Taylor-Juggernaut is definitely Avenger-rank power. She could practically take them on, on her own. As a throw-away thought, Thor might be able to dump her in another dimension... Stark would likely have to break-out some really fancy gadget...
Thor can, and has, taken out Juggernaut on his own. Once in under 60 seconds by having Mjolnir crate a dome around them that cut Marco off from Cytorok for the duration of the fight...
Some of the more obscure Avengers might be worth considering... Ant Man (Lang not Pym version) for example. Would Vista get the Wasp? Scarlet Witch? Would anyone get Vision? Ignore the gender when assigning?

Big problem with Ward-Avengers is power levels - Vista is the only one with Avenger-rank powers. Also, use MCU or comics Avengers?

Taylor-Juggernaut is definitely Avenger-rank power. She could practically take them on, on her own. As a throw-away thought, Thor might be able to dump her in another dimension... Stark would likely have to break-out some really fancy gadget...

A passing thought - trying to stop Taylor, maybe change her direction, much, futile. What if someone flies-up behind her, accelerates her, so she ends-up a good ways out in the Atlantic?

(I'm not convinced she has neutral buoyancy, so swimming issues, but, don't think she'd drown. Navigation issues, so can walk back, on the sea-bed, to BB?)

So for my idea, it would be comic Avengers, cause then I get to add people like Iron Fist or Captain Marvel or Wolverine. The Avengers powers go to the kid heroes, so I'd have to add Vicky, Amy, and Taylor since she did WANT to be a hero at the very least.

I think then I'd have done Protectorate members getting Mutant powers and the Adult New Wave getting the Fantastic Four powerset.

As for villains... I dunno. Maybe Kaiser getting Sinister's brains and Lung getting Abomination?
Sophia Hess getting the powers of a Marvel hero could be bad. But it'd be amusing if she ended up getting the powers and memorizes of a D lister villain such as Dr Doom's 5th Cousin (an evil dentist that She-Hulk faced once).
I remember that Marvel did a humorous 'What If?" comic once, and one of the things they had was "What if everyone who had been an Avenger STAYED an Avenger?" It pretty much meant that if you were a hero in Marvel, you were an Avenger, because there had been some short-lived memberships, but a LOT of heroes were Avengers.

Which allows for Spiderman. Ignoring the insect aspect of it, I'd probably have Taylor end up as Spiderman, because he's one of those heroes you forget just how smart and STRONG he is.

And if you take into account the comics Civil War, you HAVE to give Iron Man to a villain. Because they did their best to redeem him, but I never forgave his attitude regarding the SRA, and how his demands got people killed. (Until someone unkilled them/retconned/proved it was a clone.)
Which allows for Spiderman. Ignoring the insect aspect of it, I'd probably have Taylor end up as Spiderman, because he's one of those heroes you forget just how smart and STRONG he is.
Spidey does go out of his way to be underestimated. Never mind he's among the most experienced heroes out there. And the most consistently active. People just don't get that he can bench press a bus. They just see a guy that can jump long distances and use weird tech to swing around the city. Tech that he built, not that anyone knows this...

Let's face it, the PRT would call him a mid-range mover/brute/tinker combo (probably about 5 in each) despite the tinker part being entirely his own brilliance and not the product of any power.

Everyone just sees some clown fighting crime and rescuing people from burning buildings. Few realize just how impressive the Wall Crawler can be.

(They even leave out the tiny little detail that he's a damn precog/combat thinker. His Spider Sense is a MASSIVE force multiplier. I expect it would even work on normally immune to precog aggressors...)
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She doesn't need the ability to swim. "Walked across the ocean" is an option. One that Cain Marko has taken multiple times.
Wouldn't she need to get back to the surface to pull that off? Taylor is pretty impressive, but Hulk jumping seems unlikely, and if surprised I'd think it unlikely she'd avoid sinking, in the first place. Yes, she'd get out of Davy Jones Locker, but I'm not sure how. Run in circles, create a whirlpool, walk up the side of the funnel???

She's basically a retooled Kitty "Shadowcat" Pryde.
Funny how people forget the Grand Master Ninja Ogun abilities...

(Yes, I know, she tried quite hard to forget them, herself...)
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Wouldn't she need to get back to the surface to pull that off? Taylor is pretty impressive, but Hulk jumping seems unlikely, and if surprised I'd think it unlikely she'd avoid sinking, in the first place. Yes, she'd get out of Davy Jones Locker, but I'm not sure how. Run in circles, create a whirlpool, walk up the side of the funnel???

Try "Walk along the bottom of the ocean, because having to breath is for other people that can be stopped by such a minor issue."
Same way Mr Marko did. Which... never got explained, actually. He just did it, multiple times.
Marvel writers just aren't very good at the details, sometimes, are they? "Just look at the action, and the pretty pictures, don't think too hard"?

I like to think the author of this story is better than that. Previous evidence would suggest it.
One of the stories I remember about Juggernait is him fighting Spider-Man, and at the end of the issue, he was buried in the cement at the bottom of a skyscraper.

In an X-Men annual a few years later, it started after they had fought Juggernaut after a skyscraper had fallen, because it's deep cement foundation had been destroyed - by Marko just walking his way out.

From his POV? Breathing is for wusses.

And as for Spider-Man, everyone forgets that in the original Spider-Man, Peter made his amazing web fluid from chemicals that could be bought on a social security pension at the time. It was VERY clear from his origin that Ben and May were not well off by any standards, and yet he took chemicals she could afford and made that fluid.

If a cosmic entity asked me if I wanted the skills and knowledge only of any character in the Marvel Universe, I'd go for the original Peter Parker, no hands down. As long as the bad luck didn't come with it? I'll be a billionaire in a few years. (Seriously on the bad luck - a role playing game called Champions has a disadvantage called 'Unluck', and in the very first edition, I believe that they flat out referenced Spider-Man as the Ur-version of the disad.)
Regarding Avenger powers in the Wards...

Vista needs to be the Hulk. "Don't make angry." From a preteen; with those in the know backing off.

You could break the whole system; give Clockblocker Quicksilver's speed. Hard to have a fight if someone is freezing you everytime you appear.

Kid Win needs the Stark touch; Tony always had a thousand projects at once, and Kid would make Armsmaster eat his own liver in envy of the level of monetization Tony's capable of. "I'm not using PRT gear, Armsmaster, they can't afford this stuff."

Dean needs any one of a dozen empathetic\telepathic Avengers; maybe then he'd be useful.

Browbeat needs the MCU Hawkeye package; between that level of stealth and the fact that everyone forgets him anyway, "out of sight, out of mind" would be completely literal.

Sophia gets the powers of Spitfire, (the marvel one, damnit.). She can fly now... But since she glows and leaves a trail of fire behind her, stealthy is for other people.

And Taylor? Well, she needs the power from that Accountant from Denver, the guy from Secret Wars. Nothing could possibly go wrong there. (Note that Molecule Man has been a hero and a villain in his long history.)

Carlos needs something different. The Grey Hulk, I think. Banner's brain may make him smart enough to find a damn shield or some armor, so he's not breathing with his spleen most of the time. He takes 'meatshield' to extremes.
What if someone flies-up behind her, accelerates her, so she ends-up a good ways out in the Atlantic?
You cannot change the Juggernaut's chosen velocity or vector. The Juggernaut only accelerates or decelerates when they want to.
(I'm not convinced she has neutral buoyancy, so swimming issues, but, don't think she'd drown. Navigation issues, so can walk back, on the sea-bed, to BB?)
She can absolutely walk along the bottom of the ocean back to shore.

Cain Marko did so, once.
Carlos needs something different. The Grey Hulk, I think. Banner's brain may make him smart enough to find a damn shield or some armor, so he's not breathing with his spleen most of the time. He takes 'meatshield' to extremes.
Why not give him Wolverine, skeleton, claws, and all? Classic Carlos needs to embrace the idea of off-site backup - leave a bit (a little finger?) at home, and regrow from that when the writers use him from the ultra-vi scenes?
Why not give him Wolverine, skeleton, claws, and all? Classic Carlos needs to embrace the idea of off-site backup - leave a bit (a little finger?) at home, and regrow from that when the writers use him from the ultra-vi scenes?
Mostly because I didn't know if the Wolverine that regenerated from a single drop of blood was ever an Avenger.

Plus, the idea is get him to stop throwing his body in the way all the time; adding Wolverine to his current powers isn't going to do that.
(I'm not convinced she has neutral buoyancy, so swimming issues, but, don't think she'd drown. Navigation issues, so can walk back, on the sea-bed, to BB?)

As for swimming, I'll be covering that soon enough.

Taylor's already been told by Cytorrak that certain things -- like breathing and eating -- are completely optional. She also has been provisionally granted a low level thinker ability that allows her to track her goal, because she kept homing in on Sophia through the walls of Winslow unerringly.

And we all know Cytorrak doesn't do things half-assed. If his Avatar's goal is to walk home from Europe after being teleported there, then she'll get there. She might have a few surprises with her, too.

"Hey, Dad! I got some fancy new china!"

"Taylor, this is from RMS Titanic..."
She also has been provisionally granted a low level thinker ability that allows her to track her goal, because she kept homing in on Sophia through the walls of Winslow unerringly.
My bad - I'd forgotten that. This is Taylor, though, so future Escalation probably involves extending her force-field to those she's in contact with, so maybe her environmental protection, or using her force-field to negate that of others...

Cytorrak may raise an eyebrow, but would likely approve?
And we all know Cytorrak doesn't do things half-assed. If his Avatar's goal is to walk home from Europe after being teleported there, then she'll get there. She might have a few surprises with her, too.

"Hey, Dad! I got some fancy new china!"

"Taylor, this is from RMS Titanic..."
Could be worse.

Could be place settings made of pure platinum.
Wolverine that regenerated from a single drop of blood was ever an Avenger.

Name a Marvel team that Wolverine hasn't been apart of at some point.

"Taylor, this is from RMS Titanic..."

While she down there do you thinks she could recover one of the Webley Mk IV Revolvers that where carried by RMS Titanic for Jonathan Ferguson Keeper of Firearms and Artillery at the Royal Armouries Museum in the UK.