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- Mid-Atlantic
The slann method of chasing people down involves creating a spatiotemporal distortion such that they just stand there doing that cartoonish "wheel of feet" thing in midair without actually going anywhere.
nah, they are going to go all the way and do the liquid terminator emotionless sprintThe slann method of chasing people down involves creating a spatiotemporal distortion such that they just stand there doing that cartoonish "wheel of feet" thing in midair without actually going anywhere.
I still can't get over the fact that your troll plan outsmarted the Orks trying to outsmart us by accident.The slann method of chasing people down involves creating a spatiotemporal distortion such that they just stand there doing that cartoonish "wheel of feet" thing in midair without actually going anywhere.
"OH, you're traumatized, you poor things"Isendral's expression had quickly lost its fire as Ahi-Mun spoke, replacing it with soft eyes and a face drawn in sympathetic melancholy. "I think I see," she murmured, lowering her throne to the ground and standing once more.
The Slann finally got to experience the bogThere was a strange sense of peace to it in the muck. Like it's just mud, not literally tainted by evil.
Muddy toeeeesssss *happy squish squish*
Because slann aren't great conversationalists and exchanging information without misunderstandings takes time. Plus, both sides of the conversation are effectively immortal, so there isn't much sense of urgency and discussions are apt to get... detailed.
Hm.Trust is a simplified way of representing the, well, trust you have in another party, or they have in you. It primarily acts as a limiter on what sorts of knowledge or assistance you're willing to give the other party, or vice versa. Trust can be raised by taking actions beneficial to the other party, sharing important information, and generally by acting in a manner considered trustworthy. It can be lowered by doing the opposite of these things. Trust meters exist both for the lizardmen and for certain NPCs.
During the process of cleaning the groundwater buildup, there was opportunity for conversation and information to be exchanged. You may choose one topic, plus any choices labeled (Free), to tell Isendral about, and ask her about an equal number of topics in exchange - i.e. if you tell her about a total of 2 topics, you may ask about 2 things.
Some topics are too sensitive for the lizardmen to disclose at this time - these arecrossed outand will require a higher Trust level to be attained before they can be shared. Similar topics exist for Isendral as well, but they are not labeled as such. A measure of discretion and deduction would be advised to avoid causing undue offense.
Huh. Orks develop, from sheer desperate efforts at self-preservation, viable mechanical anti-psionic detection apparatus.Dotting the perimeter of this chaotic establishment and scattered all around the interior were a series of bizarre devices that Gardakka's meks had put together at his insistence. They resembled gigantic lightbulbs, great orbs of glass that were taller than an average ork and filled with a jumbled collection of wires, fuses, and smaller lights. They were mounted upon miniature towers festooned with wide, metal signal dishes that constantly gave off a low hum and had a tendency to cause cancerous growths with too much exposure. The frequency of these devices steadily increased as one drew nearer to Gardakka's boss fortress, to the point where they stood in regular intervals atop the walls of his fortress like artificial crenellations.
I wish we could forcibly yoink Malekith's spirit over here and project to him:Gardakka stood at the peak of his boss fortress, watching BigBuildyBoatBuilding snap into action. He'd taken the most veteran examples of his boyz up here, drilled what to do in this exact scenario into them many times over, just because he knew that the lizardmen wouldn't be able to resist such a tempting target. "Scaleboyz fink I'm just gonna fall over an' die cos dey want me to," he snorted. He curled his lip and spat, then whirled about, stomping back into his command center, which was filled with light-up dials, half-working computer displays, and an array of goggle-clad mekboys manning the whole affair. "Get a move on, ladz," he bellowed, swinging his fist in a great arc and knocking out the closest ork. "Time's a wasting, and we'z got dakka ta give!
Time ta set sail!"
The massive arrays of engines and gear-powered contraptions hidden in the bowels of BigBuildyBoatBuilding began to spool up to full speed. Subterranean treads extended and ground away at the earth beneath the city, slowly beginning to gain traction. Teams of Nobz set off pre-placed explosives, cracking and displacing the ground outside the outpost, and brigades of mekboys in the city's bowels folded out gargantuan propellers and cranked up dials to their maximum outputs. Slowly, with a groan like an antediluvian titan awakening from beneath the earth, the city slowly began to move. Inch by inch it shifted, dipping part of its nose into the sea and drawing multitudes of gretchins, until enough friction had been removed from its base and it abruptly sprang forward. Engines fired up, gas bags inflated, great sails of squighide the size of city blocks were raised to catch the wind, and four-storey propellers began turning with increasing speed. BigBuildyBoatBuilding coasted out into the northern sea, an aquatic attack city fit to sail unstoppably wherever it wished.
...Oh you'll link back up with Tunzak, will you?Gardakka's expression narrowed, the cunning ork immediately understanding his predicament. "Clever gits," he muttered, acknowledging the foresight of his adversaries. An ork was nothing without proper enemies. "Get to da ships," he roared, his footsteps already pounding through the interior of his fortress. "Da weirdbomm followed us! Time ta abandon ship!"
The Warboss made fantastic time through the city as the evacuation order was given. His retinue of highly-armed nobz and his own prodigious strength ensured that he was easily able to fight his way through the tumultuous mobs of orks brawling for space and grots panicking at the all-encompassing noise. He blasted his way through his own city, his gatling rocket blaster leaving gaping holes in walls and buildings as he elected to make a straight path rather than taking any detours.
He stomped onto the branching docks of his sailing city and marched onto the biggest, bulkiest, most heavily-armed ship in the entire city, a contraption built specifically for him. It resembled nothing more than a gargantuan floating bucket that was absolutely bristling with guns and rocket launchers, some of which even had secondary uses as emergency propulsion. Donning the customary Kaptin's hat, Gardakka set off, hoping to outrun the impending blast in his smaller vessel. Whatever portion of his boyz managed to escape on their own ships would regroup on his position, given time. "This ain't over," he vowed. "I'ze gonna link back up wif Tunzak and get him ta build me an even bigger floating city, wif even more propellers, or my name isn't Gardakka Worldhamma!"
This right here is the best part of the update.The slann remained silent, and his attendant's crest lowered in nervousness as they glanced towards the impassive mage-priest for any sign of a response. When none was forthcoming, they turned back towards Isendral and straightened their spine, clasping their tablets with both hands in an attempt to seem official.
<This is what we think of your Green Arks.>
We need to save that trick for later, and consider possible variants like: yeet a ground city into a space station in orbit, or yoink a space station in orbit to fling at an advancing army and so many other wonderful options like it.I just love how well that plan worked, since even the Orks weren't expecting something as crazy as us dropping their own city on top of them.
Fighting against Imperial Guard trench lines.We need to save that trick for later, and consider possible variants like: yeet a ground city into a space station in orbit, or yoink a space station in orbit to fling at an advancing army and so many other wonderful options like it.
We found it on the body of the first ork warboss we killed, the one who originally led the current ork invasion to the central continent in the first place. It was his "lucky pebble" or some such.Can someone remind me about the Stone again? What is it and where do we found it?
No, we can't. We can't even tell her two things.Anyway, we can tell her more than two things so my suggestion is:
I still can't get over the fact that your troll plan outsmarted the Orks trying to outsmart us by accident.![]()
That's because we outorked orks here. They tried to be smart gits, and we like"Lol, let's have fun".I just love how well that plan worked, since even the Orks weren't expecting something as crazy as us dropping their own city on top of them.
I mean, they have Roks, so this isn't TOO novel a strategy for them, right?You know we have to make sure that no Ork ever leaves this planet and that this scene doesn't get transmitted over the Waaaagh field. I can totally see the Orks adopting this as their go to invasion strategy. Hell they are already doing so with their Brokken, but just imagine an Ork tribe specializing in architecture and teleportation because of us.
It would be strangely amusing and horrifying.