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And that we're probably more Goddess than Demon according to the quest title.
So funny thing: in the Shin Megami Tensei series that this quest is crossed with (and where that part of the title comes from), the only reincarnated goddess I can remember is Marie from Persona 4 Golden.

Also Gods and Goddesses are usually classified as demons.
Yeah, it's dead. It was basically like shooting a paper target.
Felt it was better to ask than assume, I mean it's not exactly human so we don't know where it's vitals are.
So funny thing: in the Shin Megami Tensei series that this quest is crossed with (and where that part of the title comes from), the only reincarnated goddess I can remember is Marie from Persona 4 Golden.

Also Gods and Goddesses are usually classified as demons.
Ye, I know, but there's SMT demons which are like saying Mammal as a descriptor and then there's Demons like Sparda which is more of a species. Ish.

Gods and Goddesses are just a specific sub-species, they're usually the ones with a specific... what to call it, wellspring of conscious that all instances of them are born from?

I forgot SMT stood for Shin Megami Tensei though, so I guess I'm wrong about going off the title being a reason for us being a Goddess. *Shrug*
473: Ol' Uncle Dante...?
[X] "Yuma did bad?"

Your eyes water. The grip you have on your cane tightens as your hands shake. Trying your best to mask your emotions, you ask, "Y-Yuma did... Bad?"

"What's up, kid...?" Dante looks at you, eyebrow raising, "I mean, not terribly for a first timer."

"B-But...!" You sniff, trembling slightly, "...Mr. Dante said Yuma was... Was wimpy...!"

"Wh-? Oh, damnit." Dante puts his hand on his forehead, "I was talking to him," he points his gun at the knight, who is currently fading away, "Not you."

"...Yuma isn't wimpy?" You ask, your breathing steadying.

Dante smiles at you, "Honestly? Doesn't matter. Ol' Uncle Dante might just know how to help you out!"

"Yuma won't be a wimp?!" You ask, starryeyed, "Yuma's gonna be cool, like Big Sis Yumi?!"

"How about like me?" He jams his thumb to his chest.

"That's okay, too."

Dante frowns a little.


The knight that Mr. Shadow was attacking drops at your feet. Mr. Shadow sits in front of it, looking at you.

"...Huh?" You tilt your head.

"Kid, nightmares can't kill!" Griffon shouts at you, "You need to finish these rust buckets off!"


Mr. Griffon fries the last one, causing the knight to fall on his back. You look to Mr. Shadow, then down at the knight.

"C'mon, kid!" Mr. Dante pats you on the back, "You've got this! Just like you did last time, alright?"

[] ???????????????????????
EX 85: Chance Meeting.
Walking with Mami, you decide, is a good thing. You should try to do it more often! She's a great listener, and an even better friend.

Part of you wonders why you never became friends before now. Then, you remember.

Magical Girl business. The driving factor of most of your hardships these days. You so very badly want to tell her what Yumi told you. About Soul Gems, and Witches, and...

...She's right. You're sure Yumi will tell her when the time is right.

At least class got out early. Apparently, more than a few teachers got nausea and threw up. It must be some sort of flu, you guess.

"...And, Sayaka!" Mami playfully bows, "After a little searching, we found that "Devil May Cry" place!"

"Thanks for helping me find it!" You smile at her, "And for carrying my sword." You add sheepishly.

"Don't be afraid to ask me for anything!" Mami, positively beaming, takes a more confident pose, "Okay, Sayaka?"

You nod at Mami, her smile most infectious.

"If you don't mind my asking, why did you want to come here?" Mami produces your sword from a tangle of ribbons.

"I wanted to see if that Dante guy could help me with wielding my sword," You admit, grabbing its handle, "He had a pretty similar one."

"Bad idea." Both you and Mami turn in surprise, finding that guy in the blue coat standing just to your side. "Dante is far from the best person to learn swordsmanship from. Most likely," The man, Vergil (you remembered his name quite suddenly), begins, "He would smack you around, say something he considers witty, then inadvertently discourage you from ever picking up a sword again."

"Oh, that's..." Mami droops a little, "...Too bad."

"Well, why don't you teach me?" You put your free hand on your hip.

"Why would I want to?" He stares at you.

"You just said Dante's not a good teacher! Don't tell me that you're worse than him or some--!"

"Can you even lift that?" Vergil points to your sword with his own.

"Y-Yeah! Totally!" You say, taking it in both of your hands. With a fair bit of effort, you manage to hold it like a baseball bat. "See...?"

"Sayaka, your arms are trembling." Mami mutters to you.

"T-Trick of the light...!" You lie, "So are you gonna teach me...?"

Vergil taps the side of your sword, making you lose your balance and tumble over. He doesn't look impressed when you look up at him.

You stomp to your feet, huffing. "You're a jerk, you know that?!"

Vergil scoffs, walking to the doors of Devil May Cry.

"You should be more respectful of a Son of Sparda, Child."
"Who the hell is Sparda?" You ask your blade--

Vergil has drawn his sword, pointing it at your neck. You briefly stop breathing in fright. Mami reaches for her Soul Gem Ring, but something appears to grab her wrist. You can only describe it as a demon's ghost, light blue and ethereal.

"W-W-W-What?!" You sputter out, eyes on Vergil's sword.

"That name." He growls, "Sparda. How did you learn it?"

"I...! Um..."


"Vergil, sir!" Mami interjects, "Please, rela-- urk!"

The ethereal demon uses its other hand to grab her throat.

"Where did you hear of Sparda?" He barks.

"My sword told me!!" You yelp, "It talks, I swear!"

Vergil looks down at the aforementioned sword, not lowering his own. "It isn't a Devil Arm." He states, bending over to pick it up. "...But there is magic tied to it." He adds quietly.

In a swift motion, he sheathes his blade, taking up your sword in both hands.

The ghost thing disappears, dropping Mami. She coughs, falling to the ground.

"What a... Physically minded individual. Does he intend to steal me away from you, Child?"
Vergil scowls, "...It only speaks to you, I believe."

"I mean, I think...?!" You instantly remember that Mami is present, and rush to her side. "Mami! Are you okay?! What the hell was that thing?! How did you--?"

"Congratulations." Vergil states coldly, stabbing your sword into the concrete. He embeds it about one fourth of the way in the ground, cracking the sidewalk. "I've changed my mind. From this moment on, you are under my tutelage. Your first test is this." He motions to your blade, "Pull it from the ground. I'll be inside."

Vergil, without so much as a "good luck", walks through the doors of Devil May Cry.

You finally feel like you can breathe again.

Mami rubs her throat. "I... That man scares me. But I'll be here for, um, moral support!"

You sigh, walking over to your sword. You grasp the handle, and mentally prepare.

This is gonna be a long day, isn't it?​
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Ganbatte Sayaka.

Also reminded me of something I thought of days ago:

Homura's bluescreen when she learns Sayaka is the one with the Unblockable damage spell that might actually be able to hurt Wally.
Just another day in the life of Sayaka Miki!

Edit: By the way, does Divine Storm hit multiple times against a single enemy? I kinda want to figure out if aoe attacks turn into multi-hitting attacks in single combat
Just hordes and Big enough targets iirc smt iv and apocalypse.

Also ganbatte Sayaka, get used to Vergil being a dick and Dante witty remarks for now on, at least Kyoko Will be with You considering it was implied she aceptted Dante offer for a devil hunter job.
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