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[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
-[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And so long as he doesn't plan to anything bad for my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
-[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And if he willing to help protect my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
Just a heads up, we currently have a tie
Adhoc vote count started by Isiri Pudireach on Nov 14, 2024 at 6:28 PM, finished with 11 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    -[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And if he willing to help protect my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
    [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    -[X] Speaking up: "I don't mind helping them either, but it sounds like this will need 'The Shonen Treatment' first before they'll accept help!"
    [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    -[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And so long as he doesn't plan to anything bad for my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
[X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
I can't think of anything funny to write as a preamble to the update today. Pretend this is funny.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 13, 2024 at 7:53 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    -[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And if he willing to help protect my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
    [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    -[X] Speaking up: "I don't mind helping them either, but it sounds like this will need 'The Shonen Treatment' first before they'll accept help!"
    [X] "That was an alternate version of one of my friends, and she apparently brought the other guy here because his world ended and she wants me to help him."
    -[X] A bit loudly so your 'guest' can hopefully hear you "And so long as he doesn't plan to anything bad for my world, I see no reason not to help him find a place in it! So I'd like to talk to him so we can come to an agreement!"
1007: blue.
[X] "You've been hit by... You've been struck by... A smooth Meduka!"

"Apparently, that was an alternate version of one of my friends," You tell him, a little unsure about the whole situation, "And she brought the other guy here because something happened to his world, and she wants me to help him."

The Lost Samurai crosses his arms, "So, the boy is more of a refugee than an invader?"

(INT ROLL: 17+10)

You catch a glimpse of the boy moving in the shadows...

...And he's flipping your teacher the bird. Seems he didn't like that comment.

"Come out of the shadows, boy." The Lost Samurai commands, hand on his sword, "Let us meet face to face."

After a moment of silent deliberation, the boy takes a hesitant step into the light.

The first thing you notice after the large sword in his possession is his uncanny similarities to your dad. After that, you notice the dust and blood caking him. He looks delirious, and the wound on his forehead doesn't help his condition.

His gaze quickly darts between you and your teacher as he keeps a white-knuckle grip on the longsword on his back. His hair and eyes almost look gray from all of the ashes, yet have a tinge of blue to them.

His cold glare settles on the Lost Samurai. "Where am I?" His voice is scratchy and strained, as if his throat was raw.

[] ????????????????????????????????????
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[] "If the pattern holds up? In my head. Supposedly you'll either end up somewhere in Mitakihara or somewhere close to me when I wake up. I'd offer more information on that front, but I've really only done this 'multi-dimensional refugee' thing once before. I should probably introduce myself though, my name is Yumi Konishi, what's yours?"

All I got atm.

[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
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[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
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Zweihander are a type of long sword
Not according to this page.

Relevant parts;
TV Tropes said:
Long Sword

  • Not a longsword, but a longer sword than most other peoples in Europe at the time used, the La Tene sword ranged from two and a half to three feet or longer, and had a bulky, organic hilt usually made of wood with very little metal, in a form that tended to vaguely resemble that of the anthro sword. Early Celtiberians combined this type of sword with a scabbard that had rings on both sides for hanging from the belt, providing the model for the later sword that was adopted as the Roman gladius. Later, longer versions are thought to have influenced the development of the spatha and Migration Era sword. Meanwhile, the Irish used swords that were basically of the La Tene type but usually shorter, often no more than two feet overall.
TV Tropes said:
Two-Handed Sword

  • These came in different variations, like the Scots claymore (claidheamh mór, "great sword") or the German Bidenhänder/Zweihänder ("two-hander"), and were very rare indeed. Their length and weight varied (from 140cm to 2m in length, and from 1.5-3kg), but the average zweihander was roughly 170cm in length and weighed around 3kg. Their primary purpose, aside from ceremonial designs, was for use by shock infantry to support a formation against enemy pike blocks, in the same way as halberds and similar polearms were used. They were also used by banner guards and personal guards because of how even one man with a two-handed sword could fight off multiple opponents even while surrounded, constantly pivoting to face different foes and using great windmill cuts to threaten anyone who came within the sword's fearsome reach from any direction. They were expensive and difficult to master, requiring stamina, coordination throughout the entire body, situational awareness, and a good sense of the weapon's tempo and measure: soldiers who mastered their use were counted among the elite. Originals that survive tend to have been ceremonial or judicial weaponsnote ​; many are parade "bearing swords" that are too large to fight with. However, while they sound very heavy and unwieldy, two-handers made for combat are surprisingly agile weapons due to the length and weight distribution of the hilt. Surviving Scots claymores have hilts typically about 50-60cm long; greater distance between the hands gives the user significant leverage to swing the heavy blade, with the hand near the crossguard acting as a fulcrum and the hand near the pommel generating power. The relatively larger mass and inertia of two-handed swords meant that they took longer to get up to speed as well as longer to slow down, and didn't turn on a dime; the trick was to use the momentum of the sword instead of fighting it, making large circles and chaining together multiple cuts, thrusts, and parries without making too many hard stops. Many styles of two-handed blade (particularly the zweihander) also had a "third grip" known as a ricasso, a blunted portion of the blade below the crossguard that was used to provide more precise control of the weapon while striking. Some even had the ricasso wrapped in leather to make it easier to grip, and/or parrying hooks sprouting between the ricasso and sharp part of the blade as a secondary crossguard. Wielding the blade in such a manner made it almost like a polearm — hence why learning how to use one properly could be highly confusing for a seasoned soldier.

And just to be thorough, the Longsword;
TV Tropes said:

  • Somewhere around late 12th or 13th century, improvements in forging and allowed swords with lengthened blades of 100-120cm, and an extended hilt allowing it to be used in either one or both hands. This was especially necessitated by increasing improvements in armor technology, and a need to smash through it. These early two-handed swords were called "great swords" and are typified by Oakeshott types XIIa and XIIIa. These swords were particularly designed with an eye towards delivering great shearing blows with broad blades of limited taper. The greatsword was known by several different names, including "war sword" or "sword of war."
  • Eventually, the greatsword evolved into the classic "longsword." The longsword is largely distinguished from the earlier greatsword by having narrower blades favoring thrusting over slashing (particularly exemplified by the Type XV) or having blades that were well-suited to both (the Type XVIIIb). The English and Italian longsword was described as having only a slightly longer blade than the Viking-descended swords but with a longer hilt, while the Germans thought that a longsword's pommel should reach the armpit of the person with the tip down to the ground. The longsword's evolution was directly influenced by improvements in armor. As full plate armor improved and became more popular, fully-armored knights no longer needed a shield. In fact, the improvents in the coverage and effectiveness of armor meant shields actually contributed more weight to the kit than it was worth in terms of protection so was discarded almost entirely. As such the longsword developed into an instrument well-suited to exploiting the vulnerabilities of a man in armor, (thus the focus on thrusting over cutting; the better to punch through the gaps in plate) and the longsword became the favored sidearm of the fully armored knight or man-at-arms from about 1360 to 1520. However, single-handed swords remained more popular among less elite troops, and when weighed against the entirety of the Middle Ages, the heyday of the longsword's popularity was shorter-lived than most people realize. The fencing manuals of the Liechtenauer and Fiore traditions base their pedagogy around the techniques of the longsword, and as these are a large portion of surviving manuscripts, they have provided us with a wealth of knowledge. At the same time, this kind of "survivor bias" can give us the impression that the longsword was more pervasive and dominant in society than it actually was.
  • "Hand-and-a-half sword" is a more modern term (probably originating in the 19th century) used for these types of weapons. The term "bastard sword" is sometimes also used, since it's neither a one-hand nor a two-hand sword, but nowadays "longsword" is asserted as the proper term. Note that, especially in the gaming community (going back at least as far as Gary Gygax), the term "longsword" is often incorrectly used to mean what is more properly called in period as just "a sword".note ​
  • A somewhat rare variant of the longsword was the estoc, essentially an edgeless longsword with either a diamond or triangle blade cross section. This was a weapon specialized for armored combat, first appearing in the 15th century and becoming more common in the 16th. Since it was a pure thrusting weapon, but much heavier than the later rapier, it was often used as what amounted to a short, heavy lance (since the main wooden lance often broke during the charge). In fact, one hypothesis for why some estocs have a distinctive C-shaped pommel is that it could be used like a stock to brace the butt of the weapon against one's arm or armpit like a couched lance. The later koncerz (essentially a one-handed estoc with a knuckle guard), famously used by the Winged Hussars, was an extension of the concept.
I'll make an edit, I misjudged the size of Rebellion a little.
I'm gonna guess you were thinking of the Dante, which is a fair bit bigger than the Rebellion.

[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
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[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
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[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
Come to think of it, maybe we should cast Mediarama on him. He is injured, after all.
All it takes is a simple addition:
[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
[X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
-[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
-[X] Don't forget to heal him
Would a Fallout style Laser Rifle deal Ranged damage or Fire damage? What about a Plasma Rifle...?

...Oh, these aren't coming to the quest, I'm just curious about what y'all think about unconventional weaponry.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Nov 14, 2024 at 8:51 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
    -[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
    -[X] Don't forget to heal him
    [X] "It's a place that's kinda between realities and I fall out of my own reality when I sleep where I sometimes end up here. My name is Yumi Konishi, it's nice to meet you."
    -[X] "That Madoka had asked me if I would be willing to take you to my world, so if you'd like you can come with me when it's time for me to wake up."
Plasma is either electricity or gun i say. Another option for Laser would be dealing light damage. I guess the specific type might all depend on the model or the ammo you use.
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1008: Stumble.
[X] "This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter..." ~ Igor

"This is a place I usually find myself whenever I fall asleep. My working theory is that it's in between realities, and works like a safety net." You try to explain to the boy, "I guess that won't matter once I wake up, though! You'll probably wind up somewhere random in Mitakihara, just as a heads up!"

The Lost Samurai backs out of the way of you and this mystery boy, seemingly out of politeness.

"...So she was telling the truth? That other Kaname?" He asks, his grip on his sword laxing only slightly.

"I mean, I don't know exactly what you two talked about, but--?"

The boy lurches forward, attempting to take a step...

(???? AGL CHECK: 7+5)

You hear a click as the boy falls to one knee, "Shit...!" He bites back a scream, "God damnit!"

Without a second thought, you rush over to the boy. "What's wrong?! Are you hurt?"

He tried to back away as you approach, but falls on his ass. "Stay back." He growls, "You're close enough."

You respect his wishes. "Hold still, okay? I'm gonna help you."

(???? WAS HEALED!)

"I don't need your...?" He recoils from the sudden light, but quickly recovers. His eyes finally meet yours, and you are met with a look of confusion. "...Kyoko?" He almost whispers.

"Huh? No, I'm not Kyoko. My name's Yumi Konishi!" You extend your hand out, "What about you?"

He tries to rise on his own, but ends up taking your hand to stand up. "...Huh. What do you know? That's my last name, too." He keeps his gaze on your eyes, "...Name's Yuki."

[] ???????????????????????????????????
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