More than that, the peace deal was going to be costly for the victors, because one of the conditions for the end of the civil war was that the Eastern Black Sheep would actually address the issues of the Western provinces. That meant laying rails and telegraph lines, and while the provinces would pay for it in the long run, in the immediate sense that meant that the Dual Crown would be paying to improve the infrastructure of the territory they had just been fighting over.
Once again we have an "ally" asking us for help because they can't keep their own affairs in order. Once again, our elites, rather than improving the life of the common man, will waste our industrial might on foreign programs that'll benefit no Gylmaryn save for themselves. What do you call a relationship where one side does nothing but take, take, take and the other side always gives in to their demands? Our so-called "allies" are nothing more than parasites sucking us dry! I say, let's kick them off and force them to be self-sufficient!
Once again we have an "ally" asking us for help because they can't keep their own affairs in order. Once again, our elites, rather than improving the life of the common man, will waste our industrial might on foreign programs that'll benefit no Gylmaryn save for themselves. What do you call a relationship where one side does nothing but take, take, take and the other side always gives in to their demands? Our so-called "allies" are nothing more than parasites sucking us dry! I say, let's kick them off and force them to be self-sufficient!

Gulmaryn: But joooooooobs!
[X] [War] 1 PW - Accept current terms (-2 IC, Kus rail company doubled in power, -1 Trust, Black Sheep irritated, war ends)

[X] Plan Temperate Budget
-[X] 2 PW to Urban Workers
-[X] 1 PW to Conservatives

[X] Plan Education Budget
-[X] 2 PW to Conservatives
-[X] 1 PW to Royalists

And if we chose to continue fighting:

[X] Plan Temperate Workers
-[X] 1 PW to Royalists
-[X] 2 PW to Urban Workers
-[X] 1 PW to Conservatives

Basically I support Education and "Permit Local Alcohol Taxes".
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[X] [War] 1 PW - Accept current terms (-2 IC, Kus rail company doubled in power, -1 Trust, Black Sheep irritated, war ends)
[X] Plan Education
-[X] 3 PW to Conservatives
Okay so call me crazy but this idea has been raising hell in my head all morning:
DO Black Sheep next turn, ask for coordinated military action against Maharatha for a double purpose, A) strengthening ties with BS, and B) the eradication of the Opium Threat before Sketch can sphere them. This will should, in theory at least, also please western BS as their martial culture will approve of S H O R T - A N D - V I C T O R I O U S - W A R TM​ which should stabilise them provided the Emperor isn't a complete muppeteer. Now, there could be some risk in the fact that the WBS may feel more alienated by additional expansion in the Kus area but I don't think that will be a problem simply because expansion there is more or less the only option they've got, and the WBS do like their fighting.

edit: it will also solidly boost Black Sheep Great Power status

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Okay so call me crazy but this idea has been raising hell in my head all morning:
DO Black Sheep next turn, ask for coordinated military action against Maharatha for a double purpose, A) strengthening ties with BS, and B) the eradication of the Opium Threat before Sketch can sphere them. This will should, in theory at least, also please western BS as their martial culture will approve of S H O R T - A N D - V I C T O R I O U S - W A R TM​ which should stabilise them provided the Emperor isn't a complete muppeteer. Now, there could be some risk in the fact that the WBS may feel more alienated by additional expansion in the Kus area but I don't think that will be a problem simply because expansion there is more or less the only option they've got, and the WBS do like their fighting.

edit: it will also solidly boost Black Sheep Great Power status

[X] Plan Balanced Budget
[X] [War] 1 PW - Accept current terms (-2 IC, Kus rail company doubled in power, -1 Trust, Black Sheep irritated, war ends)
Okay so call me crazy but this idea has been raising hell in my head all morning:
DO Black Sheep next turn, ask for coordinated military action against Maharatha for a double purpose, A) strengthening ties with BS, and B) the eradication of the Opium Threat before Sketch can sphere them. This will should, in theory at least, also please western BS as their martial culture will approve of S H O R T - A N D - V I C T O R I O U S - W A R TM​ which should stabilise them provided the Emperor isn't a complete muppeteer. Now, there could be some risk in the fact that the WBS may feel more alienated by additional expansion in the Kus area but I don't think that will be a problem simply because expansion there is more or less the only option they've got, and the WBS do like their fighting.

edit: it will also solidly boost Black Sheep Great Power status

You're missing out on two crucial facts:
1) The DC continues to have no way to get their troops in place for a long while yet. We have rail lines to the Afghanistan border, beyond which we are stuck unless we want to take the Sketch on at sea.
2) The Maharanthan are in jungle terrain. Which nearly completely neutralizes all our military advantages because it favors a low tech, close in fighting with equipment that doesn't give a shit about high humidity.
[X] Plan Balanced Budget
[X] [War] 1 PW - Accept current terms (-2 IC, Kus rail company doubled in power, -1 Trust, Black Sheep irritated, war ends)

You're missing out on two crucial facts:
1) The DC continues to have no way to get their troops in place for a long while yet. We have rail lines to the Afghanistan border, beyond which we are stuck unless we want to take the Sketch on at sea.
2) The Maharanthan are in jungle terrain. Which nearly completely neutralizes all our military advantages because it favors a low tech, close in fighting with equipment that doesn't give a shit about high humidity.

1) I disagree - we have ports in the area that can easily be bolstered by sea initially and the Black Sheep have their own military forces that can be used from their side - plus a longer logistics train isn't actually killer here since we will be well supported by our allies in BS. We wait with the declaration of war until our ships are arriving in the Bengal ports and then declare war and move our troops. The Sketch won't attack our ships unless we are at war, so our initial reinforcement of the region will go by safely, and given adequate numbers, should be the only one we need initially. Secondly, as Maharatha is not yet sphered by Sketch, I'm not sure they'll even go to war over it in the first place.

2) I disagree - the Maharathan terrain and populace is primarily centered around the Bengal delta, where we notably have ports we can ship troops into as the fighting begins, and by virtue of being a river delta, any army can also be supplied extremely easily by river boats a la Roman Empire. It is notably also one of the most population dense regions in the entire world, if as OTL - so the fighting will not be, as you say, in "jungle terrain which negates tech advantage" as this region should be mostly flood plains, albeit tropical ones, mixed with swamps. Not, perhaps an ideal fighting ground, but the Bengal Delta was among the first to be taken by the British Empire for a reason.
Imperial Gazette Atlas of India 1909 said:
1) I disagree - we have ports in the area that can easily be bolstered by sea initially and the Black Sheep have their own military forces that can be used from their side - plus a longer logistics train isn't actually killer here since we will be well supported by our allies in BS. We wait with the declaration of war until our ships are arriving in the Bengal ports and then declare war and move our troops. The Sketch won't attack our ships unless we are at war, so our initial reinforcement of the region will go by safely, and given adequate numbers, should be the only one we need initially. Secondly, as Maharatha is not yet sphered by Sketch, I'm not sure they'll even go to war over it in the first place.

The Maharanthans have been in the Sketch sphere for decades dude.
2) I disagree - the Maharathan terrain and populace is primarily centered around the Bengal delta, where we notably have ports we can ship troops into as the fighting begins, and by virtue of being a river delta, any army can also be supplied extremely easily by river boats a la Roman Empire. It is notably also one of the most population dense regions in the entire world, if as OTL - so the fighting will not be, as you say, in "jungle terrain which negates tech advantage" as this region should be mostly flood plains, albeit tropical ones, mixed with swamps. Not, perhaps an ideal fighting ground, but the Bengal Delta was among the first to be taken by the British Empire for a reason.

You should note that the swamps are just as bad as jungles for our tech focuses.
The Maharanthans have been in the Sketch sphere for decades dude
Narratively, yes, absolutely. Mechanically I'm somewhat unsure, but I'll concede the point.
You should note that the swamps are just as bad as jungles for our tech focuses.
...yes and no. For one, because it is mostly flood plains (not swamps or jungle) that should be a secondary concern - But our military doctrine is perfect for this kind of operation, even if our newest tech might be a little iffy - regardless, the black sheep have experience and troops in the area to support us, this is a joint military action after all, not some Gylmaryn adventure.
Inserted tally

Looks pretty set at this point.
Adhoc vote count started by Citino on Aug 26, 2018 at 9:52 AM, finished with 27689 posts and 34 votes.
[X] [War] 1 PW - Accept current terms (-2 IC, Kus rail company doubled in power, -1 Trust, Black Sheep irritated, war ends)

The black emperor can eat our shorts.

And if he loses control again, I say we take the Western Black Sheep side.

[X] Plan Education
-[X] 3 PW to Conservatives

The DC Conservatives are awesome.

Eh, to those voting to give no PW to the Urban Workers, you guys do realize we wanted them to merge with the Liberals, right? That won't happen if we don't give them any PW.

Unless you don't want the Liberals to become less bad because you want them to be so awful that they spawn a communist revolution. In which case, more power to you, comrade. :V
The composition of parliament had seen a huge shake up in the past few months as the after shocks of the leaked parliamentary notes on military planning, the rise of the temperance movement to prominence, and the Liberal Party undergoing a major shakeup caused numerous sitting lords in the Upper House to shift their alliances to the Conservative Party. From the looks of things, the Liberals were going to reorganize into a much more populist grouping, much to the concern of outside observers.
Which outside observers would that be?
International groups looking to the Gylmaryn for the next distressing trend that will spark revolution(again) or domestic parties saying this will ruin everything(again)?
The question of the franchise still loomed, a growing specter that had been repeatedly set aside due to the needs of war and strife, and major businessmen and lords riding the workers to power was a major concern if the franchise of the Lower House could not be dealt with.
To absolutely nobody's surprise, the losing parties of the populism surge immediately start plotting to reduce the franchise. The Liberals don't care once they get their feet back under them. The Royalists would very much prefer an exclusive parliament to nobles. The Conservatives look askance at it(this is highly untraditional!) but want to grab the ball and do their main focus thing first.

So basically we need to give the Urban Workers some teeth here or watch them roll back the franchise.
Internationally, the Ochro-Etalians had found their efforts stymied by skilled negotiators from the Behryvar and Styrmyr and the general disinterest of the other great powers to actually intervene due to having their own issues, with the Sketch being the only semi-active Great Power at the table, and their agenda was in keeping the continent as disunited as possible without actually having to send in troops. As it was, while the Behryvar and Styrmyr weren't exactly friends, they were definitely driven deeper into each other's camps by the Dual Crown showing general disinterest, while also moving away from the orbit of the Dual Crown. All in all, while not exactly a pleasant result as two significant Syffryn powers on the Dual Crown's most vulnerable borders were now much colder towards them, at least the OEE were not strengthened, and neither the Hespranxer nor the Kielmyr were in any way annoyed by the Dual Crown's doings.
Good enough. Funny how the Sketch's interests at this point is also in our interest. Just...nobody gave enough of a shit for the conference to do anything.
Which means a disunited continent, which also means that we got a wee bit more time to Rail Everything before the next detonation(if everyone started aligning to one side or another, it'd be moving towards a Great War on the other hand)

Also internationally, the mission to the HEKC was hitting major snags as the HEKC was applying increasing pressure to clean up their house. It seemed that the Black Sheep situation had majorly spooked them in some way and the potential lead up to the Maharatha had them paranoid about interference. While they were definitely moving industrially and diplomatically to bypass your implicit blockade of the Maharatha by the control of their ports, potentially turning the country back into a massive opium producer right at the time when the Hung had no ability to stop the influx of the drug into their ports, the exact plans remained concealed. As it was, the only thing for the Dual Crown agents to do was to have their networks go quiet. While this would negatively impact current operations, it would allow for much deeper embedding of assets.

HEKC espionage mission ends with no achievable targets located: +1 Espionage, -3 temp Espionage
So, they're going to be taking a swing at the Maharantha situation to restore Opium supply in order to take more profit from the Hung. I'm expecting some coordinated 'native uprising' to dislodge our Indian Subcontinent ports soon. If so their objective would likely be a Maharanthan uplift, so that they can take the ports locally without drawing on the Sketch's nonexistent land armies.

Granted, we never really expected to keep those ports even this long.
Fortunately they don't seem to be aware of the ralway inching over the mountains and jungles as we speak.
Of course, the biggest international news was the war with the Western Black Sheep. With the decision to more or less halt further advances and focus on consolidation while sending additional resources, troops, and officers to the Eastern Black Sheep, something incredibly interesting happened.

The decisions earlier in the year suddenly seemed like a badly implemented master stroke. While the cost in men was far, far too high to call reasonable, the rolling through of additional rail lines and pushes towards key strategic locations followed by simply holding ground while aiding the East turned the whole affair into a hammer and anvil process. With clearer orders and full rail lines running up to the borders, the Gylmaryn were now an immovable wall to resist the implacable advance of the skilled generals, massive levies and select elite units in the east.
We DID actually plan to do this. Once again, Nokly takes all the credit and none of the blame!

In particular, Dual Crown specialist units armed with needle rifles had proven remarkably adept at taking mountain fortifications in night raids. The fast, accurate weapons allowed for small units to infiltrate, outside notice, and then storm key positions. Many Western Black Sheep soldiers had surrendered in the confusion, the storm of fire making them think they were fighting formations many times the size that were actually there while already inside their fortifications. Altogether, the outward appearance was that the Dual Crown had established itself as a wall that would ensure that the Eastern Black Sheep would be able to do the actual fighting more or less on their own, which would help considerably with the after war period, as it would demonstrate that the Eastern Black Sheep were in fact a military power in their own right, and did not "need" the Dual Crown to beat the Western Black Sheep. For the more martial Western Black Sheep culture, this would likely help keep feelings of "we could have won if the Dual Crown hadn't interfered" to a minimum.

Already there were some quiet communications from certain Western Black Sheep officials about a peace agreement. The terms being discussed so far were actually pretty good, but also had a few problems. Namely that most of the ringleaders were going to get away, and that would be unlikely to sit well with the Black Emperor. The men with the most to lose were talking about things like exile to the Khemetri or even the Mapanca rather than face their former-liege's wrath. More than that, the peace deal was going to be costly for the victors, because one of the conditions for the end of the civil war was that the Eastern Black Sheep would actually address the issues of the Western provinces. That meant laying rails and telegraph lines, and while the provinces would pay for it in the long run, in the immediate sense that meant that the Dual Crown would be paying to improve the infrastructure of the territory they had just been fighting over.

A peace deal has been offered
[] [War] 0 PW - Keep fighting (Two military choices next phase)
[] [War] 0 PW - Keep negotiating (-2 Temp Trust, one military choice next phase, seek better terms)
[] [War] 1 PW - Accept current terms (-2 IC, Kus rail company doubled in power, -1 Trust, Black Sheep irritated, war ends)
This is basically a perfect conclusion to the war to begin with.
Just need to salve some wounded pride, but we got all our wargoals and a renegotiation can only get WORSE because it'd let the EBS continue ignoring their problems(and the ringleaders are frankly unimportant compared to the root cause).

Narratively, yes, absolutely. Mechanically I'm somewhat unsure, but I'll concede the point.
They've intervened militarily there quite a lot. Via the traditional Sketch means of "oh hey, some random pirates hit your convoy" and "gee, the locals sure pay a lot for modern guns"
Last time it worked pretty much because nobody saw an overland invasion coming and bypassing the whole Sketch strategy.
And once we had the ports the Sketch couldn't take them for the same reason we can't take the Sketch ports in Hung.

...yes and no. For one, because it is mostly flood plains (not swamps or jungle) that should be a secondary concern - But our military doctrine is perfect for this kind of operation, even if our newest tech might be a little iffy - regardless, the black sheep have experience and troops in the area to support us, this is a joint military action after all, not some Gylmaryn adventure.
Unfortunately our domestic audience AND theirs are not interested in that particular motion. The Black Sheep had gotten too big for them to administrate, so even their Emperor doesn't want new clay for a while because he can barely keep his old clay
Unfortunately our domestic audience AND theirs are not interested in that particular motion. The Black Sheep had gotten too big for them to administrate, so even their Emperor doesn't want new clay for a while because he can barely keep his old clay
I was under the impression that more Kus clay is exactly what the emperor wants because it'll give him a larger power basr to pevare against wbs, who don't particularly care because they get to show off their mad martial skills in a war, but I might have misread the situation...?
I was under the impression that more Kus clay is exactly what the emperor wants because it'll give him a larger power basr to pevare against wbs, who don't particularly care because they get to show off their mad martial skills in a war, but I might have misread the situation...?
The whole problem STARTED with taking too much Kus clay, and needing to spend his attention Kus side in order to keep it, leading to the neglected West Sheep getting mad. Taking even more clay is not going to solve a problem caused by taking too much clay dude.
The whole problem STARTED with taking too much Kus clay, and needing to spend his attention Kus side in order to keep it, leading to the neglected West Sheep getting mad. Taking even more clay is not going to solve a problem caused by taking too much clay dude.
Nonsense, they just need a quick, victorious war to keep their own population happy!