I can't wait for Kaiser or another metal based villain to look at Taylor's new outfit and go "there is probably some form of metal in there, finally something my powers to grab onto." Only to find out that "grab onto" and Juggernaut only have one outcome, and it is unpleasant.
A quick lookup told me that Kaiser doesn't manipulate metal.

Instead, you know how Shirou Emiya creates swords? Think that, but it's just regular metal.

He creates his armor and weapons out of thin air. He doesn't manipulate it.
A quick lookup told me that Kaiser doesn't manipulate metal.

Instead, you know how Shirou Emiya creates swords? Think that, but it's just regular metal.

He creates his armor and weapons out of thin air. He doesn't manipulate it.

My understanding is that for affecting further out from his body Breadroll has to "grow" metal out from existing metal surfaces. Or at least, that's a favored tactic of his.
First Kaiser tries to grab Taylor. Then Taylor successfully grabs Kaiser and yeets him toward Medhall. What follows is a cartoonish Kaiser shaped hole THROUGH Medhall.
At least until someone tries to meet Irresistible Force with Irresistible Force.
Yes and no. With the shards, they have the 'all or nothing' powers that would be the Irresistible Forces. When two meet head on, they cancel each other out due to the shards' programming. But Taylor isn't powered solely by a shard, and thus has no such restriction. Just imagine the reactions when her 'all or nothing' isn't canceled out by another 'all or nothing'.
At least until someone tries to meet Irresistible Force with Irresistible Force.

Then 'boing' takes over.

I think more appropriate onomatopoeias would be along the lines of.:
Crunch! Kapow! Aieeeee! Team Merchants is taking off again! [That does not bend that way!] [Concern!]


Splat! Boom! Did I Err? Bonk!(!!)(!!!). <Looks down deep hole> "Do I smell Chinese food?" / Asmodeus complains about mortals littering in Hell...
Or one of my favorite sound effects from the comics, where you did not see what happened, but the faces of the Power Pack kids and the sound effect itself told you everything:


(It was a falling radio tower landing on one of the villains. Needless to say, we never saw that villain again...)
Money for nothing...
*At some point in the near future*

Taylor was jogging, not for exercise, since there was no amount of running that could even cause her to break a sweat, but as a form of moving meditation.

Ever since she changed, it seemed to be easier to do things, any thing, if she was moving.

The day was quite warm, the sun was shining and her music player was rolling through some new music.

In short, it was a perfect morning.

She reached the halfway point and turned around to head home. She was looking forward to her first shower in the new bathroom. For the first time since her change, the shower head was taller than she was and she'd be able to wash with both hands, without having to hold the shower head over herself.

She was jarred out of her thoughts as she saw two very muscular men flanking a skinny little guy. She started slowing as she tucked her headphones away. Recent experiences made her very wary of a guy with bodyguards, even if squashing Coil and his mercs had been a short adventure.

She stopped about ten feet from the three men and opened her mouth to say something, but the little guy beat her to it.

"You were right, Johnny. She's perfect. Clean definition, no unsightly marks or tattoos, but still average enough for proper pictures."

Taylor blinked, absorbing the man's rapidfire talking. "Excuse me, but who are you?", Taylor asked, wondering if she should be flattered or insulted.

"Ah, sorry. I'm Larry Jackson and I want to photograph your body."

As Taylor bristled, the two muscle men groaned, one covering his eyes and the other facepalming.

"What he means to say, Miss, is that he's a photographer with Muscle magazine, and he'd like to work out an agreement for completely innocent modelling."

Taylor blinked again, feeling lost. The muscle man talking to her pulled a magazine from his pocket. "Look, you see these ads, that show just an arm, a leg or some other muscle group? We need two or three female models to flex for the camera, but women that are big enough, defined enough to make good models, usually don't have time, desire or interest in just posing muscle groups."

Taylor stared at him for minute, thinking about it. "You want me to flex, so you can use my muscles to sell protein powder or something?"

Larry nodded vigorously, saying "You have no idea how hard it is, finding female models for a muscle ad. And since the sponsor is matching my money, I can offer you three hundred dollars an hour to model."

Taylor had been about to say no when he said that and she gaped at him. She'd been too broke most of her life to just ignore that kind of money.

Fifteen minutes later, she was on her way home, a business card in her pocket.

She still had no idea if she'd take the job or not, but since her father would have to agree to it, she had time to think about it.

And no matter what anyone said, the half smile she wore had nothing to do with imagining Emma's face when she found out Taylor had modeled for a national magazine in her very first gig.

(There was a girl in my Army unit that lifted daily. This is basically what happened to her, jogging near her house one day. She did the gig, and got paid six thousand dollars for two days work. If I had known they paid that kind of money, I might have lifted a few more weights.)
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Not to cast aspersions on Taylor's weight, but when she goes running can it be detected by a seismograph? 😅

And how fast does she wear out her running shoes (smashing the rubber soles flat)? Does she have to wear special Tinker made sneakers? 🤔 Of course her costume boots don't have that problem.
(There was a girl in my Army unit that lifted daily. This is basically what happened to her, jogging near her house one day. She did the gig, and got paid six thousand dollars for two days work. If I had known they paid that kind of money, I might have lifted a few more weights.)

The fact that this is Based On A True Story just makes it so much better.

Also, I have to wonder if someone won't eventually do a full spread on her given she is the perfect Exemplar of Might.

Not to cast aspersions on Taylor's weight, but when she goes running can it be detected by a seismograph? 😅

And how fast does she wear out her running shoes (smashing the rubber soles flat)? Does she have to wear special Tinker made sneakers? 🤔 Of course her costume boots don't have that problem.

Speaking as a big guy that's about her size, though not nearly as lean, I can tell that people vastly overstate things like that. A pair of shoes made to fit feet this size stand up to the weight just fine.

As for the seismograph? Not notably more than for anyone else. While I have to be careful on flimsy plywood anything properly up to code, let alone concrete slab on packed dirt, doesn't shake at all.
Also, I have to wonder if someone won't eventually do a full spread on her given she is the perfect Exemplar of Might.
And would normie body builders complain that Taylor didn't earn/work for her physique, that it is a result of parahuman powers? 🤔

As to the sneaker thing, maybe because I don't buy the high end footware, but I have to buy fancy inserts for my work shoes/boots, and they still wear down after a while. Gods help me if I wore cowboy boots with no cushioning. 😰
And would normie body builders complain that Taylor didn't earn/work for her physique, that it is a result of parahuman powers? 🤔

As to the sneaker thing, maybe because I don't buy the high end footware, but I have to buy fancy inserts for my work shoes/boots, and they still wear down after a while. Gods help me if I wore cowboy boots with no cushioning. 😰

A good response to that would be "You can object to my parahuman status if you have never used ePo, steroids, (insert tinker muscle building here) in your life--it's modeling, not the Olympics."

This is the projection of a fantasy that the right protein powder will lead to [Taylor-naut picture]
This is the projection of a fantasy that the right protein powder will lead to [Taylor-naut picture]

Which it (in theory) it would. Granted, that theory is based entirely on what the Protein Powder industry wants people to believe. And it may not have any scientific evidence backing it up. Then again, that's true of the vast majority of such "dietary supplements for health reasons".
The protein powder people want people to think 'If I use this, I'll have muscles like that!', where the real situation is that all the work that you're putting in needs an improved amount of protein. So if you're the type of person to put in the workout for that kind of body, protein powders are a good idea. But the corporate types just want people to forget that whole 'ya gotta work out!' things ...
The protein powder people want people to think 'If I use this, I'll have muscles like that!', where the real situation is that all the work that you're putting in needs an improved amount of protein. So if you're the type of person to put in the workout for that kind of body, protein powders are a good idea. But the corporate types just want people to forget that whole 'ya gotta work out!' things ...
Apart from the ones who are also advertising a gym, or exercise equipment, or similar.

Good Omake though. I can hear Emma's cries of despair from over here in BC.

I know, right? Here's Emma, who's been modeling for years at this point, and is still very much a local girl.

And Poof! Taylor, in her first gig, is doing a national chain magazine, and with her form, every muscle magazine in the world would be happy to use her for ads aimed at women. Which means repeated offers, easy gigs whenever Taylor has time or needs a few bucks for something special.

And if there is a parahuman muscle magazine, a full body photo shoot isn't out of the question; they'd be willing, but Taylor might not be in the mindset yet to be posing like that.

It's not Playboy, but have you seen a muscle shoot? A lot of my underwear has more material than they wear.

I know, right? Here's Emma, who's been modeling for years at this point, and is still very much a local girl.

And Poof! Taylor, in her first gig, is doing a national chain magazine, and with her form, every muscle magazine in the world would be happy to use her for ads aimed at women. Which means repeated offers, easy gigs whenever Taylor has time or needs a few bucks for something special.

And if there is a parahuman muscle magazine, a full body photo shoot isn't out of the question; they'd be willing, but Taylor might not be in the mindset yet to be posing like that.

It's not Playboy, but have you seen a muscle shoot? A lot of my underwear has more material than they wear.
All of which would do wonders for Taylor's self esteem. And may even make Vicky jealous of the work.
The protein powder people want people to think 'If I use this, I'll have muscles like that!', where the real situation is that all the work that you're putting in needs an improved amount of protein. So if you're the type of person to put in the workout for that kind of body, protein powders are a good idea. But the corporate types just want people to forget that whole 'ya gotta work out!' things ...
This does lead to an interesting question; since Taylor is still growing, might she be adding protein powders to her diet to help things along? I know she doesn't HAVE to eat, but it certainly couldn't hurt...
Taylor's already drinking protein shakes, recommended by the PRT nutritionists. (she thought that they were pretty tasty). Taylor's probably not the first brute whose had a sudden growth spurt they've had to deal with, but I'd wager she's an extreme example.

Re: Modeling for muscle magazines/advertising - Any work she'd do would have to be approved by her father, and all the labor laws regarding minors would apply. Plus, the PRT/Protectorate and Youth Guard might have a few things to say as well.

But I agree, it would boost Taylor's self esteem / confidence, and probably wreck Emma's.
This does lead to an interesting question; since Taylor is still growing, might she be adding protein powders to her diet to help things along? I know she doesn't HAVE to eat, but it certainly couldn't hurt...

I can't find it right away, but there was a passage about bottled stuff prescribed by a dietician when she was settling into the PRT apartment. And extra meal allowance or some-such at school edit--ninjaed by OP