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-[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
-[X] Send a message to Virtue to let you know if Kohaku wakes up, and when she does wake up that he can relay any messages between you two.
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-[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
-[X] Send a message to Virtue to let you know if Kohaku wakes up, and when she does wake up that he can relay any messages between you two.
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-[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
-[X] Send a message to Virtue to let you know if Kohaku wakes up, and when she does wake up that he can relay any messages between you two.
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-[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
-[X] Send a message to Virtue to let you know if Kohaku wakes up, and when she does wake up that he can relay any messages between you two.
Konishi, Part 2...?
You stumble out of an alleyway, using the wall to keep yourself upright. You just need to find a place to rest.

You've been awake for days since your final battle with him, so you've drastically lowered your standards in regards to what counts as a suitable place. Just keep moving forward.

It's a damn shame you don't have any human money since your world ended. No hotel will accept Macca here, seeing as the government still exists. What you wouldn't do to sleep in a bed again...

The industrial district peeks at you through the other buildings, giving you one of your few good ideas since agreeing to cross over. You'll just sleep there, and worry about food later.

With no small effort on your part, you finally reach a suitable building in the abandoned district. You don't need much, just a small area to--?

"Hey, human!" You hear the demon before you see it, "This is my turf! Get outta here!"

"Yeah, scram!" Another nuisance pipes up, "You ain't welcome he--"

With one swift motion, you pull the large sword off of your back, and cut the throats of the two demons surrounding you. They fall like all of the others.

You put your sword on your back, and begin to make a decent place to rest.
[X] Leave now
-[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
-[X] Send a message to Virtue to let you know if Kohaku wakes up, and when she does wake up that he can relay any messages between you two.
So is this confirmation that Yuki is a guy or just a typo?
Yuki Konishi is male.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 27, 2023 at 10:18 PM, finished with 22 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Leave now
    -[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
    -[X] Send a message to Virtue to let you know if Kohaku wakes up, and when she does wake up that he can relay any messages between you two.
    [X] Leave now
    -[X] On the way, ask Raido if there's any of what he wanted to talk to us about that's still relevant -- events seem to keep conspiring to prevent the discussion, and it's honestly getting to feel too much like a sitcom.
594: Beginning The Walk
[X] Leave now

You almost think to get Dante and Vergil, but...

...On second thought, it seems like the sounds of ringing steel are a good sign that they're okay. You make a hasty retreat out of the industrial district.

Just as you get back into the main Mitakihara area, you remember all of the times that Raido has been interrupted, or otherwise unable to continue your conversation from this morning.

"Hey, Raido," You begin, "Is what happened this morning still relevant?"

"Yes." He quickly answers, "It is. I'm guessing you have questions, but I'd like to ask you some, first."

You nod, keeping pace with your uncle. The others are speaking amongst themselves at the moment, but you get the feeling Homura is listening.

"Firstly, the Chief told me about your..." He tries to find the right words, "...Incident at the station. Are you okay?"

[] Yes.
[] No.
[] "Define "Okay"."
[] ?????????????????

"What happened in your dream, if you don't mind me asking?"

[] ???????????????????????

"Did she say anything else? Anything at all?"

[] ???????????????????????????????????

OOC: Short update tonight, but I bet tomorrow's update is gonna be big! Probably gonna write an EX Chapter later, though!
"Firstly, the Chief told me about your..." He tries to find the right words, "...Incident at the station. Are you okay?"

Still pissed that the Chief blew us off, and more pissed that people seemed to think Yumi hadn't already considered the safety of others, instead having Yumi be introspective of something she should've already known, especially considering that she had to have thought about these things during her 'pre-quest development' that people here are so concerned about.

I want to make it clear how annoying this section was for me. The longer their threat lingers, the higher the chances of our residences are of being discovered, and we have no locations, no information, no plan, zilch, nothing. Yet, they want us to play defense while also leaving our very vulnerable police department, one of our few sources of information, to the cult that has brainwashing capabilities.

Edit: I also want to point out, they have at the very least narrowed their search to our specific area and also know where Yuma goes to school. Sure, protecting our loved ones is important, but we can't be there all the time. Which is why we need to hunt them down. But noooo.

Sorry for my rant, but that section just had me steamed.

"What happened in your dream, if you don't mind me asking?"
"I dreamt of the Witch who killed Mom who had her corpse in its possession. I tried to heal Mom, killed the Witch, than we talked and she fucked off to wherever dead people go."

"Did she say anything else? Anything at all?"
I need to check back cause I don't remember lol

Edit: Checked back, Yumi's mom had stories of Madoka's and Homura's parents. Also Yuma's, but we don't talk about her. We could try asking Madoka's parents, and we could tell Homura that our mom knew her parents, if she cares about that.

"Kaname?!" Mom howls with laughter, "Like, Tomohisa Kaname?! I went to school with him!" She grabs your shoulder, "He was always getting pulled around by some gal named Junko! She liked him, I could tell, but she just didn't know how to say it!"
"Dang." You drum your fingers on your Gauntlet, "How about Homura Akemi?"

"I think I met her dad on a case." She nudges you, "His girlfriend was, among other things, controlling. I thought she was a Succubus, but man, was I ever surprised!"
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[X] (Station) "The spar with Dante helped burn off a bit of anger, but I'd still like help where I can."

[X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.

[X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed."

"...A couple." She admits, "Tell Takeshi that you love him, okay? He'd love a phone call from you. Oh, and tell Mom and Dad that it's under my bed. They'll know what I mean, don't worry. And..." Mom breathes in, "...Tell Raido two things. One; From the ashes I must rise. Two; it wasn't his fault, so he should stop beating himself up about it."
[X] (Station) "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."

[X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.

[X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."
[] (Station) "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."

[] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.

[] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."

EDIT: Vote changed.
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EX 96: Hino
"Father Hino..." You begin, sheepishly walking to his podium, "...There's been a problem."

Father Hino takes a deep breath, clearly frustrated. "There's always a problem." He tries to speak calmly, "Did you find my daughter?"

"Eh... heh..." Your eyes dart around the room, "Yes and no, Father."

"Yes and no?" He repeats.

"Well, "Yes", we did find her, but..."

"Do not waste my time, Disciple."

"There were unforseen obstructions that prevented the safe return of--!"

"Is Kohaku Hino in our captivity?!" He finally snaps at you.

"...No." You answer, "The two Acolytes I sent have yet to check in, so I must assume that she--"

Father Hino's fist slams into his podium, echoing through your hideaway. His breathing is heavy.

"What of Okane?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"Nothing yet, Father." You answer hastily, "But I'm sure that--"


A large spike of ice impales through your chest.

"F-Father...?!" You stammer, uselessly grabbing at the spike as you stumble back.

"You and your "men" have failed me." Hino growls, his fists tightening, "I shall no longer suffer your incompetence. Or any others'."

You fall to the ground, your blood freezing before it can hit the floor.

Hino flips open his cellphone, and calls someone. They pick up quickly.

"Gather the Disciples Of His Command." He orders, "We make for this so-called Mitakihara." He hangs up.

He looks at you, scoffing as he passes by.

"Fool." He sneers, "I suppose it is my own fault, in the end. Relying on sheep to perform a shepherd's task." He chuckles, stepping over you, "No matter. I'll simply do my own bidding."

Everything fades to cold darkness...
Hi, I need somebody to sign for delivery of one Wall Of Text?

[X] (Station) "Define okay."
-[X] "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."
-[X] "Emphasis on *we*. I'm sure you have means of breaking mind control once you know who's under it, and I'd... really appreciate it if you could teach me and my friends how to recognize any signs of someone being under it. Because right now? The only thing I can think of to do is full-on paranoia of casting Patra whenever I meet up with them."
--[X] "I also don't appreciate the Chief simply blowing off my offer to assist with the investigation. At all. Especially because *he's right* about my needing to focus on protecting my friends. Thing is? I can't do that if I'm not fully read-in on the situation, if I can't trust the people investigating to not fall under mind control -- or to be able to defend themselves if Father Hino simply sends more of his lackeys to kill them and break Saburo out to re-brainwash. Or worse, decides he's tired of 'failures' and goes full Comic Book Villain and does it himself. I doubt an cult leader is a pushover in a world with actual demons. The Chief knows where every girl I've revived, besides Arisu now, is... and each of them is powerless to defend themselves, now."
---[X] "In short? Part of me understands and appreciates his asking me to take a breath and think about things. I... have been neglecting some things, and I'm talking with Kohaku about that stuff. Touching grass, and all that. But part of me is rightfully pissed off, and feels I've been denied. CriticAl. NEeD to KNOW. InFORmation. I'm trying to stay professional about it, but I don't feel that's being reciprocated, and I don't feel the Chief understands the scope or depth of the danger here."
---[X] Mention, briefly, how you were warned about dimensional barriers dissolving and letting more demons through into this world in *another* dream, where you met the Samurai, and that we suspect this cult, the Disciples, is possibly related.

For intonation/reference on the weird text line:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QvhCDsFkk0 :V

[X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.
-[X] Briefly talk about how it tried psychological warfare, but found itself... misarmed for the fight. "Witches, it would seem, don't inherently know anything about demon magic..." (lower voice for this part) "which considering they're what Magical Girls turn into if they can't cleanse their Soul Gems and all, like with Arisu back there?" (return to normal volume) "It's probably typical, at least for those who didn't know about demons beforehand."

[X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."
-[X] "She also described 'Old Man Hino' as, and I quote, 'a nut job', and said I need to keep Kohaku far away from him. Which... yeah, she is not going back, not after the life of abuse"
Ya know, we could probably ask for a soul gem to try and bait a darkness spell for the free heal.

Only if it's like that Tal'shiar data stick holding alleged plans from the Dominion to attack the Romulan Star Empire. i.e., "It's a FAAAAAAAAAAKE!".

Except Yumi doesn't know it would work like that.

Yumi knows that Light magic barely affects Magical Girls; basic Genre Savvy about Elemental Affinities might be enough to give Yumi a gut feeling of "...let's not try that, shall we? Not on anybody we care about, at least."

Edited a couple times for grammar and an accidental repetition. I had my battery die partway through writing all that, and I thought something had been lost which hadn't.
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