Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
Out if the ones I used way back when, I liked the Shanghai Alice Dolls mod.
Also wish I could have used any of the mods that have a bunch of NPC characters.
Out if the ones I used way back when, I liked the Shanghai Alice Dolls mod.
Accidentally put than instead of then.[X] "Always ask for consent. if it's denied, than you can't fight. At least, not on friendly terms."
I hate autocorrect
Look directly beneath my name for my feelings on that matter.
I'll get on that soon, I've got everything written down. Just need to "translate" it to the character sheet.Also, @TremendousMilk3, our sheet still hasn't been updated after we got Honing, Burning Break, Amrita Drop, Repel Fire and White Dracostrike.
EDIT: And we never were told to assign those two Skill Points we were supposed to have received for passing on a Trait after our last Dream.
Something to this effect, but instead of 'role-model' you should emphasize herself.-[X] "I might be a good role-model, but I shouldn't be your only one Yuma."
I've got nothing, ideas?Something to this effect, but instead of 'role-model' you should emphasize herself.
She's trying to be us. The strongest person she knows.
Honestly, I'd just leave it alone until we can sit Yuma down and actually talk about her issues.
It's Saturday. Also, why do we still have Scorching Slash in addition to Burning Break?
Why not both? Something like this:[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone like me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to."
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
This one just feels right to me.
[X] Smile warmly, "Well, either way you should also make sure you have someone lile me or Raido watching. Cause until you get a lot of experience, it's really easy to hurt the other person in a way you don't mean to." Look back to Kyoko, "ya still wanna go a round?"
-[X] Crouch down and offer Yuma a hug to show that there's no hard feelings.
-[X] "Hey Yuma, we can talk later if you want alright? Just you and me."