- A variation universe where Yumi saved a Moemura as a child (iirc, Yumi is 19, Homura is 14 when the loops started, so Yumi has like 5 years on Homura), and the Jaded Homura meets Yumi again during the looping.
Yumi Konishi, 13 years old.
You step off of the bus with Dad, a smile across your face. "So
this is Tokyo!" You stare in wonder, "Look out, Tokyo, here come the Konishis!"
You dad laughs, "Cool your jets, little rocket! Let's get to the hotel first!"
"You said that they have a pool, right?" You ask, "And a hot tub?!"
"Yes, that's what was on the site!" He ruffles your hair, "C'mon, we're burning daylight."
You pump your arms, grinning wildly as you grab your bags and disembark. Once you walk about two minutes, you're welcomed in to the hotel, and find your room.
"Dad, look! Out the window!" You rush over to the window, drawing the curtains with a toothy smile, "I can see everything from here!!"
"Really?" He joins you at your side, "Maybe you can find a good spot for dinner, if you can see everything."
"Hm... Oh! There, it's a pizza shop!"
Dad sighs, "We can get pizza back in Akami Springs. Let's get something we can only eat here!"
"Then, how about...?"
Before you can finish your thoughts, Dad's phone rings.
"Hello?" He says with a practiced tone.
There's a gruff voice on the other end.
"Are you fu-- no, I can come in. Can I at least unpack-- fine, right now? I'll be there." Dad snaps his phone shut, "God damnit. Yumi, why don't you go check out the hotel?"
"Got called by work?" You ask, dreading the answer.
"Yup. I'll be back late, most likely. Don't stay up, okay?"
"...Yeah." You nod.
"Love you."
"Love you too, Dad."
He quickly exits, leaving you alone. You sit on the bed, sighing. Even when you're on a trip he's at work...!
Welp, best find something to do...
Mr. Akemi." The doctor growls out. "No matter what way you look at it, she's going to need surgery."
You hear your father on the other end of the phone, indistinctly grumbling.
"Making a buck--?! What kind of doctor do you think I am?!" He shouts, "This isn't a game! If we don't work within the next... I don't know, five years, she's going to--?"
More chattering.
"The price shouldn't matter! Your insurance covers almost all of it, and you make more than--"
You curl up in your bed, a worried sigh escaping you. Maybe you should take a walk, but then...
...You'd have to go with a nurse.
To be honest, you've never liked the nurses here. They always treat you as... A liability. A wasted effort.
But that's the only way to get out of this sterile room for a few fleeting moments. You slowly get out of bed, and slip on your shoes.
After a short talk at the front desk, you're out the door with a nurse.
"...Had to quit my smoke break for this shit..." She grumbles, following you. "Well, where are you gonna walk?"
"Um, I... Maybe over there?" You point over to a small line of stores. "Maybe I could find a new book...!"
Good luck." She spits out.
So, there you go. Off to the line of shops, hoping to find an interesting read. There aren't a lot of people, so that's good...
You peek down an alleyway absentmindedly, and spot someone standing just at the corner. Before you can even think, he pulls a knife from somewhere and points it at you and the nurse.
Phone, wallet, keys." He demands quietly.
"I d-don--"
Now, you little
You look to your nurse...
...no. She left you. You're alone.
The man grabs you by the arm, "Give it over, or I'll gut you like a--"
There's a whistle from behind him.
"What the--
The man takes a kick to the side of the head, causing him to let go and stumble out into the street.
You look to where the man was standing, and see...
...A girl, much taller than you, with red hair. Your eyes are on the girl, who has her focus on the man.
"What the fuck?!
You?!" He raised his knife, "Get away from me!"
The girl rushes him down, grabbing his wrist as he stabs at her. With one swift motion, and a loud crack, he screams, his arm dislocated.
In another fluid motion, she kicks his knee, causing him to fall. As he falls over, she delivers a knee to his nose.
He hits the ground hard. He doesn't get up.
Then, she turns to you. Your eyes widen as she approaches, reaches out, and...?
...Picks you up off of the ground.
"You okay? No cuts, no bruises?" She asks, genuine care in her voice.
"...I... I'm okay...!" You sigh, holding you hand to your chest. "Th-Thank you."
She winks, "No prob! Let's get you home!"
"T-To the h-hospital, actually."
"Oh. Uh, alright!" She smiles at you, stopping down and picking you up. "I'll have you there quick!"
"Wh- I, hold--!"
She takes off, holding you like a knight would hold a princess.
You've left Madoka and Miki with Tomoe. She'll see them home safely. Now, you just need to find that other girl that was apparently with them. You quickly scan the crowds exiting the mall, looking for--
There's no way.
You land quietly behind her, seeing the gashes on her back.
Your confidence melts as you grab her shoulder, already reverted back to your civilian outfit.
"Are you... Yumi Konishi?" You ask in the most confident tone you can muster.
She turns around, her red eyes meeting your own.