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931: Just Be.
[X] Calming, soothing mint tea.

Before you speak, you take another sip of your tea. The mint pierces your taste buds, bringing you back into the moment and letting you focus on your words.

"...Back home, I was always just stronger than everyone else." You admit to Raido, who doesn't interrupt you, "Heck, I never even questioned it. I kept doing what I thought I should be doing, even if it got me into a ton of fights and all the trouble that comes with 'em." You take a deep breath before continuing, "After a little while, I found out that there were bigger threats to fight than bullies, so I just... Kept doing what I always did. I fought. Now, I've had a ton of close calls, and some... Incidents that I needed Shoji's guidance to keep me from losing my head, but I never actually had to... Kill anyone." The word falls from your mouth like you were spitting out some rotten food.

Raido still doesn't interrupt you, just silently sipping his tea while keeping you in the corner of his eye. A part of you wishes he'd ask you something, even if it was a waste of time to answer.

"No, they always either dropped or tapped out before I got anywhere close to that far. So..." You take another sip of tea, "...That's why I came to Mitakihara. To get away from everything and just... Be. I-I know I'm not really making sense, and I--?"

"I understand, Yumi." Raido finally speaks again, holding up his hand to stop you for a moment, "I understand exactly what you're saying. That's why I came here, back to Kazamino. Tokyo was simply too loud, and the only cases I could get weren't anything the police couldn't handle. Even the demon population dwindled down to just the occasional straggler. So, when a couple of my... "Cousins" requested to guard Tokyo themselves, I let them. Back then, I felt awful about leaving my duties to recover at home. Now, I'm glad I let them have that chance to grow. Because I got to meet you all over again." He offers you a small smile, "...Sorry for going off on a tangent. Go on?"

You shrug a little, "Even through all of my fighting, I've... I've never fought someone like Father Hino before. He was so willing to do whatever it takes to make people suffer, and I just couldn't wrap my head around it. Even scum like alleyway thugs work for greed or pride, but that was something else entirely." You take another sip, realizing that the cup is now empty and filling it back up, "And even if there was another choice, I still... My decision would've been the same. Just knowing that he was out there, haunting my friends and family, would've made it a done deal. I thought I would feel different, be different, especially after that, but..." You stare out over the pond, "...I don't. I'm still me, even after going through what terrified me as a child, even with all my strength."

"I just wish I had gotten there earlier." Raido admits, staring at his tea, "That I could have been the one to make that decision, if only so you didn't. I'm truly sorry, Yumi. But that's the only way it could have gone, and I'm glad you understand that you aren't a murderer for defending yourself and your friends. Also..." He turns to you, a slight smile on his face, "...You did a good job discreetly healing Chitose today. I'm sure she appreciates not being the center of attention for that."

[] ??????????????????????????????
932: Hesitation.
[X] "It's a waste of life."

"If only it wasn't needed in the first place..." You sigh sadly, looking over the pond at the dancing shadows, "...Come to think of it, I should probably check her for anything else later."

"Good idea." Raido nods, setting his tea cup down, "According to the interrogation recordings, Mako got pretty "creative"." He balls up one of his hands into a fist.

You shiver slightly. "...Hey, can you, uh..." You try to sort your words in your mind before you speak, "...Can you tell me any stories about you and Mom when you were first starting out?"

Raido nods, apparently elated to change the topic, "I think I've got a few. Now, Ryoko and I were still in highschool when this happened, so..."


Your hand hovers over your phone. You know that Yumi's a tough girl, but you're still worried about her. Besides, Raido's with her, so she's gotta be safe!

...But you're still worried. You lower your hand...

...Does she even want to talk to you? After flaking out on her today, you doubt she'd even want to see your name pop up on her screen. But, after a miraculous turn of events, you've finally got a couple days off! And so soon, too! Tomorrow and Sunday!

You probably won't be able to do much, but you could try to give your daughter a good weekend, right?

That is, if she even picks up.

Should you even call?

[] Call Yumi.
[] ...
[] ????????????????????????
933: Worry.

You take a sharp breath in, and grab your phone. Oh God, what if the only reason she hasn't called you is because...?!

No, Yumi's fine! Yumi has to be fine! She probably just got caught up with her friends! Yeah, that's it!

You tap her contact on your phone. "Please pick up." You mutter.


"...So I told her that using magic in a duel is cheating, and she told me, and I quote," Raido clears his throat, ""If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying". I have no idea where she heard that, but..." He shrugs.

"She might've heard it from a demon?" You offer, taking another sip of your tea, "That sounds kinda like something a demon would say."

"Hm. Maybe." Raido crosses his arms, letting the silence of the night--

"~It's gonna take me a lot to take me away from you~!"

"What the--?! Yumi, is that your ringtone?" Raido stares at you cock-eyed.

"Only for Dad, but why would he...?"

(INT ROLL: 16+10)

Oh fuck you never called him to tell him you're okay did you.

You rip your phone out of your pocket, almost slapping it into your face as you put it to your ear. "Uh, hey, Dad!" You stammer out, "I--?"

"Are you okay, Yumi?!" He asks, his voice full of worry, "Did you get hurt?!"

[] ?????????????????????????????
934: Relief...!
[X] Amalgam.

"I-I-I'm fine, Dad! I just-- Ugh, this is so embarrassing...!" You shake your head, "Everything has just been happening one thing after the other, and I completely spaced on calling you!"

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, Yumi...!" Dad sighs, "I was worried sick! You've gotta work on remembering to call me, this isn't good for my heart! But are you sure you're alright? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

"Dad, I'm okay! There's not a scratch on me!" You lean back, lying on the porch (much to Raido's confusion), "...Which, in and of itself is surprising, especially considering the rollercoaster of shenanigans that I've been thrusted into."

"Wait, so you dealt with the cult, and then stuff started happening?" Dad sounds confused.

"Nah, even before the cult stuff. Today's just been whack." You begin, mentally retracing your steps so you can tell Dad about your day, "Okay, so first, I was roped into playing Wheel Of Fortune with a demon as the host."

"Pardon?" Raido asks, suddenly snapping back to attention.

"I... What?" Dad stammers out, "Uh... Did you... Like, get prizes or anything?"

"Yeah, I got some prizes." You answer casually, "After that, I fought the cult, then I sent you a text about being okay, and then..." You click your tongue, "...Oh, right. I found Amaterasu in my apartment, playing on our old Super Famicom."

"...Amaterasu the Sun Goddess?" Dad repeats.

"The one and only! Maybe." You sheepishly add, "Oh, sorry about only texting you after it was all said and done. Everyone involved was pretty tired, myself included."

"Yeah, that's... On me, actually." Dad flops down on the sofa, apparently already home today, "I haven't been getting text message notifications lately, so I didn't see it. So, would you say things are pretty under control now?"

[] ??????????????????????????????????????
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935: Idle Conversation
[X] "What do you mean "not currently"?!"

"How do I put this...?" You mull over your words carefully, "There's a bunch of stuff waiting to happen, but nothing is actively going on right now? In any case, we should have a few days of quiet again."

"...I don't like how you said that, but it's good enough for me." Dad answers hesitantly, "Theoretically, if I was gonna visit, what would I need to know about?"

(INT ROLL: 6+10)

"Aside from Yuma, the stray demons, Witches, and Magical Girls? Just another lazy day in Mitakihara." You reply, counting off the potential surprises on your fingers, "Why do you ask?"

"Just shooting the breeze, Yumi." You can almost hear the smile on his face, "Speaking of Yuma, what's she like? How is she?"

"She's doing pretty well!" You find yourself smiling, "Had a problem at school that I sorted out, but that wasn't her fault. She's really starting to open up, I think! Like, she'll come to me if she has a problem, ask me questions, or even just to talk!"

"Sounds like you're doing a great job, then!" Dad chuckles, "I'm glad things are working out! Anyhow, I may or may not have a gift for you for your birthday ready in the shop, so keep your eyes peeled for that!"

Oh, right! Your birthday! You haven't even thought about it for a while! It's...

[] What's Yumi's birthday?
-[] After that, ????????????
936: Interruption!
[X] Yumi's Birthday: April 26th
-[X] After that, tell your dad about some of the more lightheaded stuff that's happened lately.

...April 26th! It's not too far off (Walpurgisnacht notwithstanding)! Part of you wonders what Dad got you for your birthday...

...But you decide that can wait. Now is the time for idle conversation! "I most certainly will!" You reply with a smile, "How have things been on your end? Y'know, besides busy?"

"Long and dull without you or Shoji around. I never knew how much you livened up this house until you two were gone!" He chuckles melancholically (if that's a word), "But, what else is new? I've never been a lively guy, and the quiet helps me think sometimes. Oh, keep an eye on your email. I got a letter from your college about... "Awkward circumstances". Their words, not mine. Heck, I'm not even sure what they mean."

""Awkward circumstances"...?" You parrot back at him, "Uh, yeah, I'll keep an eye out for any news."

"With that out of the way, how are your friends taking to this whole "demon fighting" thing?"

As you try to think of a response, Grandpa pokes his head out of the door. "Yumi! Pink, Blue and Purple are here, and they're askin' for you! Mind if I send 'em to ya?"

[] ???????????????????????????????
937: Girl Stuff
[X] Hitomi is punching air rn

"Oh, they're taking to things pretty well," You answer Dad, holding up a finger to your Grandpa, "Even if I hoped they wouldn't have to. Speaking of, some of them just showed up! Gotta go, love you Dad!"

"See you soon, Yumi!" He laughs as he hangs up.

"Coming, Gramps!" You call out to himas you pocket your phone.


Is Raido not coming inside? "You coming, Uncle Raido?" You ask him.

(INT ROLL: 19+10)

His breathing nearly stops when he hears you call him "Uncle". There's a slight smile on his face as he nods, "I'm right behind you."

That simple gesture must've meant a lot to him, seeing as he's now in a much better mood. True to his word, he follows you inside...

...Right before Sayaka, Madoka and Homura drag you right back outside. Sayaka (for some reason) disallows Raido to accompany you, stating it's "girl business". Raido simply sighs and accepts this.

Madoka and Homura sit on either side you, while Sayaka plops down on the grass.

"...So, what's all this about?" You ask hesitantly, "Do you guys need tips on demon summoning or--?"

"YumiImightlikegirls!!" Sayaka blurts out as quickly as she can, "WhatdoIdoooooo?!"

Your eyes widen.

[] ????????????????????????????????????????
938: A Mature Reaction (/j)
[X] "Just remember what I said in slow motion!"

"Okay, slow down, Sayaka!" You lean forward a little, "Take it from the top! What's the problem?"

"...Oh, uh, okay, so I was heading to the roof of the school to, uh, clear my thoughts," Sayaka begins, tapping her fingertips together, "A-And Homura was up there, and..."

"It's okay, Sayaka, take your time!" Madoka smiles at her friend.

"...One thing led to another, and...!" Sayaka's face reddens considerably, "...I, uh, um, she...!"

Homura sighs, staring blankly at the blue haired girl.

"Homura made me think things and now I don't know if I like boys anymore!!" Sayaka finally finishes.

"Wha--?!" Homura stammers, "I did nothing of the sort! You came to me for advice, and I gave it to you! You're making it sound as if I used mind control to make you--?"

You raise your hand, instantly quelling the argument before it begins. "...Okay." You take a deep breath, "While I appreciate you coming to me to talk about something this important to you, I have a question of my own."

Everyone waits with bated breath for your question.

"Why are you talking to me about this?" You ask plainly, "I'm not really experienced in relationships, nor am I any good when it comes to figuring out who people like."

All of the girls stare at you blankly.

"...What?" You ask them, a little confused.

"B-B-B-But you and Kohaku...!!" Sayaka stammers, "You two have gotta be together, right?!"

"Do you expect us to believe that you two are just good friends?" Homura asks deadpan, "Either you think we wouldn't understand your relationship, or you're just dense."


You blink again.

Very calmly, you stand up off of the porch, and walk off to the pond. You feel their eyes on your back as you walk.

Thankfully, in just one moment, you find yourself at the Fairy Village's Terminal, away from that entire thing. Your face feels incredibly hot, and your leg is bouncing up and down at a rapid pace.

They really thought you and Kohaku...?

[] ??????????????????????????????????????????
939: What Is Love To You?
[X] Love is hard.

You sigh, shaking your head while you dig your phone out of your pocket.

>sorry I panicked. my love life is a sensitive subject to me, Kyoko and Shoji can back it up.

You send the message, and begin typing out another.

>don't get me wrong, Kohaku is amazing, but I don't know if she likes girls. or how I feel about anything rn

And, sent. Now, you just need to calm down enough to have a conversation about love.

...Okay, now you can't stop thinking about love. What even is love to you?

Love is...
[] ...Scary to you. You don't want to get hurt that way.
[] ...Something you don't know how to process.
[] ...Something that you don't deserve.
[] ...Something else (Write in).

Your phone buzzes in your hand, snapping you back to reality. You hesitantly check the screen.

(1) Homu: Madoka says that she is sorry about making assumptions in regards to you and Kohaku.

You close your eyes. Kohaku... How do you feel about her...? She's incredibly important to you, of course, but do you love her like that?

...That should be a conversation you have with Kohaku. Probably not tonight.

After a little while, you feel at peace. Okay, you can continue your conversation now! You stand up off of the bench, and head to the Terminal.

The second you get back, Madoka instantly begins apologizing.

[] ?????????????????????????????
940: "...Ky..."
[X] ...Something you don't know how to process.

...You don't exactly have experience in love like you do with combat or demon affairs, so you simply don't know how to react to it, let alone process it. You've never really had to think about it before, and bringing it up now just...

...Man, why can't you just fight emotions and fix them like that?!


[X] Reassure Madoka and friends. They didn't know. Just help them out however you can.

"It's okay! I just... Overreacted a little!" You chuckle a bit, kinda embarrassed about running off like you did, "You didn't mean any harm, right?"

"B-But we...!" Madoka begins again, but stops when you sigh.

"Apology accepted." You tell her with a slight smile, "Now, how can I help you guys?"

"We need to form a plan of attack." Homura states plainly, "There is a certain person Miki seems to be infatuated with, so we shall start there. Miki, who do you have your eye on?"

"...Ky..." Sayaka mumbles, her face turning red.

(INT ROLL: 14+10)




"Sayaka, you need to speak up!" Madoka gently tries to coax her friend, "We can't help you if we don't--?"

"Kyoko?" You answer, surprising Madoka and Sayaka. Homura, however, remains as stone faced as always.

...Should you tell them that today might not be a good time to try this?

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