Spawning Subset Concept - Cipatcli Kroxigors - EVA-Saiyajin
Spawning Subset Concept:

Cipactli Kroxigor:

A subspecies of the Kroxigor, these hulking Lizardmen are characterized physically by two main aspects: a universal and without exception Sacred Spawning of Tzunki, and elongated snouts. The base kind are already excellent swimmers to the point of easily being characterized as amphibious, the Cipatcli Kroxigor can live in aquatic environments as easily as land-based ones.

But what truly makes them stand out is their unique ability garnering them the nickname, Warp Hunters.

Despite appearances, they do not actually casually traverse the Warp. Rather, the symbolic and conceptual ties to large bodies of "water" present in their bodily design and origins is amplified. The aetheric does not care for the same laws of reality as the physical realm, and like the enigmatic entity that once swam the Sea of Souls, the Cipactli swim beyond their own personal realities. By harnessing a unique mindset reflected in the Warp, this subspecies of Kroxigors views the various planes akin to the difference between states of matter-that is, like moving from a solid environment to an aquatic one.

It is not the Warp they can enter, but rather what some call the "spirit realm". On Mallus, ghosts and wraiths whose biological functions were severed remained on the material realm, usually for intense personal and emotional reasons or the result of aetheric complications. In essence, their soul remains clinging to the material rather than going entirely into the Warp, akin to changing their existence from biological forms with souls in the Warp to soul forms residing in the material realm and the edges of the Warp.

The Cipactli Kroxigors can enter this spirit realm, bodies becoming indistinct and ethereal, nearly invisible save for the way light and other particles play around them as a vague outline as they pass through the physically indistinct form. Material bound solely to the physical realm passes through them as if they were not there, only certain exotic energy and arcane matter or aetherically affected solids able to interact with them. Despite the apparent immunity to typical harm, this state of being is based strongly on intent and the interaction between thoughts and emotions in the Warp. Thus, attacking an enemy, and the resultant mingling of existence and desire to attack and destroy, brings the Kroxigors out of the spirit realm. Between that and their typical intellect and straightforward, simpleminded nature, they utilize the stealth properties of their abilities to serve more as ambush predators than as assassins. Though perhaps that might change with enough understanding from a tactical standpoint...their ability to pass through walls and ground allows for incredibly devastating surprise attacks deep behind enemy lines with physical might one would not expect so far from conventional front lines.

Moreover, while in spirit form, gravity does not have the same hold on them. There is a certain capacity for three dimensional movement depending on their location. In atmosphere and on solid ground, they are surprisingly nimble, leaping about as if deep in the ocean and cradled by the water from gravity's touch, yet without the restricting forces that would slow them in such a situation-a contradiction of the laws of the universe. They are not effectively airborne, but they stretch the limits of terrestrial motion. When surrounded by mass, such as being underground, they can effectively "swim" underground. It is effectively based on a skewed perception of how the laws of reality work, keeping them from falling off the planet. This makes them...reasonably adept as scouts, being able to literally move through all manner of terrain and environment, and dodge ranged attacks with movements that make the eye twitch at the violation of physical rightness, their intangible nature, and near invisibility. However, support is necessary, usually from Skinks or Slann, to determine what they have learned given their mindset. And given they retain the singleminded nature of the common breed, it is not uncommon at all for them to remain "scouting", sticking to one place even as they are surrounded by an enemy that has discovered them, or risking discovery by staying immobile as enemy formations get closer and closer.

It is not uncommon for their initial attacks to start with the gaping maw and sharp teeth appearing first as the Cipatcli lunges forward like a crocodilian bursting from the water at its prey. They emerge from the spirit realm not immediately, but in a sequence, as if emerging from a lake showing only the reflected sky, the part of their body aimed at border appearing first, followed by the rest of it.

But like their common cousins, the Cipactli can serve just as well outside of combat. They can traverse architecture and developing sites to apply their strength in places their weight and mass would otherwise be a hindrance, for example, either by flowing around it or straight through it.


Cipactli is Nahuatl for "crocodile" or "caiman"

Spirit realm stuff based on information from Liber Necris.
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Spawning Subset Concept:

Cipactli Kroxigor:

A subspecies of the Kroxigor, these hulking Lizardmen are characterized physically by two main aspects: a universal and without exception Sacred Spawning of Tzunki, and elongated snouts. The base kind are already excellent swimmers to the point of easily being characterized as amphibious, the Cipatcli Crocodiles can live in aquatic environments as easily as land-based ones.

But what truly makes them stand out is their unique ability garnering them the nickname, Warp Hunters.

Despite appearances, they do not actually casually traverse the Warp. Rather, the symbolic and conceptual ties to large bodies of "water" present in their bodily design and origins is amplified. The aetheric does not care for the same laws of reality as the physical realm, and like the enigmatic entity that once swam the Sea of Souls, the Cipactli swim beyond their own personal realities. By harnessing a unique mindset reflected in the Warp, this subspecies of Kroxigors views the various planes akin to the difference between states of matter-that is, like moving from a solid environment to an aquatic one.

It is not the Warp they can enter, but rather what some call the "spirit realm". On Mallus, ghosts and wraiths whose biological functions were severed remained on the material realm, usually for intense personal and emotional reasons or the result of aetheric complications. In essence, their soul remains clinging to the material rather than going entirely into the Warp, akin to changing their existence from biological forms with souls in the Warp to soul forms residing in the material realm and the edges of the Warp.

The Cipactli Kroxigors can enter this spirit realm, bodies becoming indistinct and ethereal, nearly invisible save for the way light and other particles play around them as a vague outline as they pass through the physically indistinct form. Material bound solely to the physical realm passes through them as if they were not there, only certain exotic energy and arcane matter or aetherically affected solids able to interact with them. Despite the apparent immunity to typical harm, this state of being is based strongly on intent and the interaction between thoughts and emotions in the Warp. Thus, attacking an enemy, and the resultant mingling of existence and desire to attack and destroy, brings the Kroxigors out of the spirit realm. Between that and their typical intellect and straightforward, simpleminded nature, they utilize the stealth properties of their abilities to serve more as ambush predators than as assassins. Though perhaps that might change with enough understanding from a tactical standpoint...their ability to pass through walls and ground allows for incredibly devastating surprise attacks deep behind enemy lines with physical might one would not expect so far from conventional front lines.

Moreover, while in spirit form, gravity does not have the same hold on them. There is a certain capacity for three dimensional movement depending on their location. In atmosphere and on solid ground, they are surprisingly nimble, leaping about as if deep in the ocean and cradled by the water from gravity's touch, yet without the restricting forces that would slow them in such a situation-a contradiction of the laws of the universe. They are not effectively airborne, but they stretch the limits of terrestrial motion. When surrounded by mass, such as being underground, they can effectively "swim" underground. It is effectively based on a skewed perception of how the laws of reality work, keeping them from falling off the planet. This makes them...reasonably adept as scouts, being able to literally move through all manner of terrain and environment, and dodge ranged attacks with movements that make the eye twitch at the violation of physical rightness, their intangible nature, and near invisibility. However, support is necessary, usually from Skinks or Slann, to determine what they have learned given their mindset.

It is not uncommon for their initial attacks to start with the gaping maw and sharp teeth appearing first as the Cipatcli lunges forward like a crocodilian bursting from the water at its prey. They emerge from the spirit realm not immediately, but in a sequence, as if emerging from a lake showing only the reflected sky, the part of their body aimed at border appearing first, followed by the rest of it.

But like their common cousins, the Cipactli can serve just as well outside of combat. They can traverse architecture and developing sites to apply their strength in places their weight and mass would otherwise be a hindrance, for example, either by flowing around it or straight through it.


Cipactli is Nahuatl for "crocodile" or "caiman"

Spirit realm stuff based on information from Liber Necris.
Surprise Kroxigors. Terrifying.
Ghost Kroxigor.

"Fucking Ghost Crocodile Monsters." -Sapient being upon first meeting, shocked.

I love it.
Ghost Kroxigor.

"Fucking Ghost Crocodile Monsters." -Sapient being upon first meeting, shocked.

I love it.
Yeah, I've been on a crocodile fix lately, and knew the definite similarities (especially after Total War Warhammer II and their crocodilian appearance) so I was like "how can I make an already rather crocodilian creature more crocodilian with a unique element?"

The answer was basically "crocodile ambush, to the 11th power"
Skinks can't do shit against the mind fog. Besides we need Chamon Priests for the magical forging districts, and by the time Turn...8 comes around the Fog will be either dead or about to die anyway.
Maybe standard Skinks can't, but we know Mist Frog could have wrecked it's shit by now, and given how Ulgu is drawn to natural mists and fog; looks like rolling fog to those who can see magic; and specializes in things like mental manipulation, befuddlement, illusion, and concealment... the chances of the Mind Fog not being at least related to Ulgu is shockingly low.
For future reference @Xantalos how would you compare Mazdamundi doing a solo Mag 2/3 Ritual against the Mind Fog Vs Leading the other slann in a conventional dispel attempt?
Character Concept - The Glass Toad - Canon - torroar
Hero Concept: Bo'ombomp'au
All Slann were, regardless of being a Relic Priest of the 1st​ Generation or a young member of the 5th​ Generation, the premier magic users in the whole of the world of Mallus. They had been breathing, seeing, wielding it since before humanity had even dragged itself out of the caves, or the first greenskin spores had started gestating. For the most part, many stuck, as was their programming, with the interwoven winds as a single magnificent tide. Qhaysh, some called it. Yet as the High Elves proved in their tutelage of the humans, almost entirely beneath the notice of the Slann, it was possible to pull some utility and effectiveness out of a single wind. Most Slann would have ignored such a thing entirely, subsumed beneath the Mind Fog or otherwise focused on their contemplations of the Plan.

Bo'ombomp'au, of the 3rd​ Generation, was not one of these Slann. He happened to be one of those Slann who, either out of sheer force of will, chance, or the whims of the Mind Fog itself, found himself awakened more often than not. He glanced east often, examining the warmbloods, sure for some reason that they were important to the Plan. Even if he could not explain why. His strange obsession proved to bear fruit, in the latter centuries of the lizardmen's presence upon that blighted world. For he saw the utility of one individual wind in particular – Hysh. Antithetical to Chaos itself, a purifying light that was capable of burning away the taint of the darkness with extreme ease. Even as it was made of the warp, it was harnessed, and used to great effect. By warmbloods, elf and human alike.

But as a Slann, even distant observations were more than enough to absorb the knowledge being developed and later passed down, in some cases better than the students themselves could manage. In Hysh, this individual wind, Bo'ombomp'au saw a potential for a great weapon and defense in one. Especially as he watched the warmbloods steadily be transformed by their focus upon a singular wind for so long. Between periods of enforced slumber, he contemplated. His mind branched out and performed study in the realm of pure thought as only a Slann could, decades of research performed internally and ready to be brought into physical being. If, Bo'ombomp'au posited, he could enact a similar transformation as to the so-called 'Light Wizards', then might his very person become antithetical to Chaos? Resistant to their touch and works by simple being? It was, for a Slann who had watched as their great enemy ravaged the world for thousands of years, an intoxicating thought.

Exemplified, like no others, in the Dread Saurians. From whom the winds could bloom and provide even greater benefits.

And so, Bo'ombomp'au went to work. He began to invest himself with Hysh, channeling the single wind through rituals in quantities that would stagger a warmblood, burn out an elven Archmage, and scour the soul of a human into nonexistence. The ritual itself, performed deep within the lush jungles of Lustria in the ruins of Huanabic. Perhaps he took the Daystar as inspiration for his transformation. Alas, by the time the rituals were completed, the world began to end. The Slann, the lizardmen as a race, evacuated elsewhere, and the Mind Fog took complete command. Whatever had allowed Bo'ombomp'au his time did so no longer. Perhaps as a cruel irony of the Dark Gods to allow him the thought of success only to tear it away at the last second.

Now, Bo'ombomp'au slumbers endlessly upon his glimmering white throne, the stone bleached of color, the gold inlaid upon it so pale as to be almost see-through. Upon that throne lies a mage-priest transformed. For all that the warmbloods could begin to change as they channeled Hysh for long periods of time, they were never capable of what a slann could devise. His very skin and flesh have become ethereal, and what can be seen of his innards is a glowing inner beacon of Hysh, his very soul infused with it. Runes of Hysh run down his body, from the golden luminance of his eyes which can be seen despite his slumber so brightly they glow beneath translucent eyelids, down to his waist. Torches carried near him burst brighter, nearly becoming hand-held bonfires. Even the soft noise of his breaths carry a rumbling chorus to them.

Bo'ombomp'au intended to become the very embodiment of Hysh, to become a weapon against Chaos, not simply in mastery of the wind but in his very existence and presence.

He might even have succeeded, but none can say, for never has he woken since arriving in the new world. Perhaps, were the Mind Fog to recede from him, he might prove the worth of his rituals and works. Perhaps.

For now, the Glass Slann rests, attended by his small cadre of skink caretakers. Whose scales, it is noted by those lizardmen with the presence of mind to, have slowly begun to lighten in shade the longer they remain within Bo'ombomp'au's constant glow.

Hysh Incarnate: Bo'ombomp'au took to mastering the wind of Hysh in excess of what near any warmblood could possibly have, utilizing all the expertise of his kind to do so. His whole body and soul, as a result, have transformed and integrated it into his being. A palpable aura of cleansing Hysh surrounds him at all times, and his ability to use the wind is near un-paralleled. He is, as a result, extremely adept at using its various effects to the benefit of the Plan. Warping of time, blasts of searing light, healing, protective wards, and more. If it could have been done by a warmblood before the evacuation, he can do it, and then some. He is a walking anti-Chaos beacon, and is capable of extending that aura outwards to considerable extent, though cannot do so permanently without exhausting himself at some point or another.

Improvement Extended: Is willing to, unlike some, experiment with his magics and person to better further the Great Plan if at all possible in any way. In simpler terms, as best as such things could possibly extend to the Slann or even the Lizardmen race as a whole, a progressive. At least in terms of seeking out improvements to the effort in proceeding with the Great Plan. Things such as weapons, possibly divergent uses of magic, or even taking inspiration from warmbloods, these are not beyond him. Still, there are limits, but that he is willing to buck at all is unusual.


The Blinding Throne: The Solar Engines of the past provided the inspiration for this weapon, integrated into the very throne that Bo'ombomp'au sits upon. A crystal directly crafted wholly of Hysh is set atop the very head of Bo'ombomp'au in his throne, integrated through means similar to the Solar Engines into being capable of firing a searing beam of pure Hysh towards the foe. It is not, exactly, a blast blessed by Chotec, but Bo'ombomp'au was firm during its construction that the Old Ones would agree that such a weapon was worth creating. It is additionally fitted with wardings to protect the one who sits upon it rather significantly, and especially so against the powers of Chaos.
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Hero Concept: Bo'ombomp'au
All Slann were, regardless of being a Relic Priest of the 1st​ Generation or a young member of the 5th​ Generation, the premier magic users in the whole of the world of Mallus. They had been breathing, seeing, wielding it since before humanity had even dragged itself out of the caves, or the first greenskin spores had started gestating. For the most part, many stuck, as was their programming, with the interwoven winds as a single magnificent tide. Qhaysh, some called it. Yet as the High Elves proved in their tutelage of the humans, almost entirely beneath the notice of the Slann, it was possible to pull some utility and effectiveness out of a single wind. Most Slann would have ignored such a thing entirely, subsumed beneath the Mind Fog or otherwise focused on their contemplations of the Plan.

Bo'ombomp'au, of the 3rd​ Generation, was not one of these Slann. He happened to be one of those Slann who, either out of sheer force of will, chance, or the whims of the Mind Fog itself, found himself awakened more often than not. He glanced east often, examining the warmbloods, sure for some reason that they were important to the Plan. Even if he could not explain why. His strange obsession proved to bear fruit, in the latter centuries of the lizardmen's presence upon that blighted world. For he saw the utility of one individual wind in particular – Hysh. Antithetical to Chaos itself, a purifying light that was capable of burning away the taint of the darkness with extreme ease. Even as it was made of the warp, it was harnessed, and used to great effect. By warmbloods, elf and human alike.

But as a Slann, even distant observations were more than enough to absorb the knowledge being developed and later passed down, in some cases better than the students themselves could manage. In Hysh, this individual wind, Bo'ombomp'au saw a potential for a great weapon and defense in one. Especially as he watched the warmbloods steadily be transformed by their focus upon a singular wind for so long. Between periods of enforced slumber, he contemplated. His mind branched out and performed study in the realm of pure thought as only a Slann could, decades of research performed internally and ready to be brought into physical being. If, Bo'ombomp'au posited, he could enact a similar transformation as to the so-called 'Light Wizards', then might his very person become antithetical to Chaos? Resistant to their touch and works by simple being? It was, for a Slann who had watched as their great enemy ravaged the world for thousands of years, an intoxicating thought.

Exemplified, like no others, in the Dread Saurians. From whom the winds could bloom and provide even greater benefits.

And so, Bo'ombomp'au went to work. He began to invest himself with Hysh, channeling the single wind through rituals in quantities that would stagger a warmblood, burn out an elven Archmage, and scour the soul of a human into nonexistence. The ritual itself, performed deep within the lush jungles of Lustria in the ruins of Huanabic. Perhaps he took the Daystar as inspiration for his transformation. Alas, by the time the rituals were completed, the world began to end. The Slann, the lizardmen as a race, evacuated elsewhere, and the Mind Fog took complete command. Whatever had allowed Bo'ombomp'au his time did so no longer. Perhaps as a cruel irony of the Dark Gods to allow him the thought of success only to tear it away at the last second.

Now, Bo'ombomp'au slumbers endlessly upon his glimmering white throne, the stone bleached of color, the gold inlaid upon it so pale as to be almost see-through. Upon that throne lies a mage-priest transformed. For all that the warmbloods could begin to change as they channeled Hysh for long periods of time, they were never capable of what a slann could devise. His very skin and flesh have become ethereal, and what can be seen of his innards is a glowing inner beacon of Hysh, his very soul infused with it. Runes of Hysh run down his body, from the golden luminance of his eyes which can be seen despite his slumber so brightly they glow beneath translucent eyelids, down to his waist. Torches carried near him burst brighter, nearly becoming hand-held bonfires. Even the soft noise of his breaths carry a rumbling chorus to them.

Bo'ombomp'au intended to become the very embodiment of Hysh, to become a weapon against Chaos, not simply in mastery of the wind but in his very existence and presence.

He might even have succeeded, but none can say, for never has he woken since arriving in the new world. Perhaps, were the Mind Fog to recede from him, he might prove the worth of his rituals and works. Perhaps.

For now, the Glass Slann rests, attended by his small cadre of skink caretakers. Who's scales, it is noted by those lizardmen with the presence of mind to, have slowly begun to lighten in shade the longer they within Bo'ombomp'au's constant glow.

Hysh Incarnate: Bo'ombomp'au took to mastering the wind of Hysh in excess of what near any warmblood could possibly have, utilizing all the expertise of his kind to do so. His whole body and soul, as a result, have transformed and integrated it into his being. A palpable aura of cleansing Hysh surrounds him at all times, and his ability to use the wind is near un-paralleled. He is, as a result, extremely adept at using its various effects to the benefit of the Plan. Warping of time, blasts of searing light, healing, protective wards, and more. If it could have been done by a warmblood before the evacuation, he can do it, and then some. He is a walking anti-Chaos beacon, and is capable of extending that aura outwards to considerable extent, though cannot do so permanently without exhausting himself at some point or another.

Improvement Extended: Is willing to, unlike some, experiment with his magics and person to better further the Great Plan if at all possible in any way. In simpler terms, as best as such things could possibly extend to the Slann or even the Lizardmen race as a whole, a progressive. At least in terms of seeking out improvements to the effort in proceeding with the Great Plan. Things such as weapons, possibly divergent uses of magic, or even taking inspiration from warmbloods, these are not beyond him. Still, there are limits, but that he is willing to buck at all is unusual.


The Blinding Throne: The Solar Engines of the past provided the inspiration for this weapon, integrated into the very throne that Bo'ombomp'au sits upon. A crystal directly crafted wholly of Hysh is set atop the very head of Bo'ombomp'au in his throne, integrated through means similar to the Solar Engines into being capable of firing a searing beam of pure Hysh towards the foe. It is not, exactly, a blast blessed by Chotec, but Bo'ombomp'au was firm during its construction that the Old Ones would agree that such a weapon was worth creating. It is additionally fitted with wardings to protect the one who sits upon it rather significantly, and especially so against the powers of Chaos.
This makes me wish for more slann specialist to be created like Ghyran and Azyr
Hero Concept: Bo'ombomp'au
All Slann were, regardless of being a Relic Priest of the 1st​ Generation or a young member of the 5th​ Generation, the premier magic users in the whole of the world of Mallus. They had been breathing, seeing, wielding it since before humanity had even dragged itself out of the caves, or the first greenskin spores had started gestating. For the most part, many stuck, as was their programming, with the interwoven winds as a single magnificent tide. Qhaysh, some called it. Yet as the High Elves proved in their tutelage of the humans, almost entirely beneath the notice of the Slann, it was possible to pull some utility and effectiveness out of a single wind. Most Slann would have ignored such a thing entirely, subsumed beneath the Mind Fog or otherwise focused on their contemplations of the Plan.

Bo'ombomp'au, of the 3rd​ Generation, was not one of these Slann. He happened to be one of those Slann who, either out of sheer force of will, chance, or the whims of the Mind Fog itself, found himself awakened more often than not. He glanced east often, examining the warmbloods, sure for some reason that they were important to the Plan. Even if he could not explain why. His strange obsession proved to bear fruit, in the latter centuries of the lizardmen's presence upon that blighted world. For he saw the utility of one individual wind in particular – Hysh. Antithetical to Chaos itself, a purifying light that was capable of burning away the taint of the darkness with extreme ease. Even as it was made of the warp, it was harnessed, and used to great effect. By warmbloods, elf and human alike.

But as a Slann, even distant observations were more than enough to absorb the knowledge being developed and later passed down, in some cases better than the students themselves could manage. In Hysh, this individual wind, Bo'ombomp'au saw a potential for a great weapon and defense in one. Especially as he watched the warmbloods steadily be transformed by their focus upon a singular wind for so long. Between periods of enforced slumber, he contemplated. His mind branched out and performed study in the realm of pure thought as only a Slann could, decades of research performed internally and ready to be brought into physical being. If, Bo'ombomp'au posited, he could enact a similar transformation as to the so-called 'Light Wizards', then might his very person become antithetical to Chaos? Resistant to their touch and works by simple being? It was, for a Slann who had watched as their great enemy ravaged the world for thousands of years, an intoxicating thought.

Exemplified, like no others, in the Dread Saurians. From whom the winds could bloom and provide even greater benefits.

And so, Bo'ombomp'au went to work. He began to invest himself with Hysh, channeling the single wind through rituals in quantities that would stagger a warmblood, burn out an elven Archmage, and scour the soul of a human into nonexistence. The ritual itself, performed deep within the lush jungles of Lustria in the ruins of Huanabic. Perhaps he took the Daystar as inspiration for his transformation. Alas, by the time the rituals were completed, the world began to end. The Slann, the lizardmen as a race, evacuated elsewhere, and the Mind Fog took complete command. Whatever had allowed Bo'ombomp'au his time did so no longer. Perhaps as a cruel irony of the Dark Gods to allow him the thought of success only to tear it away at the last second.

Now, Bo'ombomp'au slumbers endlessly upon his glimmering white throne, the stone bleached of color, the gold inlaid upon it so pale as to be almost see-through. Upon that throne lies a mage-priest transformed. For all that the warmbloods could begin to change as they channeled Hysh for long periods of time, they were never capable of what a slann could devise. His very skin and flesh have become ethereal, and what can be seen of his innards is a glowing inner beacon of Hysh, his very soul infused with it. Runes of Hysh run down his body, from the golden luminance of his eyes which can be seen despite his slumber so brightly they glow beneath translucent eyelids, down to his waist. Torches carried near him burst brighter, nearly becoming hand-held bonfires. Even the soft noise of his breaths carry a rumbling chorus to them.

Bo'ombomp'au intended to become the very embodiment of Hysh, to become a weapon against Chaos, not simply in mastery of the wind but in his very existence and presence.

He might even have succeeded, but none can say, for never has he woken since arriving in the new world. Perhaps, were the Mind Fog to recede from him, he might prove the worth of his rituals and works. Perhaps.

For now, the Glass Slann rests, attended by his small cadre of skink caretakers. Who's scales, it is noted by those lizardmen with the presence of mind to, have slowly begun to lighten in shade the longer they within Bo'ombomp'au's constant glow.

Hysh Incarnate: Bo'ombomp'au took to mastering the wind of Hysh in excess of what near any warmblood could possibly have, utilizing all the expertise of his kind to do so. His whole body and soul, as a result, have transformed and integrated it into his being. A palpable aura of cleansing Hysh surrounds him at all times, and his ability to use the wind is near un-paralleled. He is, as a result, extremely adept at using its various effects to the benefit of the Plan. Warping of time, blasts of searing light, healing, protective wards, and more. If it could have been done by a warmblood before the evacuation, he can do it, and then some. He is a walking anti-Chaos beacon, and is capable of extending that aura outwards to considerable extent, though cannot do so permanently without exhausting himself at some point or another.

Improvement Extended: Is willing to, unlike some, experiment with his magics and person to better further the Great Plan if at all possible in any way. In simpler terms, as best as such things could possibly extend to the Slann or even the Lizardmen race as a whole, a progressive. At least in terms of seeking out improvements to the effort in proceeding with the Great Plan. Things such as weapons, possibly divergent uses of magic, or even taking inspiration from warmbloods, these are not beyond him. Still, there are limits, but that he is willing to buck at all is unusual.


The Blinding Throne: The Solar Engines of the past provided the inspiration for this weapon, integrated into the very throne that Bo'ombomp'au sits upon. A crystal directly crafted wholly of Hysh is set atop the very head of Bo'ombomp'au in his throne, integrated through means similar to the Solar Engines into being capable of firing a searing beam of pure Hysh towards the foe. It is not, exactly, a blast blessed by Chotec, but Bo'ombomp'au was firm during its construction that the Old Ones would agree that such a weapon was worth creating. It is additionally fitted with wardings to protect the one who sits upon it rather significantly, and especially so against the powers of Chaos.
This is how you make fatass toad creatures that get compared to Hutts beautiful.
The biggest roadblock in writing for him was his name. I'm serious. I've had the concept of a supremely Hysh-y Slann since the City of Light got founded. I am not good at punny names. Most of this was written easily. The name? Very much not so.

Anyway, hopefully if he gets accepted he might one day get to be the ruler of the City of Light. S'what I intend for him, at least.
The biggest roadblock in writing for him was his name. I'm serious. I've had the concept of a supremely Hysh-y Slann since the City of Light got founded. I am not good at punny names. Most of this was written easily. The name? Very much not so.

Anyway, hopefully if he gets accepted he might one day get to be the ruler of the City of Light. S'what I intend for him, at least.
He's a 3rd Gen so I wouldn't mind it. I want all the temple cities closest to and including our original four, to have Slann Rulers of the 3rd Generation, for all the times in the future that chaos inevitably invades our homeworld.
Nothing in particular. I was just looking at the Hysh arcane marks in the Realms of Sorcery, thinking about how a Slann might be able to do stuff in advance of that, and also just...'hey Hysh is the anti-Chaos and Chaos is the Big Enemy (tm)' so wouldn't it be neat if there was a toad what was real good at anti-Chaos. Plus, well, City of Light.

It's basically me taking all of somewhat more positive Hysh arcane marks and escalating them to 11, that's all.
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We will never agree on this.
Have you looked at any actual material from it?

Besides, right after the post saying that Kroak would have gone full up Seraphon, you said you would've really liked him.

Kroak, meanwhile, eventually just goes straight-up Seraphon and creates lizardmen daemons out of purified essence and stuff like that.
Man I really would have liked Kroak. :cry:
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Well shit. Really? I don't know much about AoS. Damn.
I thought you knew the very basics, at least. One of the REALLY IMPORTANT things is that the slann changed up their powers significantly thanks to constantly being in the realm of Azyr-the GM even talked about it a little bit at some point. (though I think their appearance changed less than this guy...I might have to doublecheck that at some point).
Various Relic Ideas - bioticgrunt
Relic ideas
Blaster: A cylinder-like device that is approximately 900 millimeters long with a handle on one end and a carved saurus head on the other. The outside of the weapon is covered in grid like patterns while the inside is composed of light focusing lenses and magitech. When embedded with a magical crystal, the blaster begins to glow with power and is capable of firing powerful blast of energy. The blaster is capable of firing 70 shots before the crystal needs to be replaced with a new one.

The star map: a multi-ringed device embedded with several light absorbing/manipulating crystals around the inside of the rings. There are several different constellations engraved onto exterior of the rings. When the device is activated, the rings shift into different positions and orientations than produce a light based image of the entire galaxy. The rings can be rearranged to show entire segmentae to small systems while also showing what is happening in real time.

Stone Guardians: automata composed of obsinite and metal that act as internal defense systems against enemy invaders. While the lizardmen are capable and willing to fight to the last breath in defense of their cities, The Great Catastrophe and the Skaven invasion has shown that the Temple cities can be breached. Stone guardians take the form of statues, whose appearance are based on which city their created in, and remain inactive until enemies are detected.

Arm cannon: a weapon that is crafted into the form of a vambrace composed of obsinite, metal, and crystals. The arm cannon is capable of concentrated blast of magical energy in its central forward crystal.
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Apologies for the unresponsiveness I've been displaying, adjusting to going back to school again ... again again has taken a bit to fully acclimatize to. Anyhow!

For future reference @Xantalos how would you compare Mazdamundi doing a solo Mag 2/3 Ritual against the Mind Fog Vs Leading the other slann in a conventional dispel attempt?
If you want to hit a particular generation really hard then Maz leading the other slann is better, but as far as damage to the thing itself goes, using a Ritual is a better option.

Say @Xantalos are the lives and duties of the Chameleon Skinks entirely martial in nature, compared to the more administrative ones of their more common cousins?
They're basically constantly acting out a Sam Fisher game as their daily activities - they're specced for intrigue work, the closest they get to managing stuff is when they're on the defence and are managing patrols and scouting parties and whatnot.

Oh, I forgot to threadmark the ghostly Kroxigor concept. Good one! Really good one.

@torroar, awesomely good hero concept. It actually gave me a rather intriguing idea for a thing that could be done later on in the game, an expansion of that sort of infusion concept.