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[X] "You sure look like you did. This is my friend Shoji. Shoji, this is Yuma, due to circumstances I've been taking care of her."
-[X] Check your gauntlet for more information on the abnormality.
-[X] "Now Yuma, whould you like to tell us how your day went?"
[X] "You sure look like you did. This is my friend Shoji. Shoji, this is Yuma, due to circumstances I've been taking care of her."
-[X] Check your gauntlet for more information on the abnormality.
-[X] "Now Yuma, whould you like to tell us how your day went?"
[X] "You sure look like you did. This is my friend Shoji. Shoji, this is Yuma, due to circumstances I've been taking care of her."
-[X] Check your gauntlet for more information on the abnormality.
-[X] "Now Yuma, whould you like to tell us how your day went?"
[X] "You sure look like you did. This is my friend Shoji. Shoji, this is Yuma, due to circumstances I've been taking care of her."
-[X] Check your gauntlet for more information on the abnormality.
-[X] "Now Yuma, whould you like to tell us how your day went?"
Do you guys think that Dante still has Doppelganger? If so, do you think he uses it to grab stuff so he doesn't have to get up?
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 10, 2023 at 11:34 PM, finished with 7 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] "You sure look like you did. This is my friend Shoji. Shoji, this is Yuma, due to circumstances I've been taking care of her."
    -[X] Check your gauntlet for more information on the abnormality.
    -[X] "Now Yuma, whould you like to tell us how your day went?"
    [x]Ask Yuma about what happened which made her day so good.
    -[x]Speak to Yuma about how she is useful as is, and she doesn't need to fight to earn love from you.
    -[x]Speak to Shoji about how Yuma is your adopted daughter because her mother did bad things to her.
    -[x]Remark that you should try that grief recycler feature soon.
    -[x]Give a warning to everybody, by saying that your gauntlet detected an "abnormality" nearby.
485: Yuma!
[X] "Shoji, this is my new sister!"

"You sure look like you did!" You smile, ruffling her hair. The feathers move out of the way of your hand as you commence the pat. "Oh, Yuma, this is Shoji!" You point your thumb at him, causing Yuma to look behind you, "He's a good friend of mine. Shoji, this..." You turn to him, "...Is Yuma. Some stuff happened that I won't get into right now, but I'm taking care of her."

"...Oh." Shoji blinks, "Good to meet you...?" He extends his hand to Yuma.

Seeing this, Yuma promptly steps behind you.

"She's a bit skittish." Kohaku clarifies.

"Gotcha." He nods, understanding Yuma's plight.

Quickly and discreetly, you check your Gauntlet for more info about this "abnormality".


Oh, it's about you. Should've guessed.

"How about we start walking home?" Kohaku suggests, smiling at Yuma.

"...Okay." She agrees, warily watching Shoji.

Yuma stays on your right side, occasionally peeking at Shoji as you walk.

"So Yuma," You begin, "What made today so good for you?"

"Yuma made some friends!" Yuma tells you, "And she fought a big dragon with Big Red Coat Guy!"

You blink. "You fought a dragon?" You ask in shock.

Yuma nods, "And Yuma met Mr. Shadow! And a Big Guy!"

"Wait, Yuma, is "Big Red Coat Guy" Dante?" Kohaku asks.

"Mr. Dante? Yup!" Yuma smiles to herself, "He was really cool with his gun and shot some bad guys! He even showed Yuma how to be a better..." She looks down in thought, attempting to find the word, "...Demon Hunter, like Big Sis Yumi!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm still hung up on the first bit." Shoji shakes his head, "You fought a dragon?"

[] ?????????????????????????
Ok, so here we are, so we better start poking for info, cause once we do, the gloves come off.

The rat won't be able to have a hold on us.

Even if mami witches out we can just do our usual shenanigans, cause the rat decided to throw courtesy out of the window for us with his stunt.
Shoji.exe has crashed. Please reboot.
Lol, poor guy wasn't quite ready for our little dragon-slayer!


Do you guys think that Dante still has Doppelganger? If so, do you think he uses it to grab stuff so he doesn't have to get up?

Dante either sold or forgot most of his older devil-arms, hence why he doesn't have them in later titles. Styles seem to be part of the user, so he probably still has both Doppelganger and Quicksilver, he likely just forgot about them. I certainly wouldn't put it past him to use Doppleganger to screw around with people though! And yeah, he would totally be lazy enough to use Doppelganger to grab pizza. Maybe that's why he doesn't have it anymore.:lol:
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[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
-[] You also need to figure out if you're hurting or k-hug- ew, no, too old for both of those- something nice for Dante. Like paying him.
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He actually pawns his old stuff to pay rent to the guy he usually buys stuff from, he still has them actually, just gotta wait for dante to pay the price, aka when a miracle happens.

Forgot why exactly he sold them. But according to Viewtiful Joe of all things, he DID forget Alastor, the devil arm he uses in Dmc1. It's rather hilarious too! When you play as Dante in that game, the scene where Alastor pulls out his script is replaced by him pulling out his dairy and talking about how Dante never uses him anymore.

This has been your random video game trivia of the day.
[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.

Time for Yumi's friends to point and say, this is the kind of shit you pull all the time!
Let's add a deep breath for more comical effects on Yumi.
My vote:
[X] You take a very deep breath before you say anything.
-[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
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[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
-[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
Fun idea for a Persona game:

After you beat the Reaper, Vergil hunts you. Nowhere is Vergil's appearance referenced, or even hinted at. You take too long in a dungeon? You just hear Bury The Light from around the corner. Good luck.
Oh, right. Voting is closed, too.
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 11, 2023 at 11:07 PM, finished with 15 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
    -[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
    [X] You take a very deep breath before you say anything.
    -[X] "Yuma, sweetie, why were you fighting a Dragon!?"
    -[X] You are calm, you will not raise your voice in front of your traumatized little girl. Ignore the strain of doing so.
486: revelation.
[X] "Yuma, what the frick are you talking about?"

"Yuma, sweetie..." You take a breath, "...why were you fighting a dragon?" You're calm. You aren't gonna shout, you aren't even gonna raise your voice. Your traumatized little sister is skittish enough.

"Was Yuma... Not supposed to?"

"That's not the point, kid." You consciously ignore the strain to keep calm, "Just tell me how it happened."

Yuma nods, "Well, Yuma was in class, and then Mr. Griffon said he saw a creepy thing outside. He went to go get Mr. Dante, and Mr. Shadow went to scare it off."

"A creepy thing?" Kohaku asks gently, "What did it look like?"

"...A white cat, Yuma thinks."

(DON'T. 12+7, CLOSE SUCCESS...!)

Your hand twitches, and your nose wrinkles for just a moment. There's no way he'd...?

"He put a weird thing on Yuma's desk, and it popped into the dragon's lair! That's when Mr. Dante showed up and helped Yuma!" She emphasizes certain points in her story by waving her hands. "Mr. Dante was cool, but not as cool as Big Sis Yumi!"

You can barely keep yourself together. Your thoughts are going in a hundred different directions, and the area around you is almost muted from your own internal monologue.

Shoji takes a step away from you, while Kohaku talks to Yuma some more. There's so much noise in your head, you can't tell what they're talking about.

You can't even begin to quiet your mind. You need answers. Now.

[] ?????????????????????????
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