Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency Through in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)

Orc Quest; or, A Critical Examination of Agency in Interactive Fiction (Warcraft)
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The World of Warcraft is before you, the wide plains of Kalimdor, the mountains of Alterac, the jungles of Stranglethorn. You are an Orc within this world, free to choose your destiny, but bound by convention and obligation. What will you do? Where will you go?
Character Sheet
Character Sheet

Grok'mash, Blademaster of the Burning Blade

Character Sheet

Grok'mash of the Burning Blade

Sex: Male: You are superior physically to most sentient races on Azeroth. All other things being equal your strength and mass will allow you to win against any lesser foe and you'll be more able to face large foes such as Vrykul with greater chances of success than if you were smaller. In general you have more significant martial obligations than if you were female, such as being expected to fight in battle if called on.

Clan: Burning Blade: Your clan is a complex one. On Draenor yours were the finest swordsmen in the world, using magic and skill to fell even the largest of foes, and using fel energy to enhance your abilities. On Azeroth your clan is split, scattered and broken by the demonic invasion of the Third War many of your clan still serve the Burning Legion, attempting to infiltrate the Horde and bathe the world in green fire once again. Others however are loyal and attempt to root out corruption and infiltrators. Which side to you fall on?

Class: Warrior: It can be said that all Orcs are warriors really. Whether with axe or spear you can stand in a shield wall or duel many opponents and win. Similarly this class makes excellent use of your size and strength. Nevertheless, you're vulnerable to essentially everything you're not such as magic and ranged warfare, and it can be difficulty to find equipment given technological underdevelopment of the Orcs. This class is modified by your clan and the specific martial traditions of the Burning Blade. You are a Blademaster, no longer merely an aspirant, you have proved yoruself and bear both the blade and the banner of your clan.

: For Azeroth: You've observed that regardless of who's fighting, everyone seems to lose. There are great threats to Azeroth and you plan to stand against them, regardless of who you have to fight with, whether Orcs or otherwise. This motivation is modified by your clan and you are particularly aware of the threat of the Burning Legion, while being less aware of things like the Twilight's Hammer.

Social Strata:
Leadership: You are directly related to the Burning Blade Clan's leadership. You receive significant advantages in skill increases and the potential to receive various boons such as equipment from your family. You have explicit responsibilities to fulfil. Specifically, you are the son and heir of Neeru Fireblade, the clan chief of the Burning Blade. Your father is the chief warlock of Orgrimmar and a noted authority on demonic matters, advising the Warchief and being commissioned by various other powerful individuals who rely on his knowledge. You are the heir of a clan specialising in anti-demonic activities within the Horde.

Skills and Abilities

Assume skills progress in 5 levels, each giving a bonus to rolls associated with that skill. For example: Basic Alchemy> Alchemy> Advanced Alchemy> Expert Alchemy> Master Alchemy. I used to have mechanical bonuses to these rolls but I've decided to remove them. For example, 'Basic Riding' no longer gives you a Bonus to rolls associated with that. Use these rather to understand how Grok might perform in particular circumstances.

The different levels of skills give narrative (but no longer mechanical) bonuses. For example, a low roll by a master fighter would still mean you do well because you're a master. Comparably a high roll by an amateur would indicate that you'd done well, proportionate to your small skill in that field.

While the first 2 levels of skill can be trained and learnt, the later levels require practical experience to significantly advance. This represents the importance of using those skills in a real world scenario and also acts as a way to force you to go out and do stuff.

Master Weapon Competency:
Your Clan were always known for their skill with weapons and you're no exception. You spent plenty of time as a child associating with old Blademasters, without question the greatest warriors of the Horde with weapons. You are skilled with a variety of weapons, particularly favouring swords. You've reached a masterful competency with weapons, greater than that of all but the mightiest champions. Bonus to rolls involving weapon handling (for example duels, not battles overall or warfare in general). 50% to next level.

Expert Tactics: You grew up around the leaders of a martial clan, and in addition to your other training you've become as able a tactician as any other officer and can analyse and plan in various tactical situations. You have fought in numerous skirmishes, and commanded two large battles, triumphing over twenty times your numbers on both occasions and using multiple groups and skill sets to reach a victory. Bonus to tactical analysis and battle planning (does not grant wider strategic skill). 15% to next level.

Advanced Slaying: Your clan are known for their warfare against demonic influence. You've gained a wide reaching knowledge of demons and specifically how to kill them due to your Clan's focus on policing the demonic in the Horde, and more recently you've been developing competency against the undead. Bonus to rolls against demons and undead in combat.

Advanced Demonology: Your father is an accomplished warlock and you've picked up both an excellent general knowledge of demonic matters, as well as some of the more specific elements of your clan. Bonus to rolls benefiting from demonic knowledge (essentially academic knowledge, does not give practical spellcraft). +25% to next level.

Advanced Riding: You've ridden about on a warg, especially in your death ride across the burning Barrens, as well as trained a war-drake. You can fight while mounted, though you prefer not to.

Advanced Leadership: You have led forces in battles and begin to comprehend the more advanced aspects of leadership, you have a loud voice and confident manner in command, but now you add an awareness and vision to understand your warriors. In addition, you have the skill to bring together multiple parties to acheive results. Bonus to leadership rolls. +75% to next level,

Basic Survivalist: You know how to take care of yourself in the wilds of Kalimdor for a limited time, though you won't be comfortable. Includes basics of hunting, tracking and trapping, as well as skinning and some basic crafting and first aid. Bonus to survivalist rolls including hunting, skinning and first aid.

Basic Stealth: You've learned the basics of quiet movement and stealthy action from the Darkspear of Sen'jin. Bonus to stealth rolls, and the ability to consider stealthier plans which you previously didn't have the training for.

Expert Physical Conditioning: From marching and training you're were as well conditioned as many warriors. Now though you've been through battle, exerting yourself for days and have reached a level of conditioning greater than even professional soldiers. Bonus to rolls involving physical exertion and resisting tiredness. Modified to Master while wearing the Mightstone.

Advanced Persuasion: You've learned to understand and respect other perspectives and can accurately target your own persuasive efforts, as well as reach respectful conclusions with others. You know when to use intimidation, flattery and deception in speech and can effectively employ these to being others to your side.

Advanced Scholarship: You've spent weeks examining the Flamebender's Tome, categorising Kul Tiran material and conducting research projects into specific issues and feel better prepared to confront more complex tasks. You're still largely self-educated, perhaps a more deliberate education would be valuable? Bonus to scholarship rolls, knowledge of orcish and trollish traditions and history, knowledge of human history and religious practices. Languages known include Orcish, Old Orcish, Tirassian, Kalimag and Ered'ruin. +25% to next level.

Warsight: While once you received vague premonitions or flashes of the future which helped you in battle, since connecting with the Spirit of the Wilds you now foresee the future far more regularly, both in battle and associated with war. Bonus to most martial rolls, possibility of meditating to improve this ability or get better rolls. Seers are highly respected in many societies.

War Joy: Not only do you control the battle fury of your kind, embracing but refusing to be controlled by the primal instincts of your clan, you hold joy in it, making battle simple for you. Bonus to direct combat rolls such as duels, but not wider warfare like activity in a siege. You are more able to resist rage-inducing mental effects such as the bloodlust of fel magic.

Shamanism: Your Sight and the formation of your connection to the Spirit of Fire meant you were a shaman, and while once the Spirits seemed to have turned from you, now you feel them again. +60% to next level.

Elemental Connection
You already have a connection with the elements. You'll be able to strengthen this connection as you go on.

You have an existing connection with the Spirit of the Wilds, also known as the Spirit of Life, or just 'Spirit'. This spirit represents the soul of all living things, the most powerful element but also the most complex and unknowable. You'll still have to train this, but even experienced shamans have difficulty doing so. No added elemental ability, modification to Farseeing tradition instead.

You have a connection with the Spirit of Life. This spirit is present in all lifeon Azeroth and binds the other spitits together. Life is most frequently used by shaman for a variety of esoteric purposes such as Seeing, and is the least well known of the Elementals.

You have a connection with the Spirit of Fire. This spirit is present in all fires on Azeroth, and employed in any magic involving fire. Fire is most frequently used by shaman for destructive purposes and is the most active and belligerent of the Elements. Will need training and meditation to discover spells.

You have a connection with the Spirit of Earth. This spirit is present in the stone and soil of Azeroth, and primarily employed in Callings to strengthen and protect. Earth is most frequently used by shaman to enhance their own abilities, or alter the physical world. Will need training and meditation to discover spells.

You have a connection to the Light. You know little about this currently, but you can feel it, a pure fire in your heart. You called on the Light at your death, and used it's strength to strike down Alexandros Mograine. The Light is traditionally used by human priests and paladins to heal, as well as protecting the weak or striking down evil foes. Will need training and meditation to discover spells.

You are a Dark Shaman. While you do not actively pursue the enslavement of Elementals, your experiences with them so far have proven them capricious and destructive, and your doctrine is one of caution, rather than respect. This doctrine is well-practiced among the Blackrock and Burning Blade clans, but is diverse and represents many traditions and cultural variations, but is explicitly conservative and opposed to the reformist practices of the Frostwolves that have become popular under Thrall. In particular you have used this perspective to bind and subjugate Elementals, as well as breaching the Elemental Planes for your own benefit.

Relates to how easy you find it to connect to different elements, but does not guarantee you a connection.

Assume decimalisation of affinity added to relevant rolls, for example, you might get +10 to trying to connecting with Fire, but only +1 to doing things with Air.

Fire Affinity (87+20)=107
Air Affinity (2+10)=12
Water Affinity (74+5)=79
Earth Affinity (84+5)=89
Life Affinity (72)=72
Decay Affinity (72)=72


Ragefire: Using your connection to the Spirit of Fire you lure out the destructive energies of the Firelands, using your rage to bind them to your will. Currently you can only use this to enhance your sword when striking at opponents.

Flameseeing: You look into the flames and perceive the lands and peoples of the world. Beware, they may perceive you too.

Blades of Fire: You call upon the fire within yourself to imbue the weapons of your allies with fire.

Warsight: You can meditate and receive visions of the future.

Elemental Conjuring: You can conjure and bind Elementals, with difficulty and success chances depending on the Elemental in question.

Purefire: You called on the Light in Naxxramas and received felt benevolence. You can channel this power into a healing fire that sears wounds closed and burns away sickness, you having successfully used it on the Worgen Curse, as well as in restoring the recently dead to life.

Soulfire: Through a means presently unknown, you can cloak yourself in a glorious fire to enhance all aspects of yourself.

Firecalling: Building on the rites learned in the caverns of Orgrimmar, you know the spells and rituals of Firecalling, an Orcish funerary tradition. You can summon up and dismiss feiry spirits of the recently dead, but mainly use this skill in performing funerals.

Myzrael: Though not a spell as other calls of shamanism might be termed, your bond with Myzrael, Princess of the Earthen Realm, means you can perform almost any spell of Earthen origin. These include calling an earthquake, summoning and hurling boulders, altering terrain, or using the earth to sense people around you.

Oreseeker: You have gained proficiency in the art of Oreseeking, a Blackrock practice involving Shaman drawing up useful resources from the depths of the Earth

Specific items Grok'mash maintains on his person.
  • Fireblade, Grok'mash's sword, an ancient blade of Draenor.
  • Bloodstone, an amulet taken from a warlock's corpse, the Bloodstone absorbs magic readily, especially the baleful enegies of shadow and fel magic.
  • Mightstone, created by Castilian the Mage, the Mightstone elevated the physical abilities of it's wearer when worn.
  • Banner, the Banner of the Burning Blade inspires respect in all who recognise it.
  • Paste, an older Orcish decoration, these ancient marks denote your rank, clan and occupation, and inspire approval in more conservative members of Orcish society.
  • Bracer of Myzrael, a elementium band binding the spirit Myzrael.
  • Bolvar's Writ, a letter of safe conduct commanding all loyal citizens of the Alliance to treat you well.
  • Strange Crystal, a fist sized stone taken as a trophy from Alexandros Mograine, this stone was said to have been taken from a warlock by the paladin, before being used as part of the Ashbringer, Mograine's mighty sword.
  • Chunk of Elementium, an unbreakable material pulled from the Stonecore itself, this unworked nugget has a greater value than some kingdoms.
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Dramatis Personae
Dramatis Personae

The Burning Blade Clan

Grok'mash Fireblade, the protagonist

Neeru Fireblade, his father, public chief of the Burning Blade and member of the Shadow Council

Xerash Fireblade, father of Neeru and noted warlock and arcanist

Drek the Firecaller, a priest and pyremaster

Ureda, a warlock and arcanist

Grok'mash's warband

Sorek, warrior of the Blackrock, former pupil of Akinos, Grok'mash's banner bearer

Vark, warrior of the Warsong, blood-brother to Grok'mash, now Chief of the Boulderfist Ogres

Vok'fon, warrior of the Darkspear Trolls, went into banditry due to political discontent, and following his travels with Grok'mash, left the warband to continue his own affairs.

Kartha, spy and assassin of the Shattered Hand

Keldran, necrolyte and warlock of the Burning Blade

Zaruk, warlock formerly of the Twilight's Hammer

Drum Fel, former leader of Hammerfell

Myzrael, maddened Princess of Deepholme

The Blademasters, swordsingers of the Burning Blade

Akinos Steelclaw, mentor of Grok'mash, slain by Jubei'thos

Jubei'thos, the most experienced blademaster, previously thought to be in Alterac, now apparently hostile to his clan and his spirit mysteriously bound in a human body. Former Chief of the Demonsword cadet clan.

Sesk, a blademaster, tainted by the Fel, wants to kill his brother, Gorn. Once companion to Ishi, a blademaster, untainted by the Fel, and slain in Grok'mash's defence in Naxxramas.

Mankrik, a blademaster

Ronak, an experienced blademaster

Rahjak, a Blademaster seeking the perfect battle and the 'Breath of Eternity', with his disciples, Redjaw and Brolic

Saruk, a blademaster

Gorn, a blademaster and general of the Horde, brother to Sesk

Takata Steelblade, a blademaster, familiar with the warlocks of the Burning Blade

Moogul the Sly, an experienced blademaster, whereabouts known.

The Demonsword Clan

Haomarush, Fel-Orc Blademaster and chief of the Demonsword Clan

Mazath, a Blademaster and son of another Blademaster.

The Knights of the Silver Hand

Tirion Fordring, one of the first paladins, now serving the Scarlet Crusade.

Halford Wyrmbane, Commander of the 7th Legion

Duke Zeren

Taelan Fordring, Lord of Mardenholde#

Lord Irulon Trueblade

Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker

Valgar Highforge, smith and artificer of the Silver Hand

The Shadow Council

Lord Banehollow, nathrezeim supervisor of the Shadow Council, with his attendant, Ur'dan.

Fel'dan, supposed son of Gul'dan and ruler of the Shadow Council

Kaz Steelfist, True Chief of the Burning Blade

Prince Xavalis, son of Xavius the Accursed, the first Satyr

Jergosh the Invoker, commander of the cultists of Ragefire Chasm

Athrikus Narassin, a elven Highborne mage

Nagaz, leader of the Argus Wake

Vorpil, a powerful Orcish shadowmage and warlock believed to have been killed on lost Draenor

The Scarlet Crusade

Sally Whitemane, a priestess, wounded in the Assault on Naxxramas and now forever silent.

Darion Mograine, a young knight and the Scarlet Crusade's liaison to the Burning Blade

Inquisitor Fairbanks, apostle to the Forsaken

Castillian, a mage of the Scarlet Crusade

Calia Menethil, the Scarlet Princess

Saiden Dathrohan, Grand Crusader and leader of the Scarlet Crusade

The Black Dragonflight

Kalaran Windblade, a Black Dragon sent by his master, Neferian, to infiltrate the Alliance

Nyxondra, Broodmother of Alterac

Velarok, Black Drake

Jirakka, Dragonspawn commander

Moldarr, his attendant

The Horde

Thrall, Warchief of the Horde

Nazgrel, advisor to Thrall

Gordul, Chief of the Shattered Hand clan

Angrais, daughter of Rexxar

Tagar, half-ogre and father of Vark

Kardris Dreamseeker, former tutor in shamanism to Grok'mash

The Alliance

Queen Katrana Prestor, formerly royal councillor and now wife to King Varian of Stormwind and Regent of that Kingdom

Brann Bronzebeard, brother to King Mangi and patron of the Explorer's League

Mangi Bronzebeard, King of Ironforge

Bolvar Fordragon, paladin and former Regent of Stormwind, now suspected to be dead or a prisoner of the Scourge.

Archbishop Hylan, humanocentrist senior priest of Alterac Church of the Holy Light

Bishop Karlus, former bandit-priest turned warden of Varnhold's flock

High Priest Voss, most senior of Dathrohan's 'Red Bishops' and close in the Grand Crusader's confidence

Regent Gregor Lescovar, tremulous Stormwind noble assigned as regent in Alterac to represent Queen Prestor's interests there
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Armed forces infopost
Armed forces infopost

This infopost lists the current forces in your forces to keep track of various people. Orc and Troll forces include non-combattants due to the nature of those populations and the lack of firm distinction between miltiary and civilian. As such, their true strength will vary, depending on levels of military participation and character of the differnet groups.
  • Grok'mash Fireblade, Blademaster, with his companion, the Blademaster Sesk, and guards led by Sorek, his standardbearer.
  • Azanoth, a trained war-drake of the Black Dragonflight
  • Approximately 25 Blademasters led by Rahjak
  • 8000 Burning Blade warriors, composed almost entirely by reinforcements from Desolace, but also including members from Grok's original warband as well as subsequent converts from Lordaeron. Led by Scorn.
  • 3700 Blackrock Orcs led by Tagorr the Dread and Jed Runewatcher.
  • 500 Warsong led by Shatterskull
  • 1700 New Clan led by Drum Fel
  • 200 Frostwoles led by Gol'dir
  • 2800 Demonsword Clan warriors, led by the Blademaster, Haomarush
  • 400 Dragonmaw warriors, former prisoners taken in fighting in the Wetlands and now sworn to Grok, led by Garneg Charskull.
  • Around 450 Boulderfist Ogres led by Vark, along with a Gilnean Ettin

  • 500 Snowgate Militia, a force raised by Lord Crowley to protect the Gilnean population of Alterac, and to better represent the community in thearmed forces of Alterac
  • 30 Artillery pieces and associated operators
  • 1000 Revantusk Trolls led by Primal Torntusk
  • 200 Stormpike Dwarves, including riflemen, sappers and ram riders
  • 2000 Alterac Royal Army soldiers

  • A small number of Scarlet Crusade attatched forces including Darion Mograine, equerry assigned by the Crusade to liaise with you, and Sally Whitemane, priestess of the Scarlet Crusade, and her attendants
  • Hundreds of shaman, warlocks and other magic users, led by Xerash Fireblade and Zaruk, formerly of the Twilight's Hammer
  • The scouts led by Kartha of the Shattered Hand
  • Black Dragons led by Broodmother Nyxondra and drake Velarok, attended by the Dragonspawn Jirakka and Moldarr as well as their forces.
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Grok's Deeds of Note
Fame and Infamy

I'd been considering writing something like this so I suppose I shall now!

To assess how particular people might perceive you in future, you should also consider how well known you are, and for what you're known. This will consist of positive and negative acts, which are sometimes difficult to separate. As such I'm going to list various acts which people might perceive in various ways. To an extent it'll be up to you to consider how these might be considered though.

  • Weakling Son: The initial aspect that you're known for is being the weakling son of Neeru Fireblade. While Neeru has never been known as a great warrior, he is a notable warlock and chief and for his mate to bear him a notably small and weak son was a source of great shame for him, and infamy for you. While you've proved yourself in skill and strength now, this reputation has preceded you, and influenced Grok's thoughts in many cases.
  • Felborn: Being the son and heir of the Elder Warlock of the Horde, and being associated with Gul'dan's death magic in general, creates a certain reputation for you, despite you never actually wielding that power yourself.
  • Heir: As the son of a clan chief, and now declared heir, you will be granted access to particular places or persons, and counted among an exclusive array of peers, but also expected to act in a particular way.
  • Blood-brother: While not necessarily making you famous, the solemn act of swearing blood-brotherhood is seen as laudable across Orcish society, and especially among the Warsong.
  • Blademaster: You are the first Blademaster in generations. This brings honour in and of itself, and is respected by almost all Orcs. Your skill, but also your personal honour, is well known due to this.
  • Flameseer: You are also one of the first shaman and seers for a long time. Seers have a privileged position in Orcish society and are greatly respected. Additionally, you are one of the only Orcs to take an interest in the old traditions of Flameseeing, a funerary practice common to the Burning Blade and Blackrock clans. Being a shaman, seer and flamecaller bring you great respect from many in Orcish society. Most orcs would listen to you and obey you simply because of this.
  • Warleader: Despite the somewhat dubious results of some of your battles, you have commanded your warband in several battles and more skirmishes. You are a tested leader in a time of relative peace among your generation. In particular, your battles against the Kolkar and Scourge have made you well known for winning harsh victories against great odds.
  • The March of Forneus: The main aspect of your career that's well known enough to affect your reputation is your involvement with the Barrens conflict against the centaur Kolkar, as well as the raising of the elemental Duke of Earth, Forneus. The elemental's rising devastated central Kalimdor, and caused many deaths among the Orcs. While you are not specifically blamed for this, you are known to have had some part in it. Some Orcs respect this as a significant elemental engagement, while others scorn you for bringing destruction to Orgrimmar.
  • Exile: The other aspect of your career well known is your exile by the Warchief, Thrall. You publicly took blame for your clan's actions, which is generally acknowledged to be a face-saving exercise. Due to your exile being political rather than criminal, you are not generally scorned by others who might know of it.
  • The Scarlet Orc: Among the Alliance you are known to be of great honour, having voluntarily joined the Scarlet Crusade's war against the Scourge. You displayed qualities desired by human culture, and gained the respect of the nobility involved in the Crusade. Your civility and virtue were especially noted, and most Alliance nobles will now have at least known of you.
  • Breaker: The stories of the Orcs' origins have now spread among many learned or martial humans, and due to your acts you are known as 'Breaker' for your victory in Naxxramas. Your skill with a sword is speculated upon, and you are known to have defeated Alexandros Mograine in single combat, a knight who in life was known as one of the finest combatants in the Eastern Kingdom.
  • Mak'gora: You fought the most notable Mak'gora since Doomhammer and Blackhand, a duel which exceeded may others in the last twenty years in both significance and magnificence. Almost every Orc approves of the Mak'gora, and to defeat Haomarush Demonsword is also extremely impressive, cementing your status as one of the most skilled warriors in the Horde.
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Quest Summary
Summary for anyone who wants to jump in halfway through rather than reading through it all.

In short, I wanted to explore the idea of agency in questing, and the problems one might experience when experiencing the freedom of the quest format, yet also being bound by the constraints of the setting.

The quest follows Grok'mash of the Burning Blade, an aspiring Blademaster of his clan. The Burning Blade are the most scholarly of Orcs, and possess the unique martial tradition of the Blademaster. Grok is a prudent, but extremely honourable Orc, much concerned with impressing his father, Chief Neeru Fireblade, elevating the status of his clan, and becoming a Blademaster.

Grok begins the quest as a capable swordsman, and leaves the Valley of Trials along with several other orcs. Grok travels to a troll village to assist the people there in their various affairs. During this time Grok attacks a Kul Tiran garrison, killing many humans with the assistance of his Mok'nathal friend, Vark. While performing well, Grok is heavily wounded in his encounter, and in the aftermath swears blood-brotherhood with Vark. Having done some training and met Rexxar, Champion of the Horde, Grok begins some investigations into different magical traditions such as Shamanism, and subsequently leaves Sen'jin Village to travel to the Orcish capital, Orgrimmar. On his way, Grok rests at Razor Hill, an Orcish settlement, employing the secret arts of his clan to capture two elemental spirits of fire and earth.

In Orgrimmar, the Warchief of the Horde, Thrall, lures Grok to his throne room, attempting to influence the young orc. However, Grok's father arrives and Grok observes the intrigues and schemes that play between the Warchief and the Burning Blade. While in Orgrimmar, Grok resumes his place in his clan, but is warned by his father that unless he proves worthy he will be exiled. Grok seeks out a teacher of Shamanism, learning about the different cultural models of the practice, as well as finding a Blademaster, Akinos Steelclaw, to teach him further. Grok is eventually tasked with the death of the treacherous warlock, Darkstorm, and leads a small warband to attack the renegades.

While nagivating his father's high standards, the cultural issues within his people and confronting the genocidal history of the Orcs, Grok travels to Dreadmist Peak to learn from the elders of his clan, as well as to combat the Kolkar centaur tribe. Grok vigourously attacks the centaurs, who eventually rally at the urging of a shadowy figure, attacking Dreadmist peak with a large army. Grok leads the defence, slaughtering hundreds of the Kolkar while buying time for the warlocks of his clan to summon a demon to destroy the rest. However, the centaur too perform a great sacrifice and summon Forneus, Duke of the Inner Earth, a great elemental who destroys the mountain and almost all in the vicinity. Finally, the shadowy figure who rallied the centaur is revealed to be Jubei'thos, a supposedly dead Blademaster who kills Akinos, only for Grok's teacher to sacrifice himself to save Grok, ordering his student to hold honour above other virtues.

In the aftermath of Dreadmist, Grok and two other survivors pursue Forneus on his march toward Orgrimmar in the aftermath of the elemental's cataclysmic emergence. Grok attempts to distract the elemental and sacrifice himself to sate it's rage, but is unsuccessful, and is knocked unconsious.

Grok awakes in his family's residence, learning that Thrall was defeated by Forneus, who in turn was defeated by Grok's father, Neeru. Grok's father proudly presents him with an ancestral blade and confirms his place as heir of the clan. However, in an attempt to reduce the growing threat of the Burning Blade, the Warchief Thrall calls Grok before him, attempting to trap and publically denounce the Burning Blade as demon-worshipers. Grok, seeing through this attempt, claims the blame for various actions including the devastation of Orgrimmar due to Forneus' assault, and is exiled by Thrall.

Grok leaves Kalimdor at the head of a reinforced warband, with his father's blessing, travelling to Lordaeron to assist the Scarlet Crusade against the undead Scourge. During this time Grok meets and assists various human notables, including Tirion Fordring, Bolvar Fordragon, Katrana Prestor and Saiden Dathrohan, as well as witnessing the marvels of the Holy Light, as weilded by the Apostle, Fairnbanks. Proving himself in battle and diplomacy, Grok is sponsored by the Crusade and independantly seizes the stronghold of Andorhal, defeating the death knight, Marduk the Black, in a duel, as well as participating in the destruction of the lich, Araj the Summoner. Grok is confirmed to have gained the rank of Blademaster by the acclaim of two Blademasters in his warband.

During the Scarlet Crusade's further preparation, Grok accepts a commission to travel to the Arathi Highlands and deal with Orcish and Ogre clans there raiding the Crusade's supply lines. Grok attempts to mediate between the Stromic kingdom and the Orcs of Hammerfall while Vark subjugating the local Boulderfist ogres in a duel. Additionally, Grok utilises elementals in his battles with the bandits of the Syndicate and binds the powerful elemental spirit, Myzrael, to his service. This, along with other choices, confirms Grok's philosophy as a 'Dark Shaman', a cultural practice more aggressive and confrontation than some others among the Horde. Grok finally leaves Arathi with a much reinforced warband, having negociated a sort of ceasefire between the orcs and humans of the area.

Grok selects a chosen few to participate in the assault on Naxxramas, including the Black Dragon, Kalaran Windblade, and the Banshee Queen, Sylvannus Windrunner, as well as two Blademasters, Vark, and some others from his warband. Taking losses, Grok fights through the Dread Citidel and confronts Alexandros Mograine and the Four Horsemen of the Scourge. In an epic duel, Grok faces the Ashbringer in battle, but is killed. A strange pure fire revives the Blademaster and Grok shatters Mograine's sword, destroying the Death Knight.

In the aftermath of Naxxramas, Grok's warband swells with local orcs seeking adventure with such a prestigious and honourable warrior, while Grok receives the acclaim of the human nobles. Grok discusses his experiences with Tirion Fordring, concluding that he has touched the Holy Light, the first Orc to ever do so. Tirion advises him to conceal this matter to avoid confusion and debate around the issue while the Sourge is still a major enemy.

In a final task in Lordaeron Grok travels through the Alterac Mountains to seek out information on the orcs of that area, and specifically to learn more of Jubei'thos and why the elder blademaster attacked him previously. While naagivating Alterac Pass, Grok visits the Frostwolf orc clan, but is villanously attacked by their chief, Drek'thar. Grok fights his way free, killing Drek'thar's son, as well as summoning Myzrael to combat Lokholar the Ice Lord, an elemental ally of the Frostwolves. Grok is victorious in battle, exiling the remaining Frostwolves, with the fate of Drek'thar currently unknown.

Grok combats the bandits of the Syndicate in Alterac, defeating their army and allying with Bishop Karlus of Varnhold. Hearing of Orcish raiders in the north, Grok finds thousands of the Demonsword clan ready to attack Varnhold, and accepts the challenge of a duel from their chief, Haomarush Demonsword. Grok defeats Haomarush in a famous duel, once more using the Light in battle, and gaining the loyalty of the Demonsword clan.

While considering his options, Grok reflects on the pitiful position of many orcs in Lordaeron, and decides to accept an offer to become Constable of Alterac, the military commander of that region. With the new Queen Prestor occupied with matters in Stormwind and her marriage to Varian Wrynn, Grok is left as the most powerful figure in the kingdom, though in the unenviable position of becoming even more involved in the intriges and high politics of the Alliance.