{Early 19th Century Math [Completed] +20% research
{Early 19th Century Logic [Completed] +20% research
Group Completed, Additional +10% research
Mid 19th Century Math (0/30-40?) [Science][Open]
Mid 19th Century Logic (0/30-40?) [Science][Open]
Modern Idealism (0/???) [Science][Closed]
Quite a big chunk of research boosters here, which lines up with the rising costs of 19th century stuff.
Idealism would be an option soon, not sure what it does though, but it's probably behind Math and Logic for us.
Late 18th Century Chemistry (5/20-30?) [Science][Chemistry][Open]
Early 19th Century Chemistry (5/25) [Science][Chemistry][Open]
Need a shortcut source for this. It's slowing our stuff down.
Interestingly we might skip Late 18th Century Chemistry entirely?
Mass Battery Tactics [Completed]
Levee En Mass [Completed]
Early 19th Century Doctrine [Completed]
Officer Academies [Completed] -> Produces Research Drip for "Doctrine" Techs when Open
General Staff Academies [Completed]
Doctrine of Personal Initiative (10/30-40?) [Military][Specialist]
Thats very nice for keeping up on doctrine techs without constantly diving into war...though we keep diving into war so we're getting the ideas really fast when the officers retire from the field into the academies with the skills to frame it properly.
Interestingly, the Doctrine drip also can be applied to naval warfare, not just land, at least by RAW. Alas we lack the physical tools to develop the next naval doctrine.
Early Industrial Desert Warfare (20/30) [Military][Enviro]
Hespranxer probably would find Khemetri even stickier once we complete this and can back them up.
Naval Equipment
Early 19th Century Naval Doctrine [Completed][Military][Naval]
Late 18th Century Ship Design [Completed][Military][Naval]
Early 19th Century Ship Design [22/25] [Military][Naval][Open]
Soon. Any naval expansion has a good chance of completing the ship design via drips.
This is in large part my fault due to not having the real time to get into things, but some groups have definitely had problems that you haven't really paid attention to. However, I have been keeping some track of things and the global economy is running way too hot right now.
It also helps a lot that the Sketch/OTL Britain used laissez faire capitalism, which was a hell lot more vulnerable to market crashes, which they've been currently staving off by frantically looting SoL from colonies and stuff.
We've been 'halping' by lowering grain prices allowing them to ignore the issue and go even further on extremely profitable short term, long term bad economic practices. On the other side, our early use of the Crown Bank investments and economic paternalism have also caused the Syffryn area to be more conservative with regards to laws on debt.
So main things I expect to see differing from OTL, counting only deviations we've had a hand in:
-The regional economy is far less dependent upon cross-border debt, for fear of Gulmaryn banks doing a de-facto takeover. You'd see a bit less massive debt overdraws...but it ALSO means a fair bit more hoarding of specie is going to be happening to make things work.
-The regional grain market is running smoking hot. Gulmaryn suppression of grain price shifts through control of the breadbaskets of Egypt, Mesopotamia and now Indus Valley, means that the economists and entrepreneurs are running on entirely artificial and unrealistic models.
--Which also means that the urban populations of industrial countries are skyrocketing in response to cheap food being reliably available for the past decade, and the sheer profitability of large urban populations to work factories to buy food.
-The Gulmaryn are sucking up vast amounts of precious metal via trade. It's not really visible due to our scale, but the problem is going to go critical in a few decades due to the regional urban population explosion from artificially depressed grain prices.
-The push against slavery is doing a number on cash crop production. Someone's going to notice the Khemetri drop in incense, spice and gold production once the Hung stop papering it over with tea and silk
-Literally everything is being driven by colony derived luxury goods papering things over in urban centers, but the demand continues to rise, while the supplies are growing less stable as the colonies start going independent.
--Rising pollution also means that any small countries cannot solve this problem via domestic production, because they make more pollution than SoL.
-All this means that the Sketch are skating on an increasingly narrow ledge, and this is important because the Sketch should also have been artificially propping up local economies as THE premier trade power.
--As an example if they snap, then the Hung no longer get Kus grain, which in a chain of snap backs will cause the Khemetri grain prices to crash, which...probably would be good in the long term for them as they transfer this excess into industrialization, might kick them over the edge if they fail to vent their dissidents.
--Since the Hung aren't providing silk and tea via the land route with Gulmaryn after they collapse, these materials rise in price while the supply of Gulmaryn glass and porcelain swells up and we're going to be looking at some very unhappy ceramic corporations as prices drop and they'd be pressuring the government to find them something to dump on.
Nothing individually devastating I think, but they make things worse in JUST the right way that the economies running at the edge of sustainability are going to explode. I don't expect more than first order disruptions though, global economy isn't that closely hooked up yet.
But there's going to be some most amazing fireworks if a major colonial power collapses in a way that cuts off their colonies outright.
A lot of things are relying on those.