Prince Aladdin Quest (Disney Villains *Almost* Victorious)

Hey guys. I'm really sorry about this. As you all know, last year I lost my job. This situation has not remedied itself as of yet. I am still unemployed and the stress of things is basically choking off my ability to write. Until my job situation is resolved, I'm going to be putting everything on hiatus so that when I start writing again it can be at the quality you all deserve. Thank you all for being patient with me, and I hope that things resolve themselves in a positive manner soon.
You've been doing damn good writing up to this point, so at a bare minimum, put that fact in your self-respect fund, for whatever it's worth.
Thank you for a damn good read so far.

Good luck with the job hunt. It's hard as hell, but you aren't alone in that hell.
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess Turn 4: Calm Before the Storm (Nega-Quest)
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess
Turn 4: Calm Before the Storm
Coalition of the North!
Take the Front Lines
Auto-succeed due to Horned King consolidation

Preparations: Robin and his Merry Persons
DC 75-10 ⇒ 65
Roll: 1d100+21+24+10+10-15+10+10+10 (Experience)+10 (Coalition); 9 ⇒ 99

Keep Morale Up: Robin and Marian
DC 60
Roll: 1d100+18+23+10+15-10-4-10; 57 ⇒ 99
Massive success!

Horned King arrives!
Intimidate into submission
Horned King: 1d100+5+10+15-5 (Previous defeats); 65 ⇒ 90
Coalition Contest: 1d100+23+18+15-10+15 (High Morale); 52 ⇒ 113
Coalition Success!
The night was cold and dark. Rain poured down from the heavens while lightning split them apart with great clashes of sound. It was a night that foretold dark things, promised the arrival of dark beings and dark concepts. A normal man would be shaking in his boots, if not seeking shelter from the elements.

And yet, the Coalition remained firm, as it always had. These were not normal men. Several were not even men at all. They were not shaking. In fact, they barely seemed to notice the rain. Instead, they kept their gaze fixed on the dark horizon, watching. Waiting. Waiting for the dark host that would provide a great triumph… or certain doom.

Almost two months ago, they had come to this land, the great meadow that marked the border of territories that had fallen to the Horned King. On one side of the meadow was the furthest reaches of the kingdoms that had joined the Coalition against the dark ruler's sorcery. On the other, were the furthest reaches of the kingdoms that had been conquered by him. It was a neutral zone, one that could have been disputable had the Coalition's armies pushed on to liberate more peoples. But, they had stopped at the edge, afraid of when the Horned King would arrive. For all they knew, he could suddenly appear in front of them and attack them while they were in marching formation, quite possibly routing them. So, they had gone as far as they dared and taken advantage of the terrain. The camp and defenses were set up on a hill, the line itself being almost a mile long. They could see the still smoldering city of Birmingham in the distance, a warning of what would happen if they failed. Thousands of soldiers stood at attention, with more on the way now that scouts had confirmed the route the Horned King was taking.

The Coalition, led by Robin and his band, had spent weeks preparing for the inevitable. They had established what basically amounted to forts at each of the points that the Horned King could march to, then set up a messenger system that ran between each so that the forces could flock to that point once the Horned King had made his move. Defenses were erected at each point; archery towers, catapults, even large sacks and cases full of oil that could be set on fire and then thrown, all manner of weapons (especially those involving fire) were put up to repel the oncoming armies. They were staffed daily by a horde of the most skilled warriors as they could get (which, really, wasn't saying much, but they made up for their inexperience with determination) all hours of the day, and all the hours of the night.

Now, the day had arrived. With the confirmation from the scouts, the past two days had seen hordes of their soldiers flock to their position and take up defensive posts anywhere they could. Thousands of men, trained soldiers and brave citizens with a farmer's tools alike, faced forward into the oncoming darkness. Most of them weren't ready for what was about to happen. Quite a few felt that they never would be. But, they were as ready as they were ever going to be. That would have to be enough.

Eventually, a dark mist crested the horizon. With it came the faint yet sure sound of clanking armor and rattling bones, with the occasional groan from the Cauldronborn. They were coming.

Arrows were nocked and spears were brandished as the mists drew closer and the noises grew louder. Robin and Little John, decked in shimmering armor borrowed from local lords, approached the palisade and stood atop it, looking out over the battlefield. Marian and Kluck were there as well, wearing chain mail over their dresses. Robin had tried to convince his wife to take shelter for this battle to protect herself and the baby, but it was like talking to a wall. She wouldn't sit back while there was something she could do to help, even if it was just providing care to the wounded. And where Marian went, Kluck followed.

Within minutes, the Cauldronborn, in all their decaying glory, came into view, shuffling along and brandishing rusted weapons. Over the months, the North had grown desensitized to unexplainable happenings, so the sight did not unnerve them as it once did. Plus, all the victories they had had over the creatures did wonders for their confidence.

Said confidence crashed and burned when a sedan chair carrying a hooded figure appeared from the mist. The chair itself was made from black iron, the throne upon it constructed from twisted metal and decorated with bones and precious gems that glinted with poisonous colors. It was carried by six Cauldron born, and the mist seemed to cling to it like a lover. The man himself was very tall, emanating a presence of malice and death. His cloak was a noxious blood-red, elegant and sleek, studded with bright gold lining and black thread. Around his gnarled fingers were several rings of various metals and gems, and his neck was adorned in pearls and glittering diamonds. Two great horns emerged from his hood, tipped with caps of gold. No one could see his face, but two hungry, evil red eyes stared out from the void that was the darkness of the hood, causing many men to flinch at the sight.

Atop his head, however, was the greatest insult and fear-inspiring sight. It was the English crown, kept safe in the Tower of London when not being used by the English royalty. The fact that he had it meant that London had truly fallen, the seat of England's power now in the hands of a demon. Morale took a blow from that. Robin clenched his fist, knowing that the addition of the crown was a deliberate attempt to dishearten them.

Eventually, the army stood about three-hundred feet away from the Coalition's front lines. Then, they simply stopped. And they stood there, waiting. What for became clear as the Horned King's chair passed the front lines, stopping just in front of his hordes as he stood up.

"People of the North," he boomed. "I am the Horned King of Prydain. You have heard of my successes to the South. You can see the proof of my triumphs." He gestured to the crown on his head. "You know of my strength and ability. You must know how pointless this is. What you managed to overcome was merely a minor force of my true might. This is the real thing. I will not underestimate you again. Fight me, and you will all die painfully." He fell silent at that, allowing the Coalition to stew in that knowledge. "But, let history show that I am not cruel and without mercy, nor incapable of acknowledging pitiful, yet genuine, skill. Surrender yourselves and pledge your loyalty to me, unconditionally and eternally. Do this, and your lives will be spared. You will be incorporated into my armies and live lives of plenty. This war will be over, and the bloodshed will cease." He then spread his arms wide. "Come now. Surely you don't want to continue this fight over petty pride? Can we not have peace?"

Silence reigned as each and every soldier considered his words. Almost every person, fear in their bones, thought over the offer and saw the attraction in it. Many even questioned why they had even come to fight in the first place. It was suicide, the Horned King was right! Surrendering now spared them, their families, and their land the horrors of war. Why shouldn't they?

Then, the one soldier who heard the Horned King's offer and decided 'bullshit' called it so.

"Peace?" Robin Hood asked. "That's what you call that? Peace? A life under your heel? A life where we would have no other choice but to acquiesce to your every whim because you are the one with power?! Peace?!! That is not peace!!"

Robin stood on the wall of the palisade, looking the Horned King dead in the face. "I have lived through such 'peace', and it is a lie. Peace does not mean hundreds starve because they have no money to support themselves thanks to the 'oh-so-great' keeper of the peace taking it all. Peace does not mean children growing up in fear that one day, they may have to raise themselves because their families will be taken from them, either by the corrupt law or death's impartial harvests. Peace does not mean suffering from everyone who isn't at the very top. That has a name: tyranny."

Robin pointed a finger at his chest. "I saw the horrors that tyranny inflicted upon my people, upon my friends, upon those I loved and cherished. And I swore an oath to myself on that day: so long as I drew breath, I would not stop fighting this tyranny until my breath or tyranny's strength was all spent! So, Horned King, you can stand there all intimidating and dark and prattle about 'peace', but I, for one, am not interested." With that, he grabbed the knot that held his sling in place and untied it, ripping the sling away. With that, he took his sword and drew it… without flinching. "I will only accept true peace! The peace that comes with the end of tyranny and the return of the true Kingdom of England! Who's with me?!"

The army roared in approval, their spirits invigorated. Now, they all remembered why they were fighting. They were fighting for the freedom of themselves, their families, and their loved ones. Robin and Marian had spent the last two months personally visiting every soldier they could and assuring them that things would be alright and reminding them of why the fight was worth it. Robin and Marian were risking and sacrificing so much just for this chance at a free England. Who were they to do them the disservice of not returning the gesture?

The Horned King glared and lightning flashed, revealing his gaunt, skull-like face, eyes glowing with anger. "So, you have chosen death. Very well then." He pointed at the defenses and the Cauldronborn charged.

Robin raised his sword into the air. "GOD! AND KING RICHARD!!" he shouted. A roar of approval emerged from the defenders as the archers drew their bows and aimed. Once the undead hordes came close enough, they let their flaming arrows fly.

The Second Battle of Birmingham, the opener to the climax of the Mythological English War, had begun.

Battlefield decided! The Coalition has the high ground and optimal positioning. They gain a +10 to all rolls involving combat until they are forced off the hills.
Intimidation failed! Robin and Marian kept morale up enough for the armies to keep going. The Horned King must now fight to end this war.
Robin has recovered from his injuries! "Wounded" trait negated!
The Second Battle of Birmingham has begun!
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Oh Holy City(Jerusalem Nega-Quest) Turn 1 (Nega-Quest)

Oh Holy City(Jerusalem Nega-Quest) Turn 1

●Treasury 10 000
●Total Upkeep: 1 000
-○Upkeep 1 000 Army

Leaders (+10 High Respect, ‐30 Kingdom Gone, -5 Strange People) -25

Soldiers: (-20 Former Enemies, -20 No home, -10 Strange People, +10 Legendary Leader, +10 Familiarity) -30

People: (-15 Upheaval, -10 Angry Soldiers, Strange People -10, +5 Legendary leaders) -30


-[] Cross-train all soldiers
DC 50/75
Cost: 0 Gold
Better relations amongst the soldiers.

-[] Recruit Soldiers
Dc 70
Cost: 3 000 Gold
Reward: Gain more soldiers.

-[] Backstab Saladin's troops
Dc 120
Cost: 1 500 Gold
Reward:Removes Saladin's soldiers from Jerusalem and its territory.

-[] Repair the city
DC 30/50/75
Cost: 2 500 Gold
Repaired city, happier People.

-[] Hijack control over the entire city for yourself.
Dc 100
Cost: 2 000 Gold
Total control over Jerusalem and its territories.

-[] Formalize the relationship between Saladin and Richard
DC 20/35/40/70/90
Cost: 500 Gold
Reward: Richard and Saladin will work together to rule the city.

-[] Seek Allies For Richard Lionheart
DC 100
Cost: 10 000 Gold
DC 65
Cost: 5 000 Gold
Reward: Gain an ally that either supports Richard Lionheart or the Christians in Jerusalem.

-[] Find out how much of the Order of Assassin came to this world
DC (No bonus may be added) 50/80/100
Cost: 500

-[] An ear to the ground
DC: 30
Cost: 1 500 Gold
Reward: Unlock Rumor Mill.

-[] Scout Far
--[] East
DC 40
Cost: 2000 Gold
--[] Egypt
DC 50
Cost: 2000 Gold
--[] Greece
DC 65
Cost: 2500 Gold
--[] France
DC 65
Cost: 2000 Gold
Reward: Information, Possible spy network.

-[] Investigate the British islands
DC 100
Cost: 3 000
Reward: Find a possible foothold on the British Islands for traders and spies.

-[] Seek for a learned man
DC Variable
Cost: 1 000 Gold
Gain an hero that specializes in Learning.

-[] Read up on Religions
DC 30/50/70
Cost: 0 Gold
Better knowledge on religions, lesser chance to offend religious types, better stability for the People.

-[] Try to understand what happened
DC 10/45/75/100
Cost: 0 Gold
Get an understanding of what happened during the Upheaval.

-[] Seek for a man of mystique
DC Variable
Cost: 1 000 Gold
Gain an hero that specializes in Occult.

-[] Pay respect to the Temple of Solomon
DC ???
Cost: 0 Gold



Cross-train all soldiers
DC 50/75
Cost: 0 Gold
Roll: 48+25+20 = 93

Walking amongst the soldiers it is easy for Richard to notice the tension among them. Indeed he would need to be totally blind for any kind of social matter to miss it.

It's quite understable though, it was only a couple months ago they were enemies that fought each other.

But for Richard the problem is that they can't be enemies any more. In this mad world that remains after the Upheaval they all have no home and the only truly familiar thing we have left is each other.

Luckily there is one thing that unites soldiers alike. The blood and sweat shed in harsh battles. Of course they can't go and fight a battle now, that would lead to unnecessary bloodshed.

But a thought comes to Richard that makes him smile. A smile that makes the soldiers nervous, for it's a smile that seems to promise pain.

For he will instead become their harshest trainer that they will learn to fear and respect. He shall drag them through a truly hellish training, all to force them to unite in their suffering. There will be rest periods included though, he doesn't want the soldiers to be too miserable or to start hating him outside their training.

And so, true to form, after two months of hellish training and community service the soldiers have become more united in spite of being their different faiths and being former enemies.

After all as all soldiers know: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

As a side benefit, the harsh training also made them familiar with the nearby terrain. Especially the mountains and how to fight on them.

Reward: The stability among the soldiers rises with +15. The new soldiers of Jerusalem are now familiar with both the nearby mountain terrain and how to fight on it. No penalties for the soldiers when fighting on mountains or in valleys.


Repair the city
DC 30/50/75
Cost: 2 000 Gold
Roll 62+5+20 = 87

Looking over the city there was quite a bit of damage that had happened during the Upheaval . Entire house district had been ruined and roads had been broken by both the harsh winds and errant thunderbolts.

It would take a lot to fix this. Both material, manpower and work.

But they do have quite a bit of material left over from thrashen camps and nerbying quarris. And as Richard realizes when he overlooks the soldiers training, they also have quite a lot of manpower. As such Richard decides to combine said training with rebuilding the city as community service.

He organizes the soldiers and gives two main priorities. The first is to fix the damaged buildings and roads. After that they are supposed to try to rebuild those buildings that were absolutely wrecked in the Upheaval.

To Richard's great surprise the soldier starts fixing the city at a frenzied pace. Probably because he is forcing them to train at the same time. In any case, this means that Richard is able to find enough time for the soldiers so they also can fix the smaller and lesser damages in the city. Damages like broken signs, small cracks in walls and even those roofs that only were slightly damaged.

The soldiers fix this too with much gusto, and after two months there are thankful people of Jerusalem that are able to witness their city being fully repaired.

Reward: Fully repaired city. The people gain +20 stability. The soldiers gain +5 stability from the heartful thankings they get from the population of Jerusalem for repairing their homes.


Formalize the relationship between Saladin and Richard
DC 20/35/40/70/90
Cost: 500 Gold
Roll 30+18+10 = 58

In the end both Richard and Saladin realized the same thing. In this mad world the remains after the Upheaval they can't fight each other. They are both too tired to do it and they don't have any resources nor land needed to wage war against each other. Even if they tried to backstab each other in a sudden and explosive attack it would still be a very bloody war. Both of their forces would be left extremely weakened and Jerusalem and its territory they currently are holding together would be utterly ruined. They wouldn't be able to defend themselves for any other strange forces that would look to take over the area.

But they can't leave either. Their olds homes are gone and overtaken by madness. Trying to retake them is currently impossible and would anyway cost an incredible amount of bloodshed. For the moment Jerusalem and its nearby territories are their only home. In addition, in this world that seems to mostly be populated by these humans there is a high chance that they will face persecution in the outside world, all for not being humans.

And therefore it was decided. If they must stay together they must also work together. And so Saladin spent most of his time for two months planning out how they could work together. A relationship like this means that no one is allowed to boss over the other, and therefore they need to be equal. The workload shall be split between them and they must advise each other on the course of actions. And after nearly two months, it was finished.

Hail Emir Richard the Lionheart and Sheik Al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, the new twin rulers of The City of Jerusalem and its territories.

Reward: Saladdin is officially recognized as the Sheikh of Jeruslem while Richard is officially recognized as the Emir of Jerusalem. Both Saladdin and Richard add half of their stats towards all actions. Bonuses are not halved. Every faction in the city gains +10 Stability for confirmed leaders.


Find out how much of the Order of Assassin came to this world
DC (No bonus may be added) 50/80/100
Cost: 500
Roll 80

A moonless night at the near beginning of the first month, the Old Man of the Mountain left the city. He had survived the Upheaval and ended up in this crazy world. But he needed to know.

Did anyone else from the order also survive the Upheaval? Are there any of his old assassins out there? Or is he all alone, the only remains of a once great order?

And so he traveled across the holy land, seeking for any hint of them. For any traces of the Order of Assassin's. He searched far and wide, only to find nothing. Until he reached Masyaf. A city among the mountains. The mountains The Old Man had once called his own. The city that The Old Man of the Mountains once used as a main headquarter for the Syrian branch of the Order of Assassin.

Well in the city The Old Man didn't stay long amongst the citizens. Instead he walked slowly towards his old fortress. It seemed that nothing had changed at all with it. But, at a closer look he realized that wasn't the truth. The fortress seemed to have aged many years since he last saw it, in the world before the. Luckily it seemed that the fortress was well maintained enough that the ages that had passed hadn't detoried anyting of the fortress.

The Old Man stopped before the closed gate. He has stated for a bit wondering if he really dared to hope. Then he took a deep breath, before he spoke his personal password in a voice that didn't dare to hope.

A moment passed. Nothing seemingly happened. A hint of despair started to grow in the Old man's heart.

But then two shadows detached from the walls and landed before him and bowed their knees in respect for the Old Man of the Mountain himself. At the same time this happened, the gate into the fortress slowly but steadily opened.

"Welcome back Grandmaster," said one of the assassins respectfully.

"We have expected you," stated the other assassin in the same tone.

"Now then," uttered them both, still bowing. "How may the Order of Assassin serve you in this new world"

A soft smile spread on the Old Man's Face. After all, he was now sure. He wasn't alone anymore.

Reward: Connection established with Masyaf. The fate of the order of Assassin has been found, only those that remained in the headquarters in Masyaf seems to have survived. The Old Man of the Mountain now has control of the remains of the Order of Assassin. New options unlocked to be able to use them.


Read up on Religions
DC 30/50/70
Cost: 0 Gold
Roll 24+12 = 36
Partially Success

Under the rebuilding of the city Richard overlooked many ruined synagogues, churches and mosques being restricted by the soldiers and grateful citizens.

He muses on how brothers in different faiths help each other in difficult times and considers the fact that many Jews, Muslims and Christians pilgrims to this holy city known as Jerusalem. In addition he also acknowledge the fact that the territories of Jerusalem not only lies in culture sphere of the islamic world, the but in the current world so lies the culture sphere of christianity quite a bit away from the city

And so he decides that it is a good idea to read up on the different religions that exist in the city and the nearby territories. Both to assure the people of the city that they will be heard and not be persecuted, and so there is no chance to accidently insult someone's faith.

That was the thought anyway. Sadly everything else that happened these months seemingly took up nearly all time to study. All Richard managed to do was helping Saladin to read up Christainity. As a side note both of them have now learned that protestantism exist.

Reward: Full knowledge about Chritsainty and its main branches. No chance to accidently insult the religion or faith of christians. +3 to the People's stability for acknowledging all branches of chritianity in the city.


Try to understand what happened
DC 10/45/75/100
Cost: 0 Gold
Roll 70+12 = 82

Under these two months Richard decided to ask around what people thought had happened exactly.

The most obvious is that something magical happened, even an idiot could have figured that out. Both through the fact that the storm was like the Lord's own wrath itself and the fact that everything seemed to have changed.

In addition, according to a couple of scholars, the very fact that the people of the world seem to mostly consist of these humans strongly support the theory that the Upheaval may very well have broken through the world itself. As in that the world may consist of many different worlds that have been meshed together.

Saladin chimed in to note that the Upheaval also seems to have broken through different time periods. After all, while the animal soldiers and crusader came from the third crusade in the late 12th century, Greece seems to have reverted back to classical antiquity and parts of France seems to have belonged to the late 15th century. Plus he managed to find some records in Jerusalem that described a fourth crusade.

This was all that they managed to figure out. But something still didn't sat right with Richard. They still didn't know what had caused this mess. Call it a hunch or an instinct, but…

He had a feeling that dark forces had something to do with it

… Eh, he was probably just imagining things.

Reward:Harder to get surprised and easier to acclimate to new weird things. Hint that dark forces may have a finger in this mess.

●Income: 0
●New Upkeep: 1 000 Gold
-○Army 1 000 Gold
●Actual Income: -1 000 Gold
●Total Turn Expenditure: 3 000 Gold
●End of Turn Treasury: 6 000 Gold

New Stability
Leaders: -25 + 10 = -15

Soldiers: -30 +15 +5 +10 = 0

People: -30 +20 +10 +3 = 3

The King of England
Ser Richard Lionheart

Martial: 25 - (Not only one of the Third Crusades great leaders but also someone that once wished to become a true knight.)

Diplomacy: 18 - (As a king he is very used to proper etiquette fitting a noble. On top of that he has also managed to gain the respect and love from the masses)

Stewardship: 5 - (While he did manage to collect the money for the crusade, there is a reason he mostly let his brother habdle the finances.)

Intrigue: 12 - (While he is used to the intrigue of the courts he is not that used to sneak around in person.)

Learning: 12 - (While he isn't exactly a man of science he did get a proper education as a king.)

Occult: 10 - (Richard has always held a certain fascination for the stories of old and the tales the bards used to sing. Something that came to be useful in the mad world.)


"Crusader King" - Richard Lionheart was one of the leaders of the Third Crusade and as such he is well versed in the art of warfare. +20 To all rolls involving an army so long as Lionheart leads it.

"Chivalry of the Knights" - The stories about brave knights have always struck a chord inside RIchard, and therefore he tries to emulate them. +5 to Diplomacy when interacting with commoners and +10 to Martial rolls involving fighting with swords, shields or lances. Can also use these weapons, with the same bonus, when he fights in heavy armor or on a horse

"Game of the Court" - As a king he used to the deceptive nature of the court and its nobles. +10 to Intrigue and Diplomacy when interacting with those considered to be nobles or belonging to high society. Will not activate if he considers the people he interacts with as family though.

"Tales of Knight and the Fey" - Richard has always liked the stories the bard used to sing. As such he is well versed in the old fairy tales. +10 to Learning and Occult when studying or investigating anything relating to the Fey (including those relating to the Arthurian Mythos).

"King of Nothing" - Every turn Richard needs to roll a 1d4. On a 1 he needs to focus this turn on actions that could lead him to find people he knows or retaking England. Any actions he partakes in that doesn't involve any of these topics gain a -20 to the roll.

Old Man of the Mountain
Rashid ad-Din Sinan

Martial: 15 - (While he is well accumed to battle and being a commander, he very much prefer to command defensive wars or commits subterfuge operations)

Diplomacy: 18 - (A cunning man that entered negotiations with both local rulers, Crusaders and Saladin himself)

Stewardship: 17 - (Knows well the logistics of his order and what his lands needed)

Intrigue: 30 - (Was the grandmaster and leader of the Syrian branch of the Order of Assassins)

Learning: 17 - (Well read in scripture, science, philosophy and astronomy)

Occult: 14 - (His reading and experience has made him quite knowledgeable of the mysterious in this world)


"Like a Shadow" - Before he became grandmaster of the Order of Assassin's he was a fully credited Assassin himself. And age hasn't made him worse. Gains +10 Diplomacy when trying to stay Icognite. +20 to Intrigue when he personally tries to stay hidden, infiltrate a place, steal something, scout a place, assassinate someone or doing something else that can consider to be sneaky. Can also use his Intrigue in place of his Martial when scouting.

"Leader of the Mountain" - As the infamous Old Man of the Mountain, the grandmaster of the Order of Assassin he gains +20 to all rolls involving the operative capabilities of the Order of Assassin. +10 to rolls involving any other spy network. This bonus will not vanish if he uses his personal action on something else for a turn. Will prioritize actions to fully reestablish the order of Assassins before any other kind of actions.

"Ancillary: Hidden Blade'' - A nice little tool that belonged to his predecessor. Grants +10 to Martial or Intrigue when he tries to execute any surprise attacks or assasination attempts. May add half is Intrigue to his martial art when fighting.

"Amatuer Alchemist '' - Knows a bit about alchemical souloution and lore of herbs. His knowledge mostly consists of the study and creation of different poisons. +10 to Occult and Learning involving herbs, alchemical solutions or poison.

Al-Malik an-Nasir
Al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub

Martial: 20 -(By a sword in his hand, this man added new land to his territory and quenched rebellions.)

Stewardship: 20 - (Through pen in his hand, he was a great sultan that founded his own dynasty.)

Diplomacy: 18 - (Famous for his generosity while achieving great recognition as a chivalrous knight, Saladin was greatly respected by the Christian lords.)

Intrigue: 15 - (Facing plots, intrigues and assassination attempts under his rule he is welll accumed to notice that which hides amongs the shadows.)

Learning: 13 -( well learned man for his time, that has a deep knowledge of the Quran and the science of religion.)

Occult: 10 -(A faithful man that became the first Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, he knows quite a bit about old tales and stories from his kingdom.)


"Great Sultan'' - By sword and pen he managed to become the first Sultan of Egypt and was also the first ruler that was hailed as the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. Saladin gains +15 to rolls involving admistration, knowledge or leadership of those who live under Islam. Also gains +15 to knowledge rolls in lands that he traditionally controlled.

"The Eagle of Egypt" - Saladin was renowned for his conquests in Egypt, North Africa, and the Holy Land, and battled the Lionheart and the other members of the Third Crusade to a standstill after his conquest of Jerusalem. He gains +15 to his Martial score when leading an army, +20 if the opposition consists of Crusaders or other Christian armies.

"Chivalry" - Well known and respected amongst the Christian world for his honor and character, but even a kind man holds grudge against those that displease him. Towards those who have earned his respect he gains +10 Diplomacy, but towards those who have his enmity he instead loses -10 Diplomacy.

"Sleeping with an Open Eye" - Many were there that wanted him dead. But in the end not a single of the assassination attempts +15 against surprising attacks and assassiniation attempts

"Sultan of Nowhere" - Every turn Saladin needs to roll a 1d4. On a 1 he needs to focus this turn on actions that could lead him to find people he knows or retaking Egypt. Any actions he partakes in that doesn't involve any of these topics gain a -20 to the roll.

My second ever written omake and my first ever written nega-quest.

Please tell me what you thought about it.
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An excellent Choice for Animal!Saladin, if I might add.

When I first decided that Saladin would be from Richard's world I decided to look up if there was any sort of animal that was connected to Saladin.

I then found out that the Eagle of Saladin existed. And so I decided that Saladin most be some kind of bird.

The prorblem was founding a good bird man picture. Especially one that had the right culturaly style.

But then I was reminded that Pell existed and figured out that he would look good.
Oh Holy City(Jerusalem Nega-Quest) Turn 2 (Nega-Quest)
Link to Turn 1

Oh Holy City(Jerusalem Nega-Quest) Turn 2​

1d4 Roll for "King of Nothing" Roll: 4
1d4 Roll for "Sultan of Nowhere": 3
Nothing happens
Saladin's health:64
Nothing happens

●Treasury 6 000
●Total Upkeep: 1 000
-○Upkeep 1 000 Army

Leaders: -15

Soldiers: 0

People: 3

-[] Fix the walls
Cost: 2 500 Gold
Whole Walls, Better stability for the People

-[] Patrol the territory
Cost: 3 000 Gold
Reward: Better security, more income from traders

-[] Construct siege weapons
DC: 70
Cost: 9 000 Gold, Upkeep cost of 500 Gold
Reward: Siege Weapons

-[] Train Soldier to fight and move in forest and rural terrain
DC: 40/60
Cost: 1 500 Gold
Reward: Remove malus for fighting in forests and rural terrain

-[] Recruit Soldiers
Dc 60
Cost: 3 000 Gold
Reward: Gain more soldiers.

-[] Organize the books
DC: 50
Cost: 0
Reward: Unlock Income through taxes

-[] Fix the bureaucracy
DC: 100
Cost: 1 000
Richard and Saladins stats are added together for main actions.

-[] Prospect for new resources
DC: 65
Cost: 1 500 Gold
Reward: Options to improve Income

-[] Improve the aqueducts
DC: 30
Cost: 2 000 Gold
Reward: Better chance to survive droughts. Sieges can't cut off your water. Better farms.

-[] Make a friendly contact
DC 150
Cost: 10 000 Gold
DC 85
Cost: 5 000 Gold
--[] East India Trade Company
DC 90
Cost: 7 000 Gold
DC 60
Cost: 3 000 Gold
--[] East
DC 40
Cost: 2 500 Gold
Reward: Gain an ally that supports the current regime in Jerusalem.

-[] Make a Trade Deal with Masyaf
DC: 45
Cost: 1 000
Reward: 1 000 Income from trade

-[] Attempt to make surrounding towns join you as protectorate.
DC: 60
Cost: 3 500 Gold
Reward: More territory, Income and resources

-[] An ear to the ground
DC: 30
Cost: 1 500 Gold
Reward: Unlock Rumor Mill.

-[] Scout Far
--[] East
DC 40
Cost: 2000 Gold
--[] Egypt
DC 50
Cost: 2000 Gold
--[] Greece
DC 65
Cost: 2500 Gold
--[] France
DC 65
Cost: 2000 Gold
Reward: Information, Possible spy network.

-[] Investigate the British islands
DC 200
Cost: 3 000
Reward: Find a possible foothold on the British Islands for traders and spies.

-[] Find a shortcut between Masyaf and Jerusalem
Cost: 500
Reward: More money from "Make a trade deal with Masyaf," lowered DC for "Make a Trade deal with Masyaf," lowered DC for "Move the Order of Assassin to Jerusalem," ???

-[] Move the Order of Assassin to Jerusalem
Reward: Can utilize Order of Assassin on actions that occurs outside Masyaf

-[] Seek for a learned man
DC Variable
Cost: 1 000 Gold
Reward: Gain an hero that specializes in Learning.

-[] Read up on Religions
DC 30/50
Cost: 0 Gold
Reward: Better knowledge on religions, lesser chance to offend religious types, better stability for the People.

-[] Seek for a man of mystique
DC Variable
Cost: 1 000 Gold
Reward: Gain an hero that specializes in Occult.

-[] Pay respect to the Temples
DC 30/75/110
Cost: 1 000 Gold
Reward: Higher stability for everyone, ???, ???

-[] Read some books
DC: 30/50
Cost: 0
Reward: Reward: Better stability for the Leaders, ??? Adventure

-[] Train Economy
DC: 35/100
Cost: 0
Reward: +1 Stewardship, Gain a trait

-[] Mingle with the Soldiers
DC: 35
Reward: Better stability for the Soldiers

-[] Work more
DC: None
Cost: 0
Reward: Add your entire stat to a single action

-[] Annoy, Badger, Keep Richard company
DC: 35
Cost: 0
Reward: Better stability for soldiers and leaders

-[] Take a nap
DC: 30/75
Cost: 0
Reward: Better stability for the Leaders, ???

-[] Mingle with the Soldiers
DC: 35
Cost: 0
Reward: Better stability for the Soldiers

-[] Work for the Old Soldiers
Assist a national action

-[] Experiments with your alchemical equipment
Cost: 0
Reward: Creates something

-[] Help behind the scenes
Cost: 0
Reward: Add a +15 Bonus toward the Random Event Roll.

-[] Be mysterious
Cost: 0
Reward: Make an extra Random event Roll caused by Rashid himself
Fix the walls
Cost: 2 500 Gold
Roll: 84+23+20 = 127 CRIT + 57 = 184

After the last four months since the Upheaval the city of Jerusalem was whole again. Thanks to all the soldiers, all damage to the city has been repaired.

Or well, nearly everything has been repaired.

The walls were still damaged because of the Upheaval.

And so it was decided that the wall should be repaired. Not only so that the city will truly be whole again, but also so it will be defended once again.

It's a dangerous world there outside after all. Pirates and sea monsters scourge the seas, beasts seemingly breaking out in war in the wilderness, Huns conquering China and British sailors that overtaxed their ports (for some reason that gives Richard a weird feeling of familiarity). And this is only a few of the dangers in this world.

Because the soldiers currently didn't have anything specific to do they decided to help repair the wall between their training. The extra manpower helped to speed up the reconstruction that already went faster than expected. It was therefore decided that they shouldn't merely repair the walls, instead they should make them better than they were before.

Luckily a human scholar had passed by. The scholar was writing a thesis on military fortifications; as it was, he was willing to give some helpful advice in exchange for studying the local walls and military fortification. He was given both that and was given a free stay for the trouble. Though he seemed very taken back by all the different animal people walking around.

And so, after two months of hard construction splendid walls surrounded Jerusalem the walls once again, mightier than ever before. They could almost make a man shed a tear.

Reward: Mighty Walls surrounding Jerusalem, giving the city +20 to defend and repelling attacks. The People gain +10 Stability for getting magnificent walls. The Soldier gains +5 Stability for creating something they are proud of.

Organize the books
DC: 50
Cost: 0
Reward: Unlock Income through taxes
Roll: 77+12+15 = 105 CRIT + 79 = 184
Massive Success

After now having official control of the city the former king and sultan decided that it was well time to start organizing the paperwork they now have a duty to oversee. Among other important issues they needed to solve was to gain official income. After all, keeping their armies paid and rebuilding the city had started to emptying their treasury.

And the best way to gain some income was to officially start collecting taxes as the rulers of the city. While most people still paid some kind of taxes, the taxes were mostly collected by lesser city officials and religious leaders that used it to help their immediate surroundings.

While this did help the less fortunate and simpler project, the official treasury saw no hint of any money. It was therefore impossible for the leaders of Jerusalem to actually use the money paid by the people to fix the city. In addition, currently no one was collecting any major taxes from businesses and traders.

Therefore, after finding a period with nothing certain to do Saladin started to work on paperworks for the taxes.

While Richard did try to help, his head only hurt when trying to figure out how the taxes and other complicated economic paperworks should work. He therefore decided to "delegate" all this towards Saladin while himself trying to fix that trade deal with Masyaf.


"… So to summarize, I managed to fine-tune the taxing laws and procedure so we actually can get in more taxes without actually annjoy anyone. I managed this through removing old laws and taxes that didn't make much sense any more, fixed up a couple of loopholes and grey areas, created new laws and taxes that only benefits us all the more while still being able to not drastically raise any taxes. "

Saladin took a sip of some of his glass with water after he finally finished his rapport to Richard. They had decided to meet and go through the finished projects they had been working on for this month.

" …" Richard only stares at Saladin with narrowed eyes. "You know Sal," he says with a suspicious voice. "You are only convincing me more and more that all of this paperworking you have done is a type of witchcraft".

Saladin's eyes twitched with annoyance before answering in a slightly irritated tone:
"That's it. Before anything continues we will have a short mathematical and economics lesson right now, right here! "

Reward: 8 000 Gold in Income from sales, tourism and taxes. Richard gains +1 Stewardship from the lesson. Whenever a Stewardship Action is being carried through, Richard may choose to delegate the entire action to Saladin, therefore only Saladin's stewardship will be used to calculate the roll bonus.

Make a Trade Deal with Masyaf
DC: 45
Cost: 1 000
Reward: 1 000 Income from trade
Roll: 93+18 = 111 CRIT + 7 = 118

After they first got in contact with Masyaf thanks to Rashid, Richard started nearly immediately to grill Rashid on information of the city while Saladin had started to draft up a trade deal. Both of the leaders knew that the city needed more income, and the trade would not only give them that but they would also get friendly contact in the rest of the world.

Therefore after Richard decided to … "delegate" all of the paperwork that was needed for Jerusalem's taxes to work to Saladin, Richard then decided to take care of the proposing trade deal with Masyaf. And the easiest way to do this was to directly travel to Masyaf from Jerusalem. Thanks to the paths that had been discovered this took a surprising amount of little time.

Well in Masyaf, Richard personally visited the major traders and merchant houses in the city to better get a grasp of what they wanted and needed. He then managed to wrangle the remaining Assassins in the city to get him more information before he met the current leaders of Masyaf.

The leaders of Masyaf themselves were more than willing to write on the trade deal. They even decided to sweeten the deal. The city was currently ruled by a minor noble and a city council. Not only did some of the major merchant houses that Richard had met sit on the council, but Richard himself managed to greatly impress the minor noble. In addition it seemed that the Order of Assassin still had a few fingers in play when it came to the rulings of the city.


"Hmm?" humms Saladin and raises an eyebrow. He is currently reading through the trade deal after having finished their improvised math and economic lesson.

"If I ain't reading these documents wrong," he continues, "We have just entered an alliance with Masyaf. And the alliance seems to benefit us more."

"Yep," says Richard nonchalantly. He holds a mug of cold water in his hand while he tries to nurse the headache he got from the lesson.

Saladin looks up from a paper and with a teasing smile he speaks in a sarcastic tone:

"You speak of me being a practitioner of witchcraft. But are you sure you didn't use any supernatural charm to get this kind of a deal?"

"Hahah," grumbles Richard in a dry tone. "Very funny."

Reward: 1,500 Gold Income. Alliance with Masyaf.

Find a shortcut between Massef and Jerusalem
Cost: 500
DC: 50/80/120/150
Lowered DC for "Make a Trade deal with Masyaf," more money from "Make a trade deal with Masyaf," lowered DC for "Move the Order of Assassin to Jerusalem," ???

Roll: 57 +14+30+20+20 = 141


The Order of Assassin was finally back in business. There was only one problem though.

The Old Man of the Mountain, Rashid ad-Din Sinan, had sworn his allegiance towards the two leaders of Jerusalem, Sir Richard Lionheart and Al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub. This also means that the Order of Assassin itself has also sworn it's allegiance toward the leaders of Jerusalem.

The problem lies in the fact that the current headquarters of the Order of Assassin lies in Masyaf which is around 380 km away from Jerusalem. While this would normally not be a problem in the old haydays, in this current world the Order of Assassin has lost much of their old network. Only those who were stationed at the mountain remained of the Order.

Any order given from Jerusalem needed to travel to Masyef so the entire Order of Assassin could get the orders. The easiest way to fix this problem would be to move the headquarters of the Order of Assassin to Jerusalem.

But before any of that it was decided that it would be a good idea to map out the ways and shortcuts between Jerusalem and Masyaf. The shortened travel time this would result in would not only make it easier to move the Order to Jerusalem, it would also make trade between Jerusalem and Masyaf better.

And so they started to scout and seek across the land. Normal routes across the lands and hidden paths across the mountains were all mapped. No matter where or how hidden the ways were, they were all found and documented. At the end of the two months, all pathways and shortcuts between Jerusalem and Masyaf had been found.

When the freak sandstorm came and went, the newly-found paths even helped the Assassins to easily find shelters.

But, it was then something weird happened. When some of the Assassins started to run from the sandstorm they suddenly found that the distance from between themselves and the sandstorm was much further than it should be. It was like they had found a spot where space itself had scrunched up.

This… could be useful.

Reward: The DC of "Trade deal with Masyaf" is lowered by 20. The Income from "Trade deal with Masyaf" rises to 2 000 Gold. DC for "Move the Order of Assassin to Jerusalem'' is lowered by 20. Have unlocked the Intrigue action "Seeking for strange paths".

Read up on Religions
DC 30/50
Cost: 0 Gold
Better knowledge on religions, lesser chance to offend religious types, better stability for the People.
Roll:70+13+15 = 98

After not managing to find any time to read up on the religions the last months, Richard and Saladin scheduled their time better these months.

In first hand Saladin decided to focuse on teaching Richard about Islam, about Shia and Sunni. After that they started to study up their knowledge about Judaism.

At the end of the two months both Richard and Saladin had gotten a very great knowledge about the Abrehemic religions, their traditions, beliefs and practices.

In addition they had even managed to read up some knowledge about a few other religions, mainly Zoranism and some Hinduism.

Reward: Full knowledge about all of the Abrahemic religions and their branches. No chance to accidently insult the religion or faith of any member of the Abrahemic religions. +7 to the People's stability for acknowledging all of the Abrahemic reigons in the city. Some facts now known about Zoranism and Hinduism.

-[] Pay respect to the Temples
DC 30/75/110
Cost: 1 000 Gold
Roll: 9+10+15 = 34
Partially Success


"You know, I honestly expected a bit more from the famous Dome of the Rock."

"I want to point out that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre hasn't fared much better.

"A fair point."

Both of the leaders of Jerusalem look towards the ruins of the Dome of the Rock and sigh. They had already visited the ruins of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the other ruins on the Temple Mount. Age has taken its toll and the Upheaval has only made it much worse.

"Well," says Richard and rolls up his sleeves. "I guess there is only one thing to do."

Saladin gives Richard a look of disbelief before shaking his head with a smile.

"Well I guess it would be a pity for the shrines to remain like this," says Saladin while still smiling. "Very well, I go and get us some shovels, a hammer and other tools."

When Saladin got the tools, onlookers became curious what the two leaders were doing. After all, while the repairs of the walls had started, Saladin hadn't gone towards it. Once the people realized they were going to repair the Dome of the Rock and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher itself there were many that joined in, spurred by the leaders' wish to pay proper respect to the temples and a desire to see them stand proud once again in the city.

Oh, what a glory to see them stand proud once again. The Dome of the Rock, built over the ruins of the Second and the First temple. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus was crucified and buried.

At two different places in the city a former Christian king and Islamic sultan went in silence into the now rebuilt temples. No disagreement, nor hatred was held in their heart when they paid respect to their God inside that temple.

And then, the moment they stepped outside, the party started. Sadly it was cut short by a surprising sandstorm, but it was the thought that counted.

Reward: The leaders gain +10 Stability for paying respect at The Dome of the Rock and Church of the Holy Sepulcher, while the Soldiers and the People gain +5 stability for being able to use them once again.

-[] Read some books
DC: 30/50
Cost: 0
Roll: 68+12+10 = 90

Ah, reading. While Richard normally prefers to hear tales told by songs, dictation and theater, he must admit that sinking down in a soft chair before a fireplace and a book in his hands has its own charm.

Especially after a day of hard work. Who would believe that building a temple would be this exhausting?

Luckily he has a good chair and a good book. In fact, it is a very good book. The book itself seems to have been written a couple centuries after his own time, and he got his hands on it thanks to the new merchants visiting Jerusalem.

The story was one of his favorite stories, those of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. If he isn't wrong it seems that the Author has collected various King Arthur stories and modified them so they can fit together better.

A wry smile comes to Richard's face as he remembers his youth when he tried to find the famous Excalibur and become the new chosen king of England. Or was it Caliburn? Eh, he thinks and shrugs. Arthurian stories had so many swords, so it's easy to mix them together. For exempel while the most famous sword of King Arthur is Excalibur, Arthur also had a sword named Clarent that was mostly used at ceremonies and in peacetime. But it could still be used in war as Mordred could attest.

Richard actually once managed to find that sword. Before he gave it away it would say to the king… of… Sicily.

A thoughtful expression lowers itself on Richard's face, and he slowly puts the book away.

There is another king, from the future, that is currently ruling Sicily if he doesn't remember wrong.

Does that mean that Clarent is still left somewhere on Sicily, without anyone knowing it?

Reward: +5 Stability to the Leader, Adventure unlocked: A Sword in Sicily

-[] Annoy, Badger, Keep Richard company
DC: 35
Cost: 0 Gold
Roll: 80+18+10 = 108 CRIT + 12 = 120

Suddenly the doors to Richards' study slams open. Richard jumps his seat in suprisong while he flings his book away. Thoo book hits Saladin squarely in his face.

"Ouch! '' says Saladin and catches the book before it hits the floor. "Watch where you are throwing it." He rubs his face where the book landed before he chucks the book back to Richard who catches it.

"Jesus, Sal!" gasps Richard while clutching his chest with the other hand. "Are you trying to scare me to death?"

"Eh," shrugs Saladin. "Come on Rich. There is a market in the city. You need to come out from the study for a bit. Let's do this, I will buy you some food and then we can take some time and just wander across the market and the city."

"You only needed to mention food," says Richard before he hastily rises up and walks by Saladin as he exits his study. While still walking onwards, Richard then turns around and asks "Are you coming, Sal? I am starting to get hungry."

Sal looks in surprise at Richard for a moment, before he chases after him.

Some time later Richard and Saladin find themselves in a tavern sharing some drinks with mead while playing a couple games of chess against each other.

"While I hope my brother is okay," says Richard as he finishes his story, "I am honestly more worried about Marian. She can be very headstrong and willful, and I am afraid that they will get on each other's bad sides."

"Mmmh." Saladin finishes his sip before he continues. "You know your brother sounds a bit like a wastral."

"Heh," snorts Richard before he takes himself a sip. "I can see where you're coming from. But at the end of the day, he is still my brother."

"A fair point," acknowledges Saladin. "Let's drink to our lost kin then".

"Cheers,'' says Richard with a sad smile. They clink their mugs before emptying their drinks.

"You know, I am pretty sure your men are betting drinks on how your chess game is going," mentions Rashid. He sits on a barrel next to them hidden in a shadowy corner so only the two leaders can see him.

The two leaders turn towards him before they shrug.

"So long as they don't bet any bigger sum nor does any harm I think we can ignore them,'' responds Richard before he decides to move his queen on the chessboard.

"And no matter what," says Saladin, who turns to complement the chessboard. "We will drag them up early to continue mixing the walls. That would teach them to not drink as much."

"Those poors sods," states Rashid with a wry smile.

Reward: The Leaders gain +7 Stability. The good mood and relation of the leaders inspires the soldiers and the Soldiers get +7 Stability

-[] Work for the Old Soldiers
Assist a national action
--[] Find a shortcut between Massef and Jerusalem

Event Roll: 71
Under the late stage of the reparation of the Dome of the Rock, a worker accidently broke through the floor. There he found an empty room with a vase filled with golden coins.

Something that was quite weird though was that both the room and the coins seem to be quite old. The new administration of Jerusalem therefore immediately seized the coins and sealed off the room, after giving the worker a hefty finders fee of course.

It seems that this room was an underground part of the First Temple, The Temple of Solomon. There may very well exist an entire secret basement that once was a part of Solomon's Temple. A basement that remained undiscovered through thousands of years and through everytime the temple was torn down.

Maybe there was some truth to the old rumors. The rumors that the Knight Templar had found treasures from Solomon's Temple. This needs a bit more investigating.

Reward: 1 000 Gold to the Treasury, New Action Unlocked: Investigate the Dungeon of Solomon.

●Income: 10 000
-○ 8 000 Gold from Jersualms taxes
-○ 2 000 Gold from trade with Masyaf
●Temporary Income: 1 000 Gold
●New Upkeep: 1 000 Gold
-○Army 1 000 Gold
●Actual Income: 10 000 Gold
●Total Turn Expenditure: 5 000 Gold
●End of Turn Treasury: 11 000 Gold

New Stability
Leaders: -15 +10 +5 +7 = 7

Soldiers: 0 +5 +5 +7 = 17

People: 3 +10 +7 +5 = 25

Because the Leaders' Stability is above 0 their King of Nothing and Sultan of Nowhere now uses a 1d6.

The King of England
Ser Richard Lionheart

Martial: 25 - (Not only one of the Third Crusades great leaders but also someone that once wished to become a true knight.)

Diplomacy: 18 - (As a king he is very used to proper etiquette fitting a noble. On top of that he has also managed to gain the respect and love from the masses)

Stewardship: 6 - (While he did manage to collect the money for the crusade, there is a reason he mostly let his brother handle the finances.)

Intrigue: 12 - (While he is used to the intrigue of the courts he is not that used to sneak around in person.)

Learning: 12 - (While he isn't exactly a man of science he did get a proper education as a king.)

Occult: 10 - (Richard has always held a certain fascination for the stories of old and the tales the bards used to sing. Something that came to be useful in the mad world.)


"Crusader King" - Richard Lionheart was one of the leaders of the Third Crusade and as such he is well versed in the art of warfare. +20 To all rolls involving an army so long as Lionheart leads it.

"Chivalry of the Knights" - The stories about brave knights have always struck a chord inside RIchard, and therefore he tries to emulate them. +5 to Diplomacy when interacting with commoners and +10 to Martial rolls involving fighting with swords, shields or lances. Can also use these weapons, with the same bonus, when he fights in heavy armor or on a horse

"Game of the Court" - As a king he used to the deceptive nature of the court and its nobles. +10 to Intrigue and Diplomacy when interacting with those considered to be nobles or belonging to high society. Will not activate if he considers the people he interacts with as family though.

"Tales of Knight and the Fey" - Richard has always liked the stories the bard used to sing. As such he is well versed in the old fairy tales. +10 to Learning and Occult when studying or investigating anything relating to the Fey (including those relating to the Arthurian Mythos).

"King of Nothing" - Every turn Richard needs to roll a 1d6. On a 1 he needs to focus this turn on actions that could lead him to find people he knows or retaking England. Any actions he partakes in that doesn't involve any of these topics gain a -20 to the roll.

Al-Malik an-Nasir
Al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub

Martial: 20 -(By a sword in his hand, this man added new land to his territory and quenched rebellions.)

Stewardship: 20 - (Through pen in his hand, he was a great sultan that founded his own dynasty.)

Diplomacy: 18 - (Famous for his generosity while achieving great recognition as a chivalrous knight, Saladin was greatly respected by the Christian lords.)

Intrigue: 15 - (Facing plots, intrigues and assassination attempts under his rule he is welll accumed to notice that which hides amongs the shadows.)

Learning: 13 -( well learned man for his time, that has a deep knowledge of the Quran and the science of religion.)

Occult: 10 -(A faithful man that became the first Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, he knows quite a bit about old tales and stories from his kingdom.)


"Great Sultan'' - By sword and pen he managed to become the first Sultan of Egypt and was also the first ruler that was hailed as the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. Saladin gains +15 to rolls involving admistration, knowledge or leadership of those who live under Islam. Also gains +15 to knowledge rolls in lands that he traditionally controlled.

"The Eagle of Egypt" - Saladin was renowned for his conquests in Egypt, North Africa, and the Holy Land, and battled the Lionheart and the other members of the Third Crusade to a standstill after his conquest of Jerusalem. He gains +15 to his Martial score when leading an army, +20 if the opposition consists of Crusaders or other Christian armies.

"Chivalry" - Well known and respected amongst the Christian world for his honor and character, but even a kind man holds grudge against those that displease him. Towards those who have earned his respect he gains +10 Diplomacy, but towards those who have his enmity he instead loses -10 Diplomacy.

"Sleeping with an Open Eye" - Many were there that wanted him dead. But in the end not a single of the assassination attempts +15 against surprising attacks and assassiniation attempts

"Sultan of Nowhere" - Every turn Saladin needs to roll a 1d6. On a 1 he needs to focus this turn on actions that could lead him to find people he knows or retaking Egypt. Any actions he partakes in that doesn't involve any of these topics gain a -20 to the roll.

Old Man of the Mountain
Rashid ad-Din Sinan

Martial: 15 - (While he is well accumed to battle and being a commander, he very much prefer to command defensive wars or commits subterfuge operations)

Diplomacy: 18 - (A cunning man that entered negotiations with both local rulers, Crusaders and Saladin himself)

Stewardship: 17 - (Knows well the logistics of his order and what his lands needed)

Intrigue: 30 - (Was the grandmaster and leader of the Syrian branch of the Order of Assassins)

Learning: 17 - (Well read in scripture, science, philosophy and astronomy)

Occult: 14 - (His reading and experience has made him quite knowledgeable of the mysterious in this world)


"Like a Shadow" - Before he became grandmaster of the Order of Assassin's he was a fully credited Assassin himself. And age hasn't made him worse. Gains +10 Diplomacy when trying to stay Icognite. +20 to Intrigue when he personally tries to stay hidden, infiltrate a place, steal something, scout a place, assassinate someone or doing something else that can be considered to be sneaky. Can also use his Intrigue in place of his Martial when scouting.

"Leader of the Mountain" - As the infamous Old Man of the Mountain, the grandmaster of the Order of Assassin he gains +20 to all rolls involving the operative capabilities of the Order of Assassin. +10 to rolls involving any other spy network. This bonus will not vanish if he uses his personal action on something else for a turn. Will prioritize actions to fully reestablish the order of Assassins before any other kind of actions.

"Ancillary: Hidden Blade'' - A nice little tool that belonged to his predecessor. Grants +10 to Martial or Intrigue when he tries to execute any surprise attacks or assasination attempts. May add half is Intrigue to his martial art when fighting.

"Amatuer Alchemist '' - Knows a bit about alchemical souloution and lore of herbs. His knowledge mostly consists of the study and creation of different poisons. +10 to Occult and Learning involving herbs, alchemical solutions or poison.
Link to Turn 1
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Very well done Baron! 16 XP total for both omakes!

Mangawriter, take 8 XP for an incredibly rousing entry!
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood (Nega-Quest))
Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly, What a Mess (Sherwood Nega-Quest)
Interlude: The Second Battle of Birmingham
First Wave!
Horned King Attack!
Roll: 1d100+50; 73 ⇒ 123
Coalition Defense!
Roll: 1d100+25+15+10+10; 79 ⇒ 139
Coalition Victory!

Second Wave!
Horned King Attack!
Roll: 1d100+50; 37 ⇒ 87
Coalition Defense!
Roll: 1d100+25+15+10+10; 37 ⇒ 97
Coalition Bare Victory!

Horned King's Next Move?
Roll: 1d6 (1=Third Wave; 2-4=Retreat personally and leave forces behind; 5-6=Full Retreat); 6
Full Retreat

Roll: 1d100+25+15 (Substitutiary Locomotion)+10+10 (Element of Surprise); 67 ⇒ 127
Horned King Contest: 1d100+50; 1 (⇒ 51)
Horned King Critical Failure

The Second Battle of Birmingham was a controversial battle, one that decided the course of the history of post-Upheaval England. A battle of monsters and legends alike, with magic and fire flying everywhere. In such an environment, it was very hard for the truth to be obvious. Every time the story of the battle was told, fifteen new tales and stories about the fight would spring up. Some claimed that the Horned King had decimated the armies of the North, but was wounded by an enchanted arrow fired by Maid Marian. Others said the ghosts of all the slain knights rose up and sucked the magic from the Horned King's hordes, forcing him to retreat. Still others swore that an angel swooped down from the sky and smote the Horned King where he stood, causing his armies to turn back into lifeless corpses. The leaders of the North were dead and the Horned King wounded. No, the leaders were unscathed and the Horned King had been destroyed. No, Christ himself had descended and forced the Horned King to surrender and convert, and was now a peaceful man serving the Lord.

So many stories were told and so many versions of the truth were spread. But one thing, one fact, remained constant throughout.

The Horned King and the Coalition of the Lionheart had clashed at Birmingham. And the Horned King had lost.

In fact, things had gone wrong pretty much immediately. The problem was that it took a long time for that to be made obvious. His hordes had charged at the walls of the defenses, taking heavy fire from flaming arrows and catapult shots as they came. Still, this did not deter the legions of the Cauldronborn, who simply stepped around their fallen comrades and swarmed the walls and trenches. The defenders fired more arrows, dumped burning pitch onto them, dipped their swords in holy water or burning tar before using them, anything to keep the hordes at bay. Fires across the battlefield roared into the air as Cauldronborn and man alike died painfully. The leaders themselves were tempests on the battlefield, the Horned King crushing opposition as he went, and Robin Hood striking down all who crossed his path, whether by bow or sword mattered not.

But, no matter where either was, the battle lines failed to shift. If anything, the Horned King was slowly losing ground due to the press of the Coalition's forces and the spreading fires of spent Coalition ammunition.

In response, the Horned King called his reserves to smash into the defenses and try to drive them out. A new swarm of undead warriors blanketed the battlefield and rushed the front lines. For every Cauldronborn that went up in flames, three more stepped over it. The ferocity of the hordes increased, slashing and smashing and biting like animals.

The Coalition responded with equal fervor. Knights threw themselves at the enemy, not letting them by until the last of their strength left them. Fires roared higher as burning shots and flaming oil and pitch were thrown into the battle in increasing amounts. The heat became almost unbearable, yet still the humans pushed on.

And yet, despite their efforts, no side made any gains.

The Horned King, however, was losing. In terms of losses, his side's casualties were stacking at a faster rate than his enemy's. That was because while his forces had to kill the enemy one at a time, the Coalition could leave hazards in the form of large fires that wiped out scores of Cauldronborn with one attack. Already, several fires were too large and hot to put out without using magic. However, going to do so would remove him from the front lines, and he was the only thing keeping his vanguard from being routed. So, he was stuck in a lose-lose situation.

Although it galled at him, the only option he had left, if he wanted to keep some semblance of his power and army intact, was a full retreat.

However, before he could give the signal, trumpets sounded on his left flank. Looking to the west, he saw a large horde of armored figures, all in a variety of colors and styles, marching up to the top of the hill. They were accompanied by floating trumpets, flags, and drums, the latter two playing a marching anthem. Also with them was a regiment of regular men carrying odd sticks and all dressed in brown uniforms. They all took a position on the top of the hill. The Horned King narrowed his eyes at the newcomers. The brown-uniformed men didn't seem all that threatening, but the armored figures gave him pause. Something was… off about them. Something that he couldn't explain, yet was at the very tip of his tongue.

Suddenly, he became aware of another presence. He looked to the sky in time to see a woman in a… very odd dress and a helmet similar to the uniformed men, while wielding a sword in her right hand, flying through the sky on a broomstick of all things, with an odd flag sticking out the back of it.

'A witch?' The Horned King shook his head. No, impossible. The coven knew better than to tangle with him now that he had the Cauldron. They wouldn't dare challenge him now, no matter the defeats he had suffered. So who was this woman and what was she doing here?

"Sound the advance!" cried the witch. With that, the trumpets blared a call and the figures began to march forward rapidly. The uniformed men, however, stayed on the hill and raised their sticks to point at the Horned King's army.

The Scourge of Prydain felt like scoffing. 'What do they think those sticks will do against my armies-?'

Cracks like thunder filled the air as the sticks bellowed smoke. All around him, Cauldronborn suddenly fell, their bones shattering and armor useless against a hail of metal that pierced through them like arrows. In a second, almost a score of the undead armies had been destroyed. And the worst part was, the number kept climbing as more cracks filled the air.

The Horned King felt like he had been stricken. How did mere mortals harness such power?! Was this another spell of the witch? How could he counter magic like this? He had never even known such magic existed!

Then, the armored figures began to chant their march… and it was one the Horned King knew all too well. He looked to see if what he heard could even be possible, and found, to his growing fear, that it was true.

The armored figures were just that: figures.

"Treguna~ Mekoides~ Tracorum Satis Dee~."
"Treguna~ Mekoides~ Tracorum Satis Dee~."
"Treguna~ Mekoides~ Tracorum Satis Dee~."
"Treguna~ Mekoides~ Tracorum Satis Dee~."

The armor itself was empty.

Substitutiary Locomotion: a spell developed by the great wizard, Astaroth. That could only mean that the witch had studied the same magic he had practiced. That was problematic, as the Horned King had only come across the magic once in his studies, and not only had he only paid attention to that particular spell, but he had only studied the premise of it in order to perfect his own dark ritual with the Black Cauldron. Because of this, he was ignorant to the finer details of the magic itself and the inner details of the spell, and thus had no counter to it.

Not only that, but it was proving superior to the Cauldronborn. While their dark energies were transferred into their attacks, causing the armor to sputter and eventually fall apart, it still took a while to do so. The armor, on the other hand, only needed one good strike to fell a member of his own legions. Now, his armies were falling at a much more rapid rate, what with the barrage from two sides and a foe that was immune to both cutting through his forces.

The Horned King snarled as he cast hexes at both the witch and the infuriating fox that had started this whole mess. Both were dodged. "WITCH! FOX! Know this! You have incurred the wrath of the Horned King! I will remember this day! You may have prevailed for now, but I will return, stronger than ever! And when I do, pray for salvation and comfort in whatever afterlife you believe in, BECAUSE I WILL ENSURE YOUR DEPARTURE FROM THIS ONE WILL BE AS TORTUROUS AND SOUL-DESTROYING AS POSSIBLE!!!"

Neither responded. They simply stood firm, giving him determined looks in acceptance of his challenge. The message was clear: they would wait. And they would be ready.

Snarling and cursing, the Horned King led what was left of his armies back to the south, metal and flames chasing him the whole way, utter defeat weighing heavily on his shoulders.


Robin and his friends approached the witch who had touched down in front of the Coalition line. Upon seeing her, he was taken aback by how… normal she looked. Compared to the humans that had joined his forces, she would only seem out of place due to her odd clothing. When Robin thought of witches, he thought of hideous crones with green skin and a penchant for chaos and misery. This woman, however, had come to their side to help and was about the furthest one could be from a crone at her age.

Her companions were somewhat strange as well. On her left were four children, two girls and two boys, each looking around with varying degrees of excitement and wonder, three of which were dressed as strangely as she was. On her right were two men, one dressed in a uniform similar to the other men in her company and decorated with bits of differently colored cloth and golden metal, with the other wearing what seemed to be some kind of charlatan outfit with an odd hat.

"Good morning, my good sir," the woman greeted, extending a hand. "I take it you're the infamous 'Robin Hood'?"

Deciding to give the witch the benefit of the doubt for now, Robin took the hand and shook it. "You would assume correctly, my good lady," he affirmed before gesturing to his party. "These are my trusted companions; my most trusted friend, Little John, my wife, Marian, her lady-in-waiting, Lady Kluck, and the local clergyman, Friar Tuck."

"Blimey, Carrie! It's actually him! It's actually Robin Hood!" the smallest child, a boy, cried out excitedly, tugging on the sleeve of the younger girl.

"Yes, I see, Paul," said the aforementioned Carrie, staring at the entourage with no small amount of awe.

The witch chuckled. "If you would forgive the children, please. We come from a time where stories of Robin Hood are a common presence in the raising of a child." she said, to which she received affirmations from Robin and his party. "I am Ms. Eglantine Price, an apprentice witch knowledgeable in the usage of the magic of Astaroth. And no, I am not a wicked witch and I have no plans or means of cursing anyone."

Everyone there could tell the statement was genuine. It caused the Coalition representatives no small amount of relief.

Ms. Price then turned to her companions. "On my left are the children that have been left in my charge, Carrie, Charles, and Paul Rawlings, as well as my student, Eilonwy." The children all waved as they were mentioned. Paul, the boy who had spoken up before, was looking all around him in undisguised awe. Carrie was doing the same, but it was much more subdued and shy than her brother's. Charles, who hadn't talked at all, was looking around him with a sort of scrutinizing look, but he was still very impressed by what he was seeing. Eilonwy, the only one of the children dressed somewhat normally, was looking at her surroundings and new companions in a look that was more curious than awe-struck. The only thing that betrayed her enthusiasm was a light that buzzed around her wildly, almost like a fairy.

Ms. Price then turned to the other two adults in her group. "And on my right are two of my trusted colleagues. The man in the cloak is Professor Emelius Browne…"

The professor extended his hand to the former outlaw, which he shook. "How do you do?" he said with a friendly tone, one that held an undercurrent of great excitement.

"And the man in the uniform is Major General Sir Brian Teagler, commanding officer of the Home Guard, who you saw earlier," Ms. Price finished.

"A great pleasure, I must say," the officer stated, also shaking the outlaw's hand. Although he tried to seem firm, Robin could tell the man was tired and a bit shaken. He looked like he had gone through a lot and seen much that had changed his perspective on many things. Which, honestly, was something Robin could relate to, especially in recent days. He gave the man a sympathetic nod, which seemed to be appreciated by the elderly general.

"I beg your pardon, er, General, but did she say Sir? As in, the title of knighthood?" Marian asked.

This seemed to help the man perk up more as he stood tall and proud. "Indeed, my lady," he confirmed. "I was awarded the title by Her Majesty due to my exemplary military service during the Great War."

The Sherwood group was astounded by the man's claims. They had heard about this "Great War" from a few of the humans they had recruited, as well as its other title: the War to End All Wars. The fact that this man had fought in it and not only survived, but thrived enough to be made a knight, was very impressive.

"Myself and the General would like to extend an application to join the Coalition," Ms. Price stated. "The Horned King is a grave threat to all of England. If we are to fight it, we must stand together."

Robin looked at her in shock… and then laughed. "Well, then, I'd have to be a bloody idiot to say no to an offer like that, especially after such a display!" he proclaimed. His friends all nodded along and agreed with him. He then took Ms. Price's hand and shook it firmly. "Welcome to the fight. We're lucky to have you."

Ms. Price simply smiled. "Given that you've already beaten the Horned King before and were successfully doing so even before I arrived, I believe it is we who are lucky to have you."


Second Battle of Birmingham concluded!
Horned King defeated! Trait gained!
"If You Can Make God Bleed…": Due to his humiliating defeats at the hands of Robin Hood and his difficulty with conquering Southern England, the Horned King's reputation has taken a massive hit! While in the British Isles, the Horned King takes a -10 to all actions involved with using his reputation as an intimidation tactic.
Weakness discovered: Magic of Astaroth! Due to him skimming over the magics of other wizards to draw inspiration for his own spells, and no in-depth studies into even the spells that he used as improvements to his own magic, the Horned King is as susceptible to magic as anyone else (excluding necromancy). When in combat with another practitioner of magic that is not necromancy, he gains no bonuses against them and takes any maluses that apply to him like any other person. He can study the magic in question to find weaknesses, but he must find out what it is first. Both take a personal action.
The Horned King's forces are depleted! He must reconsolidate his forces if he wishes to try taking the North again. Some may take advantage of this new weakness…
Professor Emelius Browne's College of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the Pepperinge Eye Home Guard have joined the Coalition!
Robin Hood and Little John have gained a trait!
"Zombie Slayer": Due to lots of experience fighting undead creatures, any time Robin/Little John are in combat with fighting said creatures, they gain a +10!
"Diamond in the Rough" activates! Robin's Martial increases by +1!

All Updated Character Sheets in ODLODLGWAM:

Martial: 22 (Robin's quite the skilled combatant with a number of weapons.)

Stewardship: 10 (Robin helps clean up around camp and can keep his quiver organized. Other than that? No organizational experience whatsoever.)

Diplomacy: 18 (Robin is a charismatic figure and an inspiration to many, and for good reason.)

Intrigue: 17 (One does not elude Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham for so long without learning a few things about hiding. Plus, Robin's disguises are second to none.)

Learning: 10 (Robin is literate and knows a few sciences, but he's not all that knowledgeable.)

Occult: 4 (Robin's used superstitious rumors to his advantage before, but he's never put much stock in them... until recently, that is.)

"Bow Flex": While Robin is certainly a gifted warrior, he is most comfortable using a bow. +15 to all rolls when Robin is shooting an arrow from a bow in some way.

"Jack of All Swords": That said, he can also use other weapons should the situation calls for it. +10 to all rolls involving swordplay, and any maluses for using unfamiliar weapons decrease in magnitude by 5.

"Master of Disguise": Robin is a proficient maker of convincing disguises. +10 to Intrigue while wearing a disguise and +10 to any efforts that require infiltration. (Does not stack with John's trait)

"Borrower from Those that can Afford It": Robin has been robbing from the rich to give to the poor for years. It's given him several tricks. He has a +15 when it comes to planning heists and a +20 to Intrigue when stealing valuables. Also, when disengaging from a confrontation, he can add half his Martial score to his Intrigue score to sneak away.

"Lifelong Partners": Robin Hood and Little John are two very close friends, and they do almost everything together. When performing an action together, they gain a +10 due to them being in sync.

"Keep Hope Alive": Robin's first priority is to the people of Nottingham. Attempting to get him to do something that puts them at risk will require a DC 65 Diplomacy check. Upon a failure, he will refuse to do the action and take a -5 to rolls with the proposer for the next turn.

"Star-Crossed": Robin is head over heels for Maid Marian, a fact that has been exploited before. Whenever she is helping him, Robin gains a +10 to all actions. However, if she is simply part of the situation as a bystander, Robin takes a -15 to Intrigue due to being distracted.

"God and King Richard!": Robin is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or Robin will find them hostile. Even then, he will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks Robin to do something, the motivation gives him a +5 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.

"Leader of the Coalition": Robin is Commander-in-Chief of the Coalition of the Lion's Heart, composed of normal townsfolk, his Merry Men, soldiers, knights, and even a couple of magical beings! When taking Martial, Stewardship, or Intrigue actions, he gains a +15 due to having a literal army helping him out, and takes a +5 to all other actions due to having advisors and experts lending him advice. They also have a +10 bonus against any invasions and a +20 when repelling the undead due to experience.

"Zombie Slayer": Due to lots of experience fighting undead creatures, any time Robin is in combat with said creatures, he gains a +10!

"Diamond in the Rough": There's more to Robin than meets the eye...

Nemesis: Prince John
Robin and John have been fighting back and forth for all of the "king's" stay in Nottingham. The fact that John abandoned everyone is both a huge relief and the last straw. If Robin is ever given the chance, he will make John pay for everything he's done.

Martial: 24 (Little John, despite his name, is quite big and strong. This is good for fighting, and it's helped by the fact that he can do it well.)

Stewardship: 11 (John's a little better than Robin, but neither of them will be running businesses any time soon.)

Diplomacy: 16 (While not as charismatic as his partner, John has his own unique charm and is quite approachable.)

Intrigue: 15 (One does not elude Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham for so long without learning a few things about hiding. Plus, John's disguises are second to none.)

Learning: 7 (John is literate and can count. That's it.)

Occult: 5 (John's a bit more familiar with some backstage hocus pocus, but he never put serious stock in real magic until recently.)

"Master of Disguise": Little John is a proficient maker of convincing disguises. +10 to Intrigue while wearing a disguise and +10 to any efforts that require infiltration. (Does not stack with Robin's trait)

"Borrower from Those that can Afford It": Little John has been robbing from the rich to give to the poor for years. It's given him several tricks. He has a +15 when it comes to planning heists and a +20 to Intrigue when stealing valuables. Also, when disengaging from a confrontation, he can add half his Martial score to his Intrigue score to sneak away.

"Lifelong Partners": Robin Hood and Little John are two very close friends, and they do almost everything together. When performing an action together, they gain a +10 due to them being in sync.

"Voice of Reason": John has always had Robin's back, a useful thing to do for someone who has a bit of a habit for getting ideas too big for one person. And even if it proves too much for the both of them, John's always there to pull Robin out of trouble. If he is with Robin, John lowers the DC of any Martial, Diplomacy, or Intrigue action by 10 thanks to his careful planning. Also, if Robin fails an Intrigue or Martial check, John can roll and add half of his total (roll plus modifiers) to Robin's, so long as he is nearby.

"God and King Richard!": Little John is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or John will find them hostile. Even then, he will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks John to do something, the motivation gives him a +5 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.

"Zombie Slayer": Due to lots of experience fighting undead creatures, any time Little John is in combat with said creatures, he gains a +10!

Martial: 6: (Marian is a Lady, not a fighter. However, her experience in several of Robin's scraps, and recent events, has given her a bit of fighting spirit.)

Stewardship: 18 (Being a noblewoman has taught Marian a thing or two about running things. She was brought up to be a possible ruler, and it shows.)

Diplomacy: 23 (Where Robin has a roguish charm, Marian is genuinely sweet and caring. That tends to get her more favors than her lover, but she digresses.)

Intrigue: 7 (Marian never had much reason to sneak around, but being around Robin Hood does teach one some things.)

Learning: 13 (Marian was given an education befitting her station. Still, given the fact that this was a woman's twelfth-century education, that's not saying much.)

Occult: 6 (Marian enjoyed reading about stories of magic when she was younger. Though she's mostly grown out of it, the Upheaval has given her more reason to get back into it.)

"Star-Crossed": Marian is head-over-heels of Robin Hood, a fact that has been exploited before. When someone tries to lure her and Robin into a situation to put him at a disadvantage, she must make an Intrigue check to not be deceived with a -10 modifier. However, she gains a +30 modifier to Diplomacy contests when told to do something that would deliberately harm Robin, and a +15 to any actions designed to help him.

"Constant Encouragement": Marian has often been a voice of positivity and encouragement. She can devote her time trying to raise people's spirits or provide basic support (water runs, medical care, etc.), giving a +10 to the actions of Robin's band.

"Heir Apparent": Given the fact that John has abandoned the country, Marian is Richard's only heir. Should something happen to Richard, she would inherit the throne of England.

"God and King Richard!": Marian is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or Marian will find them hostile. Even then, she will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks Marian to do something, the motivation gives her a +10 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.

"Pregnant": Marian is pregnant with Robin's child. As her pregnancy develops, she takes a greater malus to her actions, increasing by increments of two.

Martial: 16 (Kluck may be a lady-in-waiting, but she's no slouch. Just ask all those football players guards she beat up at the Tournament of the Golden Arrow.

Stewardship: 15 (Being the Lady-in-Waiting to a noblewoman has let Kluck in on a few tricks of the trade. She also has a bit of experience organizing things herself.)

Diplomacy: 17 (Kluck is very easy to get along with, and has a very life-of-the-party attitude when excited.)

Intrigue: 4 (Kluck is a very loud and visible person, especially when fired up. Sneaking is not something she does easily.)

Learning: 9 (Despite being a lady-in-waiting, Kluck never had much in the realms of formal education. She was only taught what was necessary for her to be a reliable partner for Marian.)

Occult: 4 (Kluck never took much stock in old wive's tales. Recent events and fights have shifted her perspective.)

"Lady-in-Waiting Awaiting": Kluck is, first and foremost, Marian's Lady-in-Waiting. When working together, she gives a +10 to all rolls Marian makes. In combat, Kluck can take over for Marian, replacing her Martial score with her own.

"Excited Hen": Kluck is very energetic. In a party environment, she gains a +10 to all rolls. When excited, she gains a +5 to Martial, but takes a -5 to Intrigue.

"On, Wisconsin!": Kluck would be very good at… a certain sport. +15 to Martial when fighting a mob.

"Wise Words": Kluck has had a lot of experience reassuring Marian about her relationship and multiple other things. +5 to Diplomacy when it comes to giving advice.

"God and King Richard!": Kluck is very loyal to King Richard. Any person who tries to claim the throne of England must make a Diplomacy check of 90, or she will find them hostile. Even then, she will not take the claim seriously. Also, if the King asks Kluck to do something, the motivation gives her a +5 bonus to all rolls concerning that task.

Martial: 5 (While Ms. Price is certainly crafty, she is by no means a fighter.)

Stewardship: 12 (While Ms. Price was able to efficiently organize her laboratory, she hasn't operated anything larger than that.)

Diplomacy: 11 (Ms. Price is certainly polite, but her go-to method of getting people to do what she wants most often involves turning them into rabbits.)

Intrigue: 10 (Despite Ms. Price and her magic not exactly being inconspicuous, she was able to conceal the fact that she was an apprentice witch from the town for a long while.)

Learning: 18 (While by no means a scholar, Ms. Price is a very dedicated and creative student.)

Occult: 25 (Ms. Price is an apprentice witch, so most of her spells don't last all that long. That said, the last person to cast substitutiary locomotion on a scale that could raise an army was Astaroth himself.)

"Apprentice Witch": Despite Ms. Price's enormous magical potential, she still is a novice when it comes to magic usage. Whenever she makes an Occult roll, roll a d4. On a 1, Ms. Price takes a -10 to the roll.

"Dedicated Student": Ms. Price is a very creative and determined student. She gains a +5 to all rolls involved with learning new magic and, upon a bare failure, she may turn it into a bare success due to finding a new method of doing things.

"Substitutiary Locomotion": Ms. Price is proficient in the use of the lost art of substitutiary locomotion, a magic invented by the wizard, Astaroth. Using it, she can raise an army of inanimate objects, including armor and clothing. When in battle using this spell, she can substitute her Martial score for her Occult score. When fighting in a battle with a united front, she adds a +15 to the prowess roll.

Ancillary - "Cosmic Creepers": Cosmic Creepers is Ms. Price's black cat. Although he doesn't do much, he can provide help in odd circumstances. When Ms. Price does an action, roll a d6. When the roll is a 5 or 6, the action gains a +5 bonus due to Cosmic Creepers helping out in an unexpected way.

Ancillary - "Broomstick": Ms. Price is the proud owner of a working magic broomstick. While riding it, she gains a +5 to Martial and Intrigue rolls.

Martial: 9 (Mr. Browne has been in a few scuffles and scrapes, but is by no means a trained fighter.)

Stewardship: 21 (Mr. Browne has managed an entire correspondence school, as well as his own minor business during a large part of WWII. If that doesn't speak of his management skills, nothing does.)

Diplomacy: 15 (Mr. Browne is definitely a charismatic figure and has a talent for showmanship. However, his tendency to overestimate his abilities tends to shoot him in the foot.)

Intrigue: 12 (Mr. Browne is a conman, and a semi-successful one at that. Suffice to say, he knows a thing or two about shady dealings.)

Learning: 11 (Mr. Browne is a professor in name only; other than that, he only has the basic education of a lower middle-class Englishman.)

Occult: 9 (Despite him running a correspondence school for witchcraft and wizardry, he mostly did that by copying Astaroth's work, the whole time unbelieving the spells actually worked. However, he has started to dip his toe into the magical side of things.)

"Come, One, All, Ladies and Gentlemen!": Mr. Browne is an entertainer and a showman. When making Occult or Intrigue checks, he gets to add half his Diplomacy score if he's doing it in a way that involves acting or distracting his target. That said, he is not a very good stage magician. When making Occult checks, roll a d6. If the roll is below a three, the bonus does not apply.

"One Jump Ahead": Mr. Browne has a long history of running from dissatisfied customers and other angry people and plenty of experience extracting himself from messy situations. If Mr. Browne is engaged in a Martial action personally and it goes badly, he can apply half of his Intrigue score as his insights spot ways to take advantage of enemy actions or holes in defenses in order to extract himself and his allies from the situation. He can also do the same if he is engaged in a Diplomacy action personally and it goes badly in an attempt to talk his way out.

"Creative Thinker": While Mr. Browne is no true magician, he does have a very creative approach to problems. If he or someone he is working with fails an Occult action, he may try again with half of his Learning score applied.

Martial: 4 (The Rawlins children are children. Despite their ability to kick up a massive fuss, they aren't that useful in a fight.)

Stewardship: 3 (The Rawlins Children haven't even been given a pet yet.)

Diplomacy: 10 (Children are adorable, which helps them get what they want, a fact the Rawlins know well. Charlie also knows some things about making a profitable bargain.)

Intrigue: 8 (The Rawlins certainly aren't ninja, but they do know the basics of stealth and sneaking around.)

Learning: 5 (The Rawlins haven't even gotten into secondary school yet.)

Occult: 6/10 (The Rawlins are prepared to believe a lot of things, due to children being more open to wild ideas than adults. Plus, Paul recent got his hands on a magic bedknob.)

"Age of Not Believing": Charlie has reached the "Age of Not Believing", the age where most children give up on their "childish" dreams in favor of more "mature" ideas. Although he has been getting better about his disbelief, he's still very much a cynic when it comes to magic. Whenever the children take an Occult action, roll a d4. If the roll is below a three, the action takes a -5 malus due to Charlie's skepticism.

"Many Hands Make Light Work": The Children are eager to help out however they can. When it comes time for actions, the Children can be assigned to another hero unit and have their stats added to the roll.

Ancillary - "Magic Bedknob": Paul has a bedknob that has been enchanted with Astaroth's travelling spell. Since it was a gift to him by Ms. Price, he is the only one who can use it. When involved in actions that use the bed, the Children's Occult is increased to 10. The bed can cover great distances in very short time and so long as the frame is intact, it is usable. Plus, the only crucial component is the knob; the bed itself can be repaired by any good craftsman.

Martial: 7 (Eilonwey is not a fighter, though she is very nimble and quite the runner.)

Stewardship: 11 (Eilonwey was being trained to run a kingdom eventually, though said training was never finished.)

Diplomacy: 10 (Eilonwey can certainly hold civil conversation and be sympathetic, but she is a bit of a brat.)

Intrigue: 13 (Eilonwey was able to escape the dungeon of the Horned King and stage a jailbreak. Suffice to say, she knows a thing or two about sneaking around.)

Learning: 14 (Eilonwey recieved a royal education, even if it was never finished.)

Occult: 15 (Eilonwey is born with a special magical gift and has seen a lot.)

"Loyal Apprentice": Ms. Price helped save her from the Cauldronborn, and even offered to teach her more magic. Suffice to say, Eilonwey is incredibly loyal to Ms. Price and will prioritize her orders over anyone else's.

"Missing Companions": Eilonwey is looking for two of her friends...

"Former Princess of Llyr": Eilonwey was the princess of a minor kingdom before she was kidnapped by the Horned King. She gains a +5 to Diplomacy when dealing with other royals and a +15 when dealing with a citizen of Llyr.

Ancillary - "Bauble": Eilonwey posses the ability to summon a small ball of magical light she calls her "bauble". It serves as a useful distraction in battle and can light up dark areas.

Martial: 16 (Sir Teagler is a trained soldier in Her Majesty's military and age has done little to slow him down.)

Stewardship: 13 (Sir Teagler knows how to run and organize a military unit, but doesn't have much in the way of administrative skills outside of that.

Diplomacy: 14 (Sir Teagler is no trained diplomat, but he knows everything there is to know about proper military etiquette.)

Intrigue: 8 (Sir Teagler was trained in the art of traditional warfare, which was mostly face-to-face confrontations. Although WWI taught him a few things about sneak attacks, stealthy he is not.)

Learning: 12 (Sir Teagler received a typical education for a middle-class Englishman.)

Occult: 4 (Sir Teagler is a very rational man and doesn't believe in children's stories. However, recent events have forced him to change his mind.)

"Seasoned Veteran": Sir Teagler has seen much over his career as a soldier in Her Majesty's military. As such, very little in the means of conventional warfare can surprise him, especially trench warfare. And with recent events, some unconventional warfare as well. Anyone who tries to use conventional military tactics against Sir Teagler suffers a -5 malus and Sir Teagler gains a +10 when fighting against massive waves and when fighting in trenches (if both are true, they stack).

"Marksman": While by no means a sniper, Sir Teagler is still quite the good shot. He gains +10 to fighting rolls when using a gun.

"Anti-Axis": Due to both World Wars, Sir Teagler has gained a large distrust towards Germans. -10 malus to any interactions with German peoples until they can prove they're trustworthy.

Ancillary - "Pepperinge Eye Home Guard": Sir Teagler is the commanding officer of the Home Guard in Pepperinge Eye. This unit provides a +15 to any Martial actions and a +10 to any Stewardship actions that involve construction or other tasks that require a group of laborers. When in battle, they provide a +15 to any attack or defense, +20 if the opposing force is not armed with gunpowder weaponry.
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Aw yiss, Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Also love the Horned King getting his butt kicked so hard that he now gets a malus to intimidate people via his reputation.
Awesome work Manga! 10 XP for the battle itself, as well as for the character sheets!

Also, I have good news! I've found a new job! I'm finishing up my last day of training tomorrow before I start in earnest. It's also a work-from-home job, so I'll be saving a ton of cash on gas right now! On top of that, got my taxes done and getting a refund! Woo money!