From how it have described her so far she is quite disproportionate physically, have you ever seen a female bodybuilder who takes hormones? It's not particularly attractive if you don't like exactly that... Can someone post a picture of Taylor now? because the way I'm imagining it is horrible

Take Jennifer Walters, aka the She Hulk.

Give her a normal(maybe slightly pale) Caucasian skin tone, and breast reduction surgery (from F down to B)(because this isn't Marvel comics, and I'm not using sex / titillation to sell my story). Make the musculature less well defined. And reduce her age to 15-16 years old.

Then make her a few inches shorter, and give her Taylor's normal hair, scaled up in length a bit, tied up into a ponytail.

Put her in a nice pair of jeans and a shirt, tennis shoes, and a comfortable hoodie. And her glasses.

And a backpack to carry her school books/materials in. Because hell no, she's not using a locker for quite some time.
Take Jennifer Walters, aka the She Hulk.

That's funny, "shorter less-green She Hulk" was my initial mental image.

Well, funny, and good writing since that's what you were going for :)

This is an interesting concept - it's going to be hard to avoid Taylor curb-stomping everyone trivially, but that problem hasn't hampered your other stories, so why should it this one?

Thanks for the entertainment, it's much appreciated.

Happy New Year!
This is an interesting concept - it's going to be hard to avoid Taylor curb-stomping everyone trivially, but that problem hasn't hampered your other stories, so why should it this one?

Dealing with the Juggernaut powerset, even at its strongest, is relatively simple. (Note that I didn't say easy, just simple.)

Don't be in melee. Ever.

If you can fly, do it - and stay mobile.
If you have ranged attacks, use them - ideally *not* head-on.
If you can disrupt Juggernaut's footing or the surface they're running on, do that as a priority action.

People focus a lot on Juggernaut being powerful and unstoppable, and that's true. It also doesn't mean much when your foe fights you from well outside reach, especially if they set things up so there's not much in the way of ready projectiles to use. (Yes, I know, chunks of pavement are projectiles, but that takes time and sufficient pressure will make getting that time difficult.)

TL;DR = Juggernaut's powerset is mighty, be in no doubt, but it's mighty in melee. Outside that, it's far from unstoppable.
" TL;DR = Juggernaut's powerset is mighty, be in no doubt, but it's mighty in melee. Outside that, it's far from unstoppable." (Sorry forgot how to do the "quote thing")

Yes ... and no.
If you can remove what Juggernaut is after by staying away and taking it OR just be annoying enough he decides the annoyance isn't worth the effort true. Given Taylor's mindset I'd expect her to adapt & carry throwables as part of her loadout after the first encounter where she doesn't have anything to use.

If you can't remove the objective he's after you can't really stop Juggernaut only slow him down (or try to redirect him).

Other than mental attacks -- IF both pieces of headgear are removed. Reminds me of an encounter between Spiderman and the Hulk (probably from the 70's. The Hulk couldn't hit Spidy but all Spidy could do was make his infamous quips and get the Hulk to follow him ... nothing else stuck.
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Take Jennifer Walters, aka the She Hulk.

Give her a normal(maybe slightly pale) Caucasian skin tone, and breast reduction surgery (from F down to B)(because this isn't Marvel comics, and I'm not using sex / titillation to sell my story). Make the musculature less well defined. And reduce her age to 15-16 years old.
Taylor needs another 60 to 120 kilos to fit that description. As is she is a beanpole at her current weight and height. A swimmer's build, when you meant for her to have a power builder's body.
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Taylor needs another 60 to 120 kilos to fit that description. As is she is a beanpole at her current weight and height. A swimmer's build, when you meant for her to have a power builder's body.
Except Taylor's contract with the Crimson Demon did give her a sizable growth spurt, with Assault describing the before and after.
"Ah, yes. Our newly triggered parahuman is one Taylor Hebert, age fifteen. This morning, she was five foot eight inches and one hundred twenty pounds," Assault reported.

"She is currently sitting down in Medical, getting an examination. Her trigger event took her from five eight and a hundred and twenty pounds to six ten and three hundred twenty pounds, most of it apparently muscle.
14 inches and 200 pounds brings her up to something far closer to the classic Cain Marko build.
14 inches and 200 pounds brings her up to something far closer to the classic Cain Marko build.

No, as I mentioned in my previous comment, it really doesn't.

Want proof? Meet Dan Skipper, an Offensive Tackle for the Detroit Lions, who is 6'10" and an athletic 320lbs. Notice the dude looks nearly lanky despite being a football player that pumps iron as part of his day job?

Strongmen Brian Shaw (6'8") or Hafthor Bjornsson (6'9"), who have the kind of build Marko does, weigh more like 450lbs at their competition weights.

Yes, that's Ah-nold he's making look small.
To all my readers, Happy New Year!

<Raises virtual beverage in toast> "May the coming year be a damn sight better than the last!" <drinks Sprecher's black cherry soda>
'Naut a problem... Or Is It?
Our esteemed OP has stated that Taylor might be having a few issues controlling her strength.

This statement caused some odd thoughts in my brain and led to this bit of probably non canon silliness.

Juggernaut's Trail of Destruction

Taylor yawned as she woke up in the PRT guest quarters. She'd been right last night to not go home and sleep. Her bed wouldn't have fared any better than the PRT's bed had. She was sleeping on the mattress, laid directly on the floor after a couple of restless turns had cracked the welds on the frame of the bed.

She got up and grabbed one of the large T-shirts the PRT had supplied last night and tried to put it on. She resisted swearing as it basically fell apart around her chest, the flexing of muscles as she tried to put it on too much for the simple cotton weave. She tried the largest size they had sent up, and sighed as it settled on her, loose enough to breathe in, but still too tight around the biceps.

She looked at the jeans and didn't even bother trying any of them on. Any pair of jeans that was big enough in the thigh would have a waist suitable for two, maybe three of hers. Sweatpants for the win this morning. The first pair of sweats she tried seemed to work, until she bent over to put her socks on. Both sides of the sweats split wide open as her thighs flexed.

"Thank God for drawstrings." She had found a pair that would let her bend over and squat without splitting, but the waist was too big without the drawstring.

Taylor considered it a major triumph of her morning that she hadn't busted the string trying to tie it, like she had the first shoestring she had tried to tie. She looked at clothes and snarled silently. If one freaking idiot said anything about her needing 6X mens clothing, she was not going to be responsible for what happened to him.

By lunch, Taylor was ready to hunt down the entire roster of the E88, just so she could break something that wouldn't cost somebody money. So far today, she had broken a cup trying to have a cup of tea, put her hand through a swinging door trying to open it, and dislocated a trooper's shoulder, merely by bumping into him in the hallway. She'd crushed or broken four doorknobs before finally getting turning it just enough to open right.

She had a lot more sympathy for Glory Girl this morning, and resolved to never use that 'collateral damage' nickname for her again.

She hoped that whatever machines they were going to test the powers out with this afternoon weren't very expensive.
the flexing of muscles as she tried to put it on too much for the simple cotton weave
T-shirts are knitted, not woven. Generally speaking, knitted fabrics are stretchier than woven fabrics of the same material. Assuming a cheap T-shirt, I'd expect it to split at the seams. The body of a higher-quality T-shirt would be a knitted tube with weak points at the sleeve attachments.
Taylor doesn't really need to carry throwables. When you have that much strength, the ground counts.

Yeah, but she's trying to be a good-guy, and being a good-guy means limiting collateral damage. While her throwing things would cause backstop damage on a miss, it's still going to be cheaper to fix that damage than fixing similar damage and calling out a road-crew to patch up the sidewalk she just damaged.
Yeah, but she's trying to be a good-guy, and being a good-guy means limiting collateral damage. While her throwing things would cause backstop damage on a miss, it's still going to be cheaper to fix that damage than fixing similar damage and calling out a road-crew to patch up the sidewalk she just damaged.
Well at lest she will be making more job opportunities in road repairs on prt budget and on nothing Nazis bill if it around medhall
Taylor doesn't really need to carry throwables. When you have that much strength, the ground counts.
Depends on the desired effect; a beanbag or rubber ball would be less dangerous then a bit of roadwork, and various grenades can be used for a variety of effects. Or, for something that NEEDS to die, an iron ball would have better penetration, much less a steel one or something really hard and dense...
Would love for Taylor to grow even bigger. 10 feet tall sounds so much better than 7
I think that would complicate the story too much. She already has trouble fitting into places, going mini-giantess would be a bit of disaster from the storytelling point of view. I guess her being able to "ramp up" mid-fight could work + she is still very much a growing girl, unless her powers halted her growth she might still have a few feet to go in her due to her kinda getting redefined proportions.
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tried to use Bing AI to come up with a pic of Taygernaut, but I couldn't get it to choose anything other than bodybuilder or way too slender for the described build.
So maybe this sort of artist reference sheet on Pinterest?
There's entire galleries on Pixiv of hypermuscular girls matching Taylor's oversized proportions (and make no mistake we are firmly in that realm because Cytorrak doesn't care about the gender of his champions). A number even have clothes but I doubt it would be wise for me to link any.
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