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Civilization Sheet

Current ruleset can be found here. Current status is most a collection of...
Civilization Sheet
Civilization Sheet

Current ruleset can be found here. Current status is most a collection of ideas that will be organized into a proper rules document.

Industrial Cap 15 (11) (Max. 11+75%)
Development 38/58+25%
Bonds 10
Pollution 4 (8)

Railroads 3/7
Sewers 1/7
Hospitals 0/3

Consciousness 5 (6+4 Poll = 10)
Standard of Living 6 (11)
Happiness 6/10

Academies 5/5
Mil Academies 2/2
Education 5
Innovation 8 (+5 Consc = 13)

Trust 10 (11)
Espionage 10 (10)

Militancy 6 (6)
Armies 8 (7) [3/8 Rearm]
Navies 6 (6)

Political Will 5/20

Min. 41
Current 175


Rivaled by

Current Effects
University Tradition: +1 Academies Possible, +1 Education
Pleasant Faced Spiders: +2 Trust, +2 Espionage
Teacher of the World: -3 Innovation, +1 Education, +1 Academies
Supreme Power: +2 Militancy, +2 SoL, min. 2 rivals
Thalassocracy: +2 Navies, +1 SoL, need to maintain Navies 5+ or risk losing status, Rivals must be other Thalassocracies or conflict with other statuses
Large Population: +1 Innovation, +1 Max IC., +7 Active Development, affects Conscription effects

Kyberi Trading Company: The first action involving settlement or development of Kyberi costs 1 less PW than usual
Kyberi Ambitions: You want Kyberia. All of it. Evolves to Simultaneous Sunrise and Sunset once have a proper port city in Far Eastern Kyberi. +1 Militancy, can Rival any competitor regardless of relative status (currently applicable target(s): Nohon)
Undeveloped Hinterlands: -1 Education, -1 Standard of Living
Major Gold Mine: +1 SoL
World Leader – Glass: +2 SoL

Religious Revival - Affect of Education on Min. Consciousness reduced by 1 (Present until at least 1848)
Conquered Minority: Wyrmyn count as being -1 Happiness (without changes lasts until 1850)
Only Poets Left: While holding Wyrmyn territory accelerate research into Romanticism and Nationalism (without changes lasts until at least 1845)
Sending Military Advisors: -1 Armies and +2 (0) SoL for duration of reform period, transfer prestige each turn from target (3 for GP, 2 for SP, 1 for others)
Economic Investment (Black Sheep): 1 IC invested
Economic Investment (Kielmyr): 2 IC invested
Foreign Investment (Kielmyr): 4 IC invested in you
Sending Technical Advisors (Black Sheep, Hung): -2 Education, -2 Innovation, +4 (2) SoL

Taste of the Good Life: +1 temp Consciousness every year Standard of Living below 10 (1848+25 years=1873)
Officer Exchange (Khemetri, Black Sheep, Mapanca): Sharing [Military] research.

Constitutional Monarchism - There is a tug of war between the power of the king, the power of the elites, and the power of the people in the various Offices and Houses of state. +3 Political Will/year, max 20 Political Will, current parliament strength of 6. Official Parties: Royalists, Conservatives, Liberals

Economic Model
Royal Developmentalism - Through the use of Crown Corporations and the like, the central government is able to develop in a protected environment key industries, safe from foreign or market instability. Once mature the Crown may choose to keep said industries as vital interests, or turn them loose to the unstable but efficient whims of the market.
Features: 1 automatic use of Develop Industry a turn, recover 1/4 (round up) total IC per year, stats iterate by half difference every 2 years
Chance per turn of economic downturn: Low
Overheat: Low but persistent

Research Institutions
Most Ancient University of Redshore (+2 Bonus to Social Research) -
Theory of Empire: Romantic Paternalism (16/60-80?)[Social][Rare]
Royal Military Academy (+2 Bonus to Military Research) - Prototype Seafaring Steamships (33/40) [Military][Naval][Open]
Military Academy I (+1 Bonus to Military Research) - Breechloading Cannon (13/???) [Military][Weaponry][Open]
Royal Academy of Science (+2 Bonus to Science Research) -Hiding in the Rainbow? (59/80-100?)[Science][Unique][Closed] Spectroscopy (74/80) [Science][Chemistry][Physics][Rare]
University of Trelli (+1 Bonus to Science Research, +1 Bonus to Biology/Medicine Research) - Thermodynamics (10/???) [Science][Industrial][Open]
Generic Academy I - Cheap Steel (29/60) [Industrial][Open]
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Diplomatic Relations

Supreme Power
1. Ymaryn-Gylruv Dual Monarch (175 Prestige; Army: Greatest in the World, Economy: Precision Industrial, Navy: World Class, Culture: Glorious Martial, Forests: Endless and/or Well Managed) - Players

Great Powers
2. Kingdom of Sketch (140 Prestige; Armies: Small But Professional Plus Many Local Mercenaries, Economy: Most Industrialized But Charred, Navy: World Class, Culture: Rich, Forests: Blasted Heaths)
3. Nohon Empire (94 Prestige; Armies: Numerous but Variable, Economy: Reforming, Navy: Elite, Culture: Weird, Forests: Many Petals)
4. Constitutional Kingdom of Hespranxer (93 Prestige; Armies: Gutted World Contender, Economy: Smouldering Light Industrial, Navy: World Class, Culture: Magnificent, Forests: There-ish)
5. Absolute Monarchy of Ochruhr-Etalia (76 Prestige; Armies: Elite + Numerous, Economy: Reorganizing Industrial, Navy: Sort of Present, Culture: Glorious, Forests: Alpine Meadows)
6. Kielmyr Triple Crown (75 Prestige; Armies: Small But Professional, Economy: World's Smelter, Navy: Elite, Culture: Impressive, Forests: Trackless Snowy Pine Mountains)
7. Hung Empire (55 Prestige; Armies: Primitive Mobs, Economy: On Fire, Navy: Nonexistant, Culture: Sophisticated, Forests: Bamboo)
8. Kingdom of Khemetri (53 Prestige; Armies: Modern, Economy: Luxurious, Navy: Small but Modern, Culture: Ancient, Forests: Scrubby or Lethal)

Secondary Powers

9. Black Sheep Empire (46 Prestige; Armies: Modern and Massive, Economy: Reforming and Strained by Army, Navy: Poor, Culture: Impressive, Forests: Either Carefully Managed or Lethal)
10. Kingdom of Styrmyr (45 Prestige)
11. Empire of New Hespranxia (42 Prestige)
12. United Provinces of Mahaxia (37 Prestige)
13. Kingdom of Behryvar (38 Prestige)
14. Maharathan Empire (31 Prestige)
14. Mapanca Empire (31 Prestige)
16. Kingdom of Vortuga (28 Prestige)
16. Pihtawak Houhendashee [Confederacy of Cahok Peoples] (28 Prestige)


Gylruv -> Russia
Kielmry Triple Crown -> Kalmar Union (Scandinavia)
Black Sheep -> Mughals
Kus Petty Kingdoms -> Indian Kingdoms
Greater Undikus Kingdoms -> South-East Asia
Khemetri -> Egypt
Greater Khem Eastern Kingdoms -> East Africa
Greater Khem Western Kingdoms -> West Africa
Hung -> China
Nohon -> Japan
Mapanca -> Mapuche + Inca
Sketch -> British
Halvyni -> Dutch
Styrmyr -> Hungary
Hespranxer -> Spain + France
Wyrmyn -> Poland
Vortuga -> Portugal + Spain
Etal -> Italian States
Tortun -> Germanics/Holy Roman Empire
->Ochruhr -> Austria
->Behryvar -> Bavaria
->Sexton -> Saxons
->Badbarn -> Brandenburg
->Vohemme -> Bohemia
->Hasum -> Hanseatic Cities
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Science and Technology
Researchable Technology


Liberalism [Completed]
Early Market Liberalization [Completed]
Modern Nationalism [Completed]
Academic Freedom [Completed] +1 Academy, additional effects based on degree of Free Speech
Early Archaeology [Completed][Social][Open]
Early Anthropology (29/50-70?) [Social][Science][Open]
Early Linguistics (29/50-70?) [Social][Science][Open]
Theory of Empire: Romantic Paternalism (16/60-80?)[Social][Rare]


Freedom of Trade [Completed]
Industrial Commercial Banking [Completed]
Industrial Central Banking [Completed]
Industrial Stock Exchanges [Completed] [Social][Business][Open]

Romanticism [Completed][Social][Art]
Realism [Completed][Social][Art][Open]

{Mid 19th Century Math [Completed] +40% research
{Mid 19th Century Logic [Completed] +40% research
Group Completed, Additional +10% research
Modern Idealism (38/50) [Science][Open]

Industrial Era Optics [Completed]
Experimental Electricity [Completed]
Electromagnetic Theory (16/???) [Science][Physics][Open]
Spectroscopy (74/80) [Science][Chemistry][Physics][Rare]
Thermodynamics (10/???) [Science][Industrial][Open]


Early 19th Century Chemistry [Complete]
Organic Chemistry [Complete]
Inorganic Chemistry [Complete]
Nitro Explosives (0/???) [Science][Chemistry][Military][Open]
Industrial Fractioning and Distillation (0/???) [Chemistry][Industrial][Open]
Early Electrochemistry (14/???) [Science][Chemistry][Open]

Germ Theory of Disease [Complete]
Early Surgical Anesthesia [Complete]
Industrial Battlefield Medicine (22/45-55?) [Medicine][Military]
Mid 19th Century Biology [Complete] [Science][Biology][Open]
Industrial Medicines and Vaccines (0/???) [Science][Medicine][Open]
Early Scientific Paleontology (0/???) [Science][Biology][Open]

Hiding in the Rainbow (73/85-100)[Science][Unique][Closed]
Metagreen Training (0/???) [Physics][Medicine][Military][Closed]

Mass Battery Tactics [Completed]
Levee En Mass [Completed]
Early 19th Century Doctrine [Completed]
Officer Academies [Completed] -> Produces Research Drip for "Doctrine" Techs when Open
General Staff Academies [Completed]
Doctrine of Personal Initiative [Complete][Specialist]
-Universal Officer Literacy (29/60-80?) [Military][Initiative][Open]
-Independent Logistics (27/40-50?) [Military][Initiative][Open]
Military Engineering [Completed][Military][Industrial]
Mid 19th Century Army Doctrine (0/???) [Military][Army][Closed]

Army Weaponry
Universal Rifling [Completed]
Practical Breechloading Rifles [Completed]
Breechloading Cannon (13/???) [Military][Weaponry][Open]


Early Industrial Desert Warfare [Complete] [Military][Enviro][Open]
Early Industrial Mountain Warfare [Complete] [Military][Enviro][Open]

Naval Equipment
Early 19th​ Century Naval Doctrine [Completed]
Late 18th​ Century Ship Design [Completed]
Early 19th Century Ship Design [Completed]
Prototype Seafaring Steamships (33/40) [Military][Naval][Open]

Mechanized Loom [Completed]
Early Industrial Machine Tools [Completed]
True Replaceable Parts [Science][Industrial][Completed]
Industrial Machine Tools [Completed][Industrial][Open]

{Early Mechanical Mining [Completed] +10% Polluting Max Development
{Practical Steam Engine [Completed] +10% Polluting Max Development, +25% Polluting Max IC
-High Pressure Steam [Completed] +50% Polluting Max IC
Group Completed, Bonus +5% Polluting Max Development
Cheap Iron [Completed] [Industrial][Open] +5 Max Development, +2 Max IC w/ High Pressure Steam
Cheap Steel (29/60) [Industrial][Open]
Mechanical Mining (0/60) [Industrial][Open]

Prototype Railroad [Completed]
Iron Railroad [Completed][Industrial][Transport][Open]
Steel Railroad (20/60) [Industrial][Open]

Early Telegraphy (21/35-45?) [Industrial][Communication][Open]
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1800 EY
1800 EY

The halls of the People are truly ancient places, some of the eldest buildings having references in some of the earliest writing on record indicating that portions of the structure predated those records, possibly the concept of writing itself. However, in recent years the halls of power have moved into more modern locations, into New Blackmouth, the city built atop the burnt out ruins of the slightly-less-ancient Old Blackmouth. Part of a political compromise during the process of unifying the Ymaryn crown of the south with the Gylruv crown of the north, New Blackmouth had started off as the location of a most comfortable winter palace for the ruler of the vast and snowy lands of Gylruv, and had slowly transformed into the permanent capital, having river access to most of the most populous areas of Gylruv and sea access to all of the Ymaryn lands.

Within the red and amber halls of the Winter Palace, things were in motion. The current ruler of the Dual Monarchy - Haddyth Poetyr IV of Gylruv, King Poetyr II of Ymar, Supreme Patriarch of the Nevien and Allied Peoples, Supreme Protector of All Ymaryn Peoples, Merchant Prince of Nevien, Autocratic Prince of the Yllthon, Prince-Protector of Redshore, Prince-Protector of the Sacred Places, Prince-Protector of Valleyhome, Ducal-Mayor of New Blackmouth, and honestly he stopped keeping track of his titles after that point because the rest were pretty small - was moving to the Chamber of Lords to meet with the Imperial Cabinet about the management of the kingdoms. Drawn from select members of the House of Lords, the Cabinet represented the favoured members of the upper nobility who had been elected by their peers on the basis of political wrangling and competence, and served as advisors on the issues of the day.

Arriving and getting the initial formalities out of the way, Poetyr had but one question.

"What happened in Tortun?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs had to tug at his tunic a bit at that before he said, "Sire, we aren't entirely certain on the full details, but it appears that the Hespranxer have been more effective than predicted, and their vigour in fighting off the Ochruhr lead attacks into occupied Tortun territory has lead to the sparking of a new rebellion among the more affected principalities. In particular, a Sexton count by the name of Faron vyn Hohozyn has not only declared secession from the United Ueman Empire, but renounced all titles and declared his lands a Republic - by Tortuns, for Tortuns, free of the Hespranxer and the distant halls of the Ochruhr. He was subsequently elected First Citizen, and his people seem to have shaken off the malaise of the Tortuns for the fury of Hespranxer Republicans. While opposed by many of the more traditional princes and the emperor, many northern Tortuns have already decided that they would prefer an active and local leader like Faron to the Ochruhr Emperor, or foreign powers like the Hespranxer. Given the situation, more than one Tortun army destined for battle with the Hespranxer have turned around to deal with the situation, leaving the Hespranxer to focus their attention west, upon the Vortgua."

Poetyr frowned at that. Mixed news all around there, and while he had heard much of it pieces before, the summary gave a more troubled situation than expected. While he did not have the full ancestral and mercantile detestation of the Vortuga as the southern peoples did, he understood that many would be quite pleased to hear this. There had actually been a rather significant amount of agitation by the more educated middle classes to intervene on the side of the Republic, but the king had very much not been interested in supporting people who cut off the heads of kings, he was quite attached to his. As such he had simply declared neutrality in the matter, seeing it as a distant affair they did not need to be involved in.

Now though...

"What has the United Emperor declared?" Poetyr asked.

"That this is an internal Tortun affair and everyone else is to stay out of it. The Styrmyr and Kielmyr have both declared an intent to remain neutral in this - while both would no doubt like to bite off chunks of the Tortun, they probably aren't interested in possibly taking pressure off a nascent republic in their neighbour. The Hespranxer have sent a more mixed message encouraging fellow republicans, but it sounds like there remain parties interested in holding onto some of the Western Tortun lands they are occupying and aren't particularly pleased with the 'Tortun for Tortuns' rallying cries. The Halvyni and what Etal cities that have a coherent voice in the matter are similarly opposed, but other sources indicate that they are more willing to further their anti-Republican campaigns, especially if they can take their own bites out of the Tortun. Also, those groups are more opposed to the Hespranxers than the Republic - a few Etal cities are merchant republics after all. The Sketch have basically said that if the Sexton spread their rebellion to the coast they will begin putting every Tortun ship they catch on the bottom of the ocean alongside the Hespranxer ones."

"Lovely," Poetyr noted dryly, before turning to the Minister of Internal Affairs. "And our own people's reaction to these events?"

"There are already discontented voices about failure to 'adequately contribute to the situation' with the Hespranxer, and now that a kingdom we have an actual border with has declared a republic with some success the issue will likely spark further problems. We will probably have to consider bribes of one sort or another in the coming budget. The upper nobility wants a bigger army, the Qeshyk clans and middle nobility want more territory in Kyberi for both more land to manage and because of fears that one day the Nohon might expand west towards us and take all the good land if we do not get there first, while the merchants want more ships to protect trade and screw with the Syffrynites at sea. The usual list," the minister explained, getting nods from all around.

"And the republican agitators?" The Patriarch asked.

"Support for the new Sexton Republic crops up fairly frequently, but there is also the usual calls for more economic freedoms in the cities and villages and the like, or cheaper tea, coffee, sugar, and spices. For the more foolish peasants who might be agitated, they can probably be bought off with more land in Kyberi to settle as their own. Also, some of the bored academics dreaming up liberation philosophies can probably be distracted with more funding to natural sciences projects or the like, which we can probably get on."

Pick Two Research Focuses
[] [Research] Early Abstract Calculus (0/15-25?) [Science]
[] [Research] Early Modern Logic (0/20-30?) [Science]
[] [Research] Early Elemental Survey (0/20-30?) [Chemistry]
[] [Research] Standardized Rifling (0/30) [Military]
[] [Research] Mass Battery Tactics (0/20) [Military]
[] [Research] Mechanized Loom (0/???) [Industrial]

With that considered, the Cabinet could then get on to working out the budget for the coming year and beyond, and what their priorities might be.

You have 5 Political Will to spend on actions this turn. Present an [Agenda] plan that uses 5 or fewer PW

Develop Industry - 1PW: Increases IC and Active Development by 1, -1 Temp IC

Improve Standard of Living - 1PW: Temp Increases SoL by 1, -1 Temp IC
2PW: Increases SoL by 1, -1 IC
2PW + Innovation >10: Increases SoL by 1, -3 Temp IC

Improve Education - 2 PW: -1 SoL, +1 Education, +1 Innovation

Cut Education Funding - 0 PW: -2 Temp Education, -2 Temp Innovation, +1 Temp SoL
1 PW: -1 Education, -1 Innovation, +1 SoL

Support Innovation - 1 PW: -1 Temp IC, +2 Temp Innovation
2 PW: -1 SoL, +2 Innovation

Construct Academy - 2 PW: -1 SoL, -1 Innovation, +1 Academy, requires available Academy Slot

Increase Armies - 1PW: Temp Increases Armies by 1, -1 Temp IC
2PW: Increases Armies by 1, -1 IC
2PW + Innovation >15: Increases Armies by 1, -3 Temp IC

Decrease Armies - 2PW: Armies -1, +1 IC

Increase Navies - 1PW: Temp Increases Navies by 1, -1 Temp IC
2PW: Increases Navies by 1, -1 IC
2PW + Innovation >15: Increases Navies by 1, -3 Temp IC

Decrease Navies - 2PW: Navies -1, +1 IC

Diplomatic Outreach - 1 PW: -1 Temp SoL, +2 Temp Trust
2 PW: +1 Trust, -3 Temp Trust
2 PW + >10 Espionage: +1 Trust, -1 Temp Trust
[Optionally Targetable At a Single Country, In Which Case Has Other Effects]

Keep Tabs - 1 PW: -1 Temp Espionage, -1 Temp Trust, Additional Information on 2 other nations
[Specify 2 Nations to Keep Tabs On, Can Also Target Two Groups of Minors]

Build Espionage Network - 1 PW: -1 Temp Trust, +2 Temp Espionage
2 PW: -1 Trust, +1 Espionage
2 PW + >10 Trust: +1 Espionage, -3 Temp Espionage

Launch Espionage Mission - 1 PW to start, variable additional PW, Trust, and Espionage

Promote Trade - 1 PW: -2 Temp Trust, +1 Temp SoL (Max [Navies] usage per turn)

Declare Rival - 1 PW, -1 Trust, Declares another nation a Rival, altering interactions and costs with them. Rival must be a Peer. Max 3 rivals.

Drop Rivalry - 2 PW, removes Rival status on target
0 PW if Rival no longer a Peer

Build Political Support - 1 PW + Happiness >7: +2 PW

Support Industrial Research - 1 PW: -1 temp IC, boosts Industrial type research

Support Social Research - 1 PW: +1 temp Consciousness, boosts Social type research

Support Scientific Research - 1 PW: -1 temp SoL, boosts Science type research

Suppress Agitators - 1 PW: -1 temp Consciousness, +2 temp Militancy
2 PW: -1 Consciousness, +1 temp Militancy, +1 Militancy

Demonstrate Superiority - 1 PW: -1 Temp IC, +1 Prestige
If SoL highest of nations, additional +1 Prestige
If Education highest of nations, additional +1 Prestige
If Innovation highest of nations, additional +1 Prestige
If Prestige highest of nations, additional +1 Prestige

Begin War - 1 PW against Minor Powers
2 PW against Secondary Powers
3 PW against Great Powers
4 PW against Supreme Power
-1 PW cost if Great or Supreme Power
-1 PW cost against Rivals

Major Infrastructure
Develop Transport Infrastructure - 1 PW, -3 Temp IC, +1 Max Development, (4 more uses to remove Undeveloped Hinterlands status)
Claim Kyberi Territory - 1 PW, -1 Temp IC, +2 Max Development, increases required Transport Infrastructure to remove Undeveloped Hinterlands status
Royalist Faction - The king and his supporters. +1 PW when pleased, -1 PW when in conflict Pleased by Permanent Army Increases, displeased by support for Republicans
Nobility - The lesser nobility and major landowners. +1 Temp Standard of Living when pleased, +1 Temp Consciousness when in conflict Pleased by Claiming Kyberi Territory, displeased by support for Republicans
Merchants - Major merchant and guild factors with political input. +1 Temp IC when pleased, -1 Temp Standard of Living when in conflict Pleased by Permanent Naval Increase and screwing with the Syffrynites, displeased by economic restrictions
Urbanites (Unofficial) - Urban lower and middle class. -1 Temp Happiness when in conflict Displeased by economic restrictions
Peasants (Unofficial) - Rural peasants and freemen. -1 Temp IC when in conflict Displeased by too much Development
AN: These desires will drift with time and changing concerns

AN: And here we go. Will have key information posts up shortly
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How It Works: Interaction of Permanent and Temporary De-/Increases In A Turn
Nah, it uses 2 temp IC and 1 permanent IC. As I understand it, that is valid.

@Academia Nut Just to check, is this plan valid?:

[X] [Agenda] Plan 8bit
-[Agenda] 1 PW - Develop Industry
-[Agenda] 1 PW - Claim Kyberi Territory
-[Agenda] 2 PW - Improve Standard of Living

Two temp, 1 permanent decrease, and 1 permanent increase is allowed, so long as the final number comes to 0. I will be removing most of the timing rules for this version.
Historiography: Gryluv-Ymaryn and some modern aspects.
  • How did the Gylruv+Ymaryn crown actually unite? Patriarch married a rare female Ymaryn King or what?
  • What exactly is a Haddyth/Patriarch?
  • What are the important world religions, in which countries are they spread, under what hierarchic system are they governed and what dogma should we be aware of/worried about, especially regarding our own religion(s) in Ymaryn/Gylruv. Example: Are certain forests still sacred? (Edit: If you can't answer so much stuff regarding non-Ymaryn religions yet, just tell me if there is a Not!Pope in Syffryn and where the not!Protestant vs not!Catholic divide is. Our own religious situation might actually be important though, for roleplaying if nothing else).
  • I notice there is no religious faction even though in real life history the church still had quite a bit of power in many countries at the time. How weak is our priesthood politically/socially? Does the nobility/king take their own religious values into account as they govern?
  • Seeing how we still have a King and he is one step away from being an absolute monarch, is there still a mechanic reflecting Heroic/Genius/Idiot kings?
  • Where does the King of Ymaryn title get its legitimacy from? God? The Land? The Ymaryn people?
  • Does our King have any direct family relations with foreign royalty as was common in RL Europe?
  • Do we have any untypical social values for our time? What are they?
  • Is Black Sheep Empire their own name for themselves? Where ever does it come from?
  • What's the grey space hugged between Black Sheep and Hung? Not!Himalayas?
  • What have the Highlanders been doing lately regarding geopolitics? Do they even have any friends?

1. From a purely technical construct, the Haddyth became the king of the Ymaryn as well as his own position, and then the institutions merged, but really by that time he was educated by the Ymaryn as had most of his lineage, and the administration and bureaucracy was already Ymaryn-ified, so it was essentially a takeover from within.

2. Haddyth/Patriarch is the Tsar.

3. Will do a post on religion, but essentially you formed a military barrier between Not!Christianity and Not!Islam but still allowed missionaries through so long as they didn't start shit. There is a Not!Pope, and the Protestant/Catholic divide is generally along the same sort of north-south divide as in real life. Religious issues will no doubt crop up but I will endeavour to have informational posts on them before hand and clear up any questions that relate to in-universe issues, if probably still couching my responses in in-universe biased responses when they come from your advisors.

4. The religious faction is spread out throughout the other factions at this time due to the way the abstractions come up, but right now they can generally be seen as abolitionist social conservatives.

5. Yes. You started with a pretty average king.

6. Time immemorial. Like, several institutions derive their authority from being so ancient no one even knows where they came from. This gives them a semi-divine aspect, but essentially authority rests on a lot of tradition, but that tradition includes a back and forth between the ruled and the rulers.

7. There are a number of lesser marriages with the Kielmyr, Khemetri, and Black Sheep, but not many nations are that interested in you potentially having a claim on their thrones at the moment.

8. You are abnormally pro-education and anti-slavery.

9. The Black Sheep Confederacy/Empire named themselves after their founding tribe. I rather blatantly stole the name from the Kara Koyunlu, the Black Sheep Turkomens, and then merged them with a less genocidal version of the Timurids.

10. Mountain range, yes. Several mountain ranges actually.

11. They have generated into the geopolitical equivalent of an old man with a shotgun shouting "GIT OFF MA LAWN!"

I see that you have allowed plan voting. Are plans allowed to include everything that we can vote on on a given update or are they only for the agenda? If the former, how do you plan on counting stuff if some plans include the turn specific choices while others only have agenda stuff in them and there are also free floating non-plan things being voted on separately?

For the agendas because of the way the costs work out, I will take plans to avoid mechanical headaches that I am no longer tolerant of, but for most other things I will allow more free wheeling and just take the majority/plurality.

Then can I change my vote?

Historiography: Guilds & The Two-Ton Slab of the Diver's Guild
But if our capitalism isn't horrible, people will be less likely to develop socialism and communism in response.

I always found it funny in Victoria 2 how the best way to create a state with good living standards was to always pick the options to piss the most people off so you could raise Militancy and Consciousness high enough to produce the desire for reform. While this frequently meant not trying to kill as many protesters as possible, it also means frequently supporting the conservative and reactionary factions rather than attempting any sort of moderate reform... right up until the possibility of a full reform becomes possible, at which point you jump on it. The leadership in Victoria 2 must appear insane to their subordinates. Half the time it's not even accelerationism either, it's just pissing everyone off, including the people who should be standing in the way of your reforms when pissed off.

But yes, while the actual capabilities of the guilds are all local, the guilds have organized themselves in such a way as to have regional and crown representation. While for all practical purposes the Redshore and New Blackmouth Blacksmith's Guilds don't coordinate, they do communicate under the Blacksmith's Guild's Representative to the Crown, who is under the Guild Representative to the Crown. Both of those are for all intents and purposes noble titles.

Also, the Diver's Guild has a red granite slab that weighs several tonnes in their main guildhall. It is at least two thousand years old, probably older, and it has the guild's official charter (as opposed to the much longer paper legal charter) engraved upon its surface and gold leaf worked into the lettering. The preamble states that this is a gift from the king after the original tablets were lost in a fire. It reaffirms the king's grant of permission by way of the gods for the Diver's Guild to regulate the collection and farming of precious resources from under the water, granted since time immemorial.

Yeah, there are guilds who have records dating back to time immemorial that say that they received their charter based off of time immemorial.
Historiography: Banner Companies, Guilds & the Hung
If the guilds lasted this long, do any of our banner companies still exist in some form, because having a modern regiment that is descended from the red banner for example would be really cool

The Banner Companies went down in battle and dissolution of the empire, but many regiments claim spiritual descent from them.

So people can honestly say their guilds are older than monotheism? Because ooh boy, that's not going to make a transition easy.

Pretty much all of the biggest and most important guilds have claims to being at least a thousand years old in their current forms. Divers, Smiths, Glassblowers, Potters, Miners, Dyers, and Alchemists (somewhat defunct in places, but basically 'semi-scientific herbalists' at this point) all have definite documentation that they are at least two thousand years old.

As for the Hung, the northern kingdoms of the Hung got overrun by the khan, and the southern kingdom badly mauled before you drew enough attention away that they could throw them out. That dynasty ruled with only slight interruption up until the mid 1600s, at which point environmental chaos and pressure from northern steppe tribes and the Nohon caused a dynastic change-over to reorganize the system, economy, and military. This allowed for the stabilization of food prices and the expulsion of northern invaders. The Nohon entered into a tributary agreement in order to secure their conquests in former protectorate territories, and it was thus deemed not a concern the Hung should spend blood and treasure on, especially since the Nohon agreed to patrol the seas for piracy (of which they were the primary source anyway).
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Culture: The Cultural Legacy of the Fall of the Ymaryn Empire
Ok our war with the Great Khan is asking for some seriously epic historical fiction, can you imagine the battle scenes and the sheer pathos of the apocalyptic battle against the savage hordes. I'd be surprised if they haven't already written a tragedy or tragic opera about this yet.

The Ymaryn equivalent of the St. Crispin's Day Speech comes from the famous historical play on "The Burning of the Stones: A Tragedy in Five Acts". Even the Qeshyk clans, who are semi-assimilated nomad groups used for patrolling and claiming the hinterlands, incorporate the tragic elements into their folk songs and dances, although sometimes it can be hard to tell exactly who you are supposed to be rooting for in their frenzied dance battle re-enactments of the battles.