[X] "Hey someone's over here!" Go with the party to check it out, punch all hostiles.
You shouldn't just leave without saying anything, so you don't.
"Hey! There's someone over here!" You call out.
"I'll cover you two, go help them!" Mami replies.
"Understood." Homura says, right at your side.
You jump about a foot in the air when she suddenly appeared from nowhere. Did you squeak?!
Homura has a small grin on her face. "Let's go, Yumi."
"Y-Yeah!" You say, running in the direction of the voice. You round a corner-
You expected many things. A religious man, bent on protecting his family, some pompous kid throwing around big words, and the list goes on. You didn't, however, expect the sight before you now.
There is a small girl, huddled against the wall. She has a mop of white hair, but you're not focused on her.
In front of her, besides the Familiars (that, now that you have a good look, are helmets with spider legs), there is...
"So long as I draw breath, you will not harm the innocent!" He puffed his wings up, raising his golden staff upwards. "Be purged!"
(D12 DAMAGE ROLL: 11+10=21)
A light rains down from above, and a small group of Familiars we're simply obliterated.
After your initial shock, you jump into the fray as well.
Without thinking, you rush in and punch one. Surprisingly, this works, as the Familiar is sent flying away.
"Why did you punch it?!" Homura shouts.
"I panicked!" You respond.
"So you can summon mythical creatures, but not a weapon?!"
"I can summon a sword!"
"Why didn't you?!"
"I panicked!!"
"There are more of the unholy beasts on the approach!" The Angel warns, pointing out to the approaching mass.
The poor kid is still curled up, shaking.
[] Grab her and run!
[] Stay and fight!
-[] Skills?
[] Write in?