Isiri Pudireach
Predictive text can go duck itself
Just to be safe I'm gonna ask @TremendousMilk3 a question before voting:
Did Dante actually kill the familiar?
Just to be safe I'm gonna ask @TremendousMilk3 a question before voting:
I mean, I should fucking hope so. Guy rolled a nat 1 and a hole blasted through it.
Yeah, it's dead. It was basically like shooting a paper target.Just to be safe I'm gonna ask @TremendousMilk3 a question before voting:
Did Dante actually kill the familiar?
*Patty flashbacks intensify*Dante: *saves little girl*
>Little girl has a single mother
Dante: "... Why do I hear boss music?"
So funny thing: in the Shin Megami Tensei series that this quest is crossed with (and where that part of the title comes from), the only reincarnated goddess I can remember is Marie from Persona 4 Golden.And that we're probably more Goddess than Demon according to the quest title.
Felt it was better to ask than assume, I mean it's not exactly human so we don't know where it's vitals are.Yeah, it's dead. It was basically like shooting a paper target.
Ye, I know, but there's SMT demons which are like saying Mammal as a descriptor and then there's Demons like Sparda which is more of a species. Ish.So funny thing: in the Shin Megami Tensei series that this quest is crossed with (and where that part of the title comes from), the only reincarnated goddess I can remember is Marie from Persona 4 Golden.
Also Gods and Goddesses are usually classified as demons.
Everyone from DmC would agree that he deserves it. No one would defend him.
Somewhat? I'm more throwing the ball into his court with Yuma realizing she probably screwed up somewhere, but traumatized (maybe autistic) little girl go brrt.
Just another day in the life of Sayaka Miki!
Just hordes and Big enough targets iirc smt iv and apocalypse.Just another day in the life of Sayaka Miki!
Edit: By the way, does Divine Storm hit multiple times against a single enemy? I kinda want to figure out if aoe attacks turn into multi-hitting attacks in single combat
Divine Storm used Zan, not Mazan.Edit: By the way, does Divine Storm hit multiple times against a single enemy? I kinda want to figure out if aoe attacks turn into multi-hitting attacks in single combat
Wait Divine Storm is single target? Sweet
For a given definition of single target. Might have a bit of spash damage.