Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest – Location Unknown – September 8, 2067
Upon a single bed did an oldened soul slumber, their body shifting as awareness returned to them shard by little shard.
Stirring out of the sleeping realm, Dr. Mammoth Ibis was pleased to see he still lived.
Many a morning- or whatever time it was in this unknown place- such a worry would never cross the doctor's mind. His days followed a schedule he rarely strayed from: upon waking, he would hurriedly sterilize himself, scarf down a nutrient bar, and see how his latest children fared within their growth chambers. It was a clam life, one in which the fair doctor found solace within. Just himself, the incubators' humming song, and endless pursuit for something new.
Ah, but he was attempting to avoid the subject at hand, the reason behind the break in his mundane.
The demonic god was stirring, escaping the slumber it had slept within for so long. How callous we humans were, to build this glorious capital near such a being. From its flesh spawned beings seeking to spread the monster's corruption, marching from the QZ. A cry was sounded into the air for all to hear- and if it were not for the young Uiara, doubtless any would have answered. Yet it was that soul, so to arms every mage within the city charged, to protect their homeland from the Leviathan. The doctor saw when the spellweaver Steadfast melted by the abhorrent god's blood, regardless of the strength of his barriers, only to become more of the foul substance.
What had caused the awakening? It had sat unmoving for fifty years, right beside Horizon, without even a twitch. Yet now even his children could hear the impossible calls within their minds. Four voices. One grand, of a beast of impossible size, one who could without fail crush them all into nothing. Another, voice as if it was a fairy, tainted in sickly rage. A third, dreaming and scheming, calling for what was hidden revealed. A fourth, disoriented and pained and trying to put a mirror back together the way you would with building blocks.
Ah, and a fifth, rising to meet the four. The psi-craft mirrored of someone opening their window to scream for their neighbors to quiet. Valiant Silver, endless arrogance seeping from her, even in the most trying of times.
The disharmonized orchestra sang and crashed and yelled and then- Mammoth Ibis knew silence.
Rising to his feet, mind shaken, Ibis knew this was unlike him. To dwell on the past, a thing not even a brilliant mind such as he could change. He was a champion of discovery, a beacon of light against the storms of the unknown, a soul who knew only to gaze at the future. However, also of this size within the world. Ibis felt melancholia wrap itself around his heart for the first time in years.
Ah, that. His serotonin implant was damaged. Well, at least he knew the cause! A simple fix and the back to his laboratory- incubator #3348 looked quite promising!
"Excuse me, doctor, but it is upsetting to see how quickly your face changed just now."
"It can't be helped!" Ibis responded, his gaze focusing upon the figure who had just entered the room, "Early on, I realized that I could work more if I was always in a good mood! I've trained myself to not get too caught up with sentiment."
"I see." The man replied, his tone for a moment carrying disappointment, "Well, may I impose upon you to hold onto your feelings until after we have had a chance to speak?"
"Of course not!" the doctor snapped, " Much too much to do! I've wasted enough time today playing the hero as is."
Ibis attempted to bypass the man, but the spherical lad practically danced his way into barring the doctor's path. With a frown, Ibis attempted to use strength to charge through, but his opponent carried hidden strength. With a small scuffle later, the doctor was forced to concede that he might have to actually further delay getting back to work. Annoying.
With a grand sigh, Dr. Ibis let himself spend time to actually
focus on where he stood.
The room he was in appeared to be some kind of infirmary. There was a Gatch bed behind him and some basic equipment used to monitor vitals. Aside from that, the room was bare. In fact, it was unusually small for a recovery ward- a medical professional would be tripping over themselves just trying to observe the patient. Also, the air had an odd, stale quality to it. It was clearly being fed through carbon scrubbers, which would indicate-.
"Aha! I see that I am within the Construct. I appreciate the medical attention, but I insist you book me a shuttle to the surface immediately."
Ibis allowed a droplet of satisfaction. The Construct, of course! The large tower was equipped with state of the art magi-tech facilities, including a medbay, and was located near the Leviathan's Rest. A perfectly logical place to treat the injured.
But despite Dr. Mammoth Ibis's command, the man refused to part from blocking his way. Instead, the man refused with a strong shake of his head.
"I'm afraid that's not possible at the moment, doctor."
Ibis strengthened his stare and grimaced his teeth. Distractions! Must he spend time to chart this face in his mind's eye? Fine, if it must be so!
Thankfully, the man was immediately recognizable. Joelle Chaucer, also known as the mage titled "The Famine Slayer".
Joelle's title was ironic in nature, for the man has not been active in over several decades. The mage before Ibis first appeared, part of the court "SLAYERS", first given the title of "Thunder Slayer". The man had barely any ability with his magic, only able to cast spells like creating sparks with his hands. Seemingly doomed to fall into the shadows, until upon retirement he ventured into the realm of business. Now, he was one of Horizon's most beloved philanthropists. His title of "The Famine Slayer" was more marketing than any achievement or skill, but it didn't stop him from wandering into other people's affairs.
Ibis sneered at the man with the kindly face and nice suit. How dare he take up space in Ibis' brain with such triviality!
The target for Ibis's scorn remained grave, "You are correct, doctor. We are within the Construct. Somehow, Lady Leizi secured her court an entire base within the structure and kept it secret. You're in their medical ward."
"Playing messenger then? Valiant Silver or Uiara were too busy, hmm?"
Chaucer gave no reply. Instead, he commanded a viewscreen upon a nearby wall to awaken, placed as if it were a window. It displayed a view of Horizon from above, the lights of the megapolis built within the grand cavern like an ocean of stars. It was a glorious view. The doctor could even make out the patch of icy wasteland in the middle of the city that marked The Frozen Throne.
But most intriguing, directly across the large tower the doctor stood within, surrounded by the fence of the Quarantine Zone and forever patrolled by the R-Train, was the Leviathan's body. Its ossified corpse towered over the city like a mountain, dwarfed only by the Construct itself.
It was several meters closer to the city than it had been the dawn before. Its "head" was tilted slightly skyward. Ibis hated how the sight made him shiver.
Chaucer sat upon the only chair in the room, as if a great weight pressed him down. Ibis considered attempting an escape but he had already spent minutes upon this, so he may as well hear Chaucer's point.
However, the Famine Slayer didn't speak. He seemed content to sit within silence for minutes, burning more of Ibis's time. His eyes carried a darkness, his face lost of color. Had Ibis cared enough to have an opinion, he would have thought the mage looked horrid.
At the moment before patience snapped within Ibis, Chaucer spoke again. He didn't even grant Ibis his gaze; his eyes only focused on the city below.
"She . . . had a contingency plan. I supposed she always did."
"Who?" Ibis asked, "Valiant Silver?"
"Yes," Chaucer answered. "If she were to die or become indefinitely incapacitated, all of Justice Unlimited's assets and resources would automatically pass to Uiara. If Uiara were similarly indisposed, it would go to Adamant, then Lady Leizi, and then every other member in order of seniority."
Ibis was tapping his foot. "Yes, yes, she's always been so brilliant. As if inventing a toaster you can control with your mind makes you some sort of
genius. What of it?"
Chaucer finally moved his sight towards Ibis. "If every member of Justice Unlimited were to die, then control of their assets were to pass to me."
Ibis spoke from the heart. While the court's actions of heroism were baffling at best, sanctimonious at worst, Justice Unlimited's skill at keeping the more chaotic elements of the city restrained.
"Wait, even Radiant Silvergirl? Shame. I actually liked her."
The glare Chaucer gave Ibis was a well wanted change from his previous haunted gaze.
"Oh, stop that. I'm certain Novalight will be thrilled to fill in the gap with New Dawn. She's just been aching to move back into the spotlight."
Chaucer glace hardened, and Ibis felt something within his spine tingle.
"Oh. New Dawn as well? All of them?
All of them? My word."
"Every hero who could fight was there, doctor. Even you."
"Do not lump in with the rest of those infants play-acting psychodramas with superpowers! I am a man of science."
"And yet," Chaucer said, unfolding, "You were there."
Ibis grew annoyed, his timetables were
scrap at this point.
"Well, I suppose Global Justice will rule the city now!" he sneered, "All hail our lord and master, Justiciar! The Americans will be thrilled, I'm certain."
"Justiciar is dead. The Base of the Construct is in chaos."
Ibis glazed back at the digital screen. Thinking upon it, a few of those looked like fire instead of the electric illumination other parts of the city had. Hmm.
"The Four Seasons?"
"Little Automne is gone. I don't know about the rest."
"Gone." Chaucer's eyes somehow grew even more darkened. "Abigail just got engaged, did you know? She even asked me to be in her wedding party, man or no. . ."
Ibis hid the way his eyes rolled, having little care for the now-defunct, personal life of The Giant Slayer.
Awareness returned to Chaucer, bearing a grimace, "Scarlet Maturity is still alive, but . . ."
"It would probably be better if he was dead. Of course that brute would outlive us all. And King has disappeared as usual?"
Chaucer sighed. "Yes, just when we need him most."
No wonder the man looked like he wished to leap from the Construct. The situation was as black as the night. Still, this had few ties to Dr. Mammoth Ibis himself.
"Well, I appreciate your warning. It was almost worth the delay. Now, my shuttle . . . ?"
Chaucer only granted Ibis a fractured look before swiftly exiting the room. Did. . . did he assume that Ibis would follow his footsteps? The arrogance and disrespect! That he was right was besides the point!
As Ibis quickened to match The Famine Slayer's marching steps, the burdened man began to speak.
"Doctor, you don't understand. Everyone came to stop the Leviathan from waking up. Every
heroic mage. The more dark inclined did not," he said, "Now they rampage across the city! If it were not for The R-Train still patrolling the QZ, there would be total anarchy."
"So those were fires . . . Perhaps I'll let the more martial of my children stretch their legs when I return home."
"I'll thank you very much to not pour accelerant all over the city, doctor!" Chaucer barked, "The reason you must stay up here is that with Cisma and Steelheart both dead, Wonderland has failed. The prisoners inside have escaped. Including—"
"Le Petit Prince." A cold flame ignited within Ibis's chest, invigorating his mind. Maybe he
had been overusing his implant. "You're mistaken, Famine Slayer. Now, I must return more than ever. I have unfinished business with that
twisted lilliputian."
"Not when you're vulnerable to him! And not when you're the only person who can help
solve this mess!" Chaucer pleaded. With a thunderous movement, he placed a hand on a panel and opened a door in a previously featureless wall. With a strengthened pull, he tore Ibis within and pulled him to a contraption in the middle of the room. It was there that Ibis could see a golden liquid suspended in several layers of glass, floating in a magnetic field.
Ibis' jaw dropped. Leviathan's Blood. Goldnine. One of the most dangerous substances in existence. An ounce of it could destroy a continent. This much could end the planet.
". . . I'm listening."
- - - - -
Glorious! Amazing! Mystical, even! Ibis was so joyous that he was making playful exclamations! This dawn had seemed like it had been squandered, but this… this alone proved that naught but lies.
He had never been this close to raw goldnine before. It was one of the few laws that were sacrosanct in Horizon: do not deal in the Leviathan's Blood. And that name was literal! Goldnine was an amber liquid that constantly seeped from the body of the Leviathan. It was the strange matter of biological material- any organic compound that made contact with goldnine would instantly be converted into more of it. When the Leviathan first manifested, its blood had eaten past a kilometer into the earth's crust. It was only dumb luck and swift action that prevented it from skinning any deeper.
That was the true purpose of the QZ. Most people assumed it was to protect the city from the demons that occasionally emerged near the Leviathan, but it was truly to prevent any smuggling of a substance that could end the world. How Ibis despised his failure to ever analyze the substance.
Imagine! Real biological matter from a demonic being! He drooled at the things one could learn from the substance. Rightly feared, a certainly a wonderful idea to keep it from lesser minds, but from him? It was only sinful!
"—Adamant's metallic body protected him from contamination long enough to get you and a sample of goldnine out of the QZ. His last act was to send a message to me—"
Oh for stars sake, is the Famine Slayer
still speaking?
"Yes, yes, yes Chaucer. I'm certain Adamant was appropriately heroic. Heroic enough to risk transporting Levithan's Blood through the city."
Chaucer's gaze pointed at Ibis like knives, "He saved your life."
"I haven't the faintest idea why. I hardly knew the man. Good on him, I suppose."
The Famine Slayer rubbed a hand across his face, massaging his temple. He looked like sleep had evaded him for several nights.
"I see rumors of your . . . disposition were true. Very well, doctor, I will get to the point. In front of you is one of the only samples of goldnine in the world. One of the greatest heroes in the city brought it here at the cost of his life for one simple reason: it is the key ingredient in
Chaucer pulled out a glowing slate, biting his thumb and granting the object his blood. Its glow brightened as it began to fade away, Chaucer quickly dropping the now revealed notebook within Ibis' hands.
The doctor parted his longing gaze to look down at the worn book.
Physical media? Ibis frowned. He hadn't seen something like this in years. As he began to read its contents, eyes wide and mouth open, he immediately realized why:
This was an early formula to waken a mage.
Ibis's heart filled with angelic admiration and devilish jealousy. It was crass and primitive, requiring countless hours to refine into something workable, but the theory was sound. Valiant Silver had begun to discover something that had eluded mages across the world for over five decades- how to seed magic into a normal soul.
Whether you were a mage was determined upon your birth, when the Glyph upon your heart formed. The ability to draw upon its power many times did not come until childhood, with only rare cases of young ones able to use magic in their diapers rising now and again. Depending on the strength of their rune, or perhaps even its element, one could even go their entire life without learning of their gifts.
It was no aid that a heart bearing a Glyph seemed random. Two mages having a child had no greater luck in their offspring inheriting their magic then a magicless couple had in birthing an aspiring mage. Millions had been spent by every corporation within Horizon to tease out the secret that determined who was born a mage…
And in Ibis's hand now sat the beginning of that desired truth.
"Valiant Silver was holding out on us! 'Mystic fields' . . . 'backstage' . . . 'sympathetic links' . . . goldnine was the key! I knew it!" Ibis roared.
"Then you can finish it?" Chaucer leaned forward, a ravenous desire lurking in his eyes.
"Can I finish it?
Can I finish it? I can finish anything that upstart power-armor jockey started! She
wishes she had an ounce of the brilliance that I have in one pinky finger!"
Chaucer began pacing, his eyes filled with an agonizing kind of hope.
"Then . . . then we can rebuild!
This was their final contingency. The plan if all hope was lost." Chaucer captured Ibis' arm in a firm grasp. "Doctor. I will provide you with resources, a safe haven, goldnine,
anything. Anything if you can complete this formula."
"I'll need test subjects . . ." Ibis said, realizing he should have tempered his reactions, "And equipment from my home lab. Non-negotiable."
"Of course." Chaucer bobbed his head. "And I know people. Good people who would volunteer if it meant saving this city—no. Saving this world."
Ibis greedily rubbed his hands together. "I'll give you an army to lead, Famine Slayer. Just give me what I need."
"Me? No." Chaucer shook his head. "I am no leader. It will not be I who is in charge of Justice Unlimited." Chaucer beckoned with one hand for Ibis to follow him, which he reluctantly did. Again.
They walked back down the hall to the medical wing. They stopped in front of a room labeled "ICU", but did not enter. Instead, Chaucer activated a pane of polarized glass that let them view the room inside. On the other side of the glass, nearly totally hidden by all of the machines keeping them alive, was someone Ibis recognized.
"Oh. Oh. I see."
"Yes, doctor," Chaucer said, "There was one other survivor."
- - - - -
At first, all you are aware of is the ache of your body and the hum of machines. Your head feels like someone tried to kick their way out of it from the inside. You need to use the bathroom, but you don't know where it is and if you also still have legs. You spend a moment annoyed and in pain. That moment is bliss, because, in the next, you remember that your team is dead.
And yet, you persist. That is what a hero does after all. For good or ill, you are…
Lei Zixuan,
Bearer of the Title "Lady Leizi"
A blackened soul, one who would have been lost in the darkness if not for a fated encounter.
You who know of secrets laid undiscovered, whose ear stretched to encompass the entirety of Horizon, the lady who let no whisper wander past her notice.
You who upon your heart is inscribed Lightning. Where the power of godly judgment obeys your command.
You who sat within the shadows, who now must face being brought under the light.
Awaken, and face thy destiny.
For you shall be the one to open Pandora's Box.
- - - - -
A reflection in the Mirror, an AU of Project Prometheus.
Realm's Note: This idea has been sitting in my mind for a bit, and now it's done! A fantasy spin on this quest, where instead of superheroes, we have Mages and those who wield the magic arts.
If you have questions, feel free to ask! I've been thinking up stuff for this AU for a while, and I'd be happy to answer!
I tried my best to both keep the spirit of Issue 0.0 while also keeping much of the text, except for the dialogue, unique compared to the original. It striked me that a good AU would no doubt start similarly to its source, and only change more as time moved onward. I hope that's okay with you Bitter.
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!