Ah. Should Al pull the thing into an ID and prevent further contamination?

The DCU cluster is already full of holes from all the multiversal shenanigans happening all around, not to mention how the Flash manages to punch holes and stitch it back with a poor patch job. It didn't really need the Dreaming bleeding out into their reality.

Yeah. Not gonna lie, this looks pretty bad. Really, Al decided to have a bit of a break and this happens. Imagine if he wasn't there. Psimon wouldn't really check himself based on things like international borders based on how far gone he is.

Which. Looking at it now, seems pretty suspicious. Hmmm... Is it the plot? Is it the author? Or is there something else going on?

Thanks for sharing.
Al doesn't have ID. What he has are instant quests which take less than a second externally. Name one thing that deals with dreams half as well as Dream of the Endless, brother of Dee, and comes from a game as a counter to someone using a Fatherbox to punch into the Dreaming.
To be fair, he was attempting to gather information. Granted, setting things up for destruction prior to doing so and then talking to gather information would've been better, but...


A FAILURE Fatherbox.

A Fatherbox that Al had no idea was there, nor that he needed to obliterate all traces of reality within several miles, ASAP.

If that didn't fuck with him on a fundamental level for the past hour or more, I'll be surprised. I doubt even the mortal magics that protect him from mind-affecting stuff would prevent that, at least on some level.

Apokalyptian magitech is a real bitch.
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Did Alchemist really let the villain monologue while building up power for some unknown ritual, without trying to disrupt it?

I thought he was more genre savvy than that.

He usually is, yeah, but the local reality is corrupted by FAILURE, so he doesn't get to properly succeed. Given that this is a portion of the Anti-Life Equation, overcoming it is... problematic.

Hell, he found Bee's laptop, and instead of looking for info, he got to poke at Vandal Savage! Great fun for him and us, but not his objective.
Makes sense! If you could have alchemist explain that Failure state to Batman or something that would be real cool. I didn't understand the significance
Fatherboxes are basically magitech creations that are sentient machines partially created (and powered) by the literal essence of imagination and dreams.

And this one is inscribed with a portion of the Anti-Life Equation, basically a mathematical proof (flawed though it is) proving that all life is meaningless. That portion is FAILURE, meaning it actively warps reality around itself, subjecting all living things to the very essence of failure. Meaning that any actions taken by such creatures are bound to fail on at least some level, because reality itself will alter to ensure such.

Of course, knowing that, Al can now use that to his advantage.

Remember, the Anti-Life Equation only affects LIFE, meaning non-living things are unaffected.

Also, Psimon is just as subjected to it as Al is, and he likely doesn't know about the inherent fail-state reality warp he's currently stuck himself in.
Fatherboxes are basically magitech creations that are sentient machines partially created (and powered) by the literal essence of imagination and dreams.

And this one is inscribed with a portion of the Anti-Life Equation, basically a mathematical proof (flawed though it is) proving that all life is meaningless. That portion is FAILURE, meaning it actively warps reality around itself, subjecting all living things to the very essence of failure. Meaning that any actions taken by such creatures are bound to fail on at least some level, because reality itself will alter to ensure such.

Of course, knowing that, Al can now use that to his advantage.

Remember, the Anti-Life Equation only affects LIFE, meaning non-living things are unaffected.

Also, Psimon is just as subjected to it as Al is, and he likely doesn't know about the inherent fail-state reality warp he's currently stuck himself in.
Thanks for the clarification. I assumed it was just Al taking things waaay too casually at first. The way the current him carries himself gives me the impression that he is allowed to make mistakes. Because his current strength and versatility allows him more wiggle room
I think he should probably get some actual special forces training. Learning how professionals deal with his job could be rather enlightening. He's doing a good job overall, but maybe some pointers would help. Also some training from actual D&D adventurers on how to deal with dungeon crawls, especially from combat-oriented spellcasters. Also-also, John Wick. Because John Wick.

Honestly I think that would work but Alec might not go for it because that adds more to the growing list but nonetheless good point.

Most of the criticism on the last chapter was not even about the stats or its nebulous application in the life Alchemist is living, it was his poor showing in battle that contradicts the image Mister Ficser has painted of him regarding his combat proficiency so badly it broke suspension of disbelief.

The author painstakingly created the image of Alchemist as someone who adapts, pragmatic, stacks the deck in his favor if he can do it, and competent. After all, he knew his limits and the ways he could increase his ability to fight back.

See the disonance many has on the chapter now? Had Alchemist just raised a simple Mage Armor spell on both him and Garfield, would it have removed tension from the chapter? No.

Moreover, Alchemist, metaphysically, fucks up the Book of Destiny. Lucifer, a being high enough to treat the Endless as amusing children, cannot get a proper read on his fate. Moreover, those Alchemist interacts with, also gets their own entries in Destiny's book muddied up. Therefore, the canonicity of Garfield being shot was already in question because the kid is interacting with a walking ink blot to the Book of Destiny.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lastly, the author already acknowledged that the situational incompetence Alchemist has shown is a valid criticism. He promised to expound upon it and we all wait for that update as well.

Hmmm good point but think this was more of a case of him thinking "This is fine no giant monsters, angry asshole gods, or other crazy stuff and normally he would be right however I believe he was working with the context of a regular nation at war and even though things started to go pear shaped he may have stayed in tha mindset and here it bit him in the ass.
Now I need an omake where Psimon's ritual immediately fails and the Father Box starts berating him with Stephen He's Dad voice.

"You completely missed, and hit the wrong Dream! Stupid! I learn dimensional physics when I was 3! How you not know where to aim?!"

"I had to cross seven dimensions uphill everyday! Both ways! Fighting lions! Just to go to school! While starting successful business selling Beijing Corn!"
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First Alchemist did a rant exposing Randal Savage as an Old Canibal and Randal admitted to that, with his "Do you know how many I have done?"

Before Lex cut him off, now he stumbled on Psimon doing shenanigans with Apoklipyse tech, to call up things from beyond comprehensive...

Can Red Tornado save the day with 2 siblings?
Red tornado and siblings are now liable to get Mind Raped by Eldritch Bullshit which they Can't resist or are immune to like psychic, that shit is Memetic meaning just thinking of any kind including computer programming puts you at risk, they are a liability if they get to close, now the Nation is something they can deal with, but the Old One and Eldritch stuff they can't
It's probably one of those cases where talking may be an option. Alchemist is one of the few who can actually manage talking to Old Ones - he has both the means and the needed resistance to manage that.
Can Red Tornado save the day with 2 siblings?
But seriously, given their ability to physically and psychically partition their minds and therefore memories (or is it the other way around) they stand a chance of assisting in the removal of Kos and actually living a normal life afterwards.
Red tornado and siblings are now liable to get Mind Raped by Eldritch Bullshit which they Can't resist or are immune to like psychic, that shit is Memetic meaning just thinking of any kind including computer programming puts you at risk, they are a liability if they get to close, now the Nation is something they can deal with, but the Old One and Eldritch stuff they can't
I wouldn't write them off like that.
The flavour of eldritch horror is dreams and I don't know if they sleep, so they may be able to sidestep this one.
I think he actually punched a hole into the Dreaming, which may be getting infected with Bloodborne shenanigans.

…which means Dream is going to start paying attention to them soon. Uh oh.

The Dreaming? Yay! Dee-Dee's little brother might show up!

Yes, I love "the Sandman" series by Neil Gaiman.

There were treasures of course, culturally significant bits of jewelry on display, crossed swords, vibrant and colorful armor stands. All of which Alchemist made sure to loot so long as he made sure there weren't any watching eyes.

Cue Alchemist giving looted jewelry to Kary and Jinx. Dragon!Jinx can finally get a horde of gold to sleep buck-naked in.


Alchemist: "What? Every dragon needs a horde."

Dragon!Jinx: (rolls around in a pile of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck)
Dragon!Jinx: (joyful singing) ❤️ "Racecars~! Lasers~! Air-o-planes~!"

Kary: (raise one eyebrow in silent judgment) :eyeroll:
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All those kudos from Death may positively predispose Dream to Alchemist. After all, Death and Dream have a more traditional sibling relationship with each other.

As for the Fatherbox, DC has shown it is possible to break free and be inoculated from the Anti-Life equation either by acquiring Mister Free's help, Izaya's help, imposing the Life Equation, or by undergoing a purification ritual using symbology that opposes the reality warping imposed by that fragment of Anti-Life. Hope would work since it has been proven effective against Anti-Life by Dream when he played the Great Game.

Would be fun for Alchemist to own a Fatherbox. Of course, he needs to remove all traces of its capability to corrupt its wielder to Darkseid, but it would be fun for Alchemist to lug around and accidentally himself as a New God like Jebediah.
It's kind of funny, hacking the Light's communications. The Team might be eager to deal with the Light once those heroes learn from what Alchemist saw.
The Equation is just a non-sensical magical/divine doohickey that grant power depending on what values you attribute it. The Anti-Life is simply all the worst bits possible and speak of the utter disdain one has for Life.