[X] Taunt kill?
Suddenly, your eyes light up. You could do something really cool! Cool like
Big Sis Yumi!!
Shadow leaps into position instantly, and prepares...?
Shadow's tail turns into a big blade, and slashes the knight upwards! The bad guy goes flying!
You hold the cane up, and hope really hard.
(YUMA... ATTACKS?: 12)
You flinch when you feel the weight of the knight hit your weapon. You take a glance up, and see it already fading away.
Griffon flies close to you, laughing, "Damn, kid! You might have some style after all!"
Bella instantly glares at Griffon for cussing.
"Ah, shit, sorry." Griffon sighs.
Bella's eyes narrow more.
"Damnit--! Ah,
again?!" Griffon squawks at himself, "...Eh, no harm, no foul."
It doesn't seem like Bella agrees with that.
what?!" Griffon taunts Bella, "You're gonna tell the teacher that I said a naughty word? Gonna wash my mouth out with soap? Joke's on
you, I drink that stuff for
Bella rolls her eyes, moving closer to you. Shadow appears at your other side, making you practically untouchable.
...Oh, and Griffon flies overhead. He helps, too!
"Well, kid? What's the plan? Wanna go kill ourselves a Witch?" Griffon offers.
Bella shakes her head, pointing at the ground.
"Argh, I
hate charades!" Griffon attempts to provoke Bella again, "Okay, how many words is it?"
As expected of you. Now, what is your move?
It seems like Bella wants you to stay here. Maybe she wants it to be easier for help to find you?
You cross your arms, thinking really hard.
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