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Well they say that a broken clock can be right twice a day.

Sayaka hit the bullseye with the person to ask that question.

Homura is many things, but straight as a line isn't one of them, well neither straight as a rainbow as she is madokasexual, she wouldn't care about any of that as long as it is madoka.
[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
-[X] Silently make a note to prod Sayaka towards exploring sapphic options in future loops, if this avoids Kyosuke-related despair spirals.
--[X] Correct that note to have Madoka do the prodding
[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
-[X] Silently make a note to prod Sayaka towards exploring sapphic options in future loops, if this avoids Kyosuke-related despair spirals.
--[X] Correct that note to have Madoka do the prodding

Sayaka being gay instead of bi really would prevent a bunch of stupid deaths and Witchifications if she became aware of it in time.
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[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
-[X] Silently make a note to prod Sayaka towards exploring sapphic options in future loops, if this avoids Kyosuke-related despair spirals.
--[X] Correct that note to have Madoka do the prodding
"You taught me a valuable lesson today about family, life, and mercy." You take a single step, "Family, when you lack strength, can be taken away in just a snap." Victoria reflexively takes a step back, "Life will simply kick you every time you allow yourself to be vulnerable." You crack your neck, drawing your sword from your back, "And mercy is worthless."
Being merciful toward your enemies was being cruel to yourself. Most enemies wouldn't reciprocate your kindness; given the chance, they'd kill you without hesitation. Mercy was a luxury only the strong could afford.
[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
-[X] Silently make a note to prod Sayaka towards exploring sapphic options in future loops, if this avoids Kyosuke-related despair spirals.
--[X] Correct that note to have Madoka do the prodding
[X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
-[X] Silently make a note to prod Sayaka towards exploring sapphic options in future loops, if this avoids Kyosuke-related despair spirals.
--[X] Correct that note to have Madoka do the prodding
Also, Homura might not be an expert in being gay, but she's as close to it as Sayaka's going to get. :V
The funny thing is, if Homu were to ask Madoka to check if Sayaka was gay... Then Madoka might think Homu had a thing for Sayaka lol.
If it happens so early in a loop that Madoka hasn't seen that Homura is down horrific, maybe. Unless the memes about Madohalla being her polycule are true and mortal Madoka is very self-aware...
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Unearthing Light, Chapter 8.
You sigh down on the steps to Father's temple, producing one of the books you checked out. To be honest, you just grabbed whatever books caught your eye without paying attention to much besides the designs. You take a closer look at the cover...

"What kind of title is this...?" The book is called "I Was Transported To Another World With Ultimate Cheat Powers, Now I'm The Emperor". You scoff, putting the book aside for now. If you're truly desperate, you'll consider reading it. You take another book...

...And wonder how something like this found its way into a public library. "How droll..." The title this time is "How To Summon Demons For World Peace And Also ***". Yes, the asterisks are part of the title. You have half a mind to--?

...The cat has followed you here. You only noticed now because it's hopped up on the main deck beside you. This damnable cat...

"Go away. I don't have anything for you." You shoo it with your free hand.

The cat seems to take this as an invitation to come closer, attempting to rub its head on your hand.

You remove your hand from its range, "Unless you're hunting mice for me, there is nothing here."

The cat decides to sit down where it was standing, watching you with big sparkling eyes.

"...Don't you have anywhere else to be?" You sneer, attempting to read one of your books. Ah, this one is much more suited to your tastes! The title simply reads "Faust". You open the book, and--?

"Luuuuuuna!" You hear a young girl's voice pierce your eardrums, "Where aaaaaaaaaare yoooooou?!"

You grimace, slamming the book shut, "Oh, for the love of--!" You stand up just as the girl steps into view...


...You lock eyes with her for a moment.

There is no doubt in your mind that this girl is Sailor Moon.

"Oh, there you are, Luna!" The girl, who has yet to properly introduce herself, barrels past you to get to the black cat, apparently named Luna. "You had me so worried! I thought that--?"

It seems she's finally recognized your presence.

"Oh, um, were you the one keeping her safe?" This girl tried to act casual, "Thanks! My name is U--?"

"Sailor Moon." You cut her off.

Sailor Moon looks shocked, but for some reason, the cat looks mortified.

"U-Uh, who? Me? You must be--!"

"No, I'm quite certain." You look down at her from the deck, "It's of no consequence, I suppose. The cat is yours, correct?" Before she can even open her mouth, you continue, "Take it. It's been pestering me since I found it."

"I, uh--!!" The incognito Sailor Moon stammers, "Yeah, that's Luna, and I'm Usagi notSailorMoon! So don't call me--"

"Just take the animal." Who does she think she's fooling?
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And, while you guys read that...
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 22, 2024 at 9:40 PM, finished with 24 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
    -[X] Silently make a note to prod Sayaka towards exploring sapphic options in future loops, if this avoids Kyosuke-related despair spirals.
    --[X] Correct that note to have Madoka do the prodding
    [X] Wait a moment for your brain to recover from that bombshell. Once you have, reply, "While I am no expert, I can make a suggestion. Imagine actually kissing him. Do you really find the idea appealing, or do you just feel like you should? Then repeat the question with Kyo- a girl you think you find attractive. I make no guarantees of this making things clearer, but it is the best advice I have."
    [X] Blink slowly without saying anything
    -[X] Your brain has stalled
863: Homura Gets Mentally Flashbanged Again.
[X] "...What?"

For the longest time, you struggle to properly recover from what Sayaka just said. Has Sayaka... Just come out to you?

Out of every loop, every timeline, you've never had to deal with a situation anything like this. You hastily begin preparing something, anything, to say to her, and...

"...I am not an expert in these sorts of things, but I can make a suggestion, if you'll humor me." You lie through your teeth, thinking about how many times Madoka and you have dated. "Imagine..." You struggle a little to find the proper words, "...Imagine you're on a date with... Kyosuke, was it? Would you find that appealing, or is it something that you would do just because it is expected of you?"

Sayaka closes her eyes focusing really hard on imagining going on a date. Or, at least, you think so. It's so hard to tell with her.

"...I don't know." Sayaka droops.

You nod, "Now, imagine the exact same scenario, but with a girl."

"Any girl?" Sayaka asks, "Um, maybe... Okay, I've got a girl!" She focuses really hard again.

"Now, I make no guarantees about this making anything clearer, but it's the only advice I have." You sigh, already wanting this awkward scenario to be over, "...Miki?" You glance over at her.

Her eyes are still closed, but there's a giant blush on her face. She doesn't look as strained, either.

...Mission accomplished?

"...I assume you found your answer, then?" You cross your legs, making a mental note to have Madoka prod her on these kinds of topics in later loops. Perhaps this will allow for less Kyosuke-filled Despair Spirals in the future.

The door behind you opens, and you turn to see Madoka joining you on the rooftop. "H-Hello, Homura! Hello, Sayaka!"

"Madoka, so nice of you to join us." You try to keep collected, "Miki and I were just--?"

"MadokawhatdoIdoifIlikegirls?!" Sayaka shouts, her eyes suddenly opening.

Madoka gasps slightly as a blush begins to fade into her cheeks.

[] ????????????????????????????????????????????!
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