For a cape name, I suggest, given her middle name is Anne, Anne Stoppable.

She's already adopted Juggernaut as her cape name.

Also, regarding me "forgetting" Weapon X from the list of Wolverine's team affiliations, he was never a member of Weapon X. He was an experiment of Weapon X. And all his memories of missions as part of the program? They're suspect, and quite possibly artificial.
I personally feel bad for Taylor's clothing Bill as she gets older, as she's just going to pack on more muscle. Being the Juggernaut means being an unstoppable engine of destruction.
I personally feel bad for Taylor's clothing Bill as she gets older, as she's just going to pack on more muscle. Being the Juggernaut means being an unstoppable engine of destruction.

If you mean because she's gonna need custom clothing tailored to her size, yes. If you mean because you think she'll destroy her clothing, then no, not as long as she transforms into her nigh invulnerable costume when she uses her powers.
If you mean because she's gonna need custom clothing tailored to her size, yes. If you mean because you think she'll destroy her clothing, then no, not as long as she transforms into her nigh invulnerable costume when she uses her powers.
I mostly meant the former, yes. She's still going to build up in power and strength.
Heh, imagine the PRT finding out that her powers don't just Mimic the Juggetnaut, she IS this world's Juggernaut. Granted she really needs to find a hiding place for the Crimson Gem.
If she approaches Cain Marko size, she's gonna get HUGE. Parian will LOVE her.
I imagine Taylor would just be annoyed extremely at being his size. That and even now she has zero secret identity. Still...I almost want ot see someone try and slow her down, immobilize her, or stop her in general (possibly the Slaughterhouse). Leading to...well, this:


Possibly before killing the Siberian with her bare hands because magic.
Only in canon.
Supposedly, he was able to avoid notice by the S9 in general for a ridiculous amount of time, without a stranger ability to his name. Which is complete crap, considering the relatively negligible range (at least 1,000 ft.; possibly a few miles) the Siberian can be away from him.
Since we have no details other than author fiat (aka It just does, SHUT-UP!). I'm going with Kirkland-Joker's cheating, cheater, who cheats, of a shard told him. And he thought it was funny.
If Taylor decides Siberian is "in her way", and needs to be moved, Sibby is gonna get MOVED, possibly causing an aneurysm in
Manton because of power feedback. His shard will be affected, so he will be too.
It might happen thusly:

Siberian gets in Juggernaut's way.

Juggernaut picks it up and pitches it overhand, straight at Manton's van with such velocity that the Manton has no time to cancel the projection before it acts like an oversized sabot round and over penetrates the van. The cloud of spalled metal and shockwave will finish Manton off.

Normal human nerves are slow. Taylornaut can throw something hard enough that it can cover the distance before Manton has time to react... namely by hearing the hypersonic crack 2-3 seconds after Sibby has blown through the van. 10 MegaNewtons is enough force tp accelerate 1kg to 10,000,000 m/s, or 3.34% C.

Taylor could throw the Siberian hard enough to initiate a fusion event. She'd survive, of course, but everyone within miles would be pissed at her.
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