[x][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808

Honestly, that went fairly well. We got into just enough of a war to bring the need for military reform to people's attention, got rid of the more useless generals, and managed to avoid losing anything too important.

If there's anything I learned from studying the Punic Wars, it's that just being able to consistently avoid major fuckups pays off in the long run.
[X][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808

Reforming our military at the same time as writing our constitution is pretty ballsy, but I'm in.
So strategic overview:

Standardized Rifling (19/30) [Military]
Mass Battery Tactics (3/20) [Military]
Levee En Mass (3/20-30?) [Military]
Early Industrial Doctrine (3/25-35?) [Military]
We picked up a bunch of lessons in modern warfare at a BARGAIN.
+1 point in each of them, we can immediately start off on the Early Industrial Doctrine once we have Standard Rifles, which shouldn't take much longer.

So when Standard Rifles complete we can invest into Industiral Doctrine and press the Military Reform button to accelerate research.

While there was a lot of blame going around, if there was one thing Poetyr was glad of it was that he had chosen not to find a place to stand and fight like so many of his people had demanded he do. Despite the best efforts of the Qeshyks to slow down and distract the enemy, vyn Hohozyn had been able to move multiple columns along the plains all at once, moving from village to village for forage while pouncing upon disorganized groups of the army trying to link back up. Only by continually falling back had they been able to salvage as much of the northern forces as they had, the Tortun and Wyrmyn choosing to turn around and consolidate gains further west. By the time that the army was back in shape to attempt another go, the Tortun had already dispatched an offer for a peace conference among the belligerents.
And as predicted, the Tortun sued for peace because their economy was on fire, and they failed to do enough damage to keep momentum.

The Second Coalition ended on a draw, but an embarassing one for the Monarchist powers. We got what we(meta) wanted: constitutional monarchy and a wakeup call on modern combat without actually getting murdered.

I'd note that they weren't even THAT far ahead. Based on the narrative they simply had a better organizational structure and could fight on every front at once with equal focus, while our structure was centralized around the CinC, which meant that only ONE front(or worse, PART of one front) had any initiative and direction, while further away they could only be assigned broad thrusts.

Which of course brought up the Vortuga, who had been forced to declare their largest, most populous, and most productive colony to be in a state of revolt from the crown. The Redwood Dominion had decided that they were not going to white peace out with the Hespranxer colonies, and were in fact having too much fun killing everything in their path. Whether they went independent or eventually decided to return to Vortuga rule was essentially up to them at this point due to a notable inability for the Vortuga to actually project enough power across the sea without the Redwoods themselves offering support.
Meanwhile, good news for us is that all the colonial powers are in shambles. As had already been observed, colonies could be claimed but NOT held.

Constitution wise, our relevant stats for factional pressures:
-Industrial cap is at 1/3.

This will produce pressure from the guilds to give them power for the promise of fixing things, and produce pressure from everyone else blaming the guilds for producing too little.

-Consciousness is 5 and SoL is 4. Happiness is 5.

This mostly means that people would have SOME demands, but in general they are okay with their quality of life and do not particularly hate the monarchy or nobility.
We have leeway to establish compromises, but also means that the PW costs for pushing for higher representation won't be as low as they might normally get because people are less upset.

-Academies 3/3, Education 3, Innovation 2

People will have a Problem with this. Our academies are considered the best in the world for a long time. Yet our strategies are clearly inferior.

People will want something to blame, and in recent years that'd be the efforts to claim as much of Kyberi as possible, because the underdeveloped Hinterlands status is penalizing our R&D, which means we might need to spend PW to offset resistance to territorial expansion.

As such the main factors for the Constitution in the public mind right now are:
-Our military might not being so mighty after all.
--Blames Guilds for making not enough equipment
--Blames Aristocracy for meddling.
--Supports Army for being impaired by the above
--Supports Intelligentsia for making them find out how to fix it

--Blames Aristocracy for meddling.
--Supports the Guilds as pillars of society

--Blames Aristocracy for meddling.
--Blames the Guilds for being sticks in the mud

It's going to be utter chaos by Crow.
On a side note, are we sure Military Reform does anything?

It arcelerates development or implements doctrines. We're neither researching a doctrine or ready to imllement one.
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I'd note that they weren't even THAT far ahead. Based on the narrative they simply had a better organizational structure and could fight on every front at once with equal focus, while our structure was centralized around the CinC, which meant that only ONE front(or worse, PART of one front) had any initiative and direction, while further away they could only be assigned broad thrusts.

They had Friedrich the Great using Napoleonic Age tactics (french columns, levee en masse and massed battery fire) against the army several decades behind in tech.

Given that IRL Friedrich held off alliance of France, Austria, Sweden and Russia for 7 years without tech advantage and mostly due to having high discipline troops and being a genius, we are quite lucky.
They had Friedrich the Great using Napoleonic Age tactics (french columns, levee en masse and massed battery fire) against the army several decades behind in tech.

Given that IRL Friedrich held off alliance of France, Austria, Sweden and Russia for 7 years without tech advantage and mostly due to having high discipline troops and being a genius, we are quite lucky.
To be fair, frederick would have been fucked if peter iii "the german" didnt rise to the russian throne.
But yeah, he was basically a genius in napoleonic era combat.
To be fair, frederick would have been fucked if peter iii "the german" didnt rise to the russian throne.
But yeah, he was basically a genius in napoleonic era combat.

Yeah, he got a lucky break wrt Prussiaboo rising to the throne.
Still, I am quite sure that things could have been much worse in the game, given that we do not have a France to use against them.

Granted, they do not have England bankrolling them too.

We should give the Cossacks mini cannons to mount on their horses.
It's called "rifles" and they already use those I suspect.
If not, well, they should. They at least use pistols.

Anything bigger than those two is, I think, impossible to use from horseback.
I'm a little worried that it's been eight years and we've only managed to research one new tech. Only one tech out of the dozens and dozens that will likely have to be researched in the 19th century. That's pretty slow, even for the start of the 19th century.
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[x][Agenda] Plan Cornuthaum 1808
I'm a little worried that it's been eight years and we've only managed to research one new tech. Only one tech out of the dozens and dozens that will likely have to be researched in the 19th century. That's pretty slow, even for the start of the 19th century.
We are strongly penalised from the hinterland.
We are strongly penalised from the hinterland.
True, but that is also being somewhat compensated by University Tradition and Center of the World.
Getting rid of that modifier's going to be a bitchvI just realised. Even if we stopped expanding right now and spent 1 pw on developing infrastructure each turn, it would still take us till 1832 to get rid of the modifier (assuming there's no events that modify it). And since stopping expansion would mean letting the Nohon claim more Khyberi land, I think we'll be dealing with that modifier for a long time yet.
Getting rid of that modifier's going to be a bitchvI just realised. Even if we stopped expanding right now and spent 1 pw on developing infrastructure each turn, it would still take us till 1832 to get rid of the modifier (assuming there's no events that modify it). And since stopping expansion would mean letting the Nohon claim more Khyberi land, I think we'll be dealing with that modifier for a long time yet.

It's way worse, you know. We can only do a development action once every 3 turns, because we don't have the IC. And since people are pretty much married to the colonize Kyberia option (to the point that they're taking it even with us needing immediate industrial stimulation), that's not going to change.

Then push for education, por favore.

Education requires IC, which is impossible to combine with Kyberian colonization.

Kyberi fever is paralyzing us. We're at 1 IC, and still people are voting to continue colonization instead of rebuilding our Industry Cap.
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It's way worse, you know. We can only do a development action once every 3 turns, because we don't have the IC. And since people are pretty much married to the colonize Kyberia option (to the point that they're taking it even with us needing immediate industrial stimulation), that's not going to change.

Education requires IC, which is impossible to combine with Kyberian colonization.
I totally 100% always mean "push for things immediately regardless of how sensible that is."
[X][Agenda] 1808 Rebuilding
-[X][Agenda] Develop Industry
-[X][Agenda] Claim Kyberi Territory
-[X][Agenda] Start Constitutional Convention