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[X] *Punts Griffon*

You smile as warmly as you can, "Either way, you still shouldn't spar or train without someone like Uncle Raido or I nearby."

"...Why?" Yuma tilts her head.

"Because without somebody who knows what they're doing nearby, you could hurt your opponent too much." You crouch down, taking a knee so that you're at eye level with Yuma, "And we wouldn't want you accidentally getting hurt, now would we?" You wink at her.

Yuma, who was standing still up until now, walks stiffly over to you, and...?



...Ruffles your hair. "Yuma's sorry." She says, not breaking eye contact.

Nori's only response is to laugh even louder, slapping her knee as she does so. You find yourself stifling a smile as well.

"Hey, if you want, we could have a talk later!" You fix your hair as you stand up, "Just you and me!"

Yuma glances at Kyoko (who is still keeping Griffon leashed), then back to you, "...Okay." She nods fiercely.

"Gotcha." You give her a thumbs up as you turn to Kyoko, "Yo, still wanna go a--?"

"Nah, mood's shot." Kyoko doesn't even turn to answer, keeping her focus on choking the life out of Griffon, "We'll try again some other time."

Raido looks like he's nervously judging Kyoko, but doesn't vocalize anything.

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1072: Ding-Dong!
[X] "Kyoko! No! Drop it!"

"Kyoko, listen, I get it. Griffon may be..." You fake a cough, "...A jerk..." You feign a recovery, "...But that doesn't mean you've gotta choke him. Besides, you don't know where he's been!" You add with a teasing smile.

Kyoko rolls her eyes, dispelling her spear.

"Augh...!" Griffon sighs in relief, lying on his back, "I was saying coconut...! Why didn't you stop...?!"

Kyoko glares at him, almost resummoning her spear.

"Huh?" Yuma walks over to her avian companion, "Mr. Griffon, why are you laying on the ground?"

"I'll tell you... When you're older...!" He huffs in response.

Yuma stares at him in confusion.

"Hey, Kyoko." You nudge her a little, "Thanks for not choking him out."

"He's Yuma's friend." Kyoko says, more to herself than you, "I've just gotta tolerate him until he fucks off."

"I woulda killed him." Nori invades your conversation, "It's gotta be hard not to."

"It is." Kyoko growls through gritted teeth, "Believe me."

Raido, who has been listening in on the conversation, nods in solidarity.

Man, is Griffon infuriating or what?

You almost jump out of your skin when the doorbell suddenly goes off.

Kyoko smiles, "You fight demons for fun, but a doorbell scares you? Aww, do you wanna hold Uncie's hand through the Labyrinth, too?" She laughs a little at her joke.

"Yumi, can you get that?" Raido asks, getting up and walking off into the yard.

"And why can't you get it?" Gouto prods following him closely, "Is your social battery drained already?"


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1073: A Very Familiar Face
[X] Go answer the door

...Well, it's not like you have any other options now. You head inside, followed closely by Yuma (and a bit further away by Kyoko). Nori, however, elects to stay outside for some unknowable reason.

You forgo checking the peephole (because what kind of demon rings a doorbell?), and open--

You genuinely don't believe what you're seeing. That's--!!!

"Surprise!" Dad smiles ear to ear at you, wrapping you in a hug, "Ha, bet you weren't expecting your old man to show up!"

"Wah--?! Dad?! How are you--? Why are you--?!" You freeze up in his hug, thousands of questions racing through your mind, "I-I-It's... What about your work?!"

"The company went through a change of hands!" Dad laughs as he speaks, "Some American investor bought it out right under the CEO's feet, canned him, and implemented a few new policies! Namely, forty hours of paid vacation for people in my position and higher!" Dad lets you go, coming inside while your brain has a short-circuit.

"But-- But you-- You just said... On the phone...!" You flail your arms wildly, trying to make sense of it all, "...Why didn't you tell me?"

Dad sighs, his smile not dampening a bit, "That would've ruined the surprise, Yumi...!" He looks around the room, shaking his head, "Man, this place hasn't changed a bit. Seriously, that picture was there when your mom and I were just starting to date!" He points to an old photo of what you can only assume to be Grandma and Grandpa a few decades ago. "Anyhow, I think it's high time we got introductions out of the way. Who's who, Yumi?"

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1074: Hi, Dad
[X] "Meet your other child! He's mean!"

"Oh! Uh, right!" You chuckle as you step in front of him, "So, um, don't freak out, but... Uh..." You struggle to find the words to explain just how strange the situation is, "...We picked up a second me from another reality this morning! And, congratulations, it's a boy!"

Dad stares at you, his relaxed grin slowly giving way to an indescribable confusion. "...So... He's you?"

"Yep!" You nod, "Just a boy, and with blue hair!"

"This isn't gonna break reality, is it?"

"Eh." You shrug, "But, anyway, let's get introductions underway! Dad, this is Kyoko! Kyoko, my dad." You motion towards Kyoko.

"Has she always been like this?" Kyoko asks, reaching forwards for a handshake.

"...Yeah." Dad nods, shaking her hand, "She's, uh... She gets it from her mother."

"And this is Yuma!" You present her proudly, "She's the girl I've been taking care of since... I got here." Wow, it feels kinda weird to say that. It's only been a couple of weeks, but it feels like years...!

Dad waves, "It's good to finally meet you, Yuma."

Yuma takes a step behind you, not fully hiding but still obscuring herself.

"This was the one that...?" Dad asks you quietly.

"...Yeah." You nod grimly.

Dad sighs, "I'll accept that as an introduction for now. So, where's Haruki and Mei?"

Before you answer, Shoji enters the room, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, Yumi. I was just taking a test on your computer, hope you don't... Mr. Konishi?!" Shoji straightens out, "Why are you here? I-I mean, not that I don't want you around, but--!!"

"Shoji!" Dad waves, "You've been keeping Yumi out of trouble, right?"

Shoji's face pales. "...Um."

"At ease, buddy!" Dad chuckles, "You're fine! She's a magnet for trouble, I understand."

"Wha-- No I'm not!" You half-jokingly defend yourself.

"Yeah, you are." Shoji, Kyoko, and Dad all say in unison.

You sigh in defeat, "Well, you don't have to point it out..."

"Yo, Shimizu," You hear Yuki's voice from the doorway, "Scoot."

"Oh crap, uh, sorry!" Shoji turns to face your new brother.

"Be as sorry as you want, but stop blocking the door." Yuki says firmly, "I'm thirsty."

Shoji complies, stepping out of the way to allow Yuki to waltz on past everyone and get to the kitchen.

"Was that...?" Dad begins.

"Mmhm." You nod, waiting for Yuki to come back out.

Yuki, glass of water in hand, comes back into the living room, glancing at everyone. His eyes finally settle on Dad.

"Who's this guy?" He asks before taking a sip.

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1075: "Hi, Dad." ~ Yuki
[X] "Hi, Dad...?" ~ Yuki

You glance at Yuki, remembering the surprise he felt when you told him Dad was alive. Moreover, you also remember him saying that his Dad died, and he was raised by the Kuzunohas.

With both of these realizations in mind, you concur that things are about to be really awkward and/or unpleasant.

"Uh, Yuki, this is my Dad." You introduce him as best you can, "Dad, this is the... Other me."

Yuki's gaze darts between you and Dad for a moment before settling on Dad.

Dad isn't sure how to respond.

Well, it's awkward, but not unpleasant!


"...You're Takeshi Konishi?" Yuki asks, raising his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah?" Dad nods slowly, "Don't you recognize me?"

"...No." Yuki mutters.

"Did I look different where you came from?" Dad smiles, "I'm probably a bit more toned on your end, huh?" He jokes.

"You're dead." Yuki drops the bombshell without warning.

Dad's complexion fades to that of blank paper.

"You're dead," Yuki repeats, "You died back in '96 with Mom."

Dad is silent, letting Yuki speak.

"I..." Yuki's voice...

(INT ROLL: 15+10)

...Sounds genuine, and certainly more open than he was with you and Shoji, "...I never thought that I'd... Ever meet you."

Dad nods slowly.

"I never had any pictures besides the ones you and Mom took at the school festival." Your brother looks... Pained, "And now... You're here. In front of me. The mythical "Takeshi Konishi" I'm always getting compared to. And I--?"

Dad hugs Yuki without a second thought. Yuki's eyes widen in shock as his body seems to stiffen.

[] ??????????????????????????????????????????????
1076: "Welcome Home."
[X] Adios.

You back away, respecting Yuki's personal space while he's vulnerable like this. You glance towards everyone else, and see them all (including Nori, who is still here) head into the dining room. Kyoko is leading Yuma by the hand.

"Despite the whole "other world" thing, you're still my son." Dad smiles as Yuki simply stands there, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Wha...?" Yuki's voice wavers, "Why are you apologizing? You didn't--?"

"Y'know, Ryoko always wanted another kid." Dad tells him sadly, "She said she didn't want Yumi to grow up alone. Wanted to "share" the bond she and your uncle felt."

Yuki says nothing, losing his voice completely for a moment.

"And, personally, I always thought the house was too big for just the three of us." Only Dad could find it in his heart for a lighthearted joke at a time like this, "Welcome home."

Yuki says nothing.

(INT ROLL: 12+10)

...Is he crying?

Yuki pulls away, and Dad lets him go. Rigidly, he marches out back, not daring to look anyone in the eye. You almost reach for him as he passes, but stop yourself. Maybe he just needs to be alone to process this.

Dad sighs, "Well, uh, guess I've got three kids now."

[] ???????????????????????????????????????????????
1077: "Talking Sword. Huh." ~ Takeshi
[X] "I have no mouth, for I am a sword." ~ Dawn

"Hey, on the bright side..." You give your dad an impish grin, "...You only had to change one set of diapers!"

"Always the optimist!" Dad shakes his head again, "...I raised you right."

"Your father seems nice, Master Yumi Konishi." Dawn comments, "...Ah, I did not mean to speak out of turn. I--?"

"Oh, yeah!" You smack yourself on the forehead, "Do you wanna meet my sword? Her name is Dawn, she's sapient!"

Dad stares at you for a moment, registering what you just said.

"...Yes?" Dad agrees, "Just, uh, let me sit down first."

You comply, waiting until he takes a seat on the couch, and hand him Dawn.

He stares at her scabbard, unsure of exactly how to proceed. "Hello, Dawn...?" He forces himself to say.

The swirling colors on her sheath begin to twist and fold in on themselves, until a very simple message is displayed.


At first, Dad is startled by her response, but he quickly recovers his composure. "Uh... Gosh, what do I even ask...?" He mumbles to himself, "...Have you been taking care of my daughter?"

Again, the formless designs morph into words.

"Yes, and she takes care of me."

Dad smiles, "Perfect. Uh, are you two friends, then?"

The colors stop dancing for a moment, fading to black. Then, she displays a new message.

[] "What is "friends"?"
[] "She is my wielder and mother."
[] "I am a tool. She is my master."
[] Write in??????????????????????????????????
1078: Grandpa Takeshi.
[X] "Mommy? I mean mommy? I mean--?"

The words form.

"Master Yumi Konishi's touch is the first thing I've ever known."

Your breathing hitches for a moment. You've never really asked Dawn about your "relationship " before, have you? Even if you did, she never elaborated on the topic besides calling you "master". You're not just as surprised as Dad, you're even more so.

"She gave me so much." The words reshape, "She gave me a name, she showed me what that means, she's..." The words stop for a second, "...She is my mother, and I am proud to be called her sword."

Your eyes widen in shock, as do Dad's. You're... Dawn's mom?

You guess it makes sense in a roundabout, magical weapon sort of way. She was spawned from the Training Grounds, which is your mental space outside of space... You think.

Wait, does that mean all of the other weapons there are also sentient? If not, then why just Dawn? Does that mean you're a single mother of fifty?

...Can you claim Dawn as a dependent on your taxes? You can definitely claim Yuma, and arguably Kyoko, but--?

"So, I'm a grandpa to a sword." Dad states, setting Dawn on his lap, "...At least you won't have to change her. Or feed her."

...To be honest, it sounds like he's trying (and failing) to hide behind comedy until he can actually come to terms with the situation.

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1079: "I Wouldn't Trade It For Anything." New
[X] "Say it."

"Dad, you can just say it's weird." You sigh, taking Dawn off of his lap, "Trust me, I get it."

"Hey, at least she's not, like, a scythe or something," Dad, staying behind his thin wall of comedy, jokes back, "C-Cause scythes are, uh... You know." The wall crumbles, and he is left with the reality that is "my grandbaby is a sword". He leans back into the couch, "This is... God, hearing you talk about it over the phone is one thing, but seeing it, living it...? Yumi, this is... Insane."

"...Yeah." You nod, putting Dawn back on your hip, "It is, ain't it? Life hasn't been "normal" since I got here, but you know what?" When Dad gives you a quizzitive look, you answer, "I wouldn't trade it for anything."

After a moment of quiet deliberation, Dad smiles a little. "That's my girl. As crazy as it is, it's your life. And, wow, what a life it is!" A slight chuckle escapes him, "You've got magic, you've got demons, your mom's side of the family is at your back, and you've made so many friends, most of which I haven't even met yet. I..." Dad looks up at you, "...I'm proud of you, Yumi. You've really made your life your's, warts and all, and I respect all the effort you've put it."

You blink, completely caught off guard.

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1080: "I Still Love You." New
[X] Training Grounds explanation.

"...Thanks. Hearing you say that means a lot more than you realize." You sit down next to him, "...Doubly so with all of the other stuff that's just been piled on my plate. I mean, we've got magic, demons, cults, other dimensions, and a million other things I can't even think of right now...!"

"And you're handling it all better than I ever could!" Dad smiles at you, "I just..." Dad sighs, "...I wish Ryoko could see you now."

You blink. Not because you're surprised or caught off guard, but instead of of a deep feeling of "oh, right, that happened". Well, first thing's first.

"So, uh, there's something I've been meaning to tell you, but I thought it was something we should discuss in person." You begin, an awkward feeling of uncertainty edging into your voice.

Dad gives you a slightly worried look.

"Do you remember the recurring dream I used to have way back when?" You ask him, "About being in the park, and wandering around as the world around me started to fade away and turn to dust and sand?"

"Yumi, please don't tell me that's a prophecy."

"No, nothing like that!" You shake your head, "I've... Been having a different "recurring" "dream". I can barely wrap my head around it, but basically, whenever I go to sleep, I wind up falling into this... Space. That's actually where I found Dawn, but... Uh..." You stare at your lap, trying to put the words together in a coherent sentence, "Normally, I just kinda... Stay there, but a couple nights ago, I..."

"Take your time, Yumi." Dad places his hand on your shoulder, "I'm here all weekend."

"I know, and that's why I wanna tell you all of this." You say, "I had a different dream. One where I... Shit, how do I even...? I... I talked to Mom."

Dad stares at you, clearly surprised by your words. "...You did?" His voice is almost a whisper.

You nod, "She told me to tell you that she loves you."

"How?" He asks, his voice never rising beyond a hushed tone.

You take a deep breath, and tell him everything that happened in that dream. You speak of the Witch, of your incursion into its Labyrinth, and Mom's fight against it. Then, you tell him about your own battle against the Memory of Guilt, and of how you struck it down after it showed you everything. And, after all of that, you told him about your conversation with Mom.

When you finish, you turn to Dad. You're unsure exactly how he'll react, but you needed to tell him--

Dad hugs you as tight as he can. He isn't sobbing, or even crying, just silently hugging you like you'll be swept away by the wind at any moment.

"Thank you, Yumi." Dad says, his voice wavering.

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