The version in X-Men 3 for example can be de-powered by the mutant "cure" because he's a mutant, not Cytorrak's mystically empowered champion.

I thought Cain was a Mutant, it just that his X-Gene was latent and he used mysticism to awaken it becoming Cytorrak's mystically empowered champion, or was that something that was invented by the 90's cartoon.
I thought Cain was a Mutant, it just that his X-Gene was latent and he used mysticism to awaken it becoming Cytorrak's mystically empowered champion, or was that something that was invented by the 90's cartoon.
Solidly invented for the cartoon. Remember, Cain and Charles are Step Brothers, not blood related, and unlike in the cartoon, there are sources of power outside of being a Mutant in Marvel.
Solidly invented for the cartoon. Remember, Cain and Charles are Step Brothers, not blood related, and unlike in the cartoon, there are sources of power outside of being a Mutant in Marvel.
By the X-Men: Evolution cartoon, specifically – X:TAS never made any bones about his powers being anything but magic. (Hell, I still remember that one episode, where that one nerdy archaeologist guy found Cyttorak's ruby and was accidentally stealing Juggy's power because of it!)
By the X-Men: Evolution cartoon, specifically – X:TAS never made any bones about his powers being anything but magic. (Hell, I still remember that one episode, where that one nerdy archaeologist guy found Cyttorak's ruby and was accidentally stealing Juggy's power because of it!)
*nods* I recall an ep of X:TAS where Colossus confronts Juggie and mistakes Juggernaut for a mutant. Cain's response was "I'm no mutant, my powers are magical in nature."
By the X-Men: Evolution cartoon, specifically – X:TAS never made any bones about his powers being anything but magic. (Hell, I still remember that one episode, where that one nerdy archaeologist guy found Cyttorak's ruby and was accidentally stealing Juggy's power because of it!)
Didn't the Cyttorak Ruby in that series force a type of evolution onto every Mutant exposed to it? A change that was removed upon a second exposure?
Didn't the Cyttorak Ruby in that series force a type of evolution onto every Mutant exposed to it? A change that was removed upon a second exposure?

Which series, X-Men Evolution or X-Men: The Animated Series? Because X-Men TAS used the comic lore for Juggernaut, which is pure magic empowerment, no mutant X-gene involved. X-Men Evolution had Juggernaut being a latent mutant who's power was activated by the gem.
I pity Taylor at school now. 6'10", 300 lbs, there's not gonna be much furniture to fit her. The school's gonna have to custom make or order big, tough items for her.
I pity Taylor at school now. 6'10", 300 lbs, there's not gonna be much furniture to fit her. The school's gonna have to custom make or order big, tough items for her.
Yeah, regular high school desks would have her knees practically up at her chin trying to cram herself under them and the seats themselves would be very uncomfortable. Fortunately as long as they let her use pencils until she gets control of her strength they wont have to worry about burst pens all over the place.
I'm merely 5'9" (was maybe 5'6" at the time), and back in high school I weighed 150 pounds when soaking wet (while wearing jeans and a sweater). And all-in-one school desks were kind of cramped for me.
I'm merely 5'9" (was maybe 5'6" at the time), and back in high school I weighed 150 pounds when soaking wet (while wearing jeans and a sweater). And all-in-one school desks were kind of cramped for me.
I can confirm this as the desks seemed to be made with the idea that people are incapable and unable to surpass 1.67m (5'6"). Likely closer to 1.52m (5'0") to be honest.
They also were never designed for anyone who's over 150 pounds. I remember seeing teens who were over weight (or on the local football team) struggling to get in and out of the desks.
Huh. We had tables and chairs, no desks. And we had some big guys on both Wrestling and Football.

Our school must've been the exception and not the rule.

Suffice to say, Taylor's not the first oversized Ward they've had, and will be far from the last. The school district probably has a small selection of furniture for students of differing body types in storage, to be compliant with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act).

They were probably told Taylor was coming, and the PRT provided the furniture in question until the school could acquire some.
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I'd say that Guttenberg's combination elementary/high school would be one of the exceptions.

It's the only high school or Jr High I've attended or been inside of that uses "all-in-one" school desks. In fact, I'd been unaware they were made in a size appropriate for high schoolers until my Jr year of high school.
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I'd say that Guttenberg's combination elementary/high school would be one of the exceptions.

It's the only high school or Jr High I've attended or been inside of that uses "all-in-one" school desks. In fact, I'd been unaware they were made in a size appropriate for high schoolers until my Jr year of high school.

Heh. Not only did my high school use all in one desks, so did my college, Southern Alberta Institute Of Technology.
So, as someone with only vague comic memories, how often did a Smart!Juggernaut make the pages?

Quite frankly, I don't think his intelligence ever changes, but his wisdom stat goes from 1 to about 8 out of 10, depending how he's portrayed. Someone who's a bigger Marvel trivia nut than I am will have to come up with how often he made the higher end of the range.
So, as someone with only vague comic memories, how often did a Smart!Juggernaut make the pages?

He's not, and never was an idiot. Of average intelligence, maybe. But not stupid, contrary to some film adaptations and how they portray Juggernaut. His hatred of Xavier stems from something stupid. Namely that Cain Marko's father was a gold digger, trying to get his hands on the Xavier fortune. And since Cain was a bully and thug even as a teen, dear ol Daddy would punish Cain for disrupting plans, eventually deciding to ship Cain off to military service to keep the boy from ruining said plans, not realizing it was the secret telepath in the household that actually was a threat to the plan.

Yes, the hatred for Charles Xavier is entirely because Cain Marko is a bully, and his dad would punish (then exiled) Cain for being a threat to an (doomed to failure) attempt to co-opt the Xavier fortune. And this has guided a lot of his actions. But the reason Cain is a criminal merc is because he's greedy, has no real skills other then fighting, and has no real morels. Even then, he's smart enough to know when to get while the getting is good and can strategize (although he doesn't often do so). Then again, he doesn't need to strategize too often thanks to the powers granted to Cain.

After re-reading Juggernaut's 2nd appearance in the comics, and with knowledge that his strength and unstoppable nature were actively reduced when he tried being a hero who limits collateral damage... I'd guess that he had control of the aura stropped because Cain didn't cause enough collateral damage when he had full control of it. The writers decided that the ability was dumb, so didn't keep it. But in-universe I'd guess Juggernaut was granted said control over the aura due to Cyterok being pleased with his actions initially, only to have said control stripped away due to displeasure in how Cain used it.
Quite frankly, I don't think his intelligence ever changes, but his wisdom stat goes from 1 to about 8 out of 10, depending how he's portrayed. Someone who's a bigger Marvel trivia nut than I am will have to come up with how often he made the higher end of the range.

A lot of what kept early Juggernaut down was just his sheer aggression at the world, along with healthy doses of self-hatred and cynicism. His early life was on the extremely rough side, ending with him accidently getting his father killed, at least in some timelines. While his father beat and abused him, the man still died saving his life from a fire that Marko accidently started, and that didn't help his mental health at all. Then came him being a soldier and the implied PTSD when he snapped a bit and deserted while under fire.

This and more just....really fucked up Marko. To the point that a massive amount of his mentality circled those he blamed for his miseries, including himself to a degree. All he could think about was getting revenge on those that he saw as his enemies. It takes him years to work through all of that and just...chill out.
if I remember correctly, he started off as an archeologist, not someone lacking in brain power. And on top of that he was more the "Indiana Jones" type of archeologist than a bookworm studying open dig sites
It's gonna be interesting seeing what this version of Cytorrak is like. If he's like the Marvel version, he's gonna be pushing Taylor to be the equivalent of an Endbringer, and I can't really see Kryslin setting the story up like that.
The massive aggressive rage monkey that is Cyterok poking Cain in the back of his mind didn't help either.

if I remember correctly, he started off as an archeologist, not someone lacking in brain power. And on top of that he was more the "Indiana Jones" type of archeologist than a bookworm studying open dig sites

You're thinking of the archeologist who finds the gem in X-Men The Animated Series and upsurps the mantle of Juggernaut from Cain Marko for a while. Cain Marko is a thugish bully who's father married Charles's mother in a bid to upsurp the Xavier fortune (I think via murder), only for Charles to discover and thwart those plans. By that point Cain had already been shipped off to the military to get Cain out of his father's way, since bullying the Xavier heir was seen as a threat to Daddy's plans.

"Daddy favored you" and "I got shipped off to the military because of you" were Cain's reasons for hating Charles Xavier, nothing to do with his dad dying in a fire in Earth 616. Not sure what his backstory is in Ultimate Marvel setting or the post Onslaught Earth 2 "Marvel reboot" storyline.

It's gonna be interesting seeing what this version of Cytorrak is like. If he's like the Marvel version, he's gonna be pushing Taylor to be the equivalent of an Endbringer, and I can't really see Kryslin setting the story up like that.

My guess is that regardless of Taylor's wishes, collateral damage will occur any time she gets involved. And lots of it. Maybe not "entire city is destroyed", but "the building/block got leveled" is a definite possibility. And so long as Taylor's trying to be a hero and limit collateral damage, she probably wont get the full power of the Juggernaut.
Y'know, I find myself wondering if wildbow was a fan of the Ultimate Marvel universe and figured "THAT'S how you do a comic book universe! EVERYONE in it is vile!"

I tried reading some of the Ultimate stuff, and stopped when I realized that no one in the universe was likable. They didn't have foibles and annoying quirks, they all had at least one massively glaring horrid aspect to their personality. I remember he ending of one book when Nick Fury flat out stated that he ruled the world, and actually liked being the actual power behind the throne(s), because no one blamed HIM for screw-ups.
The Ultimate Avengers series was... Well, it had it's moments. But it also had cringe moments, such as the whole "Hank Pym is an abusive and controlling husband" bit. Ultimate Spiderman was fun, although I had to stop collecting that series long before Miles Morales was introduced. Ultimate Fantastic Four was an interesting take. And Ultimate X-Men was interesting too from what I've read. Ult Doc Strange though I can do without.
He's not, and never was an idiot. Of average intelligence, maybe. But not stupid, contrary to some film adaptations and how they portray Juggernaut. His hatred of Xavier stems from something stupid. Namely that Cain Marko's father was a gold digger, trying to get his hands on the Xavier fortune. And since Cain was a bully and thug even as a teen, dear ol Daddy would punish Cain for disrupting plans, eventually deciding to ship Cain off to military service to keep the boy from ruining said plans, not realizing it was the secret telepath in the household that actually was a threat to the plan.

It is actually kind of an interesting thing, Cain's father was a chemist, and Cain actually did show a lot of promise as a teen in the field. It is implied he is actually just a hair below Charles in terms of intelligence, as Cain's competitiveness pushed him to try to match a telepath in academics. Both he and Charles showed great academic prowess and would have likely gone on to college together if not for the Korean War. I firmly believe there is some alternate timeline where Dr. Xavier and Dr. Marko went on to change our perceptions of the fields of genetics and chemistry with their joint research if they both hadn't been drafted.