Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

It was and it wasn't. I was expecting something on the nearby Satraps.
The nearby Satraps are part of Ababwa's protectorates, so information there outside of general state of trade and other routine information falls under the rumor mill.

Edit: Oh, unless you were talking about the non-Ababwa Satraps around you guys. In which case yes you have a legitimate point and I'll work to rectify that going forward as part of Diplomacy and Military options.
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Tentative plan for next turn:

Martial: I'm going to be pushing for a diplomatic solution for the Mongol situation, so for Martial I'd rather focus on strengthening our army. Hence,
- [][Martial] Create a cadre of swordsmen
While archers and cavalry fighters are great for combat outside of cities, having soldiers specifically trained for fighting in more cramped quarters may come in handy. Order the creation of a platoon of soldiers to focus on their swordsmanship over their archery.
DC: 60
Cost: 1500 gold

Diplomacy: Diplo-mance the Mongols with...
- [][Diplomacy]A Hun in the Hand
With the incoming Mongolian tribesmen, it would behoove you to extend out diplomatic feelers as quickly as you can. It's possible that you could head off what might potentially become your first bout of pitched combat and warfare. See if you can get them talking and keep everyone's blades in their sheaths.
DC: 75 (will be DC 40 thanks to the DC reduction)
Cost: 2000 Gold

Stewardship: Boost our income, and improve our relations with Agrabah, with...
- [][Stewardship] Set up a Trade Agreement with Agrabah independent of any marriage.
Even if things between the Princess and Aladdin fall through, Agrabah would be an important trading partner to have. Send some diplomats to set up a trade agreement independent of any marriage that may or may not occur. Improves income by 1000 gold per turn.
DC: 35
Cost: 2500 Gold

Intrigue: I'd like to unlock the rumor mill, and for that we need...
- [][Intrigue] Get the lay of the local underworld
Crime is going to exist wherever there are people. It's inevitable. A Prince will want to make sure that they have a good grasp of what's happening in the shadows. Chance of Hero units, unlocks rumor mill.
DC: 1/90
Cost: 1500 Gold

Alternatively, given the worrisome things we've seen in the rival report regarding Agrabah, this might be better:
- [][Intrigue] Send spies to Agrabah to discreetly keep an eye on things
The Sultan and the Princess both seem determined to get things in Agrabah back on track, but it never hurts to have someone watching their backs, right? Send a few discreet agents to keep an eye on things and to report back if trouble is brewing.
DC: 55
Cost: 1500 Gold

Learning: We know that the kid from Meet the Robinsons is here, thanks to the omake, and I suspect the best way to find him is via...
- [][Learning] Tinker, Tailor, Engineer...
Considering this is a magical kingdom literally wished into existence, you wouldn't put it past Genie to put some sort of fantastically intelligent individuals into it. See if anyone has put together any interesting bits and bobs, and made something convenient out of it (Invention roll, random chance)
DC: Variable
Cost: 0 Gold

Occult: Most of the options here are VERY expensive, so the best one in my opinion would be...
- [][Occult] Tomes, Trinkets and Treasures
Scour the University library for any magical references. Even if there are no magicians or sorcerors in the kingdom, there may be references to them, or to artifacts of power that can be used for the good of the kingdom in the University library. Scour the shelves and try to find anything. May lead to relics, heroes or adventures.
DC: 65
Cost: 0 Gold

Personal: Since we're going to be in Agrabah anyway negotiating the trade agreement, why not take advantage of the time to spend some time with Jasmine and the Sultan? The best options for that would be...
- [][Personal] Visit Jasmine
While Jasmine wants to take things slow and do courtship by letter and correspondence, a bit of spontaneity is good for a relationship, right? Drop in on Carpet with a couple of Aladdin's personal guards. She may or may not be happy to see him though... Can affect relationship with Jasmine.
DC: 1

- [][Personal] A Cover is not the Book
Look into knowledge pertaining to People - You've a cheap sort of charm to you, but that's not going to cut it forever, especially now that you're in the big leagues. Try and figure out how to talk in high society, maybe the Sultan or Jasmine can help? Gain +1 Diplomacy. Chance of gaining a trait.
DC: 1/95

Thoughts? Comments, concerns, cusses? :D
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My current bet is sadira.

She's a character from the show that was in love with aladdin and tried to steal him from jasmine, so in a story where they aren't even together yet she would be an easy early quest foe

"Sadira's biggest flaw, however, is her inability to face the reality of things (denialism), which is commented on by her own Sand Monster. This flaw is shown numerously when she constantly tries to get Aladdin to love her, by going to lengths such as creating a Sand Monster, changing reality and memories themselves, and even creating an actual fantasy land for her and Aladdin and no Jasmine."

She has the ability to alter memories and shit, so she's my bet
No, wait, these dorks

Shakata, Razili, and Farida

"Shakata, Razili, and Farida, also known as the Witches of the Sand, are the main antagonists in the Aladdin episode "Witch Way Did She Go?"."

"Eventually, they try to eliminate Aladdin and his friends with a sand snake but it fails. "

There are a surprising number of sand based spellcasters in the aladdin show

Theres also mozenrath, who looks like he's a lot of fun, he uses "black sand magic"
Holy shit apparently mozenrath was possibly planned to be revealed to be aladdin's brother before the show was cancelled.

You have a lot of material here tempest
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Those old sand witches were pretty powerful, I hope it goes well, that new girl probably didn't meet Aladdin this time and isn't in love with him
Well, harems is a thing here, but yeah, I'd rather not add any more cans of nitroglycerin to juggle for us. We already will have too much in hand to add quarrels and intrigues between the concubine(s) in the harem and Jasmine.
You have a lot of material here tempest
Heheheh, don't I know it. Some very good research and/or recollection here man. Though in the future man could you please just edit in your new observations instead of double and triple-posting? It's an etiquette thing.
I thought that was non canon?
I just saw that it got threadmarked as non-canon, all I remembered was Tempest saying they planned on making it canon but apparently they changed their mind since then. Still, though, it's a useful action.
The main issue was that before that I had already declared Gridlocked to be it's own timeline. And Meet the Robinsons is a major part of Gridlocked.
Well, harems is a thing here, but yeah, I'd rather not add any more cans of nitroglycerin to juggle for us. We already will have too much in hand to add quarrels and intrigues between the concubine(s) in the harem and Jasmine.
We'll see what happens. Sometimes a diplomatic marriage is the best way to create connections between two parties.
Well, harems is a thing here, but yeah, I'd rather not add any more cans of nitroglycerin to juggle for us. We already will have too much in hand to add quarrels and intrigues between the concubine(s) in the harem and Jasmine.
Also... are they a thing here? Like, genuinely? Aladdin is inspired by certain cultures, not an actual copy of them.
Also... are they a thing here? Like, genuinely? Aladdin is inspired by certain cultures, not an actual copy of them.
I almost sure there was something in Aladdin. But to be sure, I asked The Omniscient Internet-Sama.
First thing I found: Harem Girls
They're called that on the wiki, but nothing implies that they actually are that.
Okay, so the prevailing theory is that the "harem girls" from "One Jump Ahead" are actually prostitutes; thus the outfits and why they shove Aladdin out the window as soon as they realize he has no money and why there was a plate full of what are essentially finger foods to feed to their clients sitting in the open. Alternatively, they are harem girls for a very wealthy merchant of some kind who were teasing him the entire time.

I'm going to say that harems are a thing here; but it's less something expected and more that they're an option. In regards to Jasmine and harems though... do you really see her allowing Aladdin a side piece?
Pretty much, yes that's what they're based on. In DVV they were actually putting up some pretty stiff resistance to Jafar.
Thank god. We have neighbors with a genuine long view of things, interested in preventing outside encroachment and internal corruption. As long as we don't act like a sack of dicks any grumbling about our unusual mechanism of rising to power should fade in time. (And that grumbling would be understandable because the idea of magic creating a nation overnight, supplanting whoever was here first, is terrifying and something no one should want as a possibility)
In a word: No.

Nor would Aladdin likely be interested in having a side piece. Disney hero and all that.
We have tenuous enough legitimacy as is that we'd want things nice and clean for a lot of reasons. Other rulers can afford such traditions but they would only make us look like some upstart commoner succumbing to his vices the moment he rises above his station.

Even if something horrible happened and Jasmine goes her own way, or goes into the grave, we'd still be best served by going with a single faithful marriage. Hell, I'd probably scout to see if Shan Yu has a daughter if that happened. Considering the figures he was based on I imagine he has a dozen by this point in his life and it would secure some measure of protection in the new order if it come to that. (Fucking Mongols, man. Fucking Mongols)

That is literally just the cold blooded CKII/CKIII player in me talking though.
The nearby Satraps are part of Ababwa's protectorates, so information there outside of general state of trade and other routine information falls under the rumor mill.

Edit: Oh, unless you were talking about the non-Ababwa Satraps around you guys. In which case yes you have a legitimate point and I'll work to rectify that going forward as part of Diplomacy and Military options.
Is our capital and core territory in the north of our depicted realm? It would make some degree of sense from a climate sense.
Thank god. We have neighbors with a genuine long view of things, interested in preventing outside encroachment and internal corruption. As long as we don't act like a sack of dicks any grumbling about our unusual mechanism of rising to power should fade in time. (And that grumbling would be understandable because the idea of magic creating a nation overnight, supplanting whoever was here first, is terrifying and something no one should want as a possibility)
Fortunately Shan Yu is going to be fairly busy trying to pin down China, deal with rebels, ancestor spirits out for his head, getting the various tribes streaming into China all on the same page (they might 'flock to his banner' but that doesn't mean they'll all work in harmony) etc. It's shown in canon that he is a very savvy tactician and general. So unless he manages to 100% subjugate all of China very quickly (not likely considering the sheer size of the place and the manpower he'll need) he's not going to attempting any conquests soon.
Fortunately Shan Yu is going to be fairly busy trying to pin down China, deal with rebels, ancestor spirits out for his head, getting the various tribes streaming into China all on the same page (they might 'flock to his banner' but that doesn't mean they'll all work in harmony) etc. It's shown in canon that he is a very savvy tactician and general. So unless he manages to 100% subjugate all of China very quickly (not likely considering the sheer size of the place and the manpower he'll need) he's not going to attempting any conquests soon.
Shan Yu has the people necessary to do it, and he's an inevitable concern, but not a current one for sure. He's got all the pieces he needs to subjugate China but that's going to take a good deal of time no matter what. We likely won't be dealing with Shan Yu for awhile.
Shan Yu has the people necessary to do it, and he's an inevitable concern, but not a current one for sure. He's got all the pieces he needs to subjugate China but that's going to take a good deal of time no matter what. We likely won't be dealing with Shan Yu for awhile.
Of course even if/when he gets proper control of China (which is difficult even when he stamps out all rebellions since he'll constantly need to keep all the various tribes in line) there will be what he will consider 'prime targets'. Sure Ababwa will no doubt be on the list (at some point) but I suspect the antics of the Indian sub-contient and related areas are going to be drawing his attention/ire first. And the Huns standard tactics of highly-mobile cavalry-based warfare is going to have issues when dealing with the green hell of a jungle that is developing down there.
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That could also be a reason for them to look for easier pastures, such as our own. I'm sure they're aware of their own weaknesses and would do their best not to put themselves at such an obvious disadvantage as that.
That could also be a reason for them to look for easier pastures, such as our own. I'm sure they're aware of their own weaknesses and would do their best not to put themselves at such an obvious disadvantage as that.
Yes but Khan (and potentialy Louie) are going to be actively pushing on China's borders considering neither have much respect for humans. Meanwhile to get to us, the Huns will have to thread the needle between the new jungle kingdoms and what will be Chernabog's realm.

Shan Yu isn't stupid. He wouldn't want to try and control/conquer a new region when the line of supply and chain of command can be so easily cut from his main holdings.
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