More likely she shoulder tackles Sibby through the van and tramples Manton. But if we're playing for lulz, she runs over Manton's van as he's trying to flee the scene while she's running at Crawler
More likely she shoulder tackles Sibby through the van and tramples Manton. But if we're playing for lulz, she runs over Manton's van as he's trying to flee the scene while she's running at Crawler
Oh yeah she just accidentally takes out Siberian and everyone wonders where she went, until they see the crotchety old guy in a white van with a Simurgh-victim tattoo on his skin and the remains of a once-active Corona and Gemma, and make the connection after they ID him and see an image of Manton's daughter and his wife and realize that Sibby has like a 90% likeness to both when you ignore the white and black striped skin.
Taylor could throw the Siberian hard enough to initiate a fusion event. She'd survive, of course, but everyone within miles would be pissed at her

She could, but her Patron likes straight up Physical Destruction, so it would go like this:

Sibbie approaches Taynaunt.
Taylor freaks out at Sibbie, because hey, this is the being that gouged out Alexandria's eye.
Taylor attempts to throw the Scary Thing into orbit, fusion event starts: Crazy Muscle God (personal name for him.) sees it happen and stops it, because Magic.

"Wonderful Enthusiasm Avatar, but if you blow up twenty miles of the city, you don't get to level all the buildings."

Taynaut: WTF?
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Siberian gets in Juggernaut's way.

Juggernaut picks it up and pitches it overhand, straight at Manton's van with such velocity that the Manton has no time to cancel the projection before it acts like an oversized sabot round and over penetrates the van. The cloud of spalled metal and shockwave will finish Manton off.

I might be wrong but I believe that the Siberian is only affected by things that Manton allows.
I might be wrong but I believe that the Siberian is only affected by things that Manton allows.
The Siberian, being composed entirely of All-or-Nothing without any actual underlying scaffold of base matter, instantly demanifests on contact with an immovable object or irresistible force.
I call bullshit on this. Manton's projection range isn't long enough for sound to take that long to get back to the launch point.
Canon Tattletale guessed that his actual range is measured is several miles, which would be far enough for that to happen.
Of course, that guess doesn't really matter in practical terms, since Manton usually stays within 1000 ft of the Siberian. Which means you are correct about the timing.
I might be wrong but I believe that the Siberian is only affected by things that Manton allows.

One fun fact I found out, the only person whom the Siberian can't make invulnerable is Manton himself.

Manton sees Taylornaut. Thinks "Brute. I can take her." Because how can he know that Taylor is anything but a brute? Attempts to claw Taylor, hits Taylor's own All or Nothing defense, which is backed by a whole lot more power... And gets stopped. Then gets yeeted at a high Mach number back towards the van, still unstoppable and invincible. Manton's van loses said physics debate big time. Sibby goes in one side, out the other.

If I was playing it up for humor, the holes in the van would be (briefly) silhouettes of the Siberian flailing just before the van and Manton have a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly Event. Trailing hypersonic shockwaves will do that.
One fun fact I found out, the only person whom the Siberian can't make invulnerable is Manton himself.

Manton sees Taylornaut. Thinks "Brute. I can take her." Because how can he know that Taylor is anything but a brute? Attempts to claw Taylor, hits Taylor's own All or Nothing defense, which is backed by a whole lot more power... And gets stopped. Then gets yeeted at a high Mach number back towards the van, still unstoppable and invincible. Manton's van loses said physics debate big time. Sibby goes in one side, out the other.

If I was playing it up for humor, the holes in the van would be (briefly) silhouettes of the Siberian flailing just before the van and Manton have a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly Event. Trailing hypersonic shockwaves will do that.

He isn't wrong, she is THE brute…

Physics:Noooooooo!(Vader no in a corner crying)
One fun fact I found out, the only person whom the Siberian can't make invulnerable is Manton himself.

Manton sees Taylornaut. Thinks "Brute. I can take her." Because how can he know that Taylor is anything but a brute? Attempts to claw Taylor, hits Taylor's own All or Nothing defense, which is backed by a whole lot more power... And gets stopped. Then gets yeeted at a high Mach number back towards the van, still unstoppable and invincible. Manton's van loses said physics debate big time. Sibby goes in one side, out the other.

If I was playing it up for humor, the holes in the van would be (briefly) silhouettes of the Siberian flailing just before the van and Manton have a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly Event. Trailing hypersonic shockwaves will do that.
A part of me wonders if in theory Taylor can call upon and use these for capturing criminals:

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak

The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak is a spell dependent upon Cyttorak, which encases the victim in many red bands.[2] Details about the spell to summon the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak can be found in chapter 53 of the Book of the Ancient Scrolls.[3] The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak can encases the victim...

I mean, Cyttorak is her patron.
Taylor could do with a few more ridiculous Strength Feats...

Yes, the Clap is good, but getting a bright spark when she clicks her fingers might be nice... And, when someone does a spectroscopic analysis of the generated light they'll (eventually) realise it's from a Fusion reaction...
Taylor could do with a few more ridiculous Strength Feats...

Yes, the Clap is good, but getting a bright spark when she clicks her fingers might be nice... And, when someone does a spectroscopic analysis of the generated light they'll (eventually) realise it's from a Fusion reaction...
Wonder if she could charge for custom made diamonds. By crushing charcoal in her hands.
Wonder if she could charge for custom made diamonds. By crushing charcoal in her hands.
I would not be surprised if Taylor's bullshit strength lets her make a diamond ring. As in, a solid diamond with a hole in it so it can fit on a finger, no metal needed.

(And I wonder if anyone out there both recognizes what inspired the above feat, and is willing to admit to it...)
So of course it's origin is in the one I haven't seen. :V
Trust me, you aren't missing much. The big bad was a cross between Bill Gates and a light smattering of Lex Luthor. All of the ego, 50% less smarts. He built a Faux Brainiac, that of course tried to kill him and took over the base. That was only one of the many plot points, the rest were better.
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Trust me, you aren't missing much. The big bad was a cross between Bill Gates and a light smattering of Lex Luthor. All of the ego, 50% less smarts. He built a Faux Brainiac, that of course tried to kill him and took over the base. That was only one of the many plot points, the rest were better.
He was a crappy knockoff of Cerberus, just before Cerberus had ever been envisioned.

Joker: "Hey, Liara. What do you think'd happen if Cerberus made a taco cart?"

Liara: "The taco cart would kill all the scientists involved and take over the base... What's a taco cart?"
Oh yeah she just accidentally takes out Siberian and everyone wonders where she went, until they see the crotchety old guy in a white van with a Simurgh-victim tattoo on his skin and the remains of a once-active Corona and Gemma, and make the connection after they ID him and see an image of Manton's daughter and his wife and realize that Sibby has like a 90% likeness to both when you ignore the white and black striped skin.
Bold of you to assume they're smart enough to make the link.
Remember folks, outside of Cauldron (and not even everyone in the cookpot conspiracy), the fact Siberian is a projection is not known. Even the S9 didn't know that in canon until they came to Brockton Bay and got their asses whooped.