[X] "Shoji, this is my new sister!"
"You sure look like you did!" You smile, ruffling her hair. The feathers move out of the way of your hand as you commence the pat. "Oh, Yuma, this is Shoji!" You point your thumb at him, causing Yuma to look behind you, "He's a good friend of mine. Shoji, this..." You turn to him, "...Is Yuma. Some stuff happened that I won't get into right now, but I'm taking care of her."
"...Oh." Shoji blinks, "Good to meet you...?" He extends his hand to Yuma.
Seeing this, Yuma promptly steps behind you.
"She's a bit skittish." Kohaku clarifies.
"Gotcha." He nods, understanding Yuma's plight.
Quickly and discreetly, you check your Gauntlet for more info about this "abnormality".
Oh, it's about you. Should've guessed.
"How about we start walking home?" Kohaku suggests, smiling at Yuma.
"...Okay." She agrees, warily watching Shoji.
Yuma stays on your right side, occasionally peeking at Shoji as you walk.
"So Yuma," You begin, "What made today so good for you?"
"Yuma made some friends!" Yuma tells you, "And she fought a big dragon with Big Red Coat Guy!"
You blink. "You fought a dragon?" You ask in shock.
Yuma nods, "And Yuma met Mr. Shadow! And a Big Guy!"
"Wait, Yuma, is "Big Red Coat Guy" Dante?" Kohaku asks.
"Mr. Dante? Yup!" Yuma smiles to herself, "He was really cool with his gun and shot some bad guys! He even showed Yuma how to be a better..." She looks down in thought, attempting to find the word, "...Demon Hunter, like Big Sis Yumi!"
"I'm sorry, but I'm still hung up on the first bit." Shoji shakes his head, "You fought a dragon?"
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