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I'm pretty sure White is Oriko, and I am positive Black is Kirika, because Homura's outfit only has that as a secondary color at most, and her Soul Gem is purple, not black.

Wait, so when are we leveling DEX again? I remember we needed that for the Rainbow Sword fusion thing.
That depends on the thread. The level up plan I outlined a while ago is to get our INT to 70, then get our AGL to 70, then get our INT to 77. After that, if the thread considers it a high enough priority, we pour points into DEX until it reaches 84, otherwise it's back to ping-ponging out INT and CHR… and, frankly, I consider getting our INT and CHR modifiers to +20 each to be more important than being able to use every element in a single attack, because such an attack is worse than useless against anything Repels even a single element, nevermind multiple.
Repel always overrides Pierce while Drain doesn't in older SMT. For our multi-element attacks, Weak overrides Resist, Null sets damage to half, and Repel and Drain only impact the specific element's contribution to the damage.
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[X] From Death's Grasp: Once per day, if you would take fatal damage, Dawn will revive you to half HP.

[X] Stats: +28 AGL, +7 INT, +1 LUK
-[X] Do not change Skills

I return, exams suck. What's happened?
[X] Engravings: Gives Dawn some engravings. They look nice, but serve no tactical advantage whatsoever.

You know what? QM keeps pushing this, and just because something isn't a tactical benefit doesn't mean it's not, say, a strategic benefit. Maybe it'll restore some of her memories, maybe it lets her communicate with others, maybe it lets her move on her own beyond simple deflection, I dunno. I doubt it will catch on, but I'm going to trust the QM on this.

[] Stats: +28 AGL, +7 STR, +1 LUK
-[] Replace Shock with Lullaby
[X] Stats: +28 AGL, +7 INT, +1 LUK
-[X] Replace Explosive Fist with Lullaby
--[:V] Consult with Lorelei to create combination attack from Mazionga and Lullaby: Dreamstorm -- the rumbling thunderstorm that soothes you to sleep! (Pierces Null Mind)

Considering how much we spam magical sword attacks lately, we should probably pump STR a bit, no? And Shock is a pretty weak skill compared to what else we're running, whereas Lullaby (which is misspelled in Lorelei's skill list btw) fits Yumi's wish to be nonlethal whenever possible. ...and also might help a bit with any incoming nightmares waking her up.

Just let the pretty lady teach!

[X] Purple
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Wait, so there's no counter for Repel? That sounds easily exploitable.
Actually, unless I'm badly mistaken, it isn't, since I don't believe Pierce was available to enemies prior to Apocalypse (when it was even in the game at all), and even then, a lot of the Apocalypse Skills that have Pierce only do so when Smirking (although there are a few exceptions, such as Odin's signature Gungnir). As such, Pierce not bypassing Repel does more to hinder the player than the enemy, with bosses typically using Almighty when they want to bypass your resistances.

SMT5 changed things a fair bit in this regard by making it so that Pierce does bypass Repel (this is probably why Gaea Rage went back to being a Physical attack after being Almighty in Digital Devil Saga, SMT4 and Apocalypse), but also removing all of the passive Skills that grant Pierce to all attacks by the owner of a given element and replacing the active Skills that do this for the party with Impaler's Animus, which only grants it (and an 80% damage boost) to the user, and only for one attack (a Magatsuhi Skill applies it to the entire active party, but again, only one attack).

Considering how much we spam magical sword attacks lately, we should probably pump STR a bit, no?
STR doesn't boost the damage of our Sword Skills. That's AGL (via the Sword half of the Skill) and INT (via the other half), which I want boosted for the modifiers for our Evasion and INT checks. STR only boosts Physical Skills, unarmed basic attacks, weapon attacks with weapons that use STR, and our STR modifier on STR checks.

And Shock is a pretty weak skill compared to what else we're running, whereas Lullaby (which is misspelled in Lorelei's skill list btw) fits Yumi's wish to be nonlethal whenever possible.
Shock is also required in order to get the Stat Point per level from Nue! So unless you intend to swap out other Skills (and moreover, ones that aren't giving us a point per level from one of our other Demons) for the rest of Lorelei's, this would reduce our points per level!
Well that's a mechanic I don't remember reading about. sigh And Ziodyne doesn't count?

I can change it out for Ippon-Datara's Explosive Fist instead then? That dude's either level 10 or 17, so he's just taking up space in our completely full party, to get stat points through a skill that's completely useless to us since we got Dawn and built around her.

We've missed out on a punny Nekomata who clearly was interested in joining, and Anahita might want to once she's recovered.
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I had a hilarious idea. We should get Kyubey in legal trouble for all the times he's peeped on girls, so he's legally required to tell his marks he's on The List.
[X] Engravings: Gives Dawn some engravings. They look nice, but serve no tactical advantage whatsoever.

Screw it, make Dawn extra pretty.

[X] Pink

Iä, Iä, KRIEMHILD fhtagn.


What? I like doing cultish chanting about the Witch of Salvation.
[X] Engravings: Gives Dawn some engravings. They look nice, but serve no tactical advantage whatsoever.

[X] Pink
In P3M, I like to imagine that Makoto Yuki looks at the "camera" at every comedic moment.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 20, 2024 at 11:37 PM, finished with 34 posts and 11 votes.
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