Another group of Shadows down. Junpei pumps his fist.
"Goodnight!" He shouts, "Great job, Yuki!"
"Objective complete." Aigis says to herself, "Standing down."
Yukari wipes her forehead, bow in her other hand. "Those ones were tough...! It's a good thing you had Lightning!"
You shrug. Several cards appear before you, face down.
Shuffle time, huh?
Absentmindedly, you pick one...
The Devil...?
All of the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
"Everyone! There's something on your floor!" Fuuka calls out, slightly panicked, "Get out of there!"
"What, like the Reaper?" Junpei cracks his neck, "Yuki already thrashed that Shadow!"
"No, this isn't...!"
Several gunshots echo through the halls, and you all turn to try and find their origin.
Then, you decide.
"Look for the stairs!" You order, picking an unexplored direction and running.
"Affirmative!" Aigis replies, heading in the opposite direction.
"Run, Stupei!" Yukari barks, rushing off.
You don't hear what Junpei shoots back. Just find the stairs, Makoto.
That's when you hear something, just down the hall.
Whatever it is, it's gaining on you.
You run.
You stand, dumbfounded. Everyone just ditched you! What the hell?
You grimace, hefting your sword off of the ground. Stairs it is, then...
"Let's see..." You say to yourself, "...If Yuki went that way... And Yuka-Tan when over there... And Aigis bolted over here..." You rub your chin, "... I'll go this way!" You decide, beginning to walk.
"What's the worst that could happen? I run into some Shadows--?"
"SWORDMASTER!" A voice you don't recognize calls out from behind you. Did Strega get a new member or something?!
You spin around, and just barely block this guy's massive sword!
"So, you're my competition?" He asks, smile plain on his face, "Let's do this quick!"
Before you can say anything in response, he breaks away, drawing two--!