anymore as you exit the room.

As you made your way back to your office, you swore that someday, somehow, this world would bow to the greatness of your Empire, the one you lead like if it should have been from the start.

Study Chaos Emerald (Mystic)* (Belgar) DC110
??? + ??? + ??? = 112

QM: You guys thought the Empire were having a bad time? Oh at the contrary, they are having a GREAT TIME RIGHT NOW!!!

They are upgrading from ragnite to Chaos Emeralds! The chaos is the future!!!

Also, this is a promise, as long as the dice doesn't fuck with the Empire, I promise you.

Super Selvaria is happening, so get ready.

Wait patiently for turn 3 please!
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The Results Of A Nat 1
The Results Of A Nat 1

Random Event Roll: 1


"Uh you see Doctor" Starline stuttered as he leaned away from the very close and very furious man.

He nervously gulped, " there was an accident with a Badnik that had it crash and take down parts of the the system. The system was fixed, but an error must have been missed causing the mix up".

You scowled, "have them sent back then".

Now visibly sweating, he stammered " w-well about that...."

Your anger at the time was almost enough to shake the base to its foundation.

Results: Belle and Metal Sonic have switched assignments and sent early. Eggman unable to render assistance for them this turn.

-[X] Assault Large Empire 'Work Camp' (Belle)
DC 80
Result: 100 + 18(Eggman Power) + 13(Belle Power) + 0(Loyalty) = 113
Critical Success!

Why are you are here!!!

Thought Belle as she trudge through woods leading to encampment. She thought it was a joke at first until she found herself actually dropped off nearby.

She wasn't a fighter! How was she suppose to takeout a camp, one that was bigger and more fortified than the one Isara was at ?!

Hiding behind a large tree overlooking most of the camp, she saw the many troops and tanks patrolling the ground, the sheer number was enough to make her tremble but the sight of the workers was enough to make her gasp.

Even from afar, it was obvious they didn't have enough to eat or were well taken care.

Gradually her fears started to be overtaken by a more foreign emotion as one poor worker tripped, dropping several boxes and was subjected to several beatings as punishments.

Before she could try anything however she froze as she felt something poked her back.

Turning around slowly she she blinked in surprise at the sight of a lone Empire soldier nervously holding his gun at her.

"No sudden movements!" he warned, his voice cracking, she then realized he was quite young, practically still a teen. His eyes look so full of sadness and turmoil.

"Are you alright" she said softly as she dared to take another step despite the gun at her chest.

"I-I" he stopped speaking as he stepped back shaking, his eyes darting back and forth.

The tense atmosphere continued until something unexpected happen.

She stared in shock as he started to tear up, a choked sob started coming from him.

He then collapsed into the ground curling into a ball, his gun long forgotten.

"The things we do to the people here.....it's too much, its just beyond cruel" he sobbed.

He looked up as he felt a gentle tough on his shoulder.

"Please, tell me more" she asked, her eyes shining with determination.

When you heard reports of a large army approaching the base, you had believed one of your enemies must have somehow learned of your location.

The sight of Belle holding a banner and leading a massive march of former prisoners and Empire defectors was far less believable.

Results: Gained 100 Metal and Crates of Ragnite, Gained New Citizens, New Options Unlocked.

-[X] Heart: Hire a New Minion - Goro Majima (Metal Sonic)
DC 70
Result= 76(Roll) + 6(Eggman Heart) + 0(Metal Sonic Heart) + 6(Loyalty) = 82

In a certain home, chaos and mayhem was at its peak.

"HAHAH-" howled Majima in laughter as he ducked under a punch that went through a wall like it was plaster only to get a gut punch that sent him flying and knocking over a couch.

Metal Sonic took a step forward before blurring as several bullets pepper the area he was previously at.

Majima having leapt on the couch, guns in hands smirked "Oh I haven't had such fun in a while, what about you?"

Metal Sonic's eyes flashed.

"Haha that's what I like to hear!" he shouted as both leapt right back into the fray.

Results: Recruited Majima?
Last edited:
Turn 3- March 2XXX
You had so much to handle.

Not too much, of course, nothing was too much for you, the brilliant Dr. Eggman.

But still, you had to juggle things carefully or things could go awry unexpectedly.

You had to carefully pick who to go to that auction (if you didn't change your mind), how to handle young Cassia's disease, trying to make a fake Chaos Emerald if you had the time...

That wasn't even getting into your blackouts and the promise Belle made that Mercenary on your behalf.

Even you had to admit it was quite a bit to juggle, but no matter. You had bounced back from worse and you would do so again here.

"Oooh, he's deep in thought! He's got that scheming look!" Cubot cheerfully chirped. You sent him an irritated look and he made himself scarce to polish the Egg Mobile, you heard him chuckling nervously.

Bah. Enough distractions.

You called a meeting.

It was time to get to work.

1 hidden base
1 public base (Mean Bean Machine)
1 Chaos Emerald (Blue one)
1 Egg Mobile
6 Income for Nack's Auction (From Stone's Coffee Shop and Attacking the Work Camp)
75 Metal Units.

You guys have 1 action available in each category.
Cubot and Orbot can be assigned to a Logistics action that doesn't count for the cap.
Dr. Eggman can pick 4 Personals per turn. Other hero units can pick only 1 per turn,


Build Death Egg Robot DC80
Ah one of your first doomsday weapons, it brings back such fond memories of trying to crush that blasted hedgehog. Not quite as powerful as some of the later models you would make, but the Death Egg Robot is a twenty foot tall titan of destruction, powerful enough to crush those underfoot and has rocket propelled spike fists! Such a brilliant design
Metal Cost: 125
Reward: The Death Egg Robot MK1 has been rebuilt

Reclaim Your Territory: Power DC 80/120
Badnik Power Cap: 20
Now that you have an actual badnik force (a small one all things considered, but one nonetheless), the next course of action is clear! Time to take back what is yours!
Rewards: contest control of nearby areas from Zavok and reclaim it as yours. Gain metal if first DC passed and factories and facilities if second meet (might need to fix them). Zavok will learn of your presence, chances of other factions learning about it too
Note: Cannot be taken with Quietly Reclaim Your Territory

Upgrade Metal Sonic DC: 40/60/80/100/120/140
While Metal Sonic is currently fine as he is, of course, there is always room for improvement. You can still outfit him with more upgrades to make him an even better Sonic
reward: Each tier passed gives an Upgrade point to use for Metal Sonic:
Metal Cost: 30
Note: Metal Sonic cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Plasma Pulse: Can be used once per battle. Metal skips his turn and next turn he gets a +20 bonus to all combat rolls until the fight is over. (1 Point)

[ ]Ring Spark: Once per battle, Metal Gains a +10 to combat rolls and can attack all enemies nearby, but loses 1 life/Hp after use. (1 Point)

[ ] 6 Valve 300cc orgone engine: +5 Mystic(1 Upgrade points)

[ ] Upgraded Processing Power: +7 to Trickery and Brains (2 Upgrade Points)

[ ] Voice Module: +10 Heart to Metal: (3 Upgrade Points)

[ ] Install Leadership Module: changes Metal Mano focused for Badnik Commander. +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (3 Upgrade Points)

Upgrade Rusty Rose: DC: 40/70/100/130
Now that you have been able to calmly look over all the data you collected for Rusty Rose, you are certain you can do a better job than those fools in the Chaos Council and make her a proper killer robot!
Reward: Each tier passed gives +2 upgrade points to use.
Metal Cost: 50
Note: Rusty Rose cannot be assigned to this action.

[ ] Rusty Hammer: +5 to Combat rolls (1 Point)
[ ] Upgraded Database: +5 to Brains (1 Point)
[ ] Adaptive Combat Protocol: Increase Power +5. Power stat +5 Bonus against enemies Rusty has faced before. (2 Points)
[ ] Install Leadership Module: +5 To Logistics and Heart. Gives Minor Version of Badnik Commander. (2 Upgrade Points)
[ ] Personality Matrix Upgrade: +10 to Heart stat (3 Points)

Launch Attack Zavok's Base DC:160 (Actions can be taken to reduce DC)
That Zeti dares wield your own weapons and robots against you! And he dare do so quite effectively from a very well protected base! This shall not stand, this shall not stand so swears Ivo Robotnik! Build up your own forces again and show that magical menace what the might of true genius brings!
Reward: Begins assault on Zabok's base of operations with the possibility of defeating and capturing him, restoring the Green Hill Zone to your control.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Steal The Master Emerald DC:135
...This might not be the time for this but blast it all if that emerald is not the largest source of Chaos Energy on the planet! If I can manage to get the emerald back to base, power and resource management will be a thing of the past!
Reward: Begins Attack on Angel Island with the possibility of stealing The Master Emerald
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack On Black Arms Base DC120 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
Black Doom has a small foothold in the Green Hill Zone but I am loath to let those disgusting creatures hold even a shred of what will become Eggmanland! Build up your own forces again and show those man-eating aliens what the might of the Eggman empire is!
Reward: Begins assault on Black Arms base of operations with the possibility of removing them entirely from the Green Hill Zone.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack on GUN DC:145 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
They're back!? These fools are like cockroaches. No matter. You will just put them in their place again. You did it once before, after all.
Reward: Begin assault on GUN bases, possibility to destroy GUN completely... Again.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack On The Restoration DC:165 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
"The Restoration". How adorable, they believe they can stop resisting and start restoring the world from me? I am the change this world needs and these animals need to understand that! Let's see if I can't make the lesson stick this time.
Reward: Begins assault on The Restoration base of operations with possibility of destroying them entirely and taking prisoners and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 30

Launch Attack On The Empire DC: 165 (Actions can be taken to reduce this DC)
The Empire has managed to get a foothold into The Green Hill Zone and they don't seem too eager to leave considering how quickly they have fortified their foothold. They seem to have also brought the same woman who fought Shadow and Metal to make sure the ground is kept, but little matter. This is your land and you will show them what a *true* Empire looks like!
Reward: Begin assault on The Empire base, possibility of completely rebuffing them from Green Hill Zone, taking prisoners, and supplies.
Badnik Power Cap: 30


Try To Make Contact With "Captain Metal". DC:60
There's been rumors of a pirate roaming the seas near Green Hill, who has some similarities to your greatest Creation. This intrigues you deeply…perhaps you could try to start talks with him? While revealing yourself too soon before you are ready could be risky, this may be an opportunity.
Reward: Make contact with Captain Metal, unlock new actions, chances for collaboration with Captain Metal.

Reach Out To The Restoration: DC:115
While you acknowledge that you were the cause of almost literally every problem the resistance and now "The Restoration" has faced, you have worked together with many of their members, begrudgingly, in the past. Perhaps they would be willing to work under the banner of the Eggman Empire once more, especially in light of this new and changed world.
Reward: The Restoration "joins the empire" and begins feeding supplies and information to Eggman.

Reach Out To G.U.N. For An Alliance DC130
It absolutely galls you to even consider teaming up with these military oafs, but considering at this point the sky is literally falling, sacrifices must be made. You can stomach working with them long enough to deal with The Black Arms, Zavok, and The Empire. Then… well you're sure that G.U.N. will be happy to return to the status quo.
Reward: The Eggman empire and G.U.N. enter a *very* temporary truce, sharing information and some resources.

Hire A New Minion
You loathe the fact you don't have your badnik facilities at full operation, so you must rely on the fleshy hands of others. Both disgusting and frustrating, but needs must. Send someone to collect them.
Reward: The selected minion is added to the hero roster.

Thunderbolt: DC Autopass
Roo: DC 35
Zobio & Zobiko: DC 30
Honey The Cat: DC 50
Tier 2
Piastol DC 45
Basil The Bernard- the Conductor DC 35
Tier 3
Goro Majima DC 70
Dr. Bad-Boon DC 45
Nephthys the Vulture DC Autopass


Build Some Badniks: DC:Autosuccess.
Metal Cost: Variable (select a badnik squad to build)
With most of your factories either taken over or destroyed, you are forced to create more of your precious Badniks by hand. Not that it is really an inconvenience! You can create a squad of them with your eyes closed and one hand tied behind your back!
It just will take time and resources to do. You need an efficient way to produce more of them but for now this will do.
Reward: Construct a squad of the selected badniks.

Make a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms DC:65
Thanks to Rusty Rose, an idea for a new type of Badnik just came to you! This will be a nice addition to your forces!
Metal Cost: 25
Reward: Made a Batch of Tarnished Blossoms, becomes available to build for free when taking the badnik building action

Build some Egg Drones DC:70
After your meeting with Agent Stone, somehow you came up with a design for a recon and scanner badnik Model...It's strange, it's like all the schematics are already in your brain just like that...Odd. Still you won't say no to this gift.
Metal Cost: 30
Reward: Batch of Egg Drones made. (Gives -10 malus to enemies trying to infiltrate your territory. and +5 To trickery Actions when Searching for stuff)

Build A Badnik Factory DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Metal Cost: 50
There is something nostalgic about breaking ground on this badnik factory, reminding you of a time so long ago… Ah well no time for that nostalgic nonsense, there are engines of terror and destruction to be made!
Reward: Create a badnik factory that will passively make 1-2 batches of badniks per turn in exchange for Metal.

Create a Metal Mine DC: 65
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
Heigh ho, heigh ho, no wait, those are for lumber yards not mines. Ah well, time to send badniks into the mines to get yourself some more Metal to power your war machine against your many foes!
Reward: Create a Mine that will passively generate Metal each turn.

Create a Ragnite Mine DC: 70
Badnik Power Cap: 15 (Construction bonuses only.)
That interesting material Ragnite seems to have been seeded all throughout Green Hills thanks to The Shattering. I am sure my brilliant mind can put it to better use than those idiots in their so-called "Empire", but I will need to get the stuff out of the ground first.
Reward: Create a Mine that will gather as much Ragnite as you'll need.

Create The Care Unit DC80
Creating a mech that can be piloted is something I could do in my sleep, but adding the requirements that it act as a medical device and suspend the wearer as they or inside of it so as to not let Cassia's disease progress any further does add an extra challenge that is still nothing to the might of my mind. The machine itself will be as robust as any of my Super Badniks just for the simple fact I am not going to go through the trouble of having the thing break because the girl is not used to walking around in such a large frame. Though with a frame that size, it would be a shame to not add some kind of weaponry... thoughts for later.
Result: Create the Care Unit which will stop Cassia's disease from progressing and adding Cassia to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. The Pronghorn sisters will accept this as a holding action for only so long and if the disease is not actually cured, they will begin losing loyalty.

Build A Ring Reactor DC: 100
Metal Cost: 90
I need more power if I am to build any true weapons of war to retake the world and build it in my image, and these rings will provide that necessary power! Reward: Create The Ring Reactor which lowers the DC on many fabrication options and opens options for more energy intensive actions. (Lowers DCs by 10-15, unlocks creation of tier 3 badniks, and unlocks build super weapon action with HUGE DC)


Locate "Evila's Swingin Report Show" Network Frequency DC:30
According to Starline, there's a TV station called Space Channel 5 that is constantly transmitting a news channel that relays the newest and most exciting content. Mmm... checking this "Evila" could allow you to find more of what's happening around the world. With your satellites down, your intel gathering has been... "limited".
Reward: Unlock Global Rivals report, Will be shown public things that other Kings around the world do that Space Channel 5 manages to broadcast.

Making Due With Less DC:70
You are a master and making sturdy and powerful machines of destruction and weapons of war! Unfortunately you are desperately low on resources right now and may need to make due with less than ideal robotic minions. But this is only for now! Your minions will be right again once you have regained your proper place!
Reward: Unlock Scrapnik versions of all non-super versions of your Badniks which can be made at half the Metal cost, but have no traits and this ability will disappear at the end of turn 5 or when you get to 300 Metal, whichever comes first, as Eggman has an image and ego to maintain.

Hack Into Zavoks data bases through the Egg-net. DC Contested Brain roll against Zavok + Chuck.
Seems like Zavok has taken control of all my systems, having configured the badniks to recognize him as supreme leader! I could try and send a virus to the current base he uses through the Eggnet to possibly snag control of the badniks, or at the very least, put viruses to cause trouble for him.
Still, it's a risk, if this goes wrong, they could have the means to trace me... No matter, I must do it!
Reward. Managed to hack into Zavok's database, unlocks options of how to debuff him, possibility to take control of badniks back to Eggman
Note: This action lowers the DC of Zavok's Base Raid

Make A Fake Chaos Emerald DC:100
You have to admit that with so many more interested parties after the emeralds and Shadow in particular looking for yours, you may need a way to keep anyone interested in *your* emerald off the trail. Luckily the fox boy made such a tool already and your genius will only further refine it!
Reward: You make a fake Chaos Emerald. It looks and feels almost exactly identical to a real one but when analyzed or used to power a machine or mystic construct will actively sabotage the process. It can be a source of Chaos energy for Chaos casting at a -20 penalty.

Upgrade The Badniks To Ring Power: DC:60
Honestly the main reason I've never done this before is that the blasted hedgehog destroyed enough of my badniks without them having the rings he collected each time we came to blows. With him gone, this is much more viable.
Reward: Badniks can now be created with Ring Power, decreasing Metal cost and increasing their power but using Rings which aren't unlimited.

Create Ring Retrieval Units DC:50
If I am going to be switching to Ring power over chaos drives or flicky engines, I will need a steady supply of them, which is difficult considering they appear hither and yon. A specialty badnik will need to be made to collect them.
Reward: Create the Ring Tosser badniks, small non-combatant badniks designed to retrieve rings from all over the Green Hill Zone providing you a steady supply of rings.

Study Ragnite DC:65
An interesting element and one The Empire seems fixated on, using it in many different forms and desperately digging for wherever it can be found. I am sure they have many mundane applications for such a mineral, but let's see what a mind as brilliant as my own can discover for this mystical element.
Rewards: Discover uses for Ragnite and unlock actions to mine and refine it.

Study that Strange Motobug DC: 125
This Motobug seems... Different from the rest of its kind, let alone other Badniks. Why it clings to you so vexes you, but should it be investigated lest it causes issues...
Reward: ???

Perform Gene Therapy On Cassia DC Autosuccess (This action must be taken twice to finish.)
No one ever said rewriting the DNA of an entire body to make sure none of a genetic disease was a day or even a week tast. To a mind less brilliant than my own, it may even be the labor or years or decades! But my mind is truly the greatest in all of the universe and while the methodical and somewhat dull pace of the process may not be as efficient as I like, this process is guaranteed to get the youngest Pronghorn back on her feet by the time the process is over.
Result: Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty.

Further Research Cassia's Disease DC160
I now step beyond the research of my grandfather and into the unknown beyond. I have scans of Shadow as he was to somehow carry the cure for Maria, I have all of the scans of how the disease progresses in Cassia, and I have my own brilliant mind. This disease will be conquered by a Robotnik in the name of not only the Eggman empire, but in the name of the two Robotniks lives it consumed and doomed. The might of my mind will not allow this thing to stand, not ever again.
Reward: A cure is created. This cure will be 100% effective, easily distributable, and work in a matter of hours. Cassia is cured of her disease and is added to Clove's character sheet, becoming The Pronghorn heroball. Pronghorns will gain MASSIVE boosts in loyalty. Choice


Look For Clues To The Whereabouts Of That Blasted Hedgehog! DC:20/90
You and Sonic are two sides of the same coin. To say you like each other would be a laughable lie, but only you are allowed to end this little game you play with each other.
Reward: Find Clues to where Sonic has disappeared to.

Infiltrate The Empire's Territory. DC:60
Apparently since the "Shattering." The world was completely changed, from what Starline was able to tell you, only the Green Hill Zones and Angel Island remained, everything else has been replaced by other places from other worlds or even universes! One of the closest ones to hear is a territory called the Empire, who Metal attacked and might have...spurred a bit. Now they are in a three way war between Zavok and Black Doom.
So far the Empire has managed to take over some of the territory originally to Green Hill Zones... Perhaps it could be worth infiltrating it to have some eyes on it?
Reward: Infiltrate the zone that connects the Empire with Green Hill Zone. Unlock new actions.

Infiltrate Another Faction DC Various
You've got more than enough minions to now consider sending some on deep cover missions or at least attempting to spy on some of the other factions. Granted, some of them may be more dangerous than others to attempt, but you're sure that is a sacrifice you're willing to have your minions take! Oh ho ho ho!
The Restoration DC 60
G.U.N. DC 80 (DC 70 if human or human passing)
Zavok DC 150
Black Arms DC 300

Sabotage Another Faction
This is what I call a "Target Rich Environment" just because there are too many people running around in what should be my empire! I don't quite have the territory or the forces to want to face them in head to head combat, but a little bit of sabotage never hurt anyone who matters, namely me. Oh ho ho ho!
Restoration DC 80
G.U.N. DC 90
Zavok DC 40
The Empire DC 60
Black Arms DC 90

Reward: Malus to the factions rolls this turn, potentially longer lasting effects. Temporarily lowers DC for base raid of selected faction.

Look For The Cacophonic Conch DC: 90
At first, I thought that the conch would not be a viable way to quickly defeat the Zeti, but I just realized that with Starline assistance, finding that artifact is actually within my means!
Obtaining that conch will be a powerful equalizer against my enemies, and a step towards reclaiming my Empire!
Rewards: Re-obtain the Cacophonic conch.

Looks for Clues on Maria DC 75/130
Your latest lackey, the Mercenary Canaan, is working for you solely to find a missing friend. Bleh. Everyone wants something. Better get to looking...
Reward: Find out clues to Maria's whereabouts/Find her outright(?).

Quietly Reclaim Your Territory. Dc 100/130
Badnik Power Cap:15 (only Badniks that boost trickery or stealth)
While making a show about your return is tempting, caution might be the best…quietly infiltrating nearby areas and wresting control of those facilities could be for the best…
Reward: Reclaim territory from Zavok, taking nearby areas, none being the wiser.

Locate this "Chuck Thorndike" Dc 100/140
So this man is the one responsible for allowing Zavok to take your Empire right? Well, you will give a Man a piece of your mind once you rescue him, but first.
Reward: Locate where Chuck/Chris is held prisioner. Unlocks adventure to free them!


Gather Rings DC: 5/50/90
Rings are a strange naturally spawning mystic item that covered most of the world back before the transformation. It seems they have not stopped appearing in the Green Hill area and there may be some use I can make of them, if only as a source of power.
Reward: Gain rings, the amount depending on level of success and ???

Through The Ringer DC: 70
Power Rings are an abundant resource of naturally occurring chaos energy. For years, they've only been useful to you as a power supply, but others like that damn hedgehog could use them for so much more. What better place is there to have a look at your foundations than at rock bottom?
Reward: Discover uses for rings beyond power, new actions unlocked

Study The Warp Topaz DC: 70 (Only Starline May Be Assigned)
I have seen many different versions and knock off gemstones trying to match the power of The Chaos Emerald, but if Starline is to keep the thing he better study it, understand it, and fill out a full report.
Reward: The effects and powers of The Warp Topaz are completely understood and possible research into duplicating its effects unlocked.

Check The Area For Magical Objects DC: Variable
Back on Mobius I couldn't walk ten steps without tripping over some world ending gemstone, key to a mystical prison, or some other such magical nonsense. Those are all useful things to both have and prevent others from having, however, best check to see if things follow suit in this new world.
Reward: Possibly find various magical stuff from any of the worlds that have combined


Focus On Your Work (Costs 3 personals)
There is no time to allow such frivolities! Not until the Empire is yours will you rest and relax! There is work to be done!
Reward: One action of your choice is rerolled and the higher die is taken.

Getting Back To The Grind
Despite what that blasted hedgehog believes, you do take care to keep yourself in good physical condition, otherwise how in the world would you manage to keep one step ahead of him?
Reward: Eggman works out, potentially gaining Power on High Rolls.

Do Some General Tinkering
You are, at the end of the day, an engineer. And there's nothing good on TV right now!
Reward: Eggman tinkers with random parts, getting items dependent on roll.

Draw Up Blueprints
When I have time it is nice to simply relax and allow my mind to rest, drawing up complex machines of war and conquest and plotting out the odd invention or two
Reward: Eggman draws up blueprints for one of his many weapons of war. High rolls have him remember something that he never made, but a version of him did.

Develop a Counter
The most annoying part of having so many people surrounding me that I didn't create is that they may at any point decide they know better than I do. Always handy to have a direct counter to them on hand for that case.
Reward: Eggman develops a counter against the hero unit, negating one of their traits and granting +20 in combat against them. If the hero discovers this before it is used, it is enough to shake the most fervent of loyalties.

Try Your Hand At Woodcarving
...You may not admit it to anyone else, you may not even speak it aloud when by yourself, but in your mind you can admit the feel of Tinker's simpler tools in your hands feels just as right as a plasma torch or a hex wrench does. You just need to... get it out of your system. Certainly, do it once and get it out of the way.
Reward: Eggman attempts woodcarving.

Equip your minions with some actual decent equipment.
As much as you hate to admit it, if you want your minions to do actual decent work, that means outfitting them with the proper tools. (Choose es hero unit, Eggman will créate equipment specially for them)
Reward: chosen hero unit gets equipment that provides bonus or traits. High rolls May use metal to créate them

Hire the Chaotixs:
Those detective fools are still around and kicking eh? While not a fan of them you suppose they have their uses. Hiring them secretly for a task or 2 could be worth it, just need to make sure they don't find out about you (Cost 3 income.)
Hire the Chaotix to take to do a national action for the Rivals Report. Current Actions:
-Check Sonic's current Whereabout.
-Search for Maria
-Find more information about the Empire.
-Check GUN's current state.
-Gather Ring.
-Search for a Mystic Item.

Read up on Eggman Lore
Sure, you are quite knowledgeable on the genius that is Dr. Eggman, but you can't Allow yourself to get rusty and overlooked!
Reward: Gain more insight on Eggman, potential ability to recreate something Eggman has done in the past as New Personals

Check Out The... "Local Talent"
Several of your more personal experiments are in need of "locally sourced" talent. Taking a trip into Green Hill Zone and people watching may be an excellent way to find the right people for the "job".
Reward: Dr.Starline people watches and perhaps finds subjects for a later experiment.

Talk To Orbot
You utterly refuse to entertain Cubot, you have some degree of standards even with the brilliant Dr. Eggman's tech. But Orbot is... Tolerable.
Reward: Starline talks to Orbot, potential to learn some interesting tidbits about Dr. Eggman.

Search This Base
Apparently the Eggbase you commandeered for the good Doctor is one he used to store nostalgic inventions he has no other use for. It's quite possible there could be useful items lying about.
Reward: Starline finds salvaged Eggman inventions that could potentially be repaired for his own usage.

Study The Unique Badnik
Oh you've been trying to hold yourself back but this is an Eggman original that is completely unlike any other badnik he has designed before! This Belle is an incredible feat of the doctor's brilliance, one that will never see the likes of again now that he is back in his right mind. You're sure the doctor wouldn't mind if you just took a quick peak at how it works.
Reward: Starline studies Belle

Analyze Recording of "Sonic the Hedgehog"
According to your data, Dr. Eggman's greatest rival is that blue hedgehog. In order to assist the doctor in his plans for world Conquest, defeating that menace is a must!
Reward: Chances of Rusty of gaining a trait when fighting Sonic.

Practice Limbs Akimbo
Upgrades and repairs have been made to your form and you must recalibrate and gain proficiency in your limbs again. They are an extension of yourself and you an extension of the Eggman Empire, there may be no flaws.
Reward: Rusty takes time to recalibrate and settle, high rolls may improve the Limbs Akimbo trait.

Observe the Local Wildlife
You spent some time in the surrounding forests as you marked out the defenses for the base and you observed many different kinds of animals and small creatures while out there. The flickies in particular drew your attention. Perhaps you should observe them some more…
Reward: Rusty takes some time to watch the birds.

Perform Personal Maintenance
The Doctor is keeping you in top working order, but you can also do a bit to make sure it takes less of his precious time to keep yourself in good condition.
Reward: Rusty does a bit of personal maintenance. On high rolls she gains +5 to her next national action.

Patrol The Perimeter
You must make sure that the doctor's borders are secured and none have found the hidden base. This will lead you through the heavily forested areas around the base, along a running river, through a glade that is normally a home to wildlife, and then finally returning to the base. This is only for base security and not for any other reason.
Reward: Rusty patrols the perimeter and definitely doesn't go on a nice walk where she enjoys the animals and nature surrounding the hidden base.

Study Footage Of The Hedgehog
Metal is taking some time to analyze the old footage we have of all of sonic's battles against my forces, all at once. The blasted rodent may not be around anymore, but it's always good to be prepared.
Reward: Metal +10 to his next combat against Sonic.

Do Some General Training
You cannot beat that faker if you allow yourself to grow sloppy. Time to train.
Reward: Potential +5 to Metal's next action. Potential to raise Power stat if rolled high enough

Cubot and Orbot have set a list of videos to provide you details of the world so that you can better understand it and destroy the Blasted Hedgehog and rebuff his own banter. You will be his superior in every way, including in wits.
Reward: Metal Sonic watches Eggtube. High Rolls may increase his Heart while low rolls may decrease it further as he picks up jank slang.

Study The Foes
When you had ascended to your Neo form you were unstoppable. Until you were stopped. This should not have been possible and must be rectified to never happen again. Observe. Adapt. Overcome. Destroy.
Reward: Metal observes the footage of his battle with The Empire and Black Arms and gains +5 to his next combat roll against either faction.

Observe The Faker's Defeat
The Restoration managed to get some video of Shadow's defeat at the hands of their new hero Lanolin. You will take the time to observe and document every detail of this and make sure to take advantage of all of the angles, replaying the moments when he is hit again and again and again to make sure you understand exactly how to do it.
Reward: Metal watches Shadow get beat up a lot. Like, a lot. If this personal is taken, he does not suffer his -5 to a National Action.

Make Coffee for the Doctor
One of the few reasons you know for certain your Robotnik kept you around is your great coffee making skills. Let's see how things go with This version of him.
Reward: Potential +5 to Stone's next action. Potential +5 to Eggman's next action as well if Rolled high enough.

Work on Your People Skills
As the Doctor's middle man (at least back in the day), you often have to communicate with others. One day that may extend beyond making simple deals and then leaving, so let's brush up on this.
Reward: Potential to raise Stone's Heart Stat.
Read The Manual
One of the few things you actually managed to pull from the wreckage and keep with you after the Shattering, the manual for the Giant Eggman Robot is now one of the few things you have left from your time with your doctor. His genius really did know no bounds as he created such a machine of destruction...
Reward: Stone spends some time going through the manual of the Giant Eggman Robot.

Talk to a... Co-worker?
You honestly aren't sure how you feel about any of these people. But they know more about this Eggman guy than you do...
-Orbot and Cubot
Reward: Belle learns about Eggman, at least from the perspective of the selected Hero Unit. Chances to bond with the selected Hero Unit

Write Letters
You... aren't okay. But you're trying to be. You don't know where you heard this before, but you know you have heard that writing letters to people who are... gone, is supposed to help you remember them how they were. Your dad might not be here right now, but you'll still make sure that if he ever does come back, he'll know you didn't forget him and made sure he'll know everything that you've been up to.
Reward: Belle begins writing letters to her Father.

Spend Time With A… Friend?
You have managed to make some friends here, or at least you think you have? Maybe they'd like to spend some time together? You're not exactly sure what you can do in a hidden base of a scientist, but there has to be something.
Reward: Belle spends some time with one of her friends and bonds with them further.

Tinker Time
It's in your name and you need to not really focus on what's going on right now. You can use this time to make some nice toys and trinkets! Maybe you could even make some for some of the people in the base… would they like that?
Reward: Belle takes some time to make some toys and trinkets. High rolls have her make a couple of trinkets personalized for some of your heroes.

Keep an eye on Your Sister
It's very emotionally taxing, seeing your sister in this state. But... Someone has to do it, and you don't quite trust anyone here just yet obviously.
Reward: Clove keeps a protective eye on her sister

Talk to your New Co-Workers
You aren't quite sure what to think about these individuals....at least Orbot & Cubot are about the same.
Reward: Clove interacts with a Hero Unit. Potential to gain a Trait when on Adventures with them if rolled high enough.
-Agent Stone
-Metal Sonic

Get Some Ice Cream
You need to do something, you need to move. Cassia's awake sometimes and maybe you can get the both of you a treat for when she's feeling more lucid. It might be a bit of a walk to find some, but she's worth it.
Reward: Clove gets some ice cream for herself and Cassia.

Take another contract: Your current "Boss" wouldn't mind if you take some of your free time to take a small job in the meantime. It would beat staying all time in the base waiting for him to plan his stuff.
Reward: Canaan Takes another small time mercenary contract, higher the roll chances for better rewards, either income, items, information or meeting certain people.

Hang out with Belle.
You will admit that strange Wooden Girl intrigues you, you wonder why does soemone as sweet as her is with that Eggman?
Reward: Canaan spends time with Belle, chances of Belle and Her developing a trait for adventures.

Look for Maria yourself.
You have already searched on your own and were not able to find any clues about Maria after the "Shattering". Still you know she is somewhere in this world. You need to continue trying.

Reward: Canaan continues to search on her own clues about Canaan. High enough roll will reduce the DC for looking for Maria action

Study the Boss' Robots
You are utterly amazed by these robots! They're straight out of a novel! Scary as your situation is, you have to get to know more!
Reward: Isara studies Eggman's Badniks and robotic Hero units. Possibility to become friends with a few of the latter on a high enough roll.

Find Your Fellow Prisoners
You aren't sure if this... Metal Sonic left any survivors besides you. But it couldn't hurt to check...
Reward: Isara may find the other Darscen who escaped the Camp she was "rescued" from. May unlock them as a Trait on a high enough roll.

Learn more about "Green Hills"
You admit you are in the dark about this new place you are in. Your time in the Camps didn't allow you to learn more about the nearby places to the Empire. Perhaps you could ask a few questions about the place...or even go for a stroll? There's this territory from the "Restoration" that should be safe right?
Reward: Isara learns more about Green Hills and Eggman's world. Chances for her to possible meet other people.

Get used to this world's technology
When you told Eggman about you being an Engineer he was curious about your capabilities and after a quick demonstration, he said that while your skills were "acceptable", there level of knowledge from your World doesn't compare to it. What does that mean? Fine, you will use your free time to study then! This strange technology this place has, you will learn it.
Reward: Chances for Isara to raise her Brains stat on a high roll. She gets familiarized with Eggman's level of Tech.

Current Equipment:

EggGun: Gives +5 bonus to combat rolls (Warning, can only be equipped to hero units with a base power lower than 20) Current amount: 2
Give Someone an EggGun?
-Write in who:

Rainbow Bottle: Gives +15 to Stealth when ingested for six minutes.
Current Amount: 1
Give Someone the Rainbow Bottle?
-Write in Who;

"Nack's Grand, Amazing Auction!!!" (Limited, available just for this turn only!) :
Well, that Bounty Hunter seems to be set on selling that Relic he got. He is making such a grand showing of it. He must be really excited to get a paycheck for all his hard work.

It would be very bad, terrible even, if someone were to steal his relic and deprive him of his hard earned reward, wouldn't it? Wahahahahaha!

That Relic mildly interests you, with all the stories you have heard about the Empire, you suppose you could gleam something useful out of it. Well, time to set off and do a little robbery!

…Of course, there is always the option to…Ugh, just go ahead and buy it. Should be simpler in some ways, but always has the risk of being outbidded.

Adventure Details:

Maximum number of Hero Units Available: 5
-If Eggman is assigned he automatically becomes the leader.
Selec hero units that will form the Egg Party (First unit mentioned will be the Leader, if Eggman doesn't go).

Badnik Power Cap: 15

Decide Manner of Approach: For this adventure you can choose 2 ways to approach this. Either by going to the auction and trying to bid it like everyone else, or commit some robberies, either by a frontal assault or pulling a Heist. Whatever action you pick, you will have time to prepare accordingly to make sure everything goes according to plan.

What method do you approach this:
()Go to the Auction and try and Bid for it.
()Time to steal the Relic!
-()Stealthy (Heist Time)
-()Frontal Assault (Time to make an entrance!)

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Eggmemo: Team Chatiox
Eggmemo: Team Chatiox
Ah, it seems like even when that blasted hedgehog is gone it seems like more and more of his friends come out of the woodwork. of course I'm referring to the team, that redheaded buffoon Knuckles once a part of has survived this so-called shattering, Team Chatiox, the members being vector the crocodile, Espio the chameleon, former member knuckles the guardian of the master emerald. And finally, the youngest member Charmy Bee.

They did have two more members, but it's been years since I saw them..I do wonder what happened to them? questions for another day. But as I said, before, I had the displeasure of meeting them. As usual, in my glorious genius, I found six mysterious islands along with metal and those six unique power rings. After my defeat at the hands of that hedgehog at Little planet…

So obviously, I set up on my Armada along with metal the conquer them. But it seems like my luck wasn't with me that day as usual, not only did I failed to conquer the islands, but I wasn't able to even get those rings. It was due to knuckles and his so-called team Chatiox. They left me fuming because it was only luck that those idiots even found me.. I swear if I find those islands again, I am going to build fortress so it would take the combined of the world!

Ehm… rant aside. I was forced to hire those miscreants after metals little rebellious phase against me. It was humiliating to even consider asking another help, but I wasn't given a lot of options, of course. Luckily the room metal stuff man had enough parts for me to make a radio to contact them. It's paying me to force them to destroy some of my areas, but I needed their help to escape metal.

They call themselves detectives, Their atrocious commercial that advertise them as detectives and their inferior theme song didn't give me, much hope back then. But I will say they do have some merit after they…ugh rescued me. They found me and helped sonic his allies defeat metal. It caused me to seriously rethink of putting all loyalty programs into my machines so another metal takeover won't happen the future.

Ahh I shouldn't be surprised. I made metal to surpass sonic and surpassed my expectations… I like that about metal he'll show up that hedgehog anytime to prove his superiority and my cunning genius… I still had to punish him, of course after all that little rebellion of his still needed a lesson to be taught.

The reason I bring them up is due to them helping around any person during this so-called turf war. For over my territory. I feel like I'm for upon the call them due to my less than stellar position. The question is what should I hire them for? Should I use them to find that blasted hedgehog?…No then his friends will know upon sonic State.. I could use them to help my newest minion to find their Maria…. strange that her friend has the same name as her.

But I digress I still have too much on my plate, firstly, I will take advantage at the black arms, recent loss of shadow with clove and some the badniks I have gotten back… I will show them, that they were inferior the moment they cross the paths with my grandfather…..

Ahem. Secondly, I decided upon the study that strange Moto bug that has found me. For some reason I feel it's familiar to me for some reason. I will use Rusty's mechanical aid to help into this oddity. Which is still odd I need to investigate this further. Next I will have to design a care unit with my newest recruit Issa I do hope she doesn't disappoint me after all. I have met. She might be as smart as young tails, so I expect results. Put orbot and cubot on making a metal mine.

I can't keep attacking places for more metal. I need to get my own study supplies instead of hoping upon a raid I'll get more. I'll try my luck looking for anymore magical items…hmm maybe send the bell to recruit that Pisatol if she has mystical abilities, that might help me much better.. as much as loath to admit this, I seem to be looking for more individuals with a bit more magical nature than I like to admit.

Finally, I will send Starline along with him stone and our newest mercenary Canna to steal the empires artifact after that weasel stole it from them. I will give the rainbow elixir to stone he already drank one so I figured go broke with him. if I'm lucky, I'll acquire resource that the empire is desperate to retake.

Hmmm… I have been thinking about creating a new metal…. I want to I need that relic Nack has.. it's time for metal to have a new sister… but I still need bio data on her and unfortunately metal has lost it.. no matter… I just need to play it smart and everything will come my way. After all I have the master Plan.

New Eggmemo coming your way hope you like it.
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A beloved Daughter/Two Daughters meet
Time for feels! Sure Eggman isnt a hero, but he is a father...

=A Beloved Daughter=

In the Hidden Lab of Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnick, said doctor was going over the strange motorbug that had been acting strange ever since his newest batch of minions had found a group of badnicks that had returned to his control. Not to mention the strange blue/red eyes and White/Black coloring that apparently the motorbug took occasionally. Ivo had noted that it appeared to correlate to the motorbugs mood, which was even more strange as while his robot's did emulate to some degree of emotions, the Artificial Intelligence was not as developed as it should be.

Meaning that something ELSE was inside one of his badnicks. Which had ironically proven itself as useful as Stone was at times. Ranging from coffee runs, to handing tools or supplies to him when he was tinkering. At one point it had given a small insight into a variable that he had not accounted for in a simulation run of a attack on the Black Arms forces. One which would have resulted in more loss of material from the destroyed eggpawns (which while they are meant to be used liberally as their name suggests, at least the new variable allowed him to recycle the resources rather than losing it all from the destroyed pawns).

So, after ordering the Motorbug to his Scanning equipment along with the base's main supercomputer, and of course triple checking his sources (not that he needed too, but when dealing with apparently a spontaneous growth of artificial intelligence it was best to be through...wouldn't want another rebellious Badnick AGAIN). Once all systems were Nominal, he chuckled to himself as with a wide Eggman grin he hit the scan button that would allow the AI of the motorbug to be uploaded to the supercomputer.

which had intresting results! One that he had not forseen...because once the process began and the motorbug returned to its "normal" badnick coloring, a new figure appeared on the mainscreen of his computer. A Small child wearing a white dress, white hair, and blue eyes and a small happy smile. Then the headache began...everything seemed to blur, except this time it seemed as if he was in a backseat driver all the sudden!

"Hello Father, its good to be able to talk with you again!" The AI...no...SAGE greeted, and Doctor Ivo Robotnick in a strange trance smiled back.

"Hello...Dearest Daughter." He said as a new conversation and memories swarmed into his mind.

(a little Later)

He remembered it all, a strange occurrence from his strange bouts of headaches and random ideas that appeared out of nowehere, yet this Robotnick had created an EnGenius creation! Potentially the greatest Artifical Intellegence ever made, while Metal was his Physical greatest creation, Sage was...different.

A Legacy of sorts, and now he fully understood his Grandfathers Words and Actions on the Arc. Why such a brilliant man went so far for his cousin Maria...He had two sort of sets of memories showing how the emotions affected him (bah), in one set he had...temporairly...lost her. The burning pit within his chest, the tighening of all hands...the setting of his jaw as calculations ran rampent...and the tireless days of work as he scraped, scrounge, and tore through the ancients database as well as every location SAGE had been in for traces of her. Every potential avenue was utilized, including using power rings and a few chaos emeralds. The result was predictable, he had gained her back.

The second one had been a more interesting set of affairs where the damn blue rodent was actually able to stop the entity entirely before his beloved daughter had to sacrifice herself. Those memories he...preferred in a strange sort of way.

Ones that warmed his cold iron heart and small but genuine smiles and indulgences...he understood now how Fathers Reacted to their children, having an excellent example of such. Yet a small part of him that would not go away seemed to...ugh...grow. He would have to set up his game with dealing with the damnable Zeti, Empire, and of course the Black Arms.

But for now? He had one of his greatest creations back, and woe to the fool who dared separate his beloved Daughter from him again.
(a small part of him mused on how she would react to Belle, Metal, and of course the two useful fools he never got around to scrapping...Stone was an easy guess...the platypus would have to have an eye kept on him)

=Two Daughters Meet=

Belle was having, a sort of good day. Weird Day? it certainly hadn't been normal since...since...well enough of that! Father Eggman was in a strange, good mood today, one that had him walking with a small girl that was holding his hand. One that had wanted to...meet her? Not only that but had gotten Father Eggman in such a mood he was sitting on one of those rolling chairs of his while he checked over a tablet for orders, keeping a sort of ear out for them with the way he was sitting...

"Hello! I am SAGE, the Artificial Intelligence Created by Father to help him in his projects, protection, and to allow him to interface with the Technology of the Ancients." the small child, SAGE, apparently said. Taking a moment to get her child-freindly-smile on (An easy thing to do, she was so adorable in that white dress...a moment had almost pained her that she might be replaced, but such a innocent look easily chased that BAD thought away).

"Hello there Sage, I'm Belle Tinker!" she replied as she knelt down to the appropriate level to fully meet her fellow creation. (a small part of her warmed...maybe Father was in there after all?)

"I had wanted to meet you once Father was done getting me out of the Motorbug shell I was utilizing to hide from the Zeti forces, as an older creation of father, does this mean you are my Big Sister?" Sage asked with smile (though it seemed a bit, unnerving...but it was the thought that counts! and she always did want a sibling...even if her current ones were Metal Sonic who was a bit mute at the moment, and cu-bot and orbot!)

"I would love to be your Big Sister...do you have any hobbies?" Belle Asked with her smile growing larger and kinder...while she wasnt expecting much from Father Eggman, this was the step in the right direction!

(Eggmans Pov)
Things were...stable at the moment. The Meeting between Sage and Belle was going rather well in his opinion, it was a multi-factated calculation gambit of his that would allow him to ensure Belle's Loyalty (as well as continued existance...and some small part of him warmed at the sight of two of his more brilliant creations seemingly getting along well even as he read the reports incoming about the rest of his minions work so far.

With Belle's attitude and nature of kindness, it would go well with talking with SAGE, as well as allowing him to get a better grip on things. Yet...even now that small part of him that was no doubt linked to both those sets of memories seemed to stick to him like the toughest Oil-Stains on his consciousness. Not that he preferred to get it rid of it...no...it was just somewhat irritating to having to change his aproaches to multiple avenues.

And he did NOT have a warm sensation in his chest, nor was we smiling while he read the reports as his two creations talked with each other. Seemingly to share their capabilities, hobbies, intelligence (as average as Belle was, it was strange that she could somewhat keep up with Sage even if she had to go over several points, it seemed that his time as...Mr. Tinker...had some unexpected results), and what other mundane things they were speaking of.

He had no doubt that now Sage was Securing Belle, even if she did offer to help find the newest hire's sibling...(a small memory of the name Maria popped in, and he mused silently at the memory of one of the only family members who he didn't dislike besides his grandfather...that eventually led to the memory of his Gift to her for...the holidays...

For a moment Eggman paused from his reading and looked at both Sage and Belle...and a small impeccable nod was done as he mentally calculated the size of their footwear, he had only one pair of those shoes he had exquisitely made, yet he could easily program a pair for SAGE.
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Starline Files: The Cacophonic Conch
Starline Files: The Cacophonic Conch
It's this on? Yes? Good. I suppose an introduction is in order. I am Dr.Starline, an aspiring evil scientist and currently assistant to the illustrious Dr.Eggman as...hm, I suppose he feels some objection to me calling myself his equal...part of me hesitates in doing so too although no doubt there are areas I should be his better so I would settle for calling myself a peer...for now, but this is neither here or there.

I happened to catch wind of Doctor recording a verbal message about some of his observations about the world - something he called Egg Memos? - so I decided to do something similar for the sake of practicality. After all, there is some merit for having such things to self-reflect. But today's message is more for the sake of not forgetting information about my last campaign, it would be shameful to be pushed because I forgot to record my findings (nevermind I already added them to the local machines, but, again, having more copies is never a bad thing.)

So, today I use this to record my findings on the Cacophonic Conch. This...curious artifact is naturally native to the Lost Hex, home world of those abominable Zeti that usurped the Eggman Empire in the form of the Deadly Six. Unfortunately, any records on it's original finding were lost during the fusion of worlds that led to our current situation, but the important thing is that Doctor found it and used of it's damaging melody to reign in the rowdy Zeti so they couldn't use their powers to take over his army and help him build his latest scheme at the time to control the world. Unfortunately, like most of his actions, it was foiled by that dastardly annoyance, Sonic the Hedgehog, who kicked the Conch away! It did lead to the world nearly being leeched dry of it's energy by the Deadly Six and forced Eggman and Sonic to ally to take them down, but the Doctor never saw the need to find the Conch, even after getting signs that the Zeti found their way to Earth.

I, for one, found that reckless. Not even Metal was fully safe from the influence of those beasts. Having the Conch nearby would at least serve as a stopgap...maybe see if recording it's melody could serve as manner of Anti-Zeti device. Hmm, maybe worth it to bring up to Doctor when I finally get the Conch.

Ah, yes, the Conch. The Doctor had the idea of verifying if that was also brought to this new world and asked me to use the Warp Topaz to warp around and see if I could find any leads. I feel huge shame that this hunt was for naught, other than to confirm that, yes, it is present in this world. Maybe I could have got somewhere, but I, er, got in a little accident during a break and got knocked out for half a week, and then I had to prepare for the heist in Nack's place Still, I leave below a list of places I looked around and any clues I got from it's current location. Otherwise, Starline off.

(A list of visited locations in Green Hill)
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A Passion of cogs and metal.
As I said I got inspired.

A Passion of cogs and metal.

Isara Gunther was lost in though.

Well she was also lost physically at the moment, the base she had found herself in recently was a lot bigger than she though it would be.

But it is not like she was really paying attention to where she was going, she was too focused in her thoughs of the metallic minions that her current rescuer had at his command, well rescuer would be stretching it a little.

The man took her under his roof as quickly as he was going to kill her once again.

Still she cannot deny that despite everything this Doctor Eggman saved her from the hands of the empire.

Despite his actitude he made sure she had proper quarters and actual meals provided by the man named Stone.

She honestly still doesn't know what to make off the man.

Still the future will never come to her if she just stands worrying about the problem of the pasts and the present.

Especially if said future includes the machinery at the reach of her hands.

Despite her initial situation she couldn't deny it.

The Doctor was an artist when it came to engineering.

The untrained eye would probably dismiss it, but not hers, when she was brought out of that box she could notice the work and hours that went into just making the frames that hold the mechanical units known as Cubot and Orbot.

And then there was Metal Sonic, if she considered Cubot and Orbot pieces of art, then the blue unit would be a magnum opus in her eyes.

How could she not see it that way? after time and time of working on the mantaining of the Edelweiss she could tell that the Doctor put the same care into his machines as she put on that tank.

And that was just the frame, she wonders just what kind of work went in the inner workings of the mechanical units, even the apparently mass produced badniks were miles above to what she had seen in the past.

As the Darcsen girl contiued walking around the base, she found herself in a hall, while it wouldn't normally raise her attention, the open door at the end of the hallway piked her interest.

Especially since it wasn't sleeping quarters or anything like that.

No it was a workshop.

She doesn't know why the door was open and that probably it would be a bad idea to enter without permission.

But her scientific curiosity was getting the better of her.

Before she noticed it she was already inside the workshop.

It was a nostalgic sight to say the least, despite having things that she didn't knew what they were, the ambient wasn't too disimilar to the one she would put up when taking care of the tank.

Tools properly taken care off, blue paper scattered around the room as if it was waiting to be used, a mug saying best scientist of the universe, crystal vials with uknown subtances.

As she contiued checking the room, her view couldn't help but focus at a single bluepaper being hold up on one of the walls.

She couldn't help but admire at the paper, she didn't know really what a death egg robo was, but she could tell that the blueprint it was written on was masterfully done

The tracing of the lines, the little details on how everything worked from the visor, to the arms apparrently being able to propel themselves across to field to even extend themselves, to even apparently being able to fly for a time.

A machine like that shouldn't even be able to fly and yet whoever designed this could do it like childs play.

She wonders if she could use some of this knowledge to even make a better version of the Edelweiss, one that can-.

Isara little though is stopped in it is track as she heard a cough behind her.

Said cough belonging to a not very amused Doctor Eggman.

''Well now that I have finally your attention, can I ask what are you doing snooping on my workshop Miss Gunther?'' Doctor Eggman said in a neutral tone.

Anyone being asked that question by this man would probably start sweating bullets in this moment.

But not Isara, she was made of more sterm stuff.

''I am sorry Doctor, I just saw the door open and was curious about the workshop, if I am intruding in your personal space I hope it isn't much of a bother'' Isara said honestly to the doctorr.

Eggman face changed to one of annoyance ''Those two idiots I told them to close the door after getting my tools, but not only did they not brring everything, but also let the door open'' Eggman said under his breath before looking at Isara once again in a more neutral tone ''Bah it is what it is Miss Gunther, besides I don't doubt a workshop like mine would bring memories of your own right?'' the doctor asked Isara.

Isara took a while thinking back on those memories before answering ''Yeah, it has been a while since I had really been in a workshop, even if it was makeshift ones, the sight of well everything just feels right if you know what I mean doctor''

''Yes, when it comes to a man of science like myself this is like a second home to me, I suppose the same can be said about you'' the doctor stated to Isara.

''Indeed, without counting that considering what you know about my people, your creations are even more of a curiosity for me, I did notice the sheer amount of work every single one of your creations had and that is putting aside Metal Sonic who I cannot even begin describing the sheer dedication you must have put on him'' Isara continued talking about her views to the Doctor.

The doctor for the first time since she has seen the man, smiled in pride ''Oho, I see you did notice, then again with your skills I doubt it is hard to notice my work, trust me Miss Gunther, even if you were from my time period my work would shine even againts the the top of the line, they could barely even hold a candle to my most basic designs after all'' the doctor continued the talk in their mutual interest of engineering.

'' I cannot say I would be able to judge those words yet Doctor, but I can say that even those blueprints alone would put to shame even some of the best in Gallia'' Isara said honestly as she pointed to the blueprints.

'' What the death egg robot? hahaha, sure it is a marvel of science considering it is done by me after all, but let me tell you Miss Ghunter, that thing pales in comparation to what I have done over the years, so don't let that mouth of yours reach the floor once I am able to come up with more of my older blueprints. '' Eggman said as he took his tools from the workbench and gave a sign to Isara to follow him.

The Darcsen follows close behind as she continues the talk '' But how?, if anyone in Gallia made it they would hardly be able to make it do how many things it already does, you somehow made it work, but also made something that shouldn't be possible fly without heavy overheating'' Isara told the doctor still trying to wrap her head around the design.

Eggman smile just grew wider at that ''And there lies the difference Miss Gunther, I am not just anyone from where you came from, not only the resources I have are clearly different that what you used to work with, but I am also a genius, things like that are childs play for me, if you are so surprised about my Death Egg Robot being able to fly for a short amount of time, you should wait until you see things like my Egg Emperor or the Egg Dragoon, let me tell you in my world the skyes were already conquered when I was born and our next step were the stars, which I pretty much accomplished by myself'' Eggman continued saying with pride.

Isara just continued following the man, shocked at what he was saying, maybe if she has the right idea even her flying machine could be a reality if she learns from him.

'' Still, it is not every day I see a mind like yours being so interesed in an area like mine, no at difference from my peers back then who just either wanted quick money or were too simple minded to truly break past their limits, I can see it, that spark of wanting more knowledge and to push pass those limits, to conquer the reachs no one has though of before, so tell me Miss Gunther, what made you choose this path?'' Eggman asked truly curious sto the girl as they contiued walking around base.

Isara was taken aback by the sudden question, but she decided to answer notheless ''Well, if I must confess doctor, it was thanks to my father.'' as soon as she said that word Isara could see the doctor react to the word, but she couldn't tell what the man was thinking so she contiued.

''My father, his name was Theimer, well he was a great and brillant man, he loved thinkering with pretty much everything, from small to big machines, he was a professor and managed to produce so much advances to our society when it comes to the understanding of machines and ragnatine, from what little I remember about him he didn't talk much when he worked, letting his work speak for itself rather than to tell people what he made, even if he couldn't work for the major idustrial firms due to his hereritage, that never stopped him, despite his untimely demise, I could never do anything but to look up to him, it is the reason of why I decided to study engineering Doctor, to follow on his footsteps and probably make his final dream come true, that dream being of conquering the skies'' Isara told the doctor as much as she could remember of her own father.

The doctor continued walking with the girl, staying silent for a moment, his mind running thoughs Isara couldn't really decipher, until he finally spoke ''... He must have been truly a great man Isara, minds like him come rarely once in a millenium, still an untimely demise, tell me what happened to him?'' the doctor asked still in a curious tone.

Isara stood there, that day was something she would never forget, after all she lost both her father and mother that day ''... He..., he suffered an accident alongside with my mother, a car crash claimed both their lives when I was a child, he was 24 years old when that happened'' she respondered with sadness in her voice.

Eggman could feel a lot of emotions brewing in him as his hand gripped into a fist, an accident?, that was just probably a cover up to whoever told this child that story or even if she was there, no Eggman knew better than to say accidents just happens.

Especially if the Empire is anything like the common man of his time, both petty and jealous, especially considering their hereritage, he wouldn't be surprised if the girl father was actually assesinated due to the man making too much revolution in the scientific world or if they wanted something the man had.

Experience had teached him that his fellow man won't care how much they self destroy one another as long as they get what they want, even if it means pushing their own race back years in research.

Much like what they did to one Gerald Robotnik.

''Doctor are you fine?'' the girl asked worried to Doctor Eggman.

Eggman finally noticed he had stopped a while ago from the sheer rage that he was probably feeling at the though of someone doing once again what they did to his grandfather, he finally gathered himself, but still with an annoyed tone responded to the girl making clear he didn't want to press on this matter'' I'm fine, come on I still have work to do''

As they finally reached their destination, Isara could see that they were in a hanger, it contained one strange vehicle and all of the Doctor curent metallic units lined up, while Metal Sonic stood aside a wall, meanwhile Cubot and Orbot were closing by to the doctor.

''A-a-ah b-b-boss, I see you finally found your tools'' Cubot said with a pretty nervous voice, while Orbot was hiding behind him.

''Not thanks to you two metal heads, you even left the door open, but whatever, now all of you line up it is time for the routine maintenance, but you two go to the end of line, you two will be the last for this screw up'' the Doctor said to the robots.

Everyone nodded while Orbot and Cubot just looked down.

Isara stood there not sure what to do, she didn't want to try her luck with the doctor, especially with how annoyed he seemed.

As he worked on checking the Eggpawn, he noticed the girl hadn't come closer to see his work, to which he quickly corrected ''And what are you waiting for an invitation? come here girl'' the Doctor ordered her.

''Are you sure it is okay I wouldn't want to impo-'' Isara was cut short as the Doctor got up and took her by her hand.

''Bah, this is nothing, besides you will need to know this stuff if you want to stay here girl and it is not like I don't know you are interesed in my work either way'' Eggman said as he brought Isara closer to the place he was working on.

Isara still couldn't really believe it, the man was showing her how these badniks ticked and the only thing she could think of is that it was beatiful.

Even if she didn't fully understood all the parts, even these badniks were nothing but a work of art in her eyes and the Doctor was being a master when it came to adjusting and mantaining them.

Isara couldn't help but run her mind though the possibilities of this new knowledge, the sheer amount of work they could get done if she was able to work like this would be endless.

And yet her mind was running one question.

Just who inspired the Doctor to follow this path?

Without exhitation Isara asked the Doctor another question as he contiued working on mantaining the badniks ''Doctor if it isn't much to ask, who inspired you to follow this path?''.

That stopped the doctor in is tracks, had Isara said something wrong, while the girl was worried that she had said something wrong, for Eggman it was totally different.

While he would have normally throwed anyone who dared to ask him anything personal like that to a group of chompers, well their little talk really got him on a decent mood, so he may as well answer the question.

''Cheeky girl, well I suppose it is fair considering I made you the same question, besides when it comes to that man, I would be rather glad that you heard his legacy from someone that does know the truth instead of any twisted version that may be out there, besides, if what you told me about your father is anything close to reality, I won't doubt they would have gotten along just fine'' Eggman said with a smile of pride forming in his face.

''So you plan to-'' Isara was interrupted once more.

''Yes girl, sheesh, you are impatient, but either way, as I told you, your father is a mind that comes once in a millenium, in my case the man that inspired me was similar, a mind that comes once in a millenium, we will be here for a while either way, so get comfy as I tell you the story of my grandfather, Gerald Robotnik'' Eggman said as he started talking about the legacy of his grandfather.

While some would be lost to Isara, she could tell that the Doctor talked about his grandfather the same way she talked about her father.

Even after all the maintenance and repairs were done the Doctor and the little engineer continued talking for a good while as she heard how great of a man Gerald was and how the world unjustly took everything away from him.

Even after the talk about Gerald was done they continued talking a good while about other projects of the Doctor like the strange vehicle Isara saw.

As the Eggmobile was explained to her, she just couldn't help but continue thinkering in her mind about the endless possibilities she had access to.

After a while they decided to grab something to eat and leave the talk for another day as they felt it was already getting late.

But once she reached her quarters, Isara couldn't sleep, no she was inspired.

As she asks Orbot for some paper for blueprints she starts working her mind.

The empire was still out there and no doubt they would need to fight them sooner or later.

So she will continue her fight, she still doesn't know what to make out of Doctor Eggman, but that will be on the future.

Right now her mind races trough the possibilities of not only remaking the Edelweiss, but upgrading it.

Considering what the Doctor said he is able to do, she wonders if she could make a version of the Edelweiss that could fly.

Well almost 3k, but boy this was fun to writte, Eggman really pairs well with people who can follow what he is talking about and it is not Starline.

Seriously, the Eggtech would be like heaven for Isara considering Eggman puts her intellect to being similar to that of Tails and tbh Tails is one of the only people he has more civil conversations from time to time, well for Isara she would be fine with the more modern energy sources, she would raise a lot of eyebrows at the animal batteries.

Either way, like Eggman ego is so proud of his work that he no doubt would gloat to Isara how great his work is.

While Isara would just stand baffled at the shit Eggman can pull off.

And yet while their backgrounds may differ a lot, both have inspirations to follow their respective paths that are very close in origin once you begin thinking about it.

As for the final part of Isara trying to upgrade the thank of her father to conquer both land and air, I was thinking on one specific tank.

After all would you lie to me and tell me you don't want to make the eggman empire version of the landmaster from Star Fox?

Either way enjoy.