Negaverse Sketch Silver Woes
Negaverse: Sketch Silver Woes

Primary Negotiators
Dual Crown
Northern Tortun Confederacy
Kingdom of Behryvar
Kingdom of Styrmyr
Merchant Republic of Banitty

Triple Crown of Kielmyr (active negotiator with Tortun if it comes up)
Kingdom of Halvyni (active negotiator with Tortun if it comes up)
Constitutional Monarchy of Hespranxer
Kingdom of Sketch

Kingdom of Ochruhr (remnants)

With the Hesprnaxer/Vortuga situation, well, not dealth with, but at least only mildly simmering for now, you could turn towards news of the peace conference.

News had finally come in from Muunch of the conference, and it was... well, fairly mixed. It definitely could have gone worse, far worse indeed, but the results would likely be felt for some time in the future, and would require a deft hand at dealing with. Such deftness, in fact, that your diplomats worried that they would be unable to deal with the issues for fear of igniting one of several casks of gunpowder in that region.

The most mixed of the news was certainly the division of the Ochruhr. While the worst case of the even division between the Tortun and the Stymyr had been avoided,, that had only been due to the Dual Crown insisting on the remaining mountain holds being allowed to keep their land. This would allow the more angry and passionate of the Ochruhr to go somewhere, rather than trying to revolt every other year, and also had the added benefit of potentially distracting both nations from other concerns for some time.

On the other hand, it still gave the majority of the Tortun land to Behryvar, which left it open to being reunified in the near future with the Confederacy.

Which also brought to mind the new treaty between the Confederacy, the Halvyni, and the Kielmyr. The Dual Crown had also pushed for redefining the borders of the three nations, to better fit the demographics, and hopefully keep those three from tearing each other apart in the future.

On the bright side, it meant that a resurgent Tortun was far more likely to look west, towards the Hespranxer than to the north or the northwest. The drawback, of course, being that the Kielmyr now felt closer diplomatic ties with you was not as urgent as it might have otherwise have been.

Honestly, it was always a bit shocking to see how damn good the Dual Crown was at diplomacy. As far as your diplomats could tell, they had managed to redirect any possible conflict in Syffron towards the west with just a few strokes of the pen and some dedicated effort. They had once again secured their borders without a single man needed, leaving them free to turn towards the east, and to deal with the Nohon directly.

Well, after the war with the Marahthon Empire finished. Which, going by reports from the HEKC's spies among the Black Sheep, was not all too far away. While their naval blockade had suffered some impressive losses, their armed forces were apparently obliterating all forces opposing them. There was significant from the HEKC worry that the combined Black Sheep and Dual Crown forces may turn to the HEKC after the empire was defeated.

Though this was somewhat alleviated by the proposed trade deals the Dual Crown had made during the conference with your own diplomats. They had recently been improving their educational institutions, and had been interested in hiring Sketch engineers to help train their next generation, as well as to look over their factories to see what could be improved. They were willing to pay quite well for this, though there was some initial hesitance at accepting...

Until the balance sheet was checked again, and the alarming outflow of silver was noted to have continued to increase. With the Dual Crown having a fairly neutral trade balance with the Hung themselves, and their good trade relations with the Mapanca, they had quite a bit of silver to spare themselves. So while it wouldn't solve the underlying issue, it would go a long way to dampening the negative effects of the outflow for quite a bit of time.

The Dual Crown has offered a trade deal. What do?
[] Accept (+2 SoL, ???)
[] Reject (???)

Lotsa industrial stats, shitty army, god tier navy, you know, British stuff.

Cthulushelp said:
So, the continent isn't on fire? That's a first...
Baki said:
And Keikaku, The Nation strikes once again. God, those bastards are unstoppable. Good to hear their navy is as shit as we thought it was though.

Their army, on the other hand...
PizzaPizza said:
Yikes. So, we'll have to play the Kus stuff pretty carefully, like we thought we would.
Sanimu said:
Oh boy, the DC are stomping the Mah. Whoever could have expected that? :eyeroll:

This is why I said we should join in as soon as they attacked. Now we're at best going to get the scraps, while the Black Sheep get the good stuff, and the DC gets a handy sword of Damocles to hang over our most profitable colony.
Veekster said:
Seriously, how are they doing everything? They are managing to shape Syffron politics for the next generation, while fighting a war thousands of miles from their heartlands, right after fighting another war that was thousands of miles from their heartlands, all while keeping good relations with everyone and getting the Hung to slowly open up to them.
Malevolnce said:
Nokly once again shown to be bullshit. Damn them and their diplomacy/admin hero, managing to keep themselves in a position where literally only one border is threatened, and it's the one that they don't really care about.
Corncob said:
Ugh, on one hand, we really need their silver if we don't want to explode. On the other, sending them our engineers is just... ugh.
Citina said:
Bright side, we'll probably be able to get our hands on any of their new tech.
DakkaMan said:
@Academic Nun how come the DC has a neutral trade balance with the Hung? They won't accept anyone elses trade goods, so what do they have that the Hung are willing to trade silk and tea for?
Academic Nun said:
Glass and porcelain, mostly. The Hung want it because of its historical value, since those were the big trade goods from the Ymaryn Empire. Sorta like how people wanted chinese porcelain in the OTL. So the DC can afford to trade with them where most others can't.

It's part of why the DC is pushing for a diplomatic opening of Hung. They would be in a good position to take advantage of their markets in a way that others wouldn't be, and if they can add the Hung to their already existent trade block, they'll be able to come out massively ahead in wealth, as well as gain a strategic ally against the Nohon in the east.
BritishEmpire said:
Huh, so that means if we trade with them, we can get another source of silver that isn't likely to go away soon. Which means we can put off the problems we are facing with our silver shortage for quite a while, without having to risk stabbing the Hung?
Academic Nun said:
Pretty much. Part of why you haven't really felt the effects of your silver outflows is because trade with the DC dampens the effects.
Veekster said:
So that's why they're offering us these trade deals. Keep us addicted to their silver so we can't try and hurt them, which means they can continue to build up their other diplomatic alliances, which means they can continue to pry open the Hung and get more money.

The worst part is that if we refuse to play the game, that could be the spark that sets our economy on fire. Not to mention declaring war on them means skyrocketing food prices in addition to stopping the flow of silver.
EhGoodPoint said:
...They pulled a reverse Opium addiction on us? They got us addicted to their silver?

DC once again confirmed for fucking masterminds?
Corncob said:
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uhmm I think they'd be made aware of the whole riot situation considering they have feelers in our economy.
This is post conference, right before the riots, when they're just getting word back from Kus. We haven't really acted in the quest yet, so I wouldn't know how to spin it in a negaverse. Like, if the diplomacy massively succeeds, it makes the DC look even more terrifying, while if they fail it would be something they might have a choice in how to interfere with.

Tl;dr I had no clue how to realistically insert the riots in this, because we haven't resolved it, and they came up too fast for anyone else to react to.

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Haddyth Nokly the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story historians would tell you. It's a Ymaryn legend.
Tl;dr I had no clue how to realistically insert the riots in this, because we haven't resolved it, and they came up too fast for anyone else to react to.

someone asks how they can spend so much effort on external matters, and gets an answer along the lines of "by ignoring things they probably shouldn't have." or something else that implies internal issues brought on be excessive external focus.
someone asks how they can spend so much effort on external matters, and gets an answer along the lines of "by ignoring things they probably shouldn't have." or something else that implies internal issues brought on be excessive external focus.
That's not as funny though. :V

Plus that's something that should be in the chapter, and hasn't really been shown to us whether it will actually be dangerous to us or not yet. After all, we could find out that we either explode or play this perfectly and satisfy our population, which changes the tone of that completely.
Yeah, really a bunch of our problems so far comes down to the remnants of the aftershocks of the lightning rounds, which we probably finally dealt with... For this generation at least. In not!Europe.

So now we just need to solve the SoL and Education crisis that we ended up gaining by the need to industrialise and claim as much of Kyberi as we could. Now that we have Prototype Railroads and IC that isn't horrible, we can solve the Kyberi issue relatively quickly.

Which just leaves the SoL and Education issues. As for those... All I can say is steady work on Kyberi will help, but we're at the dawn of the Industrial Age. Education and SoL issues are basically going to be the new 'normal' crisis for the next... Well really, even today they're still the big problem if you really think about it. That and running out of Development to convert into other things, which in the modern case is due to mineral depletion or rarity... And the fact that we made it this far by pushing back the long term complications caused by the Pollution stat for as long as possible, whilst alleviating the more obvious short term problems... Usually by doubling down on the long term complications.

It's just this turn we got hit by a few of the unexpected complications that started to become apparent with the Industrial Age. And in true Ymaryn fashion, we ran into two or three of them all at once whilst finally looking like we'd managed to put the last fire out.

But yeah, as I said before, SoL and Education/Innovation are going to be the critical stats we want to keep an eye on going forwards. As they are both the things we use to solve, or discover solutions to problems... And also the things that are the cause to many of the problems.
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But yeah, as I said before, SoL and Education/Innovation are going to be the critical stats we want to keep an eye on going forwards. As they are both the things we use to solve, or discover solutions to problems... And also the things that are the cause to many of the problems.

I recommend lot of foreign student exchanges, as much as we possibly can.

Curiously, we could let Not!Charles Darwin access to the Sacred Forest archive and botany sections. There might be records of forestry data.
I recommend lot of foreign student exchanges, as much as we possibly can.

Curiously, we could let Not!Charles Darwin access to the Sacred Forest archive and botany sections. There might be records of forestry data.
The forest record are considered to be the ancients talking out their assess, because the records don't match the current observed climate due to the mini ice age.

Of course, that might change if they get re-examined after the climate stabilized...
The forest record are considered to be the ancients talking out their assess, because the records don't match the current observed climate due to the mini ice age.

Of course, that might change if they get re-examined after the climate stabilized...
This was after the data was interpreted correctly.

Ah, OTL, Charles Darwin's journey should have been already completed.

Still, once the data was interpreted correctly, we might have the data to buttress's Darwin's theory.
Would be cool if instead of finches it was the records of how the trees have changed over time that birth the theory of evolution.
Would be cool if instead of finches it was the records of how the trees have changed over time that birth the theory of evolution.

"... and so, esteemed colleges, it is my great honor to present you with my theory of Ymaryn selection. It turns out that plants and animals can change drastically and quite beneficially if guided by the benevolent hand of the Ymaryn people. Not only to make them more useful for humans but also to create a more robust ecosystem that has weathered immense weather conditions as my studies of historical records indicate. The conclusion then is that natural world was not created perfectly by some God - that would be far to simple for Crow. Rather it is created as a challenge for us, to nurture our surroundings and let them truly flourish."
Remember, the forest records include previous decades long shifts in climate and how to deal with them.

The things they don't account for:
Current pollution
Current population pressure
Our lifestyle and technology not being conducive to black earth production
The majority of our territory now being ecosystems quite unlike the not!Caucasus and not!Mesopotamia where we have 4000+ years of expertise.

On the other hand that mastery was won with a much smaller resource base, knowledge base, fewer people to work on it and in the face of a much more precarious existence. If we have the will we can do it again.