Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Awesome omake and alsogood job geting a job tempest. Also just an odd thought but after reading the omake it seems to me the coalition now is basically a fantasy version the HMMLR(Her, Majestey's,Most,Loyal,Resistance) from TNO except with the she changed to a he and the terrifying veterans being world war 1 soldiers instead of terrififying SAS troops
(been long enough that this shouldn't count as double posting).
For those too young to have seen Bedknobs and Broomsticks (don't know if Disney is still playing it anywhere) here is the canon result of the spell (Substitutiary Locomotion) that Miss Price cast.

And the spell is even more insane/terrifying when you think about it. Remember that all she needed was five words, the will, and belief to cast this. No reagents, no foci beyond a random broom, nothing. And this isn't 'just' an AoE animation/golem creation spell making the equilvalent of DnD's animated armor critter. She wouldn't have known how to play the various forms of instruments moving much less the various swords, lances, bows etc that the army used with ease. Meaning that at the very least the animating force of the spell is pulling from the impressions/memories of the people who once used said items and weapons. Or it allowed said spirits to outright posses their old armor and weapons.

Not surprising that even the Horned King would have heard of/acknowledged Astaroth if this was the sort of magic the guy designed and pulled off.
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For those too young to have seen Bedknobs and Broomsticks (don't know if Disney is still playing it anywhere) here is the canon result of the spell (Substitutiary Locomotion) that Miss Price cast.
The really interesting part? There's no way in hell that many suits of armor or weapons came from just the museum for such a relatively small town. Which means that that spell's Area of Effect may be measured in miles.
Which means that that spell's Area of Effect may be measured in miles.
Which is supported by a bit at the tail end of their first experiment with the spell. That guy was no where near the house when the spell was cast and yet his hat animated. So it's an on-going/self-reinforcing and potentially contagious spell effect that can cause a big mess unless the caster has a clear image in their mind of what they want the spell to do when casting. Well as long as the caster isn't knocked for a loop by a large explosion.

Edit: And it's shown that even when reanimated through magics, the Scots are still cheerfully taking shots at the English. Right before the battle a trio of Scottish bagpipes are merrily playing on the cliff edge. Cue the Viking lord, Cavalier and redcoat officer outfits all looking at other to try and figure out who invited those jokers.
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Which is supported by a bit at the tail end of their first experiment with the spell. That guy was no where near the house when the spell was cast and yet his hat animated. So it's an on-going/self-reinforcing and potentially contagious spell effect that can cause a big mess unless the caster has a clear image in their mind of what they want the spell to do when casting. Well as long as the caster isn't knocked for a loop by a arge explosion.
From the Wikipedia article, it wasn't just her getting knocked for a loop. That building was Miss Price's magic workshop.
From the Wikipedia article, it wasn't just her getting knocked for a loop. That building was Miss Price's magic workshop.
It's kind of hard to say just how much the various reagents etc actually played a part in her spell working.* Remember that they would have all been sent by Browne who was pulling a con and didn't believe in magic until Price showed him. Heck the guy even changed the wording of the spells from Astaroth's book:
Browne: They were just nonsense words from an old book.
Price: They worked perfectly well for me.
Browne: They work for you? Good woman! Some kind of destiny has brought us together.
Price: You got these spells out of some old book, you say?
Browne: I changed them round a bit. I gave them a bit of my own style, as it were. The old sorcerers did have a bit of a tendency to waffle on.
So potentially it was far more about belief and intent rather than precise wording.

*Heck the only time I recall her ever using a 'reagent' on screen was when she enchanted the bedknob with the traveling spell.
... With the kind of wonders and terrors magic can wrought onto mortal plane, why the fuck are people still clinging to mundane, boring rationality!?
I say, reject rationality, return to magic!
... With the kind of wonders and terrors magic can wrought onto mortal plane, why the fuck are people still clinging to mundane, boring rationality!?
I say, reject rationality, return to magic!
To misquote:
Magic is wonderful. It provokes wonder.
Magic is marvelous. It causes marvels.
Magic is fantastic. It creates fantasies.
Magic is glamorous. It creates glamours.
Magic is enchanting. It weaves enchantment.
Magic is terrific. It begets terror.
The thing about words is that meanings can twist just like a snake, and if you want to find snakes look for them behind words that have changed their meaning.
No one ever said Magic was safe.
Magic is dangerous.
Magic can do all kinds of amazing things, but no matter the setting; it is not something you ever want to play around with willy-nilly.
Additionally, though I don't know if it's true in this setting, but two of the most common drawbacks of magic are:
a) You need a special talent to be able to work it, creating a massive rift between the can and can't doers.
b) Magic tends to be inherently volatile. Yeah, your two, maybe three go-to spells do what you know they can do. The rest? Well, there's always the chance the magic chariot you summon will this time be drawn by monstrous nightgaunts instead of horses. Meanwhile, if you let a craftsman work on a carriage, you'll get something very carriage-like.
I suppose there wouldn't be anything wrong with poking some Nazi stuff then. It's still around 20+ years since WW2.
I mean, Nazi villains show up all over the freaking place in English-language movies from the 1950s on for obvious reasons, to the point where there's an episode of Star Trek that is basically just literally "Captain Kirk versus the Planet of the Space Nazis" and so on. This is because:

1) Nazis make great villains. They're generally at least semi-competent which makes them menacing, they're willing to do any evil thing so they'll advance the plot in whatever way you need, and you can do anything to them guilt-free; all good people hate them and want them to fail.

2) Also, because at the end of the war there were thousands and thousands and thousands of pieces of surplus WWII German military equipment of every kind, including uniforms, weapons, and Nazi paraphernalia, and all of it was just lying around in a place where lots of Allied soldiers wanted to collect souvenirs, and where everything was a bombed-out rubble heap so people were totally willing to part with the stuff. For movies that took place after World War Two but not so long after the war that actual WWII-vintage stuff is falling apart, that makes the costuming requirements really cheap.
One Rat to Rule Them All

One Rat to Rule Them All

"Goodbye, so soon", plays the gramophone in this wine cellar. "And isn't this a crime?" It plays a song that to your ears sounds like your own burial march. It all seems so hopeless now.

You and Basil had managed to find Ratigan's lair where he kept little Olivia as a prisoner. Only for it to be revealed to all be a trap.

"Basil?" You say while trying to get his attention. He can create a way to escape, right? He only grunts as an answer though, so you try again. "Basil!"

"Oh, how could I have been so blind?" Instead of speaking with you, Basil seems to be deep in despair of finally being beaten by his foe.

"We all make mistakes", you say while trying to comfort him. While grieving is healthy and all, you must make him stop despairing for a moment though. Or else you will… "But we can't let that stop us. We have to..."

"Ratigan's proved he is more clever than I," interrupts Basil while still not listening to you. "He would never have walked into such an obvious trap".

"Oh, pull yourself together!" you say while a bit of anger and despair starts to leak through your voice. "You can stop the villain! Why…" you stop speaking as the gramophone starts to skip buying you both some more time to live. Maybe even enough time to create a plan. "Basil, the record…" you try to speak with him one more time, but he instead interrupts you again.

"Oh it's finally happening!" he laments. "I have been outwitted"!

"Basil please!" you try to reason with him, to at least make him try to create an escape plan.

"Beaten! Duped! Made a fool of. Oh, ridiculed! Belittled!" For every word that comes out of his world your temperament only rises.

"That's enough! You finally burst out in anger. At the same time though the gramophone record skips back onto the track. You fearfully look up while realizing that your time soon is up.

"Dash it all basil. The Queen is in danger. Olivia's counting on us. We are about to be horrible splattered, and all you can do is lay there feeling sorry for yourself. Well I know you can save us. But if you've given up, then set it off now and be done with it." You take a deep breath after your outburst while trying to collect your thoughts.

"Set it off now," you hear Basil mumbles. Suddenly his tone changes though, and you can see a spark of something awaken inside him. "Set it off now". He starts to chuckle with a hint of manic and craziness in it. " We'll set the traps of now."

That's it, you think. He has gone cuckoo. "Basil, wait!" you burst out in panic. You really don't want to die. "I didn't mean that we ought…" The song then stops, and the ball starts to roll its path down to your immediate doom.

While this is happening, Basil starts to calculate something out loud. Hope starts to bloom in your chest as you realise that Basil has a plan. You will survive this.

But as sudden as the spark came it also vanishes, and Basil falls silent and simply just stops. His face pales to a deathly looking shade, and an empty look fills his eyes.

"Basil?" You worry, asks him. Never before have you seen him like that.

For a moment he doesn't say or does anything at all. Despair starts to creep into your heart as you start to doubt that the plan will actually work. Basil then turns his head towards dear Olivia as the ball keeps rolling its course.

"Dawson", he croaks out in a weird whisper, "Promise me you look after her."

"Of course", you simply say, while wondering why he would ask you for something you obviously would do. With a growing feeling of worry, you also realise that he did not include himself in any part of that statement. What exactly is Basil planning?

He then turns his head towards you, and as the ball reaches the final point of its course, Basil mouths two words silently, two words that make your blood chill with a creeping fear.

"Save me".

Basil then slams down his hand on the trigger mechanism of the mouse trap. The (hammer) of the trap was released, but instead of crushing our necks, the hammer instead managed to perfectly catch and stop the ball just as it finished its course.

Thanks to the hammer the mousetrap only hits the ball at its endpoint, the rest of the hammer and spring starts to vibrate. The vibration causes a small part of the traps to fly away at a high velocity.

Through the air it flies before it hits the gun with enough force to knock it away and make it fire. This causes the fired bullet to hit the crossbow which gets knocked away a bit before it also fires. Straight and true flies the arrow as it hits the axe and breaks off the axe head from the handle.

The axe head flips through the air before it slams down at the mousetrap, splitting it into two pieces while also knocking away the pieces. Just a moment after the axe slammed down, the anvil then also slammed into the ground, crushing the axe head.

And at the same time the anvil falls, a pained scream slips through Basil's lips, as he howls in pain.

"Basil, Basil!" screams little Olivia in panic while the camera flashes and takes its picture. At the time you didn't think of how she came out of the bottle, but later on you got to know that when the anvil slammed down, the cork on the bottle popped off.

None of that was on your mind however as you rushed into the dust toward the place were the mousetrap piece with Basil landed. For you amongst the dust in the air, you can already smell the scent of blood.

"D-Dawson old chap," you hear Basil painfully whisper out. "I-I think I am in need of some help."

All you can do is to stand still in shocked horror, before your mind slips back to your old instinct from the war which helpfully makes you able to start acting. Because there on the ground a bit away from Basil, lies his severed left arm.


With a click a large rat mouse closes his watch and smiles. He raises a finger to wipe away the single tear he shed. After all, a great mouse has right now died.

His smiles widened in depth and cruelty. A thought then hits him. It probably is a good idea to send some minions to collect the picture of Basil's death. He needs to frame it after all before he shall find a good location to place it on then.

Well, it's probably a good idea to do it after his coronations. It's good to have some extra guards for that moment. After all, some brave fools may try to express their displeasure. And if so, it is good to have extra manpower that he can use to more easily "dispose" other people.

"Heh. Heheheh. MUWAHAHAHAHA!" laughs Ratigan the First, the soon to be new king of the United Mouse Kingdoms, all while thunder strikes through the air and the wind howls.

A bit later.

"What do you mean Basil is gone!!!" roars Ratigan. "Find him!!!"

"B-b-but boss, " squeaks a mouse nervously while shaking like the wind in a hurricane. "The storm that was a couple hours ago has wrecked parts of the city. It will be nearly impossible to find any tracks of them"

Ratigan swivels around, and stares the mouse right in his eyes. "Did I stutter!! " he roars. "Basil has literally lost an arm," continues Ratigan in a cruel tone. "He won't be able to run far."

The mouse hastily retreats away to start organising the other criminals and thugs. A part of him simply wants to get as far as possible away from Ratigan, hopefully before he gets angry enough to call Felicia.

Meanwhile, Ratigan takes a deep breath and sighs. That did not go as planned. Instead of having a dead Basil, he is still free.

But it's not that bad, isn't it? He won didn't he? Basil has lost his left arm and he didn't manage to stop Ratigan.

Indeed, thinks Ratigan as he chuckles. After all, he, Ratigan, is now king.

The End


The Great Mouse Detective
Basil Mouse

Martial: 13-10: 3(1) - Basil is quite athletic for mouse, capable to manually use a muscle driven helicopter bike

Stewardship: 7+7: 14 - While he is intelligent and drives a private business there is a reason he has a housekeeper. She is a very good housekeeper though.

Diplomacy: 12 - While he can be charming at times Basil can as well be quite insufferable.

Intrigue: 30 - The second consulting detective in the world, who is master of disguise and investigating amongst other subjects. Being a mouse only improves it.

Learning: 20 - Is a very intelligent mouse, with a deep knowledge of certain matters.

Occult: 5 - Pure intellectually he knows a bit about myths and folktales. Not much though.


"Ancillary: Toby" - A Basset Hound that Basil personally trained, and used to belong to the famous Sherlock Holmes before the upheaval.
Toby gives a +15 to tracking and a +15 to martial when fighting against cats and other animals that fear dogs. The experience of raising Toby, and Toby's own presence also gives Basil +10 Diplomacy when interacting with other dogs or people that like dogs.

"Rodent Sized" - Being small has its benefits in a world dominated by large people.
+20 to Intrigue and Martial when trying to evade attacks from an opponent that is more than thrice his size.
+10 Intrigue when trying to hide from large creatures or sneak into places belonging to large creatures.
When using Martial in physical checks or combat against large targets he gains a -12 penalty to said stat and the resulting stat will at minimum be 1.
May also use Intrigue in place for Martial when scouting or trying to run away.

"Of Mice and Men" - Can communicate perfectly in both Rodents and Queens English. Removes all Diplomacy taluses related to communication when speaking with intelligent animals. Allows Basil to substitute his Learning for his Diplomacy when interacting with intelligent animals.

"Master of Disguise" - While bemused, a certain french master thief would indeed recognize this mouse as a masterful actor.
Basil gains +20 Intrigue when going undercover, and opponents suffer a -10 malus when trying to trick Basil with an act or a disguise. One actor recognizes another, after all.

"Consulting Detective'' - Basil is the second consulting detective in the world, and currently the only amongst the world of mice, and his knowledge of crime is near unparalleled. He gains +30 Intrigue when performing an investigation, can substitute Intrigue for Martial when scouting, and gains +20 Learning on any issues related to crime and other threats to the realm.

"Chemical Dabbler" - Basil has made an in-depth study of chemistry to aid in his investigations, and gains +15 Learning when operating in that capacity.

"Purple Heart '' - Escaping from Ratigan's trap didn't leave Basil unscathed, and he has therefore lost his entire left arm. As a result he has gained a penalty of -10 to Martial. For the moment he can't do or take any physical actions.

" Ancillary: Mrs. Judson" - Basil's housekeeper now turned caretaker since he lost his arm. Her knowledge and help gives Basil +7 Stewardship.

Major Dr.
David Q. Dawson

Martial: 15 (3) - Used to be a former soldier and served the Queen's 66th Regiment in Afghanistan.

Stewardship: 14 - Has enough organisational abilities needed for successful medical practices.

Diplomacy: 16 - Is a friendly old chap with a good heart.

Intrigue: 12 - While he is a mouse, he hasn't needed to train to be more subtle.

Learning: 17 - Is a fully accredited doctor in medical matters.

Occult: 3 - Mostly knows some few old stories from his time as a soldier.


"Rodent Sized" - Being small has its benefits in a world dominated by large people.
+20 to Intrigue and Martial when trying to evade attacks from an opponent that is more than thrice his size.
+10 Intrigue when trying to hide from large creatures or sneak into places belonging to large creatures.
When using Martial in physical checks or combat against large targets he gains a -12 penalty to said stat, and the resulting stat will at minimum be 1.
May also use Intrigue in place for Martial when scouting or trying to run away.

"A British Physician" - Dawson is an accredited and accomplished surgeon, and gains +20 Learning on medical matters. He also gains +10 Diplomacy when reassuring patients or meeting other doctors, and +10 Stewardship when organising a medical practice.

"Amateur Chronicler" - Lately he has started to chronicle his life and adventure, but is still a bit inexperienced with said writings. He gains +7 to actions that focus on either copying information or writing out books and documents wholesale.

"Ancillary: Olivia" - a charming you girl. Her father is a toy maker that was kidnapped on Ratigan order. At the beginning of each turn she can be assigned to either Basil or Dawson. She gives +10 Diplomacy when interacting with animals and +10 Diplomacy when interacting with people that like kids. If they dislike kids though she gives - 10 Diplomacy.
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Turn 5: A New England (Sherwood Nega-Quest)
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest)
Turn 5: A New England
Birmingham Rebellion!
Rebels Martial Check: 1d100+15+10 (High Morale); 73 ⇒ 98
Horned King Contest: 1d100+50-10-10 (Depleted Forces); 11 ⇒ 41
Horned King Critical Failure!

Robin and Ms. Price!
Set Up an Early Warning System
DC 50
d6: 1 (Cosmic Creepers does not activate)
Roll: 1d100+17+15+10+5; 8 ⇒ 55
Bare Success

Robin and Teagler!
Structure the Army
DC 80
Roll: 1d100+22+15+16+15; 5 ⇒ 73
Bare Failure

Pepperinge Eye Company!
Convince the Sherwood Gang of the Merits of a Constitutional Monarchy
DC 80
Roll: 1d6; 5
Cosmic Creepers activates!
Roll: 1d100+11+5+15+10+14; 43 ⇒ 98

Robin and Marian!
Unite the North into an Independent Nation
DC 75
Roll: 1d100+10+15+10+18-6; 43 ⇒ 90

Professor Browne and Marian!
Establish Standardized Education Curriculum
DC 75 & 85
Roll 1 (Learning): 1d100+11+13-6; 94+1d100 (Exploding Dice); 35 ⇒ 147
Massive Success!
Roll 2 (Occult): 1d100+9+6-6+10(Exploding Dice); 90+1d100 (Exploding Dice); 52 ⇒ 161
Massive Success!

The following weeks after the Second Battle of Birmingham were filled with laughter and celebration. Not only had the Coalition grown in strength with the addition of the people of Pepperinge Eye, but they had dealt the Horned King a massive blow that was sure to cripple his forces for a good long while. He would definitely return one day, but for now, the North was safe from his evils. And they, a motley army of mortals armed with nothing but wood, steel, and flame, had made it so.

The celebrations only picked up when a messenger arrived from Birmingham. Apparently, the citizens of the city had seen the Horned King's humiliating defeat and were inspired by their courage and the fact that they had forced the being to retreat. So, taking advantage of his whittled numbers and disarray, the people rose up and forced him out of Birmingham, driving him southward towards Worcestor. The rebels then immediately petitioned to join the Coalition, who accepted joyfully. Birmingham was made the center of the war effort against the Horned King, acting as both a military outpost and a spy HQ for scouting trips into the Horned King's territory. And there was much rejoicing throughout its streets as their new freedom was celebrated.

It only got better when word reached them that news of the Horned King's two defeats at Birmingham had already spread through the land, encouraging mass unrest and rebellion. Many people jokingly wished the being luck in putting down so much resistance with just fragments of the Cauldronborn army left.

In the meantime, now that their independence had been guaranteed, it was time to focus on the future. Before Robin and the others left back for Nottingham, he and Ms. Price set up an advanced warning system, a series of scouts and watchtowers south of Birmingham that would watch for the Horned King if he ever tried another invasion. However, even with Robin's prior scouting and Ms. Price's broom helping out, the Horned King's pettiness and anger became apparent when it was realized that the best spots for outposts and towers had been rendered unusable due to the Horned King's anger. Despite this, the Coalition managed to create a suitable network that should help fend off any attacks from the South.

Upon their return to Nottingham, Robin and Teagler tried to organize all the armed forces the Coalition had acquired for their war with the Horned King, a process much easier said than done. Although Robin had briefly fought in the Crusades, and then been wounded and sent home, he had only done so as a soldier, not an officer, and thus didn't really know much about military organization. It didn't help that their forces were composed of several companies and armies from varying time periods, with different weapons, training, discipline, and creeds all around. Getting them to mesh together neatly under one banner was a messy process. Robin was extremely thankful for Teagler, who had taken what would have been a massive, messy disaster and, with a lot of work and effort, made it into a somewhat organized blob. It will require more work to make it into a fully functional army, but it was suitable for a defense force for the time being.

Despite military matters losing the sort of luck they had been having for the past few months, it seemed that said luck had simply transferred to the home front. Robin and Marian had talked with Ms. Price and her compatriots on the way to Nottingham and were inspired by the stories of a constitutional monarchy. So, they recruited a few scholars of the law from the territories and managed to draft the first post-Upheaval English Constitution, drawing influence from all periods of time, as well as the American model (America was a story Robin was very interested in hearing, as it reminded him of his own adventures). It also established the Northern territories as one unified country all under the law code that Marian had drafted up in the early days, with a few additions to accommodate the other territories. Many had suggested making the capital of this nation in Nottingham, but Robin had objected, claiming it was too close to the border. As such, the capital of the new nation, the United Kingdom, was set up in Liverpool. Elections for the new Parliament were planned to commence within the month, and the people couldn't be happier.

Marian and Professor Browne also made massive strides in a standardized education system for the new nation's children. Apparently, the "Professor" title (unlike a lot of things about the man, apparently) was actually genuine. The man had graduated from Cambridge with an education degree back during the start of the 20th Century. As such, when it came to designing a curriculum with the various notes from multiple people across the country (despite Oxford, Cambridge, and London being inaccessible), they were able to create something worthwhile for both grade school and university level courses. However, they had also managed to do the same for several planned magic academies that would teach the magic of Astaroth to any who wished to learn, making it the first blueprint for official magical education in any known histories!

All in all, things were looking up for the United Kingdom! Some things needed work, but the taste of victory and freedom was on everybody's lips, and everyone couldn't wait for what tomorrow would bring.

Birmingham liberated! South England in chaos! The Horned King must now spend the next turn putting down revolts, and must do so with a -10 malus due to depleted forces!
Warning system established! All surprise attacks on the Southern border now take a -10 and all deliberate attacks/raids take a -5.
United Kingdom founded! Elections for the new United Parliament will take place next turn!
Standardized education curriculum created! DC for creating a school system reduced!
Robin has spent a lot of time learning about government! +1 to Stewardship!

A/N: A bit shorter than normal, but they did spend the beginning of the turn fighting a war, so... hopefully the next one is longer
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there's an episode of Star Trek that is basically just literally "Captain Kirk versus the Planet of the Space Nazis"

This episode, as you can probably guess, used to be banned in Germany until the late 90s for depicting Nazi imagery.

Mind you, it did get dubbed into German in the series´ normal production cycle, it simply wasn´t *aired* back then.

That´s why, while you had to resort to less-than-legal means to get it back then, it still had the original dub actors used in the series.

Eventually though, the ban was lifted and now that episode is included normally in any re-releases.
