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471: The Party Gathers!
[X] "Onward!"

"Oh! That's Mr. Griffon!" You tell Mr. Shadow, "We should go find them!"

Mr. Shadow stares at you, pointing his nose behind you.

You turn around--!!

(INT ROLL: 17)

You barely manage to stifle a gasp, seeing Mr. Big Red Riding Hood standing over you. "Mr. Big Red Riding Hood?!" You ask, "And Mr. Griffon!"

"Yeah, sorry I ditched you, kid!" Mr. Griffon admits, "Had to go get some back up!"

"And the name's Dante, kid." Mr. Dante stoops down, smirking, "So, what's the word?"

"Yuma and Mr. Shadow fought a bad knight!" You explain, "And we beat him up good!"

"Shadow sure can hold his own, kid!" Mr. Griffon lands next to you, "So what the hel- heck is going on?"

"You just corrected yourself? Be still, my beating heart!" Mr. Dante says with a grin, "Sword to sword combat, huh?"

You nod, "Yuma stabbed one with Mr. Shadow!"

"Dang, you already started? I'm hurt!" Dante puts his hands up, "You might put me outta business with response times like that!"

"Yuma's sorry!" You bow, just like everyone told you to do when you apologize, "Please don't leave Yuma!"

Mr. Griffon glares at Dante, while he shakes his head.

"Son of a..." Mr. Dante grumbles, "...I'm just joking around, kid." He pats you on the shoulder, "Lighten up! We've got a ton of... Knights to fight!"

"...You aren't mad, Mr. Dante?" You look up at him.

"Nah! I'm fine, kid!" He stands up, looking ahead, "So, which way? Who are we gonna gut first?"

"Um..." You put your hand to your chin, like Big Sis Yumi does, "...That way, Yuma thinks!" You point ahead.

"Lead on, then!" Mr. Dante motions for you to begin, "This is your hunt, greenie! I jump in if you have trouble!"

You nod at him, and walk forward. You focus on the path ahead, not worrying about Mr. Dante and Mr. Griffon speaking.

"Hey, be careful about joking with the Host. She ain't too..."

"Not the sharpest, I get it. Heh, gives me more time to think of good taunts for this place!"

"Just be a little less... Quick with her."

"Whatever, little chicken."
After walking for a little while, you end up in a ballroom. You think.

"Ah, the ballroom!" Mr. Dante holds out his arms, "Surprisingly, not where these guys play sports!"

"Really?" You ask.

"Then again, I don't really care about castles and that kind of fancy stuff." Dante points ahead, "Maybe they'll know for sure."

Three bad knights appear from the darkness, each of them using a sword and lantern.

"Trickster." Mr. Dante mutters.

[] ????????????????????
"Hey Luci, Kyuuby just tried to kill my daughter, can you like, nuke all of him forever please? I would do it but I don't know how to target all of it."

Also first order to our minions, kill all Kyuuby's they ever find.

Also also, Wally probably killed our mom? I doubt a regular Witch did her in from the sounds of it. And/or maybe Kyuuby did something, but he seems to caught off-guard by Demons for that.

Also also also, I still find our general existence weird? Like, is the world being bent over backwards to justify our existence or something? Cause its felt that way for a very long time.
Also also also, I still find our general existence weird? Like, is the world being bent over backwards to justify our existence or something? Cause its felt that way for a very long time.
There's a reason I've been throwing around the theory that Yumi is the reincarnation of YHVH (SMT God). The three protagonists most similar to her* stopped being human at the beginning of their stories.

*the protagonists of SMT 3, 4A, and 5.
Also also, Wally probably killed our mom? I doubt a regular Witch did her in from the sounds of it.
Can't have been, because her body was found in Kazamino, and given how Walpurgisnacht operates, if it had been responsible, there would have been a lot more collateral damage.

Today, in Kazamino Park, a horrible scene greeted police. Within the hour, the crime scene was taped off and being investigated.

The body was found by a man on his morning walk. "It was terrible," says the witness, "I didn't know what I was looking at until the smell hit me."
This is from EX: 12, when Raido was looking through the case file on Ryoko's death.
Also also also, I still find our general existence weird? Like, is the world being bent over backwards to justify our existence or something? Cause its felt that way for a very long time.
According to QM, we were supposed to die during the 1st Oriko encounter.

Speaking of, anyone listen to Wildfire from Honkai Star Rail? I feel like it fits into who Yumi is as a person. At least my view of her anyway.
Also also also, I still find our general existence weird? Like, is the world being bent over backwards to justify our existence or something? Cause its felt that way for a very long time.
Welcome to SMT humanity, where we can tell gods to fuck off and kill them as long as we have enough Will for it.

Seriously trained enough SMT humanity is bs, like look at Kazuya sure he is a messiah, but in the end he is still pretty much a normal human who isn't even able to use Magic, all his skills comes pretty much from having to face death constantly and experience.

And the bar just went up from there.

If something there is something freaky going off with us, like Nahobino's are pretty much one of the only ones that can use magatsuhi to the extend we have done outside demons itselves.

Actually thinking about it, who knows we have may encountered our other half in the past on his last legs and us being us helped him.

[X] Continue Operation Ninja! Besides, Mr. Dante, Mr. Griffon, and Mr. Shadow need someone to watch out for more bad guys!
[X] Continue Operation Ninja! Besides, Mr. Dante, Mr. Griffon, and Mr. Shadow need someone to watch out for more bad guys!
[X] Continue Operation Ninja! Besides, Mr. Dante, Mr. Griffon, and Mr. Shadow need someone to watch out for more bad guys!
I have a question for you guys. Are there any plot points that you would like me to explore later on?
Having binged this over the past couple of days I honestly can't think of many plot threads that have been left hanging in the breeze?

I suppose the only thing I've thought of that hasn't come up is Yumi's deteriorating mental condition. She doesn't have a whole lot of choice, but she is ramming herself into problem after problem in order to not stop and think about said problems at length.

More immediately we need to ask Lucifer how to genocide an entire species though.

I'm sure he's capable of it, just not what the fallout would be, but he might at least gives us tips on how to mass-target I hope.
472: Ballroom Blitz
[X] "Yuma's gonna be the next Hokage!"

You've got an idea! "Mr. Griffon, Mr. Shadow!" You call to them, "Yuma's gonna keep an eye out for more bad guys! Can you go fight?"

""Can we fight", she says!" Mr. Griffon laughs as he speaks, "Yeah, I'm on it!"

Mr. Shadow just leaps at the closest knight, slashing his tail at him.


He gets the bad guy right across the chest! The knight stumbles back, flailing his sword wildly!


Mr. Shadow nimbly dodges, and the knight hits the ground with a thump.

"Oh, you think that's cool, kid?" Mr. Griffon asks, flying above everyone, "Watch this!"


Mr. Griffon calls down lightning. It looks pretty, but none of the bad guys get hit.

"Why do I even...?" He grumbles.

Mr. Dante snickers.


One of the knights aims a lantern at Mr. Griffon, and throws! It sails through the air, and...

...Hits a wall. Mr. Griffon sure is hard to hit!

"Hey, Host!" Mr. Griffon shouts, "Heads up!"

"Huh?!" You spin around--!

One of the knights snuck up on you! You wince as you raise your cane to block his blow--!!!

...Your ears are ringing. You open your eyes, and see that the knight's head has a big hole in it, fluff pouring out.

Mr. Dante, eyes focused on the other enemies, puts away his gun.


"What a wimp." He mutters. "One shot, and he's already tapped out."

[] ???????????????????????
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If Dante wants brownie points he tries teaching her I hope.
I hope he walks her home and learns that Yumi used 'demon energy' for a temporary transformation. And then when he gets home Vergil blurts out that he thinks Yumi is a half(or less) demon like them and Nero. Because:
"It's already healed." There's a hint of emotion in Vergil's voice.

(INT CHECK: 6+6)

...Damnit, he's hard to read.

"Oh, it did?" You wipe your cheek on your hand. No wound. "Huh, what do you know? Oh, apparently I can re--"

"Interesting." He says to himself, turning to leave.
You can hear the gears turning in his head.
Oh yeah, that was totally Devil Trigger-ish even if it reads like a Kamen Rider Henshin (minus the suit) in looks. Huh.

And that we're probably more Goddess than Demon according to the quest title.

[X] "Yuma did bad?"

As she looks up at him with big, soulful/tearful eyes.
Dante: *panik*
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