[X] Oh, boy. Oh boy.
"Firstly, the Chief told me about your..." He tries to find the right words, "...Incident at the station. Are you okay?"
You take a deep breath, a sigh escaping you. "Define "Okay"." You say.
Raido blinks, opening his mouth, before stopping.
"I mean, I get where the Chief is coming from," You elaborate, using your hands to enunciate your words, "But the longer we take to deal with this kind of crap, the more time they have to find out homes and attack us in our sleep!" You turn to him, a grimace on your face, "I'm sure as shit not gonna let that happen. Oh, and that's before all of the mind control shit!"
Raido slowly nods, "It's a big shit show, but we'll deal with it."
"Yeah, emphasis on "we". I'm sure you have the means of breaking mind control once you know who's compromised, but..." You stop for just a second, thinking over your words, "...Do you think you could teach everyone how to identify the signs of that stuff? Because right this second, I'm just thinking about using Patra on everyone when I meet up with them."
"I'm sure I could, given you bring your friends down to my office some time." Raido says, "But that's not what I..."
"Also," You begin again, "I don't really appreciate the Chief just blowing me off when I asked to help with the investigation!" You huff, "Especially because he's right about me needing to protect my friends! But here's the kicker, are you ready?" You throw your hands out in front of you, "I cannot do that if I don't know what the hell is going on, and I can't trust the police force to not succumb to mind control and I can't trust them to fight against the cult if they succeed in finding them!"
Raido nods silently as you continue.
"What's stopping the Disciples from breaking Okane out to re-mind control him? Or worse, Kohaku's Dad swings by to do it himself?!" You groan, "There's no way that a cult leader is a pushover, especially whenever demons are involved! And even worse..." Your blood begins to chill, "...The Chief knows the location of every girl I've revived. And they're all defenseless."
"So do I, Yumi." Raido places his hand on your shoulder, "If it comes down to it, we'll protect them. But I doubt they care as of now. The only ones who know about their lives are us and the Chief. We only have to worry about it if and only if the Chief becomes compromised." Just as you're about to snap at him, he follows up, "This isn't the first time I've had to think about this sort of thing, nor is it the first time I've planned on it happening. Besides that, I don't plan on letting the Chief handle it. These cultusts aren't the only ones who can get an inside man." He smiles at you.
At first, you don't quite know how to react. How the hell would he even...? You shake your head, you'll ask later. "And, I understand and kinda appreciate him asking me to take a breath and think this through. I mean, I've been... neglecting some important things as of recent, and I've been talking to Kohaku about that. But another part of me is...!"
"Understandably angry?" He asks.
You nod, "It's like... I'm being denied critical, need-to-know information. I'm trying to stay professional about it, but the Chief just isn't reciprocating, and he just doesn't seem to understand the scope and the danger of all of this!"
Raido nods grimly, "That sounds like him. And with more demons crossing over to this world... I'll try talking to him."
"Yeah, that's... not good either. At least I got a warning when I met that dream samurai guy."
Raido stares at you.
"Different dream." You clarify.
"Ah." He nods, "Speaking of which, what happened in your dream, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well, there was a Witch." You begin, "It said that I was there when Mom..." You shake your head, "It tried to get in my head during and before the fight, but it was ill equipped for that. Witches don't seem to know about demon magic..." You lean in closer to Raido, "...Which makes sense, considering that Witches are Magical Girls that fail to cleanse their Soul Gems and all." You mutter to him.
His eyes widen slightly, "We'll talk about that in depth later."
"Fair." You mutter back. "At least I got to talk with her." You smile sadly, looking down at the sidewalk.
"...Did she say anything else? Anything at all?" Raido asks.
"I mean, other than what I told you, she mostly just gossiped about the people I've met."
Raido chuckles, "She never changes. Sorry, anything else?"
"Yeah, actually! She said to tell Dad I loved him, and to tell Grandma and Grandpa that she left something under the bed. And apparently," You smile, "She also knew Madoka and Homura's parents!"
"Homura...?" He repeats, "As in, Homura Akemi?"
"Yeah, how did you know?" You ask, putting your hands in your coat pockets.
"...No reason." Raido shakes his head, "I'd just like to speak with her privately--"
"Why?" Homura asks.
(INT ROLL: 14+8)
"Homura, it's rude to eavesdrop." You tell her.
"I'd just like you to fill in some gaps in my knowledge of the "Magical Girl System"." Raido explains, "If you're willing to, that is."
"...I'll contact you later, if I am able." She says, breaking away from you and Raido.
"I didn't even hear her sneak up..." Raido mutters, "...Sorry Yumi, go on?"
You sigh fondly. At least you know she doesn't just do that to you. "The only real important thing we talked about besides that was... About Kohaku's Old Man. She said he was, and I quote, "a nut job", and advised me to keep Kohaku as far away as I can from him. And considering what Kohaku told me, there's about a snowball's chance in hell that I'm gonna let that happen."
"...Good." Raido says, nodding, "If Ryoko says they're crazy, then they're crazy. Keep your friend safe."
Before you can reply, you feel the air shift. Both you and Raido stop dead in your tracks.
Homura and Kyoko stop too, grabbing Arisu.
Before anyone can move...?
"I have found you, Purple One!" You hear Cerberus' voice from behind you as he trots up to Homura, "Your "Teachers" were quite worried about your sudden disappearance!"
Raido's hand is already on his sword.
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