Princess's Diary, an Omake by ScorpioSting
Entry #51
Today was a very big day! I snuck into Mom's throne room out of curiosity and got swept up in her big plan to make a showing at this monument. She had to scramble at the last minute to hide me and give me a flag.
Still, I tried to keep my cool as things went on. Mom gave her speech, and this girl in gold armor talked to her until things went chaotic. She was kind of cool but also kind of mean.
Uncle Warp, Herc, Miss Marie, and Mr. Rain had to fight a bunch of guys, while I stayed close to mom in case something went bad. There was this big silver guy who looked like he was made of clay who Uncle Herc grappled with, and the gold girl, that Palisade lady that Marie had fought before.
And that Valiant Justice guy was there, too. He sounds so… angry. Like he thinks Mom is everything evil in the world at once. I don't like him.
But I like the guy who grabbed me and tried to fly away even less. Valiant Justice is mad. But White Hawk…
A book that Mr. Dollman got for me a bit back that I keep rereading stuck with me.
Danny, The Champion of the World. It's apparently almost a hundred years old. There's a bit when it's talking about Danny's father, and how he never smiles with his mouth, but with his eyes, and how that's warmer.
Hawk's smile never reaches his eyes. It's all mouth. It's scary. It's like he was grown in some lab and given instructions on feelings written by a robot. He was trying to be reassuring and polite but… it's hollow.
But, the best part is, I got to meet BLACK SWAN! She's so cool and nice! She even saved me and gave me back to mom! I wish I had some paper so I could get her autograph…
I saw that Scarlet Maturity guy too. He was so tall and scary, but… he vouched for me? Kind of?
It was weird.
When we got back to our spot, Mom told me to go visit Mr. Dollman's lab while she worked some things out.
I think I heard Herc yelling at her as I left.
At least Mr. Dollman was nice. He values my 'aesthetic contributions'.
Had to look that up in a dictionary. It means I'm good with colors and art.
I stayed in my corner, and read some more books. I don't want a repeat of the Rubiks-Cube-Bomb scenario, so I only touch things with Mr. Dollman's permission.
(I still don't like that idea. A bomb disguised as a puzzle, that explodes when solved, that was going to be left in some remote park to cause chaos?)
I'll probably get scolded a little later. But right now, I'm just glad to be alive.
I love Mom. I know she loves me.