When we figured out how to spawn Slaan, figuring out how to put an existing soul into a newly spawned Slaan-body shouldn't be that hard.
We've actually specifically been told what the prerequisites are, and they're pretty much the same.

To create slann bodies we need to understand slann bodies.

To create new slann, with souls, we need to understand slann souls... but then, to cram slann souls INTO new slann bodies we need to understand slann souls. There might have been a way to cheat this if we'd taken the relic priest-specced choice for leader, but as it stands, "resleeve the Relic Priests" and "spawn new slann" are basically parallel problems.

I kinda want it to be the primary thing linking the web we've got on this planet to the astromantic web, though thinking on it, the metaphysical implication of BEING a space elevator would itself make a pretty good foundation for that linkage...
The site IS on the equator; it's a great place to put some kind of portal or space elevator or swirling energy thing that links up to a sacred structure in Mochantia-synchronous orbit.
I'm hypothesizing that ALL lizardman cities are actually at 'suburb' density when measured as an average across the entire metropolitan area, simply because they engage in agriculture, and would generally need to do that inside the defensible perimeter of the extended city even on Mallus, let alone Mochantia. And because, well, they still walk places. Assuming the Old Ones didn't install magitek streetcars and light rail all over the place, it's most efficient to have the city's various industrial, commercial, residential, and agricultural (?) zones commingled.
On the average it's probably true that Lizardmen currently have comparable population densities, at the moment. For many of the reasons you listed. But median density is probably a more useful measure and is propbabyl fairly high - because until recently Lizardmen hardly had the opportunity to care about things like personal space and were probably apt to sleep in something closer resembling giant piles than anything individual rooms; when they sleep at all.

After all it's worthwhile to remember that while they're within the confines of their Temple Cities they are deep within the Geomantic Web, which we know reduces the need to do such mundane things as sleep (how much is probably somewhat dependent on the current Magnitude of the Web), and probably even eat. That means they can probably get away with growing less food than humans or any other mortal race would need. And as they don't generally go in for things like entertainment or individual property, plus the fact that each and every one of their cities is completely planned from the beginning, they can probably achieve a lot greater densities than a human civilization could while still having a city that presents an incredibly tough nut to crack.

Going by the general theme of the Lizardmen, I would be willing to believe that even if we currently lack any sort of mass transit system the layout of a Temple City probably absolutely is in some way designed to incorporate one and run it off the Web without missing a step. It will probably even be able to slot into an inter-city transit systems that will probably slot into whatever is at the center of the first four cities,

The site IS on the equator; it's a great place to put some kind of portal or space elevator or swirling energy thing that links up to a sacred structure in Mochantia-synchronous orbit.

Which if current speculation on the notion of it being intended to be our first link into space travel will probably be some sort of space elevator or Verne gun style thing.
I'm still eagerly awaiting the meme turn of putting all available slaanpower on consulting the relic priests on Spawning or something.
In my plans, I have that pencilled in for two turns from now.

That post was made when I was still assuming that 'look in the vaults' wasn't a valid result. Without that, it would have been a flat decrease in the effective slannpower needed to research all the Technology options rather than to do the Technological Research that we did last turn. This is somewhat misleading though, as last turn we researched all but two of the Technology Projects, with the remaining two representing only 600 Slannpower.

Note that while I don't like doing it for tech, that's only in comparison to the other categories. It's still a solid choice, it's just not basically a replacement to normal research outside of occasional lapses when we desperately need a specific tech on a specific turn.
Thinking about this further, I have come to believe that the optimal method of technological advancement is to buy important techs manually, and use Relic Priests otherwise. By my math, actually losing signifigant portions of our research budget to the Search Relic Vaults is unlikely, and as long as it remains below half it is more efficient than manual purchases.

Techs that should be bought manually include those that are important to get as quickly as possible, such as spaceflight (eventually), and those that gate a large number of additional techs.
To expand/amend what @notanautomaton is saying, I think we should generally only be manually focusing on projects we know are pressing and high-priority in and of themselves. This turn we've got a lot of pressing high-priority stuff going on because we're trying to maximize our military capability by doing short-term military research and stuff directly linked to the war effort. But within a turn or two (clearing the probably-spirit-stone project, the "Secrets of the Fungus" project, and potentially whatever we decide to do about the Ayacmanik), we'll be in a position where what matters more is just in general progressing than anything else.
To expand/amend what @notanautomaton is saying, I think we should generally only be manually focusing on projects we know are pressing and high-priority in and of themselves. This turn we've got a lot of pressing high-priority stuff going on because we're trying to maximize our military capability by doing short-term military research and stuff directly linked to the war effort. But within a turn or two (clearing the probably-spirit-stone project, the "Secrets of the Fungus" project, and potentially whatever we decide to do about the Ayacmanik), we'll be in a position where what matters more is just in general progressing than anything else.
Yeah, this is what I mean. Outside of turns where we're planning for an imminent war, the timing that we get individual techs matters less than the total amount of progress we get to our tech tree as a whole.

This can be true for non-military technology as well, of course. We want to unlock Level 4 cities on the same turn we reach Geomantic Web Magnitude 4, we want to unlock space travel the turn we fill all city spaces on Mochantia, and we want to get Research Projects that are prerequisites for signifigant numbers of important techs as quickly as possible. But outside of these instances, it doesn't really matter whether we get Dread Saurian Armor or Hand of the Gods researched first so much as it matters that we get the maximum amount of total progress.
Yeah, this is what I mean. Outside of turns where we're planning for an imminent war, the timing that we get individual techs matters less than the total amount of progress we get to our tech tree as a whole.

This can be true for non-military technology as well, of course. We want to unlock Level 4 cities on the same turn we reach Geomantic Web Magnitude 4, we want to unlock space travel the turn we fill all city spaces on Mochantia, and we want to get Research Projects that are prerequisites for signifigant numbers of important techs as quickly as possible. But outside of these instances, it doesn't really matter whether we get Dread Saurian Armor or Hand of the Gods researched first so much as it matters that we get the maximum amount of total progress.
Well, I kind of think that we may actually want to unlock Level 4 cities as soon or sooner than we hit Level 4 Geomantic Web, and space travel may be something we want to start investing in before we fill Mochantia simply because there are likely to be long-lead projects and ancillary tech we need to research after developing it but before we can really get started going interstellar.

But that's just details.
For the time being we should probably all be thinking of these plans about tech research with big fat asterisks next to them - two turns is my personal guess as to how long the war will take before we can do anything but mono-focus on the war - because well, we haven't actually won the war yet. Currently that's using up a lot of our available slann power and it's not outside the realm of possibility that we'll actually need to up how many slann we dedicate to the war next turn. Which... well it is possible that the war takes us a bit longer than any us are hoping for. Four turns isn't impossible in my opinion.

Of course it could also possible be over in one turn, it's not a possibility I'd count on but it's something, which would be its own barrel of problems. Possibly needing slann to give us extra city actions just to help start the process of settling and clearing land of orkoid ecology. Too much remains up in the air about the war to really start committing to any post-war paths.
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For the time being we should probably all be thinking of these plans about tech research with big fat asterisks next to them - two turns is my personal guess as to how long the war will take before we can do anything but mono-focus on the war - because well, we haven't actually won the war yet. Currently that's using up a lot of our available slann power and it's not outside the realm of possibility that we'll actually need to up how many slann we dedicate to the war next turn. Which... well it is possible that the war takes us a bit logner than any us are hoping for. Four turns isn't impossible in my opinion.

Of course it could also possible be over in one turn, it's not a possibility I'd count on but it's something, which would be its own barrel of problems. Possibly needing slann to give us extra city actions just to help start the process of settling an clearing land of orkoid ecology. too much remains up in the air about the war to really start committing or to any post-war paths.
This is also correct. I do have two plans for next turn, depending on how the Ork War goes.
For the time being we should probably all be thinking of these plans about tech research with big fat asterisks next to them - two turns is my personal guess as to how long the war will take before we can do anything but mono-focus on the war - because well, we haven't actually won the war yet. Currently that's using up a lot of our available slann power and it's not outside the realm of possibility that we'll actually need to up how many slann we dedicate to the war next turn. Which... well it is possible that the war takes us a bit logner than any us are hoping for. Four turns isn't impossible in my opinion.
On the other hand, the two leading plans are only putting about half or a little less than half of their available slaanpower into direct action, with the rest on research. Debating on how to best make use of research devoted slaanpower isn't exactly negligible, given that even major war efforts still keep around half of our slaanpower on one type of research or another.

It's possible we'll need to put even more effort in for the next several turns, but it's also possible we either pull back a bit or just maintain this level of effort until we're done with the orks.
On the other hand, the two leading plans are only putting about half or a little less than half of their available slaanpower into direct action, with the rest on research. Debating on how to best make use of research devoted slaanpower isn't exactly negligible, given that even major war efforts still keep around half of our slaanpower on one type of research or another.

It's possible we'll need to put even more effort in for the next several turns, but it's also possible we either pull back a bit or just maintain this level of effort until we're done with the orks.
I mean, @notanautomaton was talking (at least initially) about devoting all our slann to research in this way which would let us get a fair number of large research projects out of the way quickly. Otherwise, yeah, that was my point. Talking about it is fine, so long as everyone remembers that until we actually know how the war is going we can't/shouldn't get too focused on any particular plan for research; we'll only be disappointing ourselves if it turns out not to be possible and/or we'll have to scramble to rethink things to account for greater availability.
For the time being we should probably all be thinking of these plans about tech research with big fat asterisks next to them - two turns is my personal guess as to how long the war will take before we can do anything but mono-focus on the war - because well, we haven't actually won the war yet. Currently that's using up a lot of our available slann power and it's not outside the realm of possibility that we'll actually need to up how many slann we dedicate to the war next turn. Which... well it is possible that the war takes us a bit longer than any us are hoping for. Four turns isn't impossible in my opinion.

Of course it could also possible be over in one turn, it's not a possibility I'd count on but it's something, which would be its own barrel of problems. Possibly needing slann to give us extra city actions just to help start the process of settling and clearing land of orkoid ecology. Too much remains up in the air about the war to really start committing to any post-war paths.
Yeah, sure, but I'm never so inflexible that I wouldn't change my plan if events prove that we need more direct slann support on the war effort. We'll see how things go.

On the other hand, the two leading plans are only putting about half or a little less than half of their available slaanpower into direct action, with the rest on research. Debating on how to best make use of research devoted slaanpower isn't exactly negligible, given that even major war efforts still keep around half of our slaanpower on one type of research or another.

It's possible we'll need to put even more effort in for the next several turns, but it's also possible we either pull back a bit or just maintain this level of effort until we're done with the orks.
Most of the slannpower not budgeted for direct action is on what you might call "military research:" projects we're engaging in because we have orks to fight, and which we would entirely ignore if we didn't have orks to fight. Umbrella shields would be a far lower priority without an ork war coming up in which they have ballistic artillery and we don't. Studying the WAAAGH!!! field wouldn't even be an option without the orks to fight.

I mean, @notanautomaton was talking (at least initially) about devoting all our slann to research in this way which would let us get a fair number of large research projects out of the way quickly. Otherwise, yeah, that was my point. Talking about it is fine, so long as everyone remembers that until we actually know how the war is going we can't/shouldn't get too focused on any particular plan for research; we'll only be disappointing ourselves if it turns out not to be possible and/or we'll have to scramble to rethink things to account for greater availability.
I, for one, have been saying "this is a good idea if we reach a point where our specific research choices don't matter." That will obviously NOT be happening until, at a minimum, the current ork war is resolved.

For some reason I thought this quest stopped updating awhile ago, glad to see I was wrong. Caught up with all the story posts and am steadily working my way through the side stories.
I mean, @notanautomaton was talking (at least initially) about devoting all our slann to research in this way which would let us get a fair number of large research projects out of the way quickly. Otherwise, yeah, that was my point. Talking about it is fine, so long as everyone remembers that until we actually know how the war is going we can't/shouldn't get too focused on any particular plan for research; we'll only be disappointing ourselves if it turns out not to be possible and/or we'll have to scramble to rethink things to account for greater availability.
Yes, remember that my extreme research plans are based around a time when our major present concerns have been met, at least to the point where we can deal with them without significant Slann intervention. This includes, but is not limited to, the Orks and the Rangdan.
Apologies if this has been posted before but I found something from the previous artist I believe.

Terminator Saurus? Imagine Kroq-gar wearing a set of this, it would be glorious.

So @Xantalos since its obviously going to win what will The Waaagh Field tell us?
Things we will learn: About the WAAGH field and how Orks Ork.
things it MIGHT tell us:
-Plans for disrupting the Waagh, making Orkoid technology fail and biology less impressive inside our geomancy.
-Plans for hijacking the Waagh, stealing orkoid power for the spells of the Slaan or exploding weirdboy heads.
-Other waagh based exploits
Things we won't get.
-Geomantic rituals to destroy the orkoid ecosystem.
-A universal kill-switch.
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When we 'level up' a city we do MASSIVE housing construction projects. Every one of our cities contains housing for far more lizardmen than they now occupy, ranging from hundreds of thousands of empty domiciles (for the small cities) to tens of millions (for Itza).

I'm hypothesizing that ALL lizardman cities are actually at 'suburb' density when measured as an average across the entire metropolitan area, simply because they engage in agriculture, and would generally need to do that inside the defensible perimeter of the extended city even on Mallus, let alone Mochantia. And because, well, they still walk places. Assuming the Old Ones didn't install magitek streetcars and light rail all over the place, it's most efficient to have the city's various industrial, commercial, residential, and agricultural (?) zones commingled.

"But... I am the great clown Pagliacci..."

Nix IS one of the most influential plan designers.

Even if he loses this round, he's significantly shaped the only other competing plan by influencing its writer. Some of the things he thought were important (like starting a god) are things I straight-up would never have put in there

And aside from being less convinced that blowing up the Ayacmanik as opposed to domesticate/uplift is a good idea, I think I agree in broad with Nix about most priorities.

I think this is correct. Basically, consulting Relic Priests is a way of saying "OK, you lose directed research, but you get double research points this turn."

If we're dealing with some specific practical emergency that demands the attention of the slann ("punch Fog Demon in the groin-equivalent with Mag 3 geomantic ritual," "bulldoze orks," "hey what's this suspiciously super-elf smelling magic rock,") then that's not helpful. If we're just generically trying to charge up the tech tree as fast as possible, it could be pretty great.

I mean, we could use just about everything on the tech tree except the 'Ayacmanik problem' projects where we have to pick one. The first and second generation Relic Priests might have a lot to tell us about infrastructure projects or the Old Ones' plans for interstellar travel and an astromantic web, for example.

I mean maybe, but on the other hand we might have wound up with a lot of slannpower on things we didn't want or that wouldn't be forseeably useful for the war effort.

On the other hand, if the tech tree explodes it'll be because we got a bunch of stuff from the tier above what we now have available. And ending up with Tepok's codpiece, if that's what happens, could be pretty goddamn effective. Remember that the slann have managed in roughly 20-25 years to reverse-engineer BOTH a personal relaxation chamber AND a giant goddamn bubble shield capable of sheltering whole armies out of the same random piece of industrial machinery that we didn't even know we'd be unlocking.

On turns where we aren't specifically planning to go to war and are just trying to get generically better at Important Shit, it's entirely possible that randomly blasting the tech tree with 3600 slannpower would actually yield pretty good results.

Eldar: "This couch is made of literally stone."

Saurus: "Remember what happened the last time your race complained about how things weren't luxurious enough?"

Psh. Hedonist.
Apologies if this has been posted before but I found something from the previous artist I believe.

Terminator Saurus? Imagine Kroq-gar wearing a set of this, it would be glorious.

Oh my lord I need to contact this person to thank them myself because god dayum that's some fine artwork there.

So @Xantalos since its obviously going to win what will The Waaagh Field tell us?
In a basic sense it gives you a broad understanding of what exactly the Waaagh! field is and how it works. Finer details will have to come in future projects - this basically gives you guys an IC understanding of how ork growth feedback works, the patterns in which the field builds in intensity when exposed to combat, how it functions as an optimization program for determining which orkoid spores grow into what, and some understanding of how it uses psychic power to substitute the finer components in Orkish engineering.

Basically if you take a readthrough of what any of the wikis say regarding the Waaagh! field, or in your case what Red Flag's said about it since I'm basically ripping his ork interpretations off wholesale, this project gives the slann that knowledge, which incidentally helps quite a bit in predicting broad orkish strategy when combined with the thousands of years of observation you have from Mallus.

It also opens up the possibility of individual slann fucking with the local functioning of the field if they're present in battle - stuff like the chain headpops from the Beast Arising series. These sorts of shenanigans will, however, immediately aggro pretty much every ork present towards whoever does it just by virtue of how they work.
And hopefully studying the field would give us insight into how to fuck with the Orks strategically, breaking them up so their Waaagh! (three a's, one exclamation mark) is weaker.