Let me guess:

The Old Ones, not being fucking idiots, included anti-tampering protocols in the orks' WAAAGH!!!-based firmware. Which takes the form of them attacking anybody who tries to hack them. :p

no need to hack them when you simply seek to fuck the system

hacking needs to use specific exploits and be carefull
to fuck with programs just smash all the code into spaghetti

the latter is orders of magnitude easier
But will it be possible for us to figure out a way to counter psychics blanks and pariahs once we encounter them?
Ayup! Mostly by means of murdering them.

*pats @Xantalos on the head*

There there, we all have our senior moments...
...in my defense, I haven't spoken to a human being in person for about 3 days, it's easy to lose track of such constructs without exposure to them. Until tomorrow it is!
But will it be possible for us to figure out a way to counter psychics blanks and pariahs once we encounter them?
Drop a mountain on them?

no need to hack them when you simply seek to fuck the system

hacking needs to use specific exploits and be carefull
to fuck with programs just smash all the code into spaghetti

the latter is orders of magnitude easier
Yeah, but that's still tampering. Basically it sounds like the WAAAGH!!! comes with a built-in checksum, and a way of detecting whatever is trying to make it violate checksum, and then just hops over to a backup copy while it sics all orks in range on the source of the attack.
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Drop a mountain on them?

Yeah, but that's still tampering. Basically it sounds like the WAAAGH!!! comes with a built-in checksum, and a way of detecting whatever is trying to make it violate checksum, and then sics all orks in range on the source of the attack.

then the first step is probably finding a way to isolate a WAAAGGHHH portion from others

once the lizard men conquer the planet,they could create ''arenas'' to test wich signals work better regarding ork field manipulation
then the first step is probably finding a way to isolate a WAAAGGHHH portion from others

once the lizard men conquer the planet,they could create ''arenas'' to test wich signals work better regarding ork field manipulation
i somehow get the idea of dawn of war's arena that I think retribution had going for it when I think about the whole conflict engine thing that the Slann might use...I mean with the right "Captures" as well as making constructs (and using the captives in stasis) we could throw them at "Hero" units and try to understand the crazy-shit they do.
I really hope perpetuals are not a thing in this quest. They are one of the worst retcons/lore additions GW has ever done.
Just found out some recent lore. Apparently the primarchs have a mother now and she caused them to scatter

After checking around that link and the others around it. I have come to the conclusion that her being the mother is impossible. It's more likely Amar Astartes( yes really! That is a name) is the mother considering she's a biological scientist.
Uh. The fuck?

Fortunately I've already fundamentally changed enough underlying assumptions about how the Imperium gets started (and the mechanics of how Perpetuals function in this) that there's no way for Erda to even exist.

Seriously, why the hell are there so many human Perpetuals all of a sudden?

Oh also vote called in ... let's say 2 hours unless there's a sudden massive turnaround.
Uh. The fuck?

Fortunately I've already fundamentally changed enough underlying assumptions about how the Imperium gets started (and the mechanics of how Perpetuals function in this) that there's no way for Erda to even exist.

Seriously, why the hell are there so many human Perpetuals all of a sudden?

Oh also vote called in ... let's say 2 hours unless there's a sudden massive turnaround.
(200 people show up to vote)
BTW, @Xantalos how quickly will we be having the Craft the Divine subvote and will there be any sort of voting moratorium on it?
However long it takes me to write up the god creation screen - so probably tomorrow - and yeah, I'll be imposing a moratorium of ... probably a whole day on it, truthfully. God creation's pretty hard to reverse once it's been started, after all. I always forget to put one on the main turn vote, but I really should do that next time too.
However long it takes me to write up the god creation screen - so probably tomorrow - and yeah, I'll be imposing a moratorium of ... probably a whole day on it, truthfully. God creation's pretty hard to reverse once it's been started, after all. I always forget to put one on the main turn vote, but I really should do that next time too.
I mean, you leave the vote open long enough that it's not super necessary, on the main turns at least. The last two turns have both shifted fairly late in the process. With subvotes like this it might make more sense, depending on how much you need the information from the vote to start writing.

On an unrelated note - on a whim I decided to do the calculation for how much total slann power is actually wrapped up in Relic Priest and hoo boy is it a lot. Total Slann Power with all slann embodied (minus those off on their own excursions) is 20,564 - that's 19k slann power of relic priests (almost have of which is in those 15 1st Gens btw) - currently our research scale only goes up to impossible (or 2500 slann power), but I bet as things go on those numbers inflate by a lot.
Saurus Blackfangs - Undead-Spaceman
Saurus Subspecies - Blackfang Cohort

The Chameleon skink is the premier covert fighting force of the Temple-Cities. Their specialized scales allow them to cloak themselves in any environment and their unique eye structure allows them both telescopic vision and full awareness of their surroundings with minimal movement. However, as they are built from the Skink template, there are certain physical drawbacks that until now have been outweighed by the positives. Recent complications with the elimination of Ork leadership, while ultimately successful, demonstrates a need for an equalizing factor outside of Slann assistance should cover be broken and operatives are forced to 'go loud'.

Enter the Saurus Blackfangs.

A specialized sub-breed of Saurus Warrior meant to assists in Chameleon skink actions or act as an advanced vanguard in support of larger Saurus campaigns. Physically smaller and leaner than the average Saurus, Blackfangs are not meant for head-on conflict and instead feature a variety of adaptations meant to assist in their new role of covert ops and guerilla warfare. Specialized claws allow for greater traction on uneven ground and the climbing of vertical surfaces with negligible loss of combat effectiveness. Increased length and flexibility in the tail allows it to be used like a crude third limb and specialized weapons can be mounted for pin point attacks. Attempts to add Chameleon scales onto the Saurus template met with limited success. Broad color changes can be achieved but they lack the granularity or speed that Chameleon skinks are capable of, this has been offset with patches of hooked scales that foliage and special camouflaged netting can be anchored to. Replication of Chameleon eyes failed entirely but a more sensitive sense of smell, courtesy of a serpentine tongue, is considered to be an acceptable tradeoff.

Psychologically, Blackfangs are not so different from the typical Saurus. Their thoughts revolve around warfare and strategy but bent towards the shadows. Most topics of discussion revolve around identifying infiltration routes or how the enemy's psychology may be exploited to devastating effect. Notably, there is an unusually large interest in glyph spheres and fire leeches. A strange quirk, but ultimately useful when paired to a skilled eye at finding faults in enemy infrastructure.

Individuals or pairs are often planted onto Chameleon cohorts to serve in a heavy support role, either carrying the bulk of the teams munitions and serving as demolitions experts or as back up when operatives are forced to break stealth and greater force is required.

Other times, Saurus Blackfangs are arranged in full cohorts and sent out to terrorize and harass the enemy. They become an elite raiding force, crippling enemy supply lines and arranging devastating ambushes, leaving nothing but carnage and grisly, boobytrapped totems in their wake.

Something I thought of while reading the various assassinations going on throughout the Quest.

Chameleon Skinks make excellent ninjas and spies but sometimes you just need a bunch of angry dinosaur commandos to kick down doors, rappel through windows, and blow things up.
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Saurus Subspecies - Blackfang Cohort

The Chameleon skink is the premier covert fighting force of the Temple-Cities. Their specialized scales allow them to cloak themselves in any environment and their unique eye structure allows them both telescopic vision and full awareness of their surroundings with minimal movement. However, as they are built from the Skink template, their are certain physical drawbacks that until now have been outweighed by the positives. Recent complications with the elimination of Ork leadership, while ultimately successful, demonstrates a need for an equalizing factor outside of Slann assistance should cover be broken and operatives are forced to 'go loud'.

Enter the Saurus Blackfangs.

A specialized sub-breed of Saurus Warrior meant to assists in Chameleon skink actions or act as an advanced vanguard in support of larger Saurus campaigns. Physically smaller and leaner than the average Saurus, Blackfangs are not meant for head-on conflict and instead feature a variety of adaptations meant to assist in their new role of covert ops and guerilla warfare. Specialized claws allow for greater traction on uneven ground and the climbing of vertical surfaces with negligible loss of combat effectiveness. Increased length and flexibility in the tail allows it to be used like a crude third limb and specialized weapons can be mounted for pin point attacks. Attempts to add Chameleon scales onto the Saurus template met with limited success. Broad color changes can be achieved but they lack the granularity or speed that Chameleon skinks are capable of, this has been offset with patches of hooked scales that foliage and special camouflaged netting can be anchored to. Replication of Chameleon eyes failed entirely but increases in sense of smell considered to be an acceptable tradeoff.

Psychologically, Blackfangs are not so different from the typical Saurus. Their thoughts revolve around warfare and strategy but bent towards the shadows. Most topics of discussion revolve around identify infiltration routes or how the enemy's psychology may be exploited. Notedly, there is an unusual sub-species wide interest in glyph spheres and fire leeches. A strange quirk that proves ultimately useful paired to a skilled eye at finding vulnerabilities in enemy infrastructure.

Individuals or pairs are often planted onto Chameleon cohorts to serve in a heavy support role, either carrying the bulk of the teams munitions and serving as demolitions experts or as back up when operatives are forced to break stealth and greater force is required.

Other times, Saurus Blackfangs are arranged in full cohorts and sent out to terrorize and harass the enemy. They become an elite raiding force, crippling enemy supply lines and arranging devastating ambushes, leaving nothing but carnage and grisly, boobytrapped totems in their wake.

Something I thought of while reading the various assassinations going on throughout the Quest.

Chameleon Skinks make excellent ninjas and spies but sometimes you just need a bunch of angry dinosaur commandos to kick down doors, rappel through windows, and blow things up.
...my my, that's not a bad idea at all. I'll add that to the turn options next turn.

Oh, and I reckon it's been long enough - WAAAAGH GET THIS ZOGGIN SNAKE OFF ME GORK takes it. Next up, god creation screen!
Ah, well, rip me being part of the god creation process then. Man two weeks in a row? What rotten luck.
I mean there'll be a moratorium and who knows when Xan will actually close the vote.

Also, you could just write up the things you want now and have it ready to go when the vote opens, or post it before, we already know broadly speaking what we're going to be voting on we just don't know the exact format.
I mean, you leave the vote open long enough that it's not super necessary, on the main turns at least. The last two turns have both shifted fairly late in the process. With subvotes like this it might make more sense, depending on how much you need the information from the vote to start writing.

On an unrelated note - on a whim I decided to do the calculation for how much total slann power is actually wrapped up in Relic Priest and hoo boy is it a lot. Total Slann Power with all slann embodied (minus those off on their own excursions) is 20,564 - that's 19k slann power of relic priests (almost have of which is in those 15 1st Gens btw) - currently our research scale only goes up to impossible (or 2500 slann power), but I bet as things go on those numbers inflate by a lot.
When we resurrect relic priests, we may run into bottlenecks:

1) It may take slannpower to make new slann bodies and transfer relic priests into them. Growth thus becomes slower.

2) We may be limited in the power of the new bodies- one of the firstborn transferred into a new body may not have the full incredible 625 slannpower they would have otherwise.

Ah, well, rip me being part of the god creation process then. Man two weeks in a row? What rotten luck.
Can you sort of sum up what you had in mind for it, or link to where you did so in the past?
I mean, you leave the vote open long enough that it's not super necessary, on the main turns at least. The last two turns have both shifted fairly late in the process. With subvotes like this it might make more sense, depending on how much you need the information from the vote to start writing.

On an unrelated note - on a whim I decided to do the calculation for how much total slann power is actually wrapped up in Relic Priest and hoo boy is it a lot. Total Slann Power with all slann embodied (minus those off on their own excursions) is 20,564 - that's 19k slann power of relic priests (almost have of which is in those 15 1st Gens btw) - currently our research scale only goes up to impossible (or 2500 slann power), but I bet as things go on those numbers inflate by a lot.
When we resurrect relic priests, we may run into bottlenecks:

1) It may take slannpower to make new slann bodies and transfer relic priests into them. Growth thus becomes slower.

2) We may be limited in the power of the new bodies- one of the firstborn transferred into a new body may not have the full incredible 625 slannpower they would have otherwise.

Ah, well, rip me being part of the god creation process then. Man two weeks in a row? What rotten luck.
Can you sort of sum up what you had in mind for it, or link to where you did so in the past?
Ah, well, rip me being part of the god creation process then. Man two weeks in a row? What rotten luck.
On a multi-12 hour shift thing again? If it helps, the format of that vote's essentially gonna be ripped straight from the god sheets on the front page, with an addition of 'pls do a short writeup of what sort of god you intend to have this be'. And I won't be closing it for ... honestly a good while, I want everyone to be able to contribute to this, and you've been a massive part of this game.
On a multi-12 hour shift thing again? If it helps, the format of that vote's essentially gonna be ripped straight from the god sheets on the front page, with an addition of 'pls do a short writeup of what sort of god you intend to have this be'. And I won't be closing it for ... honestly a good while, I want everyone to be able to contribute to this, and you've been a massive part of this game.
Yeah, I work 12 hours a day 3 days a week, every week, and then I'm off the next four. Its just how my schedule works out.

Thanks for the kind words though.

????: Formed during the first orkoid incursion the Lizardmen fought on Mochantia. ??? is an defensive, peaceful, but industrious god, who exults in giving souls their new tasks in their new life.

Symbols: A Scythe, A Mausoleum
Category: Death
Variety: Construction
Domain: Architecture
Methods of Worship: Burial Rites and Construction
Favored Foes: Nurgle
Blessing Thematics: The Undying, Construction Empowerment/Hastening, Defensive fortification visions.

So yeah thats just the general idea I had. I have absolutely no preference for the name, gender, or species of the new god. The only thing I really care about is that we have a Death God for our lizardmen souls to go to, and I like the idea of getting a 2 for 1 bonus here, and having the souls of the dead lizardmen construct their after life as they made their cities in reality. Gives us a Death God and a Construction/Defensive God at the same time.

Methods of Worship just seemd to fit with that idea the most, Favored Foes was Nurgle because he's really the only Chaos God that makes Undead, though I'm fine with it being just 'Chaos' itself since its going to be protecting our souls from it.

Blessing Thematics was pretty obvious, but the first is basically them being prevented from crossing over at the moment, and allowing them to keep fighting, with the rule being that regardless of what they would have after the battle, they WOULD die once the enemy was gone.