[X] "You have the rest of the day off! Woohoo!"
"...Hey, uh, you should probably head over to the police station, 'cause your work called there about you going missing." You worm your way out of his grip, "Speaking of which, how long have you been here?"
"4 hours, 15 minutes and 31 seconds." The cat demon answers, "...Give or take a few."
Everyone stares at her.
"What?" She asks, "It passes the time!"
"Counting the seconds of a human's imprisonment passes time?" The teal armored demon places his hands on his hips.
She nods happily.
"This is fucking insane...!" Shinji shakes his head, muttering to himself, "I just wanted to give opportunities to potential stars...!"
"Oh, yeah, about that." You put your hand on his shoulder, "You've gotta be more careful on how you present yourself. Make your actions as crystal clear as you can, because next time, you might be confronted by people who are... Less inclined to talk."
Shinji nods, "Y-Yes, ma'am. I'll, uh, be on my way." After speaking quickly, he dashes off like a bat out of hell. You can't say you blame him for that.
Kyoko stands in the corner, horribly confused. "...What the hell just happened?" She asks you.
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