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"He went to the guest bedroom with Kohaku after she threw up to first time. He's probably still there."
"I was gonna ask if you had some sort of Demon Almanac that we could use as a reference, but now I'm just concerned for Kohaku." Your gaze falls upon your friend.
Yumi knows it's called the Compendium, I remember it was brought up by that guy at the Apartment Room of Shadows.
[X] Quietly check with the other two to see if Kohaku is drunk. If she is, let her stay like that for now, she's had a rough day. Give her a hug (not too tight though) if she's clean. If she isn't, rub her back a bit.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] To Grandpa, "So about that almanac?"
[X] "...safest means of magical travel, my muscular organic ass." Wonder why, if she's seeing double, there aren't six of us.
-[X] Ask Grandpa to go update Grandma about the whole seeing-mostly-double thing, and thank him for looking after Kohaku.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] Spend a few moments with Kohaku and, if she sticks around, Mami. Talk about the aftermath of the Yuma situation, and Griffon's second attempt to help resulting in a comedy act. Completely ruin his reputation as a hard-tailfeather by revealing his weakness: Friendship.

Aww, in Kohaku's eyes there's only one Yumi...even when she's really out of it. :D
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[X] Quietly check with the other two to see if Kohaku is drunk. If she is, let her stay like that for now, she's had a rough day. Give her a hug (not too tight though) if she's clean. If she isn't, rub her back a bit.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] To Grandpa, "So about that almanac?"
[X] "...safest means of magical travel, my muscular organic ass." Wonder why, if she's seeing double, there aren't six of us.
-[X] Ask Grandpa to go update Grandma about the whole seeing-mostly-double thing, and thank him for looking after Kohaku.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] Spend a few moments with Kohaku and, if she sticks around, Mami. Talk about the aftermath of the Yuma situation, and Griffon's second attempt to help resulting in a comedy act. Completely ruin his reputation as a hard-tailfeather by revealing his weakness: Friendship.

[X] Quietly check with the other two to see if Kohaku is drunk. If she is, let her stay like that for now, she's had a rough day. Give her a hug (not too tight though) if she's clean. If she isn't, rub her back a bit.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] To Grandpa, "So about that almanac?"

I like both of these. So I shall vote for both of these.
[X] Quietly check with the other two to see if Kohaku is drunk. If she is, let her stay like that for now, she's had a rough day. Give her a hug (not too tight though) if she's clean. If she isn't, rub her back a bit.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] To Grandpa, "So about that almanac?"
[X] Quietly check with the other two to see if Kohaku is drunk. If she is, let her stay like that for now, she's had a rough day. Give her a hug (not too tight though) if she's clean. If she isn't, rub her back a bit.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] To Grandpa, "So about that almanac?"
[X] "...safest means of magical travel, my muscular organic ass." Wonder why, if she's seeing double, there aren't six of us.
-[X] Ask Grandpa to go update Grandma about the whole seeing-mostly-double thing, and thank him for looking after Kohaku.
-[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
-[X] Spend a few moments with Kohaku and, if she sticks around, Mami. Talk about the aftermath of the Yuma situation, and Griffon's second attempt to help resulting in a comedy act. Completely ruin his reputation as a hard-tailfeather by revealing his weakness: Friendship.
--[X] After all that, lets find Grandpa and ask him, "So about that almanac?"

I like both votes- So why not both?
"I have seen the end of the world, and its desolation has been etched into my eyes forevermore. Not even the wind blew in that dust filled world of emptiness. It was horrifying, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone." - Yuki, unprompted.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" - Kyoko
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 6, 2024 at 9:50 PM, finished with 11 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Quietly check with the other two to see if Kohaku is drunk. If she is, let her stay like that for now, she's had a rough day. Give her a hug (not too tight though) if she's clean. If she isn't, rub her back a bit.
    -[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
    -[X] To Grandpa, "So about that almanac?"
    [X] "...safest means of magical travel, my muscular organic ass." Wonder why, if she's seeing double, there aren't six of us.
    -[X] Ask Grandpa to go update Grandma about the whole seeing-mostly-double thing, and thank him for looking after Kohaku.
    -[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
    -[X] Spend a few moments with Kohaku and, if she sticks around, Mami. Talk about the aftermath of the Yuma situation, and Griffon's second attempt to help resulting in a comedy act. Completely ruin his reputation as a hard-tailfeather by revealing his weakness: Friendship.
    [X] "...safest means of magical travel, my muscular organic ass." Wonder why, if she's seeing double, there aren't six of us.
    -[X] Ask Grandpa to go update Grandma about the whole seeing-mostly-double thing, and thank him for looking after Kohaku.
    -[X] To Mami, "She's had a rough day. Ya might have noticed the aftermath if you stopped back home."
    -[X] Spend a few moments with Kohaku and, if she sticks around, Mami. Talk about the aftermath of the Yuma situation, and Griffon's second attempt to help resulting in a comedy act. Completely ruin his reputation as a hard-tailfeather by revealing his weakness: Friendship.
    --[X] After all that, lets find Grandpa and ask him, "So about that almanac?"
786: "...I'm Nooooooooot...!" Kohaku, Lying Again.
[X] Kohaku, you're drunk. Go h-- Nevermind.

You look back Mami and Grandpa.

"...What kind of curse makes you...?" Grandpa shakes his head.

"Curse?" Mami asks, looking a little confused, "I don't detect a Witch's Kiss on her..."

"I-I'll explain later!" You cover, "We, uh, should probably leave her be for now. She's had a rough day."

You turn back to Kohaku and, finding no vomit on her, give her a nice hug. Kohaku hugs you back.

"...I feel like shit." She mumbles into your ear. "I think teleports and me don't mix..."

"Teleports and I." You correct endearingly, "Just rest up, okay?"

Kohaku lets you go, and you leave the room.

"I hope she feels better soon..." Mami looks back as she follows you.

"Just shout if you need something." Grandpa waves as he makes his exit.

"Hey, Grandpa, about that Almanac..." You begin, but he raises a finger to shush you.

"It's in Raido's office." He sighs, "Sorry, kiddo. I'll ask him to bring it on by when I see him next."

Well, it was worth a shot.

You all make your way back into the living room, where Grandma has taken a seat on a reclining chair next to the couch. Shoji is idly flipping through channels on the TV, with Hiro looking through the TV Guide. Kyoko is stretching her legs, glancing at the TV every once and a while.

[] ?????????????????????????????
"I have seen the end of the world, and its desolation has been etched into my eyes forevermore. Not even the wind blew in that dust filled world of emptiness. It was horrifying, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone." - Yuki, unprompted.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" - Kyoko
Kyoko: "Who the hell starts a conversation like that! I just sat down..."
[X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika
[X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika
[X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika.
-[X] Get some ice-chilled water to drink. And test this Drain Ice thing it mentions; see if you just absorb ice cubes into your skin now -- it wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen so far. See if you're immune to cold-induced headaches by popping an ice cube in your mouth and holding it there... very ready to spit it back into the drink.
--[X] If you are immune... that ice cream parlor had a sign for a Gigantic Parfait of the Gods Challenge. Sounds like something Dante might be up to a little friendly competition on at some point...

Either we finally do it, or we get yet another interruption. Possibly even from #BucketBadger arriving and finding us with a mouthful of ice cubes, but hey!
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[X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika.
-[X] Get some ice-chilled water to drink. And test this Drain Ice thing it mentions; see if you just absorb ice cubes into your skin now -- it wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen so far. See if you're immune to cold-induced headaches by popping an ice cube in your mouth and holding it there... very ready to spit it back into the drink.
--[X] If you are immune... that ice cream parlor had a sign for a Gigantic Parfait of the Gods Challenge. Sounds like something Dante might be up to a little friendly competition on at some point...
[X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika
P3M: Unavoidable
"The Sailor Guardians are here!" You and Sailor Mars say in unison. The Youma backs away when it hears this, hiding behind its unfortunate victim!

"You coward!" Sailor Mars shouts at the Youma, "Using the innocent as a shield like that is unforgivable! Look at his dead, tired eyes! He must be under its mind control!"

>"I'm not under mind control."
>"This is just how I look."
>>"Excuse you."
"Excuse you." The boy glares at Sailor Mars.

"I can't do that...!" The Youma shrinks back a little more.

You frown, flipping your Mercury Computer on and taking an initial scan...?

?????? ????
Status: Okay

...He's fine? So that Youma is telling the truth? "Sailor Mars--?"

"Your tricks won't work on us!" Sailor Mars declares valiantly, "Whatever Zoisite sent you here to do, you better give it up!"

"Sailor Mars...?" You try again.

>"Why would I help that jerk?"
>"Oh, cool. I hate him, too."
>>"Your pal is trying to tell you something."
"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt your self righteous rant, but your friend is trying to ask you something." The boy points to you.

"Huh?" Sailor Mars blinks, turning to you, "What, do you have this Youma's weakness?"

"Well, no, but I think the Youma is..." You choose your words carefully, "...Telling the truth."

"Why would a Youma be telling the truth--?!" Mars finally realizes, "So you aren't under mind control?!"

>"That's what I've been telling you."
>>Stare in disappointment.
>"You really need to learn to listen."
The mysterious boy simply stares at Sailor Mars, clearly disappointed.

You can practically see the awkward tension in the air...

Sailor Mars's eyes suddenly widen! "If you're not mind controlled... Then you must be working with the Dark Kingdom!" She suddenly gets ready to fight!

>"Stay behind me."
>>"Should we pull back?"
>"...Really missing my sword right now."​

"Should we pull back?" The boy asks the Youma, hand moving down to his holster--!!

"From what I've heard, they're relentless!" The Youma tells him, "The Sailor Guardians won't stop attacking me until I am destroyed! And now, they think you're guilty by association!"

"Sailor Mars, he has a g--?!"

"Fire..." She charges her attack.

The boy draws his gun, but instead of firing at you...


"Thanatos!!" He--
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"...you're gonna be the death of me," the Youma and Sailor Mercury say in unison.

"You have no idea," he replied.
Makoto, not even thinking twice about using a skill: Come, Persona!

The Sailor Guardians watching this random emo dude take out a gun and shoot himself in the head without hesitating:
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Apr 7, 2024 at 9:39 PM, finished with 11 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika
    [X] And now back to checking your gauntlet to see if you have any other elemental interactions that you don't know about and for important information while you wait for Oriko and Kirika
    -[X] Get some ice-chilled water to drink. And test this Drain Ice thing it mentions; see if you just absorb ice cubes into your skin now -- it wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen so far. See if you're immune to cold-induced headaches by popping an ice cube in your mouth and holding it there... very ready to spit it back into the drink.
    --[X] If you are immune... that ice cream parlor had a sign for a Gigantic Parfait of the Gods Challenge. Sounds like something Dante might be up to a little friendly competition on at some point...
Voting is open