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881: Under A Tree
[X] ...Wait, is that Power Rangers?!

"...Hold on, is that Power Rangers?!" You nearly shout as you press the OK button, "Oh, and it's original audio!!"

"Power Rangers?" Kohaku asks, "Like, that American Super Sentai show?"

"I guess you would be into Western shows." Shoji comments, leaning back into his chair, "Alright, I'll give it a chance."


You like sitting outside in the grass under the tree. The rest of the outdoors area is too loud for you, anyways.

...Nagisa is playing on the playground with a bunch of other kids. She makes friends really easily.

You wish you cou--?

Shadow plops down right next to you, scanning the area for anything out of the ordinary. His tail flicks from one side to the other, but never moves too far from you.

"...Mr. Shadow?" You ask him.

His ears twitch slightly. Does that mean he's listening?

"Are we friends?"

His tail turns to a black, smokey cloud, and gently wraps around your wrist. It feels... Velvety.

"...Thank you, Mr. Shadow." You tell him, staring at the back of his head. Shadow, as usual, doesn't respond.

You begin to draw lines in the dirt with your free hand. And, in just a few lines, you've drawn up a house. You stare at it for a moment, before--!

Bella appears, weapon at the ready, looking around wildly!

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882: Down
[X] Yuma is spooked!

Seeing Bella show up on her own isn't a good sign, is it? You hop up onto your feet, trying to find what Bella was looking at. You're not the same scared little girl that Mama hurts all the time anymore!

...Okay, you are a little afraid, but Big Sis Yumi wouldn't be! What would she do...?

...You've got your answer now. Big Sis Yumi would do something really cool and awesome, but not too destructive so that she doesn't get in trouble!

You think.


Just as your legs move to begin walking, the ground under your feet disappears! Bella and Shadow jump back onto you (as the bracelet and scarf), and you fall for a second before--

Something grabs your arms!! You panic, thrashing about--

"Hey, hey! Stop it!" Griffon squawks at you, "I'm trying to save your life, here!"

"Mr. Griffon?!" You ask in surprise, "What's happening?! Where's the ground?!"

"How should I know?!" He replies, "I just got here!"

I found you.

"Did you say something, kid?" Griffon asks as you begin to finally touch the floor.

"...Yuma doesn't think so..." Your feet hit the ground, which is dusty and sandy, like a desert.

Shadow and Bella return once you've gotten your footing, taking either side of you.

Griffon flops on the ground, "Phew! At least you're not as heavy as V..."

All soldiers, bring her to me.

"Did anyone else hear that?" Griffon perks up at the sound of faraway stomping feet, "...And that?"

You grip your cane tightly.

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883: Opening Play
[X] Ride a cat!

Shadow, sensing your intent, materializes right under you. This startles you a little, but you recover quickly.

Looking around for any sign of a way to return to school ends up fruitless. There's nothing around you but scorch marks and dust.

The footsteps grow closer, and eventually, you see a battalion of small knights approaching. You almost try asking for directions before one fires an arrow!


It hits Griffon as he tries to get up!

"Oh, come on! Why me?!" He shouts back, clearly angry with the knights, "Try this, you walking tin cans!"


Most of the lightning only strikes around the bad guys, but one gets hit!


He doesn't look too hurt, but he definitely felt it!

Sending an opening, Bella rushes in, lance in hand!


With one swift movement, she's skewered one enemy and sent another sprawling!


One knight takes an opportunity, and slashes Bella right on the back! She silently winces, swinging her lance to hit it!


The knight backs off, evading the swing. It's buddy jumps in, aiming a bow at her!


The arrow whizzes right past her head, but she doesn't even flinch! Bella's so cool...!

You try to bring Nightmare out...


...But nothing happens. Is he asleep?

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884: Knight Takes Pawn
[X] Second verse, same as the first!

...Well, if Nightmare's sleeping, you should just stick to what you've been doing. It's worked so far!

Shadow keeps you from getting hit, while Griffon and Bella beat up the bad guys! Once they can't fight back, you'll jump in and finish them!

You can do this! As long as no one does anything crazy, you should be okay!

"Comin' at 'cha, baby!!" Griffon shouts as he lunges into the fray.

OOC: Man, the dice fucking hate Griffon.

The knight guy leaps out of the way, but can't pull of any sort of counter. Griffon, however, still looks incredibly disappointed.

Bella shakes her head, moving her lance to--

...That one bad guy is still stuck on the end of it.


Bella takes a deep breath, and...!!

She breathes fire onto the bad guys! One of them gets out of the way, but the other is completely bathed in flames!

The knight drops down, unable to continue the battle! Shadow rushes in, and you leap off of his back!


You stick him right in the chest, and he fades away in a puff of ash. As you pull your cane out of the ground, Bella removes the other knight from her lance, tossing it over to you. You raise the cane above your head...


...And get him really good! He disappears in the same way. You're feeling really good!


One of the knights hits Bella with an arrow! She stumbles a little, clearly hurt from the attack. His buddy...

...Where's the other one?

As you turn around, you see the flash of the Knight's sword as he tries to bring it down upon you.


You flinch, falling backwards and closing your eyes.



Where is it? You take a hesitant peek...

Shadow has turned into a bunch of spikes, and stuck the bad guy in place! The spikes retract, and the knight falls to the ground! Without hesitation, you plunge the cane into the enemy!


Another puff of smoke, another victory!

There's just one left now!

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-[] Try to do something cool!
885: King Takes Pawn
[X] Taunt kill?

Suddenly, your eyes light up. You could do something really cool! Cool like Big Sis Yumi!!

Shadow leaps into position instantly, and prepares...?


Shadow's tail turns into a big blade, and slashes the knight upwards! The bad guy goes flying!

You hold the cane up, and hope really hard.

(YUMA... ATTACKS?: 12)

You flinch when you feel the weight of the knight hit your weapon. You take a glance up, and see it already fading away.

Griffon flies close to you, laughing, "Damn, kid! You might have some style after all!"

Bella instantly glares at Griffon for cussing.

"Ah, shit, sorry." Griffon sighs.

Bella's eyes narrow more.

"Damnit--! Ah, again?!" Griffon squawks at himself, "...Eh, no harm, no foul."

It doesn't seem like Bella agrees with that.

"Or what?!" Griffon taunts Bella, "You're gonna tell the teacher that I said a naughty word? Gonna wash my mouth out with soap? Joke's on you, I drink that stuff for fun!"

Bella rolls her eyes, moving closer to you. Shadow appears at your other side, making you practically untouchable.

...Oh, and Griffon flies overhead. He helps, too!

"Well, kid? What's the plan? Wanna go kill ourselves a Witch?" Griffon offers.

Bella shakes her head, pointing at the ground.

"Argh, I hate charades!" Griffon attempts to provoke Bella again, "Okay, how many words is it?"

As expected of you. Now, what is your move?
It seems like Bella wants you to stay here. Maybe she wants it to be easier for help to find you?

You cross your arms, thinking really hard.

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886: Deliberation
[X] "Where Nightmare?"

"Um, Mr. Griffon?" You ask him, "Why couldn't Yuma get Mr. Nightmare to come out?"

"Whuh?" Griffon looks back at you, "Oh, he needs a lot of energy to come out and stay out, and you don't have much right now."

You look at your feet, taking that in. "Oh. So, Yuma needs to get more energy to wake him up?"

"...If that's how you wanna rationalize this, then yeah." Griffon flaps his wings, going up higher, "I'm gonna go do what I like to call "minding other people's business" real quick. I'll tell you if I find anything!"

Without your input, Griffon flies off. "B-Be careful!" You call out, but doubt he heard you.

Bella sighs, shaking her head as she scans the horizon for any bad guys. Shadow simply flicks his tail.

"Okay, let's stay here, everyone!" You tell your allies, "That way, Mr. Griffon can find us again!"

Bella seems happy that you're taking her advice, while Shadow is pretty indifferent to this whole scenario.

With that in mind, you start preforming some stretches that you saw in P. E. Class today. If you need to run somewhere without Shadow, you want to be ready!

Shadow stares at you as you stretch. He looks a little curious.

It's your turn. Aren't you going to move?
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OOC: You can vote to swap back at any time, should you do choose.
887: The Tower.
[X] "GRIFFOOOOOOOOOOOON!!" - Guys, just after Griffon slapped him with his wing.

You sit right down on the ground, wiping your forehead. Man, all that stretching has really tired you out!

After you catch your breath, Griffon decides to show back up, sitting down right next to you. "Okay, everyone! Listen up! I'm back from my recon run!"

Shadow stares at him, as if to say "Really? I hadn't noticed!".

"So, I saw some dust, collapsed houses, a wagon, at least eighteen skeletons, and a giant tower filled with cannons." He lists off the sights of this place as if he was discussing the news, "Oh, and more of those knight guys. They shot at me, by the way."

"So, do we go to the tower?" You ask, bouncing your foot off of the ground, "Or should we stay here?"

"Personally, I vote to go get that artillery before those jarheads do, but you're the boss." Griffon suggests, which Bella responds to with a nod.

Thank you, Bella. Now, let's continue.

You stand up, and all of your friends take positions around you. "Lead the way, Mr. Griffon!"

"Fair warning, if you walk slow, I'm ditching you-- Ack!!" Griffon squawks as Bella thumps him on the head with her lance, "I was joking! Don't you have any sense of humor?!"

(LUK ROLL: 13+1)

...It looks like you got here before any of the bad guys did! You pump your fist, and--

Bella stops you before you enter, going inside first. She looks around, and you peek in as well...?



"...Mr. Vergil?" You ask, tilting your head, "Why are you here?"

Vergil sighs, setting whatever he was reading down on the table beside him, "It's a quiet place to read. Why are you here?"

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888 (Eight!): Tempting Fate.
[X] "Aw, I got kidnapped again?!"

"Yuma thinks she got kidnapped from school again," You tell Vergil, "So we were gonna use the cannons on the bad guys coming after us."

"Are you telling me that you've brought your enemy here?" Vergil sternly asks you, as if he was your dad.

You look down at your feet, "...Yeah."

"Sorry, V, but this place isn't gonna be quiet for much longer!" Griffon adds, "Man the cannons! Shoot everyone! Make it rain... Whatever these dumbasses are made of!"

Vergil closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. "I suppose you expect me to "save the day", and rescue you all?"

"...Well, are you?" Griffon asks.

"No." Vergil states plainly, "I'll critique you, though."

"B-But Yuma--!!"

"You interrupted my reading." Vergil puts his book away in his coat, "I'm simply choosing to be the bigger person and not interrupt your battle."

"But Mr. Dante--?!"

"Hold up, kid. Lemme talk to him." Griffon nods to you, then turns to his former master, "So you admit it then, eh?

"Admit what?" Vergil scoffs.

"Dante's better than you."

Vergil's face hardens more than you thought possible. "Choose your next words carefully, bird."

"Hey, all I'm saying is that he could get through a Barrier without letting her get touched even once!" You can't exactly tell, but Griffon seems to be smiling. "So, I guess you're just saying that you can't do--!!"

Vergil suddenly clears the distance of the room and grabs Griffon by the throat. "I can do it. It's simply not worth doing." He growls out.

"Prove it...!" Griffon taunts further.

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889: Pawn To Rook
[X] Unintentionally poking the bear.

"M-Mr. Griffon!" You call him, "You need to stop telling Mr. Vergil that Mr. Dante is cooler! Yuma and Bella need you to help shoot the cannons! A-And Yuma doesn't know how to aim the art..." You stumble over the unfamiliar word, "Arth... Arm...? No..." You tilt your head, "Air... Teal... Ah... Wry?"

Vergil lessens his grip on Griffon's neck. Griffon takes this opportunity to whisper something to Vergil.

"Leaving her alone is a death sentence. I know you've done a lot of bad things, but can you really live with this on your conscience?"
Vergil growls, finally letting Griffon free from his grasp. "I will intervene only if my assistance is needed."

You let out a breath of relief. For a second there, you thought he'd just abandon you!

...You don't like being alone.

"Okay, crash course on cannons!" Griffon flaps over to the upper levels, "So first, you gotta load the..."


You stand in the first floor, staring down a nightmare you don't recognize. Well, don't quite recognize.

You feel like you've seen her in a dream once, but only in passing. Like a faint vision of what was, or what could be. Surprisingly, this isn't your first experience with this feeling.

The nightmare, "Bella" if you recall correctly, finally relents, moving to support her master. If these cannons actually work, things will get loud.

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890: Check...?
[X] Pretend nothing is wrong.

You sigh to yourself, sitting back down and opening your book up again. You flip back to the page you were on before being so rudely interrupted, and...

...Wait for a moment. It should take them a fair amount of time to figure out how to properly use a cannon, considering only two of that rowdy band have opposable thumbs.

That means two things in your mind.

One, you have some extra quiet reading time.

Two, it will be trivial for any ne'er-do-wells to sneak in and attack them from a position of relative advantage.

"Where do these dumbasses keep the cannon balls?!" You hear Griffon shout out, "You, dragon girl, help me look!!"

There is a moment of silence.

"Kid, Bella's got the cannon, come help me!" Griffon barks an order as if he is the master, "There's gotta be something we can shoot!"

You slam your book closed, putting it back in your coat. "Must I do everything myself?" You growl as you approach the front door. Undoubtedly, there are enemies quickly approaching this location.

Let them come. It saves you the trouble of looking for them.

You step outside, closing the door behind you and utilizing Spiral Blades to dissuade entry. Unless they are stupid, they will avoid the door with spinning, ethereal swords swirling around it.

You look upon your current battlefield, and find seven short, cartoonish knights. Just behind them, there are three priests glaring daggers at you. And on their flanks, they have four knights on horseback.

...Well, you wouldn't exactly call it a "horse". It's more of a child's rendition of what a horse might look like if they had never actually seen one.

Your hand instinctively moves to the Yamato's hilt.

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