Untouchable Cheetah
Red Huntress (6) + Mr. Hunch (1) + Fast Track (3)
Synergy: Intangibility
x2 Tags: Clairvoyance, Enhanced Speed

Stalking Panther
Red Huntress (6) + Mr. Hunch (1) + Miss Conception (3)
Synergy: Intangibility
x2 Tags: Clairvoyance, Invisibility, Energy Manipulation

Just wanted to put these to paper, they're Cain idea builds. Of the two I'm more in favor of Stalking Panther, to give us another ESP specialist. Invisibility and Intangibility together gives us someone who can infil- and exfiltrate almost anywhere. And with Miss Conceptions' illusion speciality, there's certainly some combat applications in deception.


Unrelated side note, when I was thinking of the Lethal Anodyne mission. Firstly, the fiction segment implies that Leizi would be allowed into the club now because of LA's crush on her.

But I was also thinking about how the others could help (aside from the Club Infiltration Crew of Leizi, Mona, Noelle, disguised Rhys and Samsara). John actually has something useful he could do by looking inside the club with his spacial vision and drawing up a blueprint of the floor layout to give Rhys the relevant offices/admin areas to search for the link between Monarch and LA.
Precious Promethean Possibilities #3 — Kermie
Precious Promethean Possibilities #3
By Kermie

In case you didn't read it, part 1 here!

I. The "Songstress"

Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest–Somewhere in the Foot– ???, 2068

You are Anima Maestro.

Homer and Yara stand behind you, looking uneasy despite their relative strength compared to you. Up in front of you, one of the stronger metahumans in Horizon stands at the ready. You do your best to blink with only one eye at a time, even if it makes you look dumb. After all, if you take your eyes off of the Penitent Scholar for a second, he's gone.

He's wearing a pair of rectangular glasses, and holding a copy of Fahrenheit 451. You'd applaud his taste if it wasn't for what he's trying to do.

The man who Maddie's slandered into the ground so much that you can barely take him seriously Mr. Penis, heh walks towards your squad, his poise and gait casual as always. His hesitation is clear as day, however. "Hey there, you guys. Yara. If you wouldn't mind, I need you to get out of my way, right now. Or I'm gonna have to kick your butt, and I really don't want to do that. I just need to deliver a letter, that's all."

Yara puts her hands up, and you can hear Homer tapping his feet, probably wondering if he needs to summon any clones. You hear Yara telepathically speak to both of you. "Shelley, if we need to get out of here, I can move us faster than he can phasewalk. I've protected this psychic frequency, so he shouldn't be able to hear us."

"I could also send some clones out."
Homer mentally suggests.

You shake your head, careful to keep an eye on the Scholar, while walking forward. Out loud, you say: "Sorry. Can't let you do that. As much as we're thankful that you helped save Yara, we really can't let you meet up with the people up there in Elysium. We're gonna have a talk, and you're not going to have any walks."

Meanwhile, you turn your attention back to the psychic conversation. While you're a much weaker psychic compared to both Yara and Homer, you're still able to talk in the psychic link easily. "Homer, your clones still won't be able to see through a flash grenade. Both of you, go! Deal with Hours 7 and 9. I'll handle this. If what Wolong speculated about his powers is right, it's probably me who's his worst enemy."

"But Miss Marie—"

You crack your knuckles and take off your tricorn hat, throwing it dramatically into the wind (you can have a Homer clone catch it!). As much as you'd like to let the kids have their time to shine, there's bigger battles on the way up the Ladder. You've heard at least eight sonic booms in the distance from Mona and Simao already, and there's a smoking hole near the middle of the Ladder where Ellie shot her railgun. They've got bigger fish to fry. "Let the adult handle this. Homer, Yara? Good luck."

Homer and Yara share a look, before they fly away and teleport back to the edges of the Foot respectively. The Scholar just raises an eyebrow? "Really? You sure about that? Yara and the other kid just abandoned you, you're kinda alone against me…"

Ok, you've heard enough. With a quick dash, you advance inwards to get a grip on his arm, but he slips away with a dash. No matter. Underneath your coat, you pull out a dog whistle and blow.

Out of purple-colored portals (thanks Yara), a mixture of your own menagerie, the Stampede, and some of Maddie's appear, attracted by the sound you just made. (You would have called your animals your Chorus, but apparently Ronin took that name or something?)

Tiny Nevermores fly besides some of Ibis's creations and some surprisingly large Bronze-Rank Behemoths. Quick Gorilla would also be here, but he and his siblings are helping out Maddie on the other end of the Foot. No matter, at least Valiant Kabuto's here, shielded by a crocodile-goose and a few gorilla-geese. You spread your arms out, vaguely gesturing to your little zoo and also just looking cool. "Would you like to reconsider how alone I am now? You can come peacefully or we can have you come to the Apiary in pieces."

Got it in one Shelley, you looked awesome!

The Penitent Scholar's eyes widen, before he reaches towards his pocket. As he does, you shout, or rather, loudly sing out another command, delivered in a low, baritone note. "Stampede, formation Do~!"

On that, all the animals begin moving forward, all charging onward with the flyers low to the ground. You hear them speak and yell, but the animal talk fades to the back of your mind as you run in for a grapple. The Scholar throws down a flash grenade with its pin pulled; but the Nevermores and some of Ibis's tiger-eagles have the majority of the glare blocked and still observe him. You aren't as lucky, having to shield your eyes and cancel out your grapple.

The Scholar blinks, before receiving a nasty boot to the gut from you. He falls to the ground, but gets up before you can pin him down. He runs a bit slower, so you have just enough time for another command.

"Whoa! Hey! Holy shit, take it easy—"

"Formation La: Swarm~!" You sing that last part with a pitch that makes your throat hurt, but it's enough. Birds and dogs alike swarm towards the Eighth Hour, forcing him to pick out a variety of random grenades and throw them down. All that just barely letting you get in from behind him and touch him in the back.

Just as you do that, a barrage of assaults on the senses begin. The smell of pepper spray, bangs of noise makers, and more flashes all hurt. The noise doesn't faze you in the least, but the pepper spray and noise route your Stampede into getting behind force fields spontaneously generated by Dr. Silver. But as your headache grows, your grin does too. When the impromptu light show ends… the Penitent Scholar's still standing there, similarly dazed.

"Wait, what… I'm still stable?"

You get up from the floor, and dust your green coat off. The Stampede dusts themselves off, and the Scholar visibly blanches. You just give him a shit-eating grin to match the one he had a few minutes ago. "Sorry, but you've lost. Wanna turn yourself in for interrogation peacefully?"

He blinks twice. "What the— How though? Nobody should have been able to observe me there! There was nothing seeing me, hearing me, or…"

He touches his back, before his head snaps to his arm. On his carefully crafted suit, a chameleon turns its camouflage off, its scales shifting from brown to green.

"…touching… me… oh double crap."

"One more chance~" you say, with a bit more sarcasm in your voice than you'd like to admit. "Come peacefully now and nobody gets hurt. C'mon, you wouldn't want to hurt Cammie, would you?" Behind you, the Stampede gathers slowly.

The chameleon, Cammie, flicks its tongue, and for a second the Scholar seems to hesitate, before looking back up at you. "Listen, I don't wanna do this myself, but I gotta—"

Annnnnd you've heard enough. Contract or gun to his head or not you really can't let this guy do anything that could threaten your teammates/help out Elysium. You'll try to make this hurt a bit less though!

You open your mouth, and sing in a tone inaudible to a normal human's hearing. The Scholar blinks in confusion, before looking at the chameleon. Its mouth is open too. So are the mouths of the rest of the Stampede.

You and your Stampede drop your chorus just a few octaves back into human territory and just a few decibels higher, and the Scholar is blasted away by waves of pure sonic force. A Nevermore and another shark-geese up above keep an eye on him as he flies a good few yards and lands on the pavement.

You just shake your head, ask Yara on comms for a portal back to the Apiary once she finishes up, and grab a lozenge from your pocket to soothe your throat pain. In the end, even one of Schrodinger's pets wasn't too hard to tame.

Wait. That sounded weird. Ok, maybe you've still got to work a little bit longer on your one liners…

Anima Maestro, Shelley Marie
Potency: 9
Justice Unlimited
Ambrosia: [Eastwood+Wild Speaker+Solferina]
Biokinesis, Mental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation
Ibis' Notes: Much like Wild Speaker, Shelley has gained the ability to talk to animals. She reports that they're "ok enough conversationalists", whatever that means. Where she differs is her offensive capabilities. When she sings, her voice is loud enough to cause potent sonic attacks, which can break glass and shatter eardrums if she tried hard enough. The longer she sings, the more animals coordinate around her, and any animals attracted by her songs also temporarily gain the ability to make sonic attacks! Sadly, this "attraction" ability does not work on Behemoths over Bronze-Rank.

(3x Mental Manipulation plus some Ally Empowerment almost certainly doesn't get Biokinesis, but it's the closest I got when I was fishing for a possible synergy. There's probably some other thing I missed, but it's fine. It's music themed and that's good enough.)
(Also, credit to Realm for helping me out with the name.)

II. The "Monster"
(The part one mentioned above. Was supposed to be posted along with this but I put it out early on Monday.)

III. The "Markswoman"

Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest–Somewhere in the Foot– ???, 2068

You are Crimson Bullet. Wow, that name still feels unfamiliar on your tongue. Anyways.

The wind is howling. It's a cold day to be assaulting the Ladder on. But well, not much you can do about that. Apparently, Moon River (who's a human apparently?!) is somewhere up there, and Anansi said that before dipping. So now you've got two people to rescue, and the entirety of Elysium's security force to deal with.

And to think, this makes distracting Scarlet Maturity seem positively boring in comparison.

Your job is quite simple. You are the sniper. Or to put it another way, you're the "area control". A lot of the Hours are bunkering down in Elysium proper, but plenty of their lesser members are guarding the actual Ladder itself. Your job is to make sure that they don't run away to go call help from POWERS or do something else.

You walk out to the edge of your little hill, gently tapping your foot. While it would be cool to have your red cloak with silver and blue trim billow majestically in the wind… your powers didn't come with fire or everything invincibility, so you're just cold and huddling your cloak up your chest. Sadly there's no time for "aura farming" today, Simao.

Speaking of Simao… You tap your comms, checking on the team. He and New Dawn should have broken the communications jammer, so by now you should be able to call them. "Hey there guys, everything ok up in heaven?"






You can't help but run a hand through your hair out of stress as the comms cut out. Right. Multiple Hours and Minutes, with said Minutes likely as strong as Sunlight Knight at minimum, are up there. Right. For a second, you consider just getting up and teleporting into the Ladder. It's not that far, especially if you chain warp fast enough…

Your comms ring again, and you grab it as fast as you can. It's Ellie.

"Crimson Bullet, White Hawk's trying to fly out of the Ladder! Grab him and make sure he doesn't get away!"

Your breath hitches as you look towards the Ladder proper. You squint your eyes and as you do, the person you're looking for comes into focus. White Hawk, with a clear sword wound all the way across his torso. Good job, Belle Sabreuse.

As White Hawk begins to fly away from the Ladder slower than he normally would, you make your move. You can only teleport 5 yards at a time, but at the speed that you chain together your warps it's close enough to instant transmission. It only takes you 0.5 seconds to appear above White Hawk in a burst of black smoke, your hands clasped together in the air and ready to come down. His eyes widen, but it's too late for him.

Your hands slam down, propelled by telekinetic force focused on your fists. As your attack connects with his back, you transfer the focus of your telekinetic force to him, hitting him and making him rocket down into the floor. With a few teleports more, you're back down on the ground, standing above him as he gets off the floor.

Your mouth begins to open, but something's off. You look down at White Hawk and— crap—

You leap back, just barely managing to dodge his swipe at your legs and teleporting past his second charge as he gets up and tries to fly into you. As he does that, you can't help but be glad that your ability to read attack patterns came in clutch. You would have ended up as chunks of meat if he had flown into you full speed. You look up at him, and this time you're able to say what you were trying to say earlier.

"Give up, man. You're already injured, and frankly you just need to stop it with wanting to kill us all. Come with me so that we can put you away until the battle ends." Your eyes flick to his slash wound. You haven't begun to scale up yet, but you can already clearly smell the blood. "Seriously. You're already bleeding out. You can surrender and live or don't and die from your injuries."

White Hawk shakes the dirt out of his hair, and then looks at you, his eyes burning with hatred. "Another Justice Unlimited member? Wha- why should I listen to you? I am under orders to protect Elysium. It's my place to watch over the world—"

You don't let him finish that sentence, teleporting forward and pointing a finger gun at him, touching his forehead. "Listen, I've never met you in person up till now. But I know your whole deal very well. What are you going to do for all the people you want to rule? You're a horrible leader and you barely understand class differences, the needs of the people, and so many other things. Don't try and fool me."

His mouth opens, and then closes. You don't let him monologue, taking the initiative. "What's it gonna be, pretty boy? You're not invincible, just close to it. I'm entirely willing to put you into a coma."

He tries to grab your arm, but you keep him away with another pulse of telekinesis. If he wasn't injured, that would have crushed you… but right now, you might have an actual chance of taking him on alone.

"You wouldn't."

"I would, if you don't surrender right here and now. Because to put it plainly enough, I've heard of you and you're just a boy playing king."

You smile, but your mirth is gone. "Isn't that right, Octavius?"

It's not an honorable battle strategy, but you've noticed people tend to be easier to hit, dodge, and shoot when they're angry and stupid.

In the second between White Hawk beginning to accelerate towards you and your finger being crushed, you channel the disdain you have towards people like him— elites without any care for those below them. Your eyes glow red, and from just behind the finger-gun you put on his forehead, a tiny red energy projectile is created and flies forward. It takes only a moment longer before you apply as much telekinetic force onto the tiny bullet as you possibly can, sending it flying into him.

White Hawk says something, but you ignore it, the boy's stupid monologuing going in one of your ears and out the other. As he sends a ridiculously strong punch towards your head, you teleport in a way where he just misses your skull by an inch. You aim another finger-gun at him, channeling even more hatred. It's not something you'd do normally against anybody who isn't a Wonderland inmate, but considering the things he's done? Incredibly justified.

Really, you don't even need to use a finger-gun for your energy bullets. Just having your hands out would work. But right now, you want to make a point (and look cool, but that's something you wouldn't say out loud).

Another red bullet manifests itself into the world, locking in on White Hawk. As you aim, time seems to slow to a crawl as you breathe in. Something seems to click in his eyes as he realizes what you already knew: the red bullet doesn't obey the normal properties of energy projectiles. It's aiming at him and him alone. There's no reflecting it or dodging it.

At first, you thought that the energy projectiles you made only worked on the antagonism you had against evildoers. But you've figured it out now. It's as clear as day in hindsight.

You don't shoot energy. You shoot stories.

"So, what's White Hawk's whole problem?"

Mona leaned back in her chair. You had just gotten back from your first mission with her, where you, her, and Yara had helped apprehend Acid Rain. While the mission had been dangerous, only Yara had taken any damage, which Medicant/Alice had managed to heal off. For now, both of you were talking casually, with you trying to get caught up on all the absolute insanity that happened during the months you were getting your tolerance raised.

"Whaddya mean?"

"I mean, like, why is he so weirdly…" you struggled to find words to describe the man aside from "rich kid pretty boy". "...intense? He's so clearly fake, I was able to tell just from watching the VOD of that interview where Crusade barged in. But at the same time apparently Yara and Homer's squad deal with him every other mission now that Crusade's been cleared to return. What happened to that guy to make him who he is?"

Mona scrunched up her eyebrows. "Well, that's not really my story to tell? You should ask Triss. What I can tell you is that he's a real big meanie. Like, his whole deal is that he really wants to rule Horizon down here."

"Like, some sort of dictator or king? Really?"

"Yeah! And he's such a jerk that won't hesitate to hurt people to get what he wants! In fact, the worst thing he did was…

When he tried to hurt Ellie!

Your bullets work on a simple system: they shoot people, and allow you to then shoot more bullets/shoot harder if they're evil. That gets easier, obviously, when you're more sure that the person in front of you is evil. And White Hawk? Man, if you weren't dealing with Hand, Wonderlanders, and (bleh) America you'd have him pinned as one of the most hateable people in Horizon.


The bullet this time is much smaller. A more easy to find target for you to focus your telekinesis on. Each time you "push" with your telekinesis, you only have a certain amount of force and area to apply said force to. Therefore…

Your thoughts are interrupted as you focus back on the battle. The bullet flies exactly five inches, straight from the air and exploding in White Hawk's right eye. As he covers his eyes and flies into the thick foliage of trees, you feel your power increasing. You're getting faster now.

You teleport to match him, the speed of your teleports beginning to match the speed of his flight. You can now smell the fear coming off of him, even as he looks and flies away from you.

…No, that's not right. He doesn't fear you. There are few things that someone like him fears, and you have a feeling that you don't make it onto that four or five-slot list. Rather, he loathes you, even though you've only met him for a few minutes now. You can't help but silently scoff as he stops between the trees, the leaves blown away by his deceleration giving away his position. You suppose that you can relate. He's not making any efforts to be exactly cordial to anybody except for Crusade's already die-hard fans and the people he wants as his "peons".

He looks relieved for a second. He grins to himself, exhausted yet smug.

Well, he does that latter part for a second before you drop down behind him from the tree above him and slap him before he can react, doing the same "force to fist and then target" trick as before. And once again, it works, even if your hands are really starting to hurt. (You've definitely gotta thank Mr. Song for that advice on making a fist tomorrow if you make it out alive.) As White Hawk stumbles back, you feel some of his emotions going from him to you. His narcissism tastes (in a metaphorical sense) like an oversweetened boba drink. Fake, annoying, and disgusting.

You walk towards him slowly this time, looking down on him as he gets up, wound still bleeding. "Now would you consider giving up?" you say. As you do, you feel the emotions from your earlier bullets and all around seep into you, your internal "pool" of energy growing. New pairs of judging eyes begin to open up on your cheeks and hands, red and looking down on White Hawk just like your original ones. Your field of vision expands, and your mind begins to consider your next move in detail.

White Hawk blinks in surprise, before the same dark and cruel look from before makes its way back onto his ugly mug. "Why should I? I am…" he sways a bit from the blood loss, before continuing, "…the guiding hand that will usher Horizon into a new age under my rule. I will not bow to you."

You just raise an eyebrow and teleport a bit back. "I never asked for you to bow. Though, you'll just be as beneath me as when we started this fight whether or not you do."

Damn, you didn't even know that you could sound that cool! Clearly, spending time around Simao, Song, and Scarlet Maturity (weirdly enough) rubbed off on you.

You shake that stray thought out of your head as you raise your hand, putting another finger gun up. White Hawk sees that, and he strafes to the left, trying to escape by knocking away the clearing and going through the trees. Well, that won't do. Your eyes (all of them) squint as he begins to move. "Bang."

When he got rid of one of my darling Chimeras!

When that douchebag almost killed Lady Leizi.

When he attempted to ruin my friends' legacies back on Christmas.

The voices of your teammates ring in your head, as with your telekinesis you guide the bullets to orbit around him. With your multiple eyes, you're able to see better how all three of your new bullets will fly. He dodges around the bullet with a bare turn of his head, his eyes screaming even if his mouth isn't. All according to plan.

Oop, never mind. He's now actually screaming, staring at you with an undisguised hate that you've only seen in one or two other people. Ugh. "Even if I lose here, I will go down as one of the greatest heroes in history; all of Horizon will belong to me! I don't need your pity."

The next few actions you need to take fall into place like jigsaw pieces, happening in the span of a second. You push your teleport to its limits, warping behind White Hawk, popping out and then immediately back into the world. With a gentle hand, you turn around and press your trigger finger to his back. For a second, the world stops in its tracks, as Triss's voice silently rings out.

What he did to me, Edgar, and…

"Well, that's your loss then. Bang."

A red pulse flies out from behind your arm, trained on his heart. For all his power and all his speed, Octavius can't dodge. In the time that it'd take for him to start moving in another direction, you'd alter the trajectory of the other three bullets.

It's a no win situation for him. He's a bird trapped in a cage on fire.

Telekinetic force propels the bullet of loathing forward, before the bullet itself splits—

And you're launched back from the recoil, as the unmistakable sound of a gun going off right in your ears sounds out. Octavius is sent flying and the battlefield is upturned. A giant divot splits the earth as he hits the earth hard. You can't help but sigh in relief a bit. He's definitely not dead, but he's almost certainly feeling a bit worse at the moment.

Now, you need to get someone else down here to help finish the job…

Crimson Bullet, Shelley Marie
Potency: 12
Justice Unlimited
Ambrosia: [Red Huntress+Nox Esurientem] OR [Nox+Eastwood+Mr. Hunch+Daggermaw+Millions+Soldier X]
Telekinesis, Battle Precognition, Mental Manipulation, Teleportation, Energy Manipulation, Transformation
Ibis' Notes: Shelley is able to teleport continuously up to five yards in any direction, but she cannot teleport if it would overlap her with any solid objects. In order to facilitate this, she has increased sensory awareness of her immediate surroundings. She also has light telekinesis, but it seems to weaken the larger the object she moves is. At most, she can keep herself hovering in midair but not actually fly.
Unlike her DNA donors, Shelley has no inherent need to "tag" anybody to use her powers to a greater extent than normal. Instead, whenever she faces down a target, if she knows something that is considered a "sin" of that person, the energy projectiles that she can manifest become much smaller (and thus, able to move much faster when shot) and seem to provoke adverse mental effects. The more unique "sins" she shoots during a battle, the more she gradually transforms into an enhanced state wherein she's able to absorb the target's emotions to make her bullets even faster, she gains more eyes, and her teleportation can go farther. A somewhat subjective power, but extremely effective against the right targets.
…Why do her powers seem to be so adept for the purposes of assassinating people and finding deep, dark, traumatizing secrets? This must be something for Dr. Ibis to investigate! Ah, but before I do that I need to apologize to Chatalet for the money we spent on powering Shelley and Cain up…

(Yes, this was unashamedly inspired by the Magic Bullet/Fell Bullet series of EGOs in Limbus Company/Project Moon. No, I don't apologize.)
(And I was gonna give her Invisibility, but then I realized that she already way too many tags.)

Justice's Unstoppable Momentum/Huntress' Bullet

Shelley can gain a maximum total bonus of +8 HIT during a battle under certain circumstances.This HIT bonus only goes away if she is incapacitated, or when the mission ends. Below are different situations which increase her HIT, which may vary depending on who she's targeting per check.

(Basically, "Gained" bonuses are added to Shelley's HIT until the end of mission, while "Active" bonuses show up based on the individual HIT check.)

+1: Active while shooting at a target with minor sins (e.g, working for Crusade but not being on the inner circle like Brass Shield, generic criminal goon, pretty much anybody fighting against JU as a mercenary)
+1: Gained every time Shelley is able to absorb someone's negative emotions targeted at her.
+3: Active while shooting at someone who others really dislike for at least somewhat valid reasons or at a serious criminal. (Stockpile/Valiant Justice, any Wonderland inmate.)
+4: Active while shooting at someone with undeniable crimes against humanity. (Socialite Butterfly pre-Katie, Hand, maybe Augur?)
+4: Active while shooting at someone who personally hurt a member of Justice Unlimited (Phlogiston, Petit Prince, White Hawk.)
+4: Gained when Shelley has taken critical injury or any allied metahuman has been incapacitated.
+5: Gained when an allied metahuman or any civilian is killed during battle. This ignores the +8 total cap on the bonuses. If this happens, Shelley also gains advantage on her next roll.

Author's Note:

This is another part of a new omake series from me, though you can steal the concept if you want. Two (was supposed to be three) builds for Shelley, visualized as snippets of possible futures. This one got long.

One for her right now, and one for her with three Spoonfuls and Tolerance 9. Crimson Bullet is my favorite, you could probably tell. I wanted to make a snippet with an Autobiokinesis build as well (which is why I provided that alternate build for CB), but the real high concept powers really called to me. Autobiokinesis Crimson Bullet would probably be similar but with higher ESP and like, blood bullets or something. Like Lady Nagant. Which is an awesome image that I'm disappointed I didn't think of earlier, damn.

Also, fun fact: I was gonna write the first sentence of each snippet as "you are Shelley" until I remembered that during combat people tend to use hero names for that intro. A hero name would have been given to Yara until I realized that then I'd have to give out hero names to Cain, Song, and Homer for consistency.

Anyways, I'ma take a break from writing for a bit now. I'll still be reading tho!
I guess since I'm curious, are the entries all broad generalizations or specific?

Like, was the Spiders one literally written on the table as "Spiders" or just "common nightmare phobias".
Precious Promethean Possibilities #2, by ScorpioSting
... Hey so, if this power gets attacked by the Frozen Throne, or like a sniper and "Dodges", would it end up letting Song teleport longer distances? Like if an attack is gonna always be in a wide area, does the Teleport count for that?

Cause if so, that would be heckin cool!
Precious Promethean Possibilities #3
By Kermie
You are Anima Maestro.
Oh! Lookie here!
He blinks twice. "What the— How though? Nobody should have been able to observe me there! There was nothing seeing me, hearing me, or…"

He touches his back, before his head snaps to his arm. On his carefully crafted suit, a chameleon turns its camouflage off, its scales shifting from brown to green.

"…touching… me… oh double crap."
Man, this is so cool! Lovely little trick to help stop the quantum man
(Also, credit to Realm for helping me out with the name.)
You're welcome -w-
III. The "Markswoman"
You don't shoot energy. You shoot stories.
And oh goodness, this is so nice too!

Lovely omakes you two!
Faust was combining the power of Dominion, Osanyin, and AGL, and they had no ground game. They decided to spare some minor assets to get a foothold on Horizon, which has worked out splendidly for White Hawk them. While they're no fan of Faust, they know he's distinct from Trismegistus
Dominion offered powers members while the American brought in the 3 global justice members. Where did the soldiers come from?
So I am guessing the Hand of Mysteries are MORE AN ALLIANCE THAN a team…
Well except for the.boss Trismegistus
Say does Osanyin have meta humans on retainer they could have supplied asides from the Horae Guard.?
Actually is the Horae Guard Connection Osanyin or someone else?
And what exactly is meant by "ground game"?
I assume Elysium has infrastructure on the surface?
Say considering The Allards the English and the Osanyins live in Horizon proper who exactly lives on Elysiumanyway?
The rich of Horizon or the rich of the world? What about their employees?
And what exactly is meant by "ground game"?
I assume Elysium has infrastructure on the surface?
Say considering The Allards the English and the Osanyins live in Horizon proper who exactly lives on Elysiumanyway?
The rich of Horizon or the rich of the world? What about their employees?
Remember Elysium is stupidly neglecting the surface so Horae Guard basically dont have anything public or actually useful down on Horizon Proper.

They might have some spies or atleast Metas like PS than can down quickly but end of the day all of Horae Guards powers and assets are centralized in Elysium.

And I'm pretty sure the only real reason they sent agents down is the fact JU is gonna attack elysium without it being suicide.
"You're an idiot, you know that?" she snarls, "A stupid, prettyboy fool. You had one job! One! Come down here, tame the rubes, and find the answer to a simple question—"
She might just be an asshole but its clear majority of those in Elysium thinks those actually on earth are like barbarians.

And yeh Horae Guard is scared of the fact JU can succeed in actually fucking them up.
Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest–Somewhere in the Foot– ???, 2068

You are Anima Maestro.

Beast Skull ( or someone else if I or somebody else comes up with a better name) : "She stole my whole flow, word for word, bar for bar"

I joke but I am bound to happen when you got a high candidate vs one of unknown potency
It's never worked for him and he thinks it's bullshit.
Do you know if I had a superpower I would be even more out of luck cause I don't have dreams like most nights
"Yes," she says, face devoid of feeling, "It registered on my equipment as well. It seems the Woman-in-Blue has made her move. It could be no one else."
Huh reading this I wonder if these 2 are underestimating Nora are right about in being WiB move.

We know this two were originally WiB conspirators so I guess along with JU keeping PP secret means tehy dont know just how much VS figured out.
Huh reading this I wonder if these 2 are underestimating Nora are right about in being WiB move.

We know this two were originally WiB conspirators so I guess along with JU keeping PP secret means tehy dont know just how much VS figured out.
Between that line and the memories (of the WiB) that Silvio found digging through VS's technology, I really am curious what role if any the WiB had in Nora's research/advancements/etc.

That moment in FILL-IN 1 they seem to have a reasonably longstanding relationship.
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