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[X] "Hey now, it's not like I haven't been in a fight before. There was that whole yakuza drug ring incident back in high school, the annual school fire, and the kids who I managed to teach how to break arms. I didn't even have powers back then."
-[X] "This week and a half alone has me seeing more action than I have in the past 2 years or so now I think. Still, I'm not exactly done with the story, so let me finish."
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"I think we should go over what's what's been happening so far, if only to have as little misunderstandings as possible."
Unless my understanding of grammar is not as good as I think it is, this should be "few".

There was that whole yakuza drug ring incident back in middle school
Wasn't that in high school?

the annual school fire
There was more than one fire per year.

EDIT: Also, @TremendousMilk3, how far into the recap did we get?
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Wasn't that in high school?
Will need to double check, but I thought it started in middle school which dragged on into high school.

Edit: Found the timeline thing. If these are all listed by years, this is Middle School. Apparently, it never dragged into her High School years.
The Official Yumi Timeline, for your convenience!

1st: Okane is "added" to the Disciples.
2nd: Yumi begins finishing up with the bullies in her middle school.
3rd: Kohaku attempts to escape for the first time.
4td: Yumi and Okane fight on the roof while Kohaku and Shoji watch.
5th: Okane disappears for a while.
6th: Kohaku escapes on her second attempt.
7th: Yumi begins a guerilla war on the various Yakuza clans on Akami Springs.
8th: The Demon Of Akami Springs is born.
9th: The school roof incident.
https://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/math/skiptyler/jfmf/education.htm said:
Grades 1-6​
1st - 6th year of elementary school​
Grade 7​
1st year of middle school​
Grade 8​
2nd year of middle school​
Grade 9​
3rd year of middle school​
Grade 10​
1st year of high school​
Grade 11​
2nd year of high school​
Grade 12​
3rd year of high school​

There was more than one fire per year.
I say 'annual' since there's always at minimum one. Will need to check that too though.

Edit: Yeah, it was annual.
"So, get this," Takeshi begins, sitting down at the table, "Every year at this damn school, there was at least one fire. I'm not talking about someone smoking in the bathroom and everyone freaks out, like an actual, raging fire."
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[X] "Language! I'm living with an elementary schooler! Otherwise, yeah you're right, I've gotten ridiculously lucky with all my fights so far, enough so that I'm afraid I'll mess up if someone a lot stronger than me appears."
-[X] "You may not trust me and that's fine, I probably wouldn't in your position, but I'll trust you, so if you want to go to somewhere else, ask, and I'll do my best to help if you want."
—[X]"Truthfully speaking Yuki? I want you to stay with me, any help with the fiends, demons, witches, and stupid tiny evil foxes would be appreciated but not only that I made a promise to the one who brought you here to at least try to help you, and I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with our mutual friend who somehow became a "Kami"."
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Edit: Found the timeline thing. If these are all listed by years, this is Middle School.
2nd: Yumi begins finishing up with the bullies in her middle school.
... I'm pretty sure it's referring to the order of events, not the school year in which they occurred.

Also, Kohaku ran away during high school;
"Oh, you weren't there for that! So, after you left in our second year of highschool, all of the bullies were taken care of."
Even more reason to believe it's order of events, not school years.
Since this guy pretty much lost all his friends and family, like, probably a day or two ago I'm gonna try a response that's empathetic but also that avoids sounding like we're pitying him (while also putting him in a position where we can keep an eye on him).

[X] "Language! I'm living with an elementary schooler! Otherwise, yeah you're right, I've gotten ridiculously lucky with all my fights so far, enough so that I'm afraid I'll mess up if someone a lot stronger than me appears."
-[X] "You may not trust me and that's fine, I probably wouldn't in your position, but I'll trust you, so if you want to go to somewhere else, ask, and I'll do my best to help if you want."
—[X]"Truthfully speaking Yuki? I want you to stay with me, any help with the fiends, demons, witches, and stupid tiny evil foxes would be appreciated but not only that I made a promise to the one who brought you here to at least try to help you, and I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with our mutual friend who somehow became a "Kami"."

Edit 1: Drat. Thanks
@JAGwin and @Herofox for pointing out my grammar and continuity errors.
Edit 2: The English language has made a new enemy today.
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so if you want to leave to some where else, ask, and I'll do my best to help if you want."
I'm having trouble parsing this, and it's not just because "somewhere" should be one word, not two. Would you mind clarifying what this is supposed to be saying?

I want you to stay to stay with me
Repeated words.

I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with a being that calls itself "Kami"."
We already know that said being is an alternate Madoka, the worst we'd get is disappointed puppy eyes. :V
Since this guy pretty much lost all his friends and family, like, probably a day or two ago I'm gonna try a response that's empathetic but also that avoids sounding like we're pitying him (while also putting him in a position where we can keep an eye on him).
Yumi doesn't know about the fights he's been in, just that he lost his world and has died before as we have confirmed that his fights and ours are simply different.
I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with a being that calls itself "Kami"
Yuki also already knows this is an alternate Madoka.

By the way, does anyone remember if Yuki fought the Fiends? I'm pretty sure he hasn't but I'm not sure.
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(Answering @JAGwin 's post)

so if you want to leave to some where else, ask, and I'll do my best to help if you want."

My bad I'll edit it. Otherwise it's sounds like many of the people we know we'll be people that Yuki would have personally known so seeing them while knowing there not his people might be to painful for him, just thought he'd appreciate not being forced to live here.

I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with a being that calls itself "Kami"."

As for this, it's not like Yuki know's that was Madoka. Yet.
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Yumi doesn't know about the fights he's been in, just that he lost his world and has died before as we have confirmed that his fights and ours are simply different.

"...His world... Was destroyed." Madokami finishes, "When I found him in that desolate wasteland, he was mere moments away from dying then and there. That boy tried so hard to save the ones he cared about, but it all came tumbling down around him..." There's a great deal of sorrow in her voice…"

I figured this quote is pretty telling, if he almost died it seems unlikely any normal human would survive whatever happened, past SMT games don't exactly have a good track record with a majority of humanity living past the apocalypse.

In other news I hope my message is good now with my edits.
My bad I'll edit it. Otherwise it's sounds like many of the people we know we'll be people that Yuki would have personally known so seeing them while knowing there not his people might be to painful for him, just thought he'd appreciate not being forced to live here.
In that case, "leave to" should be "go".

EDIT: And you're vote still has a repeated "to stay".
you know i always wondered, but is the annual fire a reference to something or was that just a gag?
[X] "Firstly, keep it down. I don't know if Yuma or my grandparents are awake yet, and Yuma's an elementary schooler, she does not need to hear that kind of language… should probably tell that to Griffon, actually- Anyway, that aside, it's not like I haven't been in a fight before. There was that whole yakuza drug ring incident back in high school, the annual school fire, and the kids who I managed to teach how to dislocate elbows. I didn't even have powers back then."
-[X] "This week and a half alone has me seeing more action than I have in the past 2 years or so now I think. Still, I'm not exactly done with the story, so let me finish."

Mostly derived from Herofox's vote, just with the opening changed to tell Yuki to watch his volume (on account of the time) and language (on account of Yuma), plus a slightly rambling aside about Griffon.

That said, without the QM answering my question regarding how much we've managed to tell Yuki, I don't actually know where we're at in the recap, so I don't know what else there is to say right now.
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That said, without the QM answering my question regarding how much we've managed to tell Yuki, I don't actually know where we're at in the recap, so I don't know what else there is to say right now.
I can really only think of 2 points in the story where our dad would reliably show up in the recap.

Pre-story or at the start of the story since I doubt we're going to mention calling him with updates just yet.

My bet is on the latter, since she has to explain how she moved into Mitakihara from her dad's place, and Yuki exclaiming his confusion because he lived with his grandparents.

Come to think of it, I think this is also what messed with my perception on Yuki's schooling. He doesn't live in Akami Springs so I don't really see a reason for him to go to school there where Shoji is unless Yuki, Alt!Shoji and Alt!Kohaku all attended a different school than Yumi, Shoji and Kohaku did.

Edit: Also, Yuki brought up bringing Shoji to fight Father Hino and that makes me wonder if we dodged some kind of bullet there.
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Quick note before I go to bed: I've made a very slight change to my vote so that the last point brought up in Yumi's prior combat experience is the kids she taught to dislocate elbows, on account of the fact that we haven't (as far as I can remember) heard anything about her teaching them to break arms.
What If: Takeshi Wasn't Human?
"Hey, Takeshi?" Ryoko asks as she catches up to you on the street, "I've got a question for ya, but it's kinda... It might be a sensitive subject--?"

"Shoot." You reply instantly.

"I don't think I've ever heard you talk about your parents." She says, her overcoat dancing in the wind, "Like, I get that we just started dating, and you already know my parents, but... Is your home life okay, dude?"

You sigh. "It's quiet."

"Mom? Dad?! What's going on?!"

"Do you, like, live alone?" Ryoko presses further, worried about you.

"...Yeah." You nod, "I live alone in a one story, three bedroom and two bathroom house. It's cozy, but... The silence gets to you."

"Get in, Kumba. We don't have time."
"Wait, really?!" Ryoko seems shocked, "You've just been living alone this whole time?! Are you okay?!"

"Uh, what I mean to say is my parents work overseas. They left me here to hold the fort!" You tell a half truth. Your adoptive father worked overseas before he...

"Kumba, your father and I love you very much."

"They just left you alone?" Ryoko prods more, her questions beginning to get on your nerves, "Dang, I... I never knew that. I guess all of those times I brought you over for dinner were--"

"The happiest times of my life." You finish for her, "You... Complete me."

"That's why we're doing this. I hope one day, you can forgive me."

Ryoko blushes madly, staring at the ground, "...You too." She speaks quickly, "Um... Gosh, I forgot what I was gonna ask next...!"

"How about "Do you want to come over for dinner, Takeshi"?" You smile, your frustration smothered by that infectious levity Ryoko seems to radiate.

"I hope Bardock is right about this. He's already sent his own son out."

"Uh, okay! It's a date!" Ryoko has more of a spring in her step, "I'll talk to Dad after school!"

You smile as she passes you. This girl has got you wrapped around her finger...
Okay, managed to finish re-reading stuff that I'll likely forget after a bit:

Lucifer went from Homura to the other guy whom I was brainwashed.

Madoka... Mi? I think I recall knowing this by rumors via social media along with Homucifer.


- - -

Odd Thought: Was Lucifer hoping to pair up with Homura somehow due to the Nahobino thingy but said 'It was a mistake.' due to Yumi being Yumi and decided to look for another candidate? :V <--- this is just a wild thought. (This is just my wild take due to the crossover/multiverse thingy going on.)

...though speaking of the devil, could it be possible that Homucifer is the one currently seating in the Throne thingy?

- - -

I wonder if Demifiend (or whatever) runs in the family somehow. I recall there was a game or something with Dante and/or Raidou but was there an instance where Demifiend chose the neutral/humanity option? 🤔 Another wild take yeah, but was thinking since there are different timelines and thingy, and I think Demifiend was a created being, there might be other 'clones' that that choose the Law and Chaos ending respectively? <--- this is just my mind being weird and I am very likely wrong since I am making this reply just after finishing a re-read without consulting Google or the likes to avoid bias or something.

- - -

Is there an instance where the human part of the Nahobino overtakes the God trying to usurp their body and soul? I mean, in this multiverse, that's probably a good reason as to why Homucifer and Madokami are respectively Homura and Madokami nabbing Lucifer and whichever God tried to bodysnatch them. Maybe. :V Granted I do know it's different in the main/canon source and I recall Madokami saving lots of Magical Girls... And those sympathetic with Madokami decided that the best course of action somehow was to contract more Magical Girls as a result??? I could be misremembering it though. Dx

I got nothing on Homucifer... At least stocked Knowledge that is.

- - -

I ran out of steam, and if you've read this far, thanks for reading my wild takes. :V

- - -

...wasn't there a crossover of Madoka and Nanoha or am I misremembering it with the Fate series and Nanoha...?
and I think Demifiend was a created being, there might be other 'clones' that that choose the Law and Chaos ending respectively? <--- this is just my mind being weird and I am very likely wrong since I am making this reply just after finishing a re-read without consulting Google or the likes to avoid bias or something.
The Demifiend was a guy that Lucifer infected with a parasite known as a Magatama. Might have been an attempt to make an artificial Nahobino...

And only the True Demon Route Demifiend got the power-up to become the super powerful guy that we know now.
..wasn't there a crossover of Madoka and Nanoha or am I misremembering it with the Fate series and Nanoha...?
There was an Event in Magia Record involving the Mirror Witch. Source: I played it.
[X] "Language! I'm living with an elementary schooler! Otherwise, yeah you're right, I've gotten ridiculously lucky with all my fights so far, enough so that I'm afraid I'll mess up if someone a lot stronger than me appears."
-[X] "You may not trust me and that's fine, I probably wouldn't in your position, but I'll trust you, so if you want to go to somewhere else, ask, and I'll do my best to help if you want."
—[X]"Truthfully speaking Yuki? I want you to stay with me, any help with the fiends, demons, witches, and stupid tiny evil foxes would be appreciated but not only that I made a promise to the one who brought you here to at least try to help you, and I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with our mutual friend who somehow became a "Kami"."
"They just left you alone?" Ryoko prods more
Actually not eyebrow-raising in Japan (see Iroha's parents in MagiReco).

...though speaking of the devil, could it be possible that Homucifer is the one currently seating in the Throne thingy?
Unlikely considering the QM has never watched Rebellion.

I recall there was a game or something with Dante and/or Raidou but was there an instance where Demifiend chose the neutral/humanity option
Technically speaking, Nocturne didn't have Alignment-based endings, but the Freedom ending is basically this. Regardless, the Demifiend cannot be an ancestor of Yumi because his game takes place in the early 2000s, after Yumi was born.

I think Demifiend was a created being
That's Aleph. The Demifiend is a normal teenager who was at ground zero when the Conception happened and had a Magatama shoved into his eye by Lucifer.

Is there an instance where the human part of the Nahobino overtakes the God trying to usurp their body and soul?
Literally the only time this "usurpation" was even attempted was with Lahmu. Every other Nahobino we see was a willing partnership, and moreover, a conversation with Koshimizu in Vengeance revealed that even if the Demon half takes control normally, it is the one with the Knowledge (read: the human half) who decides what kind of world they make if they get the Throne.

I mean, in this multiverse, that's probably a good reason as to why Homucifer and Madokami are respectively Homura and Madokami nabbing Lucifer and whichever God tried to bodysnatch them.
What in the actual hell are you talking about? Madokami and Akumura are native to their franchise. There is no SMT involvement in their existence, let alone them getting bodyjacked by Demons.

...wasn't there a crossover of Madoka and Nanoha or am I misremembering it with the Fate series and Nanoha...?
To add to what Isiri said, this crossover can also be disregarded because the QM isn't familiar with MagiReco.
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[X] "Language! I'm living with an elementary schooler! Otherwise, yeah you're right, I've gotten ridiculously lucky with all my fights so far, enough so that I'm afraid I'll mess up if someone a lot stronger than me appears."
-[X] "You may not trust me and that's fine, I probably wouldn't in your position, but I'll trust you, so if you want to go to somewhere else, ask, and I'll do my best to help if you want."
—[X]"Truthfully speaking Yuki? I want you to stay with me, any help with the fiends, demons, witches, and stupid tiny evil foxes would be appreciated but not only that I made a promise to the one who brought you here to at least try to help you, and I don't want to see what happens if you break a promise with our mutual friend who somehow became a "Kami"."
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