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921: Gouto, Gouto...
[X] "Wait a minute."

"Wait a sec, were you once human, Gouto?" You ask, catching Kohaku off guard, "I mean, I can't imagine any government trying to take money from a cat. Er, no offense."

"Eh, once upon a time." Gouto stretches, "Stuff happened, as the youth seem to say, and now I'm an immortal cat." Without a moment's delay, he trots over to you, "It's not all it's cracked up to be, but I'm pretty content."

"Being immortal, or being an adorable kitty?" Kohaku asks, slowly reaching her hand over to pet him.

"Both." Surprisingly, Gouto allows himself to be petted, "You know, I honestly prefer dog people. Less hassle in my day to day, y'know?"

Kohaku blinks. "...I see."

"And since only summoners can hear me, I can talk all the crap I want about everyone!" Gouto chuckles, "And I get pet for it!"

"Hey, watch your mouth around Yuma!" Kohaku chastises your uncle's cat as if she's talking to Griffon.

"Kid, she can't hear me. Watch," To prove his point, Gouto struts up to Yuma, sits right in front of her, and says, "I took an acting role in the US, and played Salem in Sabrina The Teenage Witch."

"...Yuma never watched that." She tilts her head.

[] ?????????????????????????????
922: Four-Eyes...?

You stare at Gouto with the same kind of look that Dad gave you after the motorcycle incident. Gouto glares right back at you. Yuma looks between the two of you, then returns to playing Mario World after deciding that the conversation isn't going to interest her.

"...You do know that I met her after she was rescued by an Oni, right?" You ask him, "And that was before the whole "bonding with the nightmares" thing, by the way."

Gouto opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.

"Now that I think about it, Yuma told us you could talk a few days ago!" You add, "What, did you just forget?"

"Yeah, I'm a cat." He replies as if that was an impenetrable defense, "I usually don't have to deal with stuff like this. Besides, all you kids blur together in my mind."

"So you're only a cat when it's convenient?" Shoji grins as he prods Gouto.

"Watch your tone, four-eyes." Gouto shoots back, "Or I might just have to take a nap in your shirt drawer."

"I'm not even wearing glasses." Shoji shakes his head.

"You've got the "poor posture, thick glasses, lab coat" air about you. I don't make the rules, bud, I just play the game."

"Y'know, it bothers me that you're not the first person to say that." With a sigh, Shoji leans back into the couch.

"You do have a bit of a slouch, Shoji." Kohaku comments, much to Shoji's surprise, "You see it too, right?"

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923: Slouch...?
[X] "Nice try, but no."

"Nice try to change the subject, Gouto, but I'm not so easily distracted." You tell him.

"Dang. And here I was hoping you'd take after your uncle when he was little!" Gouto snarks much to Raido's chagrin.

"Just..." You cut him off before he can continue, "Watch what you say around Yuma."

Gouto smirks, "Or what, may I ask?"

"Or I'll make sure all of your food is soaked in that bitter anti-chew spray." You grin just a bit too widely, "Even if you hunt it yourself."

"Joke's on you, I don't need to eat." Gouto scoffs, "But, uh, duly noted."

"Good!" You snap back to your usual, cheery self, "Oh, and Shoji?"

"Y-Yeah?" Shoji seems a little nervous for some reason.

"Y'know, I never noticed it until Gouto brought it up, but you do have a slight slouch," You tell him, "But you're never a slouch when it counts! I think all of us can agree on that!" You grin warmly at him, giving him a quick wink.

"Oh. Uh, thanks, Yumi." Shoji shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

The door opens, and in come Grandma, Grandpa, and Kyoko...

...Who is wearing some new clothes, and looks rather embarrassed.

Grandpa glances at Amaterasu, then back at you.

"Hm." Is all he offers.

[] ??????????????????????????????????
924: The Shattered Goddess.
[X] "I'm not some dress up doll!" ~ Kyoko

You whistle on instinct, "Lookin' good, Kyoko! You'll be breaking hearts left, right, and cent--"

"Not. Another. Word." Kyoko growls out, passing by (READ: stepping over) you to head off to the backyard.

Grandma sighs, "She's been like that since we stopped to get her new clothes." She tells you, her voice full of sympathy, "Please don't take it too personally."

"Don't worry, I won't." You smile, "Oh, and, uh, sorry about bringing guests over on such short notice. It... Just kinda happened." You scratch the back of your head, "See, I went to go get Yuma something to play, and then... Boom."

"...That's Amaterasu, alright." Grandpa crosses his arms, "Or at least, a fragment of her."

"Fragment?" You parrot, standing up, "What do you mean?"

Ame-No-Uzume sighs, rising to meet your Grandfather, "So, you've noticed. I suppose there's no reason to hide it any longer. Yes, Amaterasu... Was broken during her time as a creator god."

"Wait, what?" You turn to Ame-No-Uzume, "She's broken--? How does that even happen?"

"...So, the rumors are true." Gouto nods quietly, "Well, at least she had a good run as the head honcho."

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" You ask everyone, "Like, I am horribly in the dark, here!"

Grandpa steps in front of Grandma, "When a demon is defeated, they normally disappear into Magatsuhi, right? From there, they head to the Abyss, reform, and go right back to their business." Grandpa waits for you to process that before continuing, "Now, the stronger the demon, the more time it takes for them to revive, which means more chances for something to go wrong. Going up the totem pole further, when a demon reclaims a bit of their divinity, they can become Creators. The process is long, arduous, and stressful. When under that much stress, slip ups happen, and..."

"...Demons can break." Ame-No-Uzume finishes, "Amaterasu held the throne for some time, but the stress and pain eventually poisoned her mind and... Broke Lady Amaterasu. If I hadn't been there for her, she may have simply ceased to be."

"Ceased to be...?" Kohaku repeats, thinking over the goddess's words.

Ame-No-Uzume nods gravely, "And she was one of the more responsible Creators. If any other deities returned to power, such as Zeus or Odin, there may be no way to stop them from becoming Creators."

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925: An Old Legend.
[X] "Aogami...!"

"So, I'm guessing that there's a big problem with this "throne"?" You ask, silently hoping that the answer isn't yes.

"Indeed." Ame-No-Uzume confirms, "There's a power vacuum that has yet to be filled, even after Lady Amaterasu was shattered. Many former gods seek to reclaim their divinity and take the throne."

"Why do I have to be right...?" You mutter to yourself, "Welp, we know of at least two gods working in Mitakihara, Athena and Eris. Three of you count Asura, but I beat him."

"Then they seek the throne." Ame-No-Uzume explains, "Should you endeavor to stop them, you should know their plan to reach divinity." The demon breathes in deep, and exhales, "They seek a compatible mortal soul to bond with. 'Tis a difficult task, and for good reason. Once the demon has found a compatible mortal, they shall become one, and their power shall only be rivalled by another of their kind."

"You're talking about that old legend of the Nahobino, right?" Grandpa steps in front of you, "You're telling me it's true?"

Ame-No-Uzume looks away sadly.

Grandpa sighs, shaking his head, "I genuinely hope that this Nahobino business just stays a legend. We've got enough problems as if is."

Raido seems to be deep in thought, staring at his lap.

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926: Nahobino?
[X] "A Nahobino, or the Nahobino?"

"Wait, what even is a Nahobino?" You ask, desperately trying to understand why everyone is so worked up, "I'm completely lost, here! Can someone explain?"

"Ah, I suppose you wouldn't be familiar with the legend, being a mortal." Ame-No-Uzume begins, "When a demon finds a human that holds their Knowledge, they can become one being that holds great power. This being is referred to as a Nahobino. So, when you see a demon take a specific human out of a crowd, that usually means that they have their Knowledge."

Your heart falls into your stomach as the realization hits you.

"...That's why Eris took Victoria." You mutter to yourself.

"I always had a feeling that those two psychos were perfect for each other..." Kyoko shakes her head, the gravity of the situation not lost on her, "...Almost too perfect."

"So, if they're a Nahobino now, what can we do?" Kohaku asks in a low, hushed tone, "...Is there anything we can do?"

(INT ROLL: 16+10)

"...Wait a sec." You snap to attention, "If they are able to become a Nahobino, why haven't they done it already?"

"Because their wills aren't one, maybe?" Grandpa suggests, "Or maybe somethings wrong with her soul?" He nudges you.

You almost instantly get the message.

Victoria and Eris can't become a Nahobino because Victoria is a Magical Girl! That has to be it!

When your eyes flash with understanding, Grandpa simply smiles.

[] ???????????????????????????
927: Planning Phase
[X] "She's an idiot."

"Yeah, she's a Magical Girl." You nod, "And I'd bet on there being some disharmony between them, given Victoria's lack of self preservation and all."

"She's definitely not easy to work with." Kohaku comments with a tone full of vitriol, catching you a little off guard, "I don't think there's a compromising bone in her body."

"If you're aggravated with this Victoria girl, then she truly must be dreadful." Grandma agrees.

"Then it sounds like we have time to make a plan!" Grandpa smiles, "Raido, Yumi, join me in the dinin' room whenever you're ready! You too, Ame-No-Uzume!"

Raido nods, getting out of his seat and following Grandpa.

Seeing an opportunity, you decide to speak with Ame-No-Uzume, guiding her away from everyone. Once you're out of earshot (it'd be rude to talk in front of the TV)...

"Hey, this is a bit off topic, but I've been racking my brain trying to figure this out, and I thought you'd have an idea." You tell her. When Ame-No-Uzume nods, you continue, "Do you know why I'm able to use Magatsuhi?"

Ame-No-Uzume gasps slightly, moving a hand to her mouth, "Truly? You are able to utilize Magatsuhi as a demon can?"

"I mean, I think?" You admit, "I've got a picture of the ability I can use, if you'd like to look?"

"Show me." Ame-No-Uzume looks... Cautious as you raise your phone up to her.

She doesn't say anything as she looks at the screen. Then, she shakes her head, "I apologize, but I do not know what could be causing this. You are not a Nahobino, your demonic heritage isn't strong enough for something like this... I am truly out of ideas."

You sigh, "Eh, worth a shot, right?" After a quick shrug, you lead the demon to the dining room, and she takes her seat at the table.

"Okay, tell us everything you can about this Icky Vicky." Grandpa says, all eyes flocking to you.

[] ???????????????????????????????
928: Victoria Talk
[X] "She's a bitch, and she fights like a bitch."

"Victoria exclusively uses a rapier that she enchants with ice magic for combat. Furthermore, she has some sort of fear aura that only seems to work on other Magical Girls and those who can become Magical Girls." You explain, drumming your fingers on the table, "I couldn't tell you if she picked up any new tricks from Eris, though. Her tactics are "Run in, stab everyone". Yeah, really well thought out, huh?"

"She hunts children. She's probably never been in a fair fight before coming here." Raido grits his teeth, staring forward.

"But that's good for us! She's got no idea how to find for herself in a real battle!" Grandpa smiles at you, "Anything else?"

"Well, she's got the personality of a fairytale villain." You sneers at Victoria's expense, "She's cruel, vain, sadistic, unbelievably arrogant, and she hates people like me, or as she calls them "goody two-shoes"." Even just mentioning her makes your blood boil... "And, considering that she hates my guts, I assume she'll come after me and friends if left to her own devices."

"I don't think a person like that will just let bygones be bygones." Grandpa shakes his head, "...Do you think you can fight her again, if it comes to that?"

"Well, she's 2-0 for even hitting me in any of our fights, so yes, I do." You grin, thinking back to how Oni headbutted the murderer, "Heck, I think I could give you a play-by-play of our fights if you want!"

"No, that's... We're fine." Raido shakes his head, "So, I suppose it's Eris we need to worry about, then?"

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929: The Mystery Of Eris
[X] ~Just Goddess of Discord Things~

"I'd assume so, but I've only seen her nab Victoria and teleport away, and keep her on an actual leash, so..." You shrug for what feels like the tenth time today, "...I've got no idea what she can actually do in a fight."

"So she's a gal who plays her cards close to her chest..." Grandpa comments, "...So you'd be blind if things got too hairy."

You glance over at Ame-No-Uzume, who sighs, "I truly wish I could assist you, but I've never met Eris once." Well, there goes that idea.

Raido closes his eyes, placing a hand to his chin. "I hate gambles like this. Yumi, I think we're just about done here if you wanna go get something to eat."

"Ah, shit, it was my turn to cook!" Grandpa smacks his forehead, "I guess I'll just go get some burgers..." He gets up, and matches his way out of the dining room.

"Thank you for your time, but I must return to Lady Amaterasu." Ame-No-Uzume floats over to the door, and exits.

(INT ROLL: 10+10)

...Raido glances in your direction, as if debating starting a new conversation, but chooses not to. If you wanna talk to him, you'll need to be the one to initiate the conversation.

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930: "I'm Here To Listen, After All This Time."
[X] Uncle Iroh Maxing

You sigh, feeling your shoulders droop, "...You wanna talk about how I'm handling today? Fine, but we talk outside. She doesn't need to hear this." Both Yuma and Kohaku are in your mind as you speak, "And I'm gonna need some fresh tea for this."

"I..." Raido blinks in surprise, then adds, "...Get me a cup, too. I'll be outside." He nods to you, then slips out the door.

You take a deep breath, and head to the kitchen. You fill the kettle, start up the stove, and pick out what kind of tea you want.

[] Write in your tea!

Once it's all made, you head outside with two cups. Sure enough, Raido is waiting by the pond. You join him, setting the cups and the kettle down and pouring yourselves some tea.

You sip yours before he does. The air seems to stagnate between you two...

"...There wasn't any other way that your fight could have gone." He tells you, not looking in your direction, "If you lost, everything ends. If you show mercy, he'd just come back and keep torturing Kohaku. I'm no stranger to death, but that doesn't mean I don't feel awful whenever... Something happens." He doesn't elaborate. "I can't imagine what you must be thinking and feeling, but... I want to help you through this. I want to be there for you. I know I haven't been a good uncle to you, but I want to start making things right between us. Because right now, my biggest fear is that..." He takes a sharp breath in, "...You get hurt before I figure out how to be your family. So, tell me everything. Everything you're thinking, or feeling, or even just about what your interests are. I'm here to listen, after all this time."

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