If I made a Patreon, would you subscribe to it? (Not locking anything behind it like EX Chapters)

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  • I have no money (me too tbh).

    Votes: 7 46.7%

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The first three people that tell me get their ideas written in an Apocrypha (or EX Chapter)!
For Apocrypha:
- A Megaman ZX crossover? I grew up with ZX and it was my intro to the series lmao.
- Something involving the Fate Grand Order series, as was discussed earlier in the thread, but I'm thinking we wait for our 'legend' to fully complete itself.
- A variation universe where Yumi saved a Moemura as a child (iirc, Yumi is 19, Homura is 14 when the loops started, so Yumi has like 5 years on Homura), and the Jaded Homura meets Yumi again during the looping.
- Yumi introducing Kohaku and Shoji to her mom.

For EX Chapter: (Intended to be EX, but could also be Apocrypha)
- I was thinking maybe Homura hearing rumors about our past exploits and such.
- Random adventure Yumi had in the past? Maybe like the beginning of her solo campaign against druggies in her local area?
- Child Yumi just being a friendly stranger doing odd jobs around the neighborhood. She seems like the kind of person to do that.
(Read: spends more time out of the house so her dad can cry in peace)
- Child Yumi getting taught some of her life lessons. The moments that would make her who she is.
- Finishing the EX Zoo trip segment? They never did finish that trip.

For the QnA:
- Seeing how Yumi has stuff like Mario and the like, did she ever play Megaman ZX on the DS? (it was made in 2006)
- Does Yumi know Shoji likes Kohaku?
Bad news, I forgot what day it is in quest.
Fortunately, I've been keeping track of the date in my notes. It's March 29th, and if you need the specific day of the week, it's Tuesday.

Will be back with questions and Apocrypha/EX Chapter suggestions after I finish my dinner.

EDIT: I'm back.


How tall are Yumi and Kohaku?

What are Yuma and Kohaku's highest stats?

What are Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Mami and Kyoko's lowest stats?

Can we use Magnetite to upgrade Skills when we pass them on during Fusion? For example, if we fuse Black Frost and choose to pass on Maragi and Mabufu, would we be able to upgrade those to Maragion and Mabufula?

Can Special Fusions fail?

Are there any Tier IV Skills for Ice and Electric that we can learn? Asking because I don't think Strange Journey has any natively.

What's the max rank for our Sword Skills? I know you mentioned they go up to Tier III (__ Break), but is there a Tier IV?


Yumi and co. attempt to figure out whether the SMT V protagonist is a guy or a girl.

Yumi takes Persona Q's Destined Partner Quiz... and winds up with Kohaku.

Yumi finds out that her old school had a betting pool on when she would realize she's dating Kohaku.

Yumi triggers a Magatsuhi Skill and casts Morning Star... on Louis.

Nero, upon arriving in Mitakihara in the aftermath of Walpurgisnacht: "What the hell is this?"

A Fusion Accident results in Yumi summoning Urizen, to Vergil's utter mortification.
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@TremendousMilk3 For the QnA: What would happen if someone managed to feed Kyubey the Mystery Food X. Also for QnA: Do you think that anything would happen if someone hit Kyubey with The Bucket™
1. That Kyubey would certainly perish, and its corpse would be deemed unsalvageable.

2. Better idea: Put Kyubey in the bucket, spin around, and slam the bucket into a wall.
For the QnA:
- Seeing how Yumi has stuff like Mario and the like, did she ever play Megaman ZX on the DS? (it was made in 2006)
- Does Yumi know Shoji likes Kohaku?
1. I can't say she has, mainly because I haven't. This is also why I haven't written an Apocrypha about it. I could write one about the original MegaMan, though!

2. No. At least, not to the degree that he feels.
For Apocrypha/EX ideas:

Future Yumi popping out of nowhere and just flipping the plot of whatever world you want by beating the bad guy.

Yumi triggers a Magatsuhi Skill and casts Morning Star... on Louis.
I was thinking similar, but against Walpy with Louis watching. What about one of YHVH's signature attacks?


What Pokemon games has Yumi played?

Does Shoji suspect Yumi is The Demon of Akami Springs?
Early Meetings (NON CANON...?)
- A variation universe where Yumi saved a Moemura as a child (iirc, Yumi is 19, Homura is 14 when the loops started, so Yumi has like 5 years on Homura), and the Jaded Homura meets Yumi again during the looping.
Yumi Konishi, 13 years old.

You step off of the bus with Dad, a smile across your face. "So this is Tokyo!" You stare in wonder, "Look out, Tokyo, here come the Konishis!"

You dad laughs, "Cool your jets, little rocket! Let's get to the hotel first!"

"You said that they have a pool, right?" You ask, "And a hot tub?!"

"Yes, that's what was on the site!" He ruffles your hair, "C'mon, we're burning daylight."

You pump your arms, grinning wildly as you grab your bags and disembark. Once you walk about two minutes, you're welcomed in to the hotel, and find your room.

"Dad, look! Out the window!" You rush over to the window, drawing the curtains with a toothy smile, "I can see everything from here!!"

"Really?" He joins you at your side, "Maybe you can find a good spot for dinner, if you can see everything."

"Hm... Oh! There, it's a pizza shop!"

Dad sighs, "We can get pizza back in Akami Springs. Let's get something we can only eat here!"

"Then, how about...?"

Before you can finish your thoughts, Dad's phone rings.

"Hello?" He says with a practiced tone.

There's a gruff voice on the other end.

"Are you fu-- no, I can come in. Can I at least unpack-- fine, right now? I'll be there." Dad snaps his phone shut, "God damnit. Yumi, why don't you go check out the hotel?"

"Got called by work?" You ask, dreading the answer.

"Yup. I'll be back late, most likely. Don't stay up, okay?"

"...Yeah." You nod.

"Love you."

"Love you too, Dad."

He quickly exits, leaving you alone. You sit on the bed, sighing. Even when you're on a trip he's at work...!

Welp, best find something to do...


"Mr. Akemi." The doctor growls out. "No matter what way you look at it, she's going to need surgery."

You hear your father on the other end of the phone, indistinctly grumbling.

"Making a buck--?! What kind of doctor do you think I am?!" He shouts, "This isn't a game! If we don't work within the next... I don't know, five years, she's going to--?"

More chattering.

"The price shouldn't matter! Your insurance covers almost all of it, and you make more than--"

You curl up in your bed, a worried sigh escaping you. Maybe you should take a walk, but then...

...You'd have to go with a nurse.

To be honest, you've never liked the nurses here. They always treat you as... A liability. A wasted effort.

But that's the only way to get out of this sterile room for a few fleeting moments. You slowly get out of bed, and slip on your shoes.

After a short talk at the front desk, you're out the door with a nurse.

"...Had to quit my smoke break for this shit..." She grumbles, following you. "Well, where are you gonna walk?"

"Um, I... Maybe over there?" You point over to a small line of stores. "Maybe I could find a new book...!"

"Good luck." She spits out.

So, there you go. Off to the line of shops, hoping to find an interesting read. There aren't a lot of people, so that's good...

You peek down an alleyway absentmindedly, and spot someone standing just at the corner. Before you can even think, he pulls a knife from somewhere and points it at you and the nurse.

"Phone, wallet, keys." He demands quietly.

"I d-don--"

"Now, you little shit!"

You look to your nurse...

...no. She left you. You're alone.

The man grabs you by the arm, "Give it over, or I'll gut you like a--"

There's a whistle from behind him.

"What the-- gah!"

The man takes a kick to the side of the head, causing him to let go and stumble out into the street.

You look to where the man was standing, and see...

...A girl, much taller than you, with red hair. Your eyes are on the girl, who has her focus on the man.

"What the fuck?! You?!" He raised his knife, "Get away from me!"

The girl rushes him down, grabbing his wrist as he stabs at her. With one swift motion, and a loud crack, he screams, his arm dislocated.

In another fluid motion, she kicks his knee, causing him to fall. As he falls over, she delivers a knee to his nose.

He hits the ground hard. He doesn't get up.

Then, she turns to you. Your eyes widen as she approaches, reaches out, and...?

...Picks you up off of the ground.

"You okay? No cuts, no bruises?" She asks, genuine care in her voice.

"...I... I'm okay...!" You sigh, holding you hand to your chest. "Th-Thank you."

She winks, "No prob! Let's get you home!"

"T-To the h-hospital, actually."

"Oh. Uh, alright!" She smiles at you, stopping down and picking you up. "I'll have you there quick!"

"Wh- I, hold--!"

She takes off, holding you like a knight would hold a princess.


You've left Madoka and Miki with Tomoe. She'll see them home safely. Now, you just need to find that other girl that was apparently with them. You quickly scan the crowds exiting the mall, looking for--


There's no way.

You land quietly behind her, seeing the gashes on her back.

Your confidence melts as you grab her shoulder, already reverted back to your civilian outfit.

"Are you... Yumi Konishi?" You ask in the most confident tone you can muster.

She turns around, her red eyes meeting your own.

It's her.
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How tall are Yumi and Kohaku?

What are Yuma and Kohaku's highest stats?

What are Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Mami and Kyoko's lowest stats?

Can we use Magnetite to upgrade Skills when we pass them on during Fusion? For example, if we fuse Black Frost and choose to pass on Maragi and Mabufu, would we be able to upgrade those to Maragion and Mabufula?

Can Special Fusions fail?

Are there any Tier IV Skills for Ice and Electric that we can learn? Asking because I don't think Strange Journey has any natively.

What's the max rank for our Sword Skills? I know you mentioned they go up to Tier III (__ Break), but is there a Tier IV?
1. 174 CM for Yumi, 168 for Kohaku.

2. Yuma: END, Kohaku: INT

- Madoka: STR
- Sayaka: CHR
- Kyoko: CHR
- Mami: LUK
- Homura: CHR, LUK

4. Yes, you can, but only one skill per demon used.

5. No, special fusions cannot fail.

6. The _____Barion line of skills are present.

7. Tier 4 isn't something I've thought about yet. Although, I suppose I should call it... __________ Sever.
This for sure put a smile on my face.
I assume this version of Yumi had a vacation in Tokyo?

Edit: New Apocrypha idea, Tamura resets time into a universe that has Yumi Konishi.
(For the record, Tamura is not canon Homura, seeing how she punched out a Walpurgis, regardless of it apparently being 'Rank E' and got reset cause that timeline's Madoka is actually a sadist.)
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The Thing You Call A Bucket.
Just reminded of this, How about this. How The Bucket™ Came to be/ended up where we found it.
The bucket is a perfect paradox.

After Lucifer, in another time and space, banished his world's Incubators from the plane, they sought refuge in the underworld.

They believed that their manipulative tactics could make them flourish in this hell. They would deceive their way back to Earth.

Unfortunately, they met a certain demon.

From what the Incubators gathered, they learned not his name, but his title.

The Legendary Dark Knight. More commonly known as...


As he ravaged the underworld, he learned of the Incubators' plot to steal the souls of human children for power. He would never let such a plan to come to fruition, and with unspeakable rage in his veins, he hunted them down relentlessly.

There, he forged something most wicked. Something that would forever be etched into their DNA to fear.

He created a Devil Arm known only as "Raiden".

With Raiden in hand, Sparda vanquished the Incubators once and for all, dragging their entire planet into Hell. And there they were trapped, and their world ripped apart by stronger demons to test their power.

Sparda discarded Raiden, and hid it in the deepest pit of Hell he could find. And yet, somehow...
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You peek down an alley way absentmindedly

"Give it over, or I'll get you like a--"

...A girl, much taller than you, with red hair. Her eyes are on the girl, who has her focus on the man.
Who is "her"?

And here I expected it to be INT. :V

Yeah, that figures. :V

After Lucifer, in another time and space, banish his world's Incubators from the plane, they sought refuge in the underworld.
Professor Oak's Nightmare.
Yumi and co. attempt to figure out whether the SMT V protagonist is a guy or a girl.
The Nahobino sits across from you, tapping his fingers on your table. Shoji sits on your left side, and Kohaku rests on your right.

No one speaks for a long time.

"So, you're a girl, right?" Shoji asks, eyeing the Nahobino suspiciously.

"Shoji!" Kohaku interjects, "You can't just say stuff like that! You're gonna make her think she's ugly or something!"

"I'm just asking!" He throws his hands up, "I can't tell, so I asked!"

"Come on! Look at her!" Kohaku points to the Nahobino, "She's obviously... Um..."

Shoji's eyebrow raises.

"...You're a girl, right?" Kohaku asks.

"I mean, the hair would make you think so..." You say, "...But then again, the overall structure of his face isn't really... Damn, this is hard!"

"Oh, so boys can't have long hair?" Shoji shoots.

"And girls can look like that?" Kohaku adds.

You sigh, "Look, how about we--"

"What else can boys not have?" Shoji crosses his arms, "Blue bodysuits?"

"And girls-- wait, what?"

"What he's wearing!"

"She is obviously just in cosplay!"

The Nahobino groans, "I'm a guy." He announces.

Everyone stops talking.

Nero, upon arriving in Mitakihara in the aftermath of Walpurgisnacht: "What the hell is this?"
"It's right here, Nero!" Nico shouts to you, "Get ready!"

"I'm ready, just focus on driving!" You shoot back, putting your Blue Rose on your hip.

You know what you heard. That was Dante, it had to be! But how? How did he get outta Hell? How did he get to Japan?!

You stand up, facing the door. Nico stops the van, and you step out into the city.

Or, the remains of a city.

"What the fuck?" You mutter to yourself, walking up to a lip in the street.

There's a crater in front of you, so wide you can barely believe. In the center, you see a group of girls celebrating something. With them...

It's him. And Vergil. But you don't comprehend that right now. The only question in your mind, and the question that escapes your mouth, is...

"What the hell is this?!"
The Morning Sun Has Vanquished The Horrible Night.
You shake your head at her, "Not good enough!"

Yumi forces herself to stand, her demons long since dispatched. "Good enough...?"

"You're not going to defend this world with such sloppy showmanship!" You shout at her, "Is this your limit?!"

"Limit...?" Her eyes narrow, "Limit? Limit?!" She clenches her fist.

You smile. Now, the real fun can begin...?

"Oh, I've got your damn limit...!" She raises one hand to the sky, "...Right fucking here!!" She bellows.

Magatsuhi swirls around her, and you see something you couldn't have predicted.


Yumi triggers a Magatsuhi Skill and casts Morning Star... on Louis.

"That's mine...!" You mutter.

Yumi bellows a war cry, bringing your own attack, your own Morning Star, right into your face.

"...Damnit." You curse. This is gonna hurt, isn't it?
"Doctor Wily!" You shout, Mega Buster raised, "Your scheme is over!"

"Ohohoho!" Doctor Wily laughs, "Not quite, Megaman! In fact, it's only just begun!" With another cackle, he presses a button on his computer.

The pad on the floor between you sparks and lights up, causing a blinding rift to appear right in front of you!

"I've decided that, if I can't take over this Earth, I'll simply move on to another!" He laughs maniacally, "I'll never have to deal with you, or Doctor Light, ever again!"

Then, someone steps through. A woman, and according to your optical scanners, about 27. She has firey red hair and eyes to match, with a sword on her hip.

Doctor Wily's eyes nearly bulge out of his head, "Wh-Wh-What is this?!"

She looks around the room, locking eyes with Doctor Wily. With a grimace, she approaches him.

"Willard Wily." She calls him by name, "I have need of you."

"Stay back, whoever you are!!" Doctor Wily scrambles backwards, "Megaman, help me!"

"Megaman?" She turns back to look at you, "...Hm. Well then." She draws her blade, looking deep into your circuits, "If I must fight you to get to Wily, then so be it."

You set your Mega Buster to stun. Even if she's fighting you, you don't want to hurt her.
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Gonna relaxed for a minute before I start tonight's update. Whew, that's a lot of Apocryphas!
Scheduled vote count started by TremendousMilk3 on Jun 8, 2023 at 11:35 PM, finished with 49 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "Yes, I believe we do. I assume you know about whatever it was I did back during my fight with the Fiend? You always seem to have a way of knowing things."
    [X] "The Fiends, the Demon gang whose leader I took down, or something else?"
    [X] "Yeah, between a Fiend making it through, the super mode I used to kill him, and literally everything else, that doesn't really narrow it down. What do ya wanna start with?"
I love this idea so much, it would probably make all of what Yumi does impact her differently in a positive way.

Sparda discarded Raiden, and hid it in the deepest pit of Hell he could find. And yet, somehow...
And so such an infernal arm desires to be used for its original purpose, To beat the stupidity and audacity out of people.

The only question in your mind, and the question that escapes your mouth
As someone that knows very little about DMC I love the fact that Yumi has been able to blue screen someone even if she hasn't spoken to them.

"That's mine...!" You mutter.
And here he realized something, If she cares enough to truly defeat you, she is likely to deal enough damage to skip your next phase in one shot.

"If I must fight you to get to Wily, then so be it."
Unfortunately for Wily, we have someone that truly wishes to capture and has the means.
483: Stephen Says...
[X] "Yes, we do."

You take a breath, "Yes, I suppose we do. I assume you saw whatever I did back in that against Matador?"

"Indeed." Stephen nods.

"You've always got a way of knowing things...!" You smile slightly.

"Indeed." Stephen smiles as well. "But, unfortunately, I do not know everything. That includes how and why you entered that state, as well as what it is."

Frowning, you put your hands on your hips. "Emotions were high, I guess. I saw Matador do it, then... Boom."

"It may be an emotional trigger, then." Stephen puts a finger to his chin, "Interesting. Nevertheless, I believe I've yet to introduce myself to your allies."

You turn to your friends, taking a breath to introduce them to Stephen, but...

"Kohaku Hino, Shoji Shimizu, my name is Stephen. And we have much to discuss, but now is not the time." Stephen tents his fingers, "Yumi, I must advise you to avoid entering that state again. If you must, do it in short bursts, and dispell it when you are not in combat."

"Oh, uh, right." You nod.

"You are growing stronger, but there will be more challenges in your path soon. Do not plateau. I will be along another time to speak with you further, but alas, I must be going." Stephen places his hand on his chair's arm, "Good luck, Yumi Konishi." He wheels off down an alley.

"...Woah." Kohaku utters, "How did he...?"

"Yumi, you know him, right?" Shoji confirms.

"Stephen can be pretty intimidating." You admit. "But, we should get going. Can't leave Yuma at school!"

"Oh, right!" Kohaku says suddenly, "Let's talk later though, okay?"

"Definitely!" Shoji agrees, "I'd like to know more about this "Stephen" person." You all begin to walk down the street.

Should you...

Should you tell them that you don't know either?

[] ????????????????????????????
Wait, that's it? No new Skill slots? No additional Trait slot? Just a warning? On a roll of 99?

Also, something occurred to me; Should we include Oriko in the discussion about the Cult?
Voting is open