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1069: A Shocking Revelation.
[X] "I'm fighting because I LIKE IT! HELL, I LOVE IT!!"

"Yuma, we're not fighting because we don't like each other!" You step to her side, ruffling her hair, "Quite the opposite! We're fighting because we're friends!" You try to explain to her, "Sparring with your allies helps keep your skills sharp for when the real danger comes! It's a way to show that you care about--"

(AMBUSH?!: 18+4)
(OH SH--[AGL SAVE]: 6+10)

"Heads up!" Griffon appears in what can only be described as a dark flash, and summons lightning!

You fail to dodge in time.

(END SAVE: 4+5)

Your entire body locks up for a moment.

One moment is more than enough time for Griffon. He flies up extremely close, and spreads his wings wide. "Gaha!"


Griffon erupts into a crackling ball of electricity.

Right next to you.


The attack knocks you flat on your back. Raido shouts at the bird, who is cackling like a madman.

"See how much I care about you?!" Griffon yells while flying far above everyone else, "Man, you're right! This is fun!"

Raido draws a revolver from his coat, and takes aim at Griffon.

You partially push yourself up, motioning Raido to lower his gun (he doesn't.). "What was that for?" You rub the back of your head.

"You were giving her the wrong idea." Griffon explains, maintaining his altitude, "Knowing her, she'd walk right up to Little Miss White Mop and bonk her on the head. And when she'd get in trouble for it, she'd say, "Oh, but Yumi said that's what friends do", so it'd be on your head!"

Kyoko helps you the rest of the way up, "No she wouldn't! Yuma's not a birdbrained idiot like you!"

Yuma stares at her feet.

(INT ROLL: 17+10)

"...Oh my gosh, she was totally gonna try that." You mutter to yourself, unsure as how to proceed.

[] ?????????????????????????????????
[X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."
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[X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."

Close enough to what I was about to suggest and more refined.

Also, @TremendousMilk3, our sheet still hasn't been updated after we got Honing, Burning Break, Amrita Drop, Repel Fire and White Dracostrike.

EDIT: And we never were told to assign those two Skill Points we were supposed to have received for passing on a Trait after our last Dream.
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Also, @TremendousMilk3, our sheet still hasn't been updated after we got Honing, Burning Break, Amrita Drop, Repel Fire and White Dracostrike.

EDIT: And we never were told to assign those two Skill Points we were supposed to have received for passing on a Trait after our last Dream.
I'll get on that soon, I've got everything written down. Just need to "translate" it to the character sheet.
[X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."

Yuma picked up some bad habits that are immediately abolished, holy shi-
[X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."
-[X] "Also, the teachers don't like it when you fight at school. And because your inexperienced you need someone like me or uncle Raido watching so you don't hurt yourself or your opponent."

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[X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."
-[X] "Also, the teachers don't like it when you fight at school. And because your inexperienced you need someone like me or uncle Raido watching so you don't hurt yourself or your opponent."
Yuma, holding her cane above her head: I care about you! *Smacks Griffon*
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Feb 1, 2025 at 8:57 PM, finished with 16 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."
    [X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, then you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."
    -[X] "Also, the teachers don't like it when you fight at school. And because your inexperienced you need someone like me or uncle Raido watching so you don't hurt yourself or your opponent."
1070: In Which Griffon Is Right
[X] "Consent is important!" ~ Yumi, who has never asked for consent in her entire life

"W-Well, uh, Griffon brings up a good point against my logic." You can still smell the static electricity in the air, "So, for fighting, you always gotta ask for consent! If they say no, then that's that. No sparring."

"...Besides," Raido begins, finally lowering his gun from Griffon's head, "Your teachers won't like it if you fight at school, and neither will your classmates. Uh, think about their feelings, too."


The words seem foreign to Raido, as if he was just repeating what someone said without understanding it. He must've grown up in a different time. At least he's trying.

"Thank you, thank you!" Griffon lands, mock bowing to everyone, "This has been "Life Lessons With Griffon", my tip jar is over there."

"You're cocky when you're wrong, but you're even worse when you're right." Kyoko comments, "Man, you're just all around insufferable."

"Pot, kettle, blaaaACK!" Griffon squawks in panic as a familiar chain spear wraps around his neck.

You glance at Kyoko, who is currently whistling while looking away. Nori, finally remembering that she's involved in the conversation, bursts out laughing.

Raido shakes his head, holstering his pistol before sitting back down.

[] ??????????????????????????????
[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone lile me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to." Look back to Kyoko, "ya still wanna go a round?"
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
-[X] "Hey Yuma, we can talk later if you want alright? Just you and me."
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[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone like me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to." Look back to Kyoko, "ya still wanna go a round?"
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
-[X] "Hey Yuma, we can talk later if you want alright? Just you and me."

@Isiri Pudireach lile.
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[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone lile me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to." Look back to Kyoko, "ya still wanna go a round?"
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
-[X] "Hey Yuma, we can talk later if you want alright? Just you and me."

This one just feels right to me.
Edit: Edited to combine votes.
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[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone like me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to."
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.

This one just feels right to me.
Why not both? Something like this:
[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone lile me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to." Look back to Kyoko, "ya still wanna go a round?"
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
-[X] "Hey Yuma, we can talk later if you want alright? Just you and me."
[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone lile me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to." Look back to Kyoko, "ya still wanna go a round?"
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
-[X] "Hey Yuma, we can talk later if you want alright? Just you and me."
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