Get your home city destroyed because God Jr. wants a fight.)

To be a little fair, the grass man hadn't known he was the one that unleashed and (sort of) controlling the Endbringers until he was fighting Scion directly. Then again, Mr Egotistical Idiot had zero issues with murdering allies to restore his own power levels after a certain crazy woman who thinks she's a faerie queen told him how to do so.
Funny thought, but since Taylor's forcefield applies to whatever she holds, when Leviathan arrives will Armsmaster tell her to hold him like a weapon so he gains the added durability, so you se Taylor waving armsmaster at leviathan who proceeds to wave his halberd at leviathan? :V
That's approaching Xzibit style meming by swinging a Halbeard swinging a halberd.
I believe, although I have no proof, that the aura surrounding what Juggernaut holds is not to keep it from taking damage when swung, but to keep the object intact when picked up. Otherwise it would be impossible to pick up oversized things like 50 foot long concrete pillars by the end without the entire thing breaking off due to the weight. Kind of like how modern Superman can't just grab a plane anywhere and carry it, he has to consider where it's structurally sound enough to support being lifted by a relatively small point. Otherwise he risks tearing off a wing, or the tail section, or the plane breaking in two on him.
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Kind of like how modern Superman can't just grab a plane anywhere and carry it, he has to consider where it's structurally sound enough to support being lifted by a repetitively small point. Otherwise he risks tearing off a wing, or the tail section, or the plane breaking in two on him.
I don't know if it's been explicitly stated or merely implied, but Superman may have a version of Tactile Telekinesis, similar to his clone Superboy has and used before his full super strength developed. The idea being that much of his power is in part psionic in nature in the form of a solar powered defensive and offensive aura that both reduces the damage he takes from attack and increases the force he strikes with. This ties in with his four vulnerabilities and how he's somewhat less effective against them offensively as well. (Kryptonian auras cancel each other out, Magic ignores the aura, Kryptonite painfully erodes the aura, and lower frequency sunlight reduces the output of the aura as an energy saving function. Two Kryptonians slugging it out don't wreck the environment like other opponents on their level would, magical shields are very effective at keeping Superman out, and both Kryptonite and Red Sunlight drastically weaken any Kryptonian. They all match up.)

Again, I don't know if it's Canon, but I've read a number of stories that link all of Superman's abilities to highly flexible psionic abilities, but have Superman and the others focus on physical reinforcement mostly because it's the easiest/most intuitive use of their powers, but with training and or desperate focus can do almost anything else instead. (And thus the Golden Age Super Ass Pull assortment of powers is explained...)

I know this makes Superman seem lazy when it comes to developing his abilities, but quite frankly by specializing in improving what he already does makes him as powerful as he is and, quite frankly, able to deal with virtually any problem he might face without spending untold amounts of time developing new abilities that he might not even need that often. Better to practice a single kick 1000 times then learn 1000 kicks and all that...
The tactile telekinesis was because the clone Superboy was not fully kryptonian. In fact, the scientists couldn't clone kryptonian DNA on it's own due to not understanding most of it, so had to mix in human DNA in equal amounts. That said, kryptonians being solar powered due to their body metabolizing and storing solar energy to fuel the powers is canon, and why Doomsday was able to basically kill Superman after a 24 hour cross country battle. This explanation given in the comics doesn't really explain why kryptonians instantly lose their powers under the light of a red sun (and only a red sun) however. The invunubility being an aura on the other hand is also canon, since his costume is skin tight due to Martha Kent noticing while Clark was growing up that loose cloths got damaged, while cloths next to his skin didn't. Magic fully affects kryptonians because it's magic, not because it bypasses the aura. And kryptonite affects them because it's radioactive. The "can lift oversized objects because of touch based telekenisis" is purely a Superboy (clone) thing, and not something that limits Clark Kent.

Mind you, I've probably read some of those same stories as you. And while they are fun, they aren't using any canon, just extrapolating from Superboy's powers being telekinesis based. Note that the Superboy clone does not have eye beams or "super breath" either.
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On the subject of Juggernaut's big dome helmet, there's actually a really good reason for it: it keeps him from getting whiplash/a compressed spine when he goes through things head-first. That's why it sits on his shoulders. Now granted this originated back when the man was just a kinetic manipulator mutant rather than a mystically empowered champion, but that is the original reason for the size and shape.
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The "can lift oversized objects because of touch based telekenisis" is purely a Superboy (clone) thing, and not something that limits Clark Kent.
What would be the explanation for how he can move things, then? The larger an object, the harder it is to move with just a single, small point where force is applied. A bunch of the things Superman has moved are big and not put together well enough to avoid crumbling around that point. Simply leveraging the force well isn't really going to cut it with some things.
Here's something I found on this page devoted to Superman (Clark Kent):
'Superman's strength is augmented by yellow solar radiation interacting with the greater than human density, resilience and biological efficiency of his musculature. His strength is more an act of conscious will on energy fields than actual physical strength.'​
I know this is a fan site, but I have yet to find an official website that goes in depth on Superman's powers.
kryptonians instantly lose their powers under the light of a red sun
How fast that process is depends entirely on the writer of whatever comic you're reading at the time. Some have it as instantaneous, but most have it happen over the course of a few hours.
Once John Byrne rewrote the character after the very first Crisis, he EXPLICITLY stated that all of Superman's famous feats of strength were due to tactile TK. Which he hinted he was going to do when he wrote Fantastic Four 250, with Gladiator, the Shi'ar Superman expy.
What would be the explanation for how he can move things, then?

Simply put, there is no explanation. Comics have handwaved it away from the moment Superman was first created. It was just "powers due to lower gravity then Krypton" originally. To be fair, at the time he just had super strength and invulnerability. The yellow sun thing came later. The good Superman movies handwave it away, mostly. Superman is shown acting as a replacement engine for an aircraft with a blown engine "don't look, just fly" is the comment by the co-pilot who looks out the window when the airplane stops plummeting. Newer movies (Stalkerman Returns, Man of Steel) decided to go with a more realistic take on what happens if a man sized object tries to stop a falling aircraft.

In the 90's DC decided to give an explanation to how exactly his powers work during the Death of Superman storyline that introduced Doomsday. This was expanded upon in the official novelization. That explanation was that Clark's cells (somehow) store solar energy, and this is what fuels his strength, durability, and everything else. This explanation was given so that the planned storyline could have Superman get killed by pure physical trauma instead of magic being used.

The "it's all a psychic aura" theory really doesn't explain some of the weird effects various types of kryptonite have had either, such as causing a random bizarre effect each and every time, never the same effect. Effects like turning Superman into a 200 foot tall green skinned "Frankenstein's Super-Monster" for several hours. Or some of the weirder powers Clark's demonstrated over the years, like launching mini-supermen from his hands (with all his powers, including launching mini-supermen).

but I have yet to find an official website that goes in depth on Superman's powers.

And you probably wont, because the explanation can (and often does) change regularly... Assuming the writers at the time think there needs to be one other then "yellow sun=super powers"

Side note, I find it hilarious that it's been canonized that Lex Luthor once stole 40 cakes. That's as many as four times ten, that's terrible!
Simply put, there is no explanation. Comics have handwaved it away from the moment Superman was first created.
So...comic magic/maniacs.
The "it's all a psychic aura" theory really doesn't explain some of the weird effects various types of kryptonite have had either, such as causing a random bizarre effect each and every time, never the same effect. Effects like turning Superman into a 200 foot tall green skinned "Frankenstein's Super-Monster" for several hours. Or some of the weirder powers Clark's demonstrated over the years, like launching mini-supermen from his hands (with all his powers, including launching mini-supermen).
We could put kryptonite down to space magic gone horribly weird. It's a bit of a cop-out, but that makes more sense than it being just radioactive rocks that affect Kryptonians weirdly.
Side note, I find it hilarious that it's been canonized that Lex Luthor once stole 40 cakes. That's as many as four times ten, that's terrible!
It's very amusing, yes.
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The problem comes from people trying to explain ALL of Superman's powers with ONE modern explanation. They've been remotely consistently Post-Crisis (1986), but prior to that? It took Julius Schwartz becoming editor to depower Supes even slightly. (A fairly famous story where a Kryptonite powered reactor went wild and converted all Kryptonite on Earth to iron, because ol' Julie was tired of the fact that there wsa so much Kryptonite on Earth that it should have changed Earth's orbit from the added weight. It also took Superman's power down to 1/3 of what it had been. He once said, during one of the time I was lucky enough to have a conversation with the guy, that Superman could move the Earth with a pinky. They wouldn't allow him to depower him too much, but he could at least take it down to where he had to use both hands. Man was delightfully snarky about some of the stuff that went on in comics in the Golden and Silver Ages.)

But yeah, with the explanations changing over the years, you can never get a consensus. Part of the reason for the magic weakness was that he was just too powerful, and needed some sort of foil other than Kryptonite. But trying to use the Post-Crisis explanation to explain the worst of the Golden and Silver Age stuff? Never gonna work.
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We could put kryptonite down to space magic gone horribly weird. It's a bit of a cop-out, but that makes more sense than it being just radioactive rocks that affect Kryptonians weirdly.

Amusingly, Lex Luthor paid the price for assuming kryptonite's radiation only affected kryptonians when he decided to make and always wear a green kryptonite ring. There's a reason he had to have Cadmus clone him, then move his brain into the clone (the younger Lex with red hair). Don't ask me how that didn't kill Luthor, cause I don't know.
My understanding of kryptonite radiation is that it interferes with Superman's sunlight absorption in a way that hurts him and makes him lose stored energy. Food poisoning for the solar powered.
Gentlemen (and Ladies), I believe we've derailed the thread. Could we get back on topic (maybe) before a Mod makes our compliance mandatory? (Trust the Mods, the Mods are your friends....)

Taylornaut's force field allows her to lift very^5 large items without snapping, like possibly a derelict ship or 40 (or a repurposed oil drilling platform), use Endbringers as the hammer for a hammer throw, and make various improvised bludgeons more effective than they ought to be.

"Hey, Dad! Where do you want this old Tanker?"

- or -

"Eidolon! Make a wish!"

Leviathan : [Concern]
My understanding of kryptonite radiation is that it interferes with Superman's sunlight absorption in a way that hurts him and makes him lose stored energy. Food poisoning for the solar powered.
That is what is generally accepted, yes. At least with the regular kryptonite.


Moving on,
Taylornaut's force field allows her to lift very^5 large items without snapping, like possibly a derelict ship or 40 (or a repurposed oil drilling platform), use Endbringers as the hammer for a hammer throw, and make various improvised bludgeons more effective than they ought to be.
So, could she throw an Endbringer off the planet?
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"Hey, Dad! Where do you want this old Tanker?"

Once they learn Taylor no longer needs to breath, clearing out the Ship's Graveyard and getting the bay reopened will just be a matter of deciding where to pile up the scrap. If the Dockworkers can get the contract for processing it for shipping, well, see Taylor Varga for how much that will help out the city.

Mind you, I've probably read some of those same stories as you. And while they are fun, they aren't using any canon, just extrapolating from Superboy's powers being telekinesis based. Note that the Superboy clone does not have eye beams or "super breath" either.

Since the turn of the millennium, Superboy has started to develop a full set of Kryptonian powers. The implication is that the TK just came in first. That said, since no kryptonian is likely to show up in this story, name a relevant thread to continue or leave it here; let's redirect rather then derail.
04 - 'Naut Gonna Lie


Taylor looked around for the source of the voice. She was in a chamber that was very, very red, in every hue, shade, tint, and tone imaginable. Red stone for the floor, walls and ceiling; red crystal for columns, red fabrics with red designs for the banners, red armor on the red figure sitting on a red throne. Even the cloud of fractal sparkles floating near the throne was red. Red, red, red, red, red!

"I prefer to call it crimson."

Her mind came to a halt, and she turned bodily to face the figure on the throne who had greeted her. "Err, hello. I don't mean to be rude, but where am I, and who are you?"

"Know, child of Annette, that I am Cyttorak, Tyrant Overlord of Strength," the red figure sitting on the throne stated. His appearance was what Taylor thought would be appropriate for an actual devil – red skin, dark red hair, red glowing eyes, red horns and all the muscles. Only wearing somewhat normal boots instead of having cloven hooves. "Occasionally, it pleases me to empower people and watch what happens, directing them to some end.

"Through your mother," the entity continued, "I discovered the machinations of another that would lead to the destruction of not only this world, but every version of it in this multiversal strand. I cannot allow that, for reasons that are my own.

"Now, for the reason I have summoned your mind here,"
Cyttorak continued. He gestured to the cloud-thing. "The being that has connected to you to grant you powers and I are having a bit of disagreement, and we need you to decide the matter for us."


Okay, so the cloud of fractal sparkles can speak. Sort of.

"Yes," Cyttorak answered the sparkling figure. "You've already told me that my design skills suck. I am a god of unstoppable strength, not of art. What I have provided in the past has worked sufficiently well."


"What do I care about presentation? It is a most capital suggestion, though." Cyttorak looked at Taylor. "How do you want to appear?"

That's what they were arguing about?

In front of her floated two images. One was her wearing a rust and blood red sleeveless bodysuit, with a hemispherical helmet that, quite frankly, looked goofy. The outfit had bands of some material around her upper and forearms, and some knuckle dusters, along with a very heavy pair of boots.

The other image was her wearing a variation on Alexandria's costume. Again, it was in rust and blood red, but instead of the hemispherical helmet it was a helmet that fitted her head, with a mirrored visor that concealed her face and a shorter back that allowed her hair to hang freely. The body suit covered her entire body, with gauntlets covering her hands and lower forearms. The boots were more feminine. Like Cyttorak's, they were also practical.

"With all due respect," Taylor said, "I like portions of both designs. For instance, the bodysuit and boots of the first version, and the helmet and gauntlets of the other. I'm assuming that these will be as indestructible as I am?"

"They would be a manifestation of my power," Cyttorak answered. "So yes, no mortal agency could destroy them. You can easily survive having one of your world's nuclear weapons going off underneath you, and at best it would inconvenience you, and your costume would be intact. You don't need to breathe or eat, although you may choose to enjoy either or both. You are conceptually unstoppable. Once you start moving towards a goal, you cannot be stopped by any outside force."

"That's good to know," Taylor muttered. "So even if I can't swim, I won't drown." She'd find out if she had to be physically moving towards a goal for the unstoppable part to apply. Given that the being talking to her was a "god of strength," she figured it would be limited like that. If not, the possibilities presented…

"The only thing you need to watch out for are attacks which affect your mind," Cyttorak continued. "What my partner here says you call master and stranger powers. Your helmet should protect you from those, but for some reason, that which fastens it to the rest of the suit is the weakest point. It can therefore be removed, which renders you vulnerable."

"So don't get in close to the Simurgh, important safety tip," Taylor snarked.

"Indeed. Though if it gets in your way, you will triumph. And the destruction will be glorious!" Cyttorak cleared its throat. "Anyway, with the matter of your costume settled, go forth and let those who oppose you learn what unstoppable really means."

= = = = = = = = = =​

Brockton Bay

Squealer shook herself awake. She'd hit something solid, and the airbags had deployed. Her latest creation was currently wrapped around that something.

She could hear the groaning of metal as if something was doing severely rude things to her truck, followed by some very sulfurous swearing (from her own mouth) as the tinkertech enhanced metals in the frame began to deform. Metal shrieked as it was bent, twisted, and torn as if whatever they'd hit was angry and probably the brutieist brute to ever brute.

Hmm. Might have a bit of a concussion there. She'd have to take it easy for a couple of days, except her buttmunch of a boyfriend probably wouldn't let her.

The dash and console in front of her began to move as whatever she'd hit continued tearing her truck in half.

Note to self: Avoid trying to drive through unknown things.

And then the largest pair of gloved hands she'd ever seen managed to push through the steel and plastics and heaved. With a groan from the metal around her and a growl from the thing freeing itself from the wreckage of her truck, it tore down the middle, exposing her to the wintry weather and possibly the largest parahuman she'd ever seen, even bigger than Manpower or Trainwreck.

"There you are," the voice of the figure clad in blood and rust red growled, its face obscured by a mirrored faceplate. Another heave and the former truck became a temporary piece of modern art. "C'mere," the voice muttered, and a hand the size of her head reached for her.

Squealer panicked and pulled her hog leg shotgun out of its holster and fired both barrels. Sure, it wasn't lead shot, just a collection of number one size rubber pellets, but it should startle the obvious cape into pulling back and not grabbing her like picking up a burrito.

Did it startle the cape? Hell, yes. However, it had the exact opposite of the desired effect. With a roar, the cape ripped her now defunct project in half like it was a sheet of paper, fully exposing her to the daylight and cold air.

She finally got a clear look at the cape she'd hit. The main thing that struck her first was all the red. Sleeveless bodysuit in rust and blood red, with a visored helmet, the cape's mouth exposed. Gauntlets on both hands, a rather heavy belt, and boots that looked like they could stomp Behemoth into a hole in the ground.

The cape spat out a rubber pellet. "That wasn't very nice," the cape growled in possibly the deepest female voice Squealer had ever heard. "Now, are you going to climb out peacefully, or am I going to have to extract you forcibly from what's left of your truck?"

"Well, hello again!" Assault chirped. "Funny meeting you here."

"Hello, Assault," Taylor answered. "Do you want her, too?"

"Not in the way that could be implied from that question," Assault snarked back. "But I would like to take her off your hands. She's a person of interest in several vehicular crimes and a whole mountain of moving violations."

It was while they were talking that Squealer tried to sneak away. Unfortunately, she had forgotten about the squad of PRT troopers that normally accompanied any of the heroes while they were actively pursuing a villain. She took three steps before she heard the familiar sound of confoam sprayers opening up.

Unfortunately for them, both Assault and Taylor were standing too close. Fortunately, while they were trapped they weren't fully encased in the stuff like Squealer was.

"I hate it when this happens," Assault said in casual conversation. "So, do you have a cape name yet? Or do I put you down as Bruty McBruteface? Or maybe Brutilla?" The smile he had told Taylor he wasn't being serious.

Taylor sighed. "As much as I know this will be a mistake, call me Juggernaut." With that, she decided that she didn't want to be encased in containment foam, so she started moving towards the sidewalk. The hardened foam didn't stick to her, so it was a matter of carefully pulling it apart and getting out of the street.

Assault watched from where he was still trapped. "Huh, don't see that every day."

Squealer wished she'd seen it, whatever "it" was. At least she'd get some rest. And maybe a burrito.

- - - - - - - - - -​

The PRT officers took Taylor's statement and made note of her cape name for the official record. Armsmaster had arrived halfway through the ordeal, and had begun taking various sensor readings around the site before he joined a rather slimy Assault and much cleaner (and apparently costumed) Taylor in the large PRT van.

"So, what happened?" he asked.

"Got hit by that thing on my way back to my apartment," she said. "I heard some commotion ahead of me, and when I looked up, it was too late. I extricated myself from the wreck, and was going to do the same to the driver when she pulled a gun and shot me. Startled me more than anything else, and then I ripped the thing in half and shook the driver loose." She took a sip from the cup of water she had at hand before continuing.

"Assault showed up soon about then, and the driver tried to make a break for it, so we all got foamed. I walked out of that because being stuck in the middle of the road is asking for trouble," Taylor continued. "I decided to stay put off to the side until things settled down."

Armsmaster nodded. "And the costume?"

"Power provided. It's as damage resistant as I am."

"I like the color," Assault commented from the shower in the van. "It's so… red!"

Armsmaster glared in Assault's direction, and Taylor could imagine the grin on the irrepressible cape's face. "How did you get out of the containment foam?"

"I decided I didn't want to be trapped in it and walked out," Taylor answered. "It apparently doesn't stick to my costume – or my forcefield, either. And I'm stronger than it is."

The tinker frowned. "That was something taken into account during the design process. There should not have been any way for you to get any leverage once it hardened."

Taylor sighed. "With all due respect, Sir," she said, "in addition to me not being encased, consider what the term juggernaut means and take it to the extremes. It appears that if I'm trying to move towards something, I can't be stopped."

"That's very disturbing," Assault added. "What if it applies to things that aren't actual movement?"

"I'd like to try and find out," Taylor answered. "In a controlled, safe environment with a limited audience. Can I go now? Or are you going to run me back to the PRT building so I can dismiss the armor and make my class?"

= = = = = = = = = =​

Tony's Pizza was a place both Danny and Taylor enjoyed. It was a small family-run pizza place that also had a selection of very good and relatively inexpensive Italian food on their dine-in menu. It also did business with all the cape groups in the city and was considered one of the neutral locations, if only because it kept the pizza deliveries coming.

As such, for a small consideration, you could reserve a room and have a decent amount of privacy for your dinner. It wasn't in too much demand for various reasons, but it was there.

Tonight, it hosted the Heberts.

"And I've got connections," Danny smugly admitted while he and Taylor waited for their appetizer order. "So, I heard you had an interesting afternoon."

"Is it all over the internet?" Taylor groused.

"Mostly the aftermath," Danny admitted. "Though people are worried about the girl who got hit."

"I find that surprising. Probably worried as an afterthought."

"Actually," Danny said, "Reave made a statement on social media about that, saying that the girl who'd been hit had been taken to the PRT's medical clinic for observation. That seemed to quiet most people.

"Also, nice costume," he added. "How long did it take to make?"

Conversation stopped for a moment as the waiter came in with their appetizer order before finding out what entrée they wanted to order.

"Actually, it was provided by my power," Taylor admitted when they were alone again. "Dad, what can you tell me about what Mom got up to in college? I – heard some things recently."

"That's something I'm not quite sure about," Danny admitted. "I mean, I know the generalities, but not all of the specifics. You know she fell in with Lustrum's group, right? And that I got her out. Two days before Lustrum was sentenced to the Birdcage, her lawyer delivered a package to your mother. Whatever it was, she didn't want her lieutenants getting their hands on it, but she didn't trust the PRT either. Apparently leaving the gang didn't stop Lustrum from trusting your mother."

"Kinda makes some sense," Taylor muttered, "given what they let Shadow Stalker get away with."

"I never found out what was in the box," Danny continued, "only that your mother told me it was better that I don't know. She admitted that it was an artifact of some kind after a good deal of badgering, and that Lustrum's lieutenants could have used it to cause a great deal of trouble."

"While we were cleaning up after Mom's funeral," Taylor said, "I found a box in her stuff in the basement. It contained a fist-sized ruby. Not my fist size then, but my fist size now." She held it up so Danny could have a reference. "It had a few scraps of paper with some indecipherable writing on it, and the ruby had an internal glow. It said something to me when I touched it, something about me not being ready. And then doing something to me when I was having difficulty carrying things up the stairs, making it easier for me to do that. I thought I'd imagined it, but after today I'm not so sure."

"I think I'll want to take a look at that when you move back in," Danny said after some thought. "The renovations should be done by this coming Tuesday, so we should be able to get your stuff out of your little apartment and back into your room that evening."

Then the food arrived, and they had more important things to take care of.
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Hello, and here's tonight's Wordz™. Editz™ by McClaw @ the CTC.

I decided that I should simply go with the crimson text, like I did with the first posting, despite it being one of the two things that weighed heavily against me in the New Year, New Chapter contest. The other, of course, was the locker.

If the red text causes too many issues, I'll go back and strip it out later.

"Know, child of Annette, that I am Cyttorak, Tyrant Overlord of Strength," the red figure sitting on the throne stated. His appearance was what Taylor thought would be appropriate for an actual devil – red skin, dark red hair, red glowing eyes, red horns and all the muscles. Only wearing somewhat normal boots instead of having cloven hooves. "Occasionally, it pleases me to empower people and watch what happens, directing them to some end.
Someone decolorized Cyttorak's speech here.
Metal shrieked as it was bent, twisted, and torn as if whatever they'd hit was angry and probably the brutieist brute to ever brute.
Tossup between Juggernaut!Taylor and THE DOOM QUEEN over which would be worse for Squealer to hit. On the one hand, Juggernaut likely has a higher Brute rating than TDQ, but TDQ is ANGRIER.
Simurgh: Stop breaking physics to try and get to me!
Taylor: Never!
Simurgh: Can you not!?!
Taylor: Nope, I can Naut though!
Simurgh:... you know what? I now long for the cold sweet embrace of death
Taylor: It wasn't that bad