If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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Yumi knows that Light magic barely affects Magical Girls; basic Genre Savvy about Elemental Affinities might be enough to give Yumi a gut feeling of "...let's not try that, shall we? Not on anybody we care about, at least."
I feel it's worth bringing up that Yumi does know that MGs are weak to Dark and what Dark magic does to Soul Gems from our fight with Brainwashed!Saburo.

Also, changing my vote to;

[X] BethofDeath
Oh, right. Yeah, that makes it a bit more elementally-infused-cut and freeze-dried, doesn't it.
She doesn't know she can heal off darkness spells, she knows they affect Soul Gems. For clarification.
Yumi knows that Light magic barely affects Magical Girls; basic Genre Savvy about Elemental Affinities might be enough to give Yumi a gut feeling of "...let's not try that, shall we? Not on anybody we care about, at least."
For clarification, I was talking about both Yumi's healing off Dark spells, and the idea that the SG wouldn't be corrupted when she's hit just because she herself would be healed by the spell.

As in, taking into account the possibility that the Gem is hit by the spell as well. And ya know, putting other people in danger like that is a dick move. Especially since she doesn't know that she wouldn't be hurt by it.
[X] (Station) "Define okay."
-[X] "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."
-[X] "Emphasis on *we*. I'm sure you have means of breaking mind control once you know who's under it, and I'd... really appreciate it if you could teach me and my friends how to recognize any signs of someone being under it. Because right now? The only thing I can think of to do is full-on paranoia of casting Patra whenever I meet up with them."
--[X] "I also don't appreciate the Chief simply blowing off my offer to assist with the investigation. At all. Especially because *he's right* about my needing to focus on protecting my friends. Thing is? I can't do that if I'm not fully read-in on the situation, if I can't trust the people investigating to not fall under mind control -- or to be able to defend themselves if Father Hino simply sends more of his lackeys to kill them and break Saburo out to re-brainwash. Or worse, decides he's tired of 'failures' and goes full Comic Book Villain and does it himself. I doubt an cult leader is a pushover in a world with actual demons. The Chief knows where every girl I've revived, besides Arisu now, is... and each of them is powerless to defend themselves, now."
---[X] "In short? Part of me understands and appreciates his asking me to take a breath and think about things. I... have been neglecting some things, and I'm talking with Kohaku about that stuff. Touching grass, and all that. But part of me is rightfully pissed off, and feels I've been denied. CriticAl. NEeD to KNOW. InFORmation. I'm trying to stay professional about it, but I don't feel that's being reciprocated, and I don't feel the Chief understands the scope or depth of the danger here."
---[X] Mention, briefly, how you were warned about dimensional barriers dissolving and letting more demons through into this world in *another* dream, where you met the Samurai, and that we suspect this cult, the Disciples, is possibly related.

[X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.
-[X] Briefly talk about how it tried psychological warfare, but found itself... misarmed for the fight. "Witches, it would seem, don't inherently know anything about demon magic..." (lower voice for this part) "which considering they're what Magical Girls turn into if they can't cleanse their Soul Gems and all, like with Arisu back there?" (return to normal volume) "It's probably typical, at least for those who didn't know about demons beforehand."

[X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."
-[X] "She also described 'Old Man Hino' as, and I quote, 'a nut job', and said I need to keep Kohaku far away from him. Which... yeah, she is not going back, not after the life of abuse"
Prepare to get wreck Father Hino!

My vote:
[X] (Station) "The spar with Dante helped burn off a bit of anger, but I'd still like help where I can."

[X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.

[X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed."
[X] (Station) "Define okay."
-[X] "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."
-[X] "Emphasis on *we*. I'm sure you have means of breaking mind control once you know who's under it, and I'd... really appreciate it if you could teach me and my friends how to recognize any signs of someone being under it. Because right now? The only thing I can think of to do is full-on paranoia of casting Patra whenever I meet up with them."
--[X] "I also don't appreciate the Chief simply blowing off my offer to assist with the investigation. At all. Especially because *he's right* about my needing to focus on protecting my friends. Thing is? I can't do that if I'm not fully read-in on the situation, if I can't trust the people investigating to not fall under mind control -- or to be able to defend themselves if Father Hino simply sends more of his lackeys to kill them and break Saburo out to re-brainwash. Or worse, decides he's tired of 'failures' and goes full Comic Book Villain and does it himself. I doubt an cult leader is a pushover in a world with actual demons. The Chief knows where every girl I've revived, besides Arisu now, is... and each of them is powerless to defend themselves, now."
---[X] "In short? Part of me understands and appreciates his asking me to take a breath and think about things. I... have been neglecting some things, and I'm talking with Kohaku about that stuff. Touching grass, and all that. But part of me is rightfully pissed off, and feels I've been denied. CriticAl. NEeD to KNOW. InFORmation. I'm trying to stay professional about it, but I don't feel that's being reciprocated, and I don't feel the Chief understands the scope or depth of the danger here."
---[X] Mention, briefly, how you were warned about dimensional barriers dissolving and letting more demons through into this world in *another* dream, where you met the Samurai, and that we suspect this cult, the Disciples, is possibly related.

[X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.
-[X] Briefly talk about how it tried psychological warfare, but found itself... misarmed for the fight. "Witches, it would seem, don't inherently know anything about demon magic..." (lower voice for this part) "which considering they're what Magical Girls turn into if they can't cleanse their Soul Gems and all, like with Arisu back there?" (return to normal volume) "It's probably typical, at least for those who didn't know about demons beforehand."

[X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."
-[X] "She also described 'Old Man Hino' as, and I quote, 'a nut job', and said I need to keep Kohaku far away from him. Which... yeah, she is not going back, not after the life of abuse"
Sorry I'm late, I was playing Zombies with my buddy.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 28, 2023 at 10:21 PM, finished with 23 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] (Station) "Define okay."
    -[X] "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."
    -[X] "Emphasis on *we*. I'm sure you have means of breaking mind control once you know who's under it, and I'd... really appreciate it if you could teach me and my friends how to recognize any signs of someone being under it. Because right now? The only thing I can think of to do is full-on paranoia of casting Patra whenever I meet up with them."
    --[X] "I also don't appreciate the Chief simply blowing off my offer to assist with the investigation. At all. Especially because *he's right* about my needing to focus on protecting my friends. Thing is? I can't do that if I'm not fully read-in on the situation, if I can't trust the people investigating to not fall under mind control -- or to be able to defend themselves if Father Hino simply sends more of his lackeys to kill them and break Saburo out to re-brainwash. Or worse, decides he's tired of 'failures' and goes full Comic Book Villain and does it himself. I doubt an cult leader is a pushover in a world with actual demons. The Chief knows where every girl I've revived, besides Arisu now, is... and each of them is powerless to defend themselves, now."
    ---[X] "In short? Part of me understands and appreciates his asking me to take a breath and think about things. I... have been neglecting some things, and I'm talking with Kohaku about that stuff. Touching grass, and all that. But part of me is rightfully pissed off, and feels I've been denied. CriticAl. NEeD to KNOW. InFORmation. I'm trying to stay professional about it, but I don't feel that's being reciprocated, and I don't feel the Chief understands the scope or depth of the danger here."
    ---[X] Mention, briefly, how you were warned about dimensional barriers dissolving and letting more demons through into this world in *another* dream, where you met the Samurai, and that we suspect this cult, the Disciples, is possibly related.
    [X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.
    -[X] Briefly talk about how it tried psychological warfare, but found itself... misarmed for the fight. "Witches, it would seem, don't inherently know anything about demon magic..." (lower voice for this part) "which considering they're what Magical Girls turn into if they can't cleanse their Soul Gems and all, like with Arisu back there?" (return to normal volume) "It's probably typical, at least for those who didn't know about demons beforehand."
    [X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."
    -[X] "She also described 'Old Man Hino' as, and I quote, 'a nut job', and said I need to keep Kohaku far away from him. Which... yeah, she is not going back, not after the life of abuse"
    [X] (Dream) Tell him about the Witch and how it was saying that you were there when mom died.
    [X] (Station) "The spar with Dante helped burn off a bit of anger, but I'd still like help where I can."
    [X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed."
    [X] (Station) "I get where the Chief's coming from, but the longer we take to deal with our enemies, the more time they have to find where we live and attack us in our sleep. I refuse to allow that. Not to mention that mind control is on the table now. Its a big mess, but we'll deal with it."
    [X] (Mom) "Other than what I told you, it was mostly gossiping about people I've met, and she told me to tell dad I love him, and to tell grandma and grandpa that she left something under her bed. Also, she apparently knew Madoka's and Homura's parents."
595: A Long Talk.
[X] Oh, boy. Oh boy.

"Firstly, the Chief told me about your..." He tries to find the right words, "...Incident at the station. Are you okay?"

You take a deep breath, a sigh escaping you. "Define "Okay"." You say.

Raido blinks, opening his mouth, before stopping.

"I mean, I get where the Chief is coming from," You elaborate, using your hands to enunciate your words, "But the longer we take to deal with this kind of crap, the more time they have to find out homes and attack us in our sleep!" You turn to him, a grimace on your face, "I'm sure as shit not gonna let that happen. Oh, and that's before all of the mind control shit!"

Raido slowly nods, "It's a big shit show, but we'll deal with it."

"Yeah, emphasis on "we". I'm sure you have the means of breaking mind control once you know who's compromised, but..." You stop for just a second, thinking over your words, "...Do you think you could teach everyone how to identify the signs of that stuff? Because right this second, I'm just thinking about using Patra on everyone when I meet up with them."

"I'm sure I could, given you bring your friends down to my office some time." Raido says, "But that's not what I..."

"Also," You begin again, "I don't really appreciate the Chief just blowing me off when I asked to help with the investigation!" You huff, "Especially because he's right about me needing to protect my friends! But here's the kicker, are you ready?" You throw your hands out in front of you, "I cannot do that if I don't know what the hell is going on, and I can't trust the police force to not succumb to mind control and I can't trust them to fight against the cult if they succeed in finding them!"

Raido nods silently as you continue.

"What's stopping the Disciples from breaking Okane out to re-mind control him? Or worse, Kohaku's Dad swings by to do it himself?!" You groan, "There's no way that a cult leader is a pushover, especially whenever demons are involved! And even worse..." Your blood begins to chill, "...The Chief knows the location of every girl I've revived. And they're all defenseless."

"So do I, Yumi." Raido places his hand on your shoulder, "If it comes down to it, we'll protect them. But I doubt they care as of now. The only ones who know about their lives are us and the Chief. We only have to worry about it if and only if the Chief becomes compromised." Just as you're about to snap at him, he follows up, "This isn't the first time I've had to think about this sort of thing, nor is it the first time I've planned on it happening. Besides that, I don't plan on letting the Chief handle it. These cultusts aren't the only ones who can get an inside man." He smiles at you.

At first, you don't quite know how to react. How the hell would he even...? You shake your head, you'll ask later. "And, I understand and kinda appreciate him asking me to take a breath and think this through. I mean, I've been... neglecting some important things as of recent, and I've been talking to Kohaku about that. But another part of me is...!"

"Understandably angry?" He asks.

You nod, "It's like... I'm being denied critical, need-to-know information. I'm trying to stay professional about it, but the Chief just isn't reciprocating, and he just doesn't seem to understand the scope and the danger of all of this!"

Raido nods grimly, "That sounds like him. And with more demons crossing over to this world... I'll try talking to him."

"Yeah, that's... not good either. At least I got a warning when I met that dream samurai guy."

Raido stares at you.

"Different dream." You clarify.

"Ah." He nods, "Speaking of which, what happened in your dream, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, there was a Witch." You begin, "It said that I was there when Mom..." You shake your head, "It tried to get in my head during and before the fight, but it was ill equipped for that. Witches don't seem to know about demon magic..." You lean in closer to Raido, "...Which makes sense, considering that Witches are Magical Girls that fail to cleanse their Soul Gems and all." You mutter to him.

His eyes widen slightly, "We'll talk about that in depth later."

"Fair." You mutter back. "At least I got to talk with her." You smile sadly, looking down at the sidewalk.

"...Did she say anything else? Anything at all?" Raido asks.

"I mean, other than what I told you, she mostly just gossiped about the people I've met."

Raido chuckles, "She never changes. Sorry, anything else?"

"Yeah, actually! She said to tell Dad I loved him, and to tell Grandma and Grandpa that she left something under the bed. And apparently," You smile, "She also knew Madoka and Homura's parents!"

"Homura...?" He repeats, "As in, Homura Akemi?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" You ask, putting your hands in your coat pockets.

"...No reason." Raido shakes his head, "I'd just like to speak with her privately--"

"Why?" Homura asks.

(INT ROLL: 14+8)

"Homura, it's rude to eavesdrop." You tell her.

"I'd just like you to fill in some gaps in my knowledge of the "Magical Girl System"." Raido explains, "If you're willing to, that is."

"...I'll contact you later, if I am able." She says, breaking away from you and Raido.

"I didn't even hear her sneak up..." Raido mutters, "...Sorry Yumi, go on?"

You sigh fondly. At least you know she doesn't just do that to you. "The only real important thing we talked about besides that was... About Kohaku's Old Man. She said he was, and I quote, "a nut job", and advised me to keep Kohaku as far away as I can from him. And considering what Kohaku told me, there's about a snowball's chance in hell that I'm gonna let that happen."

"...Good." Raido says, nodding, "If Ryoko says they're crazy, then they're crazy. Keep your friend safe."


Before you can reply, you feel the air shift. Both you and Raido stop dead in your tracks.

Homura and Kyoko stop too, grabbing Arisu.

Before anyone can move...?

"I have found you, Purple One!" You hear Cerberus' voice from behind you as he trots up to Homura, "Your "Teachers" were quite worried about your sudden disappearance!"

Raido's hand is already on his sword.

[] ??????????????????????????????????????
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Probably needs more, but it is extremely late and I need to get to sleep.
How about:

[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
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[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
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[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
[:V] Uh, Raido? I know this is the opposite of who's usually told this in these situations? But, down, boy.

[X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
-[X] Greet Cerberus warmly. "Wait, 'Purple One'?" Turn and look at Homura. Clearly, this is her show.

Okay, so we've got plan-options for at least tomorrow, at this point, possibly the next several days if we can't get everyone together for long enough at a time:

- Group Training Montage, to help everyone new being mastering their abilities, and be able to work well both alone (long enough to get to help) and as a team.

- Practice the Magatsuhi Form in safe conditions with medical aid available and Stephen monitoring (through the Gauntlet or in-person), see if we can
-- dampen intensity in continuous use so we don't burn out and pass out, or cause damage to ourselves
-- only use it in short/instant bursts as reinforcement for a particular hit (taken or dealt), so it doesn't wear on us
-- generally, try to let our human body gracefully adapt to the energies involved.

- Get everyone who will fit in Raido's office together so he can teach us how to recognize if someone is under mind control. Maybe he'll be able to teach us enough that we upgrade our Patra skill to Me Patra?
-- Perhaps visit the Jack Bros. and see if they have some items with the same effect we can hand out to our allies who don't have the spell themselves.

- Continue the Kohaku Healing Project (Name is in jest, and yes it's an Ayanami Raising Project reference, but just being a good friend to her as she sorts out her feelings about recent events and revelations, and decides what her next steps should be.)

- More evaluation of the Grief Recycler app, with Kyoko.

- Visit the Antique Shop.

- Obtain (or Re-obtain) a means to simply render opponents unconscious or otherwise unable to act, without inflicting further harm on them. Whether in case our friends/family/allies are brainwashed but simply Patra'ing them wouldn't help the immediate situation (say, someone threatened who won't take "oh, they were brainwashed, it's fixed now" at our word right then and need something more visibly-obvious that the brainwashed person is no longer a threat), or if we need to restrain someone for questioning.

Dormina would be good, Sandman had it iirc. Something to temporarily paralyze them (Shibaboo?) would work too.
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Vergil did kind of just kidnap her via portals to where Yumi was after confronting her about Witch Seeds/Soul Gems presumably at school and she is *very* purple themed.

Yep, I did get that. ^_^ Just put that option there so Homura can speak for her exasperated self about it.

Maybe with a "...sigh, at least it's a better nickname than 'Transfer Student'." :D
How would Nero fare against Walpurgisnacht?

...How flashy would the Buster be?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Sep 30, 2023 at 3:15 AM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
    [X] *to Raido* "Relax, I know this one. He belongs to another summoner... That I had saved and accidentally pulled into this reality after crossing over to his through my dreams. I've been having a lot of shenanigans in my dreams."
    -[X] Greet Cerberus warmly. "Wait, 'Purple One'?" Turn and look at Homura. Clearly, this is her show.
596: Headaches For Uncle
[X] "He's a good boy!"

"Raido, hold on! I know him!" You step in front of your trigger happy uncle, "He's a friend of mine's demon!"

Hesitantly, Raido removes his hand from his sword. "Whose demon is this, then?"

"I am Master Kazuya's demon." Cerberus happily replies, "He sent me to track down the rogue student! He should be along soon."

"I see." Homura crosses her arms, "My apologies. Although I didn't exactly plan to disappear so suddenly."

"Speaking of which, how did you get here?" Raido asks, "You were supposedly at school, but Mitakihara Middle School is--?"

"Sword portal." You elaborate no further.

Before Raido can process what you just said, you see Kazuya jog up to your party after rounding a corner.

"Ah, Master Kazuya!" Cerberus greets him warmly, "I have located the Purple One!"

"I..." Kazuya looks at everyone in your group, "...See that. Good work, Cerberus."

"I should explain my sudden absence, then?" Homura asks, sighing, "It all stems from V--"

"Are you the one training children to summon demons?" Raido asks, glaring daggers at Kazuya.

"No, that's her." He offhandedly points to you, "I'm just IT at their school."

Raido blinks.

"Also, it's by Yumi's timely intervention that I'm here. She pulled me from my plane from a... dream, correct?" Kazuya asks.

Raido, after a brief moment of confusion, pinches the bridge of his nose. "Yumi. Please explain."

[] ????????????????????????????
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