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31: Understandable Frustrations
[X] Seriously!? We already have to deal with Magical Girls turning into monstrosities, weird cat things turning girls into said Magical Girls, and your telling me that things are just about to get even more chaotic! Can you at least tell me why? And I guess I better start training cause like hell am I going to let this world to down the fucking drain!

You stand still for a moment. You don't believe it.

"I understand your confusion, but this is a very real threat-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" You shout out in exasperation. "I've already gotta contend with Magical Girls, the rampant souls of Magical Girls, weird cat-plush things that turn people into Magical Girls, and you're telling me..." You point at him, "...You're telling me that I'm gonna have even more bullshit to deal with?! Why? Please tell me why!"

The Lost Samurai seems to be a bit taken aback by your outburst. He then says, "The best way I can explain it is with an analogy. This world is your home. Cracks are beginning to form in the walls, allowing access to demons. It will start with weaker demons, but more and stronger ones will come."

"Well then, let's get to training! Because I am sure as hell NOT going to let the world go down the fucking drain!" You growl the last sentence of your understandable outburst.

He clears his throat. Then, he hands you the Gauntlet. You take it slowly from his grasp.

You place it on you arm. Instantly, you feel the material inside begin to shift, perfectly fitting to your arm. Then, the screen lights up.



"Missing?" You say in confusion.

"My apologies," He begins, "The gauntlet needed more work, but we were pressed for time. He may be here to add it at a later date, but for now you'll need to find someone else to preform Demon Fusion for you. Open the Personal Status Display."

You open it before you think, and...

[] Write in your stats!


HP: 56
MP: 39

STR: 5
DEX: 5
END: 5
AGL: 5
INT: 5
CHR: 5
LUK: 5
32: First Encounter
[X] Plan Pure Skill, I'll Make My Own Luck
-[X] STR +3, DEX +1, END +3, AGL+5, INT +3, CHR +3, LUK +0

The screen is flooded with numbers, words, and other symbols. From what you can gather, these are your vitals.

"Interesting." Is all the Lost Samurai says.

"I guess, but what does any of this mean?" You ask.

Before he can respond, a small flash of light appears at your side! He readies for an attack, but...

"So this is the human world?" A feminine voice asks. "Looks dark and lonely..."

You turn to look at the owner of the voice. You're... Surprised to see a small blue-clad girl with wings, floating beside you.

She meets your gaze, instantly putting her hands over her mouth. "Omigosh! It's a human!! I've never seen one before! Is it true you guys have bones?"

"What?" You blurt out.

"Wait, don't tell you've never seen a demon before! This is perfect! I'll teach you how to talk to them!" She floats energetically, swaying side to side as she speaks.

"Now hold on a-"

"Shut up, shadow guy! We're negotiating!" She grins a toothy smile. "Now, when a demon asks you a question or your opinion, you've gotta respond in a way that'll make 'em happy! Let's practice!"


"Can humans use magic like demons can?"
[] "Probably?"
[] "I don't think so..."
[] "I don't really know...?"
[] Write in???

"I heard that humans have these weird things called "brains". Can I see?"
[] "No."
[] "I don't think that's safe..."
[] "Got an X-ray?"
[] Write in???

"Could you please, please, please give me some of your stamina?"
[] "Sure?"
[] "I'd rather you don't."
[] Write in???
33: New Allies...?
[X] Not like a demon, but there are human magic users. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though.
[X] Technically, you already can. The brain is right behind my eyeballs. That's where the optic nerve starts.
[X] I've got this protein bar, it claims to give a lot of stamina? I can give you that?

"I mean, not exactly like a demon..." you say, "...But I know some humans who can use magic. It costs an arm, a leg, and a soul though."

"Yeesh, a soul? Souls are super hard to come by! Do you humans have, like, a whole bunch of souls in you or something? Anyways," she instantly flips to a different topic before you can answer, "I've heard that humans have these weird things called "brains". Can I see yours?"

"Technically, you already can! Humans have brains right behind the eyeballs, and that's where the optic nerve starts!"

She gets incredibly close to your face, and peers into your eye. "So brains are in your body? Gross! And cool!" She smiles, before asking her final question. "Can I please, please, please have some of your stamina?"

"I got this I can give you," you reply, pulling a protein bar out of your pocket, "Apparently it gives stamina?"

The tiny girl instantly snatches it up. It's almost bigger than her, and she's having trouble staying airborne. "Humans eat these?! How? They're so big!"

"So, what next?" You ask, expecting more demands.

"Now, I join you! Congratulations on recruiting your first demon! My name's Pixie! Please take good care of me!" With that, Pixie turns to light, and enters your Gauntlet. Leaving you alone with the Lost Samurai.

"I'm confused." You state.

"Understandable." He replies. "I will return in two days to continue your training. One last thing... That sword you found will be bound to you. You can call it forth whenever you wish, and it may grow alongside you. Keep this in mind." Finishing, he turns around, and walks into the darkness. "Until we meet again."

MODIFIER: (Choose one)

TRAIT: (Choose one)
[] Null Physical
[] Repel Fire
[] Hellish Mask

OOC: Okay, let me roll for your traits! I doubt you'll get anything too strong-
20, 20, 18.
Last edited:
34: Good Morning!
[X] Null Physical

You wake up. Not in some panicked, cold sweat. You simply wake up, as if it were a normal morning. You almost don't notice the new weight on your left arm.


You sigh exasperatedly, the dream wasn't a dream after all. This makes things... Interesting.

You're the first one awake. It's about 5:40 in the morning. Mami's still sleeping peacefully on the couch bed.

You look at your Gauntlet, the dull green screen is simply blank, save for the three spots that say "empty". You suppose this is how you summon that Pixie.

There's a knock at the door. You quietly walk over, seeing through the peephole. Oh, it's Homura! You open the door as quietly as you can-

"Where is Mami?" She asks, tone stern.

You put your finger to your mouth, then point back to the golden haired girl currently lying on the bed.

She seems confused for some reason. She looks you up and down, and then asks, "What is that?"

"This?" You say, raising the Gauntlet to eye level.

"I do not think you owned that yesterday. Did you make a contract?" She has a stone cold look on her face...


...No good, you can't read her. If she's feeling something, she's great at masking it.

[] "Kinda...?"
[] Spill the beans to Homura.
[] Write in?
35: Demonic Introduction
[X] Nope, no deals with any demon pulshies. Just with regular demons. Seemed much friendlier I must say. Not that the situation isn't quite dire anyway. Turns out the apocalypse is coming. [Recount the dream situation to the best of our ability]

"Nope, no deals with that demon plush!" You answer confidently. "Just with a regular demon. Gotta say, seemed a lot friendlier! Not that the situation isn't dire, because the apo-"

"Slow down, Yumi." Homura interjects, wide eyed, "What do you mean you made a deal with a demon?"

"I mean I made a deal with a demon." You say plainly, like it's the most normal thing about you. "Wanna see?"

She seems exasperated, and her mask of calmness has been cracked wide open. "Sure...?" She says.

You shrug, and tap on the screen of your Gauntlet. You press the drop down to summon Pixie. In a flash of light, Pixie is here.

"Hiya Summoner!" She greets you warmly, "What's going on? Who's your friend? Is she a Summoner, too? How fun! Here, I'll teach you how-"

"That's a fairy!" Homura blurts out, "That is a fairy!!"

"Mami's sleeping...!" You chastise quietly.

"You still call your Mom mommy?" Pixie asks.

"Yumi, explain!" Homura asks in desperate confusion.

So, you tell her everything. About the dream, the Lost Samurai, about his warnings, and about Pixie.

By the end of your explanation, the poor girl looks even more confused. "So, I have to contend with demons and Witches?!"

"No, I've got the demons!" You put a thumb to your chest, "You just worry about the Witches and stuff!"

She looks you up and down. Then, she does so again. Finally, she regains a fraction of her composure. "Where are you even going to look for demons? I don't know where to look, and I doubt you do either. No offence." She adds.

"I know!" Pixie chimes, "You gotta look in places with a lot of emotions! Kinda like a warzone, a destroyed city, or a healer place!"

"...Do you mean a hospital?" Homura asks slowly.

"Sure!" Pixie replies.

"I know where a hospital is, but Mitakihara is flooded with Witches. I'd recommend heading to Kazamino. There aren't many Witches there."

What to do...?

[] Head to the Hospital.
[] Make your way to Kazamino.
[] Write in?
36: Early Hunts
[X] Wanna clear it off Witches AND demons? We can even take Mami! Oh right Pixi, that´s Mami, not mommy, she is our friend. Together we can clear the entire place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast! Or through breakfast! I don´t know how my magic works yet so anything is possible. Anyway, you in?

"Y'know, Homura," you begin, a thought crossing your mind, "We could go hunt Witches and Demons. We could even take Mami!" Before Pixie can respond, you add, "Her name is Mami, not mommy. She is our friend."

"Okay!" Pixie replies cheerfully.

"I mean, we could clear the whole place and be back by breakfast! Or with breakfast!"

"I'd like to get an assessment of your abilities, and your..." Homura looks at Pixie. Pixie waves. "...Demon. Very well, wake up Mami."

You nod, heading back into your apartment. As you approach the sleeping Mami, Pixie flies over. She begins to pay Mami's cheek, as if it were a drum. "Wakey wakey wakey wakey wakey wakey wakey!" She chants.

She groans. "...Just a while longer, Yumi..."

Pixie begins chanting louder, "WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY!"

"Huh?!" Mami immediately sits up, startled by the unrecognized voice. "I-Is that a fairy?!"

"I'm a Pixie! Get it right!" Pixie pouts.

"Yumi, what's going on?!" Mami asks, clearly confused.

"We're hunting at the hospital. I'll explain her later, but do you wanna come?" You ask.

"Let me take a shower, I'll be in my apartment." Mami answers.

"What's wrong with my bathroom?"

"There's nothing in there. Remember to buy shampoo and other things when you next head to the store."

"Are you sure she's not your mom?" Pixie asks.

It take a few minutes, but Mami comes out. Together, you join Homura and make for the hospital.

You also explain to Mami what Pixie's whole deal is. She's even more confused.

As of now, you stand before the hospital. Before you step inside, Homura stops you. "There's a Witch here."

"I felt it too. Let's go, Yumi!" Mami calls as you enter the Barrier.

It looks... Different from the other one you entered. If you had to pick something akin to it, you'd say some sort of fairytale castle with lab equipment.

"What's our strategy?" Homura asks.

[] Write in?
37: Into the Barrier
[X] Explore everything. Just like dungeon-crawling games. Maybe we can encounter another demon to contract.
-[X] Mami and Homura have experience on this, right? One of them take the lead, the other two follow but be ready to intervene if you find a demon.
-[X] Don't. Split. The. Party.

"We should find every Familiar we can. If one gets away, it could hurt someone." Mami says.

"Alright, Mami. You and I will take the lead. Yumi, stay close. Don't split up." Homura agrees.

"Got it!" You reply.

"Aww... But fighting is fun!" Pixie bemoans.

Everyone seems to ignore what Pixie said. Except you.

"We'll get our chance." You reassure Pixie.

"Head up, there's a group of Familiars!" Mami announces, pointing up ahead.

"Yumi, stay back." Homura sternly says to you. "Don't wander off."

As soon as she finishes, she and Mami are upon the Familiars. Wait, when did they change clothes?

Mami's movements are graceful, as she commands her muskets to fire on all targets. If you didn't know any better, you'd say she's showing off.

Homura, however, you can barely track. One moment she's over there with a pistol, and the next she wields a machine gun over here.

Both of them are fighting viciously. There's no room for mercy here.

Then, you hear something off to your left.

No, you hear someone.

"Damnable wretches! Stay back! Back, I say!" The voice seems male. Is he in trouble?

[] Write in?
38: A Child in the Barrier
[X] "Hey someone's over here!" Go with the party to check it out, punch all hostiles.

You shouldn't just leave without saying anything, so you don't.

"Hey! There's someone over here!" You call out.

"I'll cover you two, go help them!" Mami replies.

"Understood." Homura says, right at your side.


You jump about a foot in the air when she suddenly appeared from nowhere. Did you squeak?!

Homura has a small grin on her face. "Let's go, Yumi."

"Y-Yeah!" You say, running in the direction of the voice. You round a corner-

You expected many things. A religious man, bent on protecting his family, some pompous kid throwing around big words, and the list goes on. You didn't, however, expect the sight before you now.

There is a small girl, huddled against the wall. She has a mop of white hair, but you're not focused on her.

In front of her, besides the Familiars (that, now that you have a good look, are helmets with spider legs), there is...

"So long as I draw breath, you will not harm the innocent!" He puffed his wings up, raising his golden staff upwards. "Be purged!"

(D12 DAMAGE ROLL: 11+10=21)

A light rains down from above, and a small group of Familiars we're simply obliterated.
After your initial shock, you jump into the fray as well.


Without thinking, you rush in and punch one. Surprisingly, this works, as the Familiar is sent flying away.

"Why did you punch it?!" Homura shouts.

"I panicked!" You respond.

"So you can summon mythical creatures, but not a weapon?!"

"I can summon a sword!"

"Why didn't you?!"

"I panicked!!"

"There are more of the unholy beasts on the approach!" The Angel warns, pointing out to the approaching mass.

The poor kid is still curled up, shaking.

[] Grab her and run!
[] Stay and fight!
-[] Skills?
[] Write in?
39: Scuffle
[X] Go to the girl, try to comfort her and protect her, summon pixie so she can help Homura and the Angel deal with the Familiars, if it's seems they need help join the fray, continue using your fists.

"Pixie, help Homura and..." You point at the Angel, "...him!"

"Okay!" Pixie salutes, moving to the two.

You, however, hang back. Your attention is on the small girl against the wall. As you grow closer, you can hear her sniffling.

(CHR ROLL: 15+1=16, SUCCESS)

You approach slowly. "Hey, kid. You okay?"

She looks up in surprise. She's been crying for a while, it seems. Her amber eyes are red and puffy, and she can't seem to get her words out.

"I'm coming a little closer now," you say as you approach, "Are you hurt at all?" You crouch down to eye level with her.

She looks behind you, at the battle currently raging. Then, her eyes meet yours. She sniffles again, and finally says a coherent sentence. "Are you... A good guy?"

You smile, "Yeah, I guess I am, huh?"

"Our enemies are vanquished! Rejoice!" The Angel rallies.

"Now, onto the Witch." Homura says. It seems she doesn't care about the Angel. You've out-weirded her brain. Good...

"What about the small human?" Pixie asks, "Friend or foe?"

"Friend, definitely friend." You say, getting up. The small girl grabs onto your pant leg, refusing to release.

The Angel approaches, "We must escort the child to safety. Come along, little one."

"But Mr. Angel Sir!" She says, "Nagisa wants to stay!"

"I don't think it's safe for you here, Nagisa." Homura tells her.

"But...!" Nagisa tried to say.

[] Write in?
40: What To Do...?
[X] "Why do you want to stay Nagisa? Is there is someone you know trapped here?" If that's the case, try to reassure here that you will take care of rescuing them, but that she needs to get to safety.

"Why do you wanna stay, Nagisa?" You ask her calmly, "Is there someone else trapped here?"

"Maybe... If Mama's here, Nagisa has to find her...!" Nagisa says, the fear in her voice slowly being replaced by determination.

"Your mother?" Homura asks. "Why would she be here?"

Nagisa was about to speak, until you heard a familiar voice from behind you. "Ah, Yumi, Homura!" Mami greets you warmly. She looks at the Angel, and freezes. "Is that...?"

"Indeed. I am a humble servant of God." The Angel answers. "Together, we shall vanquish this supposed 'Witch'!"

"Um, about Nagisa..." You say, but no one seems to be listening.

"So, God is real?" Mami asks.

"Of course God is real! The Lord made you in his image, and fought to secure your future! Is this world not privy to His teachings?"

"Ah, I meant no offence! I just-"

"One thing at a time, Mami." Homura gives a tired look. "Please."

"So, about Nagisa..." You say, louder.

"O-of course." The Angel says. "We meet escort the child to safety."

"But...!" Nagisa begins, but you put your hand on her head.

"We'll save her if she's here, kid. But you gotta get out of here. We can't fight and defend you."

Nagisa is silent for a moment. "...Okay." She relents.

"I'll lead her out of the Barrier!" Mami says, taking Nagisa's hand. "Come along. Will you four be alright without me?"

[] Try to have Mami stay.
[] Let Mami lead Nagisa to safety.
[] Write in?
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